Semiconductors Data Handbook
Semiconductors Data Handbook
Semiconductors Data Handbook
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
f d Madelung
Data Handbook
3rd edition
f Dr. Otffried Madelung
Am Kornacker 18
35041 Marburg
The 1st ed. was published in 2 volumes in the series “Data in Science and Technology”.
The 2nd revised ed. was published under title “Semiconductors – Basic Data” .
Additional material to this book can be downloaded from
ISBN 978-3-642-62332-5 ISBN 978-3-642-18865-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-18865-7
"The frequent usc orwell known critic.11 data handbooks like Beilstein, Gmclin and Landolt·Bornstein is impeded by
the fact that only larger libraries - often far away from the scientist's working place - can afford such precious collec-
tions. To !>atisfy an urgent need of many scientists working in the field of semiconductor physics for having al their
working place a comprehensive, high quality, but inexpensive collection of at leasl the basic data of their field of
interest this volume contains the most important data of semiconductors. All data were compiled from infannation on
semil:onductors presented on more than 6 000 pages in various volumes oflhe New Series of Landolt-Bomstein,"
With these words the aim of the volume "Semiconductors - Basie Data", published by the present author - was
defined in the preface to its first Edition. This edition - published in two volumes in the Series "Data in Science and
Technology" - appeared in 1991/92. The 2nd !-::<lition was published in one volume five years later,
While preparing the third edition, it became clear that a complete revision was necessary for several reasons:
- To the cleven subvolumes of volumes IlU17 and 1IU22 of the New Scries of Landolt-Bornstein - published b::.
tween 1982 and 1988 - eight new supplementary subvolumes (lll/41) appeared in thc meantime. The 19 volumes
now available comprise about 10 000 pages with more than 13 000 figures. Thus, much new data had to be included
in Ihis collection of basic data.
- The Landolt-Bomstein series is now available on the Internet. So easy access to the data via Internet had to be
considered in the structure of this volume.
- Last but not least the possibility 10 combine a primed medil/m wilh an enclosed cdセrom gives the opportunity to
improve エセ value ofa data collection by shifting parts of the information onto the CD-ROM, thereby increasing the
amount of information substantially without an undue increase of the number of pages.
By this oppornmity, a drawback of earlier editions could be eliminated: To limit the number of pages, a 」ッューイ・ィョセ
sive presentation of the most important data was only possible for the group IV and III-V semiconductors. All other
groups of scmieonduetors could only be handled very bricfly in tabular form with a n-"Stricted number of figures and
without references. This drawback is now eliminated. The (printed) volume contains the basic data for llil known
groups of semiconductors in suitable lenghl. Figures on crystal structures and band structures supplement the tables.
Further information was shifted to the CD-ROM:
- Figures. A user of this book usually first looks for daln colJecled in !abIes. Figures can supply deeper information
by presenting functional dependences, such as temperature dependence, pressure dependence, and by presenting
dispersion curves, optical spectra etc. Such additional information is now provided in about 1000 additional figures
on the CD-ROM. Presenting these figures in the printcd version had required several hundred pages.
- References. The knowledge of the origin of data ゥセ necessary for the user to find the context in which the data were
measured. Thus, data presented in this volume should also contain more than 100 pages of references. These refer-
ences were shifted to the enclosed CD-ROM.
- Addilional information IIseful for the reader but 100 spacious TO be presemed ill the primed L'ersion. There are a
large number of substances (e.g. boron compounds, transition metal and rare earths compounds) exhibiting "scmi-
conducting properties". A presemation of data referring to such substances in the printed text seemed to be too セョ」エク・
sive and was therdore left to the CD-ROM
Thus, the present edition differs substantially from thc formcr editions in the amount of information and the manner
of presentation (and unavoidable also in the number of pages). To emphasize this change the title of the third ed ition
has been changed from "Semiconductors: Basic Data" to "Semiconductors: Data Handbook".
I do hope the users of the volume will profit from these innovations.
A Introduction
1 General remarks to the structure of the volume .................................................................................... 1
2 Physical quantities tabulated in this volume . ........................................................................................ 2
C Further elements
(for group IV elements see chapter 1)
F Boron, transition metal and rare earths compounds with semiconducting properties....... 679
(Data only on the enclosed CD-ROM)
34 Boron compompounds
35 Binary transition metal compounds (Compounds with elements of the IVth group, compounds
with elements of the Vth group, oxides, chalcogenides) .
36 Binary rare earth compounds
37 Ternary transition metal compounds (Pnigochalcogenides, spinels and related compounds, oxides,
further chalcogenides)
38 Ternary rare earth compounds
G Index of Substances
1 Index of substances for chapters 1 to 33 ............................................................................................ 680
2 Index of substances for chapters 34 to 38 .......................................................................................... 685
A Introduction
This volume contains basic data of semiconductors. All data were compiled from the 17 volumes of the New
Series of the Landolt-Börnstein data handbook, dealing with semiconductors. They comprise the information a
scientist working an semiconductors is needing in his every-day work.
The volume consists of seven parts (A...G).
Part A contains introductory remarks.
In part B information about the properties of the important groups of tetrahedrally bonded semiconducting ele-
ments and compounds are given. The chapters 1 ... 10 cover the elements of the IVth group of the Periodic
System and their isoelectronic analogues: the binary III-V, II-VI, I-VII compounds and the respective ternary
compounds (vac-III2-VI3, I-III-VI2, II-IV-V2, I2-V-VI3, I3-V-VI4, II-III2-VI4 compounds).
The parts C, D and E cover further groups of semiconducting elements, binary and ternary compounds, respec-
Part F summarizes informations about more than 100 substances which are described in the literature as having
"semiconducting properties". Since these substances are of minor importance in semiconductor physics, the
data of this chapter are only presented on the enclosed CD-ROM.
To facilitate the use of this book a Substance Index is presented in the part G, separately for the substances in
chapters B ... E and for the substances in part F presented only on the CD-ROM.
The data presented in parts B ... E are ordered in chapters on specific substance groups. Most of these chapters
begin with a "0"-section, presenting information about the crystal structure and the electronic structure of the
semiconductors belonging to the respective substance group. Only these "0"-sections contain figures on lattice
structures and on band structure.
Sections on the properties of individual substances follow. The data are ordered under the following headings:
− Crystal structure
lattice structure / space group / modifications / high temperature and pressure phases (as far as not mentioned
in the "0"-sections).
− Electronic properties:
band structure / energies at symmetry points of the band structure / energy gaps (direct energy gap, indirect
energy gap) / exciton energies / intra conduction band energies / intra valence band energies / critical point
energies / spin-orbit splitting energies / camel's back structure of the conduction band edge / structure of the
top of the valence band / effective masses (electrons, holes) / g-factor of electrons / valence band parameters.
− Lattice properties:
lattice parameters / linear thermal expansion coefficient / density / melting point / Debye temperature / heat
capacity / phonon dispersion relations / phonon frequencies (wavenumbers) / sound velocities / second and
third order elastic moduli / bulk modulus / Poisson ratio / internal strain parameter.
− Transport properties:
electrical conductivity or resistivity (intrinsic conductivity) / (intrinsic) carrier concentration / carrier mobili-
ties (electron mobility, hole mobility) /drift velocities and diffusion constants / thermal conductivity (resisti-
vity) / Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) / piezo- and elastoresistance coefficients.
− Optical properties:
optical constants / absorption coefficient / reflectance / extinction coefficient / refractive index / dielectric
function / dielectric constants / piezo- and elastooptic coefficients.
− Impurities and defects:
binding energies of impurities / energy levels of impurities, defects and complexes or of deep centers.
The following restrictions should be taken in mind when using these tables:
− Only figures on crystal structure, band structures and Brillouin zones are shown in the printed part of this
book. About 1000 further figures on the temperature dependence of semiconductor parameters and on optical
spectra as well as all references are left to the enclosed CD-ROM. Such figures are printed in italics with the
addition (CD), e.g. Fig. 2.3.4 (CD). Figures in the "0"-sections of the printed volume are referred to with the
page number.
− Physical data can be judged confidentally only by added information about measuring and evaluation me-
thods, about the reference the value has been taken from etc. All this valuable information is lacking in the
printed chapters because of the restriction of the number of pages. Adding such information in the present
book had surpassed the frame of this volume.
− The data presented here have often to be chosen from several values, given in the Landolt-Börnstein volu-
mes, if no unique choice had been possible for the author of the respective chapter. In such cases the "most
reliable one" - according to the judgement of the author of this book - or the "newest one" has been listed.
This book contains a CD-ROM with the full content of the printed pages and additionally more than 100 pages
of references and about 1000 figures. Thus the reader can gain information in three stages:
− firstly be inspecting the tables of this book,
− secondly by getting additional information from the CD-ROM,
− finally by referring to the 17 Landolt-Börnstein volumes on semiconductors or their Internet version or – of
course − to the original papers referred to in the Reference Lists on the CD-ROM.
Electronic structure
Brillouin zones:
Brillouin zones for individual semiconductors are shown in the "0"-sections at the beginning of a chapter dea-
ling with a group of semiconducting materials. Symmetry lines and points within a Brillouin zone are designed
by letters (Γ, X, L, Σ ...). Subscripts to these letters designate the irreducible representation of the respective
energy state (1, 1', 2, 12, 25'...).
band structure:
The function E(k) gives the energies of a band state at a wave vector k in the Brillouin zone. Instead of the va-
lue of k often the respective symmetry designation in the Brillouin zone is given (E(Γ25') ...). Figures on band
structure show the values of E(k) along axes and at points of high symmetry.
band structure and exciton parameters:
band energies (unit eV):
Ec, Ev energies of the edges of conduction and valence bands, respectively.
Eg energy gap between conduction and valence band. Further subscripts refer to: dir: direct gap, ind:
indirect gap, opt: optical gap (threshold energy for optical transitions), th: thermal gap (energy gap
extrapolated to 0 K from transport measurements), __, ⊥ electric field parallel or perpendicular to a
crystal axis; L(T) superscripts for longitudinal (transverse) exciton energies.
Δ mostly spin-orbit splittings of energy levels (subscripts 0, so, 1, 2 and dashes (') refer to the location
of the level as explained in the tables),
also other splittings of energy levels (cf: crystal-field splitting, camel's back parameters (see below)
E0 ... the letter E with other subscripts refers to intra- and interband transitions (critical points) as explai-
ned in the tables (E0, E1, E2 ...).
exciton energies (unit eV):
Eb binding energy of an exciton.
Egx energy of the excitonic gap (defined as energy gap minus exciton binding energy).
E(1S) energy of the exciton 1S state; excited states are designated by E(2S), E(2P) ....
EL-T longitudinal-transverse exciton splitting energy.
Eex exciton exchange interaction energy
effective masses (in units of the electron mass m0):
mn, mp effective mass of electrons (holes) defined by
special band structure parameters (mostly for tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors, see also the "0"-sections
of the respective chapters):
A, B, C anisotropy parameters of warped energy surfaces at the top of the valence band (symmetry Γ8) of
semiconductors with diamond or zincblende structure, defined by the equation
( ± ((B2 + sC2)1/2), s = (kkx2ky2 + ky2kz2 + kz2kx2)kk4
E(k) = E(Γ) + (ƫ2k2/2m0)(A
The ±-sign refers to the two bands into which E(Γ8) splits for k ≠ 0. By spin-orbit splitting a second
valence band of Γ6,Γ7-symmetry is situated below the degenerate Γ8-valence band.
m|_, m⊥ longitudinal and transverse effective masses defined by the equation
E(k) = E(k0) + ƫ2κx2/2m|| + ƫ2(κy2 + κz2)/2m⊥ where κ = k − k0 and κx __ k0, κy, κz ⊥ k0, if the band
minima are situated at k ≠ 0 along a symmetry axis (Δ or Λ) (ellipsoidal energy surfaces).
k__, k⊥ ... parameters of the camel's back structure at the bottom of the conduction band in several zincblende-
type semiconductors defined by the equation
E(k) = ƫ2k||2/2ml +ƫ2k⊥2/2mt – ((Δ/2)2 +
+ Δ0ƫ2k2/2ml)1/2
with k|| and k⊥: components of the wave vector
parallel and perpendicular to the [ 1 0 0 ] -direction,
respectively, mt: effective mass perpendicular to
the [ 1 0 0 ] -direction; Δ0 : parameter describing the
non-parabolicity; all other parameters are ex-
plained in the figure (right).
k|_, k⊥ also components of the k-vector near the top of the
valence band in semiconductors with wurtzite lattice, defined byy
E1(k) = E(Γ6) + ak||2 + bk⊥2,
E2,3(k) = E(Γ6) ± Δ/2 + ck||2+ dk
d ⊥2 ± ((Δ/2 + c'k||2 + d'k
d ⊥2)2 + (c"k||2 + d"k
d ⊥2)2)1/2.
E1(0) and E2,3(0) are separated by the crystal-field splitting energy Δ (Δcff).
Lattice properties
static lattice parameters:
a, b, c lattice parameters (unit Å or nm)
α, β, γ angles
α linear thermal expansion coefficient (unit K−1)
d density (unit g cm−3)
Tm melting temperature (unit K)
Tdec decomposition temperature (unit K)
ΘD Debye temperature (unit K)
−1 −1
Cp, Cv heat capacities (unit J mol K )
clm, clmn second order and third order elastic moduli (unit dyn cm−2)
Transport properties
R resistance (unit Ω)
RH Hall coefficient (unit cm3 C−1)
σ, (σi) (intrinsic) electrical conductivity (unit Ω−1 cm−1)
ρ electrical resistivity (unit Ω cm)
κ thermal conductivity (subscript L: lattice contribution) (unit W cm−1 K−1)
EA activation energy (mostly for temperature dependence of conductivity) (unit eV)
n, p, ni electron and hole concentration, intrinsic carrier concentration (unit cm−3)
μn, μp electron and hole mobilities, respectively (unit cm2 V−1s−1). Further subscripts refer to: dr: drift
mobility, c: conductivity mobility, H: Hall mobility, __, ⊥: parallel (perpendicular) to a principal axis
υn, υp drift velocities of electrons and holes (unit cm s−1)
S Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) (unit V/K)
πikk piezoresistance coefficients (unit cm2 dyn−1)
mikk elastoresistance coefficients (dimensionless)
eik, dik, gik, hikk piezoelectric coefficients
Optical properties
K absorption coefficient (unit cm−1)
R reflectance (dimensionless)
Fig. 1.0.1. Orientation of tetrahedra Fig. 1.0.2. The diamond lattice. The elementary cubes of
in the diamond structure. the two face-centered cubic lattices are shown.
Carbon also occurs in a hexagonal modification (graphite, Fig. 1.0.3); tin crystallizes at room temperature
normally in a tetragonal modification (white tin, β-Sn, Fig. 1.0.4), whereas the diamond-like grey tin (α-Sn) is
stable only below 13.20oC.
Semiconducting phases also occur in silicon carbide. In this binary compound the energy differences between
cubic, hexagonal and rhombohedric structures are so small, that a large number of polymorphic modifications
occur. More than hundred different polytypes exist. In all polytypes every atom is surrounded by four atoms of
the other species.
The polytypes of SiC can be described in terms of a hexagonal system, the stacking order along the c-axis dif-
fering from polytype to polytype; the cubic form fits into this system by taking the [111] direction as "c-axis".
Fig. 1.0.5 shows the elementary cells of the 3C (cubic, zincblende, β-SiC), 2H (hexagonal, wurtzite, α-SiC),
4H and 6H polytypes. Other hexagonal (H) and rhombohedral (R) polytypes occur.
The ±-sign refers to the two bands into which E(Γ8+) splits at k ≠ 0 (warped surfaces).
Special band structures:
According to Figs. 1.0.8 ... 1.0.13 the semiconducting group IV elements and IV-IV compounds show the fol-
lowing band structures:
Diamondd and silicon are indirect semiconductors, the lowest minima of the conduction band being located on
the Δ-axis.
Germanium is an indirect semiconductor too, but in contrast to C and Si the lowest minima of the conduction
band are located at the endpoints L of the Λ-axis.
Grey tin is a zero gap semiconductor, where the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band
are degenerated.
Silicon carbide is an indirect semiconductor, the lowest minima of the conduction band being located at the end
points X of the cubic axes (X in the cubic polytype, K in the hexagonal 2H polytype).
The valence bands of all five semiconductors are identical as shown in Fig. 1.0.7 (warped surfaces).
Fig. 1.0.8. Band structure of diamond Fig. 1.0.10. Band structure of germanium
Fig. 1.0.9. Band structure of silicon Fig. 1.0.11. Band structure of grey tin
Fig. 1.0.12. Band structure of 3C silicon carbide Fig. 1.0.13. Band structure of 2H silicon carbide
Electronic properties
Diamond is an indirect gap semiconductor. The lowest minima of the conduction band are located at [0.75, 0,
0]. The valence band has the structure common to all group IV semiconductors: three at Γ degenerate bands
(spin neglected, symmetry Γ25' ).
band structure: Figs. 1.0.8 (p.10), Brillouin zone: Fig. 1.0.6 (p.8).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ25'v))
Position of the minima of the conduction band along the Δ-axis: k = (0.76(1), 0, 0).
energy gaps
Eg,ind 5.50(5) eV RT quantum photoyield
(Γ25'v – Δ1c)
Egx,indd 5.416(2) eV natural diamond, indirect exciton gap with lower valence band
5.409(2) eV T = 100 K indirect exciton gap with upper valence band
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 5·10–5 eV/K T = 135...300 K see Fig. 1.1.1 (CD)
exciton binding energy
Eb(1S) 0.19(15) eV binding energy of the 1S core exciton
Eb 0.07 eV indirect exciton binding energy, optical
0.080(5) eV recombination radiation
spin-orbit splitting energy
Δ(Γ25'v) 0.006(1) eV cyclotron resonance
effective masses
mn|| 1.4 m0 field dependence of electron drift velocity
mn⊥ 0.36 m0
mp,h 1.08 m0 calculated density of states from best set of
mp,l 0.36 m0 valence band parameters (see below)
mso 0.15 m0
mp,ds 0.75 m0 T = 300 K Hall effect
g 2.0030(3) T = 140...298 K type IIb; electron spin resonance
Transport properties
Due to the large band gap (5.48 eV) and the high ionization energy of donors, most diamonds are insulators at
room temperature. The electron mobility, therefore, can only be derived from photoconductivity experiments.
Natural (type IIb) and synthetic semiconducting diamonds are always p-type. Typical ρ(T
T)-curves are shown in
Fig. 1.1.6 (CD)
electron mobility
μn 2000 cm2/Vs RT for temperature dependence of Hall and drift
mobility, see Fig. 1.1.7 (CD)
hole mobility
μp 2100 cm2/Vs RT for temperature dependence of Hall and drift
mobility, see Fig. 1.1.8 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 6...10 W cm–1 K–1 T = 293 K type Ia; steady-state heat flow;
for dependence on temperature and impurity
concentration, see Fig. 1.1.9 (CD)
Optical properties
refractive index
n 3.5 λ = 177.0 nm
Hydrogen is contained in natural diamonds (concentration 100 ... 1100 ppm) but also plays an important role
in the CVD-growth of synthetic diamond films. It serves as a carrier gas for hydrocarbons dissociated near the
growth surface, and is itself dissociated to satisfy sp3 bonds needed for tetrahedral carbon growth. Ion implan-
tation of diamond with hydrogen creates several specific optical spectra. This is important when compared to
silicon: Here hydrogen not only passivates deep level states associated with the presence of impurities and de-
fects but is also incorporated in optical defects created by radiation damage.
Direct transitions at Γ to higher conduction band. Nearly degenerate with the E1 critical point, but different
temperature shift. E'0 and E1 cannot clearly be resolved by experiment.
E1 3.46(15) eV T = 10 K electroreflectance
g-factor of electrons
gc 1.99893(28) electron spin resonance
effective hole masses
mp,h 0.537 m0 T = 4.2 K calculated from cyclotron resonance results
mp,l 0.153 m0
mso 0.234 m0
mp,ds 0.591 m0
In non-parabolic bands the density of states mass obtained through a calculation of the carrier concentration
becomes temperature dependent, whereas the mass obtained directly from a calculation of the density of states
T = <mp,ds3/2(E
becomes energy dependent. The former is the weighted thermal average of the latter: mp3/2(T) ( )>.
For the temperature and energy dependences of both masses, see Fig. 1.2.5 (CD).
valence band parameters
A – 4.27(2) cyclotron resonance
B – 0.63(8)
|C| 4.93(15)
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 0.543102018(34) nm T = 295.7 K high purity single crystal
measured in vacuum;
temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.2.6 (CD)
temperature dependence of the lattice parameter: a(T)T in high-purity material can be approximated in the
range 20...800oC by a(T)
T = 5.4304 + 1.8138·10–5(T – 298.15 K) + 1.542·10–9(T – 298.15 K)2.
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 2.92(6)·10–6 K–1 T = 293 K recommended
Temperature dependence: see Fig. 1.2.7 (CD). The data of Fig. 1.2.7 (CD) can be approximated in the tempera-
ture range 120...1500 K by the formula:
T) = (3.725 [1 – exp(– 5.88·10–3 [T – 124])] + 5.548·10–4T)·10
T –6 K–1 (T in K).
d 2.329002 g cm–3 T = 25oC, hydrostatic weighing
high-purity crystal
melting temperature
Tm 1687 K recommended
1685(2) K
dT d – 0.0038 K atm–1
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 1.2.8 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 1.0.6 (p.8).
one-phonon density of states: Fig. 1.2.9 (CD)
phonon frequencies
νLTO(Γ25') 15.53(23) THz T = 296 K inelastic neutron scattering
νTA(X3) 4.49(6) THz
νLAO(X1) 12.32(20) THz
νTO(X4) 13.90(30) THz
νTA(L'3) 3.43(5) THz
νLA(L2) 11.35(30) THz
νLO(L1) 12.60(32) THz
νTO(L3) 14.68(30) THz
sound velocities
υ1 8.4796⋅105 cm s–1 T = 77 K υ 1: long./[ 0 0 1 ] /[ 0 0 1 ] ,
υ2 5.8694⋅105 cm s–1 ρ = 410 Ωcm υ 2: shear/[ 0 0 1 ] /[ 1 1 0 ] ,
υ3 9.1828⋅105 cm s–1 υ 3: long./[ 1 1 0 ] /[ 1 1 0 ] ,
υ4 5.8693⋅105 cm s–1 υ 4: shear/[ 1 1 0 ] /[ 0 0 1 ] ,
υ5 4.6929⋅105 cm s–1 υ 5: shear/[ 1 1 0 ] /[1 1 0]
bulk modulus
BS 0.9788⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 298 K
ρ = 410 Ω cm p-type, calculated from ultrasound
0.9783⋅1012 dyn cm–2 ρ = 159 Ω cm n-type, measurements
For temperature dependence below 300 K, see Fig. 1.2.14 (CD).
Debye temperature
ΘD(0) 636 K heat capacity, for ΘD(T),
T see Fig. 1.2.15 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 0.1650 cal/g deg T = 273 K calorimetric measurements;
0.2345 cal/g deg T = 1373 K temperature dependence: Fig. 1.2.16 (CD)
Transport properties
Contributions to the electric transport are exclusively made by electrons in the [ 1 0 0 ] -conduction band mi-
nima, and holes in the two uppermost (heavy and light hole) valence bands. The impurity content of the speci-
men determines which scattering process dominates the mobility. Only samples with impurity concentrations
below 1012 cm–3 are governed by pure lattice scattering down to temperatures of about 10 K (n-type) or 50 K
(p-type), respectively. Higher impurity concentrations lead to deviations from the lattice mobility at appropri-
ately higher temperatures. For electrons the lattice mobility below 50 K is dominated by deformation potential
coupling to acoustic phonons. At higher temperatures, intervalley scattering between the six equivalent minima
of the conduction band through mixed LA + TO phonons and LO phonons is added to the intravalley process,
modifying the familiar T –1.5 dependence of the acoustic mode dominated mobility to T –2.42. At T < 100 K, the
lattice mobility of holes is dominated by acoustic scattering, but does not follow the T –1.5 law due to the non-
parabolicity of the valence bands. The proportionality of μp to T –2.2 around room temperature is a consequence
of optical phonon scattering.
intrinsic electrical conductivity
σi 3.16·10–2 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.2.17 (CD)
The intrinsic conductivity up to 1273 K is given by the phenomenological expression
log10 σi = 4.247 – 2.924·103 T –1 (σi in Ω–1 cm–1, T in K, agreement to Fig. 1.2.17 (CD) better than ± 5 %)
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 1.02·1010 cm–3 T = 300 K
Phenomenological expression for ni:
Au–C – 0.49 a optical nuclear polarization, 700 oC anneals, elastic field fluctuation
Au–Cr + 0.35 d Au(substitutional)–Cr(interstitial), DLTS, Photo-ESR, binding energy
1.1 eV
Au–Fe + 0.434 d Au(substitutional)–Fe(interstitial)
– 0.354 a DLTS, ESR , theory, dissociation T > 200 oC , formation below
T = 350 oC, binding energy 1.22 eV
Au–Gd cluster formation
Au–H neutral passivation by hydrogen plasma, possibly Au–H3, Au reactivation
T > 200 oC
+ 0.21(G2) d DLTS, MCTS; G2, G4, G1 belong to the same Au–H complex,
– 0.56 (G4) a created by wet chemical etching or hydrogen plasma, anneal at
– 0.19 (G1) aa T > 150 oC into the passive complex
+ 0.47(G3) possibly Au–H1
Electronic properties
The conduction band is characterized by eight equivalent minima at the end points L of the [ 1 1 1 ] -axes of the
Brillouin zone (symmetry: L6–). The surfaces of constant energy are ellipsoids of revolution with their major
axes along [ 1 1 1 ] . Higher energy minima of the conduction band are located at Γ and (above these) on the
[ 1 0 0 ] -axes. The valence band is of the general structure shown in Fig. 1.0.7 (p.9) with its maximum at Γ
(symmetry: Γ8+), the light and heavy hole bands being degenerate at this point. Both bands are warped. The
third spin-orbit split-off band has Γ7+ symmetry. In contrast to silicon the spin-orbit splitting energies are con-
siderable. Thus, the symmetry notation of the double group of the diamond lattice is mostly used for Ge.
band structure: Fig. 1.0.10 (p.10), Brillouin zone: Fig. 1.0.6 (p.8).
density of states in valence and conduction bands: Fig. 1.3.1 (CD).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (E
E relative to the top of the valence band)
E(Γ6v) – 12.66 eV theoretical data, Fig. 1.0.10a (p.10)
E(Γ7v) – 0.29 eV
E(Γ8v) 0.00 eV for experimental data from angular
E(Γ7c) 0.90 eV resolved photoemission, see Fig. 1.0.10b (p.10)
E(Γ6c) 3.01 eV
E(Γ8c) 3.22 eV
E(X5v) – 8.65 eV
E(X5v) – 3.29 eV
E(X5c) 1.16 eV
E(L6v) – 10.39 eV
E(L6v) – 7.61 eV
E(L6v) – 1.63 eV
E(L4,5v) – 1.43 eV
E(L6c) 0.76 eV
Δ"1(L4,5v––L6v–) 0.228 eV
effective electron masses
mn⊥(L6) 0.0823 m0 T = 120 K magnetophonon resonance
0.0807(8) m0 T = 30...100 K cyclotron resonance at 891 GHz
mn||(L6) 1.59 m0 T = 120 K magnetophonon resonance
1.57 (3) m0 T = 30...100 K cyclotron resonance at 891 GHz
mn(Γ7) 0.0380(5) m0 T = 30 K piezomagnetoreflectance
For the dependence of the transverse electron mass in the L6-minima on the energy above the bottom of the
band, see Fig. 1.3.3a (CD).
g-factor of electrons
gc – 3.0(2) T = 30 K piezomagnetoabsorption
effective hole masses
mp,l 0.0438(3) m0 T = 4 K, B || [ 1 0 0 ] cyclotron resonance
0.0426(2) m0 T = 4 K, B || [ 1 1 1 ]
0.0430(3) m0 T = 4 K, B || [ 1 1 0 ]
mp,h 0.284(1) m0 T = 4 K, B || [ 1 0 0 ]
0.376(1) m0 T = 4 K, B || [ 1 1 1 ]
0.352(4) m0 T = 4 K, B || [ 1 1 0 ]
mso 0.095 (7) m0 T = 30 K piezomagnetoabsorption
For the dependence of the light hole mass on the energy below the top of the band, see Fig. 1.3.3b (CD).
valence band parameters
A – 13.3 extrapolated using a five level k·p
· scheme
B – 8.57
|C| 12.78
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.6579060 Å T = 298.15 K single crystal
For the temperature dependence of a in the range 20...812oC, see Fig. 1.3.4 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.3.5 (CD)
α 0.00⋅10–6 K–1 T=0K recommended values
5.90⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300 K from different measurements
d 5.3234 g/cm3 T = 25oC hydrostatic weighing
melting temperature
Tm 1210.4 K
dT d – 2.04·10–3 K atm–1
phonon dispersion curve, one phonon density of states: Fig. 1.3.6 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νLTO(Γ25') 9.02(2) THz T = 300 K coherent inelastic neutron scattering
νTA(X3) 2.38(2) THz
νLAO(Xl) 7.14(2) THz
νTO(X4) 8.17(3) THz
νTA(L3') 1.87(2) THz
νLA(L2) 6.63(4) THz
νTO(L3) 8.55(3) THz
νLO(Ll) 7.27(2) THz
sound velocities
υ1 4.9138⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 298 K, ultrasound measurement (20 MHz),
υ2 3.5424⋅⋅105 cm s–1 ρ = 45 Ω cm designation: mode/direction of propaga-
υ3 5.3996⋅⋅105 cm s–1 n-type samples tion/direction of particle displacement
υ4 3.5425⋅⋅105 cm s–1 υ 1: long/[ 0 0 1 ] /[ 00 1 ] ,
υ5 2.7458⋅⋅105 cm s–1 υ 2: shear/[ 0 0 1 ] /[1 1 0]
υ 3: long./[ 1 1 0 ] /[ 1 1 0 ] ,
υ 4: shear/[ 1 1 0 ] /[ 0 0 1 ]
υ 5:shear/[ 1 1 0 ] /[1 1 0]
second order elastic moduli
c11 12.40⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 298 K, ultrasound measurement
c12 4.13⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 ρ = 37 Ω cm temperature dependence: Figs. 1.3.7a...c (CD)
c44 6.83⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
third order elastic moduli
c111 – 7.10(6)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 298 K, from ultrasound measurements,
c112 – 3.89(3)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 ρ = 45 Ω cm temperature dependence: Fig. 1.3.8 (CD)
c123 – 0.18(6)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c144 – 0.23(16)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c166 – 2.92(8)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c456 – 0.53(7)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
Young's modulus, torsion modulus: see Fig. 1.3.9 (CD)
bulk modulus
BS 7.502⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 298 K, from ultrasound measurements
ρ = 45 Ω cm
internal-strain parameter
ζ 0.76(4) X-ray diffraction
Debye temperature
ΘD(0) 374 K for ΘD(T),
T see Fig. 1.3.10 (CD)
heat capacity: Fig. 1.3.11. (CD).
Transport properties
Low field transport is maintained by electrons in the L6+ minima of the conduction band and holes near the
point Γ8+ in the valence bands. At room temperature, the mobility of samples with impurity concentrations
below 1015 cm–3 is limited essentially by lattice scattering; higher donor or acceptor concentrations result in an
increasing influence of impurity scattering. At 77 K, even for doping concentrations below 1013 cm–3 the mo-
bilities depend on the impurity concentration. Low temperatures and high concentrations lead to the replace-
ment of free carrier conduction by impurity conduction.
intrinsic electrical conductivity
σi 2.1·10–2 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 1.3.12 (CD)
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 2.33·1013 cm–3 T = 300 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 1.3.13 (CD)
The best fit to the curve in Fig. 1.3.14 (CD) is given by the empirical expression
ni2 = 3.10 1032 T 3 exp(–0.785/kT)
T cm–6 (kT
T in eV,T in K)
electron mobility
μn 3800 cm2/Vs T = 300 K lattice mobility determined by conductivity
measurements of high purity samples.
Temperature dependence in the range 77...300 K given by μn = 4.90·107 T –1.66 cm2/Vs (T in K);
see also Fig. 1.3.14 (CD) and Fig. 1.3.15 (CD).
hole mobility
μp 1800 cm2/Vs T = 300 K lattice mobility in high purity samples.
piezoresistance coefficients
n-type material
π11 – 2.7⋅⋅10–12 cm2/dyn T = 300 K uniaxial tensile stress
π12 – 3.9⋅⋅10 cm /dyn
–12 2 ρ = 5.7 Ω cm
(1/2)(π11+π12+π44) – 71.7⋅⋅10–12 cm2/dyn
(1/2)(π11+π12–π44) 62.0⋅⋅10–12 cm2/dyn
p-type material
π11 – 3.7⋅⋅10–12 cm2/dyn T = 300 K resistivity measurements
π12 3.2⋅⋅10–12 cm2/dyn ρ = 1.1 Ω cm
(1/2)(π11+π12+π44) 48.1⋅⋅10–12 cm2/dyn
elastoresistance coefficients
n-type material
m44 – 93.0 T = 300 K, calculated from measured
(m11–m12)/2 0.4 ρ = 1.5 Ω cm piezoresistance coefficients with the
(m11+2m12)/3 – 6.6 aid of elastic constants tensor cij
p-type material
m44 65.1 T = 300 K
(m11–m12)/2 – 2.8 ρ = 1.1 Ω cm
(m11+2m12)/3 2.0
Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) (absolute values)
Sn 1.07⋅10–3 V/K T = 300 K, temperature difference used: 1.5...4 K
ρ = 17.0 Ω cm
Sp 1.06⋅10–3 V/K T = 280 K temperature dependence: Fig. 1.3.16 (CD)
ρ = 10.5 Ω cm
thermal conductivity: temperature dependence, Fig. 1.3.17 (CD)
Optical properties
optical constants
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 1.3.18 (CD)
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K[103 cm−1]
1.5 21.560 2.772 4.653 0.298 0.419 45.30
2.0 30.361 10.427 5.588 0.933 0.495 189.12
2.5 13.153 20.695 4.340 2.384 0.492 604.15
3.0 12.065 17.514 4.082 2.145 0.463 652.25
3.5 9.052 21.442 4.020 2.677 0.502 946.01
4.0 4.123 26.056 3.90 3.336 0.556 1352.55
4.5 − 14.655 16.782 1.953 4.297 0.713 1960.14
5.0 − 8.277 8.911 1.394 3.197 0.650 1620.15
5.5 − 6.176 7.842 1.380 2.842 0.598 1584.57
6.0 − 6.648 5.672 1.023 2.774 0.653 1686.84
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
1 Elements of the IVth group and IV-IV compounds 51
1.4 α–Sn)
Grey tin (α
Crystal structure
At ambient pressure and below 17 °C, Sn crystallizes in the diamond structure (grey tin, α-Sn, Fig. 1.0.2, p.7)
and at room temperature in the β-tin structure (white tin, β-Sn, Sn-I, Fig. 1.0.4, p.7). Upon alloying with In or
Hg, the simple hexagonal γγ-Sn structure is observed.
Under pressure the diamond structure transforms to the β-tin structure (Sn-I). The β-tin phase persists up to 25
GPa. In the pressure range 9.5 to 40 GPa Sn-III (bct structure, sometimes called Sn-II) is formed. Above 40 GPa
one obtains Sn-IV with body-centred cubic (bcc) structure. The coexistence regime of the bct and bcc phases has
been reported to be between 40.5 and 56 GPa, the upper limit of coexistence is lower than 52.1(2) GPa. The bcc
structure is stable up to at least 120 GPa.
Electronic properties
The band structure of α-Sn is qualitatively different to those of the other group IV elements. The s-like Γ7–-
conduction band edge – decreasing drastically with atomic number in the sequence C → Si → Ge – is situated
in α-Sn below the p-like Γ8+-valence band edge. This causes an inversion of the curvature of the Γ8+ light-hole
band. Consequently, α-Sn is a zero-gap semiconductor with its lowest conduction band and its highest valence
band being degenerated at Γ (symmetry Γ8+). A second conduction band with L6+-minima follows at a slightly
higher energy. It determines the properties of n-type samples for n > 1017 cm–3 (T
T > 77 K in intrinsic samples).
band structure: Fig. 1.0.11 (p.10), Brillouin zone: Fig. 1.0.6 (p.8).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v,c))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.4892(1) Å T = 20oC X-ray
da/dTT 3.1·10–5 Å K–1 T = – 130...25oC
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 4.7·10–6 K–1 T = 20oC for temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.4.2 (CD)
d 7.285 g cm–3 T = 18oC
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 1.4.3 (CD).
No pecularities in the phonon dispersion compared to the other group IV semiconductors occur. Due to the
degeneracy of the conduction and valence bands at Γ8+ the dielectric constant depends strongly on carrier con-
centration in very pure samples.
phonon frequencies
νTO/LO(Γ25') 6.00(6) THz T = 90 K inelastic thermal neutron scattering,
νTA(L3) 1.00(4) THz
νLA(Ll) 4.15(4) THz
νLO(L2') 4.89(8) THz
νTO(L3') 5.74(12) THz
νTA(X3) 1.25(6) THz
νLA/LO(Xl) 4.67(6) THz
νTO(X4) 5.51(8) THz
second order elastic moduli
c11 0.690⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c12 0.293⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c44 0.362⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
bulk modulus
B 5.3(1)·1011 dyn cm–3 from neutron diffraction data for acoustic
Debye temperature
ΘD 220 K T = 50 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 1.4.4 (CD)
heat capacity
Cv 4.65 cal/K g-atom T = 100 K for temperature dependence
Cp 4.56 cal/K g-atom below 100 K, see Fig. 1.4.5 (CD)
Transport properties
In intrinsic samples light electrons and holes in the Γ8+-bands determine the transport properties. The hole mo-
bility is limited by acoustic phonon scattering. The important scattering processes limiting the light electron
mobility are screened impurity scattering at 4.2 K and electron-hole scattering at elevated temperatures. When
the Fermi level crosses the energy of the L6+-minima heavy electrons will become of influence. This leads e.g.
to a screening enhancement of the light electron mobility (Fig. 1.4.6 (CD)) and in heavily doped n-type
samples to a dominating role of the L-electrons: heavily doped n-type samples behave as indirect gap semicon-
ductors with Eg of about 0.09 eV.
electron concentration vs. donor concentration: Fig. 1.4.7 (CD)
electrical conductivity: temperature dependence: Fig. 1.4.8 (CD).
carrier mobilities
μn(Γ8+) 1.2·105 cm2/Vs 100 K from Hall data
μn(L6+) 1.6·103 cm2/Vs conductivity and Hall coefficient,
μp 1·104 cm2/Vs for temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.4.9 (CD)
Optical properties
Refractive index, extinction coefficient and absorption coefficient: Fig. 1.4.10 (CD).
dielectric constant
ε 24 T = 300 K background dielectric constant in the
free carrier absorption region (from
infrared reflectance measurements)
Real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constants: Fig. 1.4.11 (CD).
Crystal structure
Silicon carbide (SiC) crystallizes in numerous (more than hundred) different modifications, called polytypes.
The number of polytypes is very large due to small energy differences between the different structures. See Fig.
1.0.5 (p.8) for elementary cells of the 3C (cubic zincblende, β-SiC), 2H (hexagonal wurtzite, α-SiC,), 4H, and
6H structures. See also section 1.0.
The most important are:
cubic unit cell:
SiC(21R) a = 3.08111 Å
c = 52.9034 Å
SiC(27R) a = 3.08028 Å
c = 68.0495 Å
Electronic properties
Band structure calculations show that the conduction band minima are situated along the cubic axes at the bor-
der of the Brillouin zone (point X in 3C-SiC, point K in 2H-SiC, see the figure on the hexagonal Brillouin zone
in section 2.0.2, p.74). For the interpretation of most results on the electronic properties of the polytypes details
of the band structure are of minor interest.
band structure and energy gaps
band structure: Fig. 1.0.12 (p.11)
energy gaps
Eg,ind(Γ15v–X1c) 2.417(1) eV T=2K wavelength modulated absorption
2.2 eV T = 300 K optical absorption
Eg,dirr 6.0 eV T = 300 K optical absorption
excitonic energy gap
Egx 2.390 eV T=2K
For temperature dependence of excitonic energy gap Egx see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
H- and R-polytypes of SiC:
2H-SiC and 4H-SiC:
band structure (2H-SiC): Fig. 1.0.13 (p.11).
excitonic energy gaps
Egx 3.330 eV T=4K 2H, optical absorption
Egx 3.265 eV T=4K 4H, optical absorption;
For temperature dependence of excitonic gap for 2H-SiC and 4H-SiC, see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
energy gap
Eg,indd 3.02 eV T = 300 K exciton gap plus exciton binding energy
for 3C-SiC
Eg,indd 2.86 eV T = 300 K optical absorption
excitonic energy gap
Egx 2.80 eV T=4K luminescence
For temperature dependence of the excitonic gap of 8H-SiC, see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
Egx 2.9863 eV T=2K
Δso 7.0 meV T=2K
7.15(25) meV wavelength modulated absorption spectroscopy
For temperature dependence of the excitonic gap, see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
Egx 2.853 eV T=4K 21R, optical absorption
For temperature dependence of the excitonic gap, see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
Egx 2.728 eV T=8K 24R, optical absorption;
For temperature dependence of excitonic gap see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
Egx 3.003 eV T=4K optical absorption
For temperature dependence of the excitonic gap, see Fig. 1.5.1 (CD)
further electronic properties:
Eb 27 meV T=2K exciton binding energy, wavelength modulated
Eb(1S,3/2) 26.7 meV absorption calculated from valence band
Eb(1S,1/2) 25.9 meV parameters
Eb(2S,1/2) 16.7 meV
Δ0 10 meV T=2K spin-orbit splitting, wavelength modulated
E(Γ15v−Γ1c) 7.4 eV T = 300 K interband energies, reflectivity, band structure
E(L3v−L1c) 7.5 eV calculations
E(X5v−X1c) 5.8 eV
E(X5v−X3c) 8.3(1) eV
E(Γ15v−Γ15c) 9.0(2) eV
E(L3v−L3c) 9.4 eV
mp|| 1.85(3) m0
mp⊥ 0.66(2) m0
Egx 2.86 eV
Egx 3.05 eV
Δso 7.0 meV
4.8 meV
E 4.20 eV T = 300 K, E⊥
E c critical point energies
4.62 eV in electroreflectance
5.21 eV
5.14 eV E || c
mn|| 0.53 m0 Faraday rotation
mn⊥ 0.28(2) m0
Egx 2.92 eV
E 4.68 eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ c critical point energies
5.20 eV in electroreflectance
5.20 eV E || c
Egx 2.80 eV
E 4.30 eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ c critical point energies
5.08 eV in electroreflectance
4.32 eV E || c
4.42 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.3596 Å T = 297 K 3C, Debye-Scherrer, for temperature
dependence, see Fig. 1.5.2 (CD)
a 3.0763(10) Å T = 300 K 2H, Laue and Weissenberg patterns
c 5.0480(10) Å
a 3.0806 Å T = 297 K 6H, Debye-Scherrer, for temperature
c 15.1173 Å dependence, see Fig. 1.5.3 (CD)
For lattice constants of other modifications, see the beginning of this section.
linear thermal expansion coefficients
α(3C) 2.77(42)·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K recommended value; for
temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.5.4 (CD)
α(3C) = 3.19·10–6 + 3.60·10–9 T − 1.68·10–12 T 2 [K–1]
α33(6H) = 3.18·10–6 + 2.48·10–9 T − 8.51·10–13 T 2 [K–1]
commercial SiC-4H powder (< 15% 6H, < 5% 15R):
α11(4H) = 3.21·10–6 + 3.56·10–9 T − 1.62·10–13 T 2 [K–1]
α33(4H) = 3.09·10–6 + 2.63·10–9 T − 1.08·10–12 T 2 [K–1]
d 3.166 g cm–3 T = 293 K 3C, polycrystalline; may contain slight excess
(less than 1 %) of free silicon and/or free
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 1.5.5 (CD)
melting temperature (peritectic temperature)
Tm 3103(40) K p = 35 bar decomposes
transformation temperature 3C → 6H
Ttr > 215 °C
phonon dispersion relations (3C-, 2H-, 4H-, 6H-SiC): Fig. 1.5.6 (CD).
phonon wavenumbers
ν TA(L) 266 cm–1 RT 3C, discussion of Raman spectra
ν LA(L) 610 cm–1 including data from previous publications
ν TO(L) 766 cm–1
ν LO(L) 838 cm–1
bulk modulus
B 224(3) GPa at 45 GPa 15R
Debye temperature
ΘD 1270(20) K T = 800 3C, polycrystalline; evaluation of heat
...1300 K capacity data
1200 K T = 300 K 6H, single crystal; evaluation of heat
conductivity data
heat capacity
Cp 28.5 J mol–1 K–1 T = 293 K 3C, polycrystalline
36.9 J mol–1 K–1 T = 473 K
47.0 J mol–1 K–1 T = 1273 K
50.4 J mol–1 K–1 T = 2273 K
Transport properties
carrier concentrations
For the temperature dependence of the carrier concentration in 3C-SiC films, see Fig. 1.5.7 (CD); in 4H-SiC:
Fig. 1.5.8 (CD); in 6H-SiC: Fig. 1.5.9 (CD).
electron mobility
μn 510 cm2/Vs T = 296 K 3C, epitaxial film grown on Si(100);
for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 1.5.10 (CD)
948 cm2/Vs T = 300 K 4H, basal plane, van der Pauw technique;
CVD epilayer grown on p-type substrate;
Nd = 3·1015 cm−3
for temperature dependence, see Fig.1.5.11
480 cm2/Vs T = 300 K 6H, basal plane, van der Pauw technique
CVD homoepitaxial film
for temperature dependence of N-doped
6H-SiC see Fig. 1.5.11 (CD)
380 cm2/Vs T = 300 K 15R, n = 1.6·1017 cm–3,
van der Pauw technique;
for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 1.5.12 (CD)
hole mobility
μp 15...21 cm2/Vs 3C
98.5 cm2/Vs T = 305 K 4H bulk, probably B doped;
p(305K) = 5·1014 cm−3;
for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 1.5.12 (CD)
2 III-V compounds
Fig. 2.0.2 ... 2.0.4 show the zincblende lattice, the wurtzite lattice and the hexagonal lattice of h-BN.
Fig. 2.0.2 The zincblende lattice Fig. 2.0.3. The wurtzite lattice
Fig. 2.0.4. The hexagonal lattice of h-BN Fig. 2.0.5. Brillouin zone of the zincblende lattice.
Conduction band edge: As in the diamond lattice two possibilities are to be considered in connection with the
band structure of III-V compounds:
Lowest band state at Γ: The energy E(k) can be approximated near the band edge by a scalar quadratic k-
k = E(Γ) + ƫ2k2/2mn.
dependence: E(k)
Lowest band state along a symmetry axis (ΔΔ or Λ): In the case that the lowest band state lies at a point k0 at
a symmetry axis the band edge can be approximated by E(k) = E(k0) + ƫ2κx2/2m|_ + ƫ2(κy2 + κz2)/2m⊥ where
κ = k − k0 and κx |_ k0, κy, κz ⊥ k0 (ellipsoidal energy surfaces).
Camel's back structure: By the lack of inversion symmetry a
third case has to be considered: the splitting of the degenerate
bands at the point X at the boundary of the Brillouin zone (com-
pare Fig. 1.0.7 (p.9) with Fig. 2.0.6).
This splitting can be described by the equation
E(k) = ƫ2k||2/2ml +ƫ2k⊥2/2mt – ((Δ/2)2 + Δ0ƫ2k2/2ml)1/2
perpendicular to the [ 1 0 0 ] -direction, respectively, mt: effective
mass perpendicular to the [ 1 0 0 ] -direction; Δ0 : parameter de-
scribing the non-parabolicity; all other parameters are explained
in the figure.
Fig. 2.0.7. The camel's back structure
Nonparabolicity: In several III-V compounds the parabolic approximation at a Γ-minimum fails because of a
low effective electron mass. Low mn means a strong curvature of the band and, thus, a electron population up
to higher band states. The quadratic E(k)-dependence
k has to be supplied by terms of the 4th order:
E(k) = E(Γ) + ƫ2k2/2mn + αkk4 + β(kkx2+kky2+kkz2) ± γ(
γ k2(kkx2ky2+kky2kz2+kkz2kx2) − 9kkx2ky2kz2)1/2.
α and β are the (isotropic and anisotropic) parabolicity parameters, γ the spin-splittig paramerter, which van-
ishes for semiconductors with diamond structure.
Valence band edge: In all compounds with zincblende structure the top of the valence band is situated at the
center Γ of the Brillouin zone (Γ25'). According to Fig. 2.0.6 (p.9) this state is triply degenerated if the spin-
orbit coupling can be neglected. Taking spin into account the (now sixfold degenerated) state splits into the
fourfold degenerated Γ8+ state and a lower lying twofold degenerated Γ7+ state, separated by the spin-orbit
splitting energy Δ. At k ≠ 0 two subbands (degenerated at Γ) build the band edge. Their energy can be ap-
proximated by
( ± ((B2 + sC2)1/2), s = (kkx2ky2 + ky2kz2 + kz2kx2)kk4
E(k) = E(Γ) + (ƫ2k2/2m0)(A
The ±-sign refers to the two bands into which E(Γ8+) splits at k ≠ 0. (wharped surfaces).
b. Compounds with wurtzite structure
The point group of the wurtzite lattice is the hexagonal lattice. The corresponding reciprocal lattice is hexago-
nal as well (Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.8).
Band structures are given usually along the paths A − R − L − U − M − Σ − Γ − A and A − S − H − P − K − T −
Γ − Δ − A.
