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Presented to the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education of UNIVERSITAS PGRI MADIUN, in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for an Undergraduate Degree of English Education







Thesis by Elsa SetianingWahyu entitled The Effect of Using Webtoon on
Students Speaking Skill in Junior High School Students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan is
approved by the advisors for the thesis examination.

Madiun, July4th, 2023


Nuri Ati Ningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0714027501

Madiun, July 4th, 2023


Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0721047701


Thesis by Elsa Setianing Wahyu entitled “The Effect of Using Webtoon on

Students Speaking Skill in Junior High School Students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan”
has been defended and is approved by the board of examiners on Wednesday, 12th,

Board of Examiners

Dr. Erlik Widiyani Styati, S.Pd., M.Pd Chair

NIDN. 0712128404

Vita Vendityaningtyas, S.S., M.Pd Secretary

NIDN. 0731128302

Nuri Ati Ningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd Member

NIDN. 0714027501

Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd Member
NIDN. 0721047701

Dr. Erlik Widiyani Styati, S.Pd., M.Pd Member

NIDN. 0712128404

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Department of English Education

Dean, Head,

Dr. Sardulo Gembong, M.Pd Dr. Erlik Widiyani Styati, S.Pd., M.Pd
NIDN. 0712128404
NIDN. 0022096503


1. The Undersigned:
Full Name : Elsa Setianing Wahyu
NPM : 1902109032
Department : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

This submission is my own work, and to the greatest of my understanding and

faith, it contains no material published recently or written by another person, nor
content that has been acknowledged for the award of any additional degree or
diplomas of the university or other institutes of higher learning, except as due
acknowledgement has been made within the text.

Madiun, July 12th, 2023

Elsa Setianing Wahyu


“We deserve all the good things in this world”


This thesis dedicated to:

1. The main thing is for the owner of this entire universe, namely Allah
Subhanahuwata'ala who always provides smoothness, convenience, patience,
health, blessings and His mercy, so that the writer is able to finish this thesis on
2. I dedicate this thesis to my first love, namely Mr. Sarni Lesmojo who always
prays for, supports and gives extraordinary efforts in supporting college
financial until completion. And for the angel who I often call as mother,
namely Mrs. Eko Inti Rahayu who never stops praying and giving warm hugs
to the writer when facing difficult times in the preparation of this thesis.
3. I also dedicate this thesis to my one and only sister who is so precious and
she also struggling to complete her education, namely Yunika Indarwati. Thank
you for not giving up until now.
4. I also dedicate this thesis to my extraordinary friends, namely Gita Puspita
Ningrum, Milenia Yasinta Panca Agustin and Ratna Dyah Kumalasari. In the
end, we were able to write our names in a masterpiece called a thesis.
5. This thesis is one of the extraordinary achievements for myself who has
struggled to complete the education and she is able to survive in any situation.
Thank you for survive around this far.
6. All friends majoring in English Language Education UNIPMA, especially
PBI 8B. Thanks for the togethernessfor these 4 years. Congratulation on your
achievement. Hopefully we will be successful in the future.
7. Thank you to Advisor Nuri Ati Ningsih S.Pd., M.Pd and Co-Advisor Arri
Kurniawan S.S., M.Pd who have patiently guided the author so far. Thank you
for your direction and patience in guiding me. Always successful and healthy.
Thanks for all the knowledge.
8. For the beloved university, Universitas PGRI Madiun.
9. Thank you very much to all those who have helped the writer in completing
this thesis that the writer cannot mention one by one, who always complains
and tells stories together. In the end we were able to get through it.


Praise and sincer appreciation to Allah SWT for His abundant favor and
guidance, which enabled m3 to finish my thesis properly. The thesis entitled “The
Effect of Using Webtoon on Students Speaking Skill In Junior High School
Students At SMPN 3 Kawedanan” is designed to fulfill the criteria of the
undergraduate startum-1 (S1) in the English Department, Faculty of Teaching and
Education, Universitas PGRI Madiun.

The researcher would like to thanks for everyone who assisted the writer
in completing this thesis. Also thank you for everyone who have taken the time
and offered guidance with patience.

Particular thanks are extended to:

1. Dr. H. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd as Rector of the University of

PGRI Madiun.
2. Dr. Sardulo Gembong, M.Pd. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education.
3. Dr. Erlik Widiyani Styati, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of The Department
of English Education.
4. Nuri AtiNingsihS.Pd., M.Pd as the Advisor.
5. Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd as the Co-Advisor.
6. The students of SMPN 3 Kawedanan class VIIIB and VIIIC for giving
valuable research data.
7. The last but not least, thanks to all people who helped, support and
share the time together.
The researcher apologizes for any errors that may have occurred.
Hopefully, this thesis would became beneficial in fostering more students.

Madiun, July 4 2023

The Researcher

SIGNATURE PAGE OF ADVISORS.......................................................................ii

SIGNATURE PAGE OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ....................................iii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ..........................................................................iv

MOTTO AND DEDICATION..................................................................................v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................viii

ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCION..................................................................................1

A. Background of The Study............................................................1

B. Delimitation of The Study ...........................................................4
C. Research Question .......................................................................4
D. Purpose of The Study ..................................................................5
E. The Significance of The Study ....................................................5
F. Definition of Key Terms .............................................................6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................................7

A. Speaking Skill in Junior High School..........................................7

B. Teaching Speaking .....................................................................8
C. Teaching Speaking by Using Dialogue ......................................9
D. Teaching Speaking by Using Webtoon ......................................11
E. Assessing Speaking for Junior High School ..............................14
F. Theoretical Framework ..............................................................18
G. Hyphothesis Testing....................................................................19
CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHOD .....................................................................20

A. Research Design .........................................................................20

B. Time and Place of The Research ................................................21
C. Population, Sample and Sampling technique..............................23
D. Collecting Data............................................................................26
E. Analyzing Data...........................................................................30

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION..........................................................35

A. Result of The Study .....................................................................35

1.Pre-test Data..............................................................................36

2.Post-test Data............................................................................41

B. Discussions..................................................................................47

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGESTION .................................................52

A. Conclusion ...................................................................................52

B. Suggestion ...................................................................................53

REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................54

APPENDICES ...........................................................................................................56

VITA .........................................................................................................................75


Table 3.1 The Experimental Design ..........................................................................21

Table 3.2 The Research Plan .....................................................................................23

Tabel 4.1 The Descriptive Data of The Pre-test Experimental Class ........................36

Table 4.2 The Descriptive Data of The Pre-test Control Class .................................37

Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistic Test...........................................................................38

Table 4.4 Normality Test...........................................................................................39

Table 4.5 Homogeneity Test......................................................................................40

Table 4.6 Independent Sample T-Test Pre-Test.........................................................41

Table 4.7 The Descriptive Data of The Post-test Experimental Class..................................42

Table 4.8 The Descriptive Data of The Post-test Control Class...........................................43

Table 4.9 Descriptive Statistic...................................................................................44

Table 4.10 Normality Test.........................................................................................45

Table 4.11 Group Statistic..........................................................................................46

Table 4.12 The Result of Independent Sample T-test ...............................................47


Appendix 1Validation Letter......................................................................................56

Appendix 2 Lesson plan for pre-test......................................................................................61

Appendix 3 Lesson plan for treatment...................................................................................63

Appendix 4 Lesson plan for post-test.....................................................................................65

Appendix 5 Material Development........................................................................................67

Appendix 6 Research Instrument...........................................................................................68

Appendix 7 Scoring Rubic of Speaking.................................................................................69

Appendix 8 Documentation...................................................................................................72

Appendix 9 Permission Letter................................................................................................73

Appendix 10 Research Letter.................................................................................................74


Elsa Setianing Wahyu, 2023. The Effect of Using Webtoon on Students Speaking
Skill in Junior High School Students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan. Thesis. Faculty Of
Teacher Training and Education. UNIVERSITAS PGRI MADIUN. Advisor: Nuri
AtiNingsihS.Pd., M.Pd., Co-Advisor: Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd.

Key Terms: Speaking, Webtoon, Teaching Speaking.

The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is an effect of using the
Webtoon application as a learning medium for eighth graders in their speaking
ability. The research conducted was an experimental study using a quasi-
experimental design. In this study there were two groups: experimental and
control classes. This is used to see if there is an effect on students who receive
treatment and classes that only receive learning as usual. Participants in this study
were eighth grade students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan. Each class gets an exam. A
hypothesis test was conducted to determine the effect of using media in teaching
speaking. The results of the hypothesis testing carried out using the Independent
Sample T-test show that the sig (2-tailed) value is .000 which is more than 0.05
indicating that H1 is accepted. This research question is answered by an
alternative hypothesis which is accepted. As a result, there is a significant
difference in students' speaking skills who are treated by Webtoon and those who
do not use it.


A. Background of Study

In learning speaking there are some skill to be masters, one of

skills is speaking skill. According Mandasari and Aminatun (2020),

speaking is a skill to pronounce a word and express their ideas and

feeling.Speaking is ability from someone to communicate with others.

When the students want to build relationship with others, they should be

mastered all skill in speaking Sari (2019).

In learning English speaking, it still has somedifficulties.Some

factors that make speaking english is diffucult such as, speaking in English

has many aspects that must be mastered such as grammar, vocabulary and

good at pronunciation. Vocabulary has an important role for students

because it makes it easier for students to convey their ideas, with more

vocabulary mastered the better the output obtained. Grammar helps

students to compose a sentence before saying it. And the last one is good

at pronunciation. It can help students to produce pronunciation or sound in

speaking English well. In addition, another difficulty is that they feel

bored with learning media, especially in learning speaking. Students also

need interesting learning media to express their ideas and help them to

master this skill in a fun way Mandasari and Aminatun (2020).


