Crestview Communique_ December 18

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Community News & Notes

December 18, 2024.
School Trustee James Li
School Superintendent Kurt McIntosh
Principal/Vice-Principal Andrea Samartzis & Gary Stewart
SAFE ARRIVAL LINE 1-833-250-2290

Dear Crestview Families,

On behalf of our school, we want to wish all Crestview Families warm wishes and Happy Holidays!
Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! May your celebrations of the season be
filled with joy and peace.

Holiday Greetings (Click Here)

from Crestview Staff
On December 5th, all junior classes
visited downtown Toronto to watch
the Raptors 905 at Scotiabank Arena. It
was an incredible experience exploring
the heart of our city and witnessing
the energy of the game. The
excitement in the arena was
contagious, with cheers, music, and a
sense of unity among fans. Beyond the
game, it was a chance to connect with
our peers, appreciate the teamwork on
display, and take in the vibrant
atmosphere of downtown Toronto.
By: Kushvitha, Floris & Sydnie
Grade 4/5A Students

Comets Athletics
Our Boys Volleyball Team had a tremendous season, and put forth their best effort in the
tournament play! Our Girls Volleyball Team have also had a great season, winning the North
Conference championship, and making it to the City Finals! Congratulations to all athletes. Special
thank you to our coaches for their tremendous dedication to the Fall Sport season: Ms. Bishop, Ms.
Costa, Mr. Jeya, Mr. Liang, Ms. Vasilev! As well, thank you to our parent drivers and spectators, for
your support of our teams. GOOOO Crestview!

Staff Updates
● We want to thank Ms. Anna Dutfield, teacher of 3VL, for her over 30 years of experience in the
TDSB and wish her well on her retirement. Ms. Dutfield’s last day will be on Friday December 20,
2024, Crestview will miss you Ms. Dutfield!
● We are also saying thank you to Ms. Vanessa Passalacqua, who has been teaching the Grade 3/4
class since September. We hope to see you soon Ms. Passalacqua.
● We welcome to Crestview, Ms. Christine Montgomerie who will be teaching Class 3/4, starting in
the new year. Ms. Montgomerie brings much enthusiasm to her classroom, and is looking forward
to meeting new students and families in January!
● We want to thank Ms. Wendy To, who has been supporting Crestview’s office as Office
Administrator since September.
● Finally, we welcome to Crestview in the role of Office Administrator, Ms. Avril Daley! We are excited
to have her join our school community!

Upcoming Dates:

December 20 Pizza Lunch (Last day of school 2024)

January 6 First day of school 2025
January 10 Pizza Lunch
January 17 PA Day
January 24 Pizza Lunch

Here are a few other updates;

1. Pizza Lunch Orders, Round 2: The next round of Pizza Lunch orders are now available, in Cash
Online. Order due date: January 15, 2025.

2. Lost & Found: There are tables set up in the front foyer of the school, for Lost and Found items.
Classes will visit the lost and found this week to reclaim items, you are welcome to do the same.
Any items not claimed will be sent for donation.

3. Crestview Parent School Council, 2024-2025

Next Meeting, Wednesday January 29 2024. 5:00-6:00 pm, Crestview Staff Room
[Upcoming Meeting Dates: , March 26, April 23, June 18 ]
School Council Co-Chairs: Monique Phillips & Francina Grazette
Treasurer: Fareed Bandukwala
Secretary: Jackie-Flo-Hilts

4. Are you a parent/guardian who would you like to volunteer at Crestview?

Please complete a Vulnerable Sector Check, here is how: Effective September 05, 2023, TDSB
volunteers who reside in Toronto can complete the Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) online. We
strongly encourage all volunteers to complete the VSC online. If you already completed a VSC last
year, this is updated yearly with your confirmation, another application is not required. Please
call the office to update your VSC clearance.

For new volunteers, use this link and information below:
Applicants are required to register for a Police Record Check (PRC) Account.

5. Virtual Learning, 2025-2026

Beginning for the 2025-2026 school year, elementary students will have the option to attend Virtual
Elementary School, a single school that will host all remote learning classes. This school will have a
dedicated Principal, office staff, teachers and support staff. The early years of a child’s life play a
key role in shaping their future learning and development and providing programs and services that
support young children’s growth is essential. The best way to support primary students is through
in-person learning, with hands-on activities, exploration, and play. Therefore, the TDSB is
transitioning to a Virtual Elementary School model for students in Grades 4 to 8, which will be
phased-in over four years: 2025-2026: Grades 1 - 8 2026-2027: Grades 2 - 8 2027-2028: Grades 3 -
8 2028-2029: Grades 4 - 8
● Students currently in Senior Kindergarten to Grade 12 who are attending school virtually
will automatically be enrolled in Remote Learning for the 2025 - 2026 school year. There is
no action required for students who are currently in Remote Learning and wish to continue
in a virtual setting.
● Return to In-Person for 2025 - 2026: Students who are currently enrolled in Remote
Learning who wish to return to their designated school by address for the 2025 - 2026
school year will need to complete the Return to In-Person Form which will be available from
Monday, January 6 to Friday, January 31, 2025. This form will be available on the following
websites in January, 2025.

6. Middle French Immersion Application Process

The entry point to Middle French Immersion is Grade 4. For families interested in the Toronto
District School Board's system-wide French Immersion Program, we offer an online process to apply
for Middle French Immersion (begins in Grade 4). To apply to the Middle French Immersion Program
for September 2025, applications must be completed online between January 6 and January 31,
2025. Families with an older sibling currently in a Middle French Immersion program at the same
school are still required to complete an online application for the new student. For more
information, please visit: Application Middle French Immersion.
At any time, please visit the TDSB French Language Programs webpage to view a video that provides
information about the TDSB French Language programs as well as the application and placement
process in the Early French Immersion and the Middle French Immersion programs. More
information about the Middle Immersion Program is available in 22 languages, or view the
application timelines video.

Crestview School & Community Resources:

1. International Language Programs @ Crestview PS: Wednesdays 2:45-5:15 pm

For more information and online registration link, please visit:
Questions: 416-529-4440 For other available locations/language: or email
[email protected]

2. Settlement Workers:
If you are new to Canada, or need assistance with the school system or access to community
programs, please contact Crestview Settlement and Education Workers, who are here to assist;
Cantonese/Mandarin Andy Shum 647-881-1043 [Monday @Crestview PS]
Farsi Tara Eskandari 647-332-9590 [Tuesday @Crestview PS]
Korean Iona Seo 647-999-6012
Mandarin Shirley Wan 647-999-6397
Dari/Pashto/Hindi Siavash Kohzad 647-999-3106
Dari/Farsi Nasrin Ghafoori 647-999-6820
Arabic Iris Iskader 647-999-1679

3. Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school, you must call the Safe Arrival line by 8:00 am and report
their absence, and the reason for their absence. Our Safe Arrival line is 1-833-250-2290.

Thank you for your continued support.

Andrea Samartzis Gary Stewart
Principal Vice-Principal

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