Proposal Veronika Oki 6
Proposal Veronika Oki 6
Proposal Veronika Oki 6
Presented to Faculty of Teacher and Education Science as a Partial Fulfillment of
Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
REG. NO: 32200046
Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences as a Partial of Fulfilment the Requirement
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
REG. NO: 32200046
Approved by
Main Advisor Associate Advisor
Acknowledged by
The Head of English Study Program
Praise and gratitude to Almighty God for His grace and guidance that the researcher can
complete this proposal under the title "Improving Students’ Pronunciation Skill Through
Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animations for The Eight Grade Students’ of SMP
Negeri Oenenu in The School Year 2023/2024”. The researcher is fully aware that the
preparation of this proposal will not be possible without the support of various parties.
Therefore, the researcher would like to thank:
1. Dr. Mikhael Misa, S.Pd., M.Ed. The head of the English education study program,
who has provided a lot of motivation in completing this proposal.
2. Febronia Lasi, S.Pd., M.Ed as the main advisor who helps and guides the researcher
to finish this proposal well.
3. Desta Gloria Siahaan, S.Pd., M.Hum as the associate advisor who has spent time and
thoughts, to provide guidance and direction for the preparation of this proposal
4. The researcher’s beloved families who have provided motivation and enthusiasms in
completing this proposal.
5. The researcher’s friends who have supported and encouraged in completing this
Finally, the researcher realizes that this writing is still far from complete. Therefore, she
needs some suggestion, comments and critics from others to improve and complete the
content of this proposal.
Veronicha Oki
APPROVAL SHEET...........................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................iv
1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................................................1
1.2 Statements of the Problems..............................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Study....................................................................................................2
1.4 Significances of the Study...............................................................................................2
1.5 Scope and Limitation.......................................................................................................3
1.6 Definition of Terms..........................................................................................................3
1.7 Organization of Writing...................................................................................................3
Language has an important role in our life because its function is to communicate in
our life. It helps us to communicate and to gain information about something that people
need. English is one of the most important foreign languages. In learning foreign language,
English learners deal with language skill and components. In order to be able to master
English, there are many components that should be learnt. One of the components is
pronunciation. It is demanded to spell out the unit of meaning consistently. The ability to
speak English becomes a very important skill for students, teachers, and staffs of government
or even for employees in companies. The ability to speak in another language is not as easy
as we assume, it takes time for people to comprehend it deeply. This is not an instant process,
but gradually in many ways and techniques. In order to increase students’ ability of using
English correctly, university’s students especially students from English Education Program
need to learn four main skills in English language.
Small talk is an informal type of discourse that does not cover every topic of the
intended or intended conversation or transaction. In most English-speaking countries, it is
normal and necessary to make "small talk" in certain situations. A small talk is a casual form
of conversation that "breaks the ice" or fills an awkward silence between people. Even though
you may feel shy using your second language, it is sometimes considered rude to say nothing.
Just as there are certain times when small talk is appropriate, there are also certain topics that
people often discuss during these moments. Small talk is a short conversation. According to
Hunter (2011), small talk must be a consolidation activity in which students must think
carefully about what they want to say. For realizing it, students are expected to have the good
speaking ability. Holmes (2014) said that small talk is a clear example of discourse which is
oriented to positive face needs, it means that it happens in every aspect of our interactions, no
matter how trivial it may seem, we are giving a performance, doing face work, presenting
According to Jalaluddin (2016), YouTube videos may help students consider the
many dialects of English spoken throughout the world and offer them real resources for
speaking skills. YouTube videos could be highly helpful in developing speaking abilities both
inside and outside of the classroom. He also mentioned that there are video TED Talks on
YouTube that may be used in an ESL classroom with activities like prediction, vocabulary
building, describing important themes, asking questions, and expressing opinions.
Putrawansyah (2020) claimed that watching YouTube videos helped students enhance their
speaking skills in terms of vocabulary and pronunciation. In addition to YouTube, he used
questioning and replying as an approach for teaching English. It indicates that there was
greater contact between teachers and students.