The purpose of learning English is for students to master all skills

in English which consist of 4 aspect, there are speaking, listening, reading

and writing. AccordingYuseano etal (2018), students must be mastered

this skill because it is important to applied in their life. When students can

master this skill, they will be easy to make sure other people about what

you want to convey. In learning speaking students need more practices, if

they can master all skill in speaking, it means they can reach goals in

master in English.

Learning media is one way of delivering material in learning but

through media or materials to make it more interesting in the learning

process. In learning speaking, you can use image media to train students'

speaking skills. However, today's learning is mostly using online media,

especially in learning speaking. In learning speaking there are many

media, one of which is YouTube. According to Mandasari and Aminatun

(2020) Youtube is a digital platform that is used to upload videos that we

have made. Through this media, the teacher can invite students to make

videos in English that are in accordance with the students' own creativity.

Besides YouTube, the learning media to train students' speaking skills is a


Besides YouTube, the learning media to develop students' speaking

skills is a webtoon. Dawamudin (2021) states Webtoon is a digital comic

platform published in 2004 by Naver Corporation, South Korea. This

application first appeared in Korea called NaverWebtoon which is globally


called Line Webtoon. Then in the following year entered the Japanese and

Chinese markets. Then in 2019 the line Webtoon switch to English so that

the global community could just call it a Webtoon. Active users of

Webtoon around the world have reached 35 million and have 6 million

active users in Indonesia Agnes (2016).Because there are quite a lot of

enthusiasts from using this application in Indonesia, this application can be

used as one of the interesting and fun learning media for students

One of the obstacles faces by students to speak English is the lack

of self-confidence of students, according to Tifani et al (2020), webtoons

can help to increase students' confidence in speaking English. Students

really enjoy and are very interested in the learning that is carried out.

According to Ivani and Dani (2020), using webtoons as learning media

helps increase their speaking ability scores through storytelling using

webtoon media. According to Ningrat and Mayasari (2019) after

implementing webtoon in speaking learning, through this study students

showed a good response, they felt comfortable when using this media to

speak English. In addition, with the increase in the score, the students'

interest in speaking English also increase quite well. Webtoon as learning

media is really interesting student to do practice from the story that they

read before because they have a short dialogue.

In this study, the researcher used the suggestions of previous

research previous study conducted by Erya and Pustika (2021), in a

previous study apply Webtoon to improve students' reading skills. In the


study, it states that the suggestion for further research is to apply Webtoon

as a learning medium but to use it for other English skills such as writing,

listening or speaking.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher aims to conduct

research by analyzing the effect of the Webtoon on students' speaking

skills for junior high school. In the research that will be carried out for

researchers to fully contribute to achieving the target of learning English,

especially score.

B. Delimitation of the study

The limit of this research is the application of the Webtoon as a

medium for students' speaking learning. By taking several scenes in the

Webtoon story and the students practice it in front of the class. After that,

they analyzed how the effect of using Webtoon media on the speaking

ability of junior high school students was compared to not using this media

in previous learning

C. Research Question

Do the students who are taught by using Webtoon have better

speaking skill than the students who are taught by conventional teaching?

D. Purpose of the study

This purpose of this study isto answer the research question which is to

analysis the students who are taught by using Webtoon have better

speaking skill than the students who are taught by conventional teaching

E.The Significance of the Study

1. For teacher

This is an interesting and new media in teaching and learning. For

teachers are expected to apply this media in learning speaking in speaking

class to build students' speaking skills.

2.For students

After trying to use this media in research, for students are expected to

increase speaking skill in the class. This media drive students speak fluent

in English.

3. For future researcher

This research can be reference for the future researcher with different

skill. The future researcher can also use different media in learning


F. Definition of Key Term

To escape the misunderstanding about in this study, the terms

defined :

Webtoonis a popular application in the form of digital comics that can be

accessed online using smart phones or other computer devices. This

application can be downloaded free of charge by anyone.

Speaking skillis the ability to convey ideas, thoughts, opinions or

something that someone thinks and feels that is spoken orally. Speaking

holds an important key in communicating verbally with other people.

Teaching Speaking is English in the form of oral to express a thought or

sharing the ideas. This is one of the important lessons in English because it

is one of the foundations for communicating.


H. Speaking Skill in Junior High School

In learning English there are four abilities, namely, writing,

speaking, listening and reading. Lingga et-al (2020) states speaking is one

of the skills in English that must be developed to communicate with

others. Like when learning in class, the teacher sometimes uses English to

explain learning material. Therefore students must master this ability.

Speaking is one of the skills in English that is difficult for students to


It is also a challenge for teachers to invite students to engage in

English conversations in class. One goal of learning speaking is that

students' speaking skills can improve. A teacher must pay attention to

several things in learning speaking as followsAini (2021) first, must use

interesting methods for learning with students. Second, freeing students to

speak in class using the English they know. Third, avoid language

discussion. Then give appreciation for students' abilities and invite them to

be more active in class anddo many practice as a form of exercise.

The speaking ability in junior high school is quite low. This is

because students who find it difficult and not confident with their abilities.

In addition, students also have limited English vocabulary. Thats way,

their interest in learning is still low.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that students have

difficulties in developing English speaking skills. Apart from students,

problems also come from the methods used by teachers in improving

students' abilities. Teachers pay less attention to things that must be done

in class so that students want to participate actively in class. Therefore,

teachers are asked to create creative learning methods such as using

interesting and modern media.

I. Teaching Speaking

Speaking is one of the skills in English that is difficult to teach.

From learning speaking, it is hoped that it will be able to provide good

output for students, especially in communicating directly in English.

According to Kayi (2006), the purpose of learning speaking in class is to

teach students to pronounce English words, the pronunciation and sounds

of words in English. Besides that, it is also to teach students about

choosing words and the arrangement of sentences that are spoken

according to the situation, the context of the conversation and the

interlocutor, then helping them to use speaking as judgment and value, and

they can speak English confidently.

In learning speaking, there are some difficulties. When in class

students feel afraid when speaking English. They are afraid of making

mistakes, rather than trying students will choose to be silent. Apart from

that, another problem is that students always feel that they cannot express

what they think in English. And the other difficulty is about using the

mother tongue. In other learning activities they will naturally communicate

using their mother tongue, because it is indeed difficult to speak freely in a

foreign language.

There are several ways to solve the difficulties to learn English as

Febriyanti (2011) states there are three ways to solve the difficult teaching

speaking in classroom. First encourages student interaction, many students

are embarrass to speak English and prefer to avoid being ask to speak

English. The teacher must build a comfortable classroom atmosphere so

that students are not afraid to speak English, by building a comfortable

atmosphere students will have the courage to start speaking English.

Second make speaking activities more communicative, if students feel

comfortable with the classroom atmosphere that is built, the teacher can

start building communication with students. In this case, the teacher can

provide several activities to build communication activities, for example

by inviting students to communicate in two languages, namely Indonesian

and English in class. By not limiting the knowledge of the vocabulary they

have in speaking English, students will try to express their feelings, share

their ideas, find the information, discuss and argue.

For the last way, the teacher can arrange English speaking

activities carefully, at the beginning of learning students are freed to

communicate in two languages but if the students' abilities are better, the

teacher can invite students to carry out more difficult activities such as

conducting debates, discussions, role play and problem solving text.


J. Teaching Speaking by Using Dialogue

Speaking is one of the skills in English that is difficult to teach.

From learning speaking, it is hope that it will be able to provide good

output for students, especially in communicating directly in English.

According to Kayi (2006), the purpose of learning speaking in class is to

teach students to pronounce English words, the pronunciation and sounds

of words in English. Besides that, it is also to teach students about

choosing words and the arrangement of sentences that are spoken

according to the situation, the context of the conversation and the

interlocutor, then help them to use speaking as judgment and value, and

they can speak English confidently.

In learning speaking, there are some difficulties. When in class

students feel afraid when speaking English. They are afraid of making

mistakes, rather than trying students will choose to be silent. Apart from

that, another problem is that students always feel that they cannot express

what they think in English. And the other difficulty is about using the

mother tongue. In other learning activities they will naturally communicate

using their mother tongue, because it is indeed difficult to speak freely in a

foreign language.

There are several ways to solve the difficulties to learn English as

Febriyanti (2011) states there are three ways to solve the difficult teaching

speaking in classroom. First encourages student interaction, many students

are embarrassed to speak English and prefer to avoid being asked to speak

English. The teacher must build a comfortable classroom atmosphere so

that students are not afraid to speak English, by building a comfortable

atmosphere students will have the courage to start speaking English.

Second make speaking activities more communicative, if students

feel comfortable with the classroom atmosphere that is built, the teacher

can start building communication with students. In this case, the teacher

can provide several activities to build communication activities, for

example by inviting students to communicate in two languages, namely

Indonesian and English in class. By not limiting the knowledge of the

vocabulary they have in speaking English, students will try to express their

feelings, share their ideas, find the information, discuss and argue.

For the last way, the teacher can arrange English speaking

activities carefully, at the beginning of learning students are freed to

communicate in two languages but if the students' abilities are better, the

teacher can invite students to carry out more difficult activities such as

conducting debates, discussions, role play and problem solving text.

K. Teaching Speaking by Using Webtoon

In learning English, especially in speaking skills, a lot of research

has been done with the various media use. The previous study conducts by

Ratna et al (2016) such using communicative games the result showed that

over 30 students can reach minimum score, it means the research success

to apply this media in improving speaking students skill. Then, Yunita

(2015) conducts a pre-experimental research about using video YouTube


to improving students speaking skill in eight grades students. The result

shows that the mean score of student’s speaking is 58.4375 before the

treatments but after the treatments the mean score higher than before

treatments it reach score 67.8125 it means that there is significant

difference of students’ ability using video YouTube. Meanwhile, Yatino

(2021) have done research using picture media of teaching vocabulary to

eighth students’ for their speaking ability. From this research shows the

result that by using this media they can master in vocabulary after they get

treatment. Apart from the media mentions above, there is a media called

Webtoon which can be applied to improve students' speaking skills.

