Board Secretariat: Newspaper Notices Regarding
Board Secretariat: Newspaper Notices Regarding
Board Secretariat: Newspaper Notices Regarding
M A Road, Srinagar 190001 F +91 (0)194 248 1928 E [email protected]
Kashmir, India
CIN: L65110JK1938SGC000048
Board Secretariat
Date: 30th January, 2021
Dear Sirs,
Pursuant to Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, we enclose herewith the copy of the Notice published in the newspapers on
30th January, 2021 regarding consideration of Reviewed Financial Results of the Bank for the
Quarter and Nine Months ended 31st December, 2020.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.
* 9-A, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow.
(Formerly Hindustan Lever Limited)
Regd. OK.: Hindustan Unilever Limited, Unilever House, B D Savant Marg,
SPl Industries limited
Regd Office: No. 202, llnd Floor, Vikramaditya Tower, Alaknanda Market,
SJ Telephone: (0522) 2200183, (0522)2628310, Fax: (0522) 2627994 _____________ Chakala, Artdheri (East), Mumbai - 400099______________ Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019
Email: [email protected] Website:
[EJpnbl Branch- Weir Tahsll- Weir, District- Bharatpur (Raj NOTICE OF LOSS OF SHARI E-mail: [email protected], Website:
-o POSSESSION NOTICE {For Immvable Properties) [APPENDIX IV inder rule-8(1)| TENDER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following share certificates have been reported as CIN: L74899DL1991PLC062744
Ref. No. 726/UPF/S.S. Export/2020-21 Dated: 29.01.2021 lost/misplaced and the Company intends to issue duplicate certificates in lieu thereof,
Whereas, The undersigned being the Authorized Officer of the Punjab National Bank under NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING
Directorate of Sugar Dept of Food and public Distribution Govt, of India has vide its In due course.
the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Require
circular F.No 1 (6)/2020-SP-l dated 29/1272020 & 31/12/2020 has decided to allow export of Any person who has a valid claim on the said shares should lodge such claim with the
Interest Act, 2002 (No. 54 of 2002) and in exercise of Powers conferred under Section ments) Regulations, 2O1S, notice is hereby given that a meeting of Board of
all grades of sugar namely raw, plantation white as well as refined under MAEQ (Maximum Company at its Registered Office within 15 days hereof.
13(12) read with Rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002, issued a demand Directors will be held on Wednesday, February 10, 2020 at 03:00 P.M. to
notice dated 29.06.2020 calling upon the Borrower Sabarmati Siksha Samiti to repay the Admissible Export Quota,. Name of the Folio No. No. Of Certilicale No.(s) Distinctive No.(s) consider and approve the Un-Audited Financial Results for the third quarter of
amount mentioned In the notice being is Rs. 5,84,452/- (Rupees Five lakh Eighty Four E-tenders for quantity 175841 MT are invited from experienced Export House/ holder shares the FY2020-21 ended December 31,2020.
Thousand Four hundred Fifty Two only) as on 22.06.2020 with further interest & other Merchandise, GovL/Cooperabve Institutions (In which State Govt/Central Govt, has/have (Rs.10/- Further, as per the Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading
charges until payment in full within 60 days from the date of receipt of the said notice. invested share capital and such institutions having valid Importer/ Exporter code and F.V) in pursuance to (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Amendment) Regulations,
The borrower having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the borrower and experience of sugar export) from 29/01/202106.55 PM onwards to purchase the quantity of 50 228975 19275051-19275100 2018, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company is closed
the public in general that the undersigned has taken symbolic possession of the property Sugar from Cooperative sugar mills of Uttar Pradesh and arrange its export as per above 16 390876 23577762-23577777 for all Directors, KMPs, Officers and Employees & Connected persons of the
described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him/her under Section 13(4) of
mentioned notification under MAEQ and stipulated norms on the basis of as it Is where it Is. 20 504812 5270662-5270681 Company from January 01,2021 till 48 hours after the date on which Un-Audited
the said Act read with Rule 8 of the said Rules on this 28th Day of Jan. of the year 2021.
Last date of submission of online tender Is 09/0272021 till 06:55 PM and tender opening ALOKA HLL2868145 51 687135-687137 30834333-30834383 Financial Results will be submitted to stock exchanges (both days inclusive) for
The borrower In particular and the public In general is hereby cautioned not to deal with the
date Is 10/02/2021 at11:15AM. MUKHERJEE 137 1036232-1036234 51061211-51061347 the purpose of announcement of aforesaid financial results.
below mentioned property and any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of
the Punjab National Bank Branch, Weir Diet.-Bharatpur for an amount of Rs. 5,84,452/- Tender documents can be downloaded from e-tender portal 137 1461908-1461910 97736411-97736547 This information is also available on company's website i.e.
(Rupees Five lakh Eighty Four Thousand Four hundred Fifty Two only) as on 22.06.2020 or Federation's website The bidders will have to deposit tender foes ( 126 2132912-2132914 174395677-174395802 For SPL Industries Limited
with future interest 4 other expenses incurred thereon. The borrower's attention is invited to Non Refundable) of Rs. 1000/- + 18% GST = Rs. 1180/- & earnest money through RTGS 162 2143312-2143315 175242504-175242665 -SD-
provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of the Act, in respect of time available, to redeem /NEFT /NET BANKING @ 2% of Total Value of Bid Quantity Multiplied by Price Quoted in 41 2231148 183647825-183647865 Date : 29.01.2021 Ashish Yadav
the secured assets. favour of U.P. Cooperative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd. payable at Lucknow. Tenders Place : Faridabad (Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
Total No. of shares - 740 Place: Ranchi, Date: 27/01/2021
DESCRIPTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES without earnest money will not be accepted. The bank details are available on the uploaded
1. Plot Khasra 3538, kashganj road, rajshav gram- nadbai in the name of Baldev Singh tender document on page 01.
admeasuring 148.69 sq mtr. Bounded by- North- 40 ft on this side, South- 40 ft on this
side, East- 40 tton this side, West-40 ft on this side
The undersigned reserves the right to cancel one or all the tenders without assigning any
reason Managing Director
2. Plot and Building at khasra 1569/636 Village Dharsoni Hantra Weir Road, Tehsil Weir CIN:L171D0DN1985PLC005861
Dist. Bharatpur admn. 728.43 in the name of Sabarmati Shiksha Samiti Bounded REGISTERED OFFICE: PIDT NO 63-B. DANUDWG SAHAKARI SANGH LID, VILLAGE PIFARIA, SILVASSA, DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI - 396230
by- North- 37.50 M on this side, South- 17m "18.11 M on this side, East- 27.16 M on this UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND NINE MONTHS ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2020
side, West- 26.16 M on this side
Date: 28.01.2821, Place: Weir________________ (Authorized Officer) Punjab National Bank
Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Quarter ended Nine Months Ended Year
Board Secretariat 31.122020 30,09.2020 31.122019 31.122020 31.122019 31.032020
Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed
Corporate Headquarters, Audited
Total Income from Operations 5,139 13 3,882 00 5,358.90 9,652.36 17,349.47 22,146.53
M. A. Road, Srinagar -190 OO1
Net Profit / (Loss) before tax 136.64 182.84 180.33 177.39 696.42 761.46
J&K Bank Tel: (0194) 2481930-35 ; Fax: (0194) 2481928
Visit us at:
Net Profit / (Loss) after tax
Total Comprehensive Income for the period
101.06 135.91 157.82 128.00 535.26 581.54
Serving To Empower
(after Tax) 96.79 137.49 156.47 124.56 532.81 579.64
AND Email: - [email protected] Paid up Equity Share Capital
CIN: L65110JK1938SGC000048 (Face value of Rs. 10/- each, 197.05 197.05 197.05 197.05 197.05 197.05
AND Other Equity - - - - - 2,136.87
NOTICE Earning Per Share of Rs. 10/- each
a) Basic 5.13 6.90 8.01 6.50 27.16 29.51
{Pursuant to Regulation 47(1) (a) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and b) Diluted 5.13 6.90 8.01 6.50 27.16 29.51
AND Disclosure Reguirements) Regulations, 2015} Notes:
1) The above results for the quarter and nine months ended 31st December, 2020 have been reviewed by
TRANSFEREE COMPANY/APPLICANT COMPANY NO.2 The Board of the Bank will meet on Tuesday, 09th February, 2021; inter-alia to the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on
consider the Reviewed Financial Results (Consolidated and Standalone) of the Bank 29th January, 2021 and the same was subjected to ""Limited Review'" by the Statutory Auditors of the
SECURED CREDITORS AND UNSECURED CREDITORS OF for the Quarter and Nine Months ended 31st December, 2020.