The problem experienced by eighth grade students at SMP Negeri Oenenu is that their
pronunciation is still not good because students' interest depends on the material and teaching
techniques in class. In addition, the researcher interested in this topic because during my
observations the researcher saw that the students' pronunciation at SMP Negeri Oenenu was
still lacking so the researcher was interested in improving their pronunciation by using small
talk on YouTube animation videos. Basically, in teaching, students communicate in foreign
language understandably, the teachers should be creative that can make the class enjoyable
and interesting. So, the students are motivated and excited to study. In order to make a good
shave or create interaction among the students in pronunciation class, teachers should apply
some techniques, such as using games, songs, short stories, etc. These are all kind of things
which are ranged from simple to difficult, which help the students practice English while
keeping the class alive and interesting, Finocchiaro (1989).
Preliminary data suggests that using conversational videos can significantly improve
students’ pronunciation skill. For example a study found that students pronunciation skill
improved by 36% in the first cycle, 66% in the second cycle, and 79% in the third cycle
through activities such as reading transcripts, listening to videos, repeating dialogues, and
practicing in front of the class. Another study showed that students speaking skill improved
through the use of English listening and speaking applications, enhancing their motivation
and confidence in speaking English. Additionally, a study on conversation- based learning
found that students speaking skill improved significantly, with 93.75% of students reporting
an improvement in their speaking skill. These findings indicate that incorporating
conversational videos and interactive activities can be an effective way to improve students
pronunciation and speaking skill.
Based on the students' explanation and the problems experienced above, the
researcher is interested in conducting research entitled: “Improving Students’ Pronounciation
Skill Through Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animation Videos for The Eight Grade
Students of SMP Negeri Oenenu in The School Year 2023/2024”
Related to the background of the study as described above, the problems of the study
are the following:
1.2.1 Does Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animation Videos significantly improve
pronunciation skill of SMP Negeri Oenenu?
1.2.2. What problem are faced by the students in using Listening to Small Talk on Youtube
Animation Videos to improve pronounciation skill?
1.3.1. To know how Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animation Videos significantly
improve pronounciation skills of SMP Negeri Oenenu.
1.3.2. To know the problem faced by the students in using Listening to Small Talk on
Animation Videos to improve pronounciation skill.
The study has some significances, they are presented in the following part :
1.4.1. For the researcher to increase her knowledge about pronunciation skills, especially the
use of Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animation Videos.
1.4.2. For the students to improve their pronunciation skills, especially the use of Listening to
Small Talk on Youtube Animation Videos.
1.4.3. To provide information dealing with the use of Listening to Small Talk on Youtube
Animation Videos to improve pronunciation skills.
Based on the problem identification above, the researcher limits the problem of
students’ pronunciation mastery by applying Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animation
Videos. In this research, the researcher only focuses on improving pronunciation mastery
through Listening to Small Talk on Youtube Animation Videos among the eighth graders of
SMP Negeri Oenenu in the school year 2023/2024.
1.6.1 According to (Efron 2013) the meaning of the world improvement is the process
method, act of increasing (business, activities).
1.6.2. Pronunciation, in a brief definition, is the way every single word of a language is
spoken. Oxford
Advanced Learner's Dictionary describes pronunciation as how a specific word or
sound is pronounced (A. S. Hornby, 2015).
1.6.3. According to Yansyah and Hidayah (2015) Small talk is a form of linguistic politeness
about unimportant things made by the people to interact. Thus, “small talk provides
communicators with simple, often mundane topics to discuss until the conversation
turns towards a more stimulating topic”.