From the official webtoon website, webtoons are digital comics

that can be accessed by everyone through communication devices such as

cellphones and laptops. This webtoon can be accessed for free via an

application that has been downloaded if you want to read it. The webtoon

was first launched in 2004 in South Korea. On July 2, 2014, the webtoon

was officially launches in several other countries including Indonesia. At

the same time, the webtoon began to include international artists to upload

their work and have it translated into English. At that time the webtoon

had launched many comics, there were around 520 webtoons.

Some of the famous comics that have been translated into English

are Tower of God, Noblesse, The Gamers, and the Breakers. Currently

webtoon is very popular in the market than Japanese manga. Based on


Welsh (2016), more than 10 million people access the webtoon for free

and more than 3 million Koreans pay to access it through Manhwa.

Webtoon has become a popular digital comic from its initial launch

until now.This application is also easy to access, students can download

via Google Play Store or Apple Store after that students can read many

stories that have been translated into English. Webtoon can be accessed

anywhere and anytime. Because a more flexible time, this can grind the

students' reading and speaking skills.

The application of using Webtoon in class has been done before.

Wahidhy and Muhammad (2019) the students' speaking abilities are

treated by Webtoon have better skills, so they have better scores and it

means there was a significant difference between experimental and control

classes. From Burhanuddin and Mukhammad (2022) find that students

who used Webtoons as learning media showed that these students got

higher scores on the speaking test that was carried out. In this study also

students who received the Webtoon treatment had increased scores in

several aspects of the speaking assessment. This is because students feel

that this media is a new learning media for students so they feel happy to

do learning using this application.In a previous study from Ningrat and

Mayasari (2019) that using webtoons students can feel better and feel

more confident about speaking.

The procedure for using the Webtoon application according to

Muhammad and Ervan (2022) in the speaking learning process is as


follows. First, it will explain in advance what the Webtoon application is

like (planning). After introducing the Webtoon application, the teacher

will ask students to download the application in each student's cell phone.

Then the teacher will give instructions to carry out a direct trial (action),

they will enter the main menu and search for the title of the Webtoon

story, then they will be given time to read and learn some difficult

vocabulary pronunciations contained in the story (observing), after that

practice the story in front of the class. Then evaluate application usage and

give score for students (reflecting).

This can be conclude that teachers can try using this application in

teaching speaking, such as asking students to role play and be able to

improve students' speaking abilities.By using the webtoon as a media that

contains stories, it is hopes that teachers can use this application as an

interesting learning media for students, especially speaking.

L. Assessing Speaking for Junior High School

Assessment is one way to test students' abilities in a lesson. Self-

assessment is an important aspect of learning. The purpose of this

judgment is to gain students' understanding of a lesson as information in

the form of values during the learning process. This also applies to

assessing students' abilities in language learning. Of course in making an

assessment of course there are different patterns depending on what

abilities are being assessed Brown (2004) states that there are five aspects

of evaluating speaking consists of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,


fluency, and pronunciation are some of them. Each aspect of the

assessment has five classes and it has its own explanation.

The first component is fluency; student will get a score 1 if there is

no explicit language description; look at to the other four language

categories for derived language level. Score 2 given to students’ if they

can speak confidence but fail to perform in most social situation, such as

introduction and informal dialog about recent issue, as well as career and

other topic. The students’ will get a 3 score if they can describe their

competitor’s specific interests an acceptable simple way, there’s little need

to stutter. They can get a 4 score if the students able to use the language

fluently in all levels which is general relevant to professional demands.

And the last, the students get 5 score is they can masters all fluency in the

language, such their words cam understood by well-read native English


The second component is comprehension. Score 1 give to students

if they can understand the basic question and statements although they

answer it with slower speech, paraphrasing or repetition. If the students

know the material of most free conversation, they will get 2 score. If the

students understanding is comprehension enough with a regular speech

rate, they will get 3 score. If pupils understand any conversation within

their skill, they will get 4 on scale. 5 score given to students if they grasp

is comparable with intellectual native speakers.


The third part is pronunciation. The students will get 1 score if they

consistently making pronunciation errors that native speakers know, who

are used to dealing with foreigners to communicate in their own language

can comprehend. Score 2 will given to pupils if the students dialect

understandable, but oftentimes incorrect. Score 3 given to students if they

make mistakes that impede understanding and only occasionally do

students distrub native speakers. The students get 4 scores if they have

mistake in pronounciation. Score 5 give to the students, if the student's

ability has been accepted by educated native English speaker.

Grammar is the next aspect of the judgment. Score 1 is given to

students who have grammatical errors that often occur. Students get a

score of 2 if they are able to master the basics accurately enough but still

cannot complete them and lack confidence in grammar. If students are able

to arrange their grammar and can arrange words according to the correct

language structure, then students get a score of 3. A score of 4 is given to

students if they are able to use the language correctly and are able to

minimize some mistakes. If students are able to display their abilities on

par with educated language speakers, they will get a score of 5.

The fifth aspect is vocabulary. A score of 1 is given to students if

they cannot communicate their language vocabulary other than basic

skills. Students get a score of 2 if students are able to understand simple

vocabulary to tell themselves but are still long-winded. If students are able

to speak English fluently and have a large and varied vocabulary, they get

a score of 3. A score of 4 is given to students who are able to speak on a

variety of topics which shows how extensive their knowledge is and has a

high level of correctness of vocabulary. Students get a score of 5 if they

can speak with a high level of correct vocabulary and native speakers can

accept all of them.

Based on the assessment according to Brown (2004) there are five

factors. The maximum score every aspect is about 5. For this final

assessment the score of all aspects is totaled after that it multiplied by 4 to

get a final score of 100.

M. Theoretical Framework

Speaking is one of the skills in English which is one of the aspects

that must be fulfilled to get the output of learning English. If students are

able to master this ability, they will find it easier to communicate verbally

with others when speaking English. That way they are able to convey what

is on their mind and also what is being talked about. In this case, of course,

students have difficulties to develop their English speaking skills. Apart

from their personal factors such as feeling embarrassed or afraid of

making mistakes in speaking English, their disinterest in speaking English

is also an obstacle for them to develop speaking skills. Therefore this is a

challenge for teachers. The teacher must think about the media or method

used so that students are interest in participating in learning speaking in


In the process of learning speaking, there are several learning

media that can be used, one of which is using an application called a

Webtoon. Webtoon is an application in the form of a digital comic that can

be downloaded for free via each student's smart phone. The use of this

application is done by students downloading this application first. After

that students are asked to enter the main menu and search for the title of

the story that has been chosen by the teacher. Then students will read the

story first to build an understanding of the storyline. Furthermore, students

will be given time to discuss with the teacher about difficult vocabulary

and how to pronounce it, and then the students will practice the dialogue in

front of the class.

This media can be used to improve students' speaking skills. The

first reason is that this application is an application that is preferred by

students because it is simpler than English comics in the form of books.

Second this media are very interesting for students because these media

are in the form of comics which have colors, in contrast to comics which

are in the form of books which only have black and white colors. In

addition, each chapter is publish in a long vertical strip which makes it

easier for readers to read it on their smart phones or computers. There are

also several animations and music playing in each chapter that make them

more interested in this media. Third can increase their self-confidence.

Webtoon presents a story in the form of a graphic picture, this graphic

picture helps the student to remember and understand the story. By using a

Webtoon they will have better topical knowledge. If they have better

topical knowledge it will help them to have confidence in speaking

English because topical knowledge facilitates their confidence.

That way using Webtoon as learning media can be improving

English speaking skills because Webtoon has an attractive appearance

accompanied by pictures so that they can provide visualization to students

in each scene with a story in it. With the various advantages provided by

Webtoon in teaching speaking, this has strong reasons to conclude that

Webtoon have an effect on students' speaking skills.

N. Hyphothesis Testing

The researcher expresses the following hypothesis for this study based on

the literature reviews and the conceptual framework described above:

1. H0 : There is no significant different on students speaking skill who

are taught by Webtoon and conventional teaching.

2. H1 : There is significant different on students speaking skill who are

taught by Webtoon and conventional teaching.


F. Research Design

In this study, researchers used a type of research in the form of

quantitative research. In general, quantitative research is a research method

that focuses on collecting numerical data. According to Melissa (2017),

the purpose of this research method is to build accuracy and measurements

that make it possible to analyze data using statistical processes. Because

the quantitative method focuses on research that can be calculated, it can

answer research problems in the form of "what" or "how" a research

problem formulation. Quantitative method is a way of research that links

between variables to assess an object.

Researchers use a quantitative design because the data to be

analyzed is numerical. Apuke (2017) states that research using a

quantitative design tries to quantify and analyze variables to get results. In

the experimental design, researchers use two kinds of tests that will be

given to students, namely in the form of pre-test and post-test. This study

was compiled using a quasi-experimental study. The purpose of using this

study is to find out whether Webtoon as a learning medium can have an

effect on students' English speaking ability. This study utilized two groups,

namely the control group and the experimental group.


Table 3.1 The experimental design (Gay, 2006)

Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Experimental class Pre-test Teaching using Post-test


Control Class Pre-test Conventional Post test


By using the experimental design above, this used as a study

sample. The above shows that students are divided into two groups,

namely the experimental class and the control class. In the design study

there were two tests for the two groups, namely the pre-test and post-test.

The pre-test was used by researchers to test students' basic abilities before

treatment was carried out using Webtoons and conventional teaching.

