Introduction to Programming (1)

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Code No: CT4501 SRGEC-R23

I B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, January 2024
(Common to All Branches)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: All questions from PART-A are to be answered at one place.
Answer one question from each unit of PART-B. All questions carry equal marks.

10 × 2 = 20M
1. a) Name a problem-solving strategy that involves breaking a problem into smaller sub-
b) Explain the role of pseudo code in the software development process.
c) What is the purpose of the "break" statement in a loop?
d) List different conditional control statements.
e) How is a specific element accessed in a 2D array?
f) Define String. How to insert and access a string at a specific position.
g) How to initialize a structure. Explain with an example.
h) Define pointer. What are dereferencing and address operators?
i) Elucidate the concept of call by value with an example.
j) What is a file? What are the types of files in C?

5 × 10 = 50M

2. a) Discuss basic data types and mention number of bytes required for each data type. (5M)
b) Calculating time and space complexity for simple problems. (5M)
3. a) Explain the I/O functions: getch(), getche(), getchar() with their syntax. (5M)
b) Describe in detail about characteristics of an algorithm. Write an algorithm to check
whether the given number is EVEN or ODD. (5M)
4. a) Write a C program to print all even numbers in Fibonacci series. (5M)
b) Develop C code to check whether given number is Strong number or not. (Strong Number:
145=1!+4!+5!=145) . (5M)

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5. a) Why Do-While loop is considered as exit controlled loop? Justify your answer with an
example. (5M)
b) Write a C program to find the sum of integers from 1 to 10. (5M)
6. a) Write the syntax for gets () and puts () functions and explain their usage with an example.
b) Write a C Program to perform addition of two matrices by checking the compatibility.
7. a) How strings can be initialized? Give an example. (5M)
b) Write a C program to read 6 subject marks of a student and calculate Total marks and
Percentage(Assume Total Maximum marks:600). (5M)
8. Write a C program using structures to read the employee name, id, salary and display them.
9. a) Write a C program to access elements of an array using pointers. (5M)
b) Define structure. Illustrate on how structure members can be declared and accessed. (5M)
10. a) Explain how the Arrays can be passed as parameters to the function. (4M)
b) Explain about the storage classes: auto, static, extern and register in detail. (6M)
11. a) Write a C program to find the average of n numbers using functions. (5M)
b) Explain usage of putc( ) and getc( ) with an example program. (5M)


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