2) The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock
Exchange under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
ALMONDZ GLOBAL SECURITIES LIMITED This information is also available on the website of the Bank 2015. The full format of the Quarterly Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website
www and also on the website of the Company at
Notice Is hereby given that by Orders dated 04.12.2020 and 07.01.2021 of the National For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Company Law Tribunal at New Delhi has directed separate meetings to be held for the
purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving with or without modification, the
and on the website of stock exchanges, and Sd/-
Scheme of Amalgamation proposed between Almondz Global Infra Consultant Limited Shahln. N. Khemani
For Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Place: Mumbai Managing Director
(AGICL) and Almondz Global Securities Limited (AGSL).
Date: 29th January, 2021 (DIN: 03296813)
In Pursuance of the said order and as directed therein notice is hereby given that separate
meetings of the Equity Shareholders, Secured Creditors and Unsecured Creditors of AGICL Sd/-
and Equity Shareholders, Secured Creditors and Unsecured Creditors of AGSL will be
Place: Srinagar (Mohammad Shafi Mir)
Date: 291' January, 2021 Company Secretary I Circle SASTRA Centre, West Delhi, 8/1,1st Floor,
held on Wednesday, the 3rd day of March, 2021 through video conferencing or other audio "Clollol «y»=E?i«3iC“i 5|cl> I Abdul Aziz Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005,
visual means ("VC/OAVM"), at the time given below which the said Shareholders, Secured
Creditors and Unsecured Creditors of respective companies are requested to attend. punjab notional bonk Email: [email protected]
i. Equity Shareholder Meeting of AGICL-10.00 a.m.
ii. Secured Creditors Meeting of AGICL-11.00 a.m.
01905-272269 Fax:- 272862 Email: [email protected] POSSESSION NOTICE
iii. Unsecured Creditors Meeting of AGICL-11.30 a.m. (Under Section 13 (4) of Securitization Act, 2002 read with rule 8 (1) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules 2002, (for Immovable Property)
iv. Equity Shareholder Meeting of AGSL-12.00 p.m. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
v. Secured Creditors Meeting of AGSL-1.00 p.m. No: PW-DPD-CB-Tender/2020:20884-86 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated:28/01/2021 Whereas the undersigned being the authorized officer of Punjab National Bank, Circle SASTRA Centre: West Delhi Karol Bagh
vi. Unsecured Creditors Meeting of AGSL- 2.00 p.m. Trie Executive Engineer, Dharampur Division, HPPWD Dharampur, Distt: Mandi (H.P) on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the item rate bids, under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (herein after referred as
in electronic tendenng systems from the eligible class of contractors registered with HPPWD for the work as detailed in the table. “said Act”) and in exercise of the power conferred under section 13(12) read with rule 9 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules,
In view of the present circumstances on account of the covid-19 pandemic: (a) there shall
be no meetings of the companies requiring physical presence at a common venue; (b) Name of Work Estimated Starting Date Earnest Deadline for 2002, (herein after referred as "said rules"), Issued a demand notice on below mentioned dates, calling upon the below mentioned
notices in relation to the above meetings is being respectively sent by the companies to Cost for download Money submission borrowers to repay the amount mentioned in the notice within 60 days from the date of receipt of the said notice.
persons who are entitled to attend and vote at the meetings fpersons"), by e-mail, that are (In Rs.) ■ing Bid (in Rs.) of Bid. The borrower / guarantors I mortgagors have failed to discharge his / their liability / to repay the amount within theperiodspecifiedinthe
registered with Companies or depository participant and by post whose email address are 6 aforesaid notice and therefore this notice is hereby given to the borrower / guarantors I mortgagors and the public in general that the
not with us. C/o Sherpur Marla via Richhali Kathaili (Portion Khopoun Churu Ra undersigned has taken possession of the property described herein below in exercise of power conferred on him / her undBr section 13
Copies of the respective notices and related documents have been displayed at the Balh) road KM 0/00 to 7/00 (SH:Formation cutting, R/Wall. B/Wall. 3,63.09.406/- 12/02/2021 4,28,000/- 25/02/2021 (4) of the said Act read with rule 9 of the said rules on below mentioned dates.
website and from where they CD works. Mettaling and Tarring, V Shape drains, Parapets and The borrower I guarantors / mortgagors in particular and the public in general are hereby cautioned not to deal with the property
can be downloaded. Physical copies can also be obtained free of charge on any day Sign Board in KM 0/00 to 3/960)(including five year maintenance mentioned here under and any dealing with the said property will be subject to the charge of the PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK for an
(except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) from the registered offices of the Companies amount and future interest at the contractual rate on the below mentioned amount togetherwith incidental expenses, costs, charges, etc.
after completion of work)UNDER NABARD)
(as applicable) during business hours and not later than 48 hours before the meetings. ttlereon- Description of the Movable I Immovable Properties
C/o link road from upper Hiun to Lower Hiun KM 0/00 to 1/800 Under
Voting at the aforementioned meetings shall take place through e-voting facility made NABARD (SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency,formation cutting, 90,76,085/- 12/02/2021 1.24,000/- 25/0272021
available during the meeting (held through VC/ OAVM), and additionally the facility of Sr. Name of Account (Borrowers Description of the Amount Date of Demand
R/Walls & BA/Valls. CD Works and CC pavement )(including five year
voting through postal ballot and remote e-voting will be made available prior to the Meetings. No. /Guarantor/Mortgagor, Immovable property Outstanding Possession Notice
maintenance after completion of work)
Voting period for postal ballot commences on February 1,2021 at 9:00 A.M. and ends on C/o link road Hukkal to Sun Khad Km 0/00 to 1 ,'600(U nder NABARD) 1 M/sNVTextiles Property at Municipal No. 11830, Rs. 1,63,43,178.91 (Rs. OneCrore, 29-10-2020
March 2,2021 at 5:00 P.M. Remote e-voting shall commence on 28 February, 2021 at 9:00 (SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency, formation cutting, R/Walls 1,34,17.1537- 12/02/2021 1,66,700/- 25/02/2021 Ground Floor, without roof rights, Sixty Three Lakh Forty Three 25-01-2021
A.M. end on March 2,2021 at 5:00 P.M. Only one mode of voting can be opted i.e., either
& B/Walls, CD Works and CC pavement)(including five year Khasra No. 3712/2529, Plot No. 11, Thousand, One Hundred Seventy
through postal ballot or through remote e-voting prior to or at the Meeting
maintenance after completion of work) Block 2-A, Basti Raigar, Sat Nagar, Eight & Paisa Ninty One only), due
Notice of the aforementioned meetings is being advertised for the respective shareholders C/o Link road Lower Dhalara Drub Upper Lasani KM 0/00. to 27435 Karol Bagh, Delhi-110005, in the and outstanding as on 02.09.2020,
(as above) of the Companies as on January 15, 2021, and for the respective unsecured/ (Under NABARD)(SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency, formation 1,4,61,060/- 12/02/2021 1.07.200/- 25/02/2021 name of Sanjay Gupta & Neetu Gupta along with further interest, costs
Secured creditors of the Companies as on September 30,2019. A person/entity who is not and expenses thereon.