After that the post-test is given to take the value as a form of comparison

between the control class and the experimental class. This is needed to find

out whether Webtoon has an influence in improving students' speaking


G. Time and Place of The Research

1. Place of Research

In this study, researchers will conducted research in one of the

junior high schools, namely at SMPN 3 Kawedanan. SMPN 3

Kawedanan located on JL. JendralSudirman No. 10, Desa Ngunut,


Kec. Kawedanan, Kab. Magetan, East Java. There are 25 teachers at

the school, 145 male students and 98 female students. In addition,

there are 9 classrooms, 2 laboratories, and 2 libraries.

In addition, this school also had facilities and infrastructure to

support the learning process. It had classrooms, teachers and staff

rooms, a principal room, library, laboratory, a wide yard and then has

several cafeterias. And there are some parking area.

The researcher chose this research location because after doing

observation with the teacher who said that their English skills are still

lacking especially on speaking. It is because the practice of speaking

was not too highlighted in learning. They only focus on doing

assignments in textbooks. Then he also said that they were still afraid

of making mistakes to speaking English in the class. As a result

researchers want to determine how successful Webtoon for teaching

and learning, so that we can know the Webtoon can give a effect for

students speaking skills.

2. Time of Research
The researcher conducted the research about six month at

SMPN 3 Kawedanan, Magetan. The research will be strated on

February until July 2023, for more details of research plan shown

in the table 3.2


3.2 The Table of Research Plan

Date (2023)

Activity Februar March April May June July



a. Purposing the

b. Proposal

c. Permission


a. Collecting data

1) Pre test

2) Treatment

3) Post test

b. analyzing data


H. Population, Sample and Sampling technique

1. Population

Population collection of groups that want to be studied. In research

requires a population to apply a research treatment. This population of


course has criteria that are in accordance with the research that will be

carried out by researchers. According to Creswell (2012) population is

a group that has different characters but has the same criteria. An

example of a population is students from junior high schools or people

who are 17 years old, which can be called the population.

A study has its own research problem. According to Lomax (2013),

population is a group that is used as an object in a study which is the

main focus of the research problem. To answer the research problem of

a study, it takes a population as a research object that fits the criteria

found in the research problem.

In this study, researchers must collect several populations as

samples before conducting research. Therefore, to answer the research

problem, several populations are needed which have different

characters. Researchers used class VIII students at SMPN 3

Kawedanan as population in this study.

2. Sample

Research requires a population as a large group form of a study. As

explained above, the population is a collection of groups that are used

as objects in research. After determining the population in the study,

the population will be further divided into small groups known as

samples. Lomax (2013) stated that the sample is a subset of the

population. The sample is the smallest part of the population, the


sample will make it easier for research to divide it into more detailed

research objects to answer research questions.

In quantitative research, the sample becomes one of the important

aspects that must be present in the research. According to Creswell

(2012), quantitative research is highly useful in selecting a sample

from a population. So if a quantitative research is the main requirement

for conducting a study is to determine the sample according to research

needs so that it can be counted. An example of the sample is the age

group of 17 years but is further divided into the age group of 17 years


From the explanation above, this study choose the some sample.

The sample of the research that will be taken by the researchers are

students of class VIIIB and VIIIC which have a total of 52 students at

SMPN 3 Kawedanan.

3. Sampling Technique

In research to get more valid results in a study, the researcher must

choose a sample that will represent the group as a whole. This is called

the sampling technique. To determine the sample certainly requires

several techniques that can be adapted to the needs of the research.

There are two primary techniques that can be used for sampling, it

called probability sampling and non-probability sampling.

Probability sampling is that every member of the population has

the opportunity to be selected while non-probability sampling is a


technique used in determining samples based on non-random criteria

and not all populations have the opportunity to be selected as samples

in research.One of the main types of probability sampling is simple

random sampling.According to Gay (2006), a simple random sample

means that each population in the study has an equal probability of

inclusion in the sample so they have an opportunity to be selected.

One used in this study is simple random sampling. By using this

simple random sample, researchers choose manually using a lottery.

From the simple random sample, it was found that VIIIC class was the

experimental group and VIIIB class was the control group.

I. Collecting Data

In collecting data, the researcher used a test to find out students'

speaking ability. In this research divides into 2 forms of test, namely pre-

test and post-test. Post-test is one of the tests conducted to test how far the

students' speaking ability is. While the post-test is a test that is carried out

after students get treatment to see the ability of students.

At the pre-test is given for the two of classes. For VIIIC is the

experimental class and then VIIIB is control class. After conducting a pre-

test at the beginning, it was continued with a treatment using Webtoon in

class VIIIC as an experimental class. After the treatment was carried out,

the researcher began to calculate the score of the pre-test.


After that the researcher conducted a treatment using Webtoon to

test students' speaking skills. However, this is only applied to the

experimental class, namely VIIIC class. The first value measurement

carried out by the researcher was to divide the groups into two classes,

namely VIIIB and VIIIC classes. Students would be given time to practice

the dialogue given by the researcher in front of the class. after that the

researcher will assess their appearance. after that class IIC received

treatment from the webtoon and class VIIIB received learning using

conventional teaching. the last is to do a post-test by both classes and the

researcher will do the final assessment.

For the result, the researcher will calculate all activities and

compare between two classes, namely the control and experimental classes

to determine the effectiveness of using Webtoon in the soccer learning

process. The activities in this research as follows:

1. Pre-test

The pre-test is a test given to all students in both classes, namely

VIIIA and VIIIB students. When conducting the first pre-test, speaking

learning will be explained in advance using dialogue. Then the teacher will

divide the group into 13 groups so each team has 2 students. After that the

teacher will provide a dialog text with an invitation topic to be read first by

students. The time needed for students to study the text and memorize the

dialogue is 15 minutes.The pre-test is a basis for knowing students'


abilities before the post-test is carried out. The pre-test is given before

learning begins, before treatment is carried out for all of these classes. In

this pre-test students will be assessed for their speaking ability by

demonstrating the dialogue that has been chosen by the teacher, according

to their group. This pre-test was carried out by the control and

experimental class. Each group is given maximal 1minutes to demonstrate

the dialogue in front of the class, after the students demonstrate it in front

of the class, the research will evaluate it.

2. Treatment

Treatment is only carried out in the experimental class. This

treatment was carried out in 2 meetings. At the first meeting the researcher

will first introduce the Webtoon application to students. After that students

will be asked to download the application on their respective cell phones.

Furthermore, students will practice using this application, then students

will be asked to find one of the story titles and take some dialogues in it.

Students will read first and look for difficult vocabulary and will practice

how to read it. After that students will be asked to memorize the dialogue

to be practiced in front of the class at the next meeting. At the second

meeting students will come forward to practice the dialogue in front of the

class. The order to appear is chosen at random. After that the researcher

will give a value.

3. Post-test

The last test carried out in this study was the post-test. The post-

test is carried out when students have done the pre-test and also the

treatment. This is the final assessment in this study. In this assessment,

students from two classes consisting of control and experimental class

received treatment. In this post-test students will be given a dialogue text

with the topic of invitation after which students are asked to read the

dialogue text and memorize the dialogue text for 15 minutes. Then,

students will be asked to practice in front of the class for maximal 1

minutes. The researcher will randomly choose the order of the groups that

will advance to the front of the class.After carrying out the treatment,

researchers can compare the results of students' abilities using the webtoon

media and also using conventional teaching.

Speaking is one of the skills that is carried out through a speech

analysis process which includes pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

fluency and comprehension. The following are categories of assessment of

oral proficiency and speaking skills according to Brown (2004).

From these activities, the researcher can take scores from all the

aspects that fully fill by their test. It also knows about the effectiveness of

webtoon media in teaching speaking.

E. Analyzing Data

The last, after all the data has been collected. The research will

analyze data using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). SPPS

is an application that is used to calculate research results statistically using

a computer. The steps are as follows:

A. The Data Pre-test

1. Descriptive statistic

Descriptive statistics have the aim of providing an overview of the

characteristics and series of data without drawing general conclusions.

In presenting the results of descriptive statistics, it can be in the form

of diagrams and tables. Statistical analysis can be in the form of mean,

median, maximum, minimum and standard deviation. Descriptive

statistical analysis has the aim of describing data based on the results

obtained from respondents' answers on each variable measuring


Testing data using SPSS by Skewness Kurtosis. The steps are :

a. Calculate the descriptive test using SPSS Skewness Kurtosis by

select Analyze - Descriptive Statistic –Descriptive – Variables –

Display Order –Continue – OK on SPSS menu.

a. Normality Test

The purpose of the normality test is to assess if the data is normally

distributed or not. Testing of the data using SPSS by Shapiro-Wilk and

Kolmogrov Swirnov.

a. The hypothesis for testing normality are :


H0: Data of the sample is in normal distribution.

H1: Data of the sample is not in normal distribution.

b. Calculate the normality test using SPSS by Shapiro-Wilk and

Kolmogrov Swirnov by select Analyze – Compare Means –Independent

Sample T-test on SPSS menu.

c. The significance value have criteria as follow :

H0 : Significance value < 0,05 is rejected the data not normality.

H1 : Significance value > 0,05 is accepted the data is normality

3. Homogeneity Test

The aim of homogeneity test is to compare the pre-test and post-

test data from the experimental group and control group to have the same

variance or not. The testing data using SPSS by Lavene's statistics. The

steps are :

a. The hypothesis for testing homogeneity are :

H0 : Data variance are same.

H1 : Data variance are different.

b. Calculate the homogeneity test using SPSS by Lavene's statistics by

select Analyze – Compare Means – IndependentT-test – Define –
Continue – Ok – on SPSS menu. The result appears on significant in
independents t-test. The value of significant if the variation between the
pre-test and post-test for the experimental group and the control group is
homogeneity or not.