Related to this study, there were previous studies that have been conducted some
researchers they are:
First, Juma (2022) with the study entitled “Developing English Pronunciation
through Animation and YouTube Videos”. Using multimedia inside the English as a foreign
language (EFL) lassroom has been anticipated by several researchers and educators recently
as a new necessary component of language learning. This is ascribed on the one hand to the
continuous advancements in the new technological devices that might be used in presenting
the various types of multimedia inside the classroom, and, on the other hand, to the fact that
learners have started to acquire new modes of cognitive learning preferences due to their
excessive daily use of these devices. This study investigates the appropriateness and
practicality of using some animated or dynamic graphs and YouTube movies in teaching the
pronunciation of English to Iraqi-Arabic learners of English as a foreign language. The two
groups of the subjects who participated in this case study were taught using two different
methods of teaching with and without using multimedia. Unlike those who were part of the
control group, subjects belonging to the experimental group performed much better in their
posttest results (62.31% of the experimental group average percentage and 47.09% of the
control group average percentage).
Second, According to Rahmawati (2020) with the title “The Use of Youtube Videos in
Improving Non-English Department Students’ Pronunciation Skills”. The purpose of this
study is to determine whether or not the use of YouTube videos affects the improvement of
non-English department students’ pronunciation skills. Design/methodology/approach, The
research design used in this study was the pretest-posttest control group design. In collecting
data, researchers used several instruments in this study, namely: tests and observations. The
data obtained were analyzed using a hypothetical test using a t-test. A computer program
called SPSS (statistical product and service solution) for Windows Release version 22, was
used in the entire data computing process. Findings/result, The results showed that the use of
YouTube videos positively affected students’ pronunciation skills. In other words, YouTube
can be one of the influential English pronunciation learning media for non-English
department students. Originality/value, This study offered recommendations for
pronunciation class to use YouTube as an alternative effective learning media. YouTube is
not only functioned as a source of entertainment, but it can also be used as a learning
resource, especially in pronunciation learning in the Higher Education environment.
Third, Anggraeni (2019) with the title “Implementation of Blended Learning through
Youtube Media to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill”. With new technology and the way
students learn, a vlog is one way to improve students' speaking skills. This research focuses
on speaking skill via vlog to improve students' speaking and creativity skills and analyze the
interrelationship between the implementation of blended learning and an increase in student
self-confidence. This research used mixed methods. The subjects were 13 vlogs made by
students on the topic of tourism. The 13 Vlogs are assessed using the rubric developed by
Dan Rooney and Elijah Punzalan. The results showed that the highest vlog value was 84 and
the lowest was 74, which generally increased students' creativity. Common mistakes on
average are ways of delivering or introducing introduction and introduction that are still not
good, how to give conclusions or provide summaries and finally the accuracy of the
grammatical structure used. There is an increase in speaking ability including vocabulary,
fluency, pronunciation and intonation sections. It can be seen that there is a ratio of 2.8 points
for vocabulary, 7.9 points for fluency, 10.9 points for pronunciation and 2.1 points for
intonation. The findings also infer that the application of speaking through blended learning
vlogging media YouTube was declared successful and improved students' speaking abilities.
There are many factors that influence language teaching especially English
pronunciation teaching. Besides teacher should select the media that is suitable to be applied
in teaching English pronunciation, they are also hoped to know how to teach pronunciation
well. By knowing the good way in teaching English pronunciation. According to Jeremy
Harmer’s alternatives in pronunciation teaching:
“There have three alternatives to convey. First, whole lesson: making pronunciation
the main focus of lesson does not mean that every minute of the lesson has to be spent on
pronunciation work. Second, discrete slots: some teachers insert short, separate bits of
pronunciation work into lesson sequences. And the last alternative is integrated phases: many
teachers get students to focus on pronunciation issues as an integrated part of lesson.
In this case, teacher decides what alternative he or she chooses. By deciding the
alternatives, he or she uses in teaching English pronunciation, he or she can make a strategy
based on the alternative to get a maximum result.
