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CODE: 20EST101 SET-1

I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Common to CE, EEE, ECE)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place

1. a) State and explain KVL and KCL 5M

b) Find i0 and v0 in the circuit shown in figure. 5M

2. a) For the following circuit find i0 (use source transformation). 5M

b) Determine the i and v0 in the circuit shown in figure. 5M

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3. a) Determine the voltages (V1 , V2 and V3) using nodal analysis. 5M

b) Use mesh analysis to find the currents i1 , i2 and i3. 5M

4. a) For the following circuit, determine the voltages at the nodes 1, 2, and 5M

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b) For the following circuit, using mesh analysis find the currents i1 , i2 5M
and i3.


5. a) In the series circuit of R=10 ohms and C=40 µF has an applied voltage 5M
v(t)=500 cos (2500t-20o) volts. Find the current i.
b) In a series circuit of R=ohms and L=0.03 H , the current lags the 5M
voltage by 80o . Determine the frequency of the source and the
complex impedance Z of the circuit.
6. a) The total current entering the parallel circuit shown in figure is given 5M
by IT = 18∠45o . Determine the potential difference between points A
and B.

b) Given a circuit with an applied voltage v(t) = 150 sin(ωt+10o) volts 5M

and a resulting current i(t) = 5 sin(ωt-50o) amperes, determine the
power triangle.

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7. a) Determine the phasor currents I1 and I2 in the circuit shown in figure. 5M

b) Explain in detail about magnetically coupled circuits and dot notation. 5M

8. a) Calculate the mesh currents in the circuit of the figure shown below. 5M

b) Explain the differences between magnetically coupled and 5M

conductively coupled circuits.


9. a) Explain the construction of a DC machine with a neat sketch. 5M

b) Explain in detail about open circuit characteristics of DC generator 5M
10. a) Explain in detail about internal and external characteristics of a DC 5M
shunt generator
b) With neat sketches explain the working principle of the DC generator. 5M


11. a) Explain the working principle of 3-point starter with a neat sketch. 5M
b) Derive the expression for torque developed by DC Motor 5M
12. a) Explain the various speed control methods of DC Motors. 5M
b) Explain the principle operation of DC Motor? 5M
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CODE: 20ESI102 SET-1
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Common to ME, CSE & IT)

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place

1. a) Explain in detail, the sequence of steps to be followed in writing an 5M

algorithm for finding the sum of first ‘N’ natural numbers. Hint: Sum of
First ‘N’ natural numbers = N(N+1) / 2
b) List the basic data types, their sizes and range of values supported by ‘C’ 5M
2. a) What are the steps involved in program development process? Explain 5M
b) Explain about various logical operators available in C language with 5M


3. a) Write a C program to generate and print the numbers between 100 and 200 5M
which are divisible by 3 but not divisible by 4
b) Explain if-else statement and nested if-else statement with syntaxes and 5M
suitable examples.
4. a) Write a C program to illustrate switch and if-else statements. 5M
b) Write a C program to perform arithmetical operations using switch case. 5M


5. a) What is Array? Discuss about the initialization and accessing of array 5M

elements in one dimensional and two dimensional arrays
b) Write a C program to find the length of a given string using strlen() 5M

6. a) What is an array? What are the disadvantages in implementing arrays in C 5M

language? Discuss problems for implementing of multi-dimensional arrays
in C language.
b) Write a C program to check whether the given matrix is symmetric or not. 5M

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7. a) Write program for finding the GCD among two numbers using recursion 5M
b) Explain various types of functions supported by C language? Give example 5M
for each of the C function.
8. a) What is meant by recursion? What are its uses? How it is implemented? 5M
Explain with example.
b) Write a C program using the concept of functions to swap the values of 5M
variables without using third variable


9. a) Explain about structure and union with examples. 5M

b) Explain about nested structures with an example program. 5M
10. a) Write a C program to store and print name, USN, subject and IA marks of 5M
students using structure
b) Explain with example how to create a structure using „typedef‟ 5M

11. a) Explain the following functions in files: (i) fseek( ) (ii) ftell( ) (iii) rewind( 5M
) (iv) fopen( ) (v) fclose( )
b) Write a program in C to reverse the contents of a file using random access 5M
file mode
12. a) Write a program that changes every lowercase character of data file into 5M
uppercase and vice versa
b) Explain the following with example: (i) fprintf( ) (ii) fscanf 5M
( ) (iii) fgets( ) (iv) feof( ) (v) rewind( )

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