H0 : Significance value < 0,05 is rejected the data not homogen.


H1 : Significance value > 0,05 is accepted the data is homogen.

B. The Data Post-test

1. Descriptive statistic

Descriptive statistics have the aim of providing an overview of the

characteristics and series of data without drawing general conclusions.

In presenting the results of descriptive statistics, it can be in the form

of diagrams and tables. Statistical analysis can be in the form of mean,

median, maximum, minimum and standard deviation. Descriptive

statistical analysis has the aim of describing data based on the results

obtained from respondents' answers on each variable measuring


Testing data using SPSS by Skewness Kurtosis. The steps are :

a. Calculate the descriptive test using SPSS Skewness Kurtosis by

select Analyze - Descriptive Statistic – Descriptive – Variables

– Display Order –Continue – OK on SPSS menu.

1. Normality Test

The purpose of the normality test is to assess if the data is normally

distributed or not. Testing of the data using SPSS by Shapiro-Wilk and

Kolmogrov Swirnov.

a. The hypothesis for testing normality are :

H0: Data of the sample is in normal distribution.

H1: Data of the sample is not in normal distribution.


2. Calculate the normality test using SPSS by Shapiro-Wilk and

Kolmogrov Swirnov by select Analyze – Compare Means –

Independent Sample T-test on SPSS menu.

3. The significance value have criteria as follow :

H0: Significance value < 0,05 is rejected the data not normality.

H1: Significance value > 0,05 is accepted the data is normality.

b. Hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing is used to find out students skill development in

spaking from experimental class which teach using Webtoon as

learning media and control class using conventional teaching. In this

test , the researcher using SPSS, namely the Independent-Sample T-test


1. If the data normal and homogeneous, so used independent t-test. The

steps are:

a. The hypothesis for

H0: There is significant difference on students speaking skill

who are treated by Webtoon and conventional teaching.

H1: There is no significant difference on students speaking

skill who are treated by Webtoon

b. Calculate the hypothesis test using Independent Sample T-test on

SPSS by select Analyze – Compare Means – Independent

Sample T-teston SPSS menu.


c. Look at the t value on Equal Varience Not Assumed coloum

(assumed the same varience). The significance level that use is


2. If the both of data classes are normal but not homogeneous, it still

uses independent test sample t-test with the same step. However, if

there is difference to the result of the test is on Equal Variance Not

Assumed coloum (assumed varience is not the same)


In this chapter, the researcher will show the results of the research that has

been done. The researcher will also explain clearly about the analysis of the data

that has been found after completing the previous research. In this chapter the

researcher will also provide discussions and conclusions from the data analysis

that has been done.

A. Result of the study

The researcher describes the study of pre-test and post-test data. The

data are result consist of from eight grades students of SMP Negri 3

Kawedanan. The study provided with student scores from the experimental

(VIIIC) and control (VIIIB) class, each class consist of 26 students. The

results of the pre-test carried out by the both of class in the form of

assessmentbasic speaking skills. The basic speaking skill is about practicing

dialogue. The topic of the pre-test that the researcher given is about invitation

given by the previous researcher. After doing the pre-test, students used

Webtoon to teach students in the experimental class on speaking skills with

the topic of invitation learning. In the control class, neither treatment was

given nor conventionally considered a student's post-test score. The data are

attached as follows:


Pre-test Data

a. The Result of Descriptive Testing of Pre-Test

Tabel 4.1 The descriptive data of the pre-test experimental class

This is the result of the students’ score from experimental class

(VIIIC). The data shows students’ score of grammar, vocabulary,

comprehension, fluency and pronounciation for each students. For the

result of the data as follows:

No Name Gramma Vocabulary Comprehensio Fluency Pronunciation X4 Score
r n
1. AA 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
2. AGP 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
3. ADK 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
4. AAN 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
5. AFP 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
6. ASA 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
7. DNMS 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
8. DAS 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
9. LANH 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
10. LCW 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
11. MHD 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
12. MRN 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
13. MRTK 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
14. NST 4 4 3 3 3 16 68
15. NC 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
16. NIS 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
17. PMR 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
18. QRR 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
19. RSS 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
20. RIO 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
21. RY 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
22. RGNP 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
23. RBK 3 3 3 1 1 12 48
24. SK 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
25. SF 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
26. YDDP 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
Total 1664

Table 4.2 The descriptive data of the pre-test control class

This is the result of the students’ score from control class (VIIIB). The

data shows students’ score of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,

fluency and pronounciation for each students. For the result of the data

as follows:

No Name Grammar Vocabular Comprehension Fluency Pronunciation X4 Score
1. ATA 3 3 3 1 1 12 48
2. AQNZF 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
3. ADK 3 3 3 1 1 12 48
4. APKS 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
5. BPR 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
6. DA 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
7. DRS 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
8. DAP 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
9. DBP 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
10 FAK 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 GDK 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
12 HJL 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
13 JPS 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
14 KS 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
15 LAM 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
16 LNPT 3 3 3 2 2 12 48
17 MFW 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
18 MDS 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
19 MA 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
20 MZHA 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
21 MAW 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
22 NSA 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
23 ND 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
24 ODS 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
25 RDA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

No Name Grammar Vocabular Comprehension Fluency Pronunciation X4 Score
26 RB 4 4 3 2 2 17 68
Total 1568

Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistic Test

Descriptive Statistics

N Rang Minimu Maximu Mean Std.

e m m Deviati


experimen 2 28.0 48.00 76.00 64.00 8.3138

tal 6 0 00 4

control 2 24.0 48.00 72.00 60.30 7.7499

6 0 77 4

Valid N 2

(listwise) 6

There are five aspects in the assessment of speaking test. There are

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and pronunciation. In

each aspect, there are five levels categorized, the students are given a

score according to their speaking ability. In this study, there are 26

students as participants to do the pre-test. As shown in table 4.3, the

pre-test of experimental class has a minimum score of 48 and the

maximum score of 76, and then the total score is 1664. Then for the

pre-test of control class has a minimum score as 48 and the maximum

score as 72 then the total score is 1568.

b. The Result of Normality Testing of Pre-test data

The normality test is use to determine whether the distribution of

scores obtained by students is normal. The results of the normality test

are shown in table 4.4

Table 4.4 Normality Test

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

experimental .178 26 .033 .925 26 .060

control .145 26 .171 .932 26 .088

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Table 4.4 shows the results of the tests that have been done before.

According to the table above, the significance score of the

experimental class is 0.060 and the control class is 0.088. This can be

seen through Shapiro-Wilk's significance value. If the significance

value of the experimental and control classes is greater than 0.05 then

the data is normal. The significance value of the experimental class is


(0.060 > 0.05) and the control class is (0.88> 0.05). As the result, both

of the data have a normal distribution.

c. The Result of Homogeneity Testing of Pre-Test

The homogeneity test has a function to test whether the samples

have the same variation or not. In this homogeneity test, the results can

be seen in Levene's test for equality of variances, version 25.0 of the

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The table 4.5 will show

the results of the homogeneity test.

Table 4.5 Homogeneity Test

Group Statistics

kelas N Mean Std. Std. Error Mean


nilai pre- experimental 26 64.00 8.314 1.630

control 25 60.00 7.746 1.549

The statistical pre-test data from the two classes showed that the

experimental class had 26 students (N=26) and the control class had 26

students as well (N=26). The mean in the two classes has a different

value, for the experimental class it has a mean value of 64.00while the

class control has a mean value of 60.00. According to the data

acquisition, the mean value in the experimental class is higher than that

in the control class; there is a significant difference in the mean pre-test

score for both classes in speaking performance.

The next test is about homogeneity test, this test to determine that

both classes are homogeneous or not. The researchers do the

independent sample t-test to stabilize the significance of class

differences to check that both of classes are homogeneous. The table

4.6 will show the results of the independent sample t-test.

Table 4.6 Independent sample T-Test Pre-Test

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper

nilai Equal variances

.340 .563 1.776 49 .082 4.000 2.252 -.526 8.526
pre- assumed

Equal variances
1.778 48.954 .082 4.000 2.249 -.520 8.520
not assumed

The data from the experimental and control class is homogeneous

as seen in the table above. The hypothesis for testing homogeneity if the

H0 which has the same or homogeneous variance and H1 for data that

has no variance or is not homogeneous. The table shows the

significance value of 0.082 for the assumption of equal variance, it

means (0.082>0.05). H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected from the

homogeneity test result. Theresult of the data from the sample indicate

that data have the same variance or it is homogeneous.