The top of the wurtzite-type valence bands often consists of narrow situated Γ6− and Γ1 bands. Taking interac-
tion between both bands into account leads to
E1(k) = E(Γ6) + ak||2 + bkk⊥2, E2,3(k) = E(Γ6) ± Δ/2 + ckk2+ dkk⊥2 ± ((Δ/2 + c'k||2 + d'
d k⊥2)2 + (c"k||2 + d"
d k⊥2)2)1/2.
E1(0) and E2,3(0) are separated by the crystal-field splitting energy Δ (Δcff).
Figs. 2.0.9. Band structures of cubic boron nitride (left) and hexagonal boron nitride (right).
Figs. 2.0.10...11. Band structures of boron phosphide (left), boron arsenide (right).
Figs. 2.0.12...13. Band structures of boron antimonide (left) and aluminum nitride (right).
Figs. 2.0.14...15. Band structures of aluminum phosphide (left) and aluminum arsenide (right).
Figs. 2.0.16...17. Band structures of aluminum antimonide (left) and gallium nitride (right).
Figs. 2.0.18....19. Band structures of gallium phosphide (left) and gallium arsenide (right).
Figs. 2.0.20...21. Band structures of gallium antimonide (left) and indium nitride (right).
Figs. 2.0.22...23. Band structures of indium phosphide (left) and indium arsenide (right).
A. Cubic modification
Electronic properties
All recent calculations yield for c-BN an indirect band gap.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.9 (p.75). Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energy gap
Eg,ind (Γ15vv -X1cc) 6.2 eV soft X-ray emission spectroscopy
Eg, dir(Γ15v–Γ1c) 14.5 eV reflectivity
effective masses
mn 0.752 m0 calculated from band structure data
mp,h 0.375 m0 [100]
0.926 m0 [ 1 1 1]
mp,l 0.150 m0 [100]
0.108 m0 [ 1 1 1]
Lattice properties
lattice constant
a 0.36160(3) nm standard conditions X-ray diffraction
Temperature dependence of the lattice constant, see Fig. 2.1.1 (CD).
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 1.15⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300 K X-ray measurements
Temperature dependence of the linear thermal expansion coefficient, see Fig. 2.1.2 (CD).
elastic constants
c11 820 GPa Brillouin scattering
c12 190 GPa
c44 480 GPa
phonon wavenumbers
ν LO 1305(1) cm–1 RT Raman scattering
ν TO 1054.7(6) cm–1
melting temperature
Tm > 2973 oC
d 3.4863 g cm−3 standard conditions X-ray diffraction
phonon dispersion relation see Fig. 2.1.3 (CD).
bulk modulus
B 372.3(3.7) GPa normal conditions ultrasonic measurements
Temperature dependence of B see Fig. 2.1.4 (CD).
shear modulus
G 377.8 GPa normal conditions ultrasonic measurements
Temperature dependence of G see Fig. 2.1.4 (CD).
Young's modulus
E 846.9 GPa normal conditions ultrasonic measurements
Poisson's ratio
ν 0.121 normal conditions ultrasonic measurements
Debye temperature
ΘD 1730(70) K RT…1000°C
For temperature dependence see Fig. 2.1.5 (CD).
heat capacity: temperature dependence see Fig. 2.1.6 (CD).
Transport properties
Data on electrical properties of c-BN crystals and films are extremely scarce and, if existing, incomplete.
electrical conductivity and activation energy
EA 0.23(2) eV T = 20…1000 oC p-type crystal, Be doped
σ ≈ 10−2 Ω−1cm−1
EA 0.24(3) eV T = 20…1000 oC n-type crystal, Si doped
σ ≈10−3 Ω−1cm−1
For Be doped polycrystals, the activation energy depends on dopant concentration, see Fig. 2.1.7 (CD).
For the temperature dependence of dark conductivity, see Fig. 2.1.8 (CD).
carrier mobility
μ 500 cm2 V−1s−1 thin film, p-type nominally undoped,
(5·1018 cm−3) Hall measurements
thermal conductivity: see Fig. 2.1.9 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index
n 2.097 λ = 712.5 nm
dielectric constants
ε (0) 7.1 T = 300 K infrared reflectivity, Fig. 2.1.10 (CD)
ε (∞)
energy levels
Ev 1.76 eV a1 band Vac[N] (relaxed)
Ev 4.90 eV a1 band Vac[N] (relaxed)
Ev 4.81 eV a1 band B[N] (relaxed)
intrinsic or unidentified electron traps. Apparent thermal activation energies of electrons Ena
Ena 0.05... 0.12 eV S, Si, KNC doped electrical conductivity
0.2 eV T = 80...150 K electrical conductivity
0.3 eV T = 150... 300 K electrical conductivity
0.4 eV T > 300 K electrical conductivity
intrinsic or unidentified hole traps. Apparent thermal activation energies of holes Epa
Epa 0.2 eV Be-doped electrical conductivity
intrinsic or unidentified electron traps. Apparent optical activation energies of electrons Eb
Eb Ec – 0.15...0.4 eV thermoluminescence
Ec – 0.1 eV T =77 K photoconductivity
Ec – 2.5 eV T = 77 K photoconductivity and thermoluminescence
B. Hexagonal modification
Electronic properties
All recent calculations yield for h-BN an indirect band gap. Calculations show that the valence band consists of
a triplet of overlapping bands (topmost: π-band with maximum at P, two overlapping σ-bands) and one lower
subband built from the 2s states of N and B. The conduction band minimum is situated at P.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.9 (p.75). Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.8 (p.74).
energy gap
Eg 5.9(1) eV inelastic electron scattering
Eg,th 7.1(1) eV temperature dependence of
electrical resistivity
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 0.25072(1) nm prepared from amorphous BN in 100% N2
c 0.687(1) nm atmosphere at room temperature
temperature dependence of lattice parameters
c = 6.6516 Å + 2.74·10–4 T Å °C–1 X-ray diffraction, see also Fig. 2.1.11 (CD)
a = 2.50424 Å − 7.42·10–6 T Å °C–1 + 4.79 · 10–9 T2 Å °C–2
linear thermal expansion coefficient
αvol 40.6(4)⋅10−6 K−1 standard conditions X-ray measurements
d 2.279 g cm−3 X-ray density
decomposition temperature
Tdec 2600(100) K
melting temperature
Tm 3200…3400 K N2 ambient pyrometric measurements
[1…50 MPa]
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 2.1.12 (CD)
phonon wavenumber
ν TO1 783 cm–1 E||c IR reflectivity
ν LO1 828 cm–1
ν TO2 1510 cm–1
ν LO2 1595 cm–1
ν TO1 767 cm–1
ν LO1 778 cm–1
ν TO2 1367 cm–1
ν LO2 1610 cm–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 750 GPa pyrolytic BN
c12 150 GPa
c33 18.7 − 67.28 (d − 3.33) GPa (d
d is interlayer spacing in Å)
c44 2.52 (154) GPa pyrolytic BN (with defects)
Δ 1.4⋅10−12 m2/N p = 0…6.3 GPa X-ray diffraction
Δ 18⋅10−12 m2/N
Young's modulus
E 18.6 GPa t-BN films nanoindentation
Poisson's ratio
ν 0.306 t-BN films calculated
Debye temperature
ΘD 598(7) K calorimetry
Transport properties
electrical resistivity
ρ 2⋅1011 Ω cm undoped nanocrystalline film
1.3⋅102 Ω cm S-doped n-type nanocrystalline film
Fig. 2.1.13 (CD) shows the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity at high temperatures and a
comparison with earlier literature data.
thermal conductivity
κ 150…220 W m−1K−1 T = 300 K
For the temperature dependence of κ for pyrolytic BN in the range from 1 to 500 K see Fig. 2.1.14 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index:
n 1.65 perpendicular to c-axis
2.13 parallel to c-axis
dielectric constants
ε(0)|| 5.09 parallel to c-axis IR reflectivity
ε(0)⊥ 7.04 perpendicular to c-axis
ε(∞)|| 4.10 parallel to c-axis IR reflectivity
ε(∞)⊥ 4.95 perpendicular to c-axis
Electronic properties
BP is an indirect gap semiconductor.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.10 (p.75), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
BP is an indirect gap semiconductor. The direct band gaps are 4.4, 6.5 and 6.5 eV at Γ, X and L, respectively.
energy gap
Eg,ind 2.1 eV RT measurement of soft-Xray emission and
absorption spectra using synchroton radiation
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 4.5383(4) Å T = 297 K temperature dependence of lattice parameter
of Si-grown epitaxial layers: Fig. 2.2.1 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 3.65⋅10–6 K–1 T = 400 K crystals grown from liquid Pd, Fig. 2.2.2 (CD)
5.17⋅⋅10–6 K–1 T = 800 K
melting temperature: BP decomposes at 1400 K
phonon dispersion curves, phonon density of states: Fig. 2.2.3 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 24.25 THz ab-initio pseudopotential calculation
νLO(X) 24.00 THz
νLA(X) 15.81 THz
νTO(X) 21.04 THz
νTA(X) 9.20 THz
νLO(L) 22.91 THz
νLA(L) 15.18 THz
phonon energies
hνLO(Γ) 102.8 meV T = 300 K Raman spectroscopy
hνTO(Γ) 101.7 meV ir-spectroscopy
zone center phonon wavenumber
ν 828.9(6) cm–1 RT Raman scattering
second order elastic moduli
c11 5.15(1)⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 RT Brillouin scattering
c12 1.0(1)⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c44 1.60(5)⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
bulk modulus
B 152(5) GPa
shear modulus
G 139 GPa calculated
Debye temperature
ΘD 985 K for temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.2.4 (CD)
For heat capacity see Fig. 2.2.4 (CD)
Transport properties
BP is extrinsic at RT, the transport limited by impurity scattering. Fig. 2.2.5 (CD) and Fig. 2.2.6 (CD) show
temperature dependencies of the conductivities σi, the carrier concentration n and p, and Hall mobility μH,n and
μH,p for single crystalline wafers.
electrical conductivity
σ 4...20 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K typical p-type crystals, p = 1...5·1018 cm–3
3...6 Ω–1 cm–1 typical n-type crystals, n = 1018 cm–3
thermal conductivity: Fig. 2.2.7 (CD)
carrier concentrations
n 7·1016...4·1019 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystals
8·1017...2·1021 cm–3 thin films
p 2·1016...5·1018 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystals
1019...1020 cm–3 thin films
carrier mobilities
μn 30...40 cm2/Vs T = 300 K single crystals, n = 1018 cm–3
5...80 cm2/Vs thin films, n = 8·1017...1020 cm–3
μp 500 cm2/Vs T = 300 K single crystal, p =1018 cm–3
10...20 cm2/Vs thin films, p =1019 cm–3
Optical properties
absorption index
k 0.74·10–4 T =300 K, λ = 0.71 μm transmission
1.0·10–4 0.57 μm
4.3·10–4 0.48 μm
6.5·10–4 0.422 μm
refractive index
n 3.34(5) T =300 K, λ = 454.5 nm Brewster angle method
3.34(5) 458 nm
3.32 (5) 488 nm
3.30(5) 496 nm
3.26(5) 514.5 nm
3.00(5) 632.8 nm
dielectric constant
ε (0) 11 λ = 589.3 nm Schottky barrier reflectance
ε (∞) 7.8 semi-ab-initio tight-binding calculation
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 2.0.11 (p.75), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
The calculated band structure shows an indirect (ΓΓ – X) gap of a few eV. The conduction band minimum is on
the Δ axis close to the X point, where the X3c level is below the X1c level. As in Si the Γ15c level is below the
Γ1c level.
energy gap
Eg,indd 0.67 eV absorption
or Eg,dirr 1.46 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 4.777 Å
temperature dependence of lattice parameter
a = 4.777 + 2.306 . 10–5 T − 5.555 . 10–9 T2 (a in Å, T in K) Tersoff model potential MD simulation
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 4.1⋅10–6 K–1 Tersoff model potential MD simulation
d 5.22 g cm–3
bulk modulus
B 138 GPa
Debye temperature
ΘD 800 K
phonon dispersion relation and density of states: Fig. 2.3.1 (CD).
zone center phonon wavenumbers
ν LO(Γ) 714 cm–1 RT Raman scattering
ν TO(Γ) 695 cm–1
Electronic properties
BSb is an indirect semiconductor.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.12 (p.76), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energy gap
Eg 0.527 eV Γ–Δ calculated
Lattice properties
lattice parameter (zincblende structure)
a 5.12 Å ab-initio pseudopotential calculation
phonon dispersion relation and phonon density of states Fig. 2.4.1 (CD).
Electronic properties
AlN is a direct semiconductor.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.13 (p.76); Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.8 (p.74).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ6v, Γ1'v))
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.1111 Å T = 300 K powder X-ray diffraction
c 4.9788 Å
c/a 1.600
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α⊥ 4.35⋅10–6K–1 T = 300 K powder X-ray diffraction
α|| 3.48⋅10–6K–1 T-dependence: Fig. 2.5.1 (CD)
α⊥/α|| 1.25
temperature dependence of the lattice parameters (a and c in Å)
melting temperature
Tm 3025 K
phonon dispersion curves, phonon density of states: Fig. 2.5.2 (CD).
The phonon dispersion spectrum of AlN possesses nine optical branches. Only TO1, TO'1, LO1-modes are in-
frared active (symmetry E1(Γ5), A1(Γ1)). The same modes as well as E2(T6)-modes are Raman active. The re-
maining B1-modes are inactive.
zone center optical phonon wavenumbers
(ν/c)(E2(1)) 248.6 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
(ν/c)TO(A1) 611.0 cm–1
(ν/c)(E2(2)) 657.4 cm–1
(ν/c)TO(E1) 670.8 cm–1
(ν/c)LO(A1) 890.0 cm–1
(ν/c)LO(E1) 912.0 cm–1
sound velocities
υL 10127 m s–1 experimental, polycrystal
υT 6333 m s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 411 GPa Brillouin scattering
c12 149 GPa
c13 99 GPa
c33 389 GPa
c44 125 GPa
bulk modulus
B 201.7 GPa ultrasound
Young’s modulus
E 294.5 GPa ultrasound
Debye temperature:
ΘD 950 K estimate
specific heat: Fig. 2.5.3 (CD).
Transport properties
AlN is an extrinsic semiconductor.
electrical conductivity
σ [Ω–1 cm–1] 10–3...10–5 T = 290 K doped (Al2OC) single p-type crystals (blue)
10–11...10–13 T = 300 K undoped single crystals (colorless or
pale yellow)
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 9.14 T = 300 K reflectivity
ε⊥ (∞) 4.71(22) optical interferometry (λ = 589.0 nm)
ε|| (∞) 4.93(22)
refractive index
n 2.17...2.34 CVD films at 250 nm
2.04...2.18 CVD films at 300 nm
Spectral dependence of refractive index, see Fig. 2.5.6 (CD), of reflectance, see Fig. 2.5.7 (CD).
Electronic properties
AlP is an indirect wide gap semiconductor, the minima of the conduction bands are situated at the X points of
the Brillouin zone. The top of the valence band has the structure common to all zincblende semiconductors.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.14 (p.76), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.4635(4) Å T = 25oC epitaxial film on GaP
For temperature dependence of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, see Fig. 2.6.2 (CD).
d 2.40(1) g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 2823 K
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 2.6.3 (CD)
phonon wavenumbers
ν LO(Γ) 504.5(4) cm–1 T=5K Raman spectroscopy
501.0(2) cm–1 T = 300 K
ν TO(Γ) 442.5(2) cm–1 T=5K
439.4(2) cm–1 T = 300 K
second order elastic moduli
c11 18.83...14.59⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 theoretical estimates
c12 6.71...8.44⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c44 3.69...4.24⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
bulk modulus
B 185(5) GPa T = 298.15 K for wurtzite type
Debye temperature
ΘD 588 K temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.6.4 (CD)
Electronic properties
AlAs is a wide gap semiconductor with a band structure similar to that of AlP. Measurements revealed a
camel's back structure near X (band minimum at k = (0.903,0,0) on the Δ-axes).
band structure: Fig. 2.0.15 (p.76), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.66139(5) Å high-resolution X-ray diffraction
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.7.2 (CD)
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 5.20(5).10–6 K–1 T = 15 ... 840°C X-ray diffraction, see also Fig. 2.7.3 (CD)
d 3.760 g cm–3 calculated from lattice parameter
melting temperature
Tm 2013(20) K p = 1 atm
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 2.7.4 (CD)
phonon wavenumbers
ν LO(Γ) 404(1) cm–1 T = 36 K 1st order Raman scattering,
ν TO(Γ) 361(1) cm–1 0.5 μ
μm layer AlAs on GaAs
ν LO(X) 403(8) cm–1 from 2nd order spectrum
ν TO(X) 335(8) cm–1
ν TA(X) 109(8) cm–1
ν LA(X) 222(12) cm–1
sound velocities
υ LA 5.7⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 0 0 ] /[ 0 0 1 ] from the cikk (table below)
υ T1 (υ T2) 3.9⋅105 cm s–1 designation: direction of propagation/
υ LA 6.2⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] /[ 0 0 1 ] direction of particle movement
υ T1 4.0⋅105 cm s–1
υ T2 2.9⋅105 cm s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 119.9(12) GPa Brillouin scattering, AlAs layer on GaAs
c12 57.5(13) GPa
c44 56.6(7) GPa
bulk modulus
B 74(4) GPa from X-ray diffraction data
Debye temperature
ΘD 414 K T=0K estimated, temperature dependence of ΘD(T),
446 K T = 300 K see Fig. 2.7.5 (CD)
Transport properties
Only few reliable data exist on the transport and optical properties of AlAs. Most results are extrapolations
from data obtained on the technologically more important solid solutions of the type AlxGa1–xAs.
electrical conductivity
σ 9.5 Ω–1cm–1 T = 300 K p-type crystal grown by MBE
0.29 Ω–1cm–1 T = 77 K (at dark)
9.4...80 Ω–1cm–1 n-type single crystal layers on GaAs
thermal conductivity
κ 0.91 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
carrier mobilities
µn 294...75 cm2/Vs T = 300 K single crystal layers
µp 105 cm2/Vs T = 300 K MBE-grown, Be-doped crystal
For temperature dependence of the Hall mobility, see Fig. 2.7.6 (CD).
Optical properties
Although AlAs is one endpoint of the heavily studied AlxGa1-xAs ternary system, its optical properties have
not been investigated nearly as much because of its hygroscopic nature.
dielectric constants
ε (0) 10.1 from infrared reflectivity
ε (∞) 8.2
Spectral variation of the dielectric function and the complex refractive index, see Figs. 2.7.7 (CD) and 2.7.8
(CD). For the temperature dependence of the refractive index, see Fig. 2.6.7 (CD).
Electronic properties
As AlAs also AlSb has an indirect band gap with camel's back conduction band minima near X.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.16 (p.77), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
effective masses
mn⊥(Δ1) 0.26 m0 estimate in calculating camel's back structure
mn||(Δ1) 1 m0
mn 1.2(4) m0 T = 600...900 K density of states mass from thermoelectric
power measurements, acoustic mode scattering
mp,h 0.336 m0 || [ 1 0 0 ] theoretical estimates
0.872 m0 || [ 1 1 1 ]
mp,l 0.123 m0 || [ 1 0 0 ]
0.091 m0 || [ 1 1 1 ]
valence band parameter
A – 4.12
B – 2.09
|C| 4.71
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.1355(1) Å T = 291.15 K powder, X-ray measurements
For temperature dependence of the Debye temperature, see Fig. 2.8.5 (CD)
Transport properties
AlSb grown without intentional doping is p-type, and it becomes intrinsic at about 1000 K. Below room tem-
perature the transport is limited by ionized impurity scattering and at higher temperatures acoustic-mode scat-
tering dominates for the holes and polar optical-mode scattering for the electrons.
For temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, see Fig. 2.8.6 (CD).
intrinsic conductivity
σi = σ0 exp(–E
– g/2kT):
T T > 1000 K p = 4...8·107 cm–3
σ0 1.12·104 Ω–1 cm–1
Eg 1.57 eV
thermal conductivity: Fig. 2.8.7 (CD).
carrier concentration
p 1016 cm–3 T = 300 K purest material
ni 1017 cm–3 T = 1000 K
electron mobility
μn 200 cm2/Vs T = 295 K single crystal, Te-doped, n = 4.7·1016 cm–3
700 cm2/Vs T = 77 K
T –1.8-dependence above 200 K).
See Fig. 2.8.8a (CD) for temperature dependence (T
hole mobility
μp 400 cm2/Vs T = 300 K single crystal, p ≈ 1016 cm–3
2000 cm2/Vs T = 77 K single crystal, p ≈ 3·1016 cm–3 (at 300 K)
For temperature dependence of hole mobility, see Fig. 2.8.8b (CD).
light holes
/ h 0.075 T = 50...100 K calculated from the magnetoresistance field
dependence of μpl/μph
piezoelectric coefficients
e14 6.8·10–6 C/cm2 T = 300 K piezoelectric Hall effect measurements.
± 20% Polarity: negative, if the crystal is expanded
d14 1.64·10–10 cm/V in the [ 1 1 1 ] direction, the A-faces (metal
g14 1.61·102 cm2/C atoms) become negatively charged.
h14 6.7·106 V/cm Three different mechanisms contribute to the
piezoelectric effect, ionic polarization, change
in ionicity, electronic polarization
Optical properties
Wavelength dependence of refractive index and extinction coeffcient see Fig. 2.8.9 (CD).
Spectral dependence of real and imaginary part of the complex dielectric function see Fig. 2.8.10 (CD.)
refractive index
n 3.652 λ = 40 μm transmission and reflectance at 300K,
2.995 20 μm Fig. 2.8.9 (CD)
3.080 15 μm
3.100 10 μm
3.182 4 μm
3.300 2 μm
3.445 1.1 μm
dielectric constants
ε (0) 12.04 T = 300 K ir reflectance, oscillator fit
ε (∞) 10.24
binding (E
( b) or thermal activation ((Ea) energy of deep levels
Electronic properties
band structure (α-GaN): Fig. 2.0.17 (p.77), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.8 (p.74).
Due to spin-orbit interaction the two top valence bands (Γ6 and Γ1) split into three spin-degenerate bands with
quantum numbers Jz = 3/2 (Γ9), Jz = ½ (Γ7), and Jz = ½ (Γ7). For convenience the denotation A, B, C is used
for the bands.
energy gap (α-GaN)
Eg,dirr 3.503(2) eV T = 1.6 K photoluminescence, from excitonic
gap adding the exciton binding energy
3.4751(5) eV A-exciton (transition from Γ9v)
3.4815(10) eV B-exciton (transition from upper Γ7v)
3.493(5) eV C-exciton (transition from lower Γ7v)
3.44 eV T = 300 K temperature dependence below 295 K given by
T –Eg(0) = – 5.08·10–4T 2/(996–T)
Eg(T)– T eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 3.190(1) Å α-GaN, X-ray diffraction, monocrystal
c 5.189(1) Å
temperature dependence (a, c in Å)
a = 3.1840 + 0.739 . 10–5 T + 5.92 . 10–9 T 2, powder X-ray scattering, T = 293...1173 K,
c = 5.1812 + 1.455 . 10–5 T + 4.62 . 10–9 T 2 see also Fig. 2.9.3 (CD)
c/a = 1.6274 + 0.051 . 10–5 T − 1.5 . 10–9 T 2
a 4.531(5) Å T = 300 K β-GaN, X-ray diffraction
thermal expansion coefficients
α|| 5.59⋅⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300...900 K X-ray measurements, below 340K α|| > α⊥,
α⊥ 3.17⋅⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300...700 K above 340K α|| < α⊥, see Fig. 2.9.4 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 2791 K GaN sublimes without decomposition
> 2000 K around 800oC
d 6.07 g cm–3 α-GaN
phonon dispersion curves: α-GaN: Fig. 2.9.5 (CD), β-GaN: Fig. 2.9.6 (CD).
phonon wavenumbers
ν low ( E 2 ) 145 cm–1 T = 300 K α-GaN, Raman spectroscopy
ν TO (A 1 ) 533 cm–1
νTO ( E1 ) 560 cm–1
ν high ( E 2 ) 567 cm–1
ν LO (A 1 ) 735 cm–1
ν LO ( E 1 ) 742 cm–1
ν TO 554 cm–1 T = 80 K β-GaN, Raman
ν LO 740 cm–1
sound velocities
υ11 7744 m s–1 α-GaN, Brillouin scattering
υ12 4702 m s–1
υ13 4336 m s–1
υ33 7914 m s–1
υ44 4240 m s–1
υ66 4351 m s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 377 GPa T = 300 K α-GaN, ultrasound resonance technique,
c12 160 GPa 0.29 mm film,
c13 114 GPa 0.2 % accuracy
c33 209 GPa
c44 81.4 GPa
c11 264 GPa β-GaN, estimated from elastic moduli
c12 153 GPa of the wurtzite structure
c44 68 GPa using Martin’s formula
bulk modulus
B 195 GPa RT α-GaN, from powder X-ray diffraction data
Young’s modulus
E 324 GPa α-GaN, Brillouin scattering
Debye temperature
ΘD 608 K β-GaN (zincblende)
600 K α-GaN, estimate from refractive index
Transport properties
Undoped GaN is normally n-type conducting. Carrier concentrations in undoped films might vary from 5⋅1019
cm–3 to 5⋅1016 cm–3 by unintentional incorporation of extrinsic impurities, mainly silicon and oxygen.
Optical properties
The physical properties are mostly extrinsic (energy gap about 3.5 eV). Thus investigations on luminescence
centers etc. are predominant.
Absorption and reflection spectra: Figs. 2.9.10 (CD) and 2.9.11 (CD).
index of refraction
n 2.29(5) T = 300 K (extra- α-GaN, interference method (the value for
polated to 0 eV), E || c is 1.5(2)% lower at 500 nm); for
E || c energy dependence, see Fig. 2.9.12 (CD)
ε(0) 8.9 calculated
ε(∞) 4.86 T = 300 K optical absorption
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 2.0.18 (p.77), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
GaP is an indirect gap semiconductor. The lowest set of conduction bands shows a camel's back structure: the
band minima are situated at the Δ-axes near the zone boundary. A higher band minimum at Γ is responsible for
direct transitions in optical absorption. The valence bands show the usual structure characteristic for all
zincblende semiconductors.
The band structure shown in Fig. 2.0.18 (p.77) has been calculated without inclusion of spin-orbit splitting;
therefore the symmetry symbols of the high symmetry band states are symbols of the single group of the
zincblende structure.
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
effective masses
The longitudinal electron mass at the Δ
Δ–minimum is strongly energy dependent because of the camel's back
m⊥ (near Δmin) 0.21 m0 T = 1...20 K luminescence (m||/m⊥ ≈ 5.5)
m|| (near Δmin) 7.25 m0 effective mass at bottom of camel's
m|| (away of Δmin) 2.2 m0 effective mass high above the bottom of
camel's back
mp,h 0.67(4) m0 || [ 1 1 1 ] cyclotron resonance at 1.6K
mp,l 0.17(1) m0 || [ 1 1 1 ] cyclotron resonance at 1.6K
mp,so 0.4649 m0 T=0K calculated from k·p
· model
valence band parameters
A – 4.20 calculated using k·p
· theory
B – 1.97
|C| 4.60
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.4506(4) Å RT single crystal
temperature dependence: Fig. 2.10.3 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 4.65⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300 K recommended value (accuracy 10%)
temperature dependence: Fig. 2.10.4 (CD)
d 4.138 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1749 K
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 2.10.5 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
phonon frequencies
ν(Γ) 10.95(1) THz TO, RT from an analysis of Raman, neutron,
12.06(1) THz LO luminescence and absorption data
ν(X) 3.13(3) THz TA
7.46(6) THz LA
10.58(3) THz TO
11.09(6) THz LO
ν(L) 2.58 (3) THz TA
6.45 (3) THz LA
10.64(3) THz TO
11.24(3) THz LO
sound velocities
υ1 5.847⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K n-type, n ≈ 5·1016 cm–3 ultrasound ((ff = 12 MHz)
υ2 4.131⋅⋅105 cm s–1 designation: mode/direction of propagation/
υ6 6.648⋅⋅105 cm s–1 direction of particle displacement
υ7 3.466⋅⋅105 cm s–1 υ 1: long./0 0 1 / 0 0 1 , υ 2: shear/0 0 1 / 1 1 0 ,
υ 6: long/1 1 1 / 1 1 1 , υ 7: shear/1 1 1 / 1 1 0
second order elastic moduli
c11 14.050(28)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K ultrasound (f = 10/30 MHz)
c12 6.203(24)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 temperature dependence: Fig. 2.10.6 (CD)
c44 7.033(7)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
third order elastic moduli
c111 – 7.37⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K ultrasound (f = 10/30 MHz);
c112 – 4.74⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 hydrostatic pressure up
c123 – 1.31⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 to 1.5 kbar, uniaxial
c144 – 1.07⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 pressure up to 30 bar
c155 – 2.34⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c456 – 0.62⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2
Young's moduli and torsional modulus
E100 10.173⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K n = 2·1017 cm–3, ultrasound
G100 7.034⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K
bulk modulus
B 87.4 GPa
Debye temperature
ΘD 445 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 2.10.7 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 49.4 + 1.34·10–3T – 5.26·105T–2 J mol–1 K–1 T = 800…1510 K
Transport properties
Intrinsic conductivity in GaP occurs even in high purity samples only above 500oC. GaP therefore is an extrin-
sic semiconductor. In n-type material above 100 K the transport is limited by intervalley and acoustic-mode
scattering and in p-type material above room temperature by acoustic-mode and nonpolar optical-mode scat-
As in GaAs semi-insulating GaP can be obtained by doping with shallow donors and acceptors as well as deep
centers. Resistivities at RT are of the order of 108...1011 Ω cm. Typical data at high temperatures are shown in
Fig. 2.10.8 (CD).
electrical conductivity
σ 0.15...0.9 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K pure n-type material
10–9...10–14 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K semi-insulating material
(compensated n- and p-type material)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.77 W K–1 cm–1 T = 300 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 2.10.9 (CD)
electron mobility
μH,n 160 cm2/Vs RT, LPE grown maximum mobility, temperature dependence
layers ∝ T –1.7
Temperature dependence of electron mobility (LPE grown layers): Fig. 2.10.10 (CD).
hole mobility
μH,p 135 cm2/Vs maximum mobility, T-dependence
T ∝T –2.3
For temperature dependence of hole mobility, see also Fig. 2.10.11 (CD)
piezoelectric coefficients
e14 – 1·10–5 C/cm2 T = 300 K σ = 10–7 (Ωcm)–1, approximate value
Optical properties
optical constants in the range 1.5...6.0 eV
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 2.10.12 (CD).
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K [103 cm−1]
1.5 10.102 0.000 3.178 0.000 9.272 0.00
2.0 11.114 0.000 3.334 0.000 0.290 0.00
2.5 12.996 0.046 3.605 0.006 0.320 1.63
3.0 18.601 1.832 4.081 0,224 0.369 68.26
3.5 24.833 8.268 5.050 0.819 o.458 290.40
4.0 9.652 16.454 3.790 2.171 0.452 880.10
4.5 11.073 17.343 3.978 2.180 0.461 994.27
5.0 0.218 26.580 3.661 3.631 0.580 1839.99
5.5 − 10.266 10.974 1.543 3.556 0.677 1982.53
6.0 − 5.521 7.041 1.309 2.690 0,583 1635.71
refractive index
range 1.5...2.7 eV: Fig. 2.10.13 (CD).
n 2.529 λ = 20 μm, T = 300 K reflectance
2.90 10 μm reflectance and transmission
2.94 5 μm
3.02 2 μm
3.17 1 μm
absorption index
k 3.44·10–5 λ = 20 μm, T = 300 K transmission
2.47·10–3 0.5 μm
3.12·10–2 0.452 μm
dielectric constants
ε (0) 11.11 T = 300 K ε(0): low–frequency capacitance measurements
10.86 T = 75.7 K
ε (∞) 9.11 T = 300 K ε(∞): derived from refractive index data
Temperature dependence: Fig. 2.10.14 (CD) of dielectric constants; absorption spectrum: Fig. 2.10.15 (CD).
second order nonlinear dielectric susceptibilities
d 1.09·10–10 mV–1 T = 300 K, CO2 laser second harmonic generation, should
λ = 10.6 μm contain only χe(2)
0.77(17)·10–10 mV–1 T = 300 K, CO2 laser wedge second harmonic generation,
λ = 2.12 μm should contain only χe(2)
0.82(15)·10–10 mV–1 T = 300 K, CO2 laser, λ = 1.318 μm
elasto-optical constants
p11 – 0.156 from Brillouin scattering
– 0.166 first value: at 2.41 eV, second value: at 2.54 eV
p12 – 0.119
– 0.144
p44 – 0.077
– 0.064
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 2.0.19 (p.77), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
GaAs is a direct gap semiconductor. The minimum of the lowest conduction band is situated at Γ, higher sets of
minima at L and near X (about 10% away from zone boundary) are important for optical as well as transport
properties. The X-minimum has most probably a camel's back like structure similar to GaP, AlAs and AlSb.
The valence bands have the usual structure characteristic for all zincblende crystals.
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v), E(Γ15v))
ΔE 9.3 meV
Δ 304 meV
km 0.102(2π/a) values extrapolated from GaP
ml 1.8 m0 using a k·p
· model
mt 0.257 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.65359 Å RT
Temperature dependence of lattice parameters see Fig. 2.11.3 (CD).
linear thermal expansion coefficient
Empirical relations from a discussion of various published data:
α [10−6 K−1] – 1.12 + 4.1·10–2T – 5.9·10–5 T 2 120 < T < 350 K
4.24 + 5.82·10–3T – 2.82·10–6T 2 200 < T < 1000 K
Temperature dependence: Fig. 2.11.4 (CD)
d 5.3161(2) g cm–3 T = 298.15 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 2.11.5 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 1511 K optimized
phonon dispersion curves, phonon density of states: Fig. 2.11.6 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ15) 8.55(20) THz T = 296 K coherent inelastic neutron scattering,
νTO(Γ15) 8.02(8) THz
νTA(X1) 2.36(2) THz
νLA(X3) 6.80(6) THz
νLO(X1) 7.22(15) THz
νTO(X5) 7.56(8) THz
νTA(L3) 1.86(2) THz
νLA(L1) 6.26(10) THz
νLO(L1) 7.15(7) THz
νTO(L3) 7.84(12) THz
sound velocities
υ1L 4.731(5)⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 0 0 ] /[ 1 0 0 ] recommended values (T
T = 300 K)
υ2T 3.345(3)⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 0 0 ] /[ 0 1 1 ]
υ3L 3.350(3)⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] /[ 1 1 0 ]
υ4T 3.345(3)⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] /[ 0 0 1 ]
υ5T 2.476(5)⋅105 cm s–1 [1 1 0]/[ 1 1 0 ]
υ6L 5.397(8)⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] /[ 1 1 1 ]
υ7T 2.796(7)⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] /[1 1 0]
second order elastic moduli
c11 11.9(1)⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K recommended values from a discussion
11.26⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T=0K of several published data
c12 5.38 (1)⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K T = 0 K data: extrapolated
5.71⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T=0K
c44 5.95(1)⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K temperature dependence: Fig. 2.11.7 (CD)
6.00⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T=0K
third order elastic moduli
c111 – 6.75(20)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 RT, ultrasound
c112 – 4.02(10)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 n < 1017 cm–3
c123 – 0.04(10)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c144 – 0.70(10)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c166 – 3.20(20)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c456 – 0.69(3)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
bulk modulus
B 7.54⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
Young's and torsional moduli: for temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.11.8 (CD)
Debye temperature
ΘD(0) 344 K for temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.11.9 (CD)
heat capacity
Transport properties
At low fields, the electrons are in the Γ6 minima at the zone center. The dominating scattering process at room
temperature is polar optical scattering, while below 60 K the most important contribution to the lattice mobility
is made by piezoelectric potential scattering. At 300 K, the hole mobility of samples with p < 5·1015 cm–3 is
governed by lattice scattering alone.
T = 1.05·1016T 3/2exp(–1.604/2kT)
The temperature dependence can be expressed by ni(T) T (T in K; kT in eV) for
the range 33 K < T < 475 K. For the range 250 K < T < 1500 K and for comparison of various literature data,
see Fig. 2.11.10 (CD).
thermal conductivity (lattice contribution)
κ 0.455 W/deg cm T = 300 K for temperature and doping
0.44 W/deg cm dependence, see Fig. 2.11.11 (CD)
typical data for semi-insulating GaAs (see also Fig. 2.11.12 (CD))
σ 2.38·10–9 Ω–1cm–1 RT, undoped n and μH,n obtained from RH and σ,
sample by a mixed conduction analysis
n 3.73·106 cm–3
μH,n 3970 cm2/Vs
electron mobility
For temperature dependence of µH,n see Fig. 2.11.13 (CD).
piezoelectric constants
e14 1.6·10–5 C/cm2 T = 300 K piezoelectric Hall effect measurements.
± 10% Polarity: negative, if the crystal is expanded in
d14 2.7·10–10 cm/V the [ 1 1 1 ] direction (the A-faces (metal
g14 2.4·102 cm2/C atoms) become negatively charged)
h14 1.45·107 V/cm
Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power)
Sn – 520 μV/K T = 300 K, for temperature dependence,
n = 9.5·1015 cm–3 see Fig. 2.11.15 (CD)
Sp ≈ + 220 μV/K T = 300 K,
p = 2.7·1019 cm–3
Optical properties
optical constants in the range 1.5...6 eV
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 2.11.16 (CD)
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K [103 cm−1]
1.5 13.435 0.589 3.666 0.080 0.327 12.21
2.0 14.991 1.637 3.878 0.211 0.349 42.79
2.5 18.579 3.821 4.333 0.441 0.395 111.74
3.0 16.536 17.571 4.509 1.948 0.472 592.48
3.5 8.413 14.216 3.531 2.013 0.425 714.20
4.0 9.279 13.832 3.601 1.920 0.421 778.65
4.5 6.797 22.845 3.913 2.919 0.521 1331.28
5.0 − 11.515 18.563 2.273 4.084 0.558 2069.81
5.5 − 6.705 8.123 1.383 2.936 0.613 1636.68
6.0 − 4.511 6.250 1.264 2.472 0.550 1503.20
refractive index
n 3.255·(1 + 4.5·10–5T
T) (T in K)
Dependence on photon energy: range 1...1.7 eV: Fig. 2.11.17 (CD). In the range 0.3...1.4 eV various published
data can be fitted by
n2 = 7.10 + 3.78/(1 – 0.18(hν)2) (hν in eV)
absorption coefficient
K 4·104 cm–1 T = 21 K, transmission, Fig. 2.11.18 (CD)
hν = 2 eV
dielectric constants
ε (0) 12.80(5) T = 300 K microwave technique
ε (∞) 10.86 T = 300 K optical transmission interference
Passivation of electrically active impurities and native defect by atomic hydrogen is a well known phenome-
non. Post-passivation annealing experiments done on Schottky diodes show that the reactivation of shallow do-
nors and acceptors, through the debonding of hydrogen, is strongly enhanced by the electric field present in the
depletion region of reverse biased diodes. This is explained by assuming that H has two levels in the gap at the
energy of eV. This conclusion is revisited by [93M] who postulates the existence of a deep donor level at Ec–
0. 75 eV.
energy levels associated to hydrogen
Level Energy Method
(-/0) Bridgman, n-type, dopant reactivation
(-/0) Ev + 1.4 Bridgman, n-type different composition, diffusion
(0/+) Ev + 0.5 LEC, p-type, IR measurements
(0/+) Ec – 0.75 modelling diffusion data, p-type
energy levels related to isolated, substitutional transition metal impurities
Impurity E Type T Remarks
Ti – 0.23(1) eV a DLT and capacitance, transient measurements
– 0.20(2) eV a DLTS + DLOS
– 1.00(3) eV d DLTS and capacitance, transient measurements
+ 0.60(2) eV d DLTS
V – 0.14 eV a DLTS
– 0.15(1) eV a DLTS and capacitance, transient measurements
– 0.14 eV a DLTS + σp0 photoionization absorption
– 0.14 eV a temperature dependent Hall effect +
σp0 photoionization absorption process
Cr + 0.79 eV a temperature–dependent Hall effect
+ 0.750(20) eV a 320 K DLTS (capture cross-section)
+ 0.660(20) eV a 390 K DLTS
+ 0.685(20) eV a 400 K DLTS
+ 0.655(20) eV a 408 K DLTS
+ 0.654(20) eV a 425 K DLTS
+ 0.645(20) eV a 437 K DLTS
+ 0.736(7) eV a 4K σp0 absorption photoionization process
Ec + 0.06(2) eV Cr2+/Cr+ Resistivity as a function of pressure
Ec+ 0.115(2) eV Cr2+/Cr+ 300 K Hall effect as a function of pressure
Ec + 0.055(2) eV Cr2+/Cr+ Hall effect as a function of pressure
Ec + 0.045(5) eV Cr2 +/Crt 4K de Haas-Shubnikov measurements
+ (0.324–1..4 d temperature-dependent Hall effect
T) eV
+ 0.40(3) eV d σp0 absorption photoionization
d σn0 absorption photoionization
+ 0.45 eV d σp0 photoconductivity threshold
+ 0.42(1) eV d 100...160 K σp0 photo-Hall photoionization threshold
Electronic properties
The conduction band of GaSb is characterized by two types of minima, the lowest minimum at Γ and slightly
higher minima at the L points at the surface of the Brillouin zone. A third set of minima at the X points has been
detected in optical experiments. The valence band shows the usual structure common to all zincblende semicon-
band structure: Fig. 2.0.20 (p.78), Brilloum zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.09593(4) Å T = 298.15 K powder, X-ray, Fig. 2.12.3 (CD)
temperature dependence: a = a0 + a1T + a2T + a3T 3+ a4T with T in oC
a0 6.095882 Å up to 680oC
a1 3.4963·10–5 Å oC–1
a2 3.3456·10–8 Å oC–2
a3 4.6309·10–11 Å oC–3
a4 2.6369·10–14 Å oC–4
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 7.75(50) T = 283...343 K X-ray, for temperature dependence,
·10–6 K–1 see Fig. 2.12.4 (CD)
d 5.6137(4) g cm–3 T = 300 K for temperature dependence in the
range 670...970 K, see Fig. 2.12.5 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 991(1) K
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 2.12.6 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72) .
phonon wavenumbers
ν TA(L) 46 cm−1 T = 300 K second order Raman effect
ν TA(X) 56 cm−1
ν TA(W) 75 cm−1
ν LA(L) 155 cm−1
ν LO(L) 204 cm−1
ν LO(X) 210 cm−1
ν TO(L,X,Σ) 218 cm−1
sound velocities
υl 4240(30) m/s T = 290 K pulse-echo overlap method
υt 2460(20) m/s
second order elastic moduli (from ultrasound measurements)
c11 8.834⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 296 K, n-type, (f = 30 MHz),
c12 4.023⋅1011 dyn cm–2 ρ = 0.1...0.07 Ω cm
c44 4.322⋅1011 dyn cm–2 see also Fig. 2.12.7 (CD)
third order elastic moduli
c111 – 4.75(6)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K ultrasound (f = 10MHz), uniaxial stress
c112 – 3.08(2)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 up to 0.108 kbar
c123 – 0.44(29)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c144 + 0.50(25)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c166 – 2.16(13)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c416 – 0.25(15)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
bulk modulus
Β 56.1 GPa room temperature
shear modulus
G 34.0(5) GPa T = 290 K pulse-echo overlap method
Young’s modulus
E 85.0(15) GPa T = 290 K pulse-echo overlap method
Debye temperature
ΘD 266 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 2.12.8 (CD)
Transport properties
Transport in n-type GaSb is complicated by the contribution of three sets of conduction bands with minima
situated at Γ, L and X. Data on transport coefficients can be consistently explained by a three band model (Fig.
2.12.9 (CD)), the X-bands contributing to transport above 180oC.
In p-type GaSb a multiellipsoidal model has to be used at low temperatures taking into account the shift of the
heavy and light hole band away from k = 0. At high temperatures a warped sphere model (as in Si and Ge) is
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 1014 cm–3 T = 365 K calculated with mp = 0.34 m0,
1015 cm–3 T = 435 K m(L6) = 0.57 m0 and
1016 cm–3 T = 525 K Eg = 0.813–6.0·10–4T 2/(T+265)
T eV
1017 cm–3 T = 645 K (T in K)
1018 cm–3 T = 825 K
electron mobility
μH,n 7620 cm2/Vs T = 300 K, material grown with MBE
n= 1.2·1016 cm–3 on GaSb substrates
electron mobility in the Γ6 minima
Optical properties
optical constants in the range 1.5...6 eV:
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 2.12.12 (CD).
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K [103 cm−1]
1.5 19.135 3.023 4.388 0.344 0.398 52.37
2.0 25.545 14.442 5.239 1.378 0.487 279.43
2.5 13.367 19.705 4.312 2.285 0.484 579.07
3.0 9.479 15.838 3.832 2.109 0.444 641.20
3.5 7.852 19.267 3.785 2.545 0.485 902.86
4.0 − 1.374 25.138 3.450 3.643 0.583 1477.21
4.5 − 8.989 10.763 1.586 3.392 0.561 1547.17
5.0 − 5.693 7.529 1.369 2.751 0.585 1394.02
5.5 − 5.527 5.410 1.212 2.645 0.592 1474.51
6.0 − 4.962 4.520 0.935 2.416 0.610 1469.28
refractive index
n 3.880 λ = 14.9 μm, T = 300 K reflectance and transmission
3.843 10 μm
3.833 4 μm
3.789 2 μm prism method
3.802 1.9 μm
3.820 1.8 μm
absorption index
k 1.08·10–4 λ = 2 μm, T = 300 K transmission
1.83·10–3 1.75 μm
4.06·10–2 1.7 μm
7.39·10–2 1.6 μm
absorption coefficient
K 4·103 cm–1 hν = 0.815 eV, T = 1.7 K transmission
dielectric constants
ε (0) 15.7 T = 300 K reflectance and oscillator fit
ε (∞)
Impurity Ee Eb σn at T NT/N
/ d
Electronic properties
The band structure shows a direct gap at Γ, closely similar to that of GaN. A low lying many-valley conduction
band leading to an indirect gap has been suggested.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.21 (p.78), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.8 (p.74).
energy gap
Eg, dirr 1.95 eV T = 300 K polycrystalline film, absorption edge
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.5446 Å epitaxial layers, X-ray
c 5.7034 Å
temperature dependence of lattice parameters (a and c in Å, T in K)
T = 3.5341(3) + 1.27(7)⋅10–5 T
a(T) 100 K < T < 673 K X-ray diffraction
T = 5.7016(7) + 1.46(18)⋅10–5 T
linear thermal expansion coefficient
αa 3.6(2)⋅10–6 K–1 100 K < T < 673 K X-ray diffraction
αc 2.6(3)⋅⋅10–6 K–1 temperature dependence: see Fig. 2.13.1 (CD)
d 6.78(5) g cm–3 pycnometric
melting temperature
Tm 1900 K at 60 kbar N2 estimated
phonon wavenumbers
ν TO(Γ) 478 cm–1 T = 300 K reflectivity, Kramers-Kronig analysis
ν LO(Γ) 694 cm–1
ν TO(A1) 400 cm–1 experimental
ν TO(E1) 484 cm–1
ν LO(E1) 570 cm–1
ν TO(E2(1)) 190 cm–1
ν TO(E2(2)) 590 cm–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 190(7) GPa calculated from the mean square displacements
c12 104(3) GPa of the lattice atoms measured by X-ray
c13 121(7) GPa diffraction
c33 182(6) GPa
c44 9.9(11) GPa
bulk modulus
Β 147 GPa calculated
Debye temperature
ΘD 660 K
heat capacity
Cp 9.1 + 2.9.10–3 T cal·mol–1 K–1 calorimetry
T in K)
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 2...3 T = 300 K temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity
·102 Ω–1 cm–1 3.7·10–3 K at 200...300 K for pressed powder
electron mobility
μn 250(50) cm2/Vs T = 300 K
20 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
35...50 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
The temperature dependence of the electron mobility is shown in Fig. 2.13.2 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κ 38.4 W m–1 K–1
Optical properties
refractive index
n 2.56 T = 300 K, interference method
n = 3·1020 cm–3
λ = 1.0 μm
2.93 0.82 μm
3.12 0.66 μm
dielectric constants
ε (0) 9.3 heavily doped infrared reflectivity
ε33 (0) ≡ ε|| (0) 15.3 optical reflectivity
ε (∞) 8.4 experimental
Electronic properties
InP is a direct semiconductor. The conduction band minimum is situated at Γ. Higher conduction band minima
at L and X have been detected in optical experiments. The X band minima show no camel's. back structure, in
contrast to most other III–V compounds with zincblende structure. The valence band has the structure common
to all zincblende type semiconductors.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.22 (p.78), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
structure of top of valence band
By the linear term in Γ(k)
k the maxima of the heavy hole valence band are shifted on the [ 1 1 1 ] axes, the energy
of the band maximum relative to the energy at k = 0 being:
Δ [111]
ΔE 6 meV T = 78 K electroabsorption
38 meV T = 298 K
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
Transport properties
The transport properties are mainly determined by the electrons in the Γ1c minimum. Above 800 K multi-valley
conduction (L1c) becomes important. At room temperature polar scattering is dominant. Below 200 K ionized-
impurity and neutral-impurity scattering, and below 60 K piezoelectric scattering are important.
electrical conductivity
σ 4...5 (Ωcm)–1 T = 300 K purematerial, n-type, n = 6.3·1015 cm–3
25 (Ωcm)–1 T = 77 K pure material
for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 2.14.8 (CD)
< 1017 (Ωcm)–1 T = 300 K semi-insulating material, prepared by
Fe-doping, n = 109 cm–3
intrinsic concentration
ni 3.3 · 107 cm–3 T = 300 K magnetoresistance in semiinsulating InP
thermal conductivity: Fig. 2.14.9 (CD).
electron mobility (typical data from the literature)
μH,n 130000 cm2/Vs T = 77 K VPE layer, n = 6·1013 cm–3
3 2
4.2...5.4·10 cm /Vs T = 300 K pure material, n = 0.5...1·1016 cm–3
Temperature dependence of electron mobility: Fig. 2.14.10 (CD).
hole mobility
µH,p 190 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall effect
14800 cm /Vs T = 77 K
T –2.2 cm2/Vs above 200 K see Fig. 2.14.11 (CD)
(T in K)
piezoresistance tensor coefficient
π11 + 2π12 8.2(3) ·10–3 kbarr–1 T = 300 K n = 2.5·1016 cm–3 at 300 K, resistance
is proportional to pressure, maximum
pressure used 7 kbar
(1/2)(π11+π12+π44) 1.3(5)·10–3 kbarr–1 T = 77 K, 300 K stress ≈ 50 bar
piezoelectric constants
|e14| 0.040 C m−2 ultrasound attenuation
d14 − 1.89 10−12 V−1m RT piezo resonance
Seebeck coefficient
S – 400...600 μV K–1 T = 300 K pure material, n = 1016...1017 cm–3
For dependence of Seebeck coefficient on temperature, see Fig. 2.14.12 (CD)
Optical properties
optical constants in the range 1.5...6 eV:
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 2.14.13 (CD).
