The output of
1 FLIKUDA, ‘Equilibrium point analysis of ALOHA-type systems’.
the network analyser (port 1 of the S-parameter kit) was con-
Trans. IECE Japan, 1978,J6l-B, pp. 959-966 (in Japanese) nected to a 22dB amplifier (SHL 2000) through a 1.8m cable.
2 KLEINRCCK, L., and LAM, s. s.: ‘Packet switching in a multiaccess The output of the amplifier travelled through a 40m cable to
broadcast channel: Performance evaluation’, IEEE Trans., 1975, the transmitting antenna. The receiving port of the network
COM-23, pp; 410-423 analyser (port 2 of the S-parameter kit) was connected to the
3 TASAKA, s.: Performance analysis of multiple access protocols’ receiving antenna through a 10m cable.
(Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1986) The calibration of this instrumentation was not mentioned
4 GELENB+ E., and MITRANI, I.: ‘Control policies in CSMA local area by Howard and Pahlavan.’ It can be performed by calibrating
networks: Ethernet controls’, Pe$ormance Evaluation Rev., 1982, out the cables and amplifier using the HP8753 calibration kit,
11, pp. 23S240
5 HARRUS G.: ‘A model for the basic block protocol of the Cam-
placing the two antennas in an anechoic chamber with enough
bridge ring’, IEEE Tram., 1985,SE-11, pp. 13lL136 separation between them such that near-field effects are negli-
gible, measuring the S,, and then dividing all measurements
of the S,, of the channel by this SZl.However, in the absence
of an anechoic chamber, we used a coaxial cable connection in
place of the two antennas. This is justified because the discone
antennas used have low VSWR (15dB maximum). However,
note that all raw measurements were stored.
The theory of operation is that S,, (the ratio of the received
FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND PATH LOSS to the transmitted voltages) as a function of the frequency is
MEASUREMENTS OF INDOOR CHANNEL the discrete frequency response of the channel between ports 1
and 2 of the S-parameter kit. The inverse FFT of this fre-
quency response is the bandlimited impulse response of the
Indexing terms: Radiowaue propagation, Measurement channel. S,, at a single frequency is the relative path loss.
Concerning the time invariance of the channel, the measure-
An improved method of operation of an HP network
analyser to perform measurements of the frequency response ments were collected in night with no other researchers in the
of the indoor RF propagation channel and the relative path building which allowed us to assume that the channel was
loss envelope and phase of a CW signal is described. An time invariant during the 1”s (minimum) to 800ms
improved postprocessing procedure is also described. Test (maximum) of the measurements. The time invariance was
results obtained for indoor measurements in the 1-2GHz confirmed further by ensuring that the results of ten measure-
band (2.3ns resolution after windowing) and 945 MHz path ments performed immediately after each other compared
loss measurements are presented as examples. favourably and by measuring the envelope of a CW signal and
making sure that it did not vary over extended periods of
Introduction: Recently Pahlavan and Howard’ performed
measurements of the frequency response of the indoor RF Measurements, d a t a analysis and results: Measurements were
propagation channel using an H P network analyser. These performed to determine the propagation power law. This was
measurements are becoming increasingly important because of achieved by fixing the frequency of the network analyser at
attempts at introducing wireless PABXs. This Letter describes 945 MHz and moving the transmitting antenna at an approx-
an improved method of operation of the configuration pro- imately constant speed. This was performed for a variety of
posed by Pahlavan and Howard’ to perform measurements of channels. All measurements were made on the third floor of
the frequency response of the indoor RF propagation channel the NovAtel building in Calgary. Fig. 2 shows the result of
in an unprecedented 1 GHz band and of the relative path loss averaging all the measurements on a log-log scale. The error
envelope and phase of a 945MHz CW signal. Though the
setup proposed here is similar to that of Pahlavan and
Howard,’ crucial factors such as the type of antennas used,
the method of operation (the calibration) and data analysis
(windowing before taking the inverse FFT) are different.
-8 0 t
1 2 5 10 20 50 100
I HP 8753A
distance. m 1298121
S -parameter kit
bars shown indicate one standard deviation below and above
the mean. The measurements fitted well to a straight line
(Pearson’s correlation coefficient = 0.97) with a slope of
-38.35 which suggests that the power is proportional to l/r4.
In calculating the impulse response from the frequency
response, the data has to be windowed to minimise overlap of
neighbouring peaks. There are two opposing parameters in
choosing a window: the width of the mainlobe and the sup-
pression of the sidelobes.2 We chose to use a minimum three-
sample Blackman-Harris window which leads to a 6dB
mainlobe width of 2.3 bins, and a maximum sidelobe of
-67dB. Fig. 3 shows the results of taking the inverse FFT of
the averaged frequency response (zero padded to 2048 bins) in
the 1-2GHz band. The average was of ten frequency
Fig. 1 Measurement setup [298111 responses taken immediately after each other; each response
ELECTRONICS LETTERS 6rh June 1991 Vol. 27 No. 12 1021
had 1601 frequency steps and was performed in 800ms. This exponent in the environments measured is 4. A more extensive
leads to a power delay profile of 1601ns duration and 1ns series of measurements using this setup is currently being
carried out.
O l En, References
1 PAHLAVAN, K., and HOWARD, s. J.: ‘Frequency domain measure-
ments of indoor radio channels’, Electron. Lett., 1989, 25, pp.
-40 16451647
2 F. I.: ‘On the use of windows for harmonic analysis with
-60 the discrete Fourier transform’, lEEE Proc., 1978, 66, pp. 51-83
(Attention is drawn to a suspested typographical error. Table 1 of
the paper suggests that the 60dB mainlobe width for the
minimum three-sample Blackman-Harris window is 1.81 whereas
E our simulations and calculations suggest that it is 2.28)