cutting, R/Walls & B/Walls, CD Works and CC pavement) (including
a shareholder or unsecured/secured creditor as on the said cut-off date will not be entitled
five year maintenance after completion of work) 2 18-06-2020
to vote at the meeting and should treat this notice for information purposes only. The M/s Alabhaya Auto Tech Entire Stock Plant & Machinery at Rs. 73,98,475.69 (Rs seventy three
C/o Link road Dhawali Nallah -Jindudhar-Lower Sherpur KM 0/00 to Industries Property Factory Premises at Plot No. 70,
facility for appointment of proxies, will not be available tor all the meetings. lakh Ninety Eight thousand Four 29-01-2021
3/100 (Under NABARD)(SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency, 1,25.30.005/- 12/02/2021 1.42,800/- 25/02/2021 Owner PoojaNagai
Results of the votes cast with respect to the aforementioned meetings will be displayed Sector-5 Phase II IMT Manesar Hundred Seventy Five & sixty Nine
formation cutting, R/Walls & B/Walls, CD Works and CC pavement) Paisa Only) (less any amount
on the website of the Company. Results of all the meetings will be communicated to the Gurugram Haryana 122050
(including five year maintenance after completion of work) deposited by the borrower) Plus
stock exchanges namely, the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited
within 48 hours from the date of the meeting. C/o Dosa-Ra-Thaiu- Putlifalad, Lower Brahmfald Jhared Gallu, with further interest w.e.f. 31-05
Chanouta road KM 0/00 to 9/790 including bridge(SH: Formation 10,58,28,153/- 12/02/2021 5.00,000/- 25/02/2021 2020
The Tribunal has appointed Ms. Ashu Gupta, Company Secretary, as the Chairperson of
cutting. R/Walls. B/Walls, CD Works. Mettaling and Tarring. V Shape
the meetings, and failing him, Mr. Brajesh Kumar, as the Alternate Chairperson of the Date: 29-01-2021, Place: New Delhi Authorized Officer, PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK
meetings. The Tribunal has also appointed Mr. Nakul Pratap Singh, Practicing Company Drain Parapets and Sign Board in KM 0/00 to 9.790 and 25.00 Mtrs
Secretary, as the scrutinizer for the meetings, including for any adjournment(s) thereof. Span RCC Box Girder at RD 6/655)
The Scheme, if approved at the respective meetings, will be subject to the subsequent
approval of the Tribunal.
In case of any queries/grievances pertaining to e-voting, you may contact Mr. Puneet
Mittal, General Manager, Beetal Financial & Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. at
[email protected], Telephone Nos. 011 29961281 or contact Mr. Nitin Kunder (022
C/o link road Hehan Nallah-I Hehan Nallah-ll- Troh Nal KM 0/00 to
1/800(Under NABARD)(SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency,
formation cutting, R/Walls & B/Walls,CD Works and CC pavement)
(including five year maintenance after completion of work)
C/o link road Sangralu-Bhrood-Bhadranoo KM 0/00 to 1/130 (Under
86.57.0877- 12/02/2021 1,20,0007- 25/02/2021
Registered Office: 1st Lane, Shahupuri, Kolhapur-416001
Regional Operating Center: 1st Floor, Building No 1, Modi Mills Compound, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - 3, New Delhi- 110020.
23058738) or Mr. Mehboob Lakhani (022-23058543) or Mr. Rakesh Dalvi (022-23058542)
or refer to frequently Asked Questions (FAQs, and e-voting manual available at
NABARD RIDF-XXVI )(SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency,
formation cutting. R'Walls 6 B/Walls. CD Works and CC
55,12,4167- 12/02/2021 1,000/- 25/02/2021
pavement) (including five year maintenance after completion of work)
Place: New Delhi Sd/- C/o link road Balh ra Tapohal Khodnal KM 0/00 to 1/600(Under
The below mentioned borrower at Column No.1 has availed Cash Credit facilities against the mortgage of immovable asset mentioned at
Date: January 29, 2021 Ashu Gupta NABARD)(SH: C/o Removal of formation deficiency, formation 70.50.000/- 12/02/2021 1,03,000/- 25/02/2021
Chairman appointed by Hon'ble NCLT for the Meeting Column No. 2 hereunder. The amount of total outstanding dues is mentioned at Column No.3 hereunder is recoverable from the said
cutting. R/Walls & B/Walls. CD Works and CC pavement) (including
borrower. The Authorized Officer of the Bank issued demand notice under section 13(2) of the SARFAESI Act' 2002 calling upon the
five year maintenance after completion of work)
Borrower atSr.No.lhereunderand others concerned to repay the amount mentioned in the notice within 60 days. The said borrower failed
C/o Tourkhola Badoth Chhamb road KM 0/00 to 3/780(Under
to repay the said amount hence the Authorized Officer has taken over the Physical possession of the immovable asset mentioned at
NABARD)(SH: C/o Formation cutting, R/Walls 4 B/Walls, CD 3,80,50,470/- 12/02/2021 4,14,000/- 25/02/2021
Column No. 2 hereunder. The secured asset is offered for sale on "AS IS WHERE IS", “AS IS WHAT IS" and "WHATEVER THERE IS"
Works and Mettaling and Tarring) (including five year maintenance
basis under Section 13(4) of the Act read with Rules 8 & 9 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. The sate transaction shall be
after completion of work) (UNDER NABARD)
conducted by calling sealed tenders and negotiations with all the valid offers after opening the tenders when the offers will be given an
LARK TRADING AND FINANCE LIMITED The bidders are advised to note other details of tender from the department website
opportunity to increase their offers.
CIN: L34102UP1987PLC009222 Executive Engineer,
Name ol Account/ Demand
Regd. off: C-273 Sector-63, Noida, Gautam
5366/2020-2021 Dharampur Division, HPPWD Distt: Mandi (H.P) on behalf of Governor of H.P Description of Amount Reserve
Borrower(s)/Mortgager(s)/ Notice
Buddha Nagar,Uttar Pradesh-201301 property outstanding Price
Guarantor(s) Date
Ph.: 011-22159466
Email: [email protected] PUBLIC SALE NOTICE FOR AUCTION SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES Girdhar Trading Co- Through Its Prop, Shop No. 5223 Ground Floor, Rs. 97,06,747.90 Rs. 10.02.2020
13 Paschim Marg DLF Phase-1, Gurgaon, Plot No- 20 Measuring 180 (Rupees Ninety Seven Lakh 1,82,00,000/-
website: Under Rule 8 sub-rule 6 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 Also At- Shop No. 5223 Ground Floor,
NOTICE Square Yards And 20- A Six Thousand Seven
E -Auction Sale Notice for sale of Immovable mortgaged Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Plot No- 20 And 20- A Kolhapur Road,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Reg. 47 of Hundred Forty Seven and
Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act, 2002) read with proviso to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 due to default in payment of outstanding dues in the Delhi-110007 Measuring 135 Square Yards
SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 that the Paisa Ninety Only) together
loan account of Pier One Constructions Pvt. Ltd. (Arcil-SBPS-041-l Trust). NOTICE is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to you all that, the below Also At: K-3Z1. 1st Floor, DLF Phase-2, (in Total Measuring 315
meeting of Board of Directors of the with interest at contractual
described immovable property mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the physical possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of Asset Opp. Sahara Mall, Gurugram, Haryana, Sqaure Yards) Situated At rate, (till complete payment)
Company will be held on Tuesday, 9th Day of
Reconstruction Company (India, Ltd., will be sold on "As is where Is", "As is what is", and “Whatever there is" and without recourse basis as per the brief particulars given Mayoor Kumar (Prop), T-28/9 DLF
February, 2021 at 04:00 P.M. at the Kolhapur Road, Delhi- and incidental expenses
hereu nder. The property is to be sold for recovery of the outstanding dues against the Borrowers) as mentioned herein below. Phase-3, Gurgaon Haryana 122002.