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K [103 cm−1]
1.5 11.904 1.400 3.456 0.203 0.395 30.79
2.0 12.493 2.252 3.549 0.317 0.317 64.32
2.5 14.313 3.062 3.818 0.511 0.349 129.56
3.0 17.759 10.962 4.395 1.247 0.427 379.23
3.5 5.400 12.443 3.193 1.948 0.403 691.21
4.0 6.874 10.871 3.141 1.730 0.376 701.54
4.5 8.891 16.161 3.697 2.186 0.449 996.95
5.0 − 7.678 14.896 2.131 3.495 0.613 1771.52
5.5 − 4.528 7.308 1.426 2.562 0.542 1428.14
6.0 − 2.681 5.644 1.336 2.113 0.461 1285.10
refractive index
see Fig. 2.14.14 (CD) for the range 1.0...1.6 eV
n 3.03 T = 300 K,
λ [μm] 14.85 transmission and reflectance
3.08 5
3.134 2 prism method
3.327 1
Electronic properties
InAs resembles in its band structure InSb, having only a slightly larger energy gap and a smaller spin-orbit
splitting of the top of the valence band. The conduction band minimum (Γ6) is situated in the center of the Bril-
louin zone. Near the minimum, E(k) k is isotropic but non-parabolic. The valence band shows the usual structure
common to all zincblence-type III–V compounds.
band structure: Fig. 2.0.23 (p.78), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.0583 Å T = 298.15 K temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.15.3 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 4.52·10–6 K–1 T = 20...250 K average value, X-ray; for temperature
dependence in other temperature ranges,
see Fig. 2.15.3 (CD)
d 5.667 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray
temperature dependence of density: Fig. 2.15.4 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 1221(1) K
phonon dispersion curves, phonon density of states: Fig. 2.15.5 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
phonon wavenumbers
ν TO(Γ) 217.3 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering,
ν LO(Γ) 238.6 cm–1
ν TA(X) 53 cm–1
ν LA(X) 160 cm–1
ν TO(X) 216 cm–1
ν LO(X) 203 cm–1 T = 100 K
ν TA(L) 44 cm–1 T = 300 K
ν LA(L) 139.5 cm–1
ν TO(L) 216 cm–1
ν LO(L) 203 cm–1 T = 100 K
sound velocities
υ3 4.282⋅105 cm–1 RT, n-type, ultrasound ((f =15 MHz), desig-
υ4 2.646⋅105 cm–1 n = 3·1017 cm–3 nation: mode/direction ofpropagation/
υ5 1.830⋅105 cm–1 direction of particle displacement
υ6 4.420⋅105 cm–1 υ 3: long/1 1 0 / 1 1 0 , υ 4: shear/1 1 0 / 0 0 1 ,
υ 5: shear/1 1 0 / 1 1 0, υ 6: long/1 1 1 / 1 1 1
second order elastic moduli
c11 8.329⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 RT n-type, ultrasound (f
( = 15 MHz)
c12 4.526⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 n = 3·1017 cm–3
c44 3.959⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 temperature dependence, Fig. 2.15.6 (CD)
Transport properties
The transport properties are mainly determined by the electrons in the Γ6 minimum. Pure material with intrinsic
conduction down to 450 K is available. Above room temperature the electron mobility is determined by polar
scattering, below 150 K impurity scattering dominates and below 80K piezoelectric and deformation-potential
scattering become important.
electrical conductivity
σ 50 (Ωcm)–1 T = 300 K pure material, for temperature
dependence, see Fig. 2.15.8 (CD)
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 2.14·1015 T 3/2 T = 350...900 K n- and p-material, see also Fig. 2.15.9 (CD)
T cm–3 (T in K)
electron mobility
μn 0.8...1·105 cm2/Vs T = 77 K pure material, n = 1016 cm–3
2...3.3·104 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.15.10 (CD).
hole mobility
μp 100...450 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
∝ T –m T = 80...300 K m ≈ 1, low T
T; m > 2, high T
piezoresistance tensor coefficients
π11 – 3(3)⋅⋅10–6 barr–1 T = 77 K n = l.1·1017 cm–3 at 77 K, single crystal
– 5(3)⋅⋅10–6 barr–1 T = 300 K
π12 – 8(3)⋅⋅10–6 barr–1 T = 77 K
– 5(3)⋅⋅10–6 barr–1 T = 300 K
π44 – 1(3)⋅⋅10–6 barr–1 T = 77 K
0(3)⋅⋅10–6 barr–1 T = 300 K
piezoelectric constants
e14 4.5(9)·10–6 C/cm2 T = 300 K piezoelectric Hall effect measurements
d14 1.14·10–10 cm/V Polarity: negative, if the crystal is expanded
g14 0.89·102 cm2/V in the [ 1 1 1 ] direction, the A-faces (metal
h14 3.5·106 V/cm atoms) become negatively charged.
Seebeck coefficient
S – 400 μV/K T = 300 K pure material
300...600 μV/K T = 300 K p-material
The Seebeck coefficient for p-type material changes sign in the temperature range between 400 K and 700 K,
depending on impurity concentration.
Optical properties
optical constants in the range 1.5...6.0 eV:
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 2.15.11 (CD).
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K [103 cm−1]
1.5 13.605 3.209 3.714 0.432 0.337 65.69
2.0 15.558 5.062 3.995 0.634 0.370 128.43
2.5 15.856 15.592 4.364 1.786 0.454 452.64
3.0 6.083 13.003 3.197 2.034 0.412 618.46
3.5 5.973 10.550 3.008 1.754 0.371 622.13
4.0 7.744 11.919 3.313 1.799 0.393 729.23
4.5 − 1.663 22.006 3.194 3.445 0.566 1571.19
5.0 − 5.923 8.752 1.524 2.871 0.583 1455.26
5.5 − 3.851 6.008 1.282 2.344 0.521 1305.62
6.0 − 2.403 6.005 1.434 2.112 0.448 1284.15
refractive index
n 3.26 λ = 25 μm, T = 300 K interference
3.42 10 μm
3.52 3.74 μm
3.516 1.38 μm reflectance and dispersion relations
4.558 0.517 μm
3.800 0.282 μm
1.139 0.049 μm
absorption index
k 0.002 λ = 3.65 μm, T = 300 K transmission
0.2 1.68 μm
0.047 1.38 μm reflectance and dispersion relations
1.954 0.443 μm
3.264 0.264 μm
0.168 0.049 μm
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
2 III-V compounds 153
Electronic properties
InSb is a direct gap semiconductor. The minimum of the conduction band (Γ6) is situated in the center of the
Brillouin zone. Near the minimum, E(k)
k is isotropic but non-parabolic. Thus the effective mass of the electrons
is scalar and depends strongly on the electron concentration. Higher band minima (about 0.63 eV above the
lowest minimum Γ6) seem to be established by transport measurements in heavy doped n-InSb. The valence
band shows the structure common to all zincblende semiconductors i.e. two subbands degenerate at Γ8 and one
spin-orbit split band (Γ7).
band structure: Fig. 2.0.24 (p.79), Brillouin zone: Fig. 2.0.5 (p.72).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v))
energy gap
Eg, dir(Γ8v–Γ6c) 0.2352 eV T = 1.7 K emission spectra, from exciton data
0.180 eV T = 300 K reflectance, magnetoabsorption
Eth 0.258 eV T = 0 K, linear Hall effect measurements between
extrapolated 150...300 K
temperature dependence of energy gap
T Eg(0) – aT 2/(b+T)
T with a = 0.6 meV K–1, b = 500 K, Fig. 2.16.1 (CD)
exciton ground state
E(1S) 0.2363(2) eV T = 2K, n77K = exciton ground state, from luminescence
6·1013 cm–3 and absorption,
Eb 0.52meV theory including valence band degeneracy
spin-orbit splitting energies
Δ0(Γ8v–Γ7v) 0.81(1) eV T = 1.5 K magneto–electroreflectance
Δ'0(Γ7v–Γ8c) 0.39 eV T=5K wavelength modulated reflectance
Δ1(Λ4, 5v–Λ
– 6v) 0.495 eV
Δ'0(Δ) 0.369(16) eV splitting of the upper valence band
along Δ at (0.3, 0, 0)
0.250(40) eV the same at (0.5, 0, 0)
Δ'1(L4,5c–L6c) 0.154(28) eV
higher band-band transitions (critical point energies)
E'0(Γ8v–Γ7c) 3.39 eV T=5K wavelength modulated reflectance
E'0(Δ) 3.348(9) eV at (0.3, 0, 0) from uppermost valence
band to lower conduction band
4.56(3) eV at (0.5, 0, 0) from uppermost valence
band to higher conduction band
– 6c)
E1(Λ4,5v–Λ 1.983 eV T=5K wavelength modulated reflectance
E'1(L3v–L3c) 5.33 eV
E(Γ8v–X6c) 2.6 eV angular resolved photoemission
– cmin)
E(Γ8v–Σ 3.7 eV
E(Γ8v–X6c) 6.7 eV
E2(X5v–X1c) 4.23 eV T=5K several critical points in the E2 range
4.56 eV of wavelength modulated reflectance
4.75 eV (largest c.p. at 4.23 eV)
4.92 eV
conduction band, effective masses
(no polaronic corrections are necessary. With a value of 0.022 for Fröhlich's coupling constant the difference
between polaron and bare electron mass is 0.3%)
Dependence of electron effective mass on carrier concentration: see Fig. 2.16.2 (CD); for temperature depend-
ence, see Fig. 2.16.3 (CD).
mn (higher con- 0.5 m0 analysis of reflectance spectra in
duction band) heavily doped samples
electron g-factor
gc – 51.31(1) T = 1.4 K esr
valence band, effective masses
mp, h 0.44 m0 T = 20 K, k || [ 1 1 1 ] magnetoabsorption, Faraday rotation
0.42 m0 [110]
0.32 m0 [100]
mp,l 0.016 m0 T = 20 K magnetoabsorption, Faraday rotation
mp,ds 0.430 m0 T = 0 K (extrapol.) Hall effect
For temperature dependence of the light-hole effective mass, see Fig. 2.16.4 (CD).
valence band parameters
A – 35 calculated using k·p
· theory
B – 31.4
|C| 20.92
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.47937(3) Å T = 298.15 K X-ray, powder; for T
T-dependence, see
Fig. 2.16.5 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 5.37(50)·10–6 K–1 T = 283...343K X-ray; for T
T-dependence, see Fig. 2.16.6 (CD)
d 5.7747(4) g cm–3 X-ray
melting temperature
Tm 800(1) K drop calorimetry
phonon dispersion curves, density of states: Fig. 2.16.7 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ15) 5.90(25) THz T = 300 K, coherent inelastic neutron scattering
νTO(Γ15) 5.54(5) THz n = 8·1013 cm–3
νTA(X5) 1.12(5) THz
νLA(X3) 4.30(10) THz temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.16.8 (CD)
νLO(X1) 4.75(20) THz
νTO(X5) 5.38(17) THz
νTA(L3) 0.98(5) THz
νLA(L1) 3.81(6) THz
νLO(L1) 4.82(10) THz
νTO(L3) 5.31(6) THz
sound velocities
υ1 3.4068(3)⋅105 cm s–1 RT ultrasound (f
(f = 10MHz)
υ2 2.2864(2)⋅105 cm s–1 pure, designation: mode/direction of propagation/
υ3 3.7664(3)⋅105 cm s–1 nion = 2·1014 cm–3 direction of particle displacement
υ4 2.2862(2)⋅105 cm s–1 υ 1: long./1 0 0 / 1 0 0 , υ 2: shear/1 0 0 / 0 1 1 ,
υ5 1.6251(1)⋅105 cm s–1 υ 3: long/1 1 0 / 1 1 0 , υ 4: shear/1 1 0 / 0 0 1 ,
υ 5: shear/1 1 0 / 1 1 0
electromechanical coupling coefficient
K2 5.15·10–4 q/e: [ 1 1 1 ] /[ 1 1 1 ] q: direction of propagation, e: direction of
particle displacement
second order elastic moduli
c11 6.918⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 0 K, extrapol. (f = 10 MHz), see Fig. 2.16.9 (CD)
c12 3.788⋅1011 dyn cm–2 from 4.2 K
c44 3.132⋅1011 dyn cm–2
third order elastic moduli
c111 – 3.56(36)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K, ultrasound (f = 10 MHz), uniaxial stress
c112 12 –2
– 2.66(15)⋅10 dyn cm n = 1.5·10 cm16 –3
Transport properties
The transport properties are mainly determined by an extremely high mobility of the electrons in the Γ6 mini-
mum of the conduction band. Pure material with intrinsic conduction down to 200 K is available. Low-
temperature transport properties are determined by impurity scattering and – in heavily doped and compensated
samples at temperatures as high as 140 K – by impurity band conduction.
electrical conductivity
σ 220 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K pure material; for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 2.16.11 (CD)
thermal conductivity: see Fig. 2.16.12 (CD).
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 1.89(35)·1016 cm–3 T = 300 K Helicon-interferometry with polycrystalline
T cm−3 (T
5.76⋅1014 T3/2 exp(−0.26/2kT) T in K, kT in eV)
electron mobility
μH,n 7.7·104(T/300)
T –1.66 cm2/Vs
70000 cm /Vs T = 300 K
μdr,n 5.25·105 cm2/Vs
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.16.13 (CD). For dependence on electron concentration, see Fig.
2.16.14 (CD).
hole mobility
μp 850(T/300)
T –β cm2/Vs see also Fig. 2.16.15 (CD)
β = 2.1 T = 60...125 K Hall measurement
β = 2.0 T = 200...500 K Nernst-Ettinghausen-effect
piezoelectric constants
e14 7.1(7)·10–6 C/cm2 T = 300 K piezoelectric Hall effect measurements
d14 2.35·10–10 cm/V polarity: negative, if the crystal is
g14 1.57·102 cm2/C expanded in the [ 1 1 1 ] direction, the
h14 4.7·106 V/cm A-faces (metal atoms) become negatively
Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power)
S – 300 μV/K T = 300 K pure intrinsic material
– 500 μV/K T = 77 K pure n-type material
The Seebeck coefficient for p-type material changes sign in the temperature region between 150 and 210 K,
depending on impurity concentration. Temperature dependence, see Fig. 2.16.16 (CD).
Optical properties
optical constants in the range 1.5...6eV:
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant measured by spectroscopical ellipsometry; n, k, R, K calcu-
lated from these data. See also Fig. 2.16.17 (CD).
hν [eV] ε1 ε2 n k R K [103 cm−1]
1.5 19.105 5.683 4.418 0.643 0.406 97.79
2.0 14.448 14.875 4.194 1.773 0.443 359.46
2.5 7.811 15.856 3.570 2.221 0.447 562.77
3.0 7.354 13.421 3.366 1.994 0.416 606.27
3.5 5.995 17.673 3.511 2.517 0.474 892.82
4.0 − 6.722 19.443 2.632 3.694 0.608 1497.79
4.5 − 6.297 8.351 1.443 2.894 0.598 1320.24
5.0 − 4.250 6.378 1.307 2.441 0.537 1237.01
5.5 − 4.325 4.931 1.057 2.333 0.563 1300.55
6.0 − 3.835 3.681 0.861 2.139 0.572 1300.85
refractive index
n 2.57 λ = 45 μm, T = 300K reflectance and transmission.
3.814 21.15 μm n = 6·1015 cm–3
3.826 19.98 μm interference technique, n = 2·1016 cm–3
3.953 10.06 μm
4.001 7.87 μm
4.03 2.07 μm reflectance and dispersion relations
5.13 0.689 μm
1.17 0.062 μm
T 1.19(2)·10–4 K–1 T = 100...400 K interference method, see Fig. 2.16.18 (CD)
λ = 5...20 μm
absorption index
k 5.4·10–2 λ = 45 μm, T = 300K reflectance and transmission, n = 6·1015 cm–3
2·10–3 20 μm
1.9·10–3 9.50 μm transmission, p = 2.75·1016 cm–3
0.037 6.90 μm transmission, n = 2·1016 cm–3
0.18 1.60 μm
0.20 1.55 μm reflectance and dispersion relations
1.88 0.656 μm
0.21 0.062 μm
R 0.93 λ = 500 μm, T = 300K
0.83 200 μm
0.19 50 μm
0.35 20 μm
0.488 0.677 μm
0.016 0.062 μm
dielectric constants
ε (0) 16.8(2) gyroscopic sphere resonance
17.3.. 18.0 range of results obtained by infrared reflectivity
ε (∞) 15.68 infrared reflectance and oscillator fit
For dependence of real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant on photon energy, see Fig. 2.16.19 (CD).
Transport properties
Fig. 2.17.3 (CD) shows the dependence of the electron mobility on carrier concentration. Higher RT mobilities
have been reported (4600 cm2/Vs, n = 4.7·1015 cm–3, 8800 cm2/Vs. n =1·1016 cm–3).
electron mobility: see Fig. 2.17.4 (CD) for dependence on carrier concentration
electron drift velocity: see Fig. 2.17.5 (CD) for dependence on electric field.
For temperature and pressure dependence of the energy gap, see Figs. 2.17.6 (CD) and 2.17.7 (CD).
energy difference between Γ and L conduction bands
E(L6c) – E(Γ6c) 0.10(2) eV T = 50 K high pressure photoluminescence
0.12 eV T=2K photoluminescence
energy difference between Γ and X conduction bands
E(X6c) – E(Γ6c) 0.18(4) eV T = 50 K high pressure photoluminescence
higher energy transitions
E0 1.87(2) eV T = 300 K ellipsometry
E1 3.21(2) eV
electron effective mass
mn 0.092(3) m0 T=6K optically detected cyclotron resonance
Values for the compositional parameter at lattice match lie in the range 0.51 to 0.56.
Transport properties
electron mobility
µH,n 3000 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall effect
For carrier density dependence of the electron mobility, see Fig. 2.17.8 (CD); for temperature dependence of
electron mobility, see Fig. 2.17.9 (CD).
hole mobility
µH,p 45 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall effect
electron drift velocity: see Fig. 2.17.10 (CD).
electron saturation velocity
υsat 4.4.106 cm/s T = 300 K analysis of hetero-bipolar transistors
hole drift velocity: see Fig. 2.17.11 (CD)
Optical properties
dielectric constant
ε (∞) 9.43(2) T = 300 K, x = 0.51 ellipsometry
refractive index
wavelength dependence for nearly lattice matched material (x = 0.51):
n(λ) = 9.236 + 0.795λ2/(λ2–0.370), λ in nm, range 700nm < λ < 1700 nm
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg(Γ) 0.8215(2) eV T=0 optical absorption
0.728(2) eV T = 300 K photoreflectance
temperature dependence of energy gap
Eg(Γ) = 0.814 – 4.906·10–4 T2/(T
T + 301) photoluminescence, T in K
For temperature dependence of the energy gap, see also Fig. 2.17.13 (CD)
compositional dependence of energy gap near x = 0.47
Fig. 2.17.12 (CD) shows this dependence for unstrained layers. Strain causes a shrinking of the energy gap by
breaking the degeneracy of the light and heavy hole bands at k = 0.
energy difference between Γ and L conduction bands
E(L6c)-E(Γ6c) 0.55 (5) eV T = 300 K photoemission
higher transition energies
E0 0.739 eV T = 300 K transmittance and reflectance
Δ0 0.345 eV
E1 2.552 eV
E1+Δ1 2.883 eV
exciton binding energy
Eb 2.5(3) meV T = 1.5 K optical absorption
2.8(6) meV T = 300 K photoreflectance
conduction band, effective mass
mn 0.0411(3) m0 T=2K magnetoabsorption
For carrier density dependence of effective mass, see Fig. 2.17.14 (CD).
Lattice properties
phonon wavenumbers
ν 226 cm–1 TO Raman active modes
270.5 cm–1
235 cm–1 LO, GaAs-type magnetophononresonance
271 cm–1 LO, GaAs-type
258 cm–1 LO replica of exciton line
274 cm–1 LO hot electron spectra
Transport properties
hole drift velocity
υdr,p 4.8(2)·106 cm s–1 T = 300 K photodiode frequency response
ambipolar diffusion constant
Da 4.0(8) cm2 s–1 T = 300 K light-induced grating
radiative recombination coefficient
B 0.96·10–10 cm3 s–1 T = 300 K analysis of optical absorption data
Auger recombination coefficient
C 3.0·10–28 cm6 s–1 T = 300 K time-resolved luminescence
electron mobility
See Figs. 2.17.15 (CD) and 2.17.16 (CD) for dependence on T and n. Further typical values:
μn 13800 cm2/Vs T = 300 K n = 2·1015 cm–3, LPE-layer
70000 cm2/Vs T = 77 K
11200 cm2/Vs T = 300 K n ≈ 1015 cm–3, MOCVD-layer
64000 cm2/Vs T = 77 K
80000 cm2/Vs T = 4.2 K
the high 4.2 K-value seems to be connected with a 2-dimensional electron gas in the layer.
By doping with Fe semiinsulating Ga0.47In0.53As can be produced. Typical data: ρ = 650 Ω cm, μn = 6890
cm2/Vs; ρ = 2420 Ω cm, μn = 7070 cm2/Vs.
2.17.5 AlAs0.96P0.04
The only interest in this system has been an improvement of the lattice match of AlAs on GaAs by adding a
small amount of phosphorus. AlAs0.96P0.04 layers made by MOCVD lattice-match exactly on GaAs at RT (see
Fig. 2.17.17 (CD)).
2.17.6 GaAs0.5Sb0.5
Both components are direct gap semiconductors. The system has a miscibility gap with a peritectic temperature
of 751oC limiting the range of composition which can be obtained by near equilibrium growth techniques at or-
dinary temperatures. Good quality InP-matched layers (x = 0.5) have been obtained by OMVPE.
2.18.1 GaxIn1–xAsyP1–y
The quaternary alloy GaInAsP is commonly used for optoelectronic devices like semiconductor lasers and pho-
todiodes for the 1.3 μm and 1.55 μm windows of optical fibers. For such applications, the substrate material of
choice is InP, i.e. the relevant compositions of GaInAsP are those lattice matched to InP.
As shown in Fig. 2.17.1 (p.163) alloys of this system can be lattice matched on InP (Eg range: 73...1.35 eV),
GaAs (Eg range: 1.42...1.90eV) and ZnSe (slightly lower range). The matching conditions according to the
formula above are (0 ≤ y ≤ 1):
x 0.1894y/(0.4184 – 0.013y) ≈ 0.47y on InP substrate
(1.00 + y)/2.08 on GaAs substrate
(1.06 + y)/2.06 on ZnSe substrate.
Most data have been obtained for InP lattice matched samples. All data in the following tables and figures refer
– if not stated otherwise – to InP lattice matched material.
Electronic properties
direct energy gap (in eV)
Eg,dir(y) 1.35 – 0.775y + 0.149y2 T = 298 K calculated, fitting photoluminescence and
electroreflectance measurements, Fig. 2.18.1a
1.425 – 0.7668y + 0.149y2 T = 4.2 K calculated, fitting absorption and transmission
measurements, Fig. 2.18.1b (CD)
The compositional variation of Eg,dirr for GaAs and ZnSe lattice matched material is shown in Fig. 2.18.2 (CD)
bowing parameters for band gaps at L and X (in eV)
c(Γ–L) 0.10(5) L-conduction band
c(Γ–X) 0.21(7) X-conduction band, from synchrotron radiation
reflection spectroscopy
higher interband transition energies (in eV)
E1(y) 3.136 – 0.788y + 0.222y2 RT
Lattice properties
The system of InP lattice matched alloys shows a miscibility gap.
lattice parameter (in Å)
a(x,y) 5.8688 – 0.4176x + 0.1896y + 0.0125xy linear interpolation from lattice parameters of
four constituents
thermal expansion: Fig. 2.18.4 (CD).
density (in g cm–3):
d 5.477 – 0.712y
phonon wavenumbers
for InP lattice matched material: Fig. 2.18.5 (CD), for GaAs lattice matched material: Fig. 2.18.6 (CD)
Transport properties
Mobility data have been reported in many papers on the characterization of epitaxial layers. We only show two
typical diagrams: Fig.2.18.7 (CD) for the electron mobility and Fig. 2.18.8 (CD) for the hole mobility.
Optical properties
dielectric constant
ε = 1 + A1/[1 – (E/(
E Ep + E1)2] + A2/[1 – (E
(E/(Ep + E2)2] Ep: photoluminescence peak energy
2.18.2 GaxIn1–xAsySb1–y
This system is shown as shaded area (II) in Fig. 2.17.1 (p.163). It is the only system applicable for the growth
of low band gap epitaxial layers on GaSb substrate. In spite of interesting applications for optical sources and
detectors in the 2...4 μm range only few reliable data on intrinsic properties have been published.
MBE layers (x = 0.75, y = 0.21) with an energy gap of about 0.69 eV have been investigated. LPE growth is
possible but meets difficulties by the existence of a miscibility gap.
2.18.3 In1–x–yAlxGayP
AlGaInP is an important material for optoelectronic devices in the visible spectral range, i.e. from 630 to 700
nm wavelength. Whereas the longer-wavelength Ga0.51In0.49P is a direct-gap material, the short-wavelength
limiting compound Al0.51In0.49P exhibits an indirect gap (X minimum).
Electronic properties
The system exhibits a crossover between direct gap (Γ) and indirect gap (X minimum) at z = 0.52(2).
direct energy gap
(in eV)
Eg,dir(z) 1.962 + 0.629z T=4K photoluminescence
1.958 + 0.673z T = 76 K z ≤ 0.52
1.861 + 0.706z T = 300 K
EΓ(z) 1.985 + 0.610z T=2K high-pressure photoluminescence
EΓ(z) 1.900 + 0.610z T = 300 K see also Fig. 2.18.9 (CD)
d g,dirr/d
dE dp 9.1(3) meV/kbar T = 76 K; photoluminescence
z = 0.2...0.5
X conduction band minimum (in eV, with respect to the valence band)
EX(z) 2.26 + 0.085z T=2K high-pressure photoluminescence
2.282 + 0.085z T=2K high-pressure photoluminescence
2.204 + 0.085z T = 300 K
2.20 + 0.16z T = 300 K ellipsometry, thermoreflectance
L conduction band minimum (in eV, with respect to the valence band)
EL(z) 2.25 + 0.47z T = 300 K ellipsometry, thermoreflectance
higher energy transitions (in eV)
E0 + Δ0 1.97 + 0.65z + 0.07z2 T = 300 K, electroreflectance
E1 3.22 + 0.48z + 0.06z2
E1 + Δ1 3.430 + 0.106z + 0.257z2
E2 4.77 + 0.02z
E2+δ 5.07 + 0.03z
electron effective mass
mn 0.14(1) m0 T=6K cyclotron resonance, z = 0.15
Transport properties
electron and hole mobility: see Fig. 2.18.10 (CD)
Optical properties
refractive index
n 3.00 !ω = 1 eV optical transmission, z = 0.66
3.50 2 eV
2.18.4 In1–x-yAlxGayAs
The boundary alloys of the InP lattice matched series are In0.53Ga0.47As and In0.52Al0.48As (see Fig. 2.17.1,
p.163). Introducing the compositional parameter z by x = 0.48 z and the lattice matching condition 0.98x + y =
0.47 the series can be written as (In0.52Al0.48)z(In0.53Ga0.47)1–zAs.
An often used approximation is In0.53(AlzGa1–z)0.47As with x = 0.47z, x + y = 0.47.
Like GaInAsP, AlGaInAs is frequently used for optoelectronic devices related to optical fiber communications
based on InP substrates. Thus, the lattice-matched compound on InP is most important in practice.
energy gap (in eV):
Eg(x,y) 0.36 + 2.093x + 0.629y + 0.577x2 + 0.436y2 + 1.013xy – 2.0xy(l–x–y)
For the lattice matching condition (more exactly: 0.983x + y = 0.468) using z = x/0.48 the experimental data
obtained from photoluminescence at RT give:
Eg(z) 0.76(4) + 0.49(5)z + 0.20(3)z2 see Fig. 2.18.11 (CD)
higher band-band transitions (in eV):
coefficients in the formula E = a + bzz + cz2 obtained from electroreflectance at RT
a b c
E0 0.73(3) eV 0.54(4) eV 0.28 (4) eV
E0 + Δ0 1.10(3) eV 0.64(4) eV 0.18(4) eV
E1 2.55(3) eV 0.36(4) eV 0.11(4) eV
E1 + Δ1 2.83(3) eV 0.39(4) eV 0.08(4) eV
E'0 + Δ'0 (?) 4.74(4) eV 0.25(5) eV – 0.13(5) eV
Δ0 0.37(2) eV 0.10(2) eV – 0.10(3) eV
Δ1 0.28(2) eV 0.03(2) eV – 0.03(3) eV
electron effective mass (in units of m0):
mn 0.0427(15) + 0.0328(7)z see Fig. 2.18.12 (CD)
electron mobility: Fig. 2.18.13 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index
n 3.6 – 0.51z + 0.12z2 λ = 1.55 μm, T = 300 K,
3.60 – 0.55z + 0.18z2 λ = 1.55 μm, T = 300 K
3.61 – 0.22z + 0.14z2 λ = 1.30 μm, T = 300 K
3.92 – 0.32z λ = 0.65 μm, T = 300 K
3 II-VI compounds
Fig. 3.0.1. The zincblende lattice
Fig. 3.0.2. The wurtzite lattice
Fig. 3.0.4. The Brillouin zone for the zincblende Fig. 3.0.5. The Brillouin zone of the wurtzite lattice
and the rocksalt lattices
For the qualitative shape of energy bands in cubic and hexagonal structures see the remarks in section 2.0.2.
Special band structures
Figs. 3.0.6 ... 3.0.26 show the band structures of the semiconducting II-VI compounds. For an interpretation of
these structures see the respective sections.
Figs. 3.0.6....7. Band structures of beryllium oxide (left) and beryllium sulfide (right).
Figs.3.0.8...3.0.9. Band structures of beryllium selenide (left) and beryllium telluride (right).
Figs. 3.0.10....11. Band structures of magnesium oxide (left) and magnesium sulfide (right). Fig. 3.0.11a refers to
zincblende type MgS, Fig. 3.0.11.b to rocksalt type MgS.
Fig. 3.0.12. Band structure of magnesium selenide. (a) zincblende type MgSe, (b) rocksalt type MgSe.
Figs. 3.0.14....15. Band structures of calcium oxide (left) and zinc oxide (right).
Figs. 3.0.16a,b. Band structures of cubic (left) and hexagonal (right) zinc sulfide.
Figs. 3.0.17...18. Band structures of zinc selenide (left) and zinc telluride (rught).
Figs. 3.0.19...20. Band structures of cadmium oxide (left) and hexagonal cadmium sulfide (right).
Fig. 3.0.23. Schematic band structure of the Fig. 3.0.24. Band structure of mercury telluride.
Hg − Cd − Se system near the Γ point.
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 3.0.6 (p.174), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.5 (p.174).
band gap
Eg 10.585 eV excitonic, reflection
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 0.26979 nm X-ray diffraction
c 0.4380 nm
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 9.7⋅10−6 K−1 T = 100oC
d 3.01 g cm−3
melting temperature
Tm 2507oC
second order elastic constants
c11 460.6 GPa RT ultrasonic data
c12 126.5 GPa
c13 88.5 GPa
c33 491.6 GPa
c44 147.7 GPa
bulk modulus
B 224.4 GPa
Debye temperature
ΘD 1280 K
Transport properties
BeO, synonym beryllia, insulates electrically like a ceramic, conducts heat like a metal. The electrical resistiv-
ity is larger than 1016 Ω cm.
Optical properties
BeO is transparent up to 9.4 eV (vacuum UV) and quite resistant to UV damage. Data for crystalline BeO are
given below.
static dielectric constant
ε 0|| 7.65 T = 300 K reflectance,
ε 0⊥ 6.94 T = 300 K reflectance
refractive index
dispersion law n = A + BL + CL2 + Dλ2 + Eλ4 reflectance, T = 300 K; λ in Å
L = 1/(λ2−2.80⋅106), A = 1.699773, B = 745.1288 Å2, C = − 4.331397⋅1012 Å4, D = − 8.194535⋅10−12 Å−2,
E = − 1.659630⋅10−20 Å−4
The stable BeS structure at normal pressure is the zincblende structure (F 4 3m – Td2, Fig. 3.0.1, p.173). See
also section 3.0.
According to theory BeS is an indirect material with the highest valence band edge at Γ and the lowest conduc-
tion band edge at X.
band structure: Fig. 3.0.7 (p.174), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
energy gap
Eg(Γ−X) > 5.5 eV absorption
lattice parameter
a 0.48630(5) nm RT XRD
The electrical conductivity of polycrystalline BeS disks has been investigated and has been found to be p-type.
This has been attributed to Be vacancies or S interstitials.
d 2.36 g cm−3
BeSe has the zincblende structure (F 4 3m – Td2, Fig. 3.0.1, p.173). See also section 3.0.
According to theory BeSe is an indirect gap material with the highest valence band edge at Γ and the lowest
conduction band edge at X. The experimentally determined band gap of BeSe is 5.6 eV at room temperature.
The theoretical band structure of BeSe is shown in Fig. 3.0.8 (p.175).
lattice parameter (zincblende)
a 0.51520(23) nm RT epitaxial films, XRD
Only very few reports on bulk BeTe are available in the literature. The interest in BeTe is originating from the
close lattice match of this II-VI material to ZnSe and GaAs, and its usage in ZnSe based blue-green semicon-
ductor laser diodes (e.g. for p-type contacts).
Crystal structure
The zincblende structure (F 4 3m – Td2, Fig. 3.0.1, p.173) has been found to be the stable structure of BeTe at
normal pressure and temperature. See also section 3.0.
Transport properties
BeTe, like ZnTe, tends towards p-type conductivity. Using plasma assisted nitrogen doping during molecular
beam epitaxy, very high p-type concentrations above 1020 cm−3 could be achieved. n-type doping of BeTe has
not yet been reported. p-type BeTe thin films have been characterized by IR reflection, CV and van der Pauw
measurements. Due to the high p-type doping levels, BeTe is used in efficient pseudomorphic p-contacts for
ZnSe laser diodes.
Optical properties
ε∞ 7 RT infrared reflection
ν TO 461 cm−1
ν LO 502 cm−1
Crystal structure
Under normal conditions, MgO crystallizes in the rocksalt (B1, Fig. 3.0.3, p.173) structure. This structure has
been found to be stable at least up to 227 GPa. See also section 3.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 3.0.10 (p.175), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Disagreements exist about the position of the minimum of the lowest conduction band. Some authors place the
minimum at Γ1 and anticipate a direct gap, other claim the minimum is at X3 indicating an indirect gap.
energy gap
Egx,dirr 7.672(10) eV T = 85 K spin-orbit exciton states
Eg,th 7.9(7) eV T=0K temperature dependence of microwave conductivity
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 4.216 Å T = 298 K X-ray diffraction measurements,
powder samples
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 9.84⋅10–6 K–1 T = 283 K measurement in a three-terminal capacitance
cell, single crystal;
T- dependence, see Fig. 3.5.1 (CD)
phonon dispersion relations and phonon density of states
Fig. 3.5.2 (CD). For the Brillouin zone, see Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 12.05 THz T = 300 K determined from thin films by polarized
νLO(Γ) 21.52 THz T = 300 K specular reflectance
second order elastic moduli
c11 29.71(6)⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2 T = 293 K determined from single crystals by a resonance
c12 9.65(7)⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2 method, density d = 3.578 g cm–3
c44 15.57(2)⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
third order elastic moduli
c111 – 489.5(150)⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2 T = 298 K determined from the ultrasonic velocity as a
c112 –9.5(90)⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2 function of uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure
c123 –6.9(220)⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
Transport properties
Electrical transport measurements on alkaline earth oxides encounter several difficulties such as high resistance
at low temperatures, strong influence of surface layers, high-temperature thermionic emission etc. The in parts
contradictory results considerably depend on the sample purity and nature (pressed porous powders, sintered
samples, polycrystals and single crystals) and the particular experimental conditions. As in several semicon-
ducting oxides, conductivity and conduction type are also determined by the oxygen partial pressure of the am-
bient atmosphere (Fig.
( 3.5.3 (CD)).
In high-purity MgO crystals "low" temperatures (< about 1600 K) favour ionic conduction, whereas above
2000 K electronic conduction is increasingly predominant. At low oxygen pressures (< 10–3 mbar) the conduc-
tion is n-type, at high pressures (> 10–1 mbar) ionic and electronic hole conduction seem to be superimposed.
electrical conductivity: Fig. 3.5.3 (CD)
thermoelectric power: Fig. 3.5.4 (CD).
mobility of charge carriers
μp ≈ 10 cm2/Vs T = 350...400 K mean value estimated from analysis of
post-bombardment conductivity
thermal conductivity: Fig. 3.5.5 (CD).
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 9.830 T = 300 K capacitance measurement, single crystal
ε (∞) 2.944 T = 300 K ε (∞) = n∞2, n∞ from extrapolation of
n(ω) to low frequencies (hν << Eg)
For the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant see Fig. 3.5.6 (CD).
crystal structure
MgS crystallizes in the rocksalt structure (B1, Fig. 3.0.3, p.173)). See also section 3.0.
band structure: Fig. 3.0.11 (p.175), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
energy gap
Eg 4.5 eV T = 77 K, extrapolation from Zn1−xMgx (S,Se)
4.87 eV wurtzite extrapolation from Zn1−xMgxS
lattice parameter
a 0.5203 nm T = 300 K XRD
d 2.86 g cm−3
d 4.21 g cm−3
crystal structure
MgTe has been determined to have the wurtzite structure (Fig. 3.0.2, p.173). See also section 3.0.
band structure: Fig. 3.0.13 (p.176), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
energy gap
Eg 3.49 eV RT photoluminescence, epitaxial films, zincblende
lattice parameters
a 0.45303 nm
c 0.74056 nm
wavenumbers of phonons
ν TO 235 cm−1 T = 300 K Raman
ν LO 292 cm−1
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 3.0.14 (p.177), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Some controversy in the literature exists about the positions of the lowest conduction band minima. One result
shows the lowest minimum at Γ1 and the minimum of the d states at X3, below some s states but above Γ1.
Other results claim the symmetry of the conduction band bottom being at X3 instead of Γ1, whereas according
to other authors Γ1 and X3 are nearly degenerate.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 6.931(6) eV T = 85 K spin-orbit exciton states
Eg,th 7.8 eV T=0K estimated from the temperature
effective masses
mn 0.50 m0 T = 700 K estimated by comparing measured and
calculated Hall mobility
mn** 0.68 m0 T = 700...800 K polaron mass
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 4.8110(2) Å T = 297 K X-ray diffraction measurements, single
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 15.2⋅10–6 K–1 T = 1100...16600 K mean value, X-ray diffraction, single crystal
phonon dispersion relations and density of states: Fig. 3.9.1 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νLO(q/qmax=0.2) 16.40(25) THz T = 293 K <100> direction, inelastic thermal neutron
νTO(Γ) 8.8(4) THz scattering
νLO(X) 12.00(22) THz
νTO(X) 9.4(5) THz
νTA(X) 6.48(11) THz
second order elastic moduli
c11 221.89(60) GPa T = 298 K calculated from sound velocities,
c12 57.81(66) GPa adiabatic condition
c44 80.32 (10) GPa
temperature dependence of elastic moduli
dc11/dT − 0.489 kbar/K ultrasonic pulse echo technique
dc12/dT − 0.052 kbar/K
dc44/dT − 0.068 kbar/K
bulk modulus
B 114(9) GPa RT pulse-echo technique
κ 3.32 Mbarr–1
Debye temperature
ΘD(0) 605(2) K deduced from heat capacity measurements in
the range 1.2 to 4.2 K; ΘD values in the range
1.2 to 300K: see Fig. 3.9.2 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 14.700 J/mol K T = 100 K
42.210 J/mol K T = 300 K
d 3.335 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 2900 (–50, +300) K
boiling point
Tb 3123 K
Transport properties
For general remarks see the comments on the transport properties of MgO. The charge carrier transport of CaO
is discussed in various models, e.g. polaron band conduction, hopping conduction through compensated semi-
conducting samples, also with regard to a considerable contribution of ionic conductivity. From measurements
of the oxygen pressure dependence of the conductivity in undoped CaO it is concluded that at low pressures (<
10–2...10–4 mbar) n-type conduction, at higher pressures (> 10–2...1 mbar) p-type conduction exists. In some
cases this conclusion is confirmed by Hall and thermoelectric measurements. For intermediate pressures it is
supposed that the lattice disorder (presumably of Schottky-type) gives rise to prevailing ionic conduction.
electrical conductivity: Fig. 3.9.3 (CD)
Hall mobility: Fig. 3.9.4 (CD).
electron mobility
μH,n 8 cm2/Vs T = 700 K, Hall mobility from measurements on
pO2 ≤ 10–6 mbar single crystals; for temperature dependence
μn ∝ T –1.4, see Fig. 3.9.4 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.3 W/cm K T = 300 K temperature dependence in the range
80...1100 K: Fig. 3.9.5 (CD)
Optical properties
spectral dependence of optical constants in the range of interband transitions: Fig. 3.9.6 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 12.01 (10) T = 273 K capacitance measurement at 1 kHz and
10 kHz
ε (∞) 3.27 compilation
Electronic properties
From the analysis of the optical spectra the following interband gap values are proposed: E(Γ 8v−–Γ6c+): 5.896
eV; E(X7v––X7c+): 6.28 eV; E(L3v–L'2c): 5.97 eV.
energy gap
Eg,optt 5.22eV T = 300 K
Eg,th 6.4 eV T=0K estimated from the temperature dependence of
d g,th/dT
dE T – 1.7·10–3 eV K–1 T = 1300...1900 K conductivity, mobility and thermoelectric power
effective masses
mn 0.54 m0 T = 600...700 K estimated by comparing measured and
calculated Hall mobility
polaron mass
mn** 0.77 m0 T = 600...700 K estimated by comparing measured and
calculated Hall mobility
Lattice properites
lattice parameter
a 5.159 Å semiempirical calculation
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 13.72·10–6 K–1 T = 293...593 K mean value, X-ray scattering (values up to
1500 K)
d 4.75 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 2930(30) K
boiling point
Tb 3300 K
phonon dispersion relations: Figs. 3.10.1 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 7.02(10) THz T = 300 K inelastic thermal neutron scattering
νLO(Γ) 14.47(15) THz
νTA(L) 3.33 (5) THz
νLA(L) 7.14(10) THz
νTO(L) 8.35(12) THz
νLO(L) 12.94(24) THz
second order elastic moduli
c11 175.47(37) GPa T = 298 K calculated from sound velocities,
c12 49.08 (35) GPa adiabatic conditions
c44 55.87(13) GPa
temperature dependence of second order elastic moduli
dc11/dT − 0.471 kbar/K ultrasonic pulse echo technique
dc12/dT − 0.031 kbar/K (adiabatic conditions: (dcs/dp
d )s)
dc44/dT − 0.063 kbar/K
bulk modulus
B 88(7) GPa RT pulse-echo technique
Debye temperature
ΘD(∞) 446(5) K deduced from heat capacity measurements at
very high temperatures
ΘD-values for 1.2 to 300 K:
see Fig. 3.10.2 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 0.53668 – 29.617 T –1 + 8.6937 109 T –2 + exp(-22400T –1) J/g K T = 298...2650 K
Transport properties
The charge carrier transport is discussed in various models, e.g. polaron band conduction, hopping conduction
through compensated semiconducting samples, also in regard to a considerable contribution of ionic conductiv-
ity. It is supposed that the dominating scattering mechanism is optical mode scattering.
electron mobility
μH,n 5 cm2/Vs T ≈ 700 K, Hall mobility from measurements on single
pO2 < 10–6 mbar crystals; for temperature dependence
(μn ∝ T–1.4), see Fig. 3.10.3 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.1 W/cm K T =300 K temperature dependence in the range
80...1100 K: Fig. 3.10.4 (CD)
Optical properties
Spectral dependence of ε2: Figs. 3.10.5 (CD); refractive index: Fig. 3.10.6 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 14.5(4) T = 273 K capacitance measurement at 1 kHz and 10kHz
ε (∞) 3.47 to 3.71 T = 300 K from refractive index in the spectral range
656.3 to 404.7 nm
Crystal structure
BaO crystallizes in the rocksalt structure (B1, Fig. 3.0.3, p.173). See also section 3.0.
Electronic properties
From the analysis of the optical spectra the following interband gap values are proposed: E(Γ ' 8v–Γ6c+): 4.286
eV; E(X7v––X7c+): 4.182 eV; E(L3v–L'2c): 3.89 eV.
energy gap
Eg,th 4.4 eV T=0K estimated from the temperature
d g,th/dT
dE – 1.0·10–3 eV K–1 T = 1100... dependence of conductivity, mobility
2000 K and thermoelectric power
effective masses
mn 0.59 m0 T = 600 K estimated by comparing measured and
calculated Hall mobility
polaron mass
mn** 0.86 m0 T = 500...700 K estimated by comparing measured and
calculated Hall mobility
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.5363 (8) Å T = 300 K powder samples, quenched from 112oC
at negligible oxygen pressure
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 12.8(9) T = 200...400 K X-ray measurements, powder samples;
·10–6 K–1 for temperature dependence between 20
and 300 K, see Fig. 3.11.1 (CD)
d 5.68 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 2290(30) K
boiling point
Tb 2270 K
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 3.11.2 (CD). Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 4.32(6)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K inelastic thermal neutron scattering,
νLO(Γ) 13.02(3)⋅⋅1012 s–1 see Fig. 3.11.3 (CD)
νTA(L) 1.99(7)⋅⋅1012 s–1
νLA(L) 4.88 (27)⋅⋅1012 s–1
νTO(L) 6.58 (9)⋅⋅1012 s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 126.14(66) GPa T = 298 K calculated from sound velocities,
c12 50.03 (60) GPa adiabatic conditions
c44 33.68(30) GPa
temperature dependence of second order elastic moduli
dc11/dT − 0.538 kbar/K ultrasonic pulse echo technique
dc12/dT − 0.090 kbar/K adiabatic conditions: (dcs/dp
d )s
dc44/dT − 0.059 kbar/K
bulk modulus
B 61(7) GPa RT pulse-echo technique
Debye temperature
ΘD(∞) 370(4) K deduced from heat-capacity measurements at
very high temperatures
temperature dependence: Fig. 3.11.5 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 47.278 J mol–1K–1 T = 298.15 K, see Fig. 3.11.4 (CD)
Transport properties
Electrical transport is mainly discussed in the picture of electronic conduction. The ionic contribution is small.
Polaron conduction and predominant optical mode scattering is assumed.
electrical conductivity: Figs. 3.11.6 (CD)
Optical properties
Spectral dependence of ε2 see Fig. 3.11.10 (CD)
dielectric constant
ε (0) 3.9034(5) to T = 296 K calculated from refractive index values
4.1968(22) in the spectral range 623.8...435.9 nm
Electronic properties
Band structure: Figs. 3.0.15 (left) (p.177), Brillouin zone: insert in Fig. 3.0.15 and Fig. 3.0.5 (p.174), density of
states: Fig. 3.0.15 (right).
The topmost valence band (Γ5+Γ1) is split due to crystal field and spin-orbit coupling into three spin-
degenerate states (Γ7, Γ9 and Γ7). Exciton states formed with holes in these valence band states are denoted A,
B and C exciton, respectively. Due to the negative spin-orbit coupling (contribution from Zn 3d-states) the or-
der of the two highest valence band states is reversed as compared with the other II–VI compounds with wurtz-
ite structure.
The conduction band edge originating from the 4s-states of Zn possesses Γ7-symmetry.
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band)
E(Γ1v) – 17.08 eV – 18.75 eV results from ab-initio calculations handling
E(Γ3v) – 16.24 eV – 17.97 eV the Zn3d electrons as core (first column)
E(Zn3d) – 5.17 eV or as valence (second coumn) electrons
E(Γ3v) – 4.32 eV – 4.03 eV
E(Γ6v) – 0.65 eV – 0.85 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.249(6) Å X-ray diffraction
c 5.2042(20) Å
c/a 1.6018(7)
temperature dependence of lattice parameters
Fig. 3.12.1 (CD). From powder X-ray diffraction data taken between 4.2 K and 296 K:
a [Å] = 3.24835 − 1.0811·10−5 T + 6.820·10−8·T 2 − 6.109·10−11 T 3 + 2.143·10−14 T4
coefficients of thermal expansion (parallel and perpendicular to c-axis)
α||c + 29.2⋅10–7 K–1 T = 399 K interferometric and capacitance method;
α⊥ c + 47.5⋅10–7 K–1 T = 300 K temperature dependence, see Fig. 3.12.2 (CD)
d 5.67526(19) g cm–3 T = 293 K hydrostatic weighing
melting temperature
Tm 2242(5) K
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 3.12.3 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.5 (p.174).