Moreover, the most important thing of the teaching and learning process is the
understanding of the students about the lesson. Cameron says that “it is a crucial thing for
teachers to take the responsibility for checking whether their pupils understand the language
being used and the purpose of activities being carried out”. In this case, the teacher should let
the students know that they are studying about pronunciation and they are expected to be able
to pronounce English words correctly.
It needs an enthusiasm in teaching English pronunciation so that both the teacher and
the students get a good result in it. It can be done by encouraging the students that they can
do the best. Besides that, it also can be done by asking the students to present their ability in
pronouncing English words so other students know that they can do it well. By this, students
have a great spirit to learn how to pronounce English words well.
Humans are social beings. They exist in a society where they interact with others.
Whenever they assort, they create communication. In fact, in every social life, people use
language to convey messages about their feeling, needs, emotions, and intentions. Humans as
a part of society need to interact in their life. In their living, communication is needed to
interact by using language. Valenzuela has defined that Communication as an act by which a
person delivers or receives information about the kinds of needs, desires perceptions,
knowledge, or affective states. Communication could be intentional or unintentional, could
involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms,
and may occur through spoken or other modes. The system of symbols can be used to
describe human speech. Communication acts to exchange some information within people or
groups of people. Thus, communication is used as social interaction where at least two
interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules.
Intrapersonal Communication using diaries or self-talk both secondary phenomena that
attended the major acquisition of communicative competencies within social interactions is
the commonly held rule in some sense ignores auto communication.
certain groups may not propose a talk for the sake of conversation, and members of that
group may come into being very reserved with talkative outsiders, or they may feel
overwhelmed by the demands made on them if another person insists insist on the
conversation. We should attempt to understand the different groups of people who use their
language if we are to achieve a comprehensive understanding of how that language is related
to the society that uses it. A society that proposes a wide variety of kinds of talk is possible to
be rather different in many non-linguistic ways.
Ohm (2010) classify educational media based on the sensory channel addressed by the
media or the way in which the conveyed information is coded. The following are three
categories of media: 1) Auditive media or audio media is media that only relies on sound
capabilities (e.g., piece of music, radio program etc.) 2) Visual media is media that only relies
on the sense of vision in visual form (e.g., picture, silent film etc.) 3) Audiovisual media is
media that contains sound elements and moving images (e.g., sound film, TV program etc.)
Audiovisual media is also called video media. Video is favored media by many people,
recently. Anderson Ronald (1994: 99) stated video media is a series of electronic images
accompanied by sound and image elements. One of audiovisual platform is YouTube.
YouTube is the most popular online video sharing media on the internet. Recently,
various ages from children to adults in worldwide have registered as a user on YouTube.
There are plenty of videos provided on YouTube ranging from clips to films that are made by
YouTube users. Users on YouTube can upload videos, search videos, watch videos as
learning media. Recorded moving pictures with sounds that are contained on YouTube videos
can be used as learning media. Indeed, not all videos on YouTube can be used for learning
purposes, therefore make a good planning is needed to choose the right YouTube videos as an
optimal support tool in achieving learning goals. YouTube videos can be a learning tool and
learning media that can meet the demands of the digital generation needs. There are many
types of videos with various kinds of topics that are unique, interesting and fun to enjoy and
which can be used in class lessons. Vlogs are the most popular genres on YouTube (Werner,
2012). Vlogs is a video made by person whose speaking to camera in public setting and
addresses to public viewership, briefly and informally (Frobenius, 2011; Gao et al., 2010;
Werner, 2012). However, Snelson (2015) notes that vlogs became more interesting and
shifted from home-based setting to mobile setting in which vloggers discuss a wide variety of
topics with the presence of more cameras in a wide array of settings and contexts. Moreover,
vloggers began to tap into wider audiences’ interest areas and document and share a
contextualized view of their engagement with hobbies, daily experiences, and encounters
with other people. Although mostly unrehearsed, unedited, and unorganized, vlogs have
become one of the Internet’s most magnetic and beloved forms and many media
commentators have hailed vlogging as a revolutionary mode of address (Werner, 2012).