Registered Office of the company, inter alia, 110007 thereon.
Manju Aggarwal, T-28/9 DLF Phase-3,
to consider and approve the Unaudited Name of Borrower and Guarantors Trust Name Total Outstanding Eamest Money Reserve Date of Date and Type of
Gurgaon Haryana 122002.
Financial Results of the Company along with Dues as on 31.12.2020 Deposit Price Inspection Time of Possession
Limited Review Report for the quarter ended 1) The prescribed Tender Form and the terms and conditions of sale will be available with the Regional office at Building No 1,1st
(EMD) inINR Auction
Floor, Okhla, Phase 3, Opposite Modi Mills, New Delhi -110020 between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on any working day.
on31st December,2020.
Pier One Constructions Pvt. Ltd. (Through Liquidator ArciFSBPS- 7,94,61,461/- 28.00 lacs 280.00 lacs 10.02.2021 16.02.2021 Physical 2) The last date for receiving sealed tenders at Building No 1,1st Floor, Okhla, Phase 3, Opposite Modi Mills, New Delhi -110020 is
For more details, please see the notice
Sh. Sandeep Goel) Directors, Guarantors & 041-1 Trust at 11:00 a.m. at 03rd March, 2021 up to 4.00 p.m.
available on the website 3) Date and Time of opening tenders at ourOffice: Building No 1,1st Floor, Okhla, Phase 3, Opposite Modi Mills, New Delhi-110020 and on the website of
Mortgagors 1. Sh. Ashish Gawri, 2. Smt. Pritima Gawri to 3pm 12:30 p.m.
is 04th March, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.
the Stock Exchangeat Description of the Property: All that piece or parcel of Second Floor(without terrace rights, in the building situated at Residential Plot No. 2, Block-D, Geetanjal i Enclave, 4) The aforesaid asset shall not be sold below reserve price.
For Lark Trading and Finance Limited New Delhi-110017 (as per layout plan of society: plot area admeasuring-337.8 Sq yards) in the Revenue Estate of Village-Begumpur & Lado Sarai (Zone F-10-16) in the 5) The intending tenderers) shall submit their tender papers in a sealed cover super scribing Tenders for the purchase of said
Sd/- Union Territory of Delhi, within the limits of Municipal Corporation of Delhi with one servant quarter having common WC on top terrace and one parking space in driveway property’ along with earnest money Deposit (EMD), being 10% of Reserve Price by way of Demand daft issued by a scheduled
Sumit Tayal inside the building along with proportionate and not exceeding 1 /5th undivided, indivisible and impartible ownership rights in the land underneath). Boundaries: North: Plot commercial bank favouring, "Authorised officer, RBL Bank Ltd." conducting the sale.
no. D3, South: Plot no. D1, East Plot no. D23, West: 30' wide Road 6) The EMD shall be refunded only after fifteen days, without interest, if the bid is not successful.
Place: Noida Whole time Director
7) Timeandmannerofpayment:
Date: 29.01.2021 DIN: 06598044
Important Information regarding Auction Process a) Payment of 25% of the offer amount on acceptance of the offer by the bank within two days of acceptance letter,
1 Auction Date As mentioned herein above 5 Last date for Submission of EMD 15.02.2021 up to 4 pm b) Balance within 15 days of acceptance of the offer by the bank.
NDA SECURITIES LTD. 2 Place for Submission of Bids Second Floor, Sethi Chambers, Plot No.2, D.DA Local 6 All payments including EMD to Asset Reconstruction Company
c) In case of default of payment all amounts paid shall be forfeited.
CIN: L74899DL1992PLC050366 8) The above sale shall be subject to the final approval of RBL Bank Ltd.
and Place of Auction Shopping Centre, Naw Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - be made by way of Online/ (India) Ltd.
Regd. Off: E-157, Second Boor, 9) Interested parties are requested to verify/confinm the statutory and other dues like Sales/Property tax, Electricity dues, and society
110060 electronic mode only (RTGS/ A/cno.02912320000561
Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 dues, from the respective departments/offices. The Bank does notundertake any responsibility of paymentofabovedues.
Bids can be submitted online / In person depending upon the Covid NEFT) payable to: Bank Name: HDFC Bank Ltd.
Tel: 011-46204000, 10) The particulars in respect of the assets specified herein above have been stated to the information of the undersigned who however
E-mail: [email protected] situation in Branch locality. Note: No cash or cheque. IFSC Code:HDFC0000291 shall not be responsible for any eiror, misstatement of omission in the said particulars. The prospective purchasers, tenders are
Website:, [email protected], [email protected] However DD may be accepted. Bank Branch Address: Ground therefore requested to check and confirm in their own interest these particulars and other details in respect of the property before
submitting tenders.
NOTICE 3 Web-Site For Auction Floor, Express Tower, Landmark-
11) Sale is strictly subject to the terms and conditions incorporated in this advertisement and in to the prescribed tender foim.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Next to Air India Building, Nariman
12) The Borrower, respective tenderers, guarantors, owners of the property under sale may, if they so desire give his/their best possible
Regulation 29 S 33 read with Regulation 4 Contact Persons with Mr. Kamal Misra, 9819820760, Mr. Ashish Sahi 9819035010 Point Mumbai- 400021
47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and offers for the property offered for sale provided they follow all the requirements contained herein above.
Phone Number Mr. Arvind Kumar Jha: 7291992213 Maharaslra
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 13) The Borrower, respective tenderers, guarantors, owners of the property or their authorized representative may remain present at
2015 the meeting of the Board of Public Auction will be conducted on "As is where is", "As is what is", and “Whatever there is* and without recourse basis Under Rule 8 and Rule 9 of the Security Interest the time of opening the tenders.
Directors of the Company will be held on (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. A bidder may, on his own choice, avail the facility of online participation in the auction by making application in prescribed format which is 14) The offerers will have an opportunity to increase their offers in multiples of Rs. 50,0W/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only), if they so
Thursday, ll" February, 2021 at available along with the offer/tender document on the website address mentioned hereinabove. Online bidding will take place at web-site of organization as mentioned desire after opening of the tenders. They are therefore requested to remain present themselves or through duly authorized and
4.00 P.M. at E-157, second Boor, empowered representative.
hereinabove, and shall ba subject to the terms and conditions contained in the tender document. The Tender Document and detailed Terms and Conditions for the
Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 to consider, 15) The successful bidder/offerer shall bear all stamp duty, registration fees, and incidental expenses for getting sale certificate
Auction may be downloaded from our website: in or the same may also be collected from the concerned Branch office of Arcil as stated above. Please
approve and take on record the Un- registered as applicable as per law.
Audlted Financial Results of the note that sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions as stated in the Bid Document. Sale is strictly subject to terms and conditions incorporated in this advertisement 16) The Authorised Officer has the absolute right to accept orrej'ectthebidor adjourn I postpone / cancel the tender without assigning
Company for the Quarter ended as on and the prescribed Bid/Tender Document. The Authorized Officer reserves right to reject any/all bids without assigning any reason. This notice is also to be treated as a 15 any reason thereof and also to modify any terms and conditions of this sale without any prior notice.
31* December, 2020. This information is days notice under Rule 8(6) of the Security Interest Enforcement Rules, 2002. The Borrowers/Mortgagors/Guarantors/Co-obligants & Consentors attention is invited to 17) The prospective bidders can inspect the property on 23rd February, 2021 between 11.00 A.M and 4.00 P.M with prior
also available on website of Company the provisions of sub-section (8) of Section 13 of the Act, in respect of time available, to redeem the secured assets. appointment. and website of BSE 18) Interested bidders may contact Monica Gupta, DVP-Retail Litigation at Mob. No. 9910570226 during office hours (10.00AM to
Limited at PLACE: Delhi Sd/- Authorised Officer 6.00 PM).