Post-test Data
a. The Result of Descriptive Testing of Post-Test

Table 4.7 The descriptive data of the post-test experimental class

This is the result of the students’ score from control class (VIIIB). The

data shows students’ score of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,

fluency and pronounciation for each students. For the result of the data

as follows:

No Name Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronunciatio X4 Score
1. AA 3 3 2 2 2 12 56
2. AGP 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
3. ADK 4 4 4 4 4 20 80

No Name Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronunciatio X4 Score
4. AAN 5 5 4 4 4 24 88
5. AFP 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
6. ASA 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
7. DNMS 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
8. DAS 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
9. LANH 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
10 LCW 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
11 MHD 4 4 5 3 3 21 84
12 MRN 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
13 MRTKAW 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
14 NST 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
15 NC 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
16 NIS 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
17 PMR 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
18 QRR 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
19 RSS 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
20 RIO 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
21 RY 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
22 RGNP 4 4 5 4 4 21 84
23 RBK 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
24 SK 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
25 SF 4 4 5 4 4 21 84
26 YDDP 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
Total 1568

Table 4.8 The descriptive data of the post-test control class

This is the result of the students’ score from control class (VIIIB). The

data shows students’ score of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,


fluency and pronounciation for each students. For the result of the data

as follows:

No Name Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronunciation X Score
1. ATA 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
2. AQNZF 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
3. ADK 3 3 3 1 1 11 44
4. APKS 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
5. BPR 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
6. DA 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
7. DRS 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
8. DAP 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
9. DBP 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
10 FAK 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
11 GDK 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
12 HJL 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
13 JPS 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
14 KS 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
15 LAM 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
16 LNPT 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
17 MFW 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
18 MDS 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
19 MA 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
20 MZHA 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
21 MAW 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
22 NSA 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
23 ND 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
24 ODS 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
25 RDA 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
26 RB 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
Total 1536

Table 4.9 Descriptive statistic

Descriptive Statistics

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

26 32.00 56.00 88.00 72.6154 8.44311

control 26 32.00 44.00 76.00 59.0769 8.48963

Valid N

There are five aspects in the assessment of speaking test. There are

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and pronunciation. In each

aspect, there are five levels categorized, the students given a score

according to their speaking ability. In this study, there are 26 students as

participants to do the post-test. As shown in table 4.9, the post-test of

experimental class has a minimum score of 56.00 and the maximum score

of 88, and then the total score is 1888. Then for the post-test of control

class has a minimum score as 44 and the maximum score as 76.00 then the

total score is 1536.

b. The Result of Normality Testing of Post-test data

The normality test is use to determine whether the distribution of

scores obtained by students is normal. The value of normality should be

more than 0.05. After the researcher doing the post-test from both of the

class the normality score was shown as follow. The results of the

normality test are shown in table 4.10

Table 4.10 Normality Test

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

experimental .117 26 .200* .969 26 .607

control .111 26 .200* .962 26 .442

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Table 4.10 shows the results of the previous tests. According to the

table above, the significance score of the experimental class is 0.607 and

the control class is 0.442. This can be seen through Shapiro-Wilk's

significance value. If the significance value of the experimental and

control classes is greater than 0.05 then the data is normal. The

significance value of the experimental class (0.607>0.05) and the control

class is (0.442>0.05). As the result, both of the data have a normal


c. The Result of Hypothesis Testing

Researchers use the results of the pre-test and post-test data for

analysis using the Independent sample t-test. Before the researcher

analyzes the data, the researcher will first develop the hypotheses that have

been discussed previously. The null hypothesis (H0) confirms that there is

a significant difference in speaking skills of students treated by Webtoon

application, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) there is no significant

difference in students speaking skills treated by Webtoon application. The

results of the hypothesis show in table 4.11

Table 4.11 Group Statistic

Group Statistics

kelas N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

nilai experimental 26 72.62 8.443 1.656

25 58.40 7.916 1.583

The post-test statistical data from the two classes showed that there

were 26 students in the experimental class (N=26) and in the control class

there were also 26 students (N=26). The mean in the two classes has a

different score, for the experimental class it has a mean score is 72.62

while the control class has a mean score of 58.40. According to the data

acquisition, the mean value in the experimental class is higher than that in

the control class; there is a significant difference in the mean post-test

score for both classes in speaking performance. To find out the

effectiveness of using Webtoon as media, the researcher utilized the

Independent sample t-test. In table 4.12 will show the results of

Independent sample t-test.


Table 4.12 The result of Independent sample t-test.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence

Interval of the

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper

nilai Equal

post- variances .098 .755 6.197 49 .000 14.215 2.294 9.606 18.825

test assumed


variances not 6.205 48.971 .000 14.215 2.291 9.611 18.819


The table above is the result of the experimental and control class

post-test scores. Which is the experimental class treated by Webtoon and

control class taught by conventional teaching. The researcher using the

independent sample t-test to complete the analysis. Based on equal

variances assumed the significance score is 000. That means that the value

obtained is less than 0.05. According to the previous hypothesis, if the

significance difference is less than 0.05 it means that H0 "There is no

significant difference on students' speaking skills who are treated by

Webtoon". So the null hypothesis or H0 is rejected and the alternative

hypothesis or H1 “There is a significant difference in students' speaking


skills who are treated by Webtoon” is accepted. So, in this study there is a

significant difference in students' speaking skills in both of the classes.

Based on the results of the Independent sample t-test in this study,

it can be indicated that using the Webtoon application on students'

speaking skills as a learning medium for students has an effect on students'

speaking skills. From this study, it can be seen the changes before and

after using this Webtoon application. By getting these positive results, the

Webtoon application can be used as a useful learning medium to improve

students' speaking skills through dialog texts.

Finally, the results of the independent sample t-test in this study

indicated that using Webtoon as learning media has an effect on students'

speaking skills. In this research using the Webtoon application can

improve students' speaking abilities. As explained above, the result of this

analysis is that using Webtoon as learning media is an effective way to

improve students' speaking skills in class VIII at SMPN 3 Kawedanan.

B. Discussions

In this part, the researcher discusses the learning output of using

Webtoon on students' speaking skills of VIII students at SMPN 3

Kawedanan. From the results of the study, using the Webtoon application

as a learning medium has an effect on students' speaking abilities

compared to using conventional teaching. The pre-test score from the

experimental and control class is the different. In the experimental class it


has a total score of 1664 and has a mean score of 64.00 while in the

control class it has a total score of 1560 and a mean score of 60.00. Thus

the experimental class has a higher average value than the control class.

Then do a normality test analysis in which the experimental class has a

significant value of 0.607 (0.607>0.05) while in control class get a

significant value of 0.442 (0.442>0.05) in which both classes have a

significance value of more than 0.05, the data has a distribution which is

normal. After the homogeneity test was carried out on Levene's test for

equality of variance, it obtained a significance score of 0.563, it means the

significance score is more than 0.05 (0.563>0.05), the data can be


The treatment is only given to the experimental class while the

control class was not given treatment. After that the researcher conducted

an assessment with a post-test, and got the result that the experimental

class had an average score of 72.62 and the control class got an average

score of 58.40. The total and average scores in the experimental class were

higher than those in the control class. After this the result of the normality

test is both of these classes are normally distributed, as shown by the

experimental class is 0.607 and the control class is 0.442. From both of

them have higher score than 0.05, it means that the data are normally

distributed. To find out whether there is an effect in using this media as a

learning media, an independent sample t-test is analyzed. After that, based

on the results obtained, the significance (2-tailed) is .000, therefore this


significance value is less than 0.05 (0.00 < 0.05). There is a significant

difference between students' speaking skills after being treated by

Webtoon and conventional teaching. Therefore there is a significant

difference between the two classes. Students who received treatment using

Webtoon had fairly good speaking skills, compared to the control class

which only used conventional teaching. This study related to the previous

study from Wahidhy and Muhammad (2019) the students' speaking

abilities are treated by Webtoon have better skills, so they have better

scores and it means there was significant difference between experimental

and control classes. Based on the studies that have been carried out by

previous researchers, students in the experimental class have higher scores

compared to the control class because of the students who get treatment,

they interested with this media because it is simpler than comic book,

moreover in the Webtoon there are illustrated pictures and have attractive

colors so that it helps students to better understand the intent of the

conversations they have done not only with black and white.

The result of this research is in line with some previous studies.

First from Burhanuddin and Mukhammad (2022) found that students who

used Webtoons as learning media showed that these students got higher

scores on the speaking test that was carried out. In this study also students

who received the Webtoon treatment had increased scores in several

aspects of the speaking assessment. This is because students feel that this

media is a new learning media for students so they feel happy to do


learning using this application. So they try to improve their English

speaking skills.

Second from Ningrat and Mayasari (2019) it says that using

webtoons students can feel better and feel more confident about speaking.

As has been done by researchers that they feel they are not only doing

learning but also like playing games in class. That way students feel more

enjoy doing learning in class which makes students dare to move forward

to practice conversations using expressions as well as in the pictures in

Webtoon comics.That way they can fulfill aspects of speaking such as

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and pronunciation. Apart

from that, because Webtoon is an application, its use can be more flexible

because it can be downloaded with students' smart phones.

Based on the explanation describes above, it can be seen that

Webtoons can be used to help students' speaking skills. As the data that

has been obtained by researchers that Webtoon is effectiveness than

conventional teaching in teaching students' speaking through the practice

of dialogue that has been carried out by class VIII students at SMPN 3

Kawedanan during the academic 2022/2023.



This chapter explains the conclusions and suggestions based on the

research that has been done by the researcher. In conclusion, it will explain

whether the webtoon application has an impact on students' speaking skill at

SMPN 3 Kawedanan.Suggestions from researchers will be addressed to teachers,

students and further researchers.

A. Conclusion

In this study the resercher take a sample from eighth grade students

at SMPN 3 Kawedanan. The reseracher chose two class such as VIIIB and

VIIIC. Learning using this webtoon has an impact on students' speaking

skills because this application is attractive to students so that they are able

to take part in learning in a fun way. The result of this score were

processed in SPSS to check the effect from media that used for speaking

learning. From the result of hyphotesis testing in table sig (2-tailed) value

show 0.000 which is more 0.05 indicated that H1 is accepted. This

research question answered by an alternative hypothesis which is accepted,

“There is a significant different in students' speaking skills who are treated

by Webtoon”. It means that using Webtoon has an effect on students

speaking skill in teaching eighth grade of SMPN 3 Kawedanan. The

limitation in this study is some students are not familiar with the webtoon

application, they confuses to use this application.


B. Suggestion

In this section there are several suggestion for teacher, students and

future researchers.

1. For teachers

In learning the teacher can choose learning media that is new

and interesting. One of the media that can be used is Webtoon.

Teacher can choose webtoon as one of media application tin teaching

speaking for students.