According to the fact that there are 4 atoms per unit cell one can in general expect 12 phonon branches, 9 opti-
cal branches and 3 acoustic branches. Group theory predicts near the center of the Brillouin zone one A1
branch, one doubly degenerate E1 branch, two doubly degenerate E2 branches and two B branches. The A1 and
E1 branches are both Raman and infrared active, the E2 branches are Raman active only, while the B branches
are inactive. For the point group of ZnO and as result of the anisotropy of the force constants there are only 6
different frequencies observable, two only with Raman spectroscopy and four with Raman and ir spectroscopy.
wavenumbers of fundamental optical modes (bulk phonons)
ν (E2) 101 cm–1 T =300 K Raman spectroscopy
ν (E2) 437 cm–1
ν TO(E1)⊥c 407 cm–1
ν TO(A1)||c 380 cm–1
ν LO(E1)⊥c 583 cm–1
ν LO(A1)||c 574 cm–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 206(4) GPa Brillouin scattering
c13 118(10) GPa (ZnO film on Si substrate)
c33 211(4) GPa
c44 44.3(10) GPa
c66 44.0(10) GPa
bulk modulus
B 183(7) GPa RT static pressure
Debye temperature
ΘD 440(25) K T=300 K
T calorimetric data
heat capacity
Cp [J mol–1 K–1] 53.999 + 7.851 10–4 T – 5.868⋅105 T –2 – 127.50⋅T –1/2 + 1.9376 10–6T 2
T = 50...1800 K (± 0.7 %) adiabatic calorimetry
Transport properties
The electronic conductivity of pure stoichiometric ZnO ist still unknown. The concentration of foreign ad-
mixtures in undoped crystals is of the order of 1015 to 1016 cm–3. Since Eg,opt = 3.2eV and impurity ionization
energies are about 0.01 to 0.1 eV at temperatures below 900 K, impurity conduction is always observed. For
temperatures above 900 K dissociation of the intrinsic material occurs.
The conductivity depends on the surrounding atmosphere (O2, Zn, Ar). Nevertheless it is possible to investigate
the influence of intentional admixtures to the conductivity, the charge carrier concentration and mobility as a
function of temperature and current direction.
Fig. 3.12.4(CD) shows the conductivity for a crystal without intentional admixtures.
electrical resistivity
Values of ρ given in literature depend strongly on special preparation conditions. Therefore only a few exem-
plary data are indicated in the table. Most investigations have been conducted on thin films deposited with
various techniques and always exhibiting considerable background impurity concentrations or being intention-
ally doped.
ρ 108…109 Ω cm T = 300 K ultrapure bulk single crystals, hydrothermally
grown under oxygen partial pressure
5·10–4 Ω cm T = 300 K ZnO:Ga at n(Ga) = 3·1020 cm–3
3·10–3 Ω cm n(Ga) = 1.3·1020 cm–3
2·10–2 Ω cm n(Ga) = 3.3·1018 cm–3
5·10–4 Ω cm T = 300 K lowest value in ZnO:Al at n(Al) =3·1020 cm–3,
Al-doped layers from plasma sputtering
10–2 Ω cm T = 300 K Al-doped layers from ionized deposition,
with carrier concentration 1…4·1020 cm–3
electron mobility
µn 0.5…1 cm2V–1s–1 T = 300 K Al-doped layers from ionized deposition,
with carrier concentration 1…4·1020 cm–3
10…20 cm2V–1s–1 T = 300 K films grown by laser ablation, n =5·1019 cm–3
up to 150 cm2V–1s–1 T = 300 K (E ⊥ c), ZnO single crystals grown by a
hydrothermal method
up to 167 cm2V–1s–1 (E || c)
Optical properties
The optical properties depend critically on the microstructure which in turn depends on the deposition tech-
nique. Common techniques are: reactive sputtering, dc and rc magnetron sputtering, spray pyrolysis, charged
liquid cluster beam technique, pulsed laser deposition, and chemical vapor deposition.
refractive index
Fig. 3.12.7 (CD) shows the temperature dependence of the refractive index for selected wavelengths and dif-
ferent polarizations. Fig. 3.12.8 (CD) presents the spectral dependence of the complex refractive index in the
energy range between 1.5 and 5.0 eV at room temperature.
λ [nm]
nω,⊥c 2.239 (2.248) 405 T = 293 K minimum of deviation, as grown crystal plane
(value in 2.137 (2.151) 436
brackets: nε,||c) 2.097 (2.115)
2.064 (2.081)
2.059 (2.076)
2.025 (2.041)
2.011 (2.028)
2.009 (2.024)
2.001 (2.017)
1.984 (2.001)
dielectric constants
Figs. 3.12.9 (CD) and 3.12.10 (CD) show the ε1(E) and ε2(E
( ) spectrum for ZnO for both E || c and E ⊥ c in the
energy range between 1.5 and 5.0 eV at room temperature.
ε (0)⊥c 7.8 reflectivity via refractive index
ε (0)||c 8.75
ε (∞)⊥c 3.70
ε (∞)||c 3.75
electrooptical constants (Pockels constants)
Under the influence of electric fields the refractive index is changed due to the nonlinearity of the dielectric po-
larization (Pockels effect). As in the case of piezoelectric effects, corresponding to the hexagonal symmetry,
there are three independent Pockels constants r31, r33, r51 (Voigt notation). Their value rij = d(nij–2)/dE
dE is de-
pendent on the wavelength.
r51 – 3.1·10–10 cm V–1 T = 295 K, electrotransmission
r13 – r33 – 1.4·10–9 cm V–1 λ ≈ 400 nm,
constant stress,
free crystal
In 0.024 eV
Cu 0.190 eV double doping
Li 1.5 eV Hall effect
Zn 0.05 eV
0.043.. 0.045 eV
cubic modification: zincblende structure, space group F 4 3m – Td2 (Fig. 3.0.1, p.173)
hexagonal modification: wurtzite structure, space group P63mc – C 46 v (Fig. 3.0.2, p.173))
Lattice properties
lattice parameter (cubic zincblende modification)
a 5.4053 Å RT X-ray diffraction
lattice parameters (hexagonal wurtzite modification)
a(2H) 3.820 Å T = 299 K X-ray diffraction
c(2H) 6.260 Å T = 299 K
for the temperature range from 0 to 300 K, see Fig. 3.13.2 (CD).
coefficient of linear thermal expansion: see Fig. 3.13.3 (CD).
phonon dispersion curves of cubic modification: Fig. 3.13.4 (CD); Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
For the temperature dependence of ΘD in cubic ZnS (Irtran 2), see Fig. 3.13.6 (CD).
heat capacity (polycrystalline ZnS)
Cp 45.882 J mol–1 K–1 (wurtzite) T = 298.15 K
45.358 J mol–1 K–1 (zincblende) temperature dependence, see Fig. 3.13.7 (CD)
density (cubic modification)
d 4.088 g cm–3 RT
density (hexagonal modification)
d 4.087 g cm–3 RT
melting temperature
Under normal pressure ZnS sublimes before melting.
Tm 1991 K
Transport properties
(Photo)conductivity of ZnS strongly depends on growth conditions, dopants and doping characteristics etc.
Optical properties
optical spectra
Fig. 3.13.11 (CD) displays the spectral dependence of the absorption index and the refractive index of cubic
ZnS at 300 K.
Fig. 3.13.12 (CD) displays the spectral dependence of the refractive index of hexagonal ZnS at 298 K.
dielectric function (cubic modification)
Fig. 3.13.13 (CD) gives the dielectric-function spectra of cubic ZnS within the spectral range from 1.2...5.6 eV.
high-frequency dielectric constants (hexagonal modification)
ε11X(∞) 8.31 RT resonance method
ε33X(∞) 8.76
temperature dependence of dielectric constant: see also Fig. 3.13.14 (CD)
electrooptical constants (cubic modification)
r41 2.1⋅10–12 m/V λ = 0.65 μm electrooptical measurement (retardation angle)
electrooptical constants (hexagonal modification)
r13 0.92⋅10–12 m/V λ = 0.63 μm
r33 1.85⋅10–12 m/V
Electronic properties
Band structure: Fig. 3.0.17 (p.178), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Zinc selenide is a direct gap semiconductor with the smallest energy gap at the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ).
The topmost valence band (Γ15, Fig. 3.0.17, p.178) is split due to spin-orbit coupling into a fourfold (Γ8) and a
twofold (Γ7) state.
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
energy gap
Eg,dir (Γ8v–Γ6c) 2.8222(1) eV T=6K two-photon spectroscopy
For temperature dependence of Eg, see Fig. 3.14.1(CD).
exciton energies
Due to the large spin-orbit splitting (420...450 meV) only excitons with the hole in the topmost (Γ8) valence
band are observed. The ground state of this exciton is split according to the decomposition Γ8v × Γ6c = Γ3 + Γ4
+ Γ5, only the Γ5 exciton state is dipole allowed.
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.667(4) Å X-ray diffraction
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 7.4⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300 K capacitance dilatometer, polycrystal
temperature dependence: Fig. 3.14.2 (CD).
d 5.266 g cm−3 shock-wave experiment
melting temperature
Tm 1799 K
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 3.14.3 (CD). Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
phonon energies
hνLO(Γ1) 30.99 meV Raman
hνTO(Γ15) 25.17 meV
hνLA(Γ) 19.8 meV luminescence; doped with Cu and Fe
hνTA(Γ) 8.0 meV
hνLO(X) 27.64 meV second order Raman spectra
hνTO 25.54 meV
hνLA 23.55 meV
hνLO(L) 27.77 meV
hνTO 25.54 meV
hν(W3) 24.9 meV
hν(W1) 18.59 meV
hν(W'2) 11.53 meV
hν(W"2) 26.53 meV
hν(W'4) 14.26 meV
hν(W"4) 26.41 meV
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ) 7.59 THz T = 300 K neutron scattering
νTO(Γ) 6.39 THz T = 300 K neutron scattering
second order elastic moduli
c11 90.3(19) GPa Brillouin scattering
c12 53.6(23) GPa
c44 39.4(12) GPa
Transport properties
(Photo)conductivity of ZnSe strongly depends on growth conditions, dopants and doping characteristics etc.
electrical resistivity
Values of ρ given in literature depend strongly on special preparation conditions. The electrical resistivity of
not intentionally doped MBE layers is shown in Fig. 3.14.6 (CD).
undoped material
ρ 105 Ω cm T = 300 K MOVPE film, van-der-Pauw technique
17 Ω cm T = 300 K MOVPE films, van-der-Pauw technique
4.16…30.1 Ω cm T = 300 K as-grown bulk, dipped in molten Zn
carrier mobility
Electron and hole mobilities are extremely dependent on sample structural quality, dopant's concentration, im-
purities compensation ratio, and details of the growth procedure.
Fig. 3.14.7 (CD) shows typical data and an analysis with respect to phonon and defect scattering. See also Fig.
3.14.8 (CD) for the temperature dependence of the electron drift mobility and Fig. 3.14.9 (CD) for the tempera-
ture dependence of the hole mobility.
μn up to 400 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Ga-doped MOVPE film, n = some 1016 cm–3
μp 110 cm2/Vs T = 300 K theoretical upper limit, zero compensation
thermal conductivity
κ 0.19 W K–1 cm–1 T = 300 K see also Fig. 3.14.10 (CD) for T-dependence
piezoelectric strain coefficient
d14 1.10(6) pC N–1 T = 300 K piezoresonance
piezoelectric stress coefficient
e14 0.049(4) C/m2 T = 300 K piezoresonance
Optical properties
refractive index
Fig. 3.14.11 (CD) presents the energy dependence of the refractive index n and the absorption index k.
At T = 298 K polycrystalline values are smoothed by Herzberger dispersion equation
n = n0 + b/(λ2 – 0.028) + c/(λ2 – 0.028)2 + dλ2 + eλ4
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 3.0.18 (p.178), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Zinc telluride is a direct gap semiconductor with the smallest energy gap at the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ).
The topmost valence band (Γ15) is split due to spin-orbit coupling into a fourfold (Γ8) and a twofold (Γ7) state.
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
d g/dT
dE T – 4.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...300 K absorption
exciton energies
Due to the large spin-orbit splitting (0.9 eV) only excitons with the hole in the topmost (Γ8) valence band are
observed. The ground state of this exciton is split according to the decomposition Γ8v × Γ6c = Γ3 + Γ4 + Γ5,
only the Γ5 exciton state is dipole allowed.
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.0882 Å RT X-ray diffraction
temperature dependence of lattice parameter
a = 6.1015 + 5.157 10–5T + 8.2728 10–9T 2 Å T in °C , 0...450 °C
heat capacity
Cp 46.44 + 1.088·10–2T –2 J K–1 mol–1 T = 298...1563 K, polycrystalline sample
Debye temperature
ΘD 180(6) K T = 93...298 K X-ray intensities from powders
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 3.15.3 (CD)
d 5.636 g/cm3 T = 298 K
melting temperature
Tm 1563(8) K
Transport properties
ZnTe is p-type due to deviation from stoichiometry when not intentionally doped, n-type doping is extremely
difficult. Doping limits, e.g., with N as prominent acceptor material in devices. Transport properties of ZnTe
strongly depend on growth conditions, dopants and doping characteristics etc.
electrical resistivity
ρ 5·104 Ω cm T = 300 K ZnTe:Ga crystals, Seebeck and Hall effect
5·106 Ω cm T = 77 K
carrier mobilities
Electron and hole mobilities are extremely dependent on sample structural quality, dopant's concentration,
impurities compensation ratio, and details of the growth procedure. Fig. 3.15.4 (CD) presents electron
mobilities versus carrier concentration at 77 and 300 K.
μn 1500 cm2/Vs T = 300 K calculation of mobility limit
330 cm2/Vs T = 300 K for temperature dependence of the electron
and hole mobilities, see Fig. 3.15.5 (CD)
μp 340 cm2/Vs T = 300 K N doped, peak (Hall) mobility, p = 9·1016 cm–3
thermal conductivity
κ 0.18 W/Kcm T = 300 K see Fig. 3.15.6 (CD)
piezoelectric constants
d14 0.9·10–12 C/N T = 298 K
e14 0.028 C/m2
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 10.3 RT reflectivity
ε (∞) 7.28 T = 300 K derived from refraction data
Figs. 3.15.7 (CD) and 3.15.8 (CD) show the real and imaginary part ε1 and ε2 of the dielectric constant in the
energy range 1.5…5.6 eV and 15…150 eV, respectively.
refractive index
Fig. 3.15.8 (CD) displays the real and imaginary part of the complex refractive index, n and k, in the energy
range 0…5.6 eV and 15…150 eV, respectively.
photoelastic constants
p11 0.144(7) RT Brillouin scattering,
p12 0.094(5) λ = 632.8 nm
p44 0.046(3)
electrooptic coefficient
r41 – 4.71 pm V–1 calculated
Electronic properties
CdO is the only II–VI semiconductor which crystallizes in the rocksalt structure at standard pressure. Excess of
Cd content gives rise to heavy n-type characteristics even of not intentionally doped samples.
band structure: Fig. 3.0.19 (p.178), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
The lowest conduction band has its minimum at the point Γ1 in the center of the Brillouin zone. Within the en-
ergy range of a few tenths of eV above its bottom the band is isotropic but highly nonparabolic. The nonpa-
rabolicity is revealed by the strong dependence of the optical electron mass on electron concentration. The low-
est conduction band is separated from the higher bands by a small gap. The valence band consists of several
branches with maxima at L3 and Σ.
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ15v))
effective masses
mn 0.33...0.46 m0 T = 81 K comparison of calculated and measured low
temperature mobilities,
n = 0.38...6.34·1019 cm–3
dependence on electron concentration, Fig. 3.16.1 (CD).
g-factor of conduction electrons
gc 1.806(5) T = 77 K ESR measurements
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 4.689 Å
linear expansion coefficient
α 14⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300...770 K dilatometer measurements
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 7.85⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K Kramers–Kronig analysis of infrared reflectivity
νLO(Γ) 15.83⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K calculated from νTO by means of the
Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation
νLO(L) 14.4⋅⋅1012 s–1 T=2K Raman spectroscopy, tentative assignment
νLO(X) 15.6⋅⋅1012 s–1 T=2K from comparison with corresponding
νTO(X) 7.2⋅⋅1012 s–1 T=2K spectra of alkaline-earth oxides with
(resp. νTO(L)) NaCl structure
Debye temperature
ΘD 255(6) K T = 300 K calculated from X-ray diffractometer
melting temperature
Tm > 1500°C
heat capacity
Cp 43.639 J mol–1K–1 T = 298.15 K for temperature dependence up to 800 K,
see Fig. 3.16.2 (CD)
d 8.15 g cm–3 X-ray crystal density method
Transport properties
Due to a high degree of nonstoichiometry CdO generally is a highly degenerate n-type semiconductor. The
conductivity is related to an excess of Cd in the lattice. Usually the electron concentration amounts to several
1019 cm–3.
electrical resistivity
Values of ρ given in literature depend strongly on special preparation conditions. Large resistivities and carrier
concentrations are due to strongly non-stoichiometric deposition.
ρ 1.5·10–3 Ωcm T = 300 K minimum value, substrate T ≈ 200°C,
n = 2·1020 cm–3, films grown on glass
substrates by Cd evaporation in O glow
discharge, n = 1019…1020 cm–3
1.27…1.4·10–3 Ωcm T = 300 K spray-pyrolytic films on glass substrates,
n = 2…3·1020 cm–3
electron mobility
Fig. 3.16.3 (CD) shows Hall mobility versus carrier concentration.
μH,n 180 cm2/Vs T = 300 K coldpressed CdO powder electrodes,
n = 1.1·1019 cm–3
110 cm2/Vs n = 1.8·1019 cm–3
Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power)
Fig. 3.16.4 (CD) shows thermoelectric power versus temperature.
Optical properties
refractive index
Fig. 3.16.5 (CD) shows the variation of the refractive index and the absorption index with wavelength.
n 1.95…2.65 λ = 600 nm deposited by spray pyrolysis
dielectric constants
Fig. 3.16.6 (CD) shows the variation of the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function with (!ω)–2.
ε (0) 21.9 T = 300 K ir reflectivity, extrapolation to electron
concentration n = 0
ε (∞) 2.1 T = 300 K transmittance, absorption
The cubic phase is less common and experiments in which powders or layers were converted to hexagonal CdS
have led to the conclusion that cubic CdS is metastable in the temperature range 20oC...900oC.
Electronic properties
If not otherwise stated all data in the tables on CdS refer to hexagonal CdS. A cubic modification is often ob-
served in epitaxial layers. For hex. CdS, indices '⊥' and '||' at given quantities refer to orientation perpendicular
and parallel to the c axis, respectively, unless explicitely otherwise stated.
band structure: Fig. 3.0.20 (p.187), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.5 (p.175).
Cadmium sulfide is a direct gap semiconductor with the smallest energy gap at the center of the Brillouin zone
(Γ). The topmost valence band (Γ5 + Γ1) is split due to crystal field and spin-orbit coupling into three spin-
degenerate states (Γ9, Γ7 and Γ7). Exciton states formed with holes in these valence band states are denoted A,
B, and C exciton, respectively.
calculated energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ5v))
M⊥ A 0.9 m0 TPRRS
M||A 3.0 m0
μ⊥A 0.158(2) m0 two-photon spectroscopy
mn⊥ 0.210(3) m0
mp⊥A 0.64(2) m0
mp⊥B 0.64(17) m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.1348 Å X-ray diffraction
c 6.7490 Å
The temperature dependence of the lattice constant a is represented in Fig. 3.17.3 (CD).
Transport properties
Electrical transport in CdS is performed by electrons in the Γ7-conduction band and by holes in the Γ9-valence
band. Because of compensating effects during the preparation of the samples and the ratio μn/μp > 10, CdS is
normally n-type conducting; p-type conductivity is observed only in a few special cases.
The carrier concentration depends on impurity or defect content and on temperature. Furthermore the value can
be changed markedly by irradiation (photoconductivity; CdS is known to be a model substance for a photo-
The temperature dependence of the conductivity and electron concentration (Hall effect data) is shown in Fig.
3.17.9 (CD).
Though pure intrinsic conductivity (σi) in CdS has not yet been observed (there is always an influence of de-
fects for a semiconductor with a high band gap) some values of carrier concentrations and mobilities, deter-
mined at very high temperatures are almost intrinsic. For quantitative considerations, however, these values
should be used with care.
nearly intrinsic electrical conductivity
σi,n = 2.81⋅⋅10–2 (Ωcm)–1 and σi,p = 1.51⋅⋅10–2 (Ωcm)–1
thermal conductivity
κL 0.20 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
See Fig. 3.17.10 (CD) for temperature dependence between 1.4 and 80K.
electron Hall mobility
Fig. 3.17.11 (CD) shows the temperature dependence of electron mobilities in ultrapure and less pure crystals.
μH,n ≥ 10000 cm2/Vs T = 30…40 K peak mobilities in ultrapure crystals
160 cm2/Vs T = 300 K In-doped, n = 5·1019 cm–3
hole mobility
μp 15 cm2/Vs T = 300 K calculated from transient conductivity mea-
surements at single highly resistive crystals
Dependence of hole drift mobility on temperature: Fig. 3.17.12 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index n and birefringence Δn (= n||c – n⊥c)
Fig. 3.17.13 (CD) shows the complex refractive index in the spectral range from 2.24 to 2.44 eV. Fig. 3.17.14
(CD) shows the refractive index at 5 K in the fundamental absorption region for samples of different thickness.
n⊥c n||c Δn [10–2] λ [μm] T [K]
2.573 2.586 0.55 293 prism
2.479 2.496
2.417 2.434
2.358 2.375
2.296 2.312
2.281 1.678 2 293 interference
2.258 1.662
2.187 1.408 14
temperature dependence of the refractive index
T [oC] λ [μm]
(1/n⊥)dn⊥/dT T 26.8 (3)⋅10–6 K–1 35...80 10.3 interference
T 27.8(2)⋅10–6 K–1
d(Δn)/dT T 3.07(12)⋅10–6 K–1
absorption coefficients
Fig. 3.17.15 (CD) shows the spectral dependence of the absorption coefficient and normal incidence reflectiv-
ity in the range from 1.2 to 5.7 eV.
dielectric constants
ε ⊥(0) 8.28 T = 300 K spectroscopic ellipsometry
ε ⊥(∞) 5.23
ε ||(0) 8.73
ε ||(∞) 5.29
elastooptic constant
p44 0.049 T =295 K, Brillouin scattering
The valence band results from the 4p states of selenium, having its maximum at the Γ-point, too, which leads to
a direct band gap. As a result of crystal field and spin-orbit splitting the valence band at k = 0 is split into three
sub-bands, conveniently named A, B and C.
energies of symmetry points in the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band)
E(Γ1v) – 12.09 eV
E(Γ3v) – 4.06 eV
E(Γ3c) 3.12 eV
E(Γ6c) 6.28 eV
E(Μ1v) – 3.88 eV
E(Μ3v) – 3.37 eV
E(Μ1v) – 2.51 eV
E(Μ2v) – 1.79 eV
E(Μ3v) – 1.35 eV
E(Μ4v) – 0.81 eV
E(Μ1c) 4.17 eV
E(Μ3c) 5.23 eV
energy band gaps of the three sub-bands
EgA(Γ9v-Γ7c) 1.732 eV T = 300 K ellipsometry
EgB(Γ7v–Γ7c) 1.761 eV
EgC(Γ7v–Γ7c) 2.161 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameters (hexagonal modification)
The temperature dependence of the lattice constant a is represented in Fig. 3.18.1 (CD).
a 4.2999 Å T = 297 K X-ray diffraction
c 7.0109 Å
lattice parameter (zincblende modification)
a 6.077(5) Å perp. to surface energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction,
6.078(1) Å parallel to surface MBE layer on GaAs(001)
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 3.18.2 (CD).
phonon wavenumbers
ν LO1(Γ1,||c) 210 cm–1 T = 300 K I.R. spectroscopy
ν TO1(Γ5,⊥c) 169 cm–1 T = 300 K I.R. spectroscopy
ν LO2(Γ5,⊥c) 212 cm–1 T = 300 K I.R. spectroscopy
ν TO2(Γ1,||c) 166 cm–1 T = 300 K I.R. spectroscopy
ν TA(A3) 43.5 cm–1 T = 300 K Zone edge phonon, Raman spectroscopy
second order elastic moduli
c11 74.6 GPa RT ultrasound measurements, 2 % error
c12 46.1 GPa
c33 81.7 GPa
c44 13.0 GPa
c66 14.3 GPa
electromechanical coupling factor
k31 0.0836(17) T = 298 K from ultrasound resonance
k33 0.194(8)
k15 0.1305(52)
kt 0.124(5)
Debye temperature
ΘD 181.7 K T=0K
heat capacity
Cp [J mol–1 K–1] 48.46 + 5.87·10–3 T – 58154·T –2 monocryst., DSC, ± 2.5%, T = 400...700 K
d 5.81 g/cm3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1264(10)°C assessed
Transport properties
Electrical transport in CdSe is governed by electrons in the Γ7-conduction band and by holes in the Γ9-valence
band. CdSe is mainly n-type conducting; this is due to compensating effects during the preparation of the sam-
ples and μn being about one order of magnitudes larger than μp. p-type conductivity is observed, however, in a
few special cases. The carrier concentration depends on impurity or defect content and on temperature. Fur-
thermore the value can be changed markedly by irradiation (photoconductivity).
intrinsic electrical conductivity
Intrinsic conductivity (σi) in CdSe has been claimed to be observed in the temperature range 800...1500 K. Be-
cause of the possibility of thermal generation of lattice defects at such high temperatures the value should be
used with care. There is a good coincidence, however, between band gap data determined by electrical and op-
tical measurements.
nearly intrinsic electrical conductivity
σi 1·10–3 (Ω cm)–1 T = 800 K
1 (Ω cm)–1 T = 1300 K
nearly intrinsic carrier concentration
n≈p 6·1013 cm–3 T = 800 K
6·1016 cm–3 T = 1300 K
Photoconductivity in CdSe can be produced by all kinds of electromagnetic radiation (energy higher than the
band gap) and also by high energetic particles (electrons, α–particles, etc). See also Fig. 3.18.3 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κL 0.09 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K (lattice contribution)
electron mobility
μn 660 cm2/Vs T = 300 K poly- and single-crystalline material
5000 cm2/Vs T = 80 K dc Hall effect
200 cm2/Vs T = 800 K
Dependence on temperature: Fig. 3.18.4 (CD).
electron drift mobility
μdr,n 720 cm2/Vs T = 300 K time of flight measurement
Optical properties
refractive index n and birefringence Δn (= n||c – n⊥c)
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 3.0.22 (p.179), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Cadmium telluride is a direct gap semiconductor with the smallest energy gap at the center of the Brillouin
zone (Γ). The topmost valence band is split due to spin-orbit coupling into a fourfold (Γ8) and a twofold (Γ7)
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band E(Γ8v))
energy gap
Eg,dir(Γ8v–Γ6c) 1.475 eV RT photoelectrochemical experiment
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 3·10–4 eV/K T = 70...300 K piezoreflectance
critical point energies
Eg+Δ0(Γ7v–Γ6c) 2.4 eV T = 77, 300 K reflectance
– 6c) 3.44 eV T = 77 K
– 6c) 4.01 eV T = 77 K
E'0 5.20 eV T = 300 K
E2 5.49 eV T = 77 K
spin-orbit splitting energy
Δ0(Γ7v–Γ8v) 0.95(2) eV T = 300 K photoemission
effective masses
mn [110] 0.096(3) m0 T = 1.5 K cyclotron resonance
mn [100] 0.094(4) m0 T = 1.8 K cyclotron resonance
mn [111] 0.095(4) m0
mp,l [110] 0.12(2) m0 T = 1.5 K cyclotron resonance
mp,h [110] 0.81(5) m0
g-factors of electrons
|gc| 1.652 Spin-Flip-Raman
exciton energies
Egx(Γ5L,1S) 1.596375(5) eV T = 10 K RBS
Egx(Γ5T,1S) 1.595725(5) eV
Egx(Γ3+Γ4,1S) 1.595650(25) eV
Egx(2S) 1.6035 eV
ΔLT(1S) 0.00065(5) eV T = 10 K RBS
exciton binding energy
Eb(1S) 10.5 meV T = 1.64 K magnetoabsorption using
− (1S))/3
Eb = 4(E(2S)−E
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.46 Å X-ray diffraction
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α [10−6K–1] = 4.932.10–6 + 1.165.10–9T + 1.428.10–12T 2 T in °C , 20...420 K, see also Fig. 3.19.1 (CD)
phonon dispersion curves: Figs. 3.19.2 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ) 5.08 (10) THz T = 300 K inelastic neutron scattering
νTO(Γ) 4.20(10) THz
νLO(X) 4.44(6) THz
νTA(X) 1.05(3) THz
νLO(L) 4.33 (6) THz
νTO(L) 4.33(7) THz
νLA(L) 3.25(8) THz
νTA(L) 0.88(3) THz
second order elastic moduli
c11 53.8 GPa T = 298 K
56.2 GPa T = 77 K
c12 37.4 GPa T = 298 K
39.4 GPa T = 77 K
c44 20.18 GPa T = 298 K
20.61 GPa T = 77 K
For temperature dependence see Figs. 3.19.3 (CD)...3.19.5 (CD).
bulk modulus (zincblende phase)
B 42(2) X-ray diffraction
Debye temperature
ΘD 140(3) K X-ray, single crystal
ΘD(0) 158 K
Transport properties
CdTe bulk crystals can be doped n- and p-type conductive. High resistive (ρ > 109 Ωcm) crystals can be ob-
tained under various growth and doping conditions.
electrical conductivity: For temperature dependence in n-type CdTe, see Fig. 3.19.8 (CD).
electron mobility
Maximum electron Hall mobility of 110000 cm2/Vs was observed near 32 K. The low temperature mobility is
governed by impurity scattering, whereas at elevated temperatures the mobility is limited by polar optical scat-
tering, Fig. 3.19.9 (CD).
hole mobility
μH,p 1200 cm2/Vs T = 170 K Hall effect
60 cm2/s T = 300 K Hall effect
thermal conductivity
κ 71 ± 2.5% mW/cm K T = 298 K single crystal
10 W/cm K T=8K theoretical maximum for a pure crystal,
temperature dependence: Fig. 3.19.10 (CD)
Optical properties
The real and imaginary part of the dielectric function in the optical phonon region is shown in Fig. 3.19.11
(CD). Calculated optical constants (R, ε1, and ε2) in the visible and near ultraviolet region together with an ex-
perimental reflectivity spectrum are presented in Fig. 3.19.12 (CD).
refractive index
n 2.70 T = 300 K, prism refraction
λ = 2.5 μm
dielectric constants
ε (∞) 7.1(1) T = 300 K
ε (0) 10.4 T = 300 K
Under atmospheric pressure mercury oxide has cinnabar structure or orthorhombic structure (D2h16). For the
crystal structure see also section 3.0.
Only a few results are available:
From photoconductivity measurements energy gaps Eg of 2.19 eV and 2.80 eV were obtained.
lattice parameter
a 3.577 Å p=0 cinnabar phase, X-ray diffraction
b 8.681 Å
c 2.427 Å
u 0.745
d 11.080 g/cm3
The refractive index is reported to be n = 2.5 at λ = 0.55 μm.
β-HgS crystallizes in the cubic zincblende structure, space group 4 3m (Td-symmetry) (Fig. 3.0.1, p.173). See
also section 3.0.
3450 Ω cm T = 300 K
piezoelectric stress coefficient
e11 0.315(16) C m–2 piezoelectric resonant method
ρ⊥ 19900 Ω cm T = 77 K
11080 Ω cm T = 300 K
mobility (maximum values parallel and perpendicular to c-axis)
μ|| 157 cm2/Vs T = 77 K natural crystal
30 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
μ⊥ 49 cm2/Vs T = 77 K
10 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
The wavelength dependence of ne and n0 can be described for λ = 0.62 μm ... 11.0 μm by
Debye temperature
ΘD (α-HgS) 152 K T=0K calorimetric
ΘD (β-HgS) 144 K T=0K calorimetric
Crystal structure
Under ambient conditions, HgSe crystallizes in the zincblende structure, space group F 4 3m – Td2 (Fig. 3.0.1,
p.173). See also section 3.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: For a schematic picture of the band structure around Γ, see Fig. 3.0.23 (p.180). Brillouin zone:
Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Mercury selenide is a zero-gap material (semimetal), the lowest conduction band minimum and the top of the
valence band are degenerate at the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ8). Γ8 is the fourfold component of the spin-
orbit split valence band (Γ8 + Γ7). The Γ6 level, which for most cubic semiconductors is the conduction band
minimum with an energy larger than the Γ8 state, is found below the Γ8 state in HgSe ("negative energy gap",
inverted band structure).
energy gap
Eg(Γ8v–Γ6c) – 0.274 eV T = 4.2 K Shubnikov-de Haas effect of n-type HgSe
–0.061 eV T = 300 K for temperature dependence of Eg,
see Fig. 3.22.1 (CD)
The temperature dependence of Eg from magnetoabsorption has been fitted with the relation (T in K)
T = E(0) + αT 2/(T+
Eg(T) T β), 10 K < T < 80 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.997(5) Å p = 2.25 GPa angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction
temperature dependence of lattice parameter
a [Å] = 6.0854 + 28.61.10–6 T + 4.93.10–9 T 2 + 3.74.10–12 T 3 T = 34...377°C
phonon dispersion curves
Fig. 3.22.2(CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
phonon wavenumbers
ν TO 130 cm–1 RT resonance Raman scattering
ν LO 174 cm–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 62.2(1) GPa T = 292 K ultrasound
c12 46.4 GPa
c44 22.7(1) GPa
temperature dependence of the second order elastic moduli
See Fig. 3.22.3 (CD).
(1/c11)dc11/dT − 538⋅10–6 K–1 ultrasound
(1/c12)dc12/dT − 640⋅10–6 K–1
(1/c44)dc44/dT − 303⋅10–6 K–1
bulk modulus
B 49.7 GPa T = 300 K
κ 0.230 Mbarr–1
Debye temperature
ΘD 142 K T=0K calorimetric
heat capacity
Cp 45.56 + 14.10·10–3T J K–1 mol–1 T = 298...1093 K
melting temperature
Tm 799°C assessed
d 8.11 g cm–3
Transport properties
All HgSe samples show n-type conductivity. As-grown crystals have carrier concentrations of about 1017 elec-
For measurement of drift and Hall mobilities, see Fig. 3.22.4 (CD) and 3.22.5 (CD).
electron mobility
μn 1.5⋅⋅104 cm2/Vs T = 300 K 5.9·1017 cm–3 ≤ n ≤ 200·1017 cm–3
5.5⋅⋅104 cm2/Vs T = 95 K 4.2·1017 cm–3 ≤ n ≤ 200·1017 cm–3
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 25.6 reflectivity and Kramers–Kronig analysis
ε (∞) 12...21 from carrier concentration dependent fits on
plasmon – LO phonon coupled mode data
Crystal structure
Under ambient conditions, HgTe crystallizes in the zincblende structure, space group F 4 3m – Td2 (Fig. 3.0.1,
p.173). See also section 3.0.
Electronic properties
Band structure: Fig. 3.0.24 (p.180), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
Mercury telluride is a zero-gap material (semimetal), the lowest conduction band minimum and the top of the
valence band are degenerate at the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ8). Γ8 is the fourfold component of the spin-
orbit split valence band (Γ8 + Γ7). The Γ6 level, which for most cubic semiconductors is the conduction band
minimum with an energy larger than the Γ8 state, is found below the Γ8 state in HgTe ("negative energy gap",
inverted band structure).
energies of symmetry points of the band structure (relative to the top of the valence band)
E(Γ6v) – 13.35 eV empirical pseudopotential calculation
E(Γ7v) – 1.065 eV
E(Γ6v) – 0.303 eV
E(Γ7c) 4.8 eV
E(Γ8c) 5.3 eV
E(X6v) – 5.70 eV
E(X6v) – 2.66 eV
E(X7v) – 2.33 eV
E(X6c) 2.35 eV
E(X7c) 3.2 eV
E(L6v) – 5.62 eV
E(L6v) – 1.36 eV
E(L4,5v) – 0.68 eV
E(L6c) 1.28 eV
E(L6c) 5.9 eV
E(L4,5c) 6.18 eV
energy gap
Eg(Γ8v–Γ6c) – 0.304 eV T = 0 K (extrapolated)
– 0.141(13) eV T = 300 K from various optical and magnetooptical data
temperature dependence of energy gap
The experimental data of Eg(T)
T for T < 140 K, see Fig. 3.23.1 (CD), have been fitted by an expression
T = Eg(0) + αT 2/(T+
Eg(T) T β)
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.453 Å RT energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α ≈ 4.10–6 K–1 T = 77...300 K see also Fig. 3.23.2 (CD)
phonon dispersion curves
Fig. 3.23.3 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 3.0.4 (p.174).
phonon energies
hνLO(Γ) 14.86(16) meV T = 290 K neutron scattering
hνTO(Γ) 14.63(17) meV
hνLO(X) 16.86(12) meV
hνTO(X) 16.64(10) meV
hνLA(X) 10.56 (7) meV
hνTA(X) 1.97(2) meV
hνLO(L) 18.07(24) meV
hνTO(L) 15.86(18) meV
hνLA(L) 9.97(6) meV
Transport properties
The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity has been measured and compared with calculated curves
assuming different scattering mechanisms, see Fig. 3.23.6 (CD).
electron mobility (maximum values)
μn 35⋅103 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
120⋅103 cm2/Vs T = 77 K
800⋅103 cm2/Vs T = 4.2 K
A calculation of the temperature dependent electron mobility and comparison with experimental data was per-
formed, see Fig. 3.23.7 (CD). The temperature dependence of hole mobilities from various sources is com-
pared with calculations for different scattering processes in Fig. 3.23.8 (CD). For calculated temperature de-
pendence of carrier concentrations with and without magnetic field, see Fig. 3.23.9 (CD)
thermal conductivity: Fig. 3.23.10 (CD)
Optical properties
Calculated optical spectra (ε1, ε2 and R) are shown in Fig. 3.23.11 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 21.0 T = 77 K reflectance
ε (∞) 15.2
4 I-VII compounds
Fig. 4.0.1. The zincblende lattice Fig. 4.0.2. The wurtzite lattice
For details of the structures, for high temperature and high pressure modifications, see the respective sections.
Fig. 4.0.4. The Brillouin zone for the zincblende Fig. 4.0.5. The Brillouin zone of the wurtzite lattice
and the rocksalt lattices
Figs. 4.0.10...11. Band structures of silver chloride (left) and silver bromide (right).
γγ–CuF crystallizes in the zincblende structure, F 4 3m – Td2 (Fig. 4.0.1, p.245). CuF is chemically instable,
nearly no data are available
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 13.59 THz FP-LMTO calculation
second order elastic moduli
c11 91.8 GPa semiempirical TB calculation
c12 43.0 GPa
c44 35.8 GPa
A high temperature phase (β-CuCl, wurtzite, P63mc–C6v4, Fig. 4.0.2 (p.245), a = 3.893 Å, c = 6.375 Å at 683
K has been detected by neutron scattering.
Electronic properties
band structure: Figs. 4.0.6 (p.246); Brillouin zone: Fig. 4.0.4 (p.246).
CuCl is a direct gap semiconductor. The uppermost valence band maximum occurs at Γ. The triply degenerate
Γ15 band is split by spin-orbit interaction into a doubly degenerate Γ8 and a singlet Γ7 state. Compared to the γ-
modifications of CuBr, CuI and AgI, in CuCl the Γ7 and Γ8 valence band levels are inverted, the Γ7 state lying
higher in energy in CuCl.
direct gap energy
Eg(Γ7v–Γ6c) 3.3990(5) eV T=2K from one- and two-photon absorption
Eg(Γ8v–Γ6c) 3.486(2) eV T=6K from two-photon absorption
higher direct gap energy
Eg,dir(Γ12v–Γ1c) 5.19 eV T = 4.3 K two-photon absorption from lower valence band
critical point energies of valence bands (relative to the Γ15 top of the valence band)
E(Γ12v) – 1.79 eV T = 4.3 K two-photon absorption
E(X5v) – 1.0(1) eV T = 80 K angle-resolved uv photoemission
E(X3v,X2v) – 1.5(1) eV valence band structure, see Fig. 4.0.6 (p.246)
E(X1v) – 1.9(1) eV
E(X5v) – 4.9(1) eV
E(X3v) – 6.1(1) eV
E(L3v) – 0.6(1) eV
critical point energies of conduction bands (relative to the Γ15 top of the valence band)
E(X1c) 7.8 (2) eV T = 80 K angle-resolved secondary electron emission
E(X3c) 12.1 eV
E(L1c) 8.1 eV
E(L1c) 11.4 eV
energies of transverse (T) and longitudinal (L) edge excitons
Z1,2 and Z3 originate from coupling of the lowest conduction band state Γ6 to the uppermost valence band
states Γ8(Z1,2) and Γ7(Z3).
effective masses
mn(Γ6c) 0.50(2) m0 analysis of luminescence
mp(Γ7v) 2.0(5) m0
effective mass of transverse (T) and longitudinal (L) exciton states
mexT(Z3) 2.5 m0 T = 4.2 K hyper-Raman scattering
mexL(Z3) 2.5 m0
gefff(Z3) 0.37 T = 4.2 K two-photon magnetoabsorption,
value corresponds to (1/2)(g
( (Γ6c)–g
– (Γ7v))
gefff(Z1,2) – 0.3(1) T = 4.2 magneto-reflectivity
g(Γ6) 2.02 T = 1.8 Faraday rotation
g(Γ7) – 1.38 T = 1.8 Faraday rotation
g(Γ8) 0.28 – band structure calculation
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 4.0.7 (p.246), Brillouin zone: Fig. 4.0.4 (p.246).
The band structure is qualitatively similar to that of CuCl except the ordering of the uppermost spin-orbit split
Γ8 and Γ7 valence band states. This leads to the Z1,2 exciton transition being observed at lower energy than Z3 .
direct gap energy
Eg(Γ8v–Γ6c) 3.0726 eV T = 1.6 K two-photon absorption
2.91 eV T = 300 K absorption edge under hydrostatic pressure;
value at zero pressure
temperature coefficient of direct gap energy
d g,dirr/dT
dE 0.1 meV/K temperature dependence of reflectiviy
pressure coefficient of direct gap energy
d g,dirr/d
dE dp 10.0 meV/GPa T = 300 K absorption
critical point energies of valence bands (relative to the Γ8 top of the valence band)
Δ exT–t(Z1,2)
ΔE 1.0 meV T = 1.6 K hyper-Raman scattering
spin orbit splitting energy
Δ0 150 meV T = 100 K hydrostatic pressure dependence of thin film
exchange energy for T-exciton
ΔT = Δex–Δdip 8 meV T=8K energy shift and intensity ratio of Z1,2 and Z3
exciton in CuBrxCl1–x
10 meV – average from various exciton energy data
(Δex = 15 meV, Δdip = 5 meV)
exchange energy for L-exciton
ΔL = Δex+2Δdip 25 meV – average from various exciton energy data
(Δex =15 meV, Δdip = 5 meV)
gefff(Z1,2) 0.22(5) T = 4.5 K magneto-reflectivity and magnetoluminescence
gefff(Z3) 0.35(10) T = 84 K Faraday rotation
g(Γ6c) 1.84(10) T = 1.6 K hyper-Raman scattering in magnetic field;
κ – 0.22(5) g-value of valence band (k = 0)
Lattice properties
lattice parameter (γ-phase, zincblende structure)
a 5.6773(2) Å T = 35 K neutron powder diffraction
5.6897(3) Å T = 293 K
5.6991(3) Å T = 383 K
For temperature dependence of the lattice parameter, see Fig. 4.3.1 (CD).
volume thermal expansion coefficient
β – 0.54⋅10–5 K–1 T = 40 K
1.92⋅⋅10–5 K–1 T = 100 K
4.83⋅⋅10–5 K–1 T = 295 K
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 4.3.2 (CD), phonon density of states: Fig. 4.3.3 (CD)
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) γ 4.20⋅1012 s–1 T=2K polariton-Raman scattering
β 3.63⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 80 K
νLO(Γ) γ 5.07⋅1012 s–1 T=2K
second order elastic moduli
c11 45.8(20) GPa T = 300 K ultrasonic measurements
c12 35.4 GPa
(c11–c12)/2 5.2(2) GPa
c44E 13.9(2) GPa
isothermal compressibility
κT 2.20⋅⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 40 K calculated from elastic constants
bulk modulus
B 36.6(8) GPa neutron powder diffraction
Debye temperature
ΘD 161(2) K T=0K determined from the Cp data;
temperature dependence: Fig. 4.3.4 (CD)
heat capacity
temperature dependence of heat capacity: Fig. 4.3.5 (CD).
melting temperature
Tm 502oC melting temperature of α-phase
γ → β phase transition at 386oC
β → α phase transition at 469oC
d 4.72 g cm–3
Crystal structure
γγ-CuI crystallizes at normal conditions in the zincblende structure (space group Td2 – F 4 3m, Fig. 4.0.1, p.245).
high temperature phases
α-CuI cubic (I-ions form a = 6.13 Å T = 430oC 408oC < T < Tm (602oC),
f.c.c. lattice) high ionic conductivity,
lattice highly disordered
cubic, Fm3m (I-ions a = 6.148(1) Å T > 680 K neutron scattering
form fcc lattice)
Melting temperature Tm = 878 K
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 4.0.8 (p.247), Brillouin zone: Fig. 4.0.5 (p.246).
The band structure is qualitatively similar to CuBr with the Γ8 valence band higher in energy than the Γ7.
Compared to the calculations for CuCl and CuBr, in CuI the spin-orbit splittings are increased.
direct gap energy
Eg(Γ8v–Γ6c) 3.118 eV T = 80 K piezobirefringence
2.95 eV T = 300 K absorption edge under hydrostatic pressure,
value at zero pressure
pressure coefficient of direct gap energy
d g.dirr/d
dE dp 19.2 meV/GPa T = 300 K absorption edge under hydrostatic pressure,
value at zero pressure
edge exciton transition energies
Egx(Z1,2(1S)) 3.06 eV T = 4.2 K absorption
Egx(Z3(1S)) 3.70 eV
longitudinal-transverse exciton splitting energy
Δ exL–T(Z1,2)
ΔE 6.1 meV T = 4.5 K magneto-luminescence and -reflectance
splitting of transverse exciton state (T) and spin-triplet (Γ Γ4) state (t)
Δ exT–t(Z1,2)
ΔE 0.4 meV T = 4.5 K magneto-luminescence and -reflectance
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.05214(8) Å T = 303 K powder neutron diffraction
volume thermal expansion coefficient
β 1.41⋅10–5 K–1 T = 40 K
4.26⋅10–5 K–1 T = 100 K
4.20⋅10–5 K–1 T = 295 K
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 4.4.1 (CD), phonon density of states: Fig. 4.4.2 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 3.99⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 4.2 K Raman scattering
3.72⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 4.0.9 (p.247), Brillouin zone: Fig. 4.0.4 (p.246).
In contrast to AgCl and AgBr, the highest valence band is found to be largely formed from the Ag+ 4d-function
and lies above the F– 2p-valence band. The uppermost maximum is at L with subsidiary maxima at Σ and Δ.
Selected electronic states have been computed, at points of high symmetry by means of the mixed basis
method. The peculiar valence band ordering in AgF is thought to explain that direct and indirect exciton ener-
gies do not scale properly in going from AgBr to AgCl to AgF.
The lowest conduction band minimum is suggested to be at Γ.
indirect exciton gap energy
Egx,ind(L3v–Γ1c) 2.8(3) eV T = 4.8 K thin film absorption
Electronic properties
band structure: Figs. 4.0.10 (p.247), Brillouin zone: Fig. 4.0.4 (p.246).