For and on behalf of the Board DATE: 30.01.2021 Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd.,
Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd., £in_:U65999mh2002plci34884,
The above mentioned Borrower/Mortgagor/guarentors are hereby noticed to pay the sum as mentioned in section-13 (2) Notice with
Date: 29.01.2021
Place: New Delhi
Vanshika Rastogi
(Company Secretary)
ACS: 36254
0rcil Registered Office: The Ruby, 10th Floor, 29 Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar (West), Mumbai - 400 028 Tel: + 91 2266581300
up to date interest and expenses before the date of Auction failing which the property will be auctioned and balance dues, if any, will
be recovered with interest and cost from you. For RBL Bank Ltd.
Premier ARC Branch Address: 2nd Floor, Sethi Chambers, Plot No.2, DDA Local Shopping Centre, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Tel: 011 46370444 Date: 28.01.2621 Place: DELHI Authorised officer
PUBLIC NOTICE 225,Napier Town,2nd Floor,opp.Chandrika Towers,Shastri Bridge Road,Jabalpur-482001 Thousand Only) (Approx.)
Deemed Conveyance Application No. 17 of 2021 /orCorporate Office: IIFLTower, Plot No. 98, Udyog Vihar, Ph-IVGurgaon, Haryana. MOVABLES
Sr. No Description of the Property Value ofthe Property
Chintamani Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd., CTS No.367,367/1 to 14,Village-Malad (North), S.V. P. Place: Jabalpur Date: 30.01.2021 Sd/- Authorised Officer, For IIFL Home Finance Ltd
Road.Off. Shankar Lane, Kandivali (West),Mumbai - 400 067... Applicant, Versus 1) Chintamani 1. Slate Bank of India - Kherdi Branch, Chiplun
Parasnalh Jain Derasar Trust, Address-Chintamani CHS Ltd.,CTS No.367,367/1 to 14,Village-Malad Account No. 11035279638.
(North),S.V.P.Road,Off. Shankar Lane, Kandivali (West),Mumbai - 400 067....Opponent No. 1 2) M/S Receipt Nos.
Vasliodhan Development Corporation, 162.A wing, Mittal Tower,Nariman Point,Fort, Mumbai-400 DEMAND NOTICE i. 35831410093 Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees
Under Section 13(2) of the Securitisation And Reconstruction of Financial Assets And Enforcement of Security Interest Act One Lakh Fifty Thousand
021... Opponent No.2 3) Kandivali Chintamani CIIS Ltd., (Tenent Members) CTS 2082 (the said Act.) read with Rule 3 (1) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 (the said Rules). In exercise of Only)
No.367,367/lto 14,Village-Malad (North),S.V.P.Road.OtT. Shankar Lane, Kandivali (West),Mumbai - 400 powers conferred under Section 13(12) of the said Act read with Rule 3 of the said Rules, the Authorised Officer of IIFL Home ii. 34972422094 Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees
067...Oppoiient No.3, and those, whose interests have been vested in the saidproperty may submit their say Finance Ltd.(IIFL HFL) (Formerly known as India India Infdline Housing Finance Ltd.) has issued Demand Notices under Twenty Five Lakhs Only)
section 13(2) of the said Act, calling upon the Borrower(s), to repay the amount mentioned in the respective Demand iii. 3497242486 Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees
at the time of hearing at the venue mentioned above. Failure to submit any say shall be presumed that Notlce(s) Issued to them. In connection with above, notice Is hereby given, once again, to the Borrcwer(s) to pay within 60 Twenty Five Lakhs Only)
nobody has any objection in this regal’d and further actionwill be taken accordingly. days from the publication of this notice, the amounts indicated herein below, together with further interest from the date(s) of iv. 101294649 Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rupees
Demand Notice till the date of payment. The detail of the Borrowers), amount due as on date of Demand Notice and security
)escription of the Property :- offered towards repayment of loanamountare as under:-
Lakhs Only)
v. 101294652 Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees
Claimed Area Name of the Borrowers)/ Demand Notice Description of secured asset Lakhs Only)
Unilateral Convey ance of Land bearing CIS No.367,367/1 to 14, Village - Malad (North), S.V.P. Road, Guarantor (s) Date & Amount (immovable property) vi. 32573389347 Rs. 18,05,782/- (Rupees
Off, Shankar Lane, Kandivali (West), Mumbai - 400 067 having area of 3067.21 square meters out of Eighteen Lakhs Five
Mr. Chirag Vaman Mehta, 23-Jan-2021 All that piece and parcel of the property
Total plot area 3610.70 sq.meters (as per property card) in favour of the Applicant Society. Mrs. Hetal Chirag Mehta, Prospect no. 786037 Rs. 1,56,28,181.00/- being : 'Flat No. D-401, admeasuring
Thousand Seven Hundred
and Eighty Two Only)
Hetal International, (Rupees One Crore Fifty Six Lakh Twenty 1287.56 sq. ft. carpet area on 4th floor in
The hearing in the above case has been fixed on 16.02.2021 at 2.00 p.m. District Deputy Registrar, Co Eight Thousand One Hundred Eighty One
2. Syndicate Bank, Chiplun Branch
Mrs.Jayshree Vaman Mehta, the Building No. 1 Know as RNA Grande
operative Societies, Mumbai City (4) is as above. Only), Prospect no, 788758 Rs,
Account No. 53782200008067
Mr.Vaman Prabhudas Mehta, Situated at M.G. Road , Kandivali (west),
Sd/- 1,21,37,153.00/- (Rupees One Crore
Receipt Nos.
Mr.Dipesh Vaman Mehta, Mumbai -400067, Maharashtra,
(Dr. Kishor Mande) Twenty One Lakh Thirty Seven Thousand
i. 5378/405/1426/1 Rs. 6,48,404.60/- (Rupees
M/S.Chirag Corporation, constructed on all that pieces and parcel of
District Deputy Registrar, One Hundred Fifty Three Only), Prospect
Six Lakhs Forty Eight
(Prospect No. 788037, land bearing C.T.S. No. 610/A, 611/A/1, Thousand Four Hundred and
Co-operative Societies, Mumbai City (4) no. 822389 Rs. 1,52,43,925.00/- (Rupees
788758,822389,823931 & 612/A, 614/A 611/B, 616/A, 619/A 653A/, Four and Sixty Paisa Only)
Competent Authority U/s 5Aof the MOFA, 1963. One Crore Fifty Two Lakh Forty Three
928675) 656/A, 660,662/A, 671/A, 287/A, 287/B/1, ii. 5378/447/353/2 Rs. 6,48,404.60/- (Rupees
Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Five Only),
283/D, 672/C/4 of village: Kandivali Taluka: Six Lakhs Forty Eight
Prospect No. 823931 Rs. 48,73,316.00/-
Borivali, in the registration District of Thousand Four Hundred and
(Rupees Forty Eight Lakh Seventy Three
Mumbai Sunurban. The building consists Four and Sixty Paisa Only)
Thousand Three Hundred Sixteen Only)
of stitt +1 level podium + 2nd level stilt* 18 iii. 5378/405/1426/3 Rs. 6,48,404.60/- (Rupees
and Prospect No. 928675 Rs. 9,65,528.00/- Six Lakhs Forty Eight
Upper Floors with lift," (hereinafter referred
(Rupees Nine Lakhs Sixty Five Thousand Thousand Four Hundred and
DEMAND NOTICE to as ‘the Property/SecuredAsset”).