2. For students

Based on the results of this study, it shows that using webtoon

can increase the students speaking skill. Students can improve their

speaking skill and explore their abilities using media.

3. For further researcher

There are some suggestions for future researchers, to make

new subject using webtoon in difference skill such as writing skill and

difference story from webtoon. Then the researcher can choose

another level students such as colleges students.



Apuke, O. D. (2017). Quantitative research methods: A synopsis

approach. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and
Management Review, 33(5471), 1-8.
Ariastuti, M. D., Utami, A. R., & Education, E. The Application Of Mind Mapping
Techniques In Improving Students’speaking Ability.1-2
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in English Speaking Class (Doctoral dissertation, UIN SulthanThahaSaifuddin
Burhanuddin, Mukhammad (2022) The Use Of English Webtoon Comics To
Improve The Speaking Ability Of The Students Of Mtsn 9 Kediri.
Bohari, L. (2020). Improving speaking skills hrough small group discussion at
eleventh grade students of SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW Praya.Journal of
Languages and Language Teaching. 7(1), 68-81
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Rsearch Design Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research.Lincoln: University of Nebraska.
Dawamuddin, Y. (2021). The Effectiveness Of Teaching Vocabulary By Using Picture
Media Toward Students’speaking Ability At Eighth Grade Students Of Smp It Al
Asror Sekampung. Journal of English Development, 53-61.
Dewi, R. S., Kultsum, U., &Armadi, A. (2017).Using Communicative Games in
Improving Students' Speaking Skills. English language teaching, 10(1), 63-71.
Erya, W. I., &Pustika, R. (2021). Students’perception Towards The Use Of Webtoon To
Improve Reading Comprehension Skill. Journal of English Language Teaching
and Learning, 2(1), 51-56.
Febriyanti, E. R. (2011). Teaching speaking of English as a foreign language: Problems
and solutions. JurnalBahasa, Sastra, danPembelajaran, 1(2), 133-146.
Gay, L.R, Millis, Geoffrey E, Airasian, Peter. 2006. Educational Research:Competencies
For Analysis And Application (10th Edition). Colombus; Pearson.
Goertzen, M. J. (2017). Introduction to quantitative research and data. Library
Technology Reports, 53(4), 12-18.
Mandasari, B., &Aminatun, D. (2020). Vlog: A Tool To Improve Students‟ English
Speaking Ability At University Level. Proceedings UNIVERSITAS
Ningrat, H. C.,&Mayasari, L. (2019).The Effectiveness of Using Webtoons to Develop
Students’ Speaking Performance on Recount. Humanities & Social Sciences
Reviews, 7(3), 472-476.
Tifani, T., Regina, R., &Wardah, W. Improving Students'confidence In Speaking By
Storytelling Technique Through Webtoon. Journal of English Education
Program, 1(1).

Muhammad, E. (2022). The Use of Webtoon in Teaching Speaking. 56-60 Webtoon website
Sari, S. N., &Aminatun, D. (2021). Students’perception On The Use Of English Movies
To Improve Vocabulary Mastery. Journal of English Language Teaching and
Learning, 2(1), 16-22.

Ivantri, Deni (2020) The Influence Of Webtoon Application Towards Students Speaking
Ability At The Tenth Graders Of Minhajuttulab Senior High School Way Jepara
In The Academic Year Of 2019/2020
Lingga, L. M., Simanjuntak, R. M., &Sembiring, Y. (2020).Students’ strategies in
learning speaking skills at SMP Nasrani 3 Medan. Journal of Languages and
Language Teaching, 8(1), 91-99.
Kay Hayriye, (2006), Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second
Language.The Internet TESL Journal 2(11)
Lent, J. A. (2022). South Korean Manhwa’s Long and Strong Association with
Transnationalism. In Transnationalism in East and Southeast Asian Comics
Art (pp. 93-116). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Lomax, R. G., &Hahs-Vaughn, D. L. (2013). An introduction to statistical
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language
teaching.Cambridge university press.
Wahidhy, M. R. (2019). Improving Students’speaking Achievement By Using
Storytelling Taken From Webtoon In Sman 7 Malang (Doctoral dissertation,
University of Muhammadiyah Malang).
Yunita, L. S. (2015). The Effectiveness Of Using Video Youtube Toward
Students’speaking Ability. Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia, 7(2), 157-164.

Appendix 2

Validation Letter


Nama : Elsa SetianingWahyu

NIM : 1902109032

Department : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education


Advisor : Nuri Ati Ningsih, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Co-Advisor : Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd

Tittle : The Effect of Using Webtoonon Students Speaking Skill for

Junior High School Students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan

Page Page

N References References Thesis Suitable Unsuitable


1. Apuke, O. D. (2017). Quantitative

research methods: A synopsis
approach. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian
Journal of Business and Management 7 19 
Review, 33(5471), 1-8.

2. Bohari, L. (2020). Improving

speaking skills hrough small group
discussion at eleventh grade students
of SMA Plus MunirulArifin NW 71 28 
Praya. Journal of Languages and
Language Teaching. 7(1), 68-81

3. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Rsearch

Design Planning, Conducting and
Evaluating Quantitative and - 23 
Qualitative Research.Lincoln:
University of Nebraska.

4. Dawamuddin, Y. (2021). The

Effectiveness Of Teaching
Vocabulary By Using Picture Media 
Toward Students’speaking Ability At 57 2
Eighth Grade Students Of Smp It Al
Asror Sekampung. Journal of English
Development, 53-61.

5. Gay, L.R, Millis, Geoffrey E,

Airasian, Peter. 2006. Educational 
Research:Competencies For Analysis - 20
And Application (10th Edition).
Colombus; Pearson.

6. Mandasari, B., &Aminatun, D.

(2020). Vlog: A Tool To Improve
Students‟ English Speaking Ability
At University 72 1

7. Ningrat, H. C.,&Mayasari, L.
(2019).The Effectiveness of Using
Webtoons to Develop Students’
Speaking Performance on 
474 3
Recount. Humanities & Social
Sciences Reviews, 7(3), 472-476.

8. Tifani, T., Regina, R., &Wardah, W.

Improving Students'confidence In
Speaking By Storytelling Technique 
Through Webtoon. Journal of - 3
English Education Program, 1(1).

9. Ariastuti, M. D., Utami, A. R., & 


10 Muhammad, E. (2022). The Use of 58,60 12 

Webtoon in Teaching Speaking. 56-

11 - 13 

Official Webtoon website

12 Sari, S. N., &Aminatun, D. (2021). 

MASTERY. Journal of English
Language Teaching and
Learning, 2(1), 16-22.

13 Ivantri, Deni (2020) The Influence Of

Webtoon Application Towards
Students Speaking Ability At The
Tenth Graders Of Minhajuttulab - 3 
Senior High School Way Jepara In
The Academic Year Of 2019/2020

14 Erya, W. I., &Pustika, R. (2021).

Students’perception Towards The
Use Of Webtoon To Improve
Reading Comprehension 56 3 
Skill. Journal of English Language
Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 51-56.

15 Lingga, L. M., Simanjuntak, R. M.,

&Sembiring, Y. (2020). Students’
strategies in learning speaking skills
95 6 
at SMP Nasrani 3 Medan. Journal of
Languages and Language
Teaching, 8(1), 91-99.

16 Aini, N., Rahman, M., &Mahmudah,

F. (2021). Students’ Perceptions of
Online Learning in English Speaking - 6 
Class (Doctoral dissertation, UIN
SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi).

17 Kay Hayriye, (2006), Teaching

Speaking: Activities to Promote
Speaking in a Second Language.The 11 7 
Internet TESL Journal 2(11)

18 Febriyanti, E. R. (2011). Teaching

speaking of English as a foreign
language: Problems and solutions. 140 8 
JurnalBahasa, Sastra,
danPembelajaran, 1(2), 133-146.

19 Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S.

(2014). Approaches and methods in
language teaching. Cambridge - 9 
university press.

20 Dewi, R. S., Kultsum, U., &Armadi,

A. (2017). Using Communicative
Games in Improving Students' 69 12 
Speaking Skills. English language
teaching, 10(1), 63-71.

21 Yunita, L. S. (2015). THE

ABILITY. JurnalBahasa Lingua
Scientia, 7(2), 157-164.

22 Lent, J. A. (2022). South Korean

Manhwa’s Long and Strong
Association with Transnationalism.
In Transnationalism in East and 100 11 
Southeast Asian Comics Art (pp. 93-
116). Cham: Springer International

23 Lomax, R. G., &Hahs-Vaughn, D. L. - 23 

(2013). An introduction to statistical
concepts. Routledge.

24 Goertzen, M. J. (2017). Introduction

to quantitative research and
data. Library Technology 15 19 
Reports, 53(4), 12-18.

25 Wahidhy, M. R.

MALANG (Doctoral dissertation,
University of Muhammadiyah

Catatan Dosen Pembimbing:

Layak/Tidak Layak untuk diuji (*coret yang tidak perlu)

Madiun, 4 Juli 2023

Dosen Pembimbing 2

Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd.

NIDN. 072104770

Appendix 2
Lesson plan for pre-test
(RPP) Pre-Test

Sekolah : SMPN 3 Kawedanan

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
KompetensiDasar : 3.2 Memahami dan merespon percakapantransaksional (to get
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)
lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar
yang melibatkantindaktutur: mengundang, menerima,

danmenolakajakan, menyetujui/
MateriPokok : Invitation
Skill : Speaking
AlokasiWaktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. StandarKompetensi
3.Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiungkapan yang digunakanuntukmengundang,
2. Siswadapatmeresponundangansecarasederhana.
3. Siswadapatmenolakudangansecarasederhana.
4. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang diguanakandalam invitation melaui
C. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran

Media/Alat : ModulBahasaInggris, Papantulis, Teks Dialog

Bahan : ModulBahasaInggriskelas VIII/1

KegiatanInti :Pertemuan 1 (Pre-Test)

1. Siswadimintauntukberkelompokdengantemansebangkunya.
2. Siswadiberikanwaktuuntukmembacadanmemahamiteks dialog.
3. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakandalam invitation
melalui dialog.
4. Siswadapatmempraktikan dialog di depankelas.