The complex valence band structure is due to mixing of the Ag+ 4d- and Cl– 3p-states placed within about 1 eV
to each other. Due to inversion symmetry no mixing occurs at Γ (k = 0). There, the valence states are either
mostly pure p of the halogen (Γ15) or d of the metal (Γ12, Γ25'). Because of strong mixing for k ≠ 0 uppermost
maxima at L and Σ, nearly degenerate are predicted. The valence band at Δ is found to be highest and nearly
degenerate with the maximum at L and Σ. Inclusion of spin-orbit interaction splits Γ15 into Γ8– and Γ6–, and L3
into L4+, L5+ (degenerate) and L6+ (for different choice of origin: L3 → L3' and L3' into L4–, L5– and L6–). The
splittings are 0.13 eV (from spin-orbit splitting of atomic Cl) and 0.05 eV, respectively, while a KKR calcula-
tion gives 0.16 eV and 0.02 eV, respectively.
indirect exciton gap energy
Egx,ind(L3v–Γ1c) 3.248 eV T = 1.8 K absorption measurements
indirect exciton absorption threshold
Egx,indthrr = Egx,ind + hνTA(L) 3.2558 eV T = 1.8 K resonant light scattering
pressure and temperature coefficient of indirect exciton absorption threshold
dp – 15 meV/GPa T = 1.5 K absorption edge under high hydrostatic pressure
d gx,ind/dT
dE T – 8.7·10–4 eV/K temperature dependence of absorption edge
TO or LO assisted indirect exciton emission
Ex,indd 3.238 eV T=2K luminescence measurements
exciton binding energy
Eb,indd 23(2) meV T = 4.2 K analysis of indirect absorption edge
electron-hole exchange interaction
Δ 0.7(1) meV T = 4.2 K high-field magnetoabsorption
g(Γ) 1.878 T = 1.2K ENDOR stimulated echo on intrinsic,
shallow trapped electron centers
direct exciton gap energy
Egx,dirr 5.13(5) eV T = 4.2 K thin film transmission, spin-orbit
(Γ15v–Γ1c) splitting of 0.14(1) eV unresolved
d gx,dirr/d
dE dp 6.12·10–6 eV/bar T = 80 K hydrostatic pressure
4.9·10–6 eV/bar T = 300 K hydrostatic pressure
direct band gap energy
Eg,dirr 5.15(5) eV T = 4.2 K from thin film transmission assuming direct and
indirect exciton binding energies to be equal
effective polaron mass
mn**(Γ) 0.431(40) m0 T = 1.2 K cold electron polaron mass, obtained from
cyclotron resonance
ν 6.57⋅1012 s–1 T=2K localized mode
Lattice properties
lattice parameters (NaCl structure)
a 5.46 Å ab-initio pseudopotential calculation
temperature dependence. Fig. 4.6.1. (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 0.27·10–4 K–1 T = 195 K from X-ray diffraction, Fig. 4.6.2 (CD)
phonon dispersion relations: Fig .4.5.3 (CD), phonon density of states: Fig. 4.6.4 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ) 3.63(3)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T=4K ir transmission
3.15(6)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 290 K
νLO(Γ) 5.88(9)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T=4K ir reflectivity
5.79(9)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 290 K
ν TA(L) 1.98(5)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 1.8 K resonant Raman scattering
ν LA(L) 3.12(5)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 1.8 K resonant Raman scattering
phonon wavenumbers
ν TO(Γ) 118 cm–1 T = 4.2 K ir reflectivity
ν LO(Γ) 199 cm–1 T = 4.2 K ir reflectivity
temperature dependence of TO wavenumber
ν TO(Γ) 121.0(1.0) cm–1 T=2K IR transmission
117.5(1.0) cm–1 T = 90 K
112.5(2.0) cm–1 T = 200 K
105.0(2.0) cm–1 T = 290 K
second order elastic moduli
(in 1012 dyn/cm2) pulse-superpositition technique
20°C 50°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 430°C
c11 0.596 0.578 0.548 0.489 0.429 0.357 0.330
c12 0.362 0.354 0.344 0.323 0.299 0.268 0.248
c44 0.0621 0.0615 0.0604 0.0582 0.0561 0.0536 0.0528
c´11 0.542 0.528 0.507 0.465 0.421 0.368 0.342
c´ 0.1180 0.1125 0.1030 0.0840 0.0655 0.0465 0.0410
elastic compliances
s11 2.571⋅⋅10–12 cm2dynn–1 T = 195 K calculated from elastic moduli
s12 – 0.933⋅⋅10–12 cm2dynn–1
s44 15.32⋅⋅10–12 cm2dynn–1
bulk modulus
BS 0.4733(19)⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 195 K adiabatic bulk modulus from elastic moduli
0.4403(18)⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K
BT 0.4590⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 195 K isothermal bulk modulus
0.4174⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K
B 0.441⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 290 K pulse-superposition technique
0.276⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 703 K
pressure dependence of bulk modulus
B = 414.57 + 5.98 p (B and p in kbar) dilatometer experiment
κ 1.95⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 0 K adiabatic compressibility calculated from
elastic constants
Debye temperature
ΘD 185 K T=0K calculated from elastic constants data in the
temperature range 2 K ≤ T ≤ 20 K shown in
Fig. 4.6.5 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 4.70 J mol–1 K–1 T = 15 K calorimeter, for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 4.6.5 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 728 K
d 5.5667(2) g cm–3 T = 298 K X-ray value
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 4.0.11 (p.247). Brillouin zone: Fig. 4.0.4 (p.246).
The band structure is qualitatively similar to that of AgCl. Mixing at points away from k = 0 of the Br– 4p-
states with the Ag+ 4d-states, lying slightly below, results in the uppermost valence band maximum at L and a
maximum at X lower in energy.
indirect band gap energy
Eg,ind(L3v–Γ1c) 2.7125(50) eV T = 1.8 K analysis of absorption edge
indirect exciton gap energy
Egx,indd 2.6845 eV T = 1.8 K resonant light scattering and analysis of
absorption edge
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.77475(5) Å T = 298 K X-ray diffraction; for temperature dependence
of the lattice parameter, see Fig. 4.7.1 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 0.35·10–4 K–1 T = 295 K
5.0·10–4 K–1 T = 73 K
For temperature dependence in the range 4.2 K ≤ T ≤ 290 K see Fig. 4.7.2 (CD).
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 4.7.3 (CD).
phonon frequencies
ν TO(Γ) 2.66(5)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 1.8 K resonant Raman scattering
2.27(7)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 295 K inelastic neutron scattering
ν LO(Γ) 4.16(5)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 1.8 K resonant Raman scattering
4.14(9)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 290 K ir reflectivity
ν TA(L) 1.62(5)⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 1.8 K resonant Raman scattering
ν TO(L) 2.01(2)⋅⋅1012 s–1
ν LA(L) 2.86(5)⋅⋅1012 s–1
For more detailed temperature dependence in the range 4.2 K ≤ T≤ 300 K, see Fig. 4.7.4 (CD)
bulk modulus
BS 0.4381(17)⋅⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 195 K adiabatic bulk modulus from elastic moduli,
temperature dependence, see Fig. 4.7.5 (CD)
κ 2.47·10–12 T = 300 K adiabatic compressibility, calculated from
cm2 dynn–1 elastic constants
Debye temperature
ΘD 118 K...130 K T=0K quoted from various sources (see Fig. 4.7.6
(CD) for temperature dependence of ΘD)
heat capacity
Cp 51.79 J mol–1 K–1 T = 289 K
For temperature dependence of heat capacity, see Fig. 4.7.7 (CD).
melting temperature
Tm 695 K heat capacity measurements
d 6.4753(2) g cm–3 T = 298 K X-ray value
Transport properties
Both electrons in the conduction band at Γ and holes in the valence band at L, produced by optical band-to-
band excitation of the samples, contribute to the transport properties. Contrary to AgCl, holes are not self-
trapped in AgBr down to at least 1.7 K.
electron mobility
μn(Γ) 500...2000 cm2/Vs T = 4.2 K magneto–resistance mobility for cubic micro-
crystals of 0.5...1.3 μm cube size
60 cm2/Vs T = 300 K drift mobility, LO-phonon scattering controlled
hole mobility
μp(L) 1.5·105 cm2/Vs T = 1.7 K from linewidth of cyclotron resonance
2.0(5) cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall mobility
For temperature dependence in the range 300 K ≤ T ≤ 423 K, see Fig. 4.7.8 (CD)
Optical properties
Energy dependence of optical constants: Fig. 4.7.9 (CD), energy dependence of dielectric constant: Fig.
4.7.10 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 10.64(5) T=2K capacitance measurements 1...100 kHz
12.44 T = 290 K capacitance measurements 5·102...2·107 Hz
ε (∞) 4.68(2) T=2K from refractive index data
4.62 T = 290 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters (AgI-II, β-phase, wurtzite structure)
a 4.592(1) Å T = 297 K
c 7.510(2) Å
z 0.6274(5) Å
lattice parameter (AgI-II', γ-phase, zincblende structure)
a 6.499(2) Å p = 0.0001 GPa powder neutron diffraction
second order elastic moduli (β
c11 0.293(6)⋅1012 dyn cm–2 T = 298 K
c33D 0.360(7)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c33E 0.354(10)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c44E 0.0373(8)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c44D 0.040(2)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c66 0.0399(8)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c12 0.213(7)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
c13 0.196(4)⋅1012 dyn cm–2
Debye temperature
ΘD 114 K T = 10 K from ultrasonic measurements
For temperature dependence of ΘD from inelastic neutron scattering, see Fig. 4.8.4 (CD), temperature depen-
dence of heat capacity: Fig. 4.8.5 (CD.)
melting temperature
Tm 558oC melting temperature of α–phase; β → α phase
transition 147oC
d 5.68 g cm–3 density of β-AgI (density of γγ-AgI: 6 g cm–3)
μ(Ag+) 1.7·10−3 cm2/Vs 470 K < T < 770 K Hall mobility of α-AgI
dielectric constants
ε (0) 7.0(3) T = 300 K low frequency capacity bridge
ε (∞) 4.91(3) T = 300 K –
Spectral dependence of real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant of β-AgI: Fig. 4.8.6 (CD).
piezoelectric stress coefficient
e33 0.20 C/m2 T = 298 K mechanical resonance
e31 – 0.078 C/m2
e15 – 0.13(5) C/m2 ultrasonic measurement
5 III2-VI3 compounds
The quasi-binary semiconducting III2-VI3 compounds presented in this chapter contain vacancies. They can be
thought of as ternary structures if the vacancies are counted as zero valent atoms. It should however be noted
that the trivalent element (Al, Ga, In) is generally overstoichiometric. Thus ordered-vacancy and disordered-
vacancy compounds occur.
The structures occurring in these compounds are wurtzite type, zincblende type and spinel type. In In2S3 a
layered structure is observed.
In particular the following structures occur:
ordered vacancies, zincblende type: β-Ga2Se3, α-In2Te3
disordered vacancies, zincblende type: γ
γ-Ga 2S3, α-Ga2Se3, Ga2Te3, β-In2Te3
ordered vacancies, wurtzite type: α-Ga2S3
disordered vacancies, wurtzite type: β-Ga2S3
ordered defect spinel: β-In2S3
disordered defect spinel: α-In2S3
layered structure: γ 2 S3
Figs. 5.0.1 ... 3 show as examples the lattices of α-Ga2S3 as an example for an ordered vacancies wurtzite type
structure, of α-In2Te3 as an example for a ordered vacancies zincblende type structure and of β-In2S3 as an
example for an ordered defect spinel structure.
For structural details as well as for the electronic structure see the respective sections.
Crystal structure
(see also section 5.0)
Gallium sulfide occurs under normal conditions in three modifications:
α-Ga2S3 ordered vacancies, a = 11.094 Å prepared by the reaction
wurtzite type: Cs4 – Bb b = 9.578 Å 3 H2S +2 Ga(OH)3 = Ga2S3 + 6 H2O
c = 6.395Å at T = 1020 K
γ = 141o15'
disordered C62 – P61 or D63 – P65
γ 2 S3
γ-Ga disordered vacancies, a = 5.17 Å prepared as above at T = 873 K;
zincblende type: Td2 – F 4 3m d = 3.63 g cm–3
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 3.438 eV T = 1.6 K transmission and reflectivity
other transition energies
E 3.388 eV T = 1.6 K transmission and reflectivity
3.424 eV T = 1.6 K probably excitonic
3.387 eV T = 4.2 K (no polarization dependence given)
3.423 eV T = 4.2 K
3.375 eV T = 77 K
3.410 eV T = 77 K
energy gap
Eg 2.48 eV T = 290 K photoelectric effect
melting temperature
Tm 1360 K p = 1.7·10–2 bar
Crystal structure
(see also section 5.0)
Gallium selenide occurs under normal conditions in two modifications:
α-Ga2Se3 disordered vacancies, a = 5.418(1) Å d = 4.92 g cm–3
zincblende type: Td2 – F 4 3m
Electronic properties
energy gaps
single crystal:
Eg.dir 1.92 eV RT optical absorption
Eg 1.793 eV RT evaluated from temperature dependent
d /dT
dE/ 5.0⋅10–5 eV K–1 T = 20...129 K
5.8⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 120...300 K
thin film:
Eg 2.1 eV RT vacancy ordered phase, optical absorption
Eg 1.75 eV RT optical absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters and density: see above under "crystal structure".
phonon wavenumbers (Raman active)
ν 155 cm–1 A1 mode thin films of vacancy-ordered Ga2Se3
250 cm–1
300 cm–1
linear expansion coefficient
α 10.2(64)·10–6 K–1 β-Ga2Se3
melting temperature
Tm 1005(3) K
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility, thermoelectric power
p-type samples
p 1.98⋅107 cm–3 T = 398 K
1013 cm–3 Fe-doped
1012...1013 cm–3 undoped thin films
ρ 1.15⋅1011Ω cm T = 398 K
4.2⋅107Ω cm RT
1⋅1010Ω cm Fe-doped
1⋅107...4.5⋅1010Ω cm Co-doped
4.5(15)⋅1011Ω cm
μp 2274 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 255 K
S 35 μV K–1
Hall coefficient
RH 3.16⋅1011 cm3 C–1 RT undoped (no orientation given)
activation energy
EA 0.32 eV activation energy of conductivity
Optical properties
photoluminescence peak (undoped samples)
E 2.03 eV T = 4.2 K ordered vacancies
Crystal structure
(see also section 5.0)
Ga2Te3 disordered vacancies, a = 5.874(5) Å d = 5.57 g cm–3
zincblende type: Td2 – F 4 3m
ordered vacancies, a = 4.17 Å ≈ 2–1/2a0 doubtful
zincblende type: b = 23.60 Å ≈ 4a0 (a0: lattice constant of ZnS subcell)
orthorhombic c = 12.52 Å ≈ 3·2–1/2a0
8 × Ga2Te3/unit cell
wurtzite like structure
Electronic properties
energy gap
single crystal:
Eg,dir 1.08 eV RT optical absorption 1.55(3) eV T = 293...1063 K conductivity vs. temperature
Eg 1.22 eV T = 273 K optical reflection
1.23(3) eV T = 273 K photoemission
Eg 1.2 eV RT ellipsometry
Lattice properties
lattice parameters and density: see above under "crystal structure"
wavenumbers of IR and Raman active phonons
ν IR 37, 55, 91, 136, 175, 194, 210, 221, 242 cm−1 far-infrared transmission
νR 16, 38, 55, 64, 86, 112, 134, 171, 220 cm−1 RT, Raman scattering spectra
linear expansion coefficient
α 8.3(3)·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1063 K
Transport properties
The transport is intrinsic even with up to 9 at% Cu or other elemental impurities including excess Ga. Even
after irradiation the conductivity is unchanged.
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 10.95 from ESCA measurements
ε (∞) 10.58
Crystal structure
(see also section 5.0)
Indium sulfide occurs under normal conditions in three modifications:
α-In2S3 disordered defect spinel a = 5.36 Å stable at T = 693...1023 K
type: Oh7 – Fd3m stable at T = 300 K with excess In;
tetrahedral sites full. may be badly crystallized β-In2S3
octahedral sites: d = 4.63 g cm–3 probably contains voids
In and vacancies
β-In2S3 ordered defect spinel a = 7.618(1) Å stable up to T = 693 K,
type: D4h19 – I41/amd c = 32.33(1) Å but see above; d = 4.613 g cm–3
octahedral sites full,
tetrahedral 2/3
γ 2 S3
γ-In layered structure a = 3.8 Å stable above T = 1023 K
(–S–In–S–In–S–···) c = 9.04 Å annealing produces α or β phase;
S close packed, In octahedral, stable at T = 300 K with As or Sb;
D3d3 – P 3 m1 As, Sb in tetrahedral positions
between layers
d = 4.75(8) g cm–3 with As,
d = 4.80(8) g cm–3 with Sb
Electronic properties
The data refer to n-type β-In2S3.
energy gaps
Eg 1.8(1) eV transmission measurements
thin film data:
Eg 1.98 eV optical band gap
Eg,ind 2.20 eV T = 298 K optical band gap, tetragonal
Eg,dir 2.3 eV absorption measurements
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 7·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...360 K
Eg,th 2.30 eV field emission, deposited by spray pyrolysis
Eg 1.88 eV T = 300 K absorption
Eg,th 1.38(15) eV conductivity vs. T
Eg 1.44 eV T = 300 K absorption
Eg,th 1.42(15) eV conductivity vs. T
structure in valence band (energy below EF)
E 1.5 eV X-ray photoemission
3.9 eV
5.9 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameters and density: see above under "crystal structure".
thermal expansion: see Fig. 5.4.1 (CD).
melting temperature
Tm 1363 K
Crystal structure
(see also section 5.0)
The literature on the structure of In2Se3 is confused and in some respects contradictory. Phases α, β, γ and δ are
At normal conditions the phase α-In2Se3 is composed of layers, which are only weakly bound to each other.
Each layer contains planes of Se and In in the sequence −Se−In−Se−In−Se− where the Se atoms in each plane
build a triangular lattice with the lattice constant a = 4.025(25) Å at RT.
Another phase (β-In2Se3) is stable at higher temperatures, but can be supercooled to RT.
Electronic properties
band structure
Energy-band structure of crystalline In2Se3 (α-phase), see Fig. 5.5.1 (CD).
energy gap
Eg 1.3 eV calculated
1.356 eV RT optical absorption, α-phase
1.812 eV RT optical absorption, γ-phase
1.308 eV RT optical absorption, β-phase (extrapolated from
523 K)
d g/dT
dE 7.5⋅10–4 eV K–1 optical absorption, α-phase
8.3⋅10–4 eV K–1 optical absorption, γ-phase
thin film data
Eg 1.5...1.6 eV amorphous thin films
dielectric constants
ε (0) 16.68 E⊥c infrared reflectivity
ε (∞) 9.53 E⊥c
ε (∞) 9.51 E⊥c α-phase, from FIR
7.23 E⊥c β-phase, from FIR
8.09 E⊥c γ-phase, from FIR
photoluminescence peaks
undoped samples
E 1.326 eV T = 4.2 K radiative recombination on intrinsic defects
1.523 eV T = 4.2 K radiative recombination of impurity bound
Transport properties
In the α-phase the conductivity is metallic, although the optical gap is greater than 1 eV. This is interpreted as
being due to shallow donors. The β-phase shows intrinsic semiconducting behavior. The σ vs. T curves show a
large hysteresis due to the supercooling of the β-phase.
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility, thermoelectric power
n-type samples
n 3⋅1016... RT annealed samples
2⋅1019 cm–3
ρ 6.7 Ω cm RT single crystals
Fig. 5.5.2 (CD) shows the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, Hall mobility and electron
concentration of polycrystalline thin films.
The anisotropy of the electrical conductivity as a function of temperature is shown in Fig. 5.5.3 (CD).
activation energies
EA 0.4 eV activation energy of conductivity in amorphous
thin film
0.395 eV amorphous thin film
0.06...0.16 eV single crystal
Crystal structure
(see also section 5.0)
Indium telluride occurs under normal conditions in three modifications
α-In2Te3 ordered vacancies, a = 18.486(20) Å contains a Te atom with no first
zincblende type: Td – F 4 3m neighbors; probably mixture of
9 × In2Te3/unit cell 2 phases, d = 5.79 g cm–3
α-In2Te3–II ordered vacancies, (a0 = 6.163 Å) not yet prepared as single crystal
zincblende type: a = 2–1/2a0
C2v20 – Imm2 b = 3·2–1/2a0
c = a0
β-In2Te3 disordered vacancies, a = 6.163 Å phase change: T = 790...890K,
zincblende type: Td2 – F 4 3m stable at lower temperature with
excess In (almost always the case)
d = 5.73 g cm–3
Electronic properties
energy gaps
Eg 1.0 eV T = 295 K β-In2Te3,absorption
1.026 eV T = 290 K α-In2Te3, absorption
d g/dT
dE T – 5.6·10–4 eV K–1 T = 82...295 K β-In2Te3,absorption
– 3.4·10–4 eV K–1 T = 0...300 K α-In2Te3,Hall effect
single crystal:
Eg,dirr 1.09 eV RT photocurrent
thin films
Eg,dirr 1.05(3)...1.16 eV RT optical absorption
temperature dependence, see Fig. 5.6.1 (CD).
effective masses
mn 1.43 m0 from thermopower
mn/ mp 0.37
Transport properties
There is little difference between the properties of the two phases α and β.
6 I-III-VI2 compounds
(included are I-Fe-VI2 compounds)
Fig. 6.0.1. The chalcopyrite lattice Fig. 6.0.2. Two Brillouin zones of the chalcopyrite llattice
embedded in the Brillouin zone of the zincblende lattice
Non-degenerate band-edges at Γ (Γ1...Γ4) are shaped according to E(k) = E(Γ) + (ƫ2/2)(kkz2/m|| + (kkx2+kky2)/m⊥)
with the z-axis parallel to the c-axis. Electrons are thus characterized by two effective masses: m|| and m⊥. From
these two other effective masses are often defined: a density of states effective mass mds3 = m⊥2m|| and a
conductivity effective mass (1/mc) = (1/3)(1/m|| + 2/m⊥).
where ϕ is the angle between k⊥ and kx in the kxky plane, with k⊥ the direction of k perpendicular to the z-axis.
Finally the Γ6- and Γ7-bands contain terms linear in k.
Figs. 6.0.3...5. Band structures of CuAlS2 (left), CuAlSe2 (middle) and CuGaS2 (right).
This simple picture is somewhat complicated by the effects of spin-orbit coupling which splits the Γ5 state. This
splitting is given by the formula: E1,2 = – 1/2(Δso + Δcff) ± 1/2[(Δso + Δcff)2 – 8/3ΔsoΔcff]1/2, where Δso is the
spin-orbit splitting in a cubic crystal field and Δcff is the crystal field splitting of the valence bands in the
absence of spin-orbit coupling. The two solutions E1 and E2 give the separation of the two Γ7 states from the
Γ6. In chalcopyrite it is found that the crystal field splitting is negative, that is Γ4 lies above Γ5 and that this
splitting is due almost entirely to the tetragonal compression. It compares very well with that expected from the
corresponding zincblende compound under uniaxial pressure.
Fig. 6.0.3 ... 6.0.9 show the band structures of the most important semiconductors dealt with in this chapter.
Figs. 6.0.6...8. Band structures of CuGaSe2 (left), CuInS2 (middle) and CuInSe2 (right).
Crystal structure
CuAlS2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure, energy gap, other band energies
band structure: see Fig. 6.0.3 (p.290), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg 3.42 eV T = 300K transmission, E ⊥ c
3.34 eV T = 300K transmission, E || c
d g/dT
dE – 1.5… from modulated phase-shift-difference
2.3⋅10–4 eV K–1 spectroscopy
Δso 0 eV T = 300 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.32(1) Å RT
c 10.430(15) Å
c/a 1.960(1)
d 3.45 g cm–3 RT
bulk modulus
B 82.44 GPa calculated from plasmon energy
melting temperature
Tm 1570 K
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons (at RT)
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 418/446 cm−1 Γ4 (Γ15) all are Raman active; Γ4, Γ5
497/444 cm−1 Γ5 (Γ15) are IR active
443 cm−1 Γ3 (W2)
– /432 cm−1 Γ5 (W4)
315 cm−1 Γ1 (W1)
284/271 cm−1 Γ4 (W2)
266/263 cm−1 Γ5 (X5)
268 cm−1 Γ3 (X3)
Crystal structure
CuAlSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 6.0.4 (p.290), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.68 eV RT from optical absorption
Eg,dir (A) 2.65 eV T = 110 K phase-shift-difference spectroscopy
(B) 2.88 eV
(C) 3.02 eV
excitonic energy gap
Egx 2.739 eV free exciton from photoreflectance
Egx (A) 2.77 eV T = 20 K phase-shift-difference spectroscopy
(B) 2.85 eV
(C) 2.96 eV
splitting energies at Γ
Δcff – 0.17 eV calculated
– 0.145 eV T = 77 K from photoreflectance, bulk material
−0.18…0.19 eV T = 77 K from photoreflectance, thin film
film thickness: 0.26…0.3 μm
– 0.16 eV calculated
Δso 0.18 eV calculated
0.18…0.19 eV T = 77 K from photoreflectance, bulk material
0.152 calculated
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.61(1) Å RT
c 10.92(6) Å
c/a 1.95(1)
d 4.69 g cm–3 RT
melting temperature
Tm 1470 K
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
p-type samples
p 3⋅1018...1⋅1019 cm–3 Hall measurements, epilayers
ρ 2.8⋅102...7.1⋅109 Ω cm RT single crystal, undoped
μp 35 cm2 V–1 s–1 RT from Hall-measurements on single crystals
Optical properties
refractive indices
no 2.7797 λ = 0.50 μm
ne 2.7886
n 2.603 calculated from Δχ
Refractive index dispersion of ordinary and extraordinary beams for CuAlSe2 is given in Fig. 6.2.2 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 8.28 E⊥c from IR reflectivity
5.2 E || c
ε (∞) 6.0 E⊥c from IR reflectivity
6.67 E || c
Crystal structure
CuAlTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 2.43 eV T = 300 K, E || c electroreflectance
(B,C) 2.55 eV E⊥c
d g/dT (A)
dE – 2.2(2)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K absorption
d g/dp
dE d (A) 3.4·10–6 eV barr–1 T =300 K
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 2.467(2) eV T = 300 K cathodoluminescence
(B,C) 2.596(1) eV modulated phase difference
Temperature coefficient of the exciton energy: – 1.8⋅10–4 eVK–1
splitting energies at Γ
valence band splitting
Δcff – 0.13 eV T = 77 K wavelength derivative reflectance
Δso – 0.017 eV T = 77 K wavelength derivative reflectance (Δso ≤ 0!)
effective masses
mn 0.13 m0 phase-shift-difference
mp 0.69 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.96(1) Å RT
c 11.77(3) Å
c/a 1.97
d 5.47 g cm–3 RT
thermal expansion coefficient
a [nm] = 0.600818 + 3.26⋅10–6T + 6.09⋅10–9T2 – 1.45⋅10–12T3 (T
T in K)
c [nm] = 1.190740 + 4.24⋅10–5T + 3.33⋅10–9T2 + 1.19⋅10–12T3
Transport properties
p-type samples
ρ 106 Ω cm polycrystalline thin films
The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity for CuAlTe2 thin films in the range of 100…300 K
is given in Fig. 6.3.1 (CD).
activation energies
EA 0.25 eV T = 100…200 K activation energy of conductivity
0.96 eV T = 200…300 K of thin films
Optical properties
refractive index
n 2.874 calculated from Δχ
dielectric constants
ε0|| 10.8 calculated
ε0⊥ 11.0 calculated
ε0 10.9 calculated
ε∞|| 7.4 calculated
ε∞⊥ 7.6 calculated
ε∞ 7.5 calculated
Crystal structure
CuGaS2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 6.0.5 (p.290), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 2.43 eV T = 300 K, E || c electroreflectance
(B,C) 2.55 eV E⊥c
d g/dT (A)
dE – 2.2(2)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K absorption
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 2.467(2) eV T = 300 K cathodoluminescence
(B,C) 2.596(1) eV modulated phase difference
Egx 2.51 eV T=5K from optical absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.35(2) Å RT
c 10.46(2) Å
c/a 1.960(2) Å
d 4.38 g cm–3 RT
Transport properties
p-type samples
ρ 106…107 Ω cm single crystals, as grown
activation energy
EA 0.05...0.056 eV epilayers on GaAs, activation energy for
resistivity, carrier concentration and mobility
ρ 1 Ω cm T = 300 K p-type sample, annealed under
p 4·1017 cm–3 T = 300 K maximum S-pressure;
μp 15 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K no anisotropy reported
thermal conductivity
κ 5.09 W m–1 K–1 calculated
Optical properties
refractive index
The dispersion of the refractive index is given in Fig. 6.4.1 (CD).
coefficients in the formula: n2 = A + B/(1–C/λ2) + D/(1–E
– E /λ 2 )
A 3.9064 T = 290 K ordinary index(O)
4.3165 extraordinary index(E)
4.0984 T = 390 K O
4.4834 E
B 2.3065 T = 290 K O
1.8692 E
2.1419 T = 390 K O
1.7316 E
C 0.1149 μm2 T = 290 K O
0.1364 μm2 E
0.1225 μm2 T = 390 K O
0.1453 μm2 E
dielectric constants
ε (0) 7.6 T = 300 K, E || c
8.9 E⊥c
ε (∞) 6.1 T = 300 K, E || c
6.2 E⊥c
Crystal structure
CuGaSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 6.0.6, (p.291), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 1.68 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 1.75 eV
(C) 1.96 eV
Variation of the band gap with the temperature for CuGaSe2 is given in Fig. 6.5.1 (CD)
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 1.695 eV T = 20 K (n = 1) phase-shift-difference spectroscopy
exciton binding energy
Eb (A) 16·10–3 eV
splitting energies at Γ
Δcf – 0.139 eV T = 77 K from photoreflectance
Δso 0.238 eV T = 77 K from photoreflectance
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.61(1) Å RT
c 11.00(2) Å
c/a 1.960(4)
d 5.57 g cm–3 RT
Transport properties
(p-type samples)
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility, thermoelectric power
p-type samples
p 0.26…14⋅100–19 cm–3 RT thin films
ρ 0.05…6 Ω cm thin films
μp 3.12…21.4 cm2 V–1 s–1 RT thin films
S 0.084…0.24 mV K–1 RT thin films
The temperature dependence of the resistivity in undoped and Sn-doped p-type CuGaSe2 single crystals is
shown in Fig. 6.5.2 (CD).
The temperature dependence of the Hall mobility of undoped and Sn-doped CuGaSe2 single crystals is shown
in Fig. 6.5.3 (CD).
electrical conductivity
σ 1.3…86 Ω–1 cm–1 RT thin films, four probe method
activation energies
EA 0.240…0.270 eV T = 390…450 K activation energy of conductivity
0.080…0.090 eV T = 300…390 K
thermal conductivity
κ 0.129 W cm–1 K–1 calculated
Optical properties
refractive index
λ [mm]
no 2.9580 0.78
2.8358 1.00
2.7430 2.00
2.7273 3.00
2.7211 4.00
2.7170 5.00
2.7133 6.00
2.7101 7.00
2.7060 8.00
2.7021 9.00
2.6974 10.00
2.6926 11.00
2.6872 12.00
ne 3.0093 0.78
2.8513 1.00
2.7510 2.00
2.7344 3.00
2.7276 4.00
2.7232 5.00
2.7192 6.00
2.7158 7.00
2.7111 8.00
2.7065 9.00
2.7014 10.00
2.6981 11.00
2.6898 12.00
Crystal structure
CuGaTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.23…1.26 eV thin films, optical transmission
(A) 1.227 eV RT transmission in polycrystalline,
(B) 1.280 eV RT thin films
(C) 1.97 eV RT
splitting energies at Γ
Δcff – 0.08(4) eV T = 300 K transmission in "thin" polycrystalline
Δso 0.71(4) eV T = 300 K films
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.00(1) Å RT
c 11.93(2) Å
c/a 1.985(5)
d 5.95 g cm–3 RT
linear thermal expansion coefficients
α||c 6.6⋅10–6 K–1 RT from XRD measurements
α⊥ c 11.7⋅10–6 K–1 RT
Debye temperature
ΘD 226.2(8) K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1140 K
phonon wavenumbers
ν 209.2(1) cm–1 T = 300 K thin films
201.4(1) cm–1
166.4(5) cm–1
dielectric constants
ε (0) 12.7 calculated
ε (∞) 8.5 calculated
refractive index
n 2.83(9) hν = 0.5 eV
Crystal structure
CuInS2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure
see Fig. 6.0.7 (p.291), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg,dir 1.53 eV from electroreflectance
1.519 eV RT from EER, 1012 phosphorus doped
d g/dT
dE 4.3⋅10–5 eV K–1 T = <120 K single crystal
– 8.7⋅10–5eV K–1 T = >120 K single crystal
Eg,dirr (A,B,C) 1.53 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance, bulk crystal
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 1.536 eV T=2K (n = 1) absorption
(B) 1.554 eV (n = 1)
splitting energies at Γ
Δcff(Γ) > – 0.005 eV
Δso(Γ) – 0.02 eV
effective masses
mn 0.03 m0 from electrolyte electroreflectance
mp 1.3 m0 Hall effect
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.52(1) Å RT
c 11.08(6) Å
c/a 2.00(1)
d 4.74 g cm–3 RT
Debye temperature
ΘD 273 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1270...1320 K
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 352/323 cm−1 Γ4 (Γ15) T = 4.5 K, Γ4, Γ5 are IR active, all are
339/321 cm−1 Γ5 (Γ15) Raman active
314/295 cm−1 Γ5 (W4)
294 cm−1 Γ1 (W1)
266/234 cm−1 Γ4 (W2)
260/244 cm−1 Γ5 (X5)
– /140 cm−1 Γ5 (W3)
– /88 cm−1 Γ4 (W2)
– /79 cm−1 Γ3 (W2)
– /67 cm−1 Γ5 (X5)
Transport properties
resistivity, carrier concentration, mobility
p-type samples
p 3⋅1017 cm–3 RT single crystals, sulfur-annealed
ρp 10…104 Ω cm thin films from reactive sputtering
μp 499 cm2 V–1 s–1 single crystal, p-doped
n-type samples
n 1016…1017 cm–3 RT single crystals, as grown
ρn 1 Ω cm RT single crystals, as grown
103…104 Ωcm single crystals, Zn-doped (0.25 %)
1…10 Ωcm single crystals, Zn-doped (0.5 %)
Optical properties
refractive index
λ [μm]
no 2.7907 0.90
2.7225 1.00
2.6020 2.00
2.5838 3.00
2.5760 4.00
2.5699 5.00
2.5645 6.00
2.5587 7.00
2.5522 8.00
2.5448 9.00
2.5366 10.00
2.5274 11.00
2.5166 12.00
2.5108 12.50
ne 2.7713 0.90
2.7067 1.00
2.5918 2.00
2.5741 3.00
2.5663 4.00
2.5598 5.00
2.5539 6.00
2.5474 7.00
2.5401 8.00
2.5311 9.00
2.5225 10.00
2.5112 11.00
2.4987 12.00
Crystal structure
CuInSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 6.0.8 (p.291), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.010(1) eV RT, single crystal absorption, lower Eg’s at RT are due to
increased electron and ionized impurity
concentration n and NI respectively
d g/dT
dE T – 1.1·10–4 eV K–1 T = 100...300 K
excitonic energy gap
epitaxial films on GaAs (001) substrates
EX1 1.0386 eV T=2K PL, free exciton, n = 1 [FEn=1]
splitting energies at Γ
Δso 0.8 eV In 4d core state
Δcff + 0.006 eV T = 77 K positive!
Δso 0.23 eV T = 77 K
exciton binding energy
Eb 4.3 meV T=2K PL
effective masses
The Fermi surface of electrons is spherical and located at the center of the Brillouin zone.
m*c 0.082(2) m0 cyclotron mass value
m* 0 0.077(2) m0 eff. mass at minimum of conduction band
mn = mp 0.087 m0 T = 300 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.78(1) Å RT
c 11.55(2) Å
c/a 2.00
d 5.77 g cm–3 RT
Debye temperature
ΘD 243.7 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1260 K
κ 2.3·10–11 Paa–1
phonon dispersion
for measured acoustic and optical phonon dispersion relations in [001]-, [110]- and [100]-direction see
Fig. 6.8.1a...c (CD).
wavenumbers of Raman active phonon
ν 174 cm–1 A1 mode Raman on thin films
76 cm–1 B1 mode
ν LO/ ν TO 230/227 cm–1 Γ5 [W4u]
229 cm–1 Γ3 [W2u]
179 cm–1 Γ3 [X3]
176 cm–1 178 cm–1 Γ1 [W1]
77/77 cm–1 78/78 cm–1 Γ5 [W4l]
67 cm–1 Γ3 [W2l]
60/58 cm–1 60/61 cm–1 Γ5 [X5l]
second order elastic moduli
c11 9.70⋅1010 Nm–1 T = 300 K inelastic neutron scattering on single crystal
c33 10.89⋅1010 Nm–1
c44 3.62⋅1010 Nm–1
c66 3.16⋅1010 Nm–1
c12 5.97⋅1010 Nm–1
c13 8.60⋅1010 Nm–1
bulk modulus
B 4.82·1012 Pa RT dynamic pulse-echo overlap method
sound velocity
vL 3.77·105 cm s–1 RT dynamic pulse echo overlap method
vT 2.10·105 cm s–1 RT dynamic pulse echo overlap method
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility, thermoelectric power
single crystals:
μn (6 ± 3) cm2 V–1 s–1 RT surface-acoustic-wave technique
μp (3.1± 0.15) cm2 V–1 s–1 RT
p 5·1015 cm–3 RT
See also Figs. 6.8.2 (CD) and 6.8.3 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index
n 2.05...2.72 hν = 0.5...0.9 eV
dielectric constants
ε (0) 15.2 T = 300K, E || c infrared
16.0 E⊥c
ε (∞) 8.5 E || c infrared
9.5 E⊥c
Crystal structure
CuInTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.983 eV T = 370 K from optical absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.17(1) Å RT
c 12.34(2) Å
c/a 2.00
d 6.10 g cm–3 RT
Debye temperature
ΘD 197.5 K from sound velocities
191.4 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1050 K
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility, thermoelectric power
p-type samples
p 3.69⋅1019 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystal, grown by PDF
1.87⋅1017 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystal, grown by Bridgman
ρ 1.35⋅10–3 Ω cm T = 300 K single crystal, grown by PDF
6.60⋅10–1 Ω cm T = 300 K single crystal, grown by Bridgman
μp 125 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K single crystal, grown by PDF
50.6 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K single crystal, grown by Bridgman
n-type samples
n 1.08⋅1017 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystal
μn 189.2 cm2 V–1s–1 T = 300 K single crystal
The temperature dependence of resistivity, hole concentration, and Hall mobility is shown in Fig. 6.9.1 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index
n 3.05 T = 300 K λ→∞
2.71(9) T = 300 K hν = 0.5 eV, polycrystalline film
dielectric constants
ε (0) 10.5(8) T = 300 K, E ⊥ c infrared reflectivity
12.9(8) E || c
ε (∞) 8.7(5) T = 300 K, E ⊥ c
11.0(5) E || c
Crystal structure
AgGaS2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.714 eV T=5K from reflectivity measurements
d 1.0⋅10–4 eV K–1 T <80 K from reflectivity measurements
– 2.2⋅10–4 eV K–1 T >110 K
The temperature variation of the AgGaS2 energy gap between 5 and 295 K is shown in Fig. 6.10.1 (CD).
excitonic energy gap
Egx 2.700 eV
exciton binding energy
Eb 0.0292 eV from two-photon spectroscopy
splitting energies at Γ
Δcff – 0.28 eV T = 77 K
Δso 0 T = 77K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.75(1) Å RT
c 10.29(2) Å
c/a 1.790(1)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
The temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficients between 0 and 800 K is given in Fig. 6.10.2
d 4.70 g cm–3 RT
Debye temperature
ΘD 255 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1264±3 K at pS2 = 4.1⋅105 Pa
1220...1320 K
phonon dispersion: The calculated phonon spectrum and the density of states of AgGaS2 are shown in Fig.
6.10.3 (CD).
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons
(wavenumbers in cm–1, T = 300 K)
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 392/368 Γ5 (Γ15) Γ4, Γ5 are IR
393/367 Γ4 (Γ15) active, all
340/321 Γ5 (W4) are Raman
334 Γ3 (W2) active
295 Γ1 (W1)
240/213 Γ4 (W2)
230/223 Γ5 (W4)
190.5 Γ3 (X3)
161/157 Γ5 (W3)
95/95 Γ5 (W4)
65/65 Γ4 (W2)
54 Γ3 (W2)
36/36 Γ5 (X5)
second order elastic moduli
c11 8.5⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2 calculated
c33 5.4⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
c44 3.6⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
c66 3.5⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
c12 4.3⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
c13 3.9⋅⋅1011 dyn/cm2
Transport properties
ρ 1.0⋅106 Ω cm yellow amorphous film
1 Ω cm black amorphous film
3.0⋅1010 Ω cm polycrystalline film, as grown
1.0⋅1011 Ω cm polycrystalline, annealed (500°C), vacuum
5.0⋅1013 Ω cm polycrystalline, annealed (500°C), S-vapor
1.0⋅108 Ω cm single crystal
The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for as-grown AgGaS2 crystals with or without
illumination is shown in Fig. 6.10.4 (CD).
activation energies
EA 0.11 eV shallow traps
0.03 eV shallow traps
thermal conductivity
κp 0.014 W cm–1 K–1 || optical axis
κs 0.015 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥ optical axis
Optical properties
refractive index
coefficients in the formula n2 = A + B/(1 – C/λ2) +D E λ2).
+ /(1 – E/
no ne
A 3.6280 4.0172
B 2.1686 1.5274
C 0.1003·10–12 m2 0.1310·10–12 m2
D 2.1753 2.1699
E 950·10–12 m2 950·10–12 m2
valid for λ = (0.49...12.0) μm
dielectric constants (at T = 300 K)
ε (0) 8.21 E || c
8.51 E⊥c
ε (∞) 5.50 E || c
5.90 E⊥c
Crystal structure
AgGaSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.814 eV RT from photoluminescence
d 1.8⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 10…60 K pure single crystal
– 3.2⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 95…300 K pure single crystal
The temperature dependence of the band gap in AgGaSe2 is shown in Fig. 6.11.1 (CD).
splitting energies at Γ
Δcf – 0.25 eV T = 303 K from photoconductivity
Δso 0.30 eV T = 303 K from photoconductivity
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.98(1) Å RT
c 10.88(1) Å
c/a 1.820(3)
d 5.70 g cm–3 RT
coefficients of thermal expansion
α11 – 6.4⋅10–6 K–1 T = 298...423 K
– 16.0 ⋅10–6 K–1 T = 423...873 K
α33 23.4⋅10–6 K–1 T = 298...423 K
18.0⋅10–6 K–1 T = 423...873 K
melting temperature
Tm 1130 K
Calculated phonon dispersion curves for AgGaSe2 are shown in Fig. 6.11.2 (CD).
Transport properties
n-type samples: see also Fig. 6.11.3 (CD).
electrical resistivity and conductivity, Seebeck coefficient
ρ 105 Ω cm T = 300 K different samples
σ 8.8 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K
S – 7·10–2 V K–1 T = 300 K
electrical conductivity
σ <10–8 Ω–1 cm–1 single crystals, as-grown
2⋅10–1 Ω–1 cm–1 single crystals, annealed (700°C)
6⋅10–6 Ω–1 cm–1 single crystals, annealed in Se-vapor
The variation of the electrical conductivity with inverse temperature for AgGaSe2 thin films of different
thicknesses is shown in Fig. 6.11.4 (CD).
activation energies
EA 0.12 eV T = 303...450 K activation energy of conductivity
0.86 eV T = 500...573 K activation energy of conductivity
Crystal structure
AgGaTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.32 eV T = 300 K from optical transmission
d 3.6⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 80…350 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.29(1) Å RT
c 11.95(1) Å
c/a 1.90
d 6.08 g cm–3 RT
Debye temperature
ΘD 182.4 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 950 K
wavenumbers of Raman and infrared active phonons
Raman IR RT
ν 43 cm–1 51 cm–1
64 cm–1 62 cm–1
93 cm–1 106 cm–1
115 cm–1 129 cm–1
142 cm–1 132 cm–1
152 cm–1 201 cm–1
201 cm–1 205 cm–1
220 cm–1
Crystal structure
AgInS2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 1.87 eV T = 300 K
(B, C) 2.02 eV
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 1.880 eV T = 77 K
(B) 2.045 eV
splitting energy at Γ
Δcff – 0.165 eV T = 77 K electroreflectance
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.82(1) Å RT
c 11.17(2) Å
c/a 1.92
Crystal structure
AgInSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 1.24 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 1.33 eV
(C) 1.60 eV
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 1.245 eV T=2K absorption, reflectivity, photoluminescence
splitting energies
Δcf – 0.12 eV T = 300 K
Δso 0.30 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.095(15) Å RT
c 11.69(3) Å
c/a 1.92(1)
linear thermal expansion coefficients
d 5.82 g cm–3 RT
melting temperature
Tm 1055 K
wavenumbers of IR active phonons
ν LO/ ν TO 235/217 cm−1 Γ5 RT, infrared reflectivity
164/155 cm−1 Γ4
161/148 cm−1
62/66 cm−1 Γ5
43/43 cm−1
Crystal structure
AgInTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.964 eV T = 300 K optical absorption, polycrystalline bulk
The variation of energy gap with temperature for AgInTe2 is given in Fig. 6.15.1 (CD).
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.43(3) Å RT
c 12.59(4) Å
c/a 1.96
d 6.05 g cm–3 RT
The temperature dependence of dc conductivity in bulk AgInTe2 is shown in Fig. 6.15.3 (CD).
activation energy
EA 0.327 eV activation energy of conductivity
dielectric constants
ε (0) 7.68 T = 300 K, E || [ 1 1 1 ]
8.10 E ⊥ [111]
ε (∞) 6.38 T = 300 K, E || [ 1 1 1 ]
6.48 E ⊥ [111]
crystal structure
CuTlSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
lattice parameters
a 5.83 Å RT
c 11.60 Å
c/a 1.99 density
d 7.08 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 680 K
electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient
σ 6·103 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K no anisotropy
S 10–2 V K–1 T = 300 K
crystal structure
CuTlTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, melting temperature
σ 2.8·103 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K no anisotropy
S 8·10–2 V K–1 T = 300 K
Tm 650 K
crystal structure
AgTlSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, melting temperature
σ 10–5 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K no anisotropy
S 0.8 V K–1 300 K
Tm 600 K
crystal structure
AgTlTe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, melting temperature
σ 4.1·102 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K no anisotropy
S 6·10–2 V K–1 T = 300 K
Tm 560 K
Crystal structure
CuFeS2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
Electronic properties
electronic structure: see Fig. 6.0.9 (p.292), Brillouin zone: Fig. 6.0.2 (p.289).
energy gap
Eg 0.6 eV absorption edge
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.292 Å
c 10.407 Å
d 4.19 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 1120 K or 1150 K contradictory reports
wavenumbers of IR and Raman active phonons Symmetry
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 385/360 cm−1 T = 300 K Γ4 (Γ15) all modes IR and
371/357 cm−1 T = 300 K Γ5 (Γ15) Raman active,
330/322 cm−1 T = 300 K Γ5 (W4) except Γ1
296 cm−1 T = 4.5 K Γ1 (W1)
272/262 cm−1 T = 300 K Γ4 (W2)
267/263 cm−1 T = 300 K Γ5 (X5)
– /179 cm−1 T = 4.5 K Γ5 (W3)
– /105 cm−1 T = 4.5 K Γ5 (W4)
– /90 cm−1 T = 4.5 K Γ4 (W2)
– /72 cm−1 T = 4.5 K Γ5 (X5)
Transport properties
Hall mobility
μH 7 cm2 V–1 s–1 i⊥c
p-type sample
σ 100 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K (no anisotropy)
μp 30 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K
crystal structure
CuFeSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, mobility, melting temperature
σ 700 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K p-type
μp 20 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K (no anisotropy)
Tm 850 K
crystal structure
CuFeSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, mobility, melting temperature
σ 400 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K p-type
μp 50 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K (no anisotropy)
Tm 1015 K
crystal structure
AgFeSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, mobility, melting temperature
σ 1500 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K n-type
μn 250 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K (no anisotropy)
Tm 1009 K
crystal structure
AgFeSe2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 6.0.1, p.289, see also section
electrical conductivity, mobility, melting temperature
σ 700 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K n-type
μn 2000 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K (no anisotropy)
Tm 953 K
7 II-IV-V2 compounds
Fig. 7.0.1. The chalcopyrite lattice Fig. 7.0.2. Two Brillouin zones of the chalcopyrite lattice
embedded in the Brillouin zone of the zincblende
n lattice
Non-degenerate band-edges at Γ (Γ1...Γ4) are shaped according to E(k) = E(Γ) + (ƫ2/2)(kkz2/m|| + (kkx2+kky2)/m⊥)
with the z-axis parallel to the c-axis. Electrons are thus characterized by two effective masses: m|| and m⊥. From
these two other effective masses are often defined: a density of states effective mass mds3 = m⊥2m|| and a
conductivity effective mass (1/mc) = (1/3)(1/m|| + 2/m⊥).
where ϕ is the angle between k⊥ and kx in the kxky plane, with k⊥ the direction of k perpendicular to the z-axis.
Finally the Γ6- and Γ7-bands contain terms linear in k.
This simple picture is somewhat complicated by the effects of spin-orbit coupling which splits the Γ5 state. This
splitting is given by the formula: E1,2 = – 1/2(Δso + Δcff) ± 1/2[(Δso + Δcff)2 – 8/3ΔsoΔcff]1/2, where Δso is the
spin-orbit splitting in a cubic crystal field and Δcff is the crystal field splitting of the valence bands in the
absence of spin-orbit coupling. The two solutions E1 and E2 give the separation of the two Γ7 states from the
Γ6. In chalcopyrite it is found that the crystal field splitting is negative, that is Γ4 lies above Γ5 and that this
splitting is due almost entirely to the tetragonal compression. It compares very well with that expected from the
corresponding zincblende compound under uniaxial pressure.
Fig. 7.0.3 ... 7.0.12 show the band structures of the most important semiconductors dealt with in this chapter.