Five HundredTwenty Eight Only) Four and Sixty Paisa Only)
Under Section 13(2) of the Securitisation And Reconstruction of Financial Assets And Enforcement of Security Interest Act, Rs. 6,48,404.60/- (Rupees
If the said Borrowers fail to make payment to I IF HFL as aforesaid, IIFL HFL may proceed against the above secured assets iv. 5378/405/1426/4
2002 (the said Act) read with Rule 3 (1) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 (the said Rules). In exercise of Six Lakhs Forty Eight
under Section 13(4) of the saidAct, and the applicable Rules, entirely at therisks, costs and consequences of the Borrowers.
powers conferred under Section 13(12) of the said Act read with Rule 3 of the said Rules, the Authorised Officer of IIFL Home
Thousand Four Hundred and
Finance Ltd.(IIFL HFL) (Formerly known as India India Infoline Housing Finance Ltd.) has issued Demand Notices under For, further details please contact to Authorised Officer at Branch Office : 11FL HFL, Shop No. 6,7,8, Above Janta Sweet &
Four and Sixty Paisa Only)
section 13(2) of the said Act calling upon the Borrowers), to repay the amount mentioned in the respective Demand Dryfruits, Near Big Bazar. Ostwal Empire, Boisar, Maharashtra 4015011 or Corporate Office: IIFL Tower, Plot No. 98, Udyog
Rs. 6,48,404.60/- (Rupees
Notica(s) issued to them. In connection with above, notice is hereby given, once again, to the Borrowers) to pay within 60 Vihar, Ph-IV Gurgaon, Haryana. v. 5378/405/1426/5
Sd/- Authorised Officer, Six Lakhs Forty Eight
days from the publication of this notice, the amounts indicated herein below, together with further interest from the date(s) of
Demand Notice till the date of payment. The detail of the Borrower(s), amount due as on date of Demand Notice and security Place: ABAD-Comm House Date: 30.011021 For IIFL Home Finance Ltd Thousand Four Hundred and
offered towards repayment of loan amount are as under:- Four and Sixty Paisa Only)
Rs. 6,48,404.60/- (Rupees
Name of the Borrower(s)/ Demand Notice Date & Amount Description of secured asset vi. 5378/447/353/6
Six Lakhs Forty Eight
Guarantor (s) (immovable property)
20-Jan-21 Rs.16,14,989/- (Rupees Thousand Four Hundred and
Mr. ShashikantAnnappa Sixteen Lakh Fourteen Thousand Nine All that piece and parcel of the property being Four and Sixty Paisa Only)
Mrs. HemaAjaySalekar, 27-Jan-21 Rs. 16,62,892.007- All that piece and parcelofthepropertybeing:
Corporate Headquarters, Seventy Two Crore Ninety
Two lakh Thirty One
MrAjay Naresh Salekar (Rupees Sixteen Lakh Sixty Two Flat No. 306 admeasuring 41.40 Sq. Mt. (Carpet) M. A. Road, Srinagar - 190 OO1 Thousand One Hundred
(Prospect No. 854764) Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Two area on the 3rd floor In building known as "TYPE-
Only) A” Building E Wing of project named Vj&K Bank Tel: (0194) 2481930-35 ; Fax: (0194) 2481928 and Thirteen Only)
Immovable Assets - Rs. 3,69,79,000 (Rs. Three Crore Sixty Nine Lac Seventy Nine Thousand
"SHANTARAM PARK RESIDENCY' standing on Serving To Empower Visit us at: Only) (Approx.)
part and piece of land bearing Survey No,51/3/P,
Plot No.l7, area admeasuring OH-55R- 61P,
Email: - [email protected] Movable Assets - Rs. 72,92,31,113 (Rupees Seventy Two Crore Ninety Two Lakh Thirty One
Thousand One Hundered and Thirteen Only)
5561 Sq. Mtrs., Akar Rs.0-69 Paise, situated at- CIN: L65110JK1938SGC000048 Total - Rs. 76,62,1b,113/- (Rupees Seventy Six Crore Sixty Two Lakhs Ten Thousand One
Village-Wafe, Taluka-Shahapur, District-Thane
Hundred and Thirteen Only) (Approx.)
and within the limits of Wafe Grampanchyat and
within the Registration Sub-District and District of NOTICE Late Subhedhar Vasant Govind Shinde has Three Sons and Two Daughters as living and
surviving him as his heirs and legal representatives. It is notice to the general public that other
Thane421601, Maharashtra,India. {Pursuant to Regulation 47(1) (a) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and than the Petitioner Avinash Shinde herein and the other heirs and legal representatives namely
Mr. Vividha Vlthoba Bane, 25-Jan-21 Rs. 8,42,413.00/- (Rupees All that piece and parcelofthepropertybeing: (1) Mr. Narendra Shinde, (2) Mr. Ashok Shinde, Sons
Mrs.Vidhi Vividh Bane Eight Lakh Forty Two Thousand Four Flat No.B-203, Second Floor,measuring 240 sq
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015} (3) Ms. Mahi Milind Mankame, (4) Ms. Ruhi Surve, Married Daughters
(Prospect No. 907067) Hundred Thirteen Only) ft Sai Ganeshkropa Chsl, Ambawadi Tulinj, There are no other heirs and/or legal representatives of the late Subhedhar Vasant Govind
Nallasopara East, Opposite Damodar Park,
The Board of the Bank will meet on Tuesday, 09th February, 2021; inter-alia to Shinde. In case, any individual and/or person has any claim and/or right on the said properties
Palghar, 401209, Maharashtra, India consider the Reviewed Financial Results (Consolidated and Standalone) of the Bank and credits of the abovementioned deceased, the said person should lodge his claim and/or
interest and/or statement before this Hon’ble Court within 30 days from the date of Publication
If the said Borrowers fail to make payment to IIF HFL as aforesaid, IIFL HF . may proceed agai nst the above secured assets for the Quarter and Nine Months ended 31st December, 2020. herein. This is to further state that such claimant has to represent before this Hon’ble Court in
under Section 13(4) of the said Act, and the applicable Rules, entire y at the risks, costs and consequences of the
person, through an Advocate or representative within the stipulated time. Else, any such claim
beyond the date so specified shall not betaken into consideration for any such daim.
For, further details please contact to Authorised Offic er at Branch Office :IIFL HFL Shop
This information is also available on the website of the Bank Dated this 18-01-2021.
Sd/- Sd/-
No.201 ,The Edge,2nd Boor Behind Prakash Talkies,near ICICI Bank Pal ghar (W) - 401404 and IIFL House, Sun Infotech Jr. Clerk Asst. Superitend ant
Park Road No. 16V, Plot No.B-23, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, T lane - 400604 and 10 & 11, Viraj Comer.Opposite
BSNL Telephone Exchange,Canada Corner,Sharanpur Road.Nashik - 422005 and Tiara Chambers,6th & 7th Floor, and on the website of stock exchanges, and Civil Court Senior Division, Mbr Civil Court Senior
Maharashtra Lane, Off L.T Road, Borivali(West), Mumbai-400092 and .hinchoada Road Gl, Shop No. 6/7/8,First Floor, Division, Panvel Panvel
This notice is published at the instance of the Advocate for the Petitioner
shared Pawar Bhavan.Chinchpada Roada,Pen,Raigad, Maharashtra40,2107/or Corporate Office: IIFL Tower, Plot No. 98, For Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Adv, Rajyashrec Phadke, High Court, Mumbai.
Udyog Vihar, Ph-IV Gurgaon, Haryana.
Place: Panvel, Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Nashik and Mumbai Da te: 30.01.2021 Sd/-
Sd/- Auiho rised Officer, For IIFL Home Finance Ltd Place: Srinagar (Mohammad Shafl Mir)
Date: 29'" January, 2021 Company Secretary
CBI conducts surprise checks at Farmer agitations cause Rs 600 cr After gap of 10 months, pre-primary classes
to restart at all Punjab schools from Feb 1
FCI godowns in Punjab, Haryana
NEW DELHI, Jan 29:
The CBI conducted surprise
Thursday evening and is contin-
uing, they added.
The Central Bureau of
loss on toll collections: Report CHANDIGARH, Jan 29:
Punjab School Education
Minister Vijay Inder Singla today
that as parents have firmly sup-
ported the decision of Chief
Minister Amarinder Singh-led
Punjab Government on reopen-
on regular intervals.