Figure 3.1
Kemmis and McTaggart Model
3.2 Population And Sample
3.2.1 Population
The total population of eight grade students at SMP Negeri Oenenu is 69 students
from three classes, there are class A : 23 student, class B: 23 student and class C: 23 student.
3.2.2 Sample
This research uses purposive sampling, where the researcher took 20 students as
sample. The researcher chooses 23 students according to pre-observation. The students have
lack of skill in reading. The sample Will be used as the participant in the study. She take two
classes as the sample of the research There are class VIIIA as experiment class and class
VIIIB as control class in which each class consists of 23 students. She takes these classes
because from the teachers' information that the percentage of the score from these two classes
are nearly the same.
The researcher used interview guidelines as the instrument of research. The researcher
provided open ended questions to students about the English Foreign Language (EFL)
students’ learning experience and pronunciation improvements after learning by watching
videos on YouTube platform.
1. Test
A test is a series of stimuli (stimulus) given to someone with the aim of getting a
numerical score (Emzir, 2017). A test is a series of questions, problems, or physical responses
designed to determine knowledge, intelligence, or ability. The test that will be used in this
study is a conversation in small talk to determine students’ pronunciation. To obtain data on
students' progress in learning English after the strategy is implemented, the researcher will
conduct an evaluation by giving tests to students individually at the end of each cycle.
Therefore, this study used a test instrument to answer the researcher's questions. The test
contains the treatment that will be conducted twice. In the first meeting and the second
meeting, the researcher will teach different text of conversation. Especially, researcher will
investigate whether students' pronunciation abilities will improve or not by conversation on
small talk. However, a test is needed to find its results to answer first and the second
research’s problem.
2. Observation Notes
The observation notes will be used to answer the third problem of the research, the
difficulties are faced by students in using English songs to improve pronounciation skills by
taking notes.
3. Interview
The interview will be used to answer the third problem of the research, the difficulties
are faced by students in using English songs to improve pronounciation skills by interview
the students.
3.4 Technique of Data Collection
The procedures in conducting this research consisted of four steps. The steps were
described as follows:
1. Planning
Burns (2009: 8) said that this phase is an important role for this phase action plan was
developed based on the existing problems in the field with the aim to increase the
ability in the era more specific. In this stage, the writer planned a teaching learning
activity to improve students’ pronunciation that encountered in the previous teaching
learning process. The planned include the preparation before the teaching learning
activity such as lesson plan, audio visual media, and the narrative transcription which
will be taught, the tools to collect the data and questionnaires for students.
2. Acting
In this stage, the writer taught by using pair work as a technique. She taught based on
the lesson plan that was already planned and observed by the collaborator.
3. Observing
In this process, the collaborator fills in the field note down to get anything that occur
in the teaching learning process, including the obstacles that found as well as the
probable solution to overcome. To collect the data, writer observed the class by using
field note and observation checklist.
4. Reflecting
After the three steps (planning, acting and observing) had been conducted, the writer
and the collaborator analyzed, interpreted and evaluated the information from the
result of questionnaire to students. The writer and the collaborator discussed the
weaknesses of the teaching then, the writer decides which action needed to solve the
weaknesses or problems.
In this research, the writer analyzed the data that is collected from the sample
by using following techniques:
1) Scoring the students‟ correct answer from the reading test that is given
(Adapted from Asrul: 2013)
P = Percentage.
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Interview Text
Interviewer: Do you think listening to small talk in YouTube animations can be beneficial
for students learning pronunciation? Why or why not?
Interviewer: What features of YouTube animations do you think make them particularly
useful for pronunciation practice?
Interviewer: How would you measure the effectiveness of this method in improving
students’ pronunciation?
Interviewer: What kind of feedback have you received from students about using videos or
animations in class?
Interviewer: In your opinion, how effective are listening activities in improving students'
pronunciation skills? Do you have any examples or anecdotes that highlight their impact?