Crystal structure
MgSiP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.0.3 (p.330), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329).
energy gaps
Eg,pseu 2.03 eV E ⊥ c, RT photoconductivity
Eg,ind 2.26 eV E⊥c maybe pseudodirect
2.64 eV E⊥c
Eg,dirr 2.82 eV E ||(⊥) c maybe pseudodirect
2.88 eV E⊥c
d g/dT
dE T – 4.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...300 K main feature of spectrum
splitting energies
Δcff – 0.08 eV T = 300 K experiment
Δso 0.16 eV T = 300 K
Crystal structure
ZnSiP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.0.4 (p.330), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329).
energy gaps
Eg,ind 2.00 eV RT from optical transmission
Eg,dirr 3.03 eV T = 80 K; thermoreflection
– Γ1c(Γ1c)
3.16 eV T = 80 K;
– Γ1c(Γ1c)
2.96 eV T = 300 K; electroreflectance
– Γ1c(Γ1c)
3.06 eV T = 300 K;
– Γ1c(Γ1c)
d g/dT
dE – 2.8(1)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K absorption
splitting energies at Γ
Δcf − 0.12 eV T = 4.2 K from optical absorption
Δso 0.05 eV T = 4.2 K
exciton binding energy
Eb 0.022 eV T = 124 K absorption (E ⊥ c)
effective masses
mp 0.4(1) m0 T = 300 K Hall effect
mn 0.11(2) m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.400(1) Å RT
c 10.438(3) Å
c/a 1.933(1)
d 3.35 g cm−3
coefficients of thermal expansion
α 7.8·10–6 K–1 T = 300...1400 K a axis
3.5·10–6 K–1 c axis
β 19.2·10–6 K–1 T = 300...1400 K volume
Debye temperature
ΘD 445.2(23) K T→0K from heat capacity
melting temperature
Tm 1520...1640 K
wavenumbers of Raman and infrared active phonons
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 518/494 cm–1 Γ4 (Γ15) RT, Raman and infrared spectra;
518/494 cm–1 Γ5 (Γ15) Γ4, Γ5 IR-active,
466 cm–1 Γ3 (W2) all Raman active
464/461 cm–1 Γ5 (W4)
359/343 cm–1 Γ4 (W2)
337 cm–1 Γ1 (W1)
335 cm–1 Γ3 (X3)
327/321 cm–1 Γ5 (X5)
264/246 cm–1 Γ5 (W3)
187/185 cm–1 Γ5 (W4)
145/145 cm–1 Γ4 (W2)
130 cm–1 Γ3 (W2)
102/102 cm–1 Γ5 (X5)
Transport properties
carrier concentration, mobility, activation energy, resistivity
n-type samples
n 1017 cm–3 T = 300 K conductivity
μn 70...100 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K Halleffect; see also Figs. 7.2.1 (CD), 7.2.2 (CD)
for temperature dependence of σ, μn, RH
μimp 0.02...0.35 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K in impurity band
EA 0.015...0.024 eV T = 77...1000 K activation energy of hopping
p-type samples
p 6·1013...3·1017 cm–3 T = 300 K
μp 4...11 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K
activation energies
EA 0.62 eV T < 773 K activation energy of conductivity
0.26...0.33 eV single crystal
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 11.7(6) T = 300 K; E ⊥ c infrared reflectivity
11.15(10) E || c
ε (∞) 9.26 T = 300 K; E ⊥ c infrared reflectivity
9.68 E || c
refractive index
no 3.31 T = 300 K;
λ = 600 nm
3.06 λ = 900 nm
Crystal structure
ZnSiAs2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.0.5 (p.331), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329).
energy gap
thin film data
Eg(0) 1.93 eV from optical transmission
d g/dT
dE – 5.5⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 223…323 K from optical transmission
effective masses
mn||(Γ) 0.92 m0 from band gap calculations
mn⊥(Γ) 0.28 m0
mp||(Γ) 0.13 m0
mp⊥(Γ) 0.54 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.606(5) Å RT
c 10.886(5) Å
c/a 1.940(3)
d 4.69 g cm−3
coefficients of thermal expansion
αa 7.6(3)⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300 K a axis
αc 3.3(2)⋅10–6 K–1 T = 300 K c axis
The temperature dependence of the principal linear thermal expansion coefficients is given in Fig. 7.3.1 (CD).
Debye temperature
ΘD 346.6(12) K T→0K from heat capacity
melting temperature
Tm 1370 K
wavenumbers of Raman active phonons
I 4 2d
ν LO/ ν TO 417/405 cm–1 Γ5
401/388 cm–1 Γ4
269/– cm–1 Γ4
262 cm–1 Γ3
236/– cm–1 Γ5
210/– cm–1 Γ5
203 cm–1 Γ1
162 cm–1 Γ1
133/– cm–1 Γ5
108 cm–1 Γ3
77/– cm–1 Γ5
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
p-type samples
p 1.11⋅1014… RT single crystals, as grown
5.26⋅1016 cm–3
ρ 0.02…800 Ω cm epitaxial layers by MOVPE
μp 1827 cm2 V–1 s–1 RT μp: drift mobility; single crystals, as grown
see also Fig. 7.3.2 (CD).
n-type(non-stoichiometric) sample (RT values)
n 109 cm–3
μn 40 cm2 V–1 s–1
thermal conductivity
κ 0.14 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Optical properties
Energy dependence of reflection coefficient R, the dielectric constant ε2, and – Im ε–1: Fig. 7.3.3 (CD).
refractive index
+ /(1 – C/λ2)+ D/(1 ––E
Coefficients in the formula: n2 = A +B E/λ2) (T
T = 300 K):
no ne
A 4.6066 4.9091
B 5.6912 5.5565
C 0.1437·10–12 m2 0.1578·10–12 m2
D 1.316 1.287
E 7.10·–10 m2 7·10–10 m2
Crystal structure
ZnGeN2 has a wurtzite-like monoclinic structure
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 2.67 eV T = 300 K absorption (unpolarized)
Crystal structure
ZnGeP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.0.6 (p.331), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329)
energy gaps and other band-band transitions
reflectivity (T
T = 5 K)
Eg,pseu 2.14 eV Γ5v–Γ3c (Γ15v–X1c)
Eg,dirr 2.51 eV Γ4v–Γ1c (Γ15v–Γ1c)
2.63 eV Γ5v–Γ1c (Γ15v–Γ1c)
2.67 eV Γ5v–Γ1c (Γ15v–Γ1c)
Eg,ind 1.80 eV from optical transmission
splitting energies
Δcff – 0.08 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
Δso 0.09 eV
effective masses
mn,⊥ 0.108 m0 theory
mn,|| 0.105 m0
mn,ds 0.11 m0 (mds: density of states mass,
mn,c 0.11 m0 mc: conductivity mass)
mp1,⊥ (–1.8) m0
mp1,|| 0.15 m0
mp1,ds 0.79 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.463(3) Å
c 10.74(3) Å
c/a 1.965(5) Å
d 4.04 g cm−3
coefficients of thermal expansion
α 1.8·10–6 K–1 T = 300...1300 K a axis
5.0·10–6 K–1 c axis
β 20·10–6 K–1 T = 300...1300 K volume
Debye temperature
ΘD 428 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1300(3) K
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 408/399 cm−1 Γ4 (Γ15) T = 78 K, Γ4, Γ5 IR active,
404/387 cm−1 Γ5 (Γ15) all Raman active
389 cm−1 Γ3 (W2)
376/369 cm−1 Γ5 (W4)
364 cm−1 Γ2 (X1) calculated
359/344 cm−1 Γ4 (W2)
331/329 cm−1 Γ5 (X5)
328 cm−1 Γ1 (W1)
247 cm−1 Γ3 (X3)
204/202 cm−1 Γ5 (W3)
142 cm−1 Γ5 (W4)
120 cm−1 Γ3 (W2)
96 cm−1 Γ5 (X5)
second order elastic moduli
c11 8.32⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 calculated
c33 8.43⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c44 3.50⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
Transport properties
For temperature dependence of σ, RH, μ, see also Fig. 7.5.1 (CD).
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
p-type samples
p 1018 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystal, after electron irradiation
ρ 2…5⋅106 Ω cm single crystals
μp 20 cm2 V–1 s–1 T = 300 K single crystal, from LEC
n-type samples
ρ 106 Ω cm single crystal, from high
pressure vapor transport
activation energies
EA 0.11 eV T <220 K activation energy of conductivity
0.58 eV T >220 K
thermal conductivity
κ||c 0.36 W cm–1 K–1 RT
κ⊥ c 0.35 W cm–1 K–1 RT
Optical properties
refractive indices
coefficients in the formula n2 = A + B/(1 – C/λ2) + D/(1 – E/
E λ2 )
A B C [10–12 m2] D E [10–12 m2]
no 4.6171 5.4709 0.1495 1.4912 662.55
ne 4.6791 5.6826 0.1567 1.4577 662.55
no 4.5654 5.3382 0.1419 1.4913 662.55
ne 4.6732 5.4842 0.1499 1.4581 662.55
no 4.5209 5.2917 0.1376 1.4911 662.55
ne 4.6559 5.4001 0.1460 1.4580 662.55
no 4.4492 5.3338 0.1353 1.4736 662.55
ne 4.5717 5.4513 0.1435 1.4262 662.55
no 4.4733 5.2658 0.1338 1.4909 662.55
ne 4.6332 5.3422 0.1426 1.4580 662.55
no 4.3761 5.2540 0.1275 1.4903 662.55
Crystal structure
ZnGeAs2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gaps (thin film data)
Eg,dir 1.15 eV epilayer, optical transmission
Eg,dir (A) 1.15 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 1.19 eV
(C) 1.48 eV
Eg,th 1.16 eV T=0K conductivity
splitting energies
Δcf – 0.06 eV T = 300 K
Δso 0.31 eV
effective masses
mn,⊥ 0.060 m0 theoretical
mn,|| 0.058 m0
mn,ds 0.059 m0 (mds: density of states mass;
mn,c 0.059 m0 mc: conductivity mass)
mp1,⊥ 0.82 m0
mp1,|| 0.084 m0
mp1,ds 0.38 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.671(1) Å
c 11.153 Å
c/a 1.966(1)
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
7 II-IV-V2 compounds 343
d 5.26 g cm−3
melting temperature
Tm 1120...1145 K
Crystal structure
ZnSnP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dir (A,B) 1.66 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(C) 1.75 eV
splitting energies
Δcff 0 T = 300 K (c/a = 2)
Δso 0.09 eV
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.652(1) Å
c 11.305(3) Å
c/a 2.000
melting temperature
Tperitt 1200 K peritectic
wavenumbers of infrared active phonons
ν LO 327...330 cm–1 Γ4 T = 300 K infrared reflectivity
368 cm–1 Γ5 T = 300 K
ν 322 cm–1 – T = 300 K disordered structure
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
p-type samples
p 1016…1018 cm–3 T = 300 K ZnSnP2, epilayer
ρ 5 Ω cm
μp 35…47 cm2 V–1 s–1
The temperature dependence of resistivity, mobility, Hall coefficient, and carrier concentration of ZnSnP2 are
given in Figs. 7.7.1 (CD) and 7.7.2 (CD).
activation energies
EA 0.046 eV ZnSnP2, thin film
0.03…0.07 eV ZnSnP2, single crystals
0.11 eV activation energy of conductivity
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 10.0 T = 300 K chalcopyrite
ε (∞) 8.08
ε (0) 10.8 T = 300 K disordered zincblende
ε (∞) 8.3
Crystal structure
ZnSnAs2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dir (A,B) 0.745 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(C) 1.185 eV
0.63 eV T = 300 K epitaxial layers; absorption
d g/dT
dE T 2.7·10–4 eV K–1
splitting energies
Δcff 0 eV T = 300 K (c/a = 2)
Δso 0.34 eV
effective masses
mc 0.048 m0 mc: free charge carrier
mp(V1) 0.65 m0 effective mass
mp(V2) 0.065 m0
mp(V3) 0.16 m0
mp 0.35 m0 T = 5...200 K transport
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.8515(5) Å
c 11.703(1) Å
c/a 2.000 Å
d 5.53 g cm−3
Debye temperature
ΘD 271.1(27) K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1048(3) K
Crystal structure
ZnSnSb2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.0.7 (p.331), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329).
energy gap
Eg 0.4 eV T = 77 K absorption
0.7 eV T = 300 K (unpolarized light)
splitting energies
Δcff 0.03 eV calculated
Δso 0.87 eV
effective masses
mn 0.025 m0 T = 77 K, 300 K
mp2 0.031 m0
mp3 0.25 m0
Crystal structure
CdSiP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
CdSiP2 is the only chalcopyrite material with a positive crystal field splitting(i.e. E(Γ5) > E(Γ4)). This is related
to the large anionic displacement. The energy gap is generally said to be pseudodirect.
band structure: Fig. 7.0.8 (p.331), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329)
energy gaps
Eg,pseu 2.2 eV T = 300 K absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.679(1) Å
c 10.431 Å
c/a 1.836(1)Å
d 3.97 g cm−3
melting temperature
Tm 1390 K
wavenumbers of Raman active phonons
Symmetry Wavenumber ν
E 66 cm–1 RT
B1 87 cm–1
B2 109 cm–1
E 158 cm–1
E 263 cm–1
E 286 cm–1
B1 314 cm–1
Crystal structure
CdSiAs2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.0.9 (p.332), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329).
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 1.55 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 1.74 eV
(C) 1.99 eV
1.635 eV T = 1.7 K photoluminescence
d g/dT
dE T – 2.3·10–4 eV K–1 photoconductivity
splitting energies at Γ
Δcff – 0.22 eV T = 300 K from optical absorption
Δso 0.32 eV T = 300 K from optical absorption
effective masses
mn,⊥ 0.084 m0 calculated
mn,|| 0.074 m0 (mds: density of states mass)
mn,ds 0.080 m0
mp1,⊥ (−3.6 m0)
mp1,|| 0.090 m0
mp1,ds 1.07 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.885(1) Å
c 10.881(1) Å
c/a 1.849 Å
melting temperature
Tm > 1120 K
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
p 1016 cm–3 T = 300 K p-type samples, single crystals
ρ 10…100 Ω cm
μp 250 cm2 V–1 s–1
Crystal structure
CdGeP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 1.73 eV T = 300 K from optical absorption
d g/dT
dE – 3.8⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K
excitonic energy gap
Egx 1.686 eV T = 300 K, E || c photoconductivity
1.712 eV E⊥c
splitting energies
Δcf – 0.2 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
Δso 0.11 eV
effective masses
mn,⊥ 0.088 m0 calculated
mn,|| 0.088 m0 (mds: density of states mass)
mn,ds 0.085 m0
mp1,⊥ (–1.3 m0)
mp1,|| 0.099 m0
mp1,ds 0.56 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.740(1) Å
c 10.776(1) Å
c/a 1.878(1)
coefficients of thermal expansion
α 8.9·10–6 K–1 T = 300...1030 K a axis
0.37·10–6 K–1 c axis
β 1.8·10–6 K–1 T = 300...1030 K volume
Debye temperature
ΘD 340 K T→0K
melting temperature
Tm 1073 K
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons
(in cm–1), between parantheses the LO frequencies are noted
IR (20 K) Raman (77 K)
Γ4 399 (409.5) 398 (407)
Γ5 380.5 (400.5) 387 (400)
Γ3 228
Γ5 181 (187) 184 (186)
Γ5 118.5 (123) 123 (123)
Γ4 91 (91) 91 (91)
Γ3 88
Γ5 63 (63) 64 (64)
Crystal structure
CdGeAs2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 7.10 (p.332), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.2 (p.329).
energy gaps
Eg,dir (A) 0.57 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 0.73 eV
(C) 1.02 eV
Eg,th 0.673 eV T=0K Hall effect
d g,th/dT
dE T – 3.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 0...300 K
splitting energies
Δcf – 0.21 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
Δso 0.33 eV
effective masses
A calculation of the dependence of the effective masses of the electrons of the first-three magnetic sub-bands in
CdGeAs2 on electron concentration in the presence of crossed electric and magnetic fields is given in Fig.
7.13.1 (CD).
mn 0.26 m0 Hall effect
mp 0.035 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.943(1) Å
c 11.220(3) Å
c/a 1.888(1)
d 5.6 g cm−3 (crystalline) RT
5.35 g cm−3 (amorphous)
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 1·10–6 K–1 T = 370...570 K c axis
8...9·10–6 K–1 a axis (large anisotropy)
Debye temperature
ΘD 240.9(14) K T→0K from heat capacity
257(2) K T = 4.2 K from elastic moduli
melting temperature
Tm 943 K
phonon dispersion: Fig. 7.13.2
wavenumbers of infrared active phonons
I 4 2d (F 4 3m)
ν LO/ ν TO 280/272 cm−1 Γ5 (Γ15) RT
278/270 cm−1 Γ5 (Γ15)
258/255 cm−1 Γ5 (W4)
210/203 cm−1 Γ5 (W2)
206/200 cm−1 Γ5 (X5)
101/159 cm−1 Γ5 (W3)
98/95 cm−1 Γ5 (W4)
wavenumbers of Raman active phonons
ν 282 cm−1 Γ4 calculated
280 cm−1 Γ5
257 cm−1 Γ5
254 cm−1 Γ3
201 cm−1 Γ2
205 cm−1 Γ5
211 cm−1 Γ4
182 cm−1 Γ1
155 cm−1 Γ5
162 cm−1 Γ3
169 cm−1 Γ2
80 cm−1 Γ5
76 cm−1 Γ4
75 cm−1 Γ3
65 cm−1 Γ5
Crystal structure
CdSnP2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.3295, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 7.0.11 (p.332), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329).
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 1.17 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 1.25 eV
(C) 1.33 eV
d g/dT
dE – 2.8·10–4 eV K–1
excitonic energy gap
Egx (A) 1.2343 eV T = 1.7 K photoluminescence
(B) 1.2353 eV
(C) 1.2360 eV
effective masses
mn⊥ 0.060 m0 calculated
mn|| 0.056 m0 calculated
mp1⊥ (–6.6 m0) calculated
mp1|| 0.69 m0 calculated
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.901(1) Å
c 11.514(4) Å
c/a 1.951(1)
melting temperature
Tm 840 K
Crystal structure
CdSnAs2 crystallizes in the chalcopyrite lattice (space group D2d12 – I 4 2d, Fig. 7.0.1, p.329, see also section
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 7.0.32 (p.348), Brillouin zone: Fig. 7.0.2 (p.329)
energy gap
Eg,dir (A) 0.26 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
(B) 0.30 eV
(C) 0.79 eV
d g/dT
dE – 2.2·10–4 eVK–1 T = 0...300 K transport
– 2.3·10–4 eV K–1 T = 300 K photoconductivity
effective masses
mn,⊥ 0.05 m0 Faraday effect
mn,|| 0.048 m0
mp1,⊥ 0.10 m0 calculated
mp1,|| 0.018 m0 calculated
mp1,ds 0.5 m0 transport
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.089(5) Å
c 11.925(10) Å
c/a 1.957(2)
d 5.71 g cm−3
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 3.2·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K a axis
4.5·10–6 K–1 c axis
Debye temperature
ΘD 234.4(53) K T →0 K
melting temperature
Tm 868(2) K
8 I2-IV-VI3 compounds
The I2-IV-VI3 compounds have received very little attention. Their structures are not known in detail. They
generally adopt a disordered zincblende-like form with some tendency to superstructure formation, usually
tetragonal, chalcopyrite like.
Transport properties
transport: metallic
electrical conductivity
σ 1.4... 3.9·10–3 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κ 0.13 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1120(10) K
d 5.02 g cm–3
heat capacity
c 0.31 J–1 g−1 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 970(5) K
d 5.94 g cm–3
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
p-type sample
σ 1.4·104 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K for temperature dependence, see Fig. 8.6.1 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.144 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K with excess Sn
70 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
9 I3–V–VI4 compounds
lattice parameters
enargite a = 7.296(2) Å T = 300 K, phase transition T = 370 K
b = 6.319(2) Å transport
c = 6.072(2) Å
energy gaps
Eg,th 2 eV transport
Eg,dir 2.35 eV photoinsertion current quantum efficiency
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons
ν 60 cm−1 external modes? RT
65 cm−1
68 cm−1
80 cm−1
86 cm−1
92 cm−1
106 cm−1
112 cm−1
117 cm−1
138 cm−1
171 cm−1
192 cm−1
203 cm−1
210 cm−1
244 cm−1
electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient
σ 2.10–2... T = 300 K for temperature dependence see Fig. 9.1.1 (CD)
3·10–4 Ω–1 cm–1
S 8.5·10–4 V K–1 T = 260 K
energy gaps
Eg 1.24 eV T = 300 K absorption
Eg,th 0.8 eV transport
electrical conductivity and resistivity, carrier concentration, mobility (at 300 K)
n-type sample
σ 200 Ω–1 cm–1 temperature dependence σ, Fig. 9.2.1 (CD)
0.095 Ω–1 cm–1
n 7.8·1019 cm–3
μn 0.008 cm2 V–1 s–1
p-type conduction is achieved by doping with Cl, I, Mn.
p-type samples
p 1017 cm–3 T = 295 K natural enargite, from Hall measurements
ρ 7 Ω cm
μp 9 cm2 V–1 s–1
activation energy
EA 0.11 eV activation energy of conductivity
Naturally occurring mineral (from Sierra de Famatina, Argentina). Usually with considerable addition of As
impurities. All data probably for tetragonal form.
crystal structure, lattice parameters
Cu3SbS4 famatinite a = 5.385(1) Å T = 300 K, d = 4.635 g cm–3
c = 10.754(2) Å
cubic: Oh5-Fm3m a = 10.74 Å thin films
disordered zincblende a = 5.28 Å high temperature, d = 4.71 g cm–3
energy gap
Eg,th 0.46 eV transport
thermal conductivity
κ 2.7·10–2 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 830 K
10 II-III2-VI4 compounds
The II-III2-VI4 compounds almost all have one of the two structures, defect stannite (space group D2d11–
I 4 2m, Fig. 10.0.1a) or defect chalcopyrite (space group S42–I 4 , Fig. 10.0.1b). Another structure occurring in
this group (CdIn2S4) is the spinel structure (Fig. 10.0.2). For details see the respective sections.
Since chalcopyrite, defect stannite and defect chalcopyrite have the same Bravais lattice and similar space
groups, they have many properties in common. For pecularities and Brillouin zones see the discussion for
chalcopyrite in sections 6.0 or 7.0.
Figs. 10.0.3...5 show the band structures of ZnIn2S4, CdIn2S4 and CdIn2Se4.
crystal structure
β'-ZnAl2S4: wurtzite (space group C6v4–P63mc)
α-ZnAl2S4: cubic (space group Oh7–Fd3m)
lattice parameters, density
β'-ZnAl2S4: a = 3.764 Å, c = 6.142 Å, d = 2.63 g cm–3
α-ZnAl2S4: a = 9.988 Å, d = 3.30 g cm–3
energy gap
Eg,dirr 3.7 eV RT optical absorption, wurtzite structure
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 ) or defect stannite (D2d11–I 4 2m)
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 3.25 eV T = 298 K optical absorption, pure crystals
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.26 Å
c 10.4 Å
c/a 1.97
x 0.25
y 0.25
z 0.125
d 3.7 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm > 1620 K
Transport properties
The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity in ZnGa2S4 single crystals is shown in Fig. 10.2.1 (CD).
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 ) or defect stannite (D2d11–I 4 2m)
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.18 eV T = 298 K from optical absorption
T = Eg(0) – aT 2/(T+
Eg(T) T b))
a 2.69⋅10–4 eV K–1
b – 460 K
The temperature dependence of the optical energy gap for ZnGa2Se4:Cr2+ single crystals is shown in Fig.
10.3.1 (CD).
exciton binding energy
Eb 0.06 eV T = 22 K from optical absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.48 Å
c 10.9 Å
c/a 2.00
x 0.25
y 0.25
z 0.125
d 5.13 g cm–3
Debye temperature
ΘD 228 K T→0K
heat capacity: see section 10.2.
Raman wavenumbers (at 300 K)
ν 285, 263, 250, 242, 235, 209, 193, 165, 145, 128, 109, 94, 84 cm–1
Transport properties
ρ 2.5⋅1012 Ω cm pure single crystals
4.1⋅1013 Ω cm Co2+-doped single crystals
The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of ZnGa2Se4 is shown in Fig. 10.3.2 (CD).
Crystal structure
ZnIn2S4 has a large number of polytypes. All polytypes however are comprised of hexagonal layers with a =
3.85(2) Å (the differences being in the packing of the layers) and c = N·3.086(3) Å where N = 4Z
Z and Z = 1, 2,
3... is the number of formula units in the unit cell.
ZnIn2S4 (I): space group C3v1–P3m1, lattice parameters (at 300 K): a = 3.85(2) Å, c = 12.34 Å.
ZnIn2S4 (II) a: space group D3d3–P 3 m1, lattice parameters (at 300 K): a = 3.85(2) Å, c = 24.68(4) Å.
ZnIn2S4(II) b: space group C6v4–P63mc, lattice parameters (at 300 K): a = 3.85(2) Å, c = 24.68(4) Å.
ZnIn2S4 (III) a: space group C3v5–R3m, lattice parameters (at 300 K): a = 3.85(2) Å, c = 37.02(4) Å
A very large number of polytypes for the layer structure type, including deviations from 1:2:4 stoichiometry,
are known.
Electronic properties
All data are for the layered structure unless otherwise stated. Usually the polytype is ZnIn2S4 (III) a, but it is
not always given.
band structure: see Fig. 10.0.3 (p.374)
energy gaps
Eg 2.87(1) eV T = 300 K; E ⊥ c absorption
Eg,dir 2.34 eV Mn-doped ZnIn2S4 crystals
2.77 eV RT Zn3In2S6 polytype crystals
2.69 eV RT Zn2In2S5 polytype crystals
Eg(⊥) 2.90 eV from ellipsometry
Eg(||) 3.05 eV from ellipsometry
The temperature dependence of the energy gap in ZnIn
n2S4 is given in Fig. 10.4.1 (CD).
The temperature dependence of the energy gap in Zn2In2S5 is given in Fig. 10.4.2 (CD)
spinel modification
energy gap
Eg 2.4 eV T = 80 K photoluminescence and resonant Raman
Lattice properties
(see also above under "Crystal structure")
frequencies of IR active phonons (in 1012 s–1, at 300 K)
ZnIn2S4 (III) a
Infrared transmission
ν [1012 s−1] 20.55, 19.41, 16.23, 13.5, 11.52, 11.19, 10.83, 10.5, 10.17, 9.96, 9.66, 9.33, 8.97,
8.76, 8.19, 8.01, 7.8, 7.62, 6.99, 6.48, 5.76, 2.49, 1.23
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
10 II-III2-VI4 compounds 379
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 )
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.68 eV T = 300 K layered structure type, from transmission
2.0 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 3.1·10–9 eV K–1 T = 88...300 K photoconductivity (unpolarized)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.69 Å
c 11.4 Å
c/a 2.00
x 0.26
y 0.22
d 5.36 g cm–3
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons
Proposed symmetry
ν LO/ ν TO 242/213 cm–1 E, B2 T = 300 K
203/196 cm–1 E, B2
165/164 cm–1 E
135 cm–1 A1
104/101 cm–1 B2
85/85 cm–1 E
68/67 cm–1 E
dielectric constant
ε (∞) 7.0 from IR reflectivity
crystal structure
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 )
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 3.16 eV T = 300 K from optical absorption
There is some confusion about the nature of the energy gap. At room temperature absorption studies give a
direct gap of 3.44 eV or 3.25 eV or an indirect gap of 3.05 eV. Reflectivity gives a first peak at 3.58 eV and
photoconductivity at 3.35 eV or 3.65 eV. Absorption in thin films gives 3.50...3.63 eV. On the other hand the
thermal gap is 2.92 eV.
exciton binding energy
Eb 0.040 eV T = 80 K from cathodoluminescence spectrum
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.56 Å
c 10.0 Å
c/a 1.80
x 0.27
y 0.26
z 0.14
d 3.97 g cm–3
Transport properties
electrical resistivity, mobility
n-type samples
ρ 3⋅1011 Ω cm single crystals, stoichiometric
7⋅1010 Ω cm single crystals, 49.6 mol% Ga2S3
4⋅1010 Ω cm single crystals, 50.7 mol% Ga2S3
0.8...6·1013 Ω cm T = 293K
μn 10(T/120)
T 1.35 cm2 V–1 s–1 decreases in the presence of thermally
T = 120...300 K stimulated current
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (0) 9.6 E || c; T = 300 K
12.3 E⊥c
ε (∞) 6.2 E || c; T = 300 K
8.3 E⊥c
refractive index
no 2.3 λ = 500 nm
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 )
Electronic properties
The size and nature of the electronic energy gap is disputed, ranging from an indirect gap of 1.97 eV to a direct
gap of 2.57 eV.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.33 eV T = 290 K from optical absorption
T = Eg(0) – aT 2/(T+
Eg(T) T b))
Eg(0) 2.49 eV pure single crystal
2.40 eV Co-doped
a 1.57⋅10–3 eV K–1 pure single crystal
6.58⋅10–4 eV K–1 Co-doped
b 544 K pure single crystal
53 K Co-doped
excitonic energy
Egx 2.673 eV T = 90 K from wavelength modulated reflectance
splitting energies
Δso 0.41 eV T = 300 K
Δcff 0.10 eV T = 300 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.73 Å
c 10.7 Å
c/a 1.87
dielectric constants
ε (0) 9.7 T = 300 K(?);
8.2 E || c
ε (∞) 6.7 T = 300 K(?);
6.2 E || c
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 )
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.5 eV T = 300 K unpolarized; reflectivity
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.08 Å
c 11.7 Å
c/a 1.93
x 0.27
y 0.26
z 0.135
d 5.63 g cm–3
wavenumbers of infrared active phonons
ν LO/ ν TO Polarization Proposed assignment
221/206 cm–1 E⊥c E1
199/194 cm–1 E2
222/209 cm–1 E || [111] B1
199/197 cm–1 E2
188/183 cm–1 B2
Crystal structure
Spinel type, space group Td2 – F 4 3m. There is some confusion regarding the exact type of spinel structure.
Whether it is normal or inverse spinel, In on tetrahedral sites and Cd and In randomly distributed on the
octahedral sites, or only partially inverted is in doubt.
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 10.0.4 (p.374).
There is general agreement that the band gap is indirect and that the valence band maximum is not at Γ but
probably along the Σ direction [ 1 1 0 ] . The values of the indirect and direct gaps are however somewhat
energy gaps
Eg,ind 2.21 eV T = 300 K reflectivity
2.28 eV T = 300 K absorption
Eg,dirr 2.5 eV T = 300 K reflectivity
2.62 eV T = 300 K absorption
Eg,th 2.2 eV resistivity vs. T
effective masses
mn 0.19 m0 T = 70...500 K Hall effect and Seebeck effect
mds 0.3 m0 Seebeck effect
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 10.797 Å T = 300 K
10.818 Å
d 4.93 g cm–3
5.0 g cm–3
phonon wavenumbers
IR active phonons:
ν 307 cm–1 T = 300 K T1u
215 cm–1
171 cm–1
68 cm–1
elastooptic constants
p11 0.027(5) T = 300 K Brillouin scattering
p12 0.093(9)
p44 – 0.033(2)
dielectric constants
ε (0) 17 from effective charge
ε (∞) 10 estimated from optical measurements;
see also Fig. 10.11.3 (CD)
Crystal structure
vac-CdIn2Se4 has an ordered vacancy structure which is unique to this compound.
α-phase: tetragonal (space group D2d1 – P 4 2m)This phase is sometimes referred to as pseudocubic since c = a
although the space group is tetragonal.
β- and γγ-phase: defect chalcopyrite (space group S42–I 4 ). Both phases differ in the c/a-ratio: β: c = 2a, γ: c =
tetragonal α-phase:
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 10.5 (p.374).
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.825 eV RT from electrolyte electroreflectance
Eg,dirr 1.67 eV T = 293 K from optical absorption, pure crystal
Eg,ind 1.55 eV T = 293 K from optical absorption, pure crystal
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 4.25⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 150...300 K from optical absorption
d g,ind/dT
dE – 4.37⋅10–4 eV K–1 T = 150...300 K
The variation of the indirect and direct energy gap with temperature is shown in Fig. 10.12.1 (CD).
effective mass
mn 0.15(1) m0 T = 300 K thermoelectric power
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a (= c) 5.81 Å T = 300 K
d 5.54 g cm–3
wavenumbers of infrared active phonons
ν LO/ ν TO 238/213 cm–1 E modes (E ⊥ c) RT, infrared reflectivity on single crystals
199/187 cm–1
239/214 cm–1 ( || c)
B2 modes(E
198/186 cm–1
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
n-type samples
n 1015…1016 cm–3 T = 300 K single crystals
ρ 102…104 Ω cm T = 300 K 105…106 Ω cm T = 77 K
μn 50 cm2 V–1s–1 T = 300 K
energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.30 eV T = 300 K absorption, unpolarized
Eg,dirr 1.49 eV
lattice parameter
a 5.81 Å T = 300 K β- and γ-phases
carrier concentration, Hall coefficient, resistivity (at 300 K, phase unclear)
n-type samples
n 1017 cm–3 intrinsic
RH – 0.5 cm3 C–1 not very T-dependent
ρ 8·105 Ω cm
p-type samples
S 70 μV K–1
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 )
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,ind 1.15 eV RT from optical absorption
Eg,dirr 1.25 eV T = 293 K absorption, unpolarized
T = Eg(0) – aT 2/(T+
Eg(T) T b))
Eg(0) 1.26 eV
a 5.7⋅10–4 eV K–1
b 176 K
The variation of the optical energy gap Eg with temperature T for CdIn2Te4 is given in Fig. 10.13.1 (CD).
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.19 Å
c 12.3 Å
c/a 2.00
x 0.26
y 0.24
z 0.13
d 5.88 g cm–3
wavenumbers of infrared and Raman active phonons (in cm–1, T = 300 K)
ν LO/ ν TO ν Proposed
Infrared Raman symmetry
190/187 187 E, B2
183/169 E
156/151 − B2
140/138 142 E
-/- 124 A1
-/- 100 A1
76/ 75 B2
65/64 E
45/44 E
Transport properties
carrier concentration, resistivity, mobility
p-type samples
p 1016 cm–3 single crystal, Te-doped
ρ 100…200 Ω cm single crystal, Te-doped
n-type samples
n 2.5⋅1011 cm–3 RT single crystals
ρ 2.5⋅106 Ω cm RT single crystals
μn 100 cm2 V–1s–1 RT single crystals
Electrical conductivity, carrier concentration, and mobility vs inverse temperature for a CdIn2Te4 crystal are
given in Fig. 10.13.2 (CD).
activation energies
EA 0.57 eV T > 350 K activation energy of conductivity
0.47 eV T < 350 K
Optical properties
static dielectric constant
εr 11.0
electrooptic coefficient
r41 3 pmV–1
crystal structure
lattice parameters
a 4.28 Å
c 6.67 Å
energy gap
Eg 0.8 eV calculated
electrical conductivity
σ 10–1...10–5 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 77 K no anisotropy
melting temperature
Tm 1200(50) K
Crystal structure
defect chalcopyrite (S42–I 4 ) and defect stannite (D2d11–I 4 2m)
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.9 eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ c electroreflectance, absorption
0.94 eV T = 300 K, E || (⊥) c
d g/dT
dE T 2.8·10–4 eV K–1 T = 4...300 K electroreflectance
Eg,ind 0.78 eV RT HgIn2Te4 single crystal
Lattice properties
lattice parameters (defect chalcopyrite)
a 6.17 Å
c 12.3 Å
c/a 2.00
x 0.27
y 0.23
z 0.135
lattice parameters (defect stannite)
a 6.17 Å
c 12.3 Å
density (defect chalcopyrite)
d 6.34 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 1075 K congruent melting temperature
C Further elements
Fig. 11.0.1. B12 icosahedra at the corners of the unit Fig. 11.0.2. Model of the unit cell of β-rhombo-
cell of α-rhombohedral boron viewed from above. hedral boron
Fig. 11.0.3 shows the band structure of α-B, Fig. 11.0.4 its Brillouin zone. An energy band scheme for β-B is
shown in Fig. 11.0.5.
For details see the following section.
Electronic properties
General remarks
The boron-rich semiconductors with icosahedral structure elements are characterized by largely common
features of electronic properties:
a) The semiconducting icosahedral boron-rich solids are not in accordance with the general rule, which holds
for crystals with simple periodic structures, that atoms with odd electron numbers are metallic in the condensed
b) The band gaps of the boron-rich solids do not depend essentially on the crystal structure.
c) In many cases of icosahedral boron-rich solids a split-off valence band about 0.19 eV above the valence band
edge has been found.
d) Icosahedral boron-rich solids are p-type semiconductors. Overcompensation to n-type demands donor
densities of the order of 1020 cm–3.
e) The electronic transport is composed of band-type conduction and hopping side by side. Depending on
temperature or chemical composition the share of both contributions varies.
As essential for the fundamental electronic properties of the icosahedral boron-rich solids the Jahn-Teller effect
is assumed, by which the icosahedra are distorted and the electronic levels are split in consequence of the
symmetry reduction. This splitting leads to a separation of occupied and unoccupied electronic levels of the
isolated icosahedra, and in the solids to a largely unoccupied split-off valence band (see for example β-
rhombohedral boron Fig. 11.0.5, p.398). Electronic transport is assumed to take place as a superposition of
classical band-type conductivity in the valence band and hopping conductivity within the split-off valence band
or by a kind of hopping-like transport in the main valence band due to holes, whose motion is strongly impeded
by multiple trapping in occupied states of the split-off valence band.
α-rhombohedral boron
band structure: Fig. 11.0.3 (p.398), Brillouin zone: Fig. 11.0.4 (p.398).
energy gap
Eg 0.73(2) eV T = 300 K deep level to band (optical absorption)
1.49(2) eV deep level to band or
1.63(2) eV indirect allowed interband (optical absorption)
2.055(2) eV indirect allowed interband (optical absorption)
reduced effective mass
2mr/m0 0.029 absorption
g 2.0036 T = 77 K ESR
β-rhombohedral boron
The actual energy band scheme of pure β-rhombohedral boron (Fig. 11.0.5, p.398) consists of the lower
valence band, the split-off valence band (attributed to the Jahn-Teller effect), one conduction band and six
equidistant intrinsic electron trapping levels (attributed to the interaction between electrons and specific
intraicosahedral phonons) .
energy gap
Eg,ind 1.32(1) eV T = 0 K (extrapolated) E || c, opt. absorption, single crystal
1.29(1) eV T = 0 K (extrapolated) E ⊥ c
1.50 eV T = 300 K E || c
1.46 eV E⊥c
temperature dependence of the energy gap
T = Eg(0) – αT 2
empirical approximation by Eg(T)
parameters of the empirically temperature dependence of the energy gap ((Fig. 11.1.1 (CD))
α 3.4(2)⋅10–7 K−2eV E || c for gap 1.32 eV
E || c for gap 1.50 eV
7.8(2)⋅10–7 K−2eV E⊥c for gap 1.29 eV
E⊥c for gap 1.46 eV
effective masses
mn ≈ 4.5 m0 from energy dependence of work
mp ≈ 1.8 m0 function
mn/mp ≈ 2.5
Lattice properties
α-rhombohedral boron
lattice parameters
rhombohedral description
a 5.057(3) Å T = 300 K precession and Weißenberg method
α 58.06(5)o
bulk modulus
B 224(15) GPa T = 300K single crystal X-ray technique
optical phonons
Group theory gives: IR: 4 A2u, 6 Eu; Raman: 4 A1g, 5 Eg.
phonon wavenumbers, phonon cut-off
ν 300 cm–1 acoustic phonon cut-off
920 cm–1 T = 300 K one-phonon cut-off
Transport properties
α-rhombohedral boron
electrical conductivity
σ 10–3...3.10–2 (Ωcm)–1 T =300 K extrinsic. see Fig. 11.1.3 (CD)
μ 120 cm2 (Vs)–1 T = 300 K Hall effect
Temperature dependence of the hole mobility: μH ∝ T–1.75, Fig. 11.1.4 (CD)
β-rhombohedral boron
The transport properties of β-rhombohedral boron have not been clarified definitely. They are mainly affected
by levels of high concentration in the band gap.
dc conductivity
σ 10–7...10–6 (Ωcm)–1 T =300 K intrinsic (see Fig. 11.1.5 (CD))
up to 20 (Ωcm)–1 T =300 K extrinsic
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
11 Group III elements 403
carrier mobility
μ 10–5...3·102 cm2/Vs T = 300 K obtained by different methods on samples of
10–1...10–7 cm2/Vs T = 77 K different origin and purity
(see Fig. 11.1.6 (CD))
thermal conductivity
κ 0.01 W cm–1 K–1 α-rhombohedral boron
Optical properties
α-rhombohedral boron
optical spectra: absorption: Fig. 11.1.7 (CD).
dielectric constant
ε0 6.5 T = 300K from electron energy-loss
Dielectric function in the range of fundamental absorption derived from the electron energy loss spectrum in
Fig. 11.1.8 (CD).
β-rhombohedral boron
optical spectra: optical constants of β-rhombohedral boron: Fig. 11.1.9 (CD).
dielectric constant
ε (0) 10.6(2) T = 300 K, static polycrystalline sample
ε (∞) 9.12(15) E⊥c
8.41(15) E || c
12 Group V elements
There are three crystalline modifications and some amorphous forms of arsenic under normal conditions.
Grey (α, ordinary) arsenic is the most stable form of arsenic under normal conditions. It is crystallized in a
rhombohedral structure (A7-type; Fig. 12.0.3, Brillouin zone: Fig. 12.0.4). The space group is R 3 m - D3d5.
Orthorhombic (ε, arsenolamprite) arsenic has a similar structure like black phosphorus, but its structure can not
be derived by a simple scaling of the bond length from black P. The unit cell contains eight atoms (Fig. 12.0.5)
at the positions ± (0,u,υ), ± (1/2,u+1/2,υ), ± (1/2,u,υ+1/2) and ± (0,u+1/2,1/2–υ). The structure consists of
double layers separated by 5.50 Å.
Yellow arsenic shows a cubic symmetry and presumably consists of As4 molecules. This allotrope is only
metastable and decomposes easily to grey arsenic. Structural data are not available, since X-ray radiation
destroys this modification.
Fig. 12.0.3. Crystal structure of grey arsenic (a) and the cubic NaCl structure (b) from which it can be derived. The
open and solid circles represent the two sublattices.
Fig. 12.0.4. Brillouin zone of
grey arsenic showing points,
lines and planes of symmetry.
Fig. 12.0.5. The unit cell of
orthorhombic arsenic.
Three allotropes of antimony under normal conditions are known: metallic, black and explosive antimony.
α- (gray, ordinary) antimony is the most stable form of antimony under normal conditions. It crystallizes in a
rhombohedral structure (A7 -type) like arsenic. The space group is R 3 m - D3d5.
Black antimony is strong reactive on air and has an amorphous structure. Under vacuum, it transforms easily to
crystalline metallic antimony during heating.
Explosive antimony is only metastable and transforms fiercely in metallic antimony during mechanical stress or
heating. Explosive antimony is probably not an allotropic form, but a mixed polymer.
α-bismuth is the only stable form of bulk bismuth under normal conditions. It crystallizes in a rhombohedral
A7-type structure, like arsenic and antimony. The space group is R 3 m - D3d5. The primitive cell contains two
atoms at the positions (u,u,u) and –(u,u,u).
Fig. 12.0.6. Band structure of black phosphorus Fig. 12.0.7. Band structure of grey arsenic.
Fig. 12.0.8. Band structure of metallic antimony. Fig. 12.0.9. Band structure of bismuth.
Electronic properties
Black phosphorus is a narrow gap semiconductor. A direct band gap of about 0.3 eV was found from
Red phosphorus is a semiconductor, too. But little is known about the electronic properties of red phosphorus.
White phosphorus is an insulator with a band gap of about 3.7 eV.
band structure of black phosphorus: Fig. 12.0.6 (p.406), Brillouin zone: Fig. 12.0.2 (p.404).
energy gap
Eg 0.3125 eV T = 300 K from photoconductivity of single crystalline
black P prepared by bismuth flux method
d g/dT
dE T 1.75·10–4 eV K–1 (T
T > 160 K) from photoconductivity of single
2.33·10–4 eV K–1 (T
T < 160 K) crystalline black P prepared by bismuth
flux method; see also Fig. 12.1.1 (CD)
band-band exciton transitions and exciton binding energy
E1 0.2764 eV T = 4.2 K absorption spectrum calculated by
E2 0.2823 eV Kramers-Kronig transformation from
Eb –3
7.9·10 eV binding energy reflection spectrum of single crystalline black P
effective masses
mpaa 0.625 m0 from cyclotron resonance measurements
mpb 0.304 m0 on single crystalline black P
mpc 0.091 m0
mp av 0.258 m0
mnaa 1.14 m0
mnb 0.127 m0
mnc 0.096 m0
mn av 0.24 m0
Lattice properties
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α1 22·10–6 K–1 for black P; α1,2,3: α in a, b, c direction,
α2 39·10–6 K–1 respectively.
α3 33·10–6 K–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 0.551⋅⋅102 GPa from υcc derived from ultrasound velocity measurements
c22 1.786⋅⋅102 GPa from υaa on black P at normal conditions
c33 0.536⋅⋅102 GPa from υbb
c44 0.111⋅⋅102 GPa from υba for temperature dependence,
c55 0.055⋅⋅102 GPa from υcb see Fig. 12.1.2 (CD)
c66 0.145⋅⋅102 GPa from υca
bulk moduli
Bo 36(2) GPa orthorhombic from pressure dependence
linear compressibility
κa 1.8·10–3 GPaa–1 calculated for black P using the force
κb 14.8·10–3 GPaa–1 constant model
phonon dispersion curves: black P, see Fig. 12.1.3 (CD).
optical phonon frequencies on the Γ-point
ν 470 cm–1 Γ1+ (Ag2) Raman active calculated for black P
360 cm–1 Γ1+ (Ag1) Raman active using the force constant
440 cm–1 Γ2+ (B2g1) Raman active model
232 cm–1 Γ2+ (B2g2) Raman active
195 cm–1 Γ3+ (B1g) Raman active
441 cm–1 Γ4+ (B3g2) Raman active
470 cm–1 Γ4– (B3u) infrared active
213 cm–1 Γ3– (B1u) infrared active
412 cm–1 Γ1– (Au) optically inactive
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
12 Group V elements 409
Debye temperature
ΘD black P
heat capacity
Cp ≈ 22 J K–1 mol–1 T = 300K black P; measured by an ac calorimetry
d 2.70 g cm–3 black P
2.34 g cm–3 red P
melting temperature
Tm 590 K red P
1300 K black P
Electronic properties
band structure of gray arsenic: Fig. 12.0.7 (p.406), Brillouin zone: Fig. 12.0.4 (p.405).
Gray arsenic is a semimetal and has the most metallic behavior of the group-V elements.
Amorphous arsenic is semiconducting with a band gap of about 1.2 ... 1.4 eV.
Little is known about the other allotropic forms of As. Orthorhombic As is a narrow-gap semiconductor with a
band gap of about 0.3 eV.
In the following data are given for rhombohedral As if not stated otherwise.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.175 eV from magnetoreflection measurements
(near T on Q) at low temperatures (≤ 20 K)
band overlap energy
E0 (at H-L) 0.61 eV first-principle calculation
0.43 eV tight-binding calculation
E0 (L at T) – 0.54 eV band overlap energy from measurements
of the Seebeck effect parallel and normal
to C3
effective masses
mn1 0.134 m0 effective mass tensor components of
mn2 1.252 m0 electrons (at L) and α-holes (at T) at
mn3 0.141 m0 the Fermi level; from AKCR - measure-
mn4 1.644 m0 ments at T = 1.15 K. The tilt angles of
(= |mn23|) electron and hole ellipsoids are – 5.5o
mp1 0.146 m0 and –37.3o, respectively. The subscripts
mp2 0.104 m0 1...3 refer to the crystallographic axes
mp3 0.166 m0 system with X = C2, Y = C1, and Z = C3
mp4 0.153 m0
(= |mp23|)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.65 Å X-ray powder diffraction of orthorhombic
b 4.47 Å arsenic
c 11.00 Å
a 4.1320 Å T = 299 K lattice parameters of the rhombohedral
α 54.126o primitive cell; from X-ray diffraction
a 4.1063 Å T = 78 K measurements
α 54.486o
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α|| 4100·10–8 K–1 T = 283 K for temperature dependence,
α⊥ 122·10–8 K–1 see Fig. 12.12.1 (CD)
Real (ε1) and imaginary (ε2) parts of the complex dielectric conslant vs. photon energy, see Fig. 12.2.3 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κ11 44 W m–1 K–1 T = 300 K crystalline rhombohedral As; for temperature
dependence in rhombohedral (semimetallic)
As, see Fig. 12.2.4 (CD)
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 12.0.8 (p.407).