Singla said classes 3 to 12 have
been reopened in a phased manner
and teams have been regularly vis-
checks at 20 Food Corporation Investigation (CBI) sleuths are MUMBAI, Jan 29: Haryana, Punjab and Delhi-NCR since December said following the conditional ing of schools, he has directed the iting all schools randomly to make
of India (FCI) godowns in 12, 2020. approval of the State Government, Education Department officials sure that safety norms and guide-
checking the quality and quanti-
Punjab and Haryana after get- The ongoing agitations by farmers in the pre-primary classes at all and school managements to lines are being observed.
ty of the central-pool foodgrain "The average toll collection per day at these
ting a number of complaints national capital region (NCR), Haryana and Government, aided and private strictly comply with the COVID- He said that they have been
stocks stored in these godowns Plazas is estimated at Rs 7 crore. schools will restart from February
regarding alleged irregularities, and samples of wheat and rice Punjab will cause a Rs 600-crore loss to toll col- "Until January 26, 2021, these National 19 safety guidelines issued by the asked to sensitise school principals
officials said today. lections, a report said today. 1. Government. and other officials regarding do's
pertaining to 2019-20 and 2020- Highway Toll Plazas would have incurred an esti- The Punjab School Education
The move is part of preven- 21 have been collected from Apart from the impact on toll collection due to The Minister said that schools and don'ts regarding the pandemic.
mated revenue loss of around Rs 560 crore, of Department had on Wednesday
tive vigilance to check corrup- these places, the sources said. restrictions in vehicular movement, there is also a would be functioning from 10 am Singla said that principals and
which Rs 410 crore is estimated for BOT announced to restart primary to 3 pm after an interval of almost school teachers have also been
tion at locations where public The agency is carrying out debt of over Rs 9,300 crore taken by the stake- Concessionaires," said Vice-President (Corporate classes at all schools from 10 months due to the pandemic. directed to reach out to parents
dealing takes place, they added. the operation at the FCI holders which is at "risk", ratings agency Icra said Sector Ratings) Rajeshwar Burla. January 27. He said the detailed safety through various means of com-
The action started jointly godowns in Dhuri, Rampura, in the report. Students of classes 3 and 4
with vigilance teams of the FCI Out of the Rs 9,300-crore of impacted rated guidelines have been sent to the munication including public
Ferozepur, Budhlada and Tapa, Farmers have been agitating in several will be allowed to attend school
at about 20 locations in the two debt, Rs 8,550-crore of debt is at a high risk of schools for strict compliance. address systems to make them
besides the Central north Indian states demanding a repeal of from January 27 while those of Singla said that as the stu- aware of the safety norms.
states, the officials said. default, while Rs 750 crore is rated as investment
Warehousing Corporation three new farm laws, which were passed by classes 1 and 2 will return to their dents of pre-primary classes are He said the department offi-
The state-agency godowns grade with low to moderate risk of default, he
godown at Sri Muktsar Sahib. Parliament. classrooms from February 1, it kids, the department officials and cials, schools heads and teachers
leased to the FCI in eight of the added. had said.
Five godowns of the Punjab Assuming that protests would subside by management have been directed had worked hard to reach out to
13 FCI districts have been cov- Some of these entities also have debt service Earlier this month, the State
State Warehousing Corporation February, the agitations are likely to result in a to remain more attentive towards the students for their education
ered during the joint operation, reserves (DSRAs) of around three months in Government had reopened
at Khanna (Ludhiana), four at steep decline of around 30-35 per cent in toll col- them to ensure their safety. through online mediums during
government sources said. place to use for such exigencies; however, this schools for classes 5 to 12. In an official statement here, the past ten months.
Jagraon (Ludhiana), one at lections in the affected states in 2020-21, it said.
The exercise began late on would have been completely used up by now, he With this, all schools will be he said that the schools have been Despite several odds, they
Mansa (Mansa) and one at It is compared with a 5-7 per cent decline for the
said. fully functional in the State for asked to prepare special seating succeeded in their mission which
Sultanpur Lodhi (Kapurthala) rest of India, which is attributable to the pandem- the first time after the institutions
have also been covered during The inability to collect toll for a continuous plans keeping social distancing saved precious time for students
Aashirwad Vivah ic, the report added. were shut down in the wake of
the operation, the sources said. period of 24 hours and exceeding an aggregate norms in mind apart from com- and now final revision would be
A total of 52 Toll Plazas, including both the coronavirus pandemic.
period of seven days in an accounting year due to pliance of other safeguards done in the classrooms, he added.
Marriage Bureau Agency officials have public-funded and BOT (built, operate and
agitations/ strikes would be considered an indirect
The Cabinet Minister claimed including masks and handwash (PTI)
Plot No. 477, Sec-3, reached the PEG godowns man- transfer), on national highways (NHs) in
aged by state agency Pungrain Punjab, Haryana and Delhi-NCR have been political event under the force majeure clause, the
Channi Himmat-7889635161
at Raman (Bathinda), Fazilka directly or indirectly affected due to farmers agency said.
1. Sharma Boy 82 born Lt Col. Preference only Govt
Employee + KAS officer + Doctor. (Fazilka), Ferozepur, Ajitwal protests, the agency said. In such cases, with the costs attributable to
Caste No Bar
(Moga), Lehragaga (Sangrur) The revenue loss in the state highways proj- such events, beyond the insurance cover, one
2. Kashmiri Boy 90 born working in Dubai Bank
Employee and Patti (Tartaran), they said. ects in these regions will be an additional burden, half of such excess amount is likely to be reim-
3. Mahajan boy 91 born Engineering Communication
In addition, around 10 it said. bursed by the National Highways Authority of
own Luxurious Business
Caste No Bar godowns at Shahbad and Sirsa While the impact on fee collection at some India (NHAI), covering around 25 per cent of
4. Mahajan Boy 91 born Own Business Raghunath Bazar
in Haryana will also be covered Toll Plazas began from October 2020 onwards, the loss of revenue incurred by the affected
Caste No Bar
5. Khatri boy 88 born MCA working in Germany. during the surprise-check opera- the same has intensified to no fee collection with projects, it said, estimating it to be at Rs 100
Caste No Bar
tion, the sources said. (PTI) the free movement of vehicles at all toll plazas in crore. (PTI)
1. Lecturer in Physics, Chemistry and Biology M.Sc with 55% marks and M.Ed.
2. Lecturer in Environmental Science M.Sc with 55% marks and M.Ed
3. Lecturer in Hindi M.A with 55% marks and M.Ed
4. Lecturer in Punjabi M.A with 55% marks and M.Ed
5. Lecturer in Social Science M.A with 55% marks and M.Ed
6. Lecturer in Physical Education M.P.Ed with 55% Marks
7. Lecturer in performing Arts and Fine Arts PG in fine Arts with 55% marks
8. Librarian M.Lib with 55% marks
Candidates having cleared NET will be preferred Salary as per University / UGC norms.
Last date for receipt of application is 8-2-2021 during College hours 9.30 am to 3.30 pm.
10 SRINAGAR | January 30, 2021, Saturday Greater Kashmir
WB-funded project
today paid floral tributes to ences of working ference Minor-
the former Defence Minister, with the former Nagrota, Jan 29: National ity Cell, sat
George Fernandes during his Union Minister Conference Provincial Pres- with the pro-
second death anniversary and recalled the ident Devender Singh Rana testers, who
commemoration conclave great leader as today exhorted Lieutenant are demand-
Have received 2 COVID pandemic that over organized by George Fer- a well-wisher of Governor Manoj Sinha to ing increase
Rs 360 crore World Bank- nandes Foundation, in col- the downtrodden. He was an take a considerate view with of cash relief
dialysis units, other funded project under Contin- laboration with Hind Mazdoor extraordinary personality and regard to demands of the from Rs. 13000 per month
vital equipments, gency Emergency Response Kissan Panchayat, J&K Unit able leader. He was instru- Kashmiri Pandit migrants, to Rs. 35000 per family,
Component (CERC) would and Step India J&K Unit at mental in the eradication of residing at Jagti Township, disbursement of pending
installation process strengthen healthcare at Press Club. many social inequalities and who are on sit-in dharna for amount of compensation
peripheries and reduce Remembering the former always worked for the wel- the past over four months. for their damaged proper-
on: Principal unnecessary referrals. Union Minister, the Lt Gover- fare and development of the “Till their safe and hon- ties and retrieval of their
SUMIT BHARGAV “Achieving major aug- nor observed that George Fer- people. ourable return to their encroached lands and
mentation of healthcare nandes ji was a fearless leader, Throwing light on the work- homes and hearths in houses in the Valley.