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 3 Kawedanan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 1
Materi/PokokBahasan : Invitation

Activity 1

1. Do in pairs with your deskmate

2. Find out the expressing of invitation, receiving or refusing from this dialog.

3. Practice this dalog in front of the class.

Pre-Test Speaking Skill for Junior High School Students
Topic : Invitation

Teks Dialog

Now, look at the following conversation. Rama is calling Andreta to invite her to
the movie.
Rama : Oh hi, Andre. It’s Rama here.
Andreta: Oh hi. How are you?
Rama : Fine thanks. I’ve got couple ticket for the new Brad Pitt’s film. Would
youlike to come?
Andreta :Oh, thanks. But I’m working on an essay. I have to finish it tonight
becauseit’s due to tomorrow.
Rama : Oh, what a pitty. Well, never mind. Some other time perhaps.
Andreta : Sure
Rama : Bye
Andreta : Bye

Appendix 3
Lesson plan for treatment
(RPP) Treatment

Sekolah : SMPN 3 Kawedanan

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
KompetensiDasar : 3.2 Memahamidanmeresponpercakapantransaksional (to get
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)
lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar
yang melibatkantindaktutur: mengundang, menerima,

danmenolakajakan, menyetujui/
MateriPokok : Invitation
Skill : Speaking
AlokasiWaktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. StandarKompetensi
3.Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiungkapan yang digunakanuntukmengundang,
2. Siswadapatmeresponundangansecarasederhana.
3. Siswadapatmenolakudangansecarasederhana.
4. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang diguanakandalam invitation melaui
C. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran

Media/Alat : ModulBahasaInggris, Papantulis, Webtoon

Bahan : ModulBahasaInggriskelas VIII/1


KegiatanPendahuluan (10 menit)

Saatdikelas guru :
1. Mengucapkansalamdantegursapa
2. Memeriksakehadiranpesertadidik, berdoa
3. Menyebutkantujuanpembelajaran
4. Menyebutkankegiatanpembelajaran yang akandilakukan

KegiatanInti (70 menit): (Treatment)

1. Siswadapatmencarikosa kata sulitdalamteks dialog

2. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakandalam
invitation melaluidialog yang terdapatdalamWebtoon.
3. Siswadimintauntukmenghafalkan dialog dalamaplikasiWebtoon.
4. Siswadapatmempraktikan dialog yang

Penutup (10 menit) :

1. Pesertadidikmampumendapatkan feedback dari guru

2. Memberikankesempatanpesertadidikuntukbertanya
3. Menyimpulkanhasilpembelajaran
4. Mengucapkansalamdanberdoauntukmengakhiripembelajaran

D. IndikatorPencapaian

1. Berkolaborasidengantemansebangkunya.
2. Memahamiteks dialog yang telahdiberikan.
3. Mengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang diguanakandalam invitation melalui dialog.
4. Mempraktikkan dialog didepankelas.

Appendix 4
Lesson plan for post-test
(RPP) Post-Test
Sekolah : SMPN 3 Kawedanan
Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
KompetensiDasar : 3.2 Memahamidanmeresponpercakapantransaksional (to get
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)
lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar
yang melibatkantindaktutur: mengundang, menerima,

danmenolakajakan, menyetujui/
MateriPokok : Invitation
Skill : Speaking
AlokasiWaktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. StandarKompetensi
3.Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiungkapan yang digunakanuntukmengundang,
2. Siswadapatmeresponundangansecarasederhana.
3. Siswadapatmenolakudangansecarasederhana.
4. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang diguanakandalam invitation melaui
C. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran

Media/Alat : ModulBahasaInggris, Papantulis, Teks Dialog

Bahan : ModulBahasaInggriskelas VIII/1

KegiatanInti :Pertemuan 1 (Post-Test)

1. Siswadimintauntukberkelompokdengantemansebangkunya.
2. Siswadiberikanwaktuuntukmembacadanmemahamiteks dialog.
3. Siswadapatmengidentifikasiekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakandalam invitation
melalui dialog.
4. Siswadapatmempraktikan dialog di depankelas.


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 3 Kawedanan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 1
Materi/PokokBahasan : Invitation

Activity 1

1. Do in pairs with your deskmate


2. Find out the expressing of invitation, receiving or refusing from this dialog.
3. Practice this dalog in front of the class.

Post-Test Speaking Skill for Junior High School Students

Topic : Invitation

Teks Dialog

Now, look at the following conversation. Rama is calling Andreta to invite her to
the movie.
Rama : Oh hi, Andre. It’s Rama here.
Andreta: Oh hi. How are you?
Rama : Fine thanks. I’ve got couple ticket for the new Brad Pitt’s film. Would
youlike to come?
Andreta :Oh, thanks. But I’m working on an essay. I have to finish it tonight
becauseit’s due to tomorrow.
Rama : Oh, what a pitty. Well, never mind. Some other time perhaps.
Andreta : Sure
Rama : Bye
Andreta : Bye

Appendix 5
Material Development

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : X/1
MateriPokok : Invitation

a. The definition of invitation


An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to

join you at the specific events. For example when you asked peole to attend a
party, visit your new house or your birthday party, you invite them and you give
them an invitation. An invitation can be delivered as a verbal request.
b. The expression to inviting, receiving, and refusing

Inviting Receiving Refusing

Would you like to come to my party? I’d like to. I’d love to, but …

Would you mind joining us to …? I would. Thank I wish I could, but ….


Would you like to come along? That would be nice Thank you for asking me, but …

Would you care to …? I will Thank you very much, but …

How would you like to..? Alright I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can

Shall we …? Wonderful / Great Sorry, I can’t

What about ..?

How about …?

Why don’t we …?

Won’t you …?

Appendix 6
Research Instrument
Activity 2

In this activity students are divided into groups in pairs with their peers. after that
the students open the comic on the webtoon application. students are asked to

find the expressing of invitation, receiving or refusing from this dialogue directly.
and then the students practice the dialogue in front of the class
Treatment Speaking Skill for Junior High School
Students using Webtoon Application
Topic : Invitation

Appendix 7
Scoring Rubic of Speaking

Table 1. Oral Proficiency Achievement of Grammar

Achievement Proficiency Description

1 Errors in grammar are frequent, but the speaker

can be understood by a native speaker used to

dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his
2 Can usually handle elementary constructions quite
accurately but does not have thorough or
confident control of the grammar.
3 Control of grammar is good, able to speak the
language with sufficient structural accuracy to
participate effectively in most formal and informal
conversations on practical, social, and
professional topics.
4 Able to use the language accurately on all levels
normally pertinent to professional needs. Errors in
grammar are quite rare
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker
Table 2. Oral Proficiency Achievement Category Vocabulary

Achievement Proficiency Description

1 Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express
anything but the most elementary needs.
2 Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express
him simply with some circumlocutions.
3 Able to speak the language with sufficient
vocabulary to participate effectively in most
formal and informal conversations on practical,
social and professional topics. Vocabulary is
broad enough that be rarely has to grope for a
4 Can understand and participate in any
conversation within the range of his experience
with a high degree of precision of vocabulary
5 Speech on all levels is fully accepted by
educated native speakers in all its features
including breadth of vocabulary and idioms,
colloquialisms, and pertinent cultural references.

Table 3. Category Comprehension

Achievement Proficiency Description

1 Within the scope of his very limited language
experience, can understand simple questions and
statements if delivered with slowed speech,

repetition, or paraphrase.
2 Can get the gist of most conversations of non-
technical subjects (i.e., topics that require no
specialized knowledge)
3 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal
rate of speech.
4 Can understand any conversation within the
range of his experience.
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
Table 4. Category Fluency

Achievement Proficiency Description

1 No specific fluency description refer to
other four language areas for an implied
level of fluency)
2 Can handle with confidence but not with
facility most social situations, including
introductions and casual conversations
about current events, as well as work,
family and autobiographical information.
3 Can discuss the particular interest of
competence with reasonable ease. Rarely
has to grope for words.
4 Able to use the language fluently on all
levels normally pertinent to professional
needs. Can participate in any conversation
within the range of this experience with a
high degree of fluency.
5 Has complete fluency in the language
such that his speech is fully accepted by
educated native speakers.

Table 5: Category Pronunciation

Achievement Proficiency Description

1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent but
can be understood by a native speaker
used to dealing with foreigners attempting

to speak his language.

2 An accent is intelligible though often
quite faulty.
3 Errors never interfere with understanding
and rarely disturb the native speaker. An
accent may be obviously foreign.
4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare
5 Equivalent to and fully accepted by
educated native speakers.

Procedure to calculate the final result:

Total all score by the aspect x 4 = final score


Appendix 8

Appendix 9
Permission Letter

Appendix 10
Research Letter


Elsa SetianingWahyu was born in Madiun Regency on November

22, 2000. The youngest of two siblings, Mr. Sarni Lesmojo and Mrs. Eko

Inti Rahayu. Residing at Jalan Adil Makmur no. 22 Bangunsari, Dolopo

District, Madiun Regency. Elementary school education was taken at SDN

Bangunsari 1 graduating in 2013, SMPN 1 Dolopo graduating in 2016 and

SMAN 1 Dolopo graduating in 2019. Her next education was taken at the

English Language Education Study Program, FKIP, University of PGRI


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