Gray antimony is a semimetal.
energy gap
Eg(L) 0.101 eV direct energy band gap, obtained by magneto-
reflection studies
Eg(T) 0.149 eV the position of the band gap at T is doubtful
overlap energies
E0(at Hv–Lc) 0.250 eV pseudopotential calculation
E0(L4c–Hv) 0.160 meV band overlap between 77 K and 300 K from
measurements of the thermoelectric power.
effective masses
mn1 0.068 m0 effective mass tensor components of electrons
mn2 0.63 m0 and holes at the Fermi level; from cyclotron
mn3 0.34 m0 resonance measurements at T = 1.5 K.
mn4 0.41 m0 The tilt angles of the electron and hole
(= mn23) ellipsoids are – 4o and – 36o, respectively.
mp1 0.093 m0 The subscripts 1...3 refer to the crystallographic
mp2 1.14 m0 axes system with X = C2, Y = C1,and Z = C3
mp3 0.093 m0
mp4 0.082 m0
(= mp23)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.3084 Å T = 298 K lattice parameters of the hexagonal unit cell
c 11.2740 Å from X-ray diffraction measurements;
for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 12.3.1 (CD)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α|| 1655·10–8 K–1 T = 283 K α|| and α⊥ are referred parallel and normal
α⊥ 810·10–8 K–1 to the trigonal axis C3
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 12.3.2 (CD).
phonon wavenumbers
ν (A1g) 154.6 cm–1 T=0K frequencies of the Raman-active A1g(LO)-
ν (Eg) 116 cm–1 and Eg(TO) phonons.
sound velocities
υl 3.891·105 cm s–1 [ 1 0 0 ] , T = 300 K
υ t1 2.930·105 cm s–1 [100]
υ t2 1.508·105 cm s–1 [100]
υl 2.591·105 cm s–1 [001]
υt 2.423·105 cm s–1 [001]
Transport properties
Since ordinary antimony is a semimetal, the charge carriers are electrons from the conduction band and holes
from the valence band. Due to the rhombohedral symmetry of the crystal, antimony has two resistivities ρ11
and ρ33. The transport process in antimony can be described by a two-band multivalley model. The small
effective mass of the charge carriers results in a high carrier mobility.
mobilities of charge carriers
μp1 2.75⋅⋅103 cm2/Vs p=0 from Hall effect and magnetic resistivity
μp2 0.25⋅⋅103 cm2/Vs measurements on metallic Sb, calculated
μp3 3.24⋅⋅103 cm2/Vs with the assumption of a tilt angle of
θn = 6°; θp was estimated to θp = 24°
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 12.0.9 (p.407).
energy gap (pseudogap)
Eg,dirr 0.0136 eV from magnetoreflection measurements
(La,v(3) – Ls,c(3)) (see also Fig. 12.4.1 (CD))
Eg,dirr 0.25 eV T=0K hole band-gap at the T-point; fit parameter
(T45v–(1) – T6c+(3)) in Alvén-wave transmission experiments
overlap energy
E0(Tv–Lc) 0.044 eV calculated by deformation theory
effective masses
mn1 0.00113 m0 effective mass tensor components of electrons
0.00139 m0 (at L) and holes (at T) at the band edge;
mn2 0.26 m0 from SdH-oscillation and Alvén wave trans-
0.291 m0 mission measurements.
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.7458 Å T = 298 K lattice parameters of the rhombohedral
α 57.23o primitive cell
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α|| 11.85·10–8 K–1 T=4K
α⊥ 1.70·10–8 K–1 T=4K see also Fig. 12.4.2 (CD)
phonon dispersion relations: see Fig. 12.4.3 (CD).
Since there are two atoms per unit cell there will be one acoustic and one optical branch in the phonon spectrum
each with one longitudinal and two degenerate transverse modes. For zone-center phonons with k = 0 the three
optical lattice modes of type A1g and Eg are all Raman active and infrared inactive with the two modes
phonon wavenumbers
ν TO(Γ) 74 cm–1 T = 75 K from inelastic neutron scattering at 300 K
ν LO(Γ) 100 cm–1 and 75 K. At room temperature, the frequencies
ν TA(T) 38.7 cm–1 are about 1.5 percent lower
ν LA(T) 59.4 cm–1
ν TO(T) 101 cm–1
ν LO(T) 108 cm–1
sound velocities
(from ultrasonic wave measurements at 1.6 K and 300 K)
υ LA 2.540⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 1 0 0 ] -direction
υ TA,I 0.850⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 1 0 0 ] -direction, lower branch
υ TA,II 1.550⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 1 0 0 ] -direction, upper branch
υ LA 2.571⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 0 1 0 ] -direction
υ TA,I 1.022⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 0 1 0 ] -direction, lower branch
υ TA,II 1.407⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 0 1 0 ] -direction, upper branch
υ LA 1.972⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 0 0 1 ] -direction
υ TA 1.074⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 0 0 1 ] -direction
Transport properties
According to the energy band structure of bismuth the charge carriers are mainly holes from the T-point and
electrons from L-points of the Brillouin zone. But thermally activated L-holes have an essential influence on
the transport properties of bismuth, too.
mobilities of charge carriers
μn1 1.2⋅⋅104 cm2/Vs T = 293 K 2.7 μm thick Bi film; calculated from
μn2 0.04⋅⋅104 cm2/Vs galvanomagnetic properties under the
μp1 0.26⋅⋅104 cm2/Vs assumption n = p = ni
13 Group VI elements
Fig. 13.0.1. Projection of the orthorhombic sulfur structure along the b-axis (left) and the c-axis (right).
d g,ind/dT
dE –2·10–3 eV K–1 shift of absorption edge
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 10.4633 Å T = 298 K
b 12.8786 Å
c 24.4784 Å
melting temperature or dissociation temperature
Tm 421 K S12 orthorhombic
397 K S20 orthorhombic
Transport properties
The conductivity of sulfur is extremely small. Carrier mobilities are very different for electrons and holes. At
low temperatures the hole mobility is trap controlled but at higher temperatures a lattice mobility in the range
5...10 cm2/V s is observed pointing to transport in narrow bands. The mobility of the electrons is much smaller,
below 10–3 cm2/V s, and is activated.
electrical conductivity
σ 11⋅10–17 (Ωcm)–1 T = 295 K natural crystal
75⋅10–17 (Ωcm)–1 T = 350 K natural crystal
0.005⋅10–17 (Ωcm)–1 T = 300 K crystal grown from CS2 solution
hole mobility
μp 6.5⋅10–4 cm2/Vs T = 300 K drift experiment, see also Fig. 13.1.2 (CD)
electron mobility
μn 6.2⋅10–4 cm2/Vs T = 294 K drift experiment see also Fig. 13.1.3 (CD)
Optical properties
optical spectra
absorption constant vs. photon energy: Fig. 13.1.4 (CD).
dielectric constant
ε (0), (||a) 3.59 T = 300 K electrical resonance circuit (λ ≈ 75 cm)
ε (0),(||b) 3.83
ε (0),(||c) 4.62 see also Fig. 13.1.5 (CD).
refractive index
na 2.0120 T = 293 K, λ = 467 nm
The first narrow conduction band triplet corresponds to the antibonding states of the covalent intrachain p-
bonds. The wide higher conduction bands are derived from 5s and 4d states.
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind(R3,4v–H6c) 1.8525 eV T = 1.4 K, E||c,⊥c excitonic photoluminescence
d g,ind/dT
dE T 1.7·10–1 eV K–1 30 K < T < 80 K electroabsorption, non-linear shift,
see Fig. 13.2.1 (CD)
direct energy gaps
Eg,dir(H5v–H6c) 1.948 eV T = 5 K, E⊥
E c excitonic electroreflectance
(H4v–H6c) 1.990 eV T = 5 K, E⊥
E c electroreflectance
(H5v–H6c) 1.95 eV T = 300 K, E⊥
E c excitonic reflectance peak
(H4v–H6c) 1.98 eV T = 300 K, E⊥
E c reflectance peak, interpreted as band gap
d g,dirr/dT
dE 2.7·10–4 eV K–1 30 K < T < 80 K electroreflectance, non-linear shift, see
Fig. 13.2.1 (CD)
interband transitions of higher energy
H6v–H6c transition:
E 3.109 eV T = 5 K, E || c electroreflectance
dE – 4.5·10–4 eV K–1 T > 80 K electroreflectance
A4,5v–A6c transition:
E 3.347 eV T = 5 K, E ⊥ c electroreflectance
dE – 3.3·10–4 T > 80 K electroreflectance
eV K–1
effective mass
mds 1.4 m0 density of states mass, estimated from
thermoelectric power with an isotropic
single valence band maximum
m⊥/m|| 3...4 exciton mass ratio at the direct gap,
estimated from electroreflectance
mp⊥/mp|| 3.5 ratio of valence band mass estimated from
Lattice properties
The lattice properties reflect the highly anisotropic bonds and the competition between two short intra-chain
and four much longer interchain bonds.
lattice parameters
a = 4.374 Å, c = 4.951 Å at T = 300 K
compression moduli
Ba = – a dp
d /da 2.66·105 bar T = 300 K X-ray studies
Bc = – c dp
d /dc – 12.55·105 bar
bulk modulus
B 1.49·105 bar X-ray studies
Debye temperature
ΘD 152.5 K T = 300 K from low temperature heat capacity
heat capacity
Cp 24.53 J K–1 mol–1 T = 298.16 K polycrystalline samples
For temperature dependence of Cv and Cp see Fig. 13.2.4 (CD).
d 4.69 g cm−3 X-ray density, rhombohedral Se
4.67 g cm−3 X-ray density, orthorhombic Se
4.819 g cm–3 T = 298 K
melting temperature
Tm 493 K polycrystalline material containing iodine
Transport properties
The electrical conductivity of trigonal Se is extrinsic and p-type due to shallow acceptors which are completely
ionized at T = 77 K. Despite a temperature independent carrier concentration the conductivity is activated. The
main scattering mechanism is due to acoustical phonons. Impurities have little influence on single crystals but
alter the conductivity of polycrystalline samples.
electrical conductivity
σ 10–6...10–5 T = 300 K at RT increasing with deformation of the
Ω–1 cm–1 crystals
extrinsic carrier concentration
p 1013...1015 cm–3 100 K < T < 400 K thermoelectric power measurements,
depending on crystal quality
1014 cm–3 Hall effect measurements
carrier mobilities
μH 0.12 cm2/V s T = 300 K Hall mobility, activated
μp,||c 26 cm2/V s T = 300 K acoustoelectric current saturation,
see Fig. 13.2.5 (CD)
(μp||μp⊥)1/2 80 cm2/V s T = 300 K magnetoresistance, assuming inhomo-
geneous carrier concentration
thermal conductivity
κ⊥ c 2.43·10–2 T = 300 K for temperature dependence,
W cm–1 K–1 see Fig. 13.2.6 (CD)
κ||c 4.50·10–2 T = 300 K
W cm–1 K–1
piezoelectric strain coefficients
d11 6.5⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 T = 300 K piezoeffect measurements
d14 2.54⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 ν <12 MHz variation of impedance near mechanical
piezoelectric stress coefficients
e11 0.32 As m–2 T = 300 K single crystal
|e14| 0.10 As m–2
Optical properties
Real part ε1 and the imaginary part ε2 of the dielectric constant, Fig. 13.2.7 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 7.43 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c oscillator fit of ir spectra
ε (0) 12.24
ε (∞) 6.97
ε (∞) 11.62
refractive index
n||c 3.608(8) T = 300 K, λ = 1.06 μm minimum deflection of light passing a
3.573(8) 1.15 μm selenium prism.
3.46(1) 3.39 μm
3.41(1) 10.6 μm
n⊥c 2.790(8) T = 300 K, λ = 1.06 μm
2.737(8) 1.15 μm
2.65(1) 3.39 μm
2.64(1) 10.6 μm see also Fig. 13.2.8 (CD)
infrared nonlinear dielectric susceptibilities
d11 184(84)⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 λ = 28 μm second harmonic generation
16(4)⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 10.6 μm
9.7(25)⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 10.6 μm
8⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 10.6 μm
0.41⋅⋅10–11 mV–1 1.15 μm
d g/dT
dE T + 1.8.10–4 eV K–1 T = 4.2 K see also Fig. 13.3.1 (CD)
effective masses
mp⊥ 0.114 m0 T = 10 K Faraday rotation due to free carriers
mp|| 0.109 m0 T = 4.2 K cyclotronresonance absorption
mn⊥ 0.060 m0 T = 10 K Faraday rotation due to free carriers
mn|| 0.050 m0 T = 10 K
Transverse and longitudinal transport mass of holes vs. hole concentration, see Fig. 13.3.2 (CD).
anisotropy and non-parabolicity parameters of valence bands H4v, H5v, and conduction bands H61c, H62c
near the gap
valence band
· -calculation based on a coupling of the four highest valence bands H4v, H5v, H61v, H62v.
conduction band
· -calculation based on a coupling of the two lowest conduction bands H61c, H62c. Leads to kk-linear terms also
in the conduction bands.
EH61c/H62c = akk⊥2 + bkkz2 + Eg ± (M2k⊥2 + N2kz2)1/2
Lattice properties
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 13.3.3 (CD).
There are three atoms in the unit cell of Te. Consequently Te has – like trigonal Se – three acoustical and six
optical phonon branches. The optical modes at q = 0 are: two double degenerate Γ3(E) being infrared – (E⊥ E c)
and Raman active, one Γ2 (A2) infrared – (E||c) active only and one Γ1 (A1) Raman active only.
phonon frequencies
ν(A1) 3.609·1012 Hz T = 295 K Raman data
ν TO(A2) 2.593·1012 Hz T = 300 K IR data
νLO(A2) 2.818·1012 Hz T = 300 K Raman data
νTO(E') 2.764·1012 Hz T = 300 K Raman data
νLO(E') 3.087·1012 Hz T = 300 K Raman data
νTO(E") 4.218·1012 Hz T = 295 K Raman data
νLO(E") 4.257·1012 Hz T = 300 K IR data
sound velocities
υ l(z
() 3.36⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K q || [ 0 0 1 ] : longitudinal
υ t(z
() 2.26⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 0 0 1 ] : transverse
υ l(x
( ) 2.30⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 1 0 0 ] : longitudinal
υ ft(x
( ) 2.42⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 1 0 0 ] : fast transverse
υ st(x
( ) 0.98⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 1 0 0 ] : slow transverse
υ ql(y
( ) 2.66⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 0 1 0 ] : quasi longitudinal
υ qt(y
( ) 1.79⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 0 1 0 ] : quasi transverse
υ t(y
( ) 1.42⋅⋅105 cm s–1 q || [ 0 1 0 ] : transverse
second order elastic moduli
c11 3.30⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K calculated from sound velocities measured
c12 0.86⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K by the pulse echo method
c13 2.31⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K
Transport properties
Undoped tellurium crystals show intrinsic conductivity for T > 200 K. Extrinsic conductivity is of p-type, n-
type crystals are not known. For a systematic doping group V-elements are used, they act as shallow acceptors.
The mobility is governed by acoustic and polar optical phonon scattering. At low temperatures the transport
properties strongly depend on the defects in the samples. In high-quality crystals the important scattering
process is scattering on ionized impurities.
intrinsic transport properties (at 293 K)
σi,11 1.56 Ω–1 cm–1
σi,33 3.04 Ω–1 cm–1
RH,i1 = RH,i3 408 cm3 C–1 low field limit
ni 5.6·1015 cm–3 conductivity and Hall coefficient
μn,||c 2380 cm2/V s comparison of conductivity and Hall coefficient
μn,⊥c 1150 cm2/V s of extrinsic and intrinsic samples
Optical properties
optical constants in the visible spectral range
(hν = 1.5...3 eV, ν = 11000...25000 cm–1)
ν n⊥ k⊥ n|| k|| ν n⊥ k⊥ n|| k|
104 cm–1 104 cm–1
1.144 5.59 0.659 7.14 2.56 1.744 5.26 3.52 5.47 5.16
1.181 5.68 0.760 6.95 2.80 1.782 5.01 3.57 4.91 5.20
1.219 5.78 0.895 6.81 2.86 1.819 4.81 3.63 4.65 5.21
1.256 5.84 1.06 6.73 2.89 1.856 4.62 3.69 4.39 5.20
1.294 5.86 1.17 6.74 2.93 1.894 4.43 3.76 4.20 5.16
1.332 5.87 1.26 6.78 3.03 1.931 4.25 3.78 3.99 5.08
1.369 5.95 1.36 6.80 3.18 1.969 4.07 3.77 3.81 5.01
1.407 6.04 1.52 6.86 3.47 2.006 3.91 3.77 3.63 4.93
1.444 6.09 1.72 6.85 3.65 2.044 3.76 3.76 3.46 4.85
1.482 6.12 2.02 6.77 3.86 2.100 3.55 3.72 3.21 4.71
1.519 6.11 2.25 6.58 4.10 2.175 3.27 3.66 2.98 4.52
1.557 6.07 2.45 6.40 4.36 2.250 3.01 3,57 2.76 4.39
1.594 5.97 2.70 6.21 4.60 2.325 2.77 3.47 2.54 4.27
1.632 5.82 2.94 6.00 4.77 2.400 2.56 3.39 2.35 4.15
1.669 5.67 3.16 5.76 4.92 2.475 2.37 3.29 2.22 3.96
1.707 5.49 3.37 5.45 5.06
See also Fig. 13.3.10 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε11 (0) 30 T = 5 K, 80 K, from harmonic oscillator analysis of IR
ε33 (0) 43 T = 300 K reflectivity and multiple reflection
ε11 (∞) 23 interference effects
ε33 (∞) 36
14 IAx–IBy compounds
Fig. 14.0.1. Cesium chloride structure. Fig. 14.0.2. CsAu. Brillouin zone for the simple cubic lattice.
14.1 CsAu
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 14.0.3 (p.435), Brillouin zone: Fig. 14.0.2 (p.434).
The conduction bands are essentially free electron like and the lowest set has minima at the X and R points of
the Brillouin zone.
The uppermost valence band consists of a filled s-like band with a width smaller by a factor of 2.5 than a free
electron band. Due to the large Au–Au interatomic distance the lower lying d-bands show very little dispersion
and appear essentially as core-like states with a spin orbit splitting between Au 5d5/2 and Au 5d3/2 of 1.5 eV.
The same is true for the p-bands of Cs.
Fig. 14.0.3. Band structure of CsAu. Fig. 14.0.4. Band structure off RbAu.
energy gap
Eg 2.5 eV T = 300 K optical absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T – 4·10–4 eV K–1 T = 300 K shift of absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 4.258(1) Å
d 7.065 g cm–3 T = 300 K determined from structure data
melting temperature
Tm 590oC thermal analysis
Transport properties
Resistivity: Fig. 14.1.1 (CD), Hall coefficient and mobility: Figs. 14.1.2 (CD) and 14.1.3 (CD).
No success in growing good crystals of pure CsAu has been reported so far. Consequently the existing transport
data refer to extrinsic carriers.
14.2 RbAu
band structure: Fig. 14.0.4 (p.435), Brillouin zone: Fig. 14.0.2 (p.434).
According to the KKR calculation the band structure is very similar to that of CsAu.
energy gap
The optical gap is about 2.5 eV at room temperature and about 2.2 eV at 480oC.
lattice parameter
a 4.098(1) Å
melting temperature
Tm 498oC thermal analysis
No detailed transport measurements are reported to date. The visual appearance of RbAu is nonmetallic, brown.
15 Ix-Vy compounds
Left: Fig. 15.0.1. NaSb. Left part: the monoclinic structure of NaSb projected along its b axis, origin in lower left;
fractional y-parameters (·100) are inscribed in each atom. Right part a packing drawing of the NaSb arrangement
seen along its b axis; atoms have their metallic radii, the smaller antimony atoms being line-shaded.
Right: Fig. 15.0.2. The orthorhombic structure of RbSb (left) and CsSb (right) projected along the b axis; the
projection of the Sb helices is indicated by open circles; each drawing contains the y-parameters (·1000) in the left
part and the Sb–Sb bond lengths (in pm) and -angles in the right part.
Fig. 15.0.8...9. Band structures of cubic Rb3Sb (left) and Cs3Sb (right).
NaSb 465 oC
KSb 610 oC
RbSb 610 oC
CsSb 586 oC
Li3Sb 1150...1300oC
Li3Bi 1145oC
Na3Sb 859oC
K3Sb 812oC
Cs3Sb 725oC
Rb3Sb 733oC
Rb3Bi 642oC
Cs3Bi 635oC
At elevated temperatures a relatively high partial ionic conductivity of Li ions is reported: ≈ 10–3 Ω–1 cm–1 at
360oC for Li3Sb, ≈ 10–1Ω–1 cm–1 at 380oC for Li3Bi.
15.2.3 Na3Sb
band structure
The band structure of hexagonal Na3Sb has been calculated by an empirical pseudopotential method on the
basis of effective atomic potentials of the Heine-Abarenkov type. The calculated width of the lower conduction
band is of order 2 eV, the bottom being at point Γ of the Brillouin zone. The calculated direct gap energy is
Eg(Γ2v––Γ1c+) = 1.15 eV. The valence band consists of two narrow subbands, below 1 eV wide, and separated
by a significant energy gap.
energy gap
Eg 1.1 eV T = 300 K
transport properties
Measurements of the thermoelectric power indicate n-type conduction.
refractive index and absorption index: see Fig. 15.2.3 (CD).
15.2.4 K3Sb
band structure
See Fig. 15.0.7 (p.439), Brillouin zone: Fig. 15.0.6 (p.439) (cubic K3Sb).
For both cubic and hexagonal K3Sb the band structure has been calculated by an empirical pseudopotential
method on the basis of model potentials of the Heine-Abarenkov type. The nonlocal nature of the potassium
potential and the effect of spin-orbit interaction of antimony have been taken into account.
The lowest set of conduction bands has minima at the Γ-point of the Brillouin zone. In the cubic structure the
lowest conduction band is separated by a forbidden energy band from the higher conduction bands. A direct
energy gap is calculated of Eg(Γ15v–Γ1c) = 1.44 eV for cubic K3Sb, and Eg(Γ6v––Γ1c+) = 2.06 eV for hexagonal
The valence band consists of two subbands which show relatively weak dispersion and which are separated by
a significant energy gap. The effect of spin-orbit interaction of order 1 eV mainly leads to a splitting of the
upper valence band and the higher conduction bands, see Fig. 15.0.7 (p.439).
energy gap
Eg 1.1 eV T = 300 K, spectral response of photoconductivity
1.4 eV cubic optical absorption
15.2.5 Rb3Sb
band structure
The energy spectrum of Fig. 15.0.8 (p.439) has been calculated for an ordered cubic structure with the
symmetry of Oh5; spin-orbit interaction, however, has not been taken into account.
energy gap
Eg 1.0 eV T = 300 K spectral response of photoconductivity
optical absorption spectrum: Fig. 15.2.6 (CD).
Both n- and p-type transport behavior may occur depending on structure. From conductivity measurements on
thin films in the temperature range from – 162oC to + 60oC an activation energy of about 0.4 eV is reported.
15.2.6 Cs3Sb
band structure: Fig. 15.0.9 (p.439).
The energy spectrum of Fig. 15.0.9 has been calculated for an ordered cubic structure with the symmetry of
Oh5 without including spin-orbit interaction. The top of the valence band is expected at the W3 level.
energy gap
Eg 1.6 eV T = 300 K
15.3.1 Na2KSb
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 15.0.10 (p.440).
energy gap
Eg 1.0 eV T = 300 K spectral response of photoconductivity
and optical absorption
Transport properties
electrical conductivity: Fig. 15.3.1 (CD).
mobility of charge carriers
μp 2.6...4.8 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall mobility
extrinsic carrier concentration
n 5...10·1017 cm–3 T = 300 K from conductivity and Hall coefficient
Optical properties
Imaginary part of dielectric constant: Fig. 15.3.2 (CD).
Extinction coefficient k and index of refraction n: Fig. 15.3.3 (CD).
15.3.2 K2CsSb
band structure: Fig. 15.0.11 (p.462).
energy gap
Eg 1.0 eV spectral response of photoconductivity and
optical absorption
p-type conduction is suggested. An extremely high resistance in comparison to all other alkali antimonides has
been observed for K2CsSb at room temperature.
16 Ix-VIy compounds
16.0 Crystal structure and electronic structure
Among the Ix-VIy compounds the oxides, sulfides, selenides and tellurides of copper and silver are of interest
in semiconductor physics.
Left: Fig. 16.0.1. CuO. Tenorite structure. Perspective view showing 4 unit cells. Spheres represent oxygen,
ellipsoids are coppers. The numbers refer to different copper ions.
Right: Fig. 16.0.2. Cu2O. Cuprite structure. a) origin on an O site; b) origin on a Cu site.
Orthorhombic chalcocite (= low temperature chalcocite or γ-Cu2S): space group: C2v15–Ab2m. The unit cell
contains 96 Cu2S formula units. Lattice parameters a = 11.885 Å, b = 27.325 Å, c = 13.496 Å.
Hexagonal chalcocite: β-Cu2S is stable between 103.5oC and 435oC. The structure is hexagonal with the S
atoms arranged in a nearly perfect close-packing and the Cu atoms distributed in the interstices in an almost
fluid-like way. Space group: D6h4–P63/mmc. The unit cell contains 4 Cu2S molecules. The lattice parameters
are: a = 4.005 Å and c = 6.806 Å.
Digenite: The region of the copper sulfide system where the mineral digenite occurs, 1.74 < x < 1.95, exhibits
an intricate manifold of phases. There are only two discrete equilibrium forms of digenite, corresponding to
compositions x = 1.89 and x = 1.84. A sequence of supperlattice ordering transitions is reported in digenite-
type crystals. Low temperature digenite is observed for T < 80oC and 1.765 < x < 1.79; space group is Oh7-
Fd3m. The cubic unit cell with an edge of a = 27.71 Å corresponds to a superstructure of an elementary cubic
cell with a' = 5.54 Å edge length. That phase seems to be unstable when pure and needs to be stabilized by Fe
in the natural mineral digenite. High temperature digenite is observed for T > 80oC and has the space group
Oh5 – Fm3m. The unit cell corresponds to an edge length of a = 5.57 Å (≈ a' of digenite LT). Cu atoms are
distributed statistically; the range of existence is 1.73 < x < 1.84, somewhat broader than for LT digenite.
Djurleite corresponds to 1.935 < x < 1.955. The orthorhombic (or pseudo-orthorhombic) cell contains 128
Cu2S formula units and parameters are: a = 26.92 Å, b = 15.71 Å, c = 13.56 Å.
Djurleite (Cu1.938S) was also found to be monoclinic with space group P21/n and the following unit cell
parameters: a = 26.90 Å, b = 15.75 Å, c = 13.57 Å, β = 90o13'. The monoclinic cell contains also 248 Cu and
128 S.
Cu2Se has been classified in the cubic system with space group Oh5–Fm3m in which four selenium ions
occupy the 4(a) sites. Seven copper ions are statistically distributed over the 32(f)I sites of this space group and
the remaining copper ion is distributed over the 32(f)II sites. An α- → β-phase transition occurs at T = 409 K.
Cu2Te undergoes four polymorphic transitions at 180oC, 305oC and 460...555oC. For the room temperature
form a hexagonal structure has been suggested with cell parameters a = 4.17 Å, c = 21.71 Å.
AgO: Monoclinic AgO has the following unit cell parameters: a = 5.85 Å, b = 3.47 Å, c = 5.49 Å, β = 107.5°,
and a space group C2h5–P21/c This structure consists of a deformed face centered cubic metal atom
arrangement with equal proportions of linearly ccordinated Ag (I) and approximately square planar coordinated
Ag (III) atoms, see Fig. 16.0.3 (p.448). Teragonal AgO has the following unit cell parameters: a = 6.833(3) Å,
c = 9.122(4) Å, and a space group I41/a. Tetragonal silver oxide shows structural features similar to those of
monoclinic AgO. Its metal atom arrangement forms a distorded face-centered cubic substructure wich contains
two non equivalent Ag sites in equal proportion.
Ag2O has the cuprite cubic structure, whose space group is Th2–Pn3, with a = 4.72 Å at 26oC or space group
Oh4–Pn3m with a = 4.736 Å at room temperature.
The silver sulfides, selenides and tellurides crystallize in several modifications:
α-Ag2S. The natural mineral acanthite is monoclinic with a tetramolecular unit with: a = 4.23 Å, b = 6.91 Å,
c = 7.87 Å, β = 99o35'. Space group: C2h5–P21/n.
Tetragonal Ag2S has been observed in a narrow temperature range, between the α and β phases, at 170oC to
180oC. The tetragonal cell has a = b = 6.90 Å, c = 4.77 Å.
β-Ag2S, the natural mineral argentite, is stable for T > 180oC, and corresponds again to a bcc sulfur lattice with
a = 4.88 Å, but Ag ions are distributed statistically.
γ-Ag2S, the high temperature phase with a fcc sulfur lattice is also cubic with a = 6.209 Å at 600oC.
Left: Fig.16.0.3. AgO. Structure segment of monoclinic AgO (a) viewed approximately down the twofold axis,
compared to that in tetragonal AgO (b) viewed approximately perpendicular to the fourfold axis. Unit cells
indicated by solid lines. Heavy full lines: metal-oxygen bonds. Open arrows indicate directions of third-nearest
metal neighbors wich differ in both structures.
Right: Fig. 16.0.4. Ag2Te. Structural model for β-Ag2Te.
α-Ag2Se. The structural data are contradictory. The anionic lattice has been described as nearly fcc. An earlier
determination yields a tetragonal face-centered cell, with a = b = 7.06 Å, c = 4.98 Å. Other authors consider an
orthorhombic cell (space group D24–P212121), with a = 4.333 Å, b = 7.062 Å and c = 7.764 Å.
β-Ag2Se. The high temperature phase has the structure of the Cu2O-type, with a bcc anionic lattice, and a =
4.99 Å at 170oC. The cations are distributed on the 42 e, h and g sites. The space group then is Oh9–Im3m.
α-Ag2Te. α-Ag2Te has been described as rhombic or monoclinic but with a space group C2h5–P21/c. It has also
been described as monoclinic with the space group P21/n with the following parameters: a = 8.15 Å, b = 4.47
Å, c = 8.09 Å, β = 112o40'.
β-Ag2Te. β-Ag2Te has an fcc Te lattice, and the Ag ions are distributed statistically. It was reported to be fcc,
with lattice spacing a = 6.572 Å at 250°C or with an average fcc structure and a ≈ 6.6 Å. See Fig. 16.0.4
γ-Ag2Te. γ-Ag
γ 2Te has a bcc Te lattice, the Ag ions are distributed statistically and a = 5.29 Å.
Electronic properties
No calculated band structure.
energy gap
Eg,ind 1.4(3) eV ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy
Eg 1...1.7 eV from various sources
Lattice properties
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α ≈ 0 K–1 T = 213...230 K see Fig. 16.1.1 (CD)
phonon dispersion relations
Phonon dispersion curves of CuO have been measured in different axes by inelastic neutron scattering and
fitted by a 22 rigid ion model (Fig. 16.6 (CD)). The zone center modes decompose according to factor group: Γ
= 4Αu + 5Βu + Αg + 2Βg. The three acoustic modes are represented by Αu + 2Βu, the six 3Αu + 3Βu modes are
infrared active and the three Αg + 2Βg modes are Raman active.
phonon wavenumbers
Ag 296 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
B1g 344 cm–1
B2g 629 cm–1
A1u 161 cm–1 T = 300 K IR reflection
A2u 321 cm–1
A3u 478 cm–1
B1u 147 cm–1
B2u 530 cm–1
B3u 590 cm–1
sound velocity
Velocities of sound υL as deduced from the slopes of the acoustic branches (Fig. 16.1.2 (CD)) with mainly
longitudinal character.
υL [100] 6.4·105 cm s–1 T = 296 K inelastic neutron scattering
υL [010] 4.1·105 cm s–1 T = 296 K
υL [001] 7.8·105 cm s–1 T = 296 K
υL [101] 5.4·105 cm s–1 T = 296 K
9.1·105 cm s–1 T = 296 K
υL [111] 6.8·105 cm s–1 T = 296 K
heat capacity
No singularity between 10 K and 300 K. Above 300 K Cp displays an unusual behaviour in many respects.
melting temperature
Tm ≈ 1630 K
Transport properties
From the empirical prediction expectation, CuO should be an n-type semiconductor. However, almost all
reported semiconducting CuO is of the p-type. Above 650°C, CuO is nearly stoichiometric and exhibits
intrinsic conduction.
ρ ≈ 180 Ω cm T = 123...400 K sputtered films
thermal activation energy of the electrical conductivity
EA 0.13...0.6 eV T ≈ 298 K
thermoelectric power (Seebeck coefficient)
S 180...250 μV K–1
The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) for pure and Li- or Al-doped
CuO has been measured.
Optical properties
Reflectance and transmittance ((Fig. 16.1.3 (CD)). Absorption coefficient (Fig.
( 16.1.4 (CD)).
Magnetic properties
Below the Néel temperature TN (230 K) CuO is an antiferromagnet whose magnetic moments are oriented
along the b axis of a monoclinic cell. At T = TL ≅ 213 K a first-order phase transition from the low-temperature
collinear 3D-AFM phase into an intermediate noncollinear incommensurate 3D-AFM phase, which exists in a
narrow temperature range TL ≤ T ≤ TN ≅ 230 K (the Néel temperature), is observed, and at temperatures T > TN
it transforms into a high temperature, low dimensional quantum antiferromagnetic phase.
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 16.0.5 (p.449).
energy gap
Eg,dirr (Γ7v+–Γ6c+) 2.17 eV T = 4.2 K optical absorption: limit of the "yellow" excitonic series
mn,ωc = 0.99 m0 and mp,ωc = 0.58 m0 are ascribed to the polaron masses in the upper valence band and the
lowest conduction band (band masses of 0.56 m0 and 0.93 m0).
Three exciton series have been extensively studied.
"Yellow" series
Eg 2.1725eV T = 4.2 K
R 0.9743 eV T = 4.2 K
"Green" series
Eg 2.3042 eV T = 4.2 K optical absorption
R 0.1497 eV
"Blue" series
Eg 2.6243 eV T = 4.2 K optical absorption
R 0.5578 eV T = 4.2 K
Lattice properties
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 23·10–8 K–1 T = 283 K
– 2.93·10–8 K–1 T = 80 K (minimal value of α)
phonon dispersion relation: Fig. 16.2.1 (CD).
3 acoustic and 15 optical branches. The zone center phonons are classified as Γ = 3Γ15 + Γ25 + Γ'12 + Γ'25 +
Γ'2. In a perfect lattice Γ'25 is Raman active and only two optical Γ15 phonons are IR active.
phonon frequencies
ν(Γ25) 2.61⋅1012 s–1 T = 293 K inelastic neutron scattering
ν(Γ'12) 3.15⋅1012 s–1 T = 293 K inelastic neutron scattering
νTO(Γ15) 4.386⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K IR absorption and Raman scattering
νLO(Γ15) 4.48⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K IR absorption and Raman scattering
melting temperature
Tm 1508 K (at 0.6 Torr)
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0.
Electronic properties
energy gap
β-Cu2S (chalcocite) has an indirect gap, with the conduction band minimum at the Γ point, but the valence
band edge at a non-zero value of the electron wavevector. The valence band originates from sulfur 3p wave-
function, the conduction band is expected to be essentially of Cu 4s type.
Eg,ind 1.21 eV T = 300 K optical reflexion and absorption
Eg,dirr 1.7 eV T = 300 K optical absorption and reflection
Eg 1.183 eV T = 120 K tetragonal phase (photoconductivity)
1.0 eV T = 300 K orthorhombic Cu2S (from different sources)
Lattice properties
isothermal compressibility
κ ≈ 40·10–12 m2 N–1 T = 300 K γ
γ-Cu 2S
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0 above.
Electronic properties
Cu2−xSe is a p-type extrinsic semiconductor with a forbidden energy gap of 1.1...1.29 eV and an anomalously
high cation conductivity in the α-phase.
energy gap
Eg 1.20 eV T ≈ 298 K Cu1.9Se (berzelianite) thin film
(1.0...1.1) eV
effective masses
mp 0.5 m0 T = 300 K Fig. 16.4.1 (CD)
For the density of states mass see Fig. 16.4.2 (CD).
Lattice properties
heat capacity
Cp 73.4 J mol–1 K–1 T = 193 K...393 K calorimetry
84 J mol–1 K–1 T = 403 K...773 K
d 7.1 g cm–3 crookesite
7.0 g cm–3 berzelianite
6.8 g cm–3 umagite
6.6 g cm–3 athabascaite
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0 above.
Electronic properties
energy gap
Both direct and indirect energy gap exist in Cu2Te. Eg,dirr strongly depends on the value of x in Cu2−xTe while
Eg,ind decreases sligthly as x increases.
Eg,dirr 0.8 eV Cu1.9Te thin film (transmission)
Eg,ind 0.50 eV transport properties
hole effective mass
mp 0.39 m0 T = 300 K from thermoelectric coefficient
Lattice properties
heat capacity
Cp 77 J mol–1 K–1 T = 333 K
d 7.3 g cm–3 weissite
7.5 g cm–3 rickardite
The absorption coefficient varies like K = A (hν – Eg)p with p ≈ 2.1 ((A is a constant and Eg the energy gap),
suggesting an indirect gap (Fig.
( 16.5.2 (CD)).
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0 above.
physical properties
AgO is an n-type semiconductor. After exposition to oxygen plasma, thin films contain about 12% O excess. At
high pressures, it becomes a degenerate semiconductor.
Resistivity: about (1...5)·106 Ω cm on 250 Å films.
d 7.44 g cm–3
energy gap, effective masses
The band structure is expected to be similar to Cu2O; the exciton spectrum has been studied extensively and it
yields the gap value.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.571 eV T=4K exciton absorption
1.2 eV T = 293 K photoconductivity
1.4 eV T = 223 K
1.6 eV T = 143 K
d g/dT
dE T 2·10–3 eV K–1 T = 140...300 K
effective masses
mn 0.7 m0 T = 4.2 K (from mp/mn and mp–1 + mn–1 obtained
mp 1.9 m0 T = 4.2 K with exciton spectra)
d 6.9 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 1088 K
phonon frequencies
ν 2.55⋅1012 s–1 T = 293 K IR absorption
2.62⋅1012 s–1 T = 100 K
2.76⋅1012 s–1 T = 4.2 K
heat capacity: see Fig. 16.6.1 (CD).
resistivity: see Fig. 16.6.2 (CD).
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0 above.
Electronic properties
energy gaps, effective masses, α-modification
energy gap
Eg,ind 0.85 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity
Eg,dirr 1.0 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 1.2·10–3 eV K–1 T = 300...580 K shift of optical absorption edge.
Fig. 16.7.1 (CD)
effective masses
mn 4.65 m0 T = 365 K electrical conductivity, Hall effect
mp 7.59 m0 T = 365 K and thermoelectric power
Transport properties
In the low temperature phase, the influence of stoichiometry on the respective magnitude of ionic and
electronic conductivity is important. α-Ag2S is n-type. Donor level at 0.11 eV below the conduction band.
carrier mobilities
μn 63.5 cm2/V s T = 365 K conductivity and Hall effect
μp 18.7 cm2/V s T = 365 K conductivity and Hall effect
See also Fig. 16.7.3 (CD).
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 3.7·1015 cm–3 T = 365 K conductivity and Hall effect
1.1·1016 cm–3 T = 400 K
6·1016 cm–3 T = 431 K
electrical conductivity: Fig. 16.7.4 (CD)
β- and γ-modification
The crystallographic phase transition is correlated to a large increase of the electrical conductivity σ (by a
factor of 102...103) (Fig.
( 16.7.5 (CD)). Most samples show a negative dσ/dT (metallic character) (Fig. 16.7.6
thermoelectric power: Fig. 16.7.7 (CD)
electron mobility
μn 160 cm2/V s T = 500 K
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 2.7·1019 cm–3 T = 473 K
4·1019 cm–3 T = 500 K
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0 above.
Electronic properties
energy gap, effective masses
Ag2Se is an n-type degenerate semiconductor of high (nearly 1019 cm–3) carrier concentration, irregularly high
carrier mobility and with a degree of ionic conduction.
energy gap
Eg 0.15 eV T = 293 K optical absorption
effective masses
mn 0.32 m0 T < Tα,β transport data
mp 0.54 m0 T < Tα,β
Lattice properties
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 35.4·10–6 K–1 α-Ag2Se
18.1·10–6 K–1 β-Ag2Se
Debye temperature
ΘD 190 K T = 80 K calorimetry
...160 K
d 8.25 g cm–3 T = 300 K temperature dependence: Fig. 16.8.1 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 1153...1170 K
Transport properties
electrical conductivity: Fig. 16.8.2 (CD)
carrier mobilities
μn 1990 cm2/V s T = 349 K conductivity and Hall data
μp 523 cm2/V s T = 349 K
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 3.2·1018 cm–3 T = 349 K conductivity and Hall data
Crystal structure
For structure and lattice parameters see section 16.0 above.
17 IIx-IVy compounds
The most important semiconductors of this group are the silicide, germanide, stannide and plumbide of
Mg2Si crystallizes in the antifluorite structure (Fig. 17.0.1a). The X atoms form an fcc sublattice with lattice
constant a, and the Mg atoms form a simple cubic sublattice with lattice constant a/2. X atoms are situated in
the center of cubes built by the Mg atoms whereas Mg atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated byX atoms. The
lattice can be thought of as a zincblende lattice where the cations at (a/2)(1,1,1) are replaced by two Mg-atoms
at (a/2)(1,1,1) and (3a/2)(1,1,1), respectively. Thus the antifluorite lattice has inversion symmetry in contrast to
the zincblende lattice. The primitive cell (Fig. 17.0.1b) contains three atoms (one formula unit) with eight
valence electrons.
The space group is Oh5 (Fm3m). The Bravais lattice is the face centered cubic lattice (fcc).
The Brillouin zone is shown in Fig. 17.0.2. Band structures of the four Mg2-IV compounds are shown in
Figs. 17.0.3...17.0.6.
Besides the Mg2-IV compounds some Ca2-IV compounds and some Ba,Sr-IV2 compounds are known as
semiconductors. See section 17.5 for details.
Left: Fig. 17.0.1. The antifluorite lattice of the Mg2X-compounds. a) Face centered sublattice of the X-atoms (lattice
constant a) and simple cubic sublattice of the Mg-atoms (lattice constant a/2); b) primitive cell.
Right: Fig. 17.0.2. Brillouin zone for the Mg2X-compounds.
Crystal structure
See section 17.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: see Fig. 17.0.3 (p.465), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.4464).
The lowest set of conduction bands has its minima at (or near to) the points X on the surface of the Brillouin
zone. Surfaces of constant energy are prolate ellipsoids of revolution around the extrema. A second set of
conduction bands follows at X at a slightly higher energy.
The valence band consists of an upper set of three bands with six electrons per primitive cell and a lower s-like
band with two electrons per primitive cell. The top of the valence band shows a "germanium-like" degeneracy
of a heavy hole band and a light hole band at Γ. A third valence band maximum is split off by spin-orbit
energy gaps
Eg,ind(Γ15v–X3c) 0.77 eV T=0K temperature dependence of conductivity and
Hall coefficient
Eg,dir(Γ15v–Γ1c) 2.27 eV T = 300 K electroreflectance
d T – 5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 90...370 K shift of absorption edge
intra conduction band transition energies
E(X1c–X3c) 0.40 eV absorption band
intra valence band transition energies
Δ0 (at Γ15v) 0.03 eV absorption band (spin-orbit splitting at Γ)
Δ1 (at L3'v) 0.02 eV Raman spectrum (spin-orbit splitting at L)
effective masses
mn 0.46 m0 Hall effect
mp 0.87 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.338 Å
volume expansion coefficient
β 3.44·10–5 K–1 T = 300 K
dβ/dT 14.0·10–9 K–2
κ 1.81·10–12 cm2/dyn T = 300 K from elastic constants
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 17.1.1 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.464).
Being three atoms in the unit cell of Mg2Si there are one acoustic and two optical branches in the phonon
spectrum. At q = 0 one of the optical branches is triply degenerate and Raman active (symmetry: Γ25', F2g-
phonon). The other (infrared active) branch of symmetry Γ15 (F1u-phonon) is split by the macroscopic
Coulomb field into a doubly degenerate TO mode and a LO mode.
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ15) 8.0⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K infrared reflectivity
νLO(Γ15) 9.8⋅⋅1012 s–1
10.56⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 77 K Raman spectroscopy
ν(Γ25') 7.75⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K
7.86⋅⋅1012 s–1 T = 77 K
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
17 IIx-IVy compounds 467
sound velocities
υ LA 7.68⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 1 1 0 ] -direction
υ TA,I 4.83⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] -direction, lower branch
υ TA,II 4.97⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] -direction, upper branch
υ LA 7.65⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] -direction
υ TA 4.95⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] -direction
second order elastic moduli
c11 12.1(2)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K calculated from sound velocities
c12 2.2(2)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 (for temperature dependence,
c44 4.64(5)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 see Fig. 17.1.2 (CD))
Debye temperature
ΘD 417 K T = 300 K
lattice heat capacity
Cv 0.001 J mol–1 K–1 T=5K from heat capacity measurements
0.013 J mol–1 K–1 T = 10 K
8.82 J mol–1 K–1 T = 50 K
33.81 J mol–1 K–1 T = 100 K
67.87 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 1.88 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 1102oC
Transport properties
Electrical transport occurs via band conduction. No polaron effects or hopping conduction have been observed.
The dominating scattering mechanisms are optical mode and impurity scattering.
electrical conductivity, Hall effect: Fig. 17.1.3 (CD).
mobility of charge carriers
μn 550 cm2/V s T = 300 K Hall mobility, for temperature
μp 70 cm2/V s dependence, see Fig. 17.1.4 (CD)
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 1·1014 cm–3 T = 300 K from conductivity and Hall coefficient
thermal conductivity: see Fig. 17.1.5 (CD).
Optical properties
Spectral dependence of optical constants: Fig. 17.1.6 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 20 from infrared reflectivity
ε (∞) 13.3 from infrared reflectivity
Crystal structure
See section 17.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 17.0.4 (p.465), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.464).
For general aspects of the band structure, see the remarks on the band structure of Mg2Si.
energy gap
Eg,ind(Γ15v–X1c) 0.74 eV T=0K temperature dependence of conductivity and
Hall coefficient
0.548 eV T = 300 K shape of absorption edge
Eg,dir(Γ15v–Γ1c) 1.64 eV T = 300 K electroreflection
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 2·10–4 eV K–1 surface barrier photoresponse
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 3.5·10–4 eV K–1 surface barrier photoresponse
intra conduction band transition
E(X3c–X1c) 0.58 eV absorption band
intra valence band transitions
Δ0 (at Γ15v) 0.20 eV absorption band (spin-orbit splitting at Γ)
Δ1 (at L3'v) 0.13 eV T = 300 K electroreflection
effective masses
mn 0.18 m0 conductivity and Hall coefficient
mp 0.31 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.393 Å
volume expansion coefficient
β 7.33·10–6 K–1 from elastic constants.
Linear expansion coefficient α and the fractional change in length Δl/
l l vs. temperature, Fig. 17.2.1 (CD).
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
17 IIx-IVy compounds 469
κ 1.83·10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 300 K from elastic constants
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 17.2.2 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.464).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ15) 6.2·1012 s–1 T = 300 K infrared reflectivity
νLO(Γ15) 7.1·1012 s–1 T = 300 K infrared reflectivity
ν(Γ25') 7.64·1012 s–1 T = 300 K Raman spectroscopy
Eph,ind 0.025 eV T=0K phonon participating in the indirect band-band
transition Γ15 – X3
sound velocities
υ LA 6.3·105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 1 0 0 ] -direction, temperature
υ TA 3.8·105 cm s–1 independent in the range 50...300 K
υ LA 6.2·105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] -direction
υ TA 3.8·105 cm s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 11.79(15)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K calculated from sound velocities
c12 2.30(50)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 (for temperature dependence,
c44 4.65 (10)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 see Fig. 17.2.3 (CD))
Debye temperature
ΘD 363.0 K T = 300 K
lattice heat capacity
Cv 0.007 J mol–1 K–1 T=5K from heat capacity measurements
0.051 J mol–1 K–1 T = 10 K
13.85 J mol–1 K–1 T = 50 K
40.89 J mol–1 K–1 T = 100 K
69.62 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 3.09 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 1115oC
Transport properties
Electrical transport occurs via band conduction. No polaron effects or hopping conduction have been observed.
electrical conductivity, Hall effect: Fig. 17.2.4 (CD).
Optical properties
Spectral dependence of infrared reflectivity: Fig. 17.2.7 (CD), of index of refraction and extinction coefficient:
Fig. 17.2.8 (CD), of the dielectric function: Fig. 17.2.9 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 21.7 Raman spectroscopy
ε (∞) 13.9
Crystal structure
See section 17.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 17.0.5 (p.465), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.464).
For general aspects of the band structure, see the remarks on the band structure of Mg2Si. According to the
variation of the indirect gap in solid solutions with Mg2Sn the symmetry of the lowest and the second-lowest
conduction band is interchanged compared with Mg2Si and Mg2Ge.
energy gaps
Eg,ind(Γ15v–X3c) 0.30 eV T = 15 K extrapolation of straight-line part
0.23 eV T = 300 K of absorption coefficient to zero
Eg,dir(Γ15v–Γ1c) (1.2 eV) (calculated from band structure)
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 1.7·10–4 eV K–1 shift of absorption edge
intra conduction band transitions
Ec2 – Ec1 0.125 eV T = 300 K pressure dependence of conductivity
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
17 IIx-IVy compounds 471
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.762 Å
volume expansion coefficient
β 2.97·10–5 K–1 T = 300 K
κ 2.83·10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 300 K from elastic constants
Debye temperature
ΘD 240.0 K T = 300 K
lattice heat capacity
Cv 0.0191 J mol–1 K–1 T=5K from heat capacity measurements
0.241 J mol–1 K–1 T = 10 K
20.55 J mol–1 K–1 T = 50 K
47.12 J mol–1 K–1 T = 100 K
72.50 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 3.59 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 778oC
phonon dispersion relations: Fig.17.3.1 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.464).
phonon frequencies
νTO(Γ15) 5.56·1012 s–1 T = 300 K inelastic thermal neutron scattering
νLO(Γ15) 6.96·1012 s–1 T = 100...300 K far infrared reflectivity
ν(Γ25') 6.67·1012 s–1 T = 300 K thermal neutron scattering
νTA(X5') 2.21·1012 s–1
Transport properties
Electrical transport occurs via band conduction. No polaron effects or hopping conduction have been observed.
electrical conductivity and galvanomagnetic effects: Figs. 17.3.3 (CD) and 17.3.4 (CD).
mobility of charge carriers
μn 210 cm2/V s T = 300 K Hall mobility, temperature dependence: T –2.5
(see also Fig 17.3.4 (CD))
μp 250 cm2/V s T = 300 K Hall mobility, temperature dependence in the
intrinsic range T –2.5, in the mixed conduction
range T –1.5, see Fig. 17.3.5 (CD)
intrinsic carrier concentration
ni 3·1017 cm–3 T = 300 K conductivity and Hall coefficient
Optical properties
Absorption edge: Fig. 17.3.7 (CD), spectral dependence of optical constants: Figs. 17.3.8 (CD), 17.3.9 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 23.75 infrared reflectivity
ε (∞) 15.5
17 infrared reflectivity
Crystal structure
See section 17.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 17.0.6 (p.465), Brillouin zone: Fig. 17.0.2 (p.464).