Rajouri, Jan 29: A number facilities amid COVID who tirelessly worked for the ing of the former Union Minis- the Valley, every effort is The protesting migrants
of vital medical equipment pandemic is a top most pri- upliftment of the underprivi- ter, the Lt Governor observed needed to be made to miti- have also been demanding
including two dialysis units ority for the government leged. He worked for multi- that while being the Minister gate the sufferings of the filling up of the remaining
have been received by the and we have been able to dimensional development of for Railways, George Fer- migrants,” Rana said during 3000 posts under the Special
health department in Gov- achieve the major target so the society and will continue nandes made Konkan railways his visit to the Jagti Town- Prime Minister’s Employ-
ernment Medical College far,” said, Chief Executive to inspire the nation with his a reality connecting Mumbai ship and interaction with ment Package announced
and Associated Hospital Officer, Jammu and Kash- courage and selflessness, said with Mangalore through many those sitting on dharna. due to strenuous efforts of
(GMC-AH) Rajouri under the mir Economic Reconstruc- the Lt Governor. The Lieuten- crisscrossing rivers, valleys As a mark of solidarity, the then government led by
World Bank funded project, tion Agency, Jammu Tawi ant Governor, while address- and mountains. he along with leaders of the the National Conference.
Jhelum Tawi Flood Recov- Flood Reconstruction Proj-
ery Project (JTFRP). days in medical colleges and Principal Government ect (JTFRP), Dr Syed Abid
These equipments under associated hospitals. Medical College, Rajouri, Dr. Rasheed Shah told Greater
World Bank project have
been provided to Govern-
Officials told Greater
Kashmir that these WB-
Kuldeep Singh told Greater
Kashmir that medical equip-
Kashmir. “Our aim is to
strengthen patient care in
Former CJ BA Khan expresses People urge LG to revoke
ment Medical College and
Associated Hospital by
funded equipment have
been received in college and
ment under WB funded proj-
ect have been received and
J&K hospitals. It is only pos-
sible with the World Bank- grief over KD Sethi's demise order banning highway
Jammu and Kashmir Medi- their installation process is many have been installed funded project to provide
cal Supplies Corporation
The Government Medi-
going on. These equipments
include numerous opera-
tion tables, syringe pumps,
and installation of few is
under process.
Dr. Singh hailed WB-
quality patient care at the
doorsteps,” he said, adding
“Vital critical care health-
For Engagement of Contractual Lecturers for the
Academic Arrangement, Session-2021
Applications on the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the University website at www. are invited for the engagement of contractual lecturers in the below mentioned subjects on
Academic Arrangements for the session-2021 for Institute of Technology, Zakura Campus. In this connection,
Prasar Bharati application forms complete in all respects and attached with relevant documents should be submitted in
RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION the office of the concerned Dean of the Schools at University Campus/Zakura Campus, Srinagar by or before
Department Posts
Broadcasting Corporation of India 15.02.2021.
Dean School of Engineering:
Reservation Manager 1
Doordarshan Kendra: Srinagar. S. No Department
01. Department of Electronics & Communication
B.E./B.Tech. in Electronics &
Reservation Executive 1 No: 7(1)/2021-22/Mess (Cooks)/A&G/1220 Dated: 29.01.2021 Engineering Communication Engineering and M.E./M.
Front Office:
Front Office Manager 1 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tech. in relevant field with first class or
equivalent in any one degree.
Front Office Associate 2 Sub: Notice inviting tenders for hiring man power services for Cooks, Assistant 02. Department of Electrical Engineering B.E./B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering and
F&B Production: Cooks and Helpers for preparation of meals in Departmental Mess of DDK M.E./M.Tech. in relevant field with first
Indian & Continental Chef 1 class or equivalent in any one degree.
Tandoori Chef 1 Srinagar and High power TV Transmitter at Shankaracharya Hill, Srinagar.
03. Department of Mechanical Engineering B.E./B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
UT (Dishwasher) 2 Sealed tenders are invited by the Head of Office Doordarshan Kendra, Srinagar and M.E./M.Tech. in relevant field with first
F&B Service: class or equivalent in any one degree.
F&B Manager 1 from reputed firms/service providers for deployment of Cooks, Asstt. Cooks
04. Department of Civil Engineering B.E./B.Tech. in Civil Engineering and
F&B Captain 1 and Helpers on purely hiring basis for Doordarshan Hostel Mess and HPT, M.E./M.Tech. in relevant field with first
Steward 4 Shankaracharya Hills. Tender document may be personally collected w.e.f. class or equivalent in any one degree.
Housekeeping Manager 1 01.02.2021 from the cashier, Doordarshan Kendra Srinagar on all working 05. Department of Computer Science Engineering B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science
Engineering and M.E./M.Tech. in relevant
Housekeeping Supervisor 1 days between 11.00 am to 3.00 pm on or before 19.02.2021 against payment field with first class or equivalent in any
Room Boy 4 of Rs. 500/- each (Non-refundable) in the form of Demand Draft only from one degree.
Houseman 2 Dean School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences:
Bell Boy 2 any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of "Drawing and Disbursing Officer,
S. No. Department Eligibility
Doordarshan Kendra, Srinagar".
Eligibility Criteria: 01. Chemistry M.Sc. in Chemistry with NET/SET or M.Sc.
Interested and Eligible Candidates can walk-in with their updated Due date for submission of sealed tender : 22.02.2021, 1300 Hrs (1 PM) in Chemistry with Ph.D.
resumes and relevant documents to below mentioned address from Date and time for opening of sealed tender: 22.02.2021, 1500 Hrs (3 PM) 02. Physics M.Sc. in Physics with NET/SET or M.Sc. in
2nd Feb. to 3rd Feb 2021. Physics with Ph.D.
EMD Amount for Rs. 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty Thousand Only) in the form of Demand 3.0 Mathematics M.A/M.Sc. in Mathematics with NET/SET
Please note that relevant qualification &Experience of 3-5 years is
essential for all the above posts. Knowledge of IDS Software is required
Draft issued by any Nationalized bank drawn in favour of Drawing & Disbursing Officer, or M.A/M.Sc. in Mathematics with Ph.D.
Doordarshan Kendra, Srinagar. Bids received without EMD will be summarily rejected. Dean School of Arts, Languages & Literature:
for Manager, Executive, Associate & Supervisor posts. Relevant degree/ S. No. Department Eligibility
diploma from IHM will be an added advantage. If the day of opening of tenders happens to be a holiday or otherwise (due to hartal/ 01. English M.A in English with NET/SET or M.A. in
Salary Negotiable bandh/protest etc), tenders will be opened on the next working day at 1400 hrs. English with Ph.D.
Tenders received after scheduled date and time will not be entertained in any case. NOTE:
M.S Shopping Mall, Residency Road, Srinagar, Kashmir ► Candidates in their own interest are advised to be in touch with the Dean of the concerned Schools
Tel.: 0194-2473702, M: 9469142622 SD/- about the date, venue and time of the interview.
(S.N. H. ABIDI) ► S alary of the appointees shall be paid on the basis of their qualification.
Email: [email protected] Assistant Engineer (I/C SAO) No: F (Advt-IOT-Appt-CL) DAA/KU/21 Sd/- Deputy Registrar
Web: For HEAD OF OFFICE Dated: 29.01.2021 (Academic Affairs)
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