Mg2Pb is a semi-metal. Conduction band and valence band slightly overlap. In spite of this overlapping the
general aspects of the band structure are similar to the other Mg2X-compounds. Thus, the valence band consists
of two bands degenerated at Γ (symmetry Γ8–) and a split-off band (symmetry Γ7+). The heavy hole valence
band is warped whereas the light hole band is almost spherical. The minima of the conduction band
(overlapping with the Γ8–-bands) are situated at X.
energy gap
Eg,ind – 0.15 (5) eV estimate based on effective mass and carrier
concentration data
anisotropy parameter of heavy hole valence band
A – 15.3 magnetoresistance
B 12.1
C 11.0
effective masses
mp,h 0.35(2) m0 [ 1 0 0 ] -direction, Shubnikov-de Haas effect
0.45 (6) m0 [ 1 1 0 ] -direction
0.45 (6) m0 [ 1 1 1 ] -direction
mp,l 0.04 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.860 Å
volume expansion coefficient
β 3.0·10–5 K–1 T = 300 K extrapolated from Mg2Si, -Ge, -Sn
κ 2.59·10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 300 K from elastic constants
Debye temperature
ΘD 244.0 K T = 300 K
lattice heat capacity
Cv 0.0723 J mol–1 K–1 T=5K from heat capacity measurements
0.9496 J mol–1 K–1 T = 10 K
25.647 J mol–1 K–1 T = 50 K
49.715 J mol–1 K–1 T = 100 K
72.431 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 5.54 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 555oC
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ15) 5.79·1012 s–1 T = 77 K Raman spectroscopy
ν(Γ25') 6.42·1012 s–1 T = 300 K Raman spectroscopy
Transport properties
(see also Fig. 17.4.1 (CD))
mobilities of charge carriers
μn 1.2·104 cm2/V s T = 4.2 K magnetoresistance
μp,h 1.4·104 cm2/V s
μp,l 8.3·104 cm2/V s
carrier concentrations
n 3.5·1019 cm–3 T = 4.2 K magnetoresistance
ph 3.6·1019 cm–3
pl 5.4·1017 cm–3
18 IIx-Vy compounds
Left: Fig. 18.0.1. Band structure of Zn3P2 near the Γ point (not in scale). (a) pseudopotential calculation (without
spin-orbit and crystal field interaction). (b) experimental results.
Right: Fig. 18.0.2. Band structure of Cd3P2. Dashed lines show the approximate structure deduced from symmetry
properties and compatibility relations for the space group D4h15. The inset shows the Brillouin zone for the primitive
tetragonal lattice of Cd3P2 with indicated representation domain..
II3-V2 arsenides
α-Mg3As2 is the low temperature modification of Mg3As2 with anti-Mn2O3 structure (D35 type). The cubic
face centered unit cell contains 16 molecules in one formula unit.
The crystal structure of arsenides Me3As2 (Me = Zn, Cd) differs from that for phosphides Me3P2 only in the
arrangement of the zinc vacancy site (space group I41cd−C4v12). As a result of this difference, the unit cell of
Me3P2 is smaller than that of Me3As2. In arsenides each unit cell contains sixteen layers of atoms instead of the
eight layers that occurred for Me3P2. In tetragonal structure of both modifications, α-Zn3As2 (Fig. 18.3), and
α'-Zn3As2 (Fig. 18.0.4), arsenic atoms are slightly displaced from the ideal positions of close packing.
The Brillouin zone for Zn3As2 and Cd3As2 is shown in Fig. 18.0.5, the band structure of Cd3As2 in Fig.
Left: Fig. 18.0.3. (a) Crystal structure of α-Zn3As2. (b) The xy projections of the layers of the small fluorite unit cell
in the crystal structure of α-Zn3As2. Crosses: void centers of vacant tetrahedra of the As atoms.
Right: Fig. 18.0.4. Zn3As2. (a) Crystal structure of α'-Zn3As2. For comparison with the α-structure the origin has
been shifted; (b) The xy-projections of the layers of the small fluorite unit cell in the crystal structure of α'-Zn3As2.
Crosses: void centers of vacant tetrahedra of the As atoms.
P chains are oriented along certain crystallographic directions: for the tetragonal α-ZnP2 and β-CdP2 the
directions are [ 0 1 0 ] and [ 1 0 0 ] ; for the orthorhombic α-CdP2, it is [ 0 1 0 ] . In β-ZnP2, all the atoms are
tetrahedrally coordinated. Orthorhombic α-CdP2 almost exactly follows β-CdP2 in its structure.
Brillouin zone: Fig. 18.0.8. Band structure of ZnP2 and CdP2: Fig. 18.0.9.
Left: Fig. 18.0.5. Cd3As2. Brillouin zone (a) for the body-centered tetragonal structure C4v12 (c > 21/2a) showing
symmetry points and axes, (b) for the fluorite (CaF2) structure.
Right: Fig. 18.0.6. Cd3As2. E(k) k relation for the four level energy bands model. The wave vector k (in 106 cm–1) is
directed a) 0o, b) 5o, c) 90o from the tetragonal c-axis. Energies are labelled with respect to Ec.
Right: Fig. 18.0.9. α-ZnP2, β-CdP2. Different versions of the electronic band structure in the vicinity of the interband
gap (main optical transitions) of α-ZnP2 (a, b, c) and β-CdP2 (d) on the basis of photoconductivity and reflectivity
data. Energy values for 293 K.
II-V2 arsenides
The two non-equivalent Zn sites and four non-equivalent As sites in ZnAs2 are each coordinated tetrahedrally:
the Zn sites to four As and the As sites to two Zn and two As. The As atoms are arranged in semi-spiral chains
parallel to the c-axis Fig. 18.10. In CdAs2 both cadmium and arsenic atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated.
Left: Fig. 18.0.11. CdP4. The monoclinic structure. Bonds between all atoms are shown in the lower part and the
anion subarrays are emphasized in the upper part of the diagram.
Right: Fig. 18.0.12. Crystal structure of ZnAs and CdAs.
μH,n 10...20 cm2/V s T = 500 K
melting temperature
Tm 1073 K
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 18.0.1 (p.476), Brillouin zone: Fig. 18.0.2 (p.476).
According to theoretical calculations for the hypothetical anti-fluorite structure (CaF2) the lowest valence band
in Zn3P, (as well as in Cd3P,) is a phosphorus s-like level. The second band is a Zn (Cd) s-like band. The third
and fourth bands are s-like about Zn (Cd) and p-like about the P-atoms. The conduction band minima and
valence band maxima occur exactly at the center of the Brillouin zone.
energy gap
Eg,ind(Γ) 1.35 eV T = 300 K absorption
Eg,dirr 1.42 eV (Γ15v0(Γ7v)–Γ1c(Γ6c))
spin-orbit splitting of the valence band
Δso(Γ) 0.11 eV calculated by the pseudopotential method
0.16 eV T = 300 K derivative spectra of thin film
crystal field splitting energy
Δcr(Γ) 0.02 eV T = 300 K derivative spectra
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.09(2) Å for α-Zn3P2
c 11.45(3) Å
a 5.82 Å T = 1153 K for β-Zn3P2
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 8.33·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K dilatometric method, α-Zn3P2
13.7·10–6 K–1 T > 1140 K β-Zn3P2
Debye temperature
ΘD 320 K T = 300 K from elastic constants
heat capacity
Cp 47.10 J mol–1 K–1 T = 55 K calorimetric method in the temperature range
120.2 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K 55...300 K
Cv 47.06 J mol–1 K–1 T = 55 K
119.3 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 4.485 g cm–3 T = 300 K pycnometric method
4.59 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray measurement
melting temperature
Tm 1466 K under ptot ≈ 7 barsound velocities
Transport properties
(all data for p-type samples)
intrinsic carrier concentration
pi 3.56·1014 cm–3 T = 300 K from Hall measurements (Fig. 18.2.1 (CD))
ρ 10...105 Ω cm T = 300 K
hole mobility
μp 10...20 cm2/V s T = 300 K Hall mobility
50 cm2/V s T = 77 K temperature dependence proportional
T –3/2
Optical properties
refractive index
n 3.2...3.4 T = 300 K infrared region 1...2.5 μmn
3.4...4 T = 300 K visible region 0.5...1 μm
Spectral dependence: see Fig. 18.2.2 (CD).
dielectric constant
ε (0) 11 f = 1.9·109 s–1 resonance method, Kramers-Kronig analysis of
reflectivity spectra, see Fig. 18.2.3 (CD)
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.86 eV T=0K extrapolated from temperature dependence of
Hall coefficient and resistivity
0.99...1.0 eV T = 300 K thermoreflectance and absorption
d g/dT
dE T – 4.55·10–4 eV K–1 T = 5...80 K optical measurements
For the temperature dependence of Eg, see also Fig. 18.3.1 (CD).
spin-orbit splitting energy, valence band
Δso(Γ) 0.33 eV calculated by the pseudopotential method
0.35 eV thermoreflectance
crystal field splitting energy
Δcr(Γ) 0.07 eV calculated
effective masses
mp 0.65 m0 T = 600...800 K for Cu-doped samples
mn 1.70 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 11.7786 Å T = 300 K α-Zn3As2
c 23.6432 Å
a 11.789 Å T = 457 K α'-Zn3As2
c 23.635 Å
a 5.959 Å T = 1053 K β-Zn3As2
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 10.4·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K α-Zn3As2
Debye temperature
ΘD 124 K T = 300 K
heat capacity
Cp 21.66 J mol–1 K–1 T = 50 K calorimetric method
72.59 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Cv 26.14 J mol–1 K–1 T = 55 K calorimetric method
72.52 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 5.609 g cm–3 T = 300 K α-Zn3As2, X-ray measurements
5.601 g cm–3 T = 463 K α'-Zn3As2
5.578 g cm–3 T = 300 K β-Zn3As2, pycnometric measurement
melting temperature
Tm 1288 K
sound velocities
υ LA 4.080⋅⋅105 cm s–1 RT velocity of ultrasonic wave
υ TA 1.980⋅⋅105 cm s–1 propagation
κ 1.7·10–7 cm2 N–1 T = 300 K adiabatic
Transport properties
(all data for p-type samples)
hole concentration
p 7.3·1017 cm–3 T = 300 K extrinsic range
ρ 10...25 Ω cm T = 300 K
hole mobility
μp 160 cm2/V s T = 77 K resistivity, na = 4.8·1017 cm–3,
see Fig. 18.3.2 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 2.2·10–2 W cm–1 K–1
Optical properties
refractive index
n 3.85 T = 300 K, for thin films
λ = 2...12 μm
dielectric constant
ε (0) 10...11.8 resonance method, f = 1.9·109 s–1
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
band structure and Brillouin zone: Fig. 18.0.2 (p.476).
The extrema of the conduction and valence bands occur at the Γ-point. The valence band consists of three sub-
bands due to the influence of a tetragonal crystal field and spin-orbit interaction. The distance between the two
conduction band edges which occur at the Γ-point is about 0.1 eV. The lower s-like conduction band is
practically spherical but non-parabolic.
energy gap
Eg 0.50 eV T = 300 K absorption and photoconduction
d g/dT
dE T – 3·10–4 eV K–1 absorption, photoconduction
spin-orbit splitting energy, valence band
Δso(Γ) 0.1 eV T = 4.2 K experimental from SdH oscillations
crystal field splitting energy
Δcff(Γ) 0.034(17) eV T = 4.2 K, B = 19 T SdH oscillations
For dependence of mn on electron concentration at 90 K calculated from absorption measurements and other
empirical data, see Fig. 18.4.1 (CD)
electron effective mass at the bottom of the conduction band
mn 0.050(5) m0 T = 310 K
hole effective mass
mp,h 0.5(1) m0 T = 90...300 K absorption
mp,l 0.13 m0 theory
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.746(20) Å
c 12.28(3) Å
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 9.63·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K dilatometric measurement
Debye temperature
ΘD 270 K T = 300 K from elastic constants
ΘD,max 322 K T = 200 K
heat capacity
Cp 121.6 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K calorimetric method
Cv 120.4 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 5.64 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray measurements
melting temperature
Tm 1012(2) K
sound velocities
υ LA 4.1501(95)⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K
υ TA 2.0021 (48)⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K
Young's modulus
E 6.054·106 N cm–2 T = 300 K ultrasonic wave propagation
shear modulus
G 2.246(4)·106 N cm–2 T = 300 K
Poisson's ratio
ν 0.35(1) T = 300 K
κ 1.6·10–6 cm2 N–1 T = 300 K
Transport properties
(data on n-type samples)
electron concentration
n 0.2...7·1018 cm–3 T = 300 K Hall effect
electrical resistivity
ρ 9...25·10–3 Ω cm T = 300 K
electron mobility
μH,n 0.15...0.4·104 T = 300 K in extrinsic range: μ ∝ T –1
cm2/V s
thermal conductivity (electronic part)
κel 0.35...0.37 W m–1 K–1 T = 110 K from Righi-Leduc effect
Optical properties
dielectric constant
ε (0) 37 T = 300 K calculated from empirical values
ε (∞) 14...17 T = 300 K calculated from empirical values
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 18.0.6 (p.478), Brillouin zone: Fig. 18.0.5 (p.478)
The value of Eg and the positive value of Δcr, indicate that Cd3As2 has an inverted anisotropic band structure
with positive crystal splitting (resembling HgTe under tensile stress).
energy gap
Eg – 0.19 eV T = 300 K indirect gap between the heavy hole band
and the lowest conduction band
– 0.11 eV T = 110 K empirical data, assuming three band
approximation of Kane's model
d g/dT
dE T – 3.3·10–4 eV K–1 Hall effect measurements on single crystals
spin-orbit splitting energy
Δso(Γ) 0.21...0.31 eV T = 300 K calculated and experimental (thermoreflectance)
crystal field splitting energy
Δcr(Γ) 0.07eV calculated
effective masses
mn 0.035...0.076 m0 T = 300 K electrical and thermomagnetic measurements
mp,h 0.12 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 12.6461 Å T = 300 K temperature dependence in the range
c 25.4378 Å 300 K...493 K: Fig. 18.5.1 (CD)
a 12.6848 Å T = 503 K temperature dependence in the range
c 25.4887 Å 503 K...729 K: Fig. 18.5.1 (CD)
a 9.0364 Å T = 750 K temperature dependence in the range
c 12.6606 Å 749 K...791 K: Fig. 18.5.1 (CD)
a 6.4033 Å a = a0 = b0 = c0
Transport properties
electron concentration
n 0.06...12·1018 cm–3 T = 300 K poly- and single crystals
electrical resistivity
σ 0.23...6.4·10–4 Ω cm T = 77...300 K poly- and single crystals
For temperature dependence,
see Fig. 18.5.2 (CD)
Hall mobility of electrons
μH,n 9.8 cm2/V s T = 80 K Temperature dependence in the range
10.1 cm2/V s T = 4.2 K 4.2...300 K: Fig. 18.5.3 (CD)
2.6 cm2/V s T = 300 K single crystals, n = 5·1017 cm–3
thermal conductivity
κ 0.0245 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
0.15 W cm–1 K–1 T = 4.2 K polycrystal, see Fig. 18.5.4 (CD)
Optical properties
refractive index
n 5.5...6 T = 90...300 K interferometric data for thin films
λ = 6...14 μm
dielectric constants
ε(0) 36 calculated for n = 2·1018 cm–3
ε(∞) 16 absorption and reflection
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
band structure
The valence and conduction bands are composed of three subbands (Fig. 18.0.9a...c, p.479). The valence
subbands v1, v2, v3 and the c3 conduction subband are situated at the Γ point, while the c1 and c2 conduction
subbands are away from the center of the Brillouin zone (Fig. 18.0.8, p.479).
energy gap
Eg,ind 1.65 eV E ⊥ c, T = 293 K absorption edge
1.85 eV E || c, T = 293
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 2.3·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...293 K
Eg,dirr 2.18 eV E || c, T = 293 K
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 5.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...293 K
exciton levels
Egx 2.210(2) eV T = 4.2 K photoluminescence
2.195 eV formation of free exciton with emission of
a phonon
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.08(1) Å
c 18.59 (5) Å
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 3.8·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K dilatometric method
heat capacity
Cp 65.56 J mol–1 K–1 T = 298 K measurement performed on vacuum adiabatic
calorimeter in the range 360...390 K
d 3.536 g cm–3 X-ray measurement
melting temperature
Tm 1258(1) K
sound velocity
υ LA 5.950·105 cm s–1 T = 376...380 K calculated from dilatometric measurement
optical activity of lattice vibrations
The factor group D4 yields 72 atomic vibrations and 69 optical branches. Their reduced representation is Γvib =
9A1 + 8A2 + 9B1 + 17E. The reduced representation of the Raman active vibrations is ΓRvib = 9A1 + 9B1 + 9B2
+ 17E. That of their active vibrations is Γirvib = 8A2 + 17E.
Transport properties
(measurements only on p-type samples)
electrical conductivity
σ 3.3·10–8 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K
hole concentration
p 1.2·1010 cm–3 T = 300 K Hall effect
hole mobility
μH,p 1.8·103 cm2/V s T = 300 K
Electronic properties
band structure
The valence band is composed of four subbands v1...v4, whereas the conduction band consists of three sub-
bands c1...c3. One version of the band structure is shown in Fig. 18.6.1 (CD)
energy gap
Eg 1.42 eV T=0K extrapolated from Hall and resistivity data
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.85(2) Å
b 7.29 (2) Å
c 7.56(2) Å
β 102.30(2)o
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 2.6·10–6 K–1 dilatometric measurement
heat capacity
Cp 73.3 + 14·10–3 T [J mol–1 K–1] calorimetric method, temperature range
300...1000 K
d 3.47 g cm–3 pycnometric method
3.55 g cm–3 calculated from X-ray data
melting temperature
Tm 1265(1) K
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
band scheme: Fig. 18.7.1 (CD)
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.973 eV T = 293 K, E ⊥ c from transmission spectra,
Eg,dirr = Egx,dirr + Eb,dir
d g/dT
dE T – 3.1(2)·10–4 eV K–1 E || c absorption in the range 77...293 K
– 4.6(2)·10–4 eV K–1 E⊥c
excitonic band gaps
Egx,ind 0.875 eV T = 293 K, E || c from absorption spectra
Egx,dir 0.939 eV T = 293 K, E || c from photoconductivity and short-circuit
photocurrent spectra
exciton binding energy
Eb,dirr 17.5 meV T = 5...100 K, E ⊥ c from transmission spectra (forbidden series of
free exciton, n = 1, 2, 3)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 9.21(3) Å
b 7.64(3) Å
c 7.985(3) Å
β 102o28'
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 8.2·10–6 K−1 T = 300 K dilatometric method
κ 10.6·10–7 cm2 N–1 T = 300 K from sound velocity
Debye temperature
ΘD 234 K T = 300 K
heat capacity
Cp 72.60 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Cv 72.52 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 5 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray data, for temperature dependence of d,
see Fig. 18.7.2 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 1041(1) K p(As) = 3.3 atm
Transport properties
Undoped ZnAs2 samples are characterized by large anisotropy Hall coefficient, resistivity and Seebeck
carrier concentrations
p 2·1014 cm–3 T = 300 K undoped sample
n 8·1016 cm–3 T = 300 K Se and Te doped sample
electrical resistivity
ρ 10...105 Ω cm T = 300 K large anisotropy, depending
on crystallographic direction
carrier mobilities
μp 50...100 cm2/V s T = 300 K undoped and non-oriented samples
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
The data are for the β-modification, if not stated otherwise.
Electronic properties
band structure
The energy band structure, based on photoconductivity measurements and on wavelength modulated
photoresponse measurements, is similar to the band structure of α-ZnP2. The valence and conduction bands are
composed of three subbands. All valence subbands and the c3-conduction band are situated at Γ, whereas the c1
and c2-subbands are away from the center of the Brillouin zone.
band scheme: Fig. 18.0.9 (p.479).
energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.55 eV E ⊥ c, T = 293 K absorption edge
1.65 eV E || c, T = 293 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 9.90 Å
b 5.408 Å
c 5.471 Å
a 5.29 Å
c 19.74 Å
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 4.46·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K dilatometric method, for temperature depen-
dence in the range 300...580 K,
see Fig. 18.8.1 (CD)
sound velocity
υ LA 5.130·105 cm s–1 T = 373 K from dilatometric and X-ray measurements
second order elastic moduli
c33, c44, c' = 1/2(c11 + c12 + 2c66 ), c''= 1/2 (c11 − c12) in the range T = 78...260 K, see Fig. 18.8.2 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp 6848 J mol–1 K–1 T = 298 K
d 4.19 g cm–3 X-ray measurements
melting temperature
Tm 1057 K
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
The surfaces of constant energy are simple ellipsoids of revolution directed along the fourfold symmetry c-axis
of the tetragonal crystal.
energy gap
Eg 1.00 eV T = 297 K, E || c absorption edge
1.04 eV T = 297 K, E ⊥ c
Eg,ind 0.995 eV T = 293 K, E || c from absorption, photoconductivity
1.000 eV T = 293 K, E ⊥ c and short-circuit photocurrent spectra,
d g,ind/dT
dE −5.6·10−4 eV K−1 E || c, E ⊥ c from absorption spectra in the range
T = 77...293 K
exciton binding energy
Eb,ind 14.5 meV E || c, E ⊥ c from absorption and short-circuit photocurrent
spectra in the range T = 77...120 K
crystal field splitting energy
Δcrr 4...5 meV T = 77...293 K from absorption and photoconductivity spectra
effective masses
mn⊥ 0.58 (4) m0 T = 1.5 K, cyclotron resonance
mn|| 0.150(30) m0 in c-direction (20...35 kMc s–1)
mp⊥ 0.346 (25) m0
mp|| 0.094 (30) m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 7.954 (3) Å
c 4.678(2) Å
coefficient of linear thermal exponsion
α 6.8·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K dilatometric method
κ 2.4·10–7 cm2 N–1 T = 300 K from sound velocity
Debye temperature
ΘD 84 K T = 300 K
heat capacity
Cp 74.75 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Cv 74.46 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 5.88 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray data, temperature dependence in the
range 373...1000 K, see Fig. 18.9.1 (CD)
melting temperature
Tm 894 K at 1 atm of As
Transport properties
(all data for n-type samples)
CdAs2 samples are characterized by large anisotropy, resistivity and Seebeck coefficient.
electron concentration
n 7.5·1014 cm–3 T = 297 K Hall effect
7·1016 cm−3 T = 4.2 K from Hall effect
ρ 7..80 Ω cm T = 297 K
102...105 Ω cm T = 4.2 K
electron mobility
μn 100 cm2/V s T = 297 K in a-direction
400 cm2/V s in c-direction
thermal conductivity
κ 0.096 W cm–1 K–1
Optical properties
optical spectra
Spectral dependence of the dielectric function: Fig. 18.9.2 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 17.4 T = 300 K, E || c best oscillator fit
15.4 E⊥c
ε (∞) 13.8 E || c
11.5 E⊥c
18.10 CdP4
Crystal structure
See section 18.0.
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 0.90 eV T = 293 K, E || c absorption edge
0.99 eV T = 293 K, E ⊥ c
1.15 eV T=0K extrapolated from resistivity and Hall
d g/dT
dE T – 3.7·10–4 eV K–1 E || c absorption edge in the range 77...300 K
– 2.7·10–4 eV K–1 E⊥c
crystal field splitting energy
Δcrr 0.09 eV T = 293 K
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.27 Å
b 5.19 Å
c 7.66 Å
β 80o32'
Transport properties
(p-type samples)
hole concentration
p 2·1016 cm–3 T = 300 K Hall effect
electrical resistivity
ρ 3.5...5.5 Ω cm T = 300 K temperature dependence in the range
100...600 K, Fig. 18.10.1 (CD)
Electronic properties
band structure: according to pseudopotential calculations the maxima of the valence band are located at k =
(0.8π/a, 0, 0) (heavy hole band, Σ4 symmetry). A light hole band with Σ1 symmetry and extrema at k = (0.5π/a,
0, 0) occurs below the Σ4 band. Also below the Σ4 band two heavy hole bands with Δ2 and Δ1 symmetry exist.
Conduction band minima of Σ1 symmetry are located at k = (0.5π/a, 0, 0) and of Λ1 symmetry at k = (0, 0,
energy gaps
Eg,ind 0.5 eV T = 300 K absorption edge, measurements for three
Eg,dirr 1.11 eV T = 4.2 K, E || a polarizations
1.09 eV E || b
1.05 eV E || c
Fermi surface
only slightly cigar shaped energy ellipsoid of revolution along a-direction, measured by cyclotron resonance.
effective mass of current carriers on Fermi surface
m⊥ 0.146(10) m0 T = 4.2 K cyclotron resonance
m|| 0.175(10) m0
effective mass of holes
mp,h 0.35...0.54 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.218 Å
b 7.741 Å
c 8.115 Å
melting temperature
Tm 819 K ZnSb melts incongruently
d 6.36 g cm–3
Debye temperature
ΘD 225 K T = 80 K
Transport properties
(all data for p-type samples)
hole concentration
p 1016 cm–3 temperature dependence and anisotropy
of Hall coefficient, see Fig. 18.11.1b (CD)
electrical resistivity
temperature dependence and anisotropy, see Fig. 18.11.1a (CD)
hole mobility (anisotropic)
μc 800 cm2/V s T = 100 K c-direction, μ ∝ T –1/2
μa 200 cm2/V s a-direction, temperature dependence and
anisotropy, see Fig. 18.11.2 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.013 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Optical properties
refractive index
n 4.7 T = 300 K, b-direction
5 λ = 2 μm c-direction
5.4 a-direction
Electronic properties
band structure: According to pseudopotential calculations the top of the valence band is localized at k =
(0.8π/a, 0, 0) having Σ4 symmetry. A light holes band is situated with its maxima at k = (0.5π/a, 0, 0) about
0.12 eV below the Σ4 band. Heavy hole bands with Δ2 and Δ1 symmetries have extrema 0.3 eV below the Σ4
band. The theoretical valence band width is 10.2 eV. The minima of the conduction band are located at k =
(0.5π/a, 0,0) (Σ1 symmetry) and k = (0, 0, 0.8π/a) (Λ1 symmetry). The next bands begin about 0.8 eV above
these minima. The theoretical value of the indirect forbidden gap is 0.49 eV (Σ4v – Σ1c transitions), that of the
direct gap at Γ (Γ4v – Γ1c) is 1.63 eV.
energy gap
Eg.ind 0.485 eV T = 295 K, E || a
0.472 eV E || b
0.459 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 5.4·10–4 eV K–1
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 6.471 Å
b 8.253 Å
c 8.526 Å
Debye temperature
ΘD 180 K T = 80 K
d 6.98 g cm–3 T = 300 K calculated
melting temperature
Tm 729 K CdSb melts congruently
Transport properties
Electrical transport is realized via band conduction. Neither polaron effects nor hopping conduction have been
resistivity, Hall coefficient: see Fig. 18.12.1 (CD).
carrier mobilities
μp 300...700 cm2/V s T = 300 K Hall mobility (anisotropic)
μn 100...660 cm2/V s T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κ 10–2 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Optical properties
refractive index
n 4.5 T = 300 K, c-direction
4.58 λ = 3.1 μm b-direction
4.78 a-direction
dielectric constant
ε (0) 16.4
Crystal structure
See section 18.0. Zn4Sb3 is known in several modifications. It is metastable at room temperature. The following
data refer to the β-modification.
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 1.0 eV T=0K extrapolated from Hall data
hole effective mass
mp 0.12 m0 p ≈ 9·1017 cm–3
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 7.981 Å α-Zn4Sb3
b 7.495 Å
c 10.72 Å
a 10.74 Å β-Zn4Sb3
b 12.20 Å
c 8.20 Å
β 100.0(5)o
a 12.231 Å γ 4Sb3
c 12.417 Å
melting temperature
Tm 836 K Zn4Sb3 melts incongruently
d 6.81 g cm–3 T = 300 K pycnometric method
Transport properties
hole concentration
p 8.6·1017... T = 300 K Hall effect
1·1019 cm–3
electrical resistivity
ρ 7.3·10–3 Ω cm T = 300 K temperature dependence: Fig. 18.13.1 (CD)
hole mobility
μH,p 998 cm2/V s T = 300 K p ≈ 9·1017 cm–3
Crystal structure
Cd4Sb3 is metastable at room temperature similarly to Zn4Sb3,it exists in several modifications. The following
data refer to the β-modification.
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 1.2...1.6eV electrical measurements
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 13.07 Å α-Cd4Sb3
c 22.45 Å
a 8.152 Å β-Cd4Sb3
b 8.165 Å
c 11.960 Å
a 13.07 Å γ
γ-Cd 4Sb3
c 13.07 Å
d 6.87 g cm−3 T = 300 K pycnometric method of single crystal samples
melting temperature
Tm 703 K melts incongruently
Transport properties
hole concentration
p 3·1018...3·1019 cm–3 T = 300 K
electrical resistivity
ρ 1·10–2 Ω cm T = 300 K
hole mobility
μH,p 110 cm2/V s T = 300 K p = 3·1018cm–3, Fig. 18.14.1 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 1.37·10–2 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
18.15 Cd7P10
Space group: Fdd2; the orthorhombic cell contains 8 molecules.
lattice parameters
a 23.0(1) Å
b 27.50(15) Å
c 4.62(3) Å
d 5.01 g cm–3 X-ray measurements
melting temperature
Tm 1019 K Cd7P10 melts incongruently
some semiconductor parameters
Eg,dirr 1.73 eV T = 300 K absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T – 4.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K
S 1000 μV K–1 T = 300 K
At 300 K Cd7P10 is a p-type semiconductor; in the literature Cd7P10 sometimes is presented as Cd2P3.
18.16 Cd6P7
Space group: P 4 3m, the cubic unit cell contains 12 formula units
energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.85 eV T = 300 K absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T – 2.7·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K
lattice constant
a 10.567(1) Å
melting temperature
Tm 1016 K
d 5.39 g cm–3 X-ray measurements
5.37 g cm–3 pycnometric method
ρ 0.8 Ω cm T = 300 K van der Pauw method
electron concentration
n 1.5·1017 cm–3 T = 300 K
electron mobility
μn 4200 cm2/V s T = 300 K
19 II-VII2 compounds
Fig. 19.0.3. Band structure of CdI2. Fig. 19.0.4. Unit rhombohedron of the CdCll2
structure, space group D3d5.
From the Hg dihalides, HgCl2, HgBr2 and HgI2 are known as semiconductors. HgCl2 crystallizes in the
orthorhombic structure, space group Vh16 (D2h16). HgBr2 and the β (yellow) phase of HgI2 crystallize in the
orthorhombic structure of space group C2v12. This is a layer-like structure resembling the CdI2 and CdCl2
The α (red) phase of HgI2 is tetragonal.
Brillouin zone: Fig. 19.0.5, band structure of HgI2: Fig. 19.0.6.
Figs. 19.0.5...6. HgI2. Brillouin zone of the tetragonal lattice (left), band structure of α-HgI2 (right).
dielectric function, real part ε1 and imaginary part ε2: Fig. 19.1.1 (CD)
dielectric function, real part ε1 and imaginary part ε2: Fig. 19.2.1 (CD).
d g,ind/dT
dE – 1.2·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...300 K transmission
spin-orbit splitting energy
Δso(Cd4d5/2 0.58 eV
– 4d3/2)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters (for various polytypes)
a(2H) 4.24 Å T = 295 K
c(2H) 6.835 Å
a(4H) 4.24 Å
c(4H) 13.671 Å
a(6H) 4.24 Å
c(6H) 20.505 Å
a(8H) 4.24 Å
c(8H) 27.34 Å
a(10H) 4.24 Å
c(10H) 34.17 Å
a(12H) 4.24 Å
c(12H) 41.01 Å
further polypes are known, in total more than 200.
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α|| 3.72·10–5 K–1 T = 270 K dilatometric technique
α⊥ 2.48·10–5 K–1 For TT-dependence, see Fig. 19.3.1 (CD)
d 5.670 g/cm3 T = 298 K
melting temperature
Tm 660 K
Optical properties
refractive index
n 1.83 T = 295 K, interferometric technique,
λ = 0.5350 μm, see Fig. 19.3.2 (CD)
1.80 T = 295 K
λ = 0.5461 μm,
dielectric constants
ε (0)⊥ 12.9 T = 300 K infrared reflectance
ε (0)|| 5.9
ε (∞)⊥ 4.6
ε (∞)|| 4.3
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.357 Å T = 300 K tetragonal D4h15 structure,
c 12.36 Å 2 molecules per unit cell
thermal expansion
(1/c)dc/dT 6·10–5 K–1
d 6.36 g/cm3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 532 K
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 19.4.2 (CD).
phonon wavenumbers
Raman active modes:
ν (Eg3) 17.4 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
ν (B1g2) 29.8 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
ν (Eg2) 115 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
ν (B1g1) 142 cm–1 T = 300 K Raman scattering
infrared active modes:
ν (Eu2) 116 cm–1 T = 300 K infrared transmission
ν (A2u1) 125 cm–1
sound velocities
υ l⊥ 2.23(8)⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K inelastic neutron scattering
υ t⊥ 0.74(3)⋅⋅105 cm s–1
υ l|| 1.55(5)⋅⋅105 cm s–1
υ t|| 1.07(2)⋅⋅105 cm s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 3.303(13)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 ultrasound propagation
c33 1.634(6)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c44 0.723(5)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c66 0.231(2)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c12 0.559(8)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c13 1.168(17)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
Transport properties
drift mobilities
μdr,n|| 100 cm2/V s T = 300 K, E || c for T
T-dependence, see Fig. 19.4.3 (CD)
μdr,n⊥ 65 cm2/V s T = 300 K, E ⊥ c
μdr,p|| 6(1) cm2/V s T = 300 K, E || c time-of-flight method
drift velocities
υdr,n T = 300 K, for field dependence, see Fig. 19.4.4 (CD)
E ≤ 2·105 V/cm
Optical properties
refractive index
n⊥ 2.39(1) T = 300 K, extrapolated from infrared transmission
limit, n⊥ = ε(∞)⊥1/2
for spectral dependence of n⊥, see Fig. 19.4.5 (CD)
dielectric constants
ε (0)⊥ 25.9 (ν/c) ≤ 30 cm–1, ir reflectance and transmission
T = 4...300 K
ε (0)|| 8.5
ε (∞)⊥ 5.15 (ν/c) ≥ 200 cm–1 ir reflectance and transmission
5.71(5) ir transmission
ε (∞)|| 6.8 ir reflectance and transmission
4.97(5) ir transmission
real part
ε1 8.30 λ = 0.5461 μm ellipsometry
imaginary part
ε2 1.2 λ = 0.5461 μm ellipsometry
for spectral dependence of ε1 and ε2 in the range 2...10 eV, see Fig. 19.4.6 (CD).
20 IIIx–VIy compounds
(including III-III-VI2 compounds; for III2-VI3 compounds see chapter 5)
Left: Fig. 20.0.1. GaSe. The four-fold layer met in GaS, GaSe and InSe; cations: small shaded circles; anions: large
open circles.
Right: Fig. 20.0.2. GaSe. Layer structures with cation pairs and tetrahedral cation coordination; (110) sections
through the hexagonal cells. a) ε-GaSe; b) γγ-GaSe; c) β-GaSe; d) δ-GaSe.
The Brillouin zone of the β-polytypes is shown in Fig. 20.3. The band structures of GaS, GaSe and InSe are
shown in Figs. 20.0.4...6, respectively.
The rhombohedral phase 3R-GaS is obtained if overstoichiometric in sulfur (x ≥ 0.52).
The GaSe type structure of InSe is stable at 300K up to p = 10.3 GPa where InSe undergoes a non-reversible
phase transition to the NaCl type structure with metallic character.
The monoclinic GaTe type structure is a distorted form of the GaSe structure with essentially the same
coordination, (Fig. 20.0.7). Space group: C2h3 – B2/m.
The orthorhombic structure of InS is not layered and contains eight atoms per unit cell, (Fig. 20.0.8). Space
group: D2h12 – Pmnn.
InTe crystallizes normally in a tetragonal form.
In the tetragonal structure of the TlSe type (TlS, TlSe, InTe) one finds two crystallographically different sites
for monovalent and trivalent cations, respectively (see Fig. 20.0.9) . Space group: TlSe: D4h18 – I4/mcm,
The band structure of TlSe is shown in Fig. 20.0.10.
The TlTe type of structure is tetragonal with sixteen formula units per cell. It is different from the TlSe one but
belongs to the same space group: D4h18 – I4/mcm.
Left: Fig. 20.0.7. The monoclinic structure of GaTe; Ga: small circles; Te: large circles.
Right: Fig. 20.0.8. The orthorhombic structure of β-InS; In: small shaded circles; S: large open circles.
Fig. 20.0.11. Crystal structure of TlInSe2. Fig. 20.0.12. Layered crystal structure of TlGaSe2. The
position of the TlI ions is shown between the stacking
of the anion layers built of Gaa4Se10 polyhedra.
Left: Fig. 20.0.13. Band structure of TlGaTe2, typical of compounds with TlSe type structure.
Electronic properties
The best known polytype is β-GaS.
band structure
See Fig. 20.0.4 (p.516); Brillouin zone, Fig. 20.0.3 (p.516).
GaS is an indirect gap semiconductor. The electronic band structure is very similar to that of GaSe. The valence
band maximum is at the Γ-point The conduction band is characterized by 6 equivalent minima at the M point.
direct gap
Eg,dir(Γ4v––Γ3c+) 3.050(2) eV T = 77 K optical absorption
direct exciton transition energy
Egx,dir(Γ4v––Γ3c+) 3.029 eV T = 4.2 K optical absorption in GaSxSe1–x
binding energy of direct exciton
Eb 37 meV T = 77 K electroabsorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.587 Å T = 300 K, β-GaSe type
c 15.492 Å single crystal
a 3.605 Å T = 300 K γγ-type GaSe, overstoichiometric in S
c 23.43 Å
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α|| 8.25·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K, || c
α⊥ 9.0·10–6 K–1 ⊥c
Debye temperature
ΘD 263 K T = 4...10 K heat capacity measurements
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.1.2 (CD).
heat capacity
Cp 46.2 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Temperature dependence of Cp
Transport properties
electrical conductivity (dark conductivity)
σ|| 4·10–13 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 400 K vapor grown crystal
σ⊥ 8·10–10 Ω–1 cm–1
dependence on temperature: see Fig. 20.1.4 (CD).
thermal conductivities (lattice contribution)
κL 0.010 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, || c
0.098 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
electron mobility
μH,n 12 cm2/V s T = 300 K p-type GaS, i ⊥ c, B || c;
Hall mobility of illuminated crystal
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.1.5 (CD).
hole mobility
μH,p 16 cm2/V s T = 300 K n-type GaS, i ⊥ c, B || c;
Hall mobility of illuminated crystal
Optical properties
ordinary refractive index n⊥
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 20.0.5 (p.517), (hexagonal) Brillouin zone: Fig. 20.0.3 (p.516).
The valence band maximum is at the Γ point. The conduction band is characterized by six equivalent minima at
the M point. The conduction band edge at Γ is nearly degenerate with the minima at the M point.
direct energy gap
Eg,dir(Γ4v––Γ3c+) 2.1275(10) eV T = 4.2 K photoluminescence, optical absorption
2.021 eV T = 300 K composition dependence of optical absorption
in GaSexTe1–x
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 4.14⋅10–4 eV K–1 280 K < T < 340 K optical absorption
See also temperature coefficient of direct exciton gap below and Fig. 20.2.1 (CD).
direct exciton gap
Egx,dir(1S,Γ6) 2.10980(5) eV T = 1.7 K optical absorption and reflection, ε, γ-polytype
2.026 eV T = 300 K optical absorption, δ-polytype
temperature coefficient of Egx,dir
d gx,dirr/dT
dE – 4.14⋅10–4 eV K–1 280 K < T < 340 K optical absorption
binding energy of direct exciton
Eb(1S,Γ6) 19.7 meV T = 1.7 K optical absorption, ε, γγ-polytype and β-polytype
band edge calculated by assuming n–2-excitonic
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind(Γ4v––M3c+) 2.103(3) eV T = 4.2 K photoluminescence
gc|| 1.13(1) T=2K optically detected magnetic resonance
gc⊥ 1.2 T=2K magneto-optical absorption
gv|| 1.72(2) T=2K optically detected magnetic resonance
effective masses
mn⊥ 0.5 m0 time-of-flight and magneto-Starck effect
mn|| 1.6 m0 measurements
mp⊥ 0.8 m0
mp|| 0.2 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.755 Å T = 300 K β-GaSe
c 15.94 Å
a 3.755 Å T = 300 K ε-GaSe
c 15.95 Å
a 3.755 Å T = 300 K γ
c 23.92 Å
a 3.755 Å T = 300 K δ-GaSe
c 31.99 Å
Transport properties
The structural anisotropy is responsible for a preferentially effective scattering of the charge carriers by optical
phonons polarized perpendicular to the layers. The measured electrical conductivity is usually intrinsic and its
value depends on the elaboration of the sample.
electrical conductivity
Results at room temperature scatter immensely. The value of the resistivity ρ can vary between 20 Ω cm and
107 Ω cm depending on the purity of the material and on the preparation technique. In n-type compensated
GaSe:Sn the resistivity reaches the value of 1.8·109 Ω cm at room temperature.
For a typical temperature dependence, see Fig. 20.2.4 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κL 0.021 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, || c
0.16 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
For dependence on the temperature 600 K < T < 1400 K, see Fig. 20.2.5 (CD).
hole mobility
μdr,p 60 cm2/V s T = 300 K E ⊥ c, drift mobility
210 cm2/V s T = 300 K E || c, drift mobility, time-of-flight
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.2.6 (CD).
electron mobility
μdr,n 80 cm2/V s T = 300 K E || c, drift mobility
300 cm2/V s T = 300 K E ⊥ c, drift mobility, time-of-flight technique
Optical properties
ordinary refractive index n⊥
Electronic properties
The electronic band structure of GaTe is not known. It has been established experimentally that GaTe is a direct
semiconductor with an energy gap of about 1.7 eV at room temperature. The layer character of GaTe is less
pronounced than in the case of GaS and GaSe.
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.799 eV T = 1.6 K optical absorption
1.694 eV T = 295 K wavelength and thermomodulated reflectivity
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 5.0·10–4 eV K–1 T > 100 K optical absorption, see Fig. 20.3.1 (CD)
direct exciton transition energy
Egx,dir(1S) 1.780(2) eV T = 1.6 K optical absorption
1.667 eV T = 300 K optical absorption
temperature coefficient of Egx,dir
d gx,dirr/dT
dE – 4.19⋅10–4 eV K–1 280 K < T < 340 K optical absorption
exciton binding energy
Eb(1S) 25 meV T = 284 K optical transmission
valence band, effective masses
mp⊥ 1.0 m0 temperature dependence of the
mp|| 0.2 m0 drift mobility
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 17.44 Å T = 300 K monoclinic single crystal
b 10.456 Å
c 4.077 Å
γ 104.4o
linear thermal expansion coefficients
α|| 7.85·10–6 K–1 T = 295 K, || c
α⊥ 13.22·10–6 K–1 ⊥c
Debye temperature
ΘD 158 K T<9K
heat capacity
parameters in the empirical relation A + BT + CT –2:
A = 53.989 J mol–1 K–1, B = 6.2810–5 J mol–1 K–2, C = 8.29·104 J mol–1 K (298 K < T < 2000 K)
d 5.44 g cm–3 T = 298 K
melting temperature
Tm 824oC congruent melting
sound velocity
υ 3.4·105 cm s–1 T = 298 K ν = 1.67 MHz
isothermal compressibility
κav 1.428·10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 295 K
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 4·102 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 298 K within the layers?
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.3.2 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.014 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, || c
0.087 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
hole mobility
μH,p 25...40 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall effect within the layers (⊥ c-axis)
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.3.3 (CD).
electron mobility: for dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.3.4 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index
n 2.7 T = 300 K, multiple interference technique
λ = 10 μm spectral dependence: Fig. 20.3.5 (CD)
dielectric constants, real part
ε (∞) 6.97 E⊥c reflection or transmission spectra
ε (∞) 7.29 E || c
ε (0) 9.66 E⊥c
ε (0) 10.58 E || c
dielectric constant, imaginary part: for spectral dependence, see Fig. 20.3.6 (CD).
Electronic properties
InS is an indirect semiconductor with a band gap of about 1.9 eV at room temperature. The available
experimental information is rather limited.
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 1.896 (10) eV T = 300 K after linear extrapolation of absorption
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 7.9·10–4 eV K–1 150 K < T < 330 K optical absorption
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.45 eV T = 290 K
direct exciton gap
Egx,dirr 2.56 eV T = 4.2 K optical absorption (unpolarized radiation ⊥ c)
conduction band, effective mass
mn 0.4 m0 Schottky-barrier, thermoionic emission
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.944 Å T = 295 K powder data, orthorhombic system
b 4.447 Å
c 10.648 Å
linear thermal expansion coefficient
For dependence on temperature for polycrystalline and single crystalline samples, see Fig. 20.4.1 (CD).
heat capacity
Cp 47.80 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K calorimetric measurements
d 5.18 g cm–3 T = 298 K
isothermal compressibilities
κ⊥ 4.060⋅⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 280 K ⊥c
κ|| 6.07⋅⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1 || c
Transport properties
electrical conductivity: for temperature dependence, see Fig. 20.4.2 (CD).
electron mobility
μH,n 50 cm2/V s T = 300 K, i ⊥ c n-type
Optical properties
high frequency dielectric constant
ε(∞) 15.2 T = 295 K IR reflectivity
Electronic properties
band structure, Fig. 20.0.6 (p.517), (hexagonal) Brillouin zone: Fig. 20.0.3 (p.516).
The band structure of InSe is very similar to that of GaSe, however the dispersion of the energy bands in the
kz = 0 plane as well as parallel to the kz-axis is smaller than for GaSe. InSe is an indirect semiconductor. The
position of the band extrema within the Brillonin zone is somewhat uncertain.
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 1.305 eV T=5K X transition (?) stimulated emission spectra
1.172 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity
temperature coefficient of Eg,ind
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 4.2⋅10–4 eV K–1 85 K < T < 250 K cathodoluminescence
indirect exciton transition energy
Egx,ind 1.269(1) eV T = 77 K, E || c optical absorption
binding energy of indirect exciton
Eb 76 meV optical absorption, two-dimensional
(n+1/2)–2 Rydberg series assumed
for indirect exciton, γ-polytype
20 (4) meV as above, β-polytype
binding energy of direct exciton ground state
Eb 14.4 meV T = 4.5 K optical absorption spectra
d – 3.7·10–4 eV K–1 100 K < T < 300 K optical absorption, see Fig. 20.5.1 (CD)
a 1352.5 meV 0 < T <300 K optical absorption
b 65 meV a, b, c are parameters in empirical relation
c 162 K Eg,dirr = a – b/(exp(c/T)
T – 1)
direct exciton transition energy
Egx,dir (1S) 1.3383 eV T = 1.6 K optical absorption
1.257 eV T = 300 K optical absorption, β-polytype
temperature coefficient of Egx,dir
d gx,dirr/dT
dE – 3.6·10–4 eV K–1 100 K < T < 300 K optical absorption
mp 0.50 m0 ⊥c
1.54m0 || c
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.002 Å T = 300 K γγ-type, 3R (single crystal data)
c 24.946 Å
a 4.005 Å β-type 2H (polycrystal data)
c 16.640 Å
a 4.04 Å β-type 2H (thin film)
c 16.90 Å
a 4.00 Å ε-type 2H (vapor grown single
c 16.70 Å crystal)
linear thermal expansion coefficient
dependence on the temperature and anisotropy, see Fig. 20.5.2 (CD).
Debye temperature
ΘD 190 K T = 295 K elastic wave velocity
heat capacity
Cp 50.31 J mol–1 K–1 T = 55...298 K calorimetric measurements
d 5.55 g cm–3 T = 295oC
melting temperature
Tm 933 K
second order elastic moduli
c44 1.17(10)·1011 dyn cm–2 T = 295 K ultrasonic measurements
c12 2.70(9)·1011 dyn cm–2
c13 3.0(2)·1011 dyn cm–2
c33 3.60(3)·1011 dyn cm–2
c11 7.30(5)·1011 dyn cm–2
isothermal compressibility
κ⊥ 7.33⋅10–13 cm2 dynn–1 T = 320 K, ⊥ c
κ|| 10.00⋅10–13 cm2 dynn–1 T = 320 K, || c
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.5.3 (CD).
σ⊥ 2.2·10–5 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 298 K dark conductivity, Te – Au contacts
thermal conductivity
κ 37 W cm–1 K–1 || c
120 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
electron mobility
μn⊥ 230 cm2/Vs T = 295 K Bridgman grown crystal (n = 8.6⋅1015 cm–3)
μ'n 1.3·106 cm2K1.6/Vs 220 K < T < 300 K μ'n is a parameter in the empirical relation
μn = μ'n T –1.6 (I
( ⊥ c, B || c)
hole mobility
μ'p 1.4·107 cm2K2.3/Vs 220 K < T < 300 K μ'p is a parameter in the empirical relation
μp = μ'p T –2.3 (I
( ⊥ c, B || c)
Optical properties
ordinary refractive index
n⊥ 2.97 T = 300 K, interference fringes
hν = 1.8 eV,
For spectral dependence, see Fig. 20.5.4 (CD).
dielectric constants, real part
ε(∞) 4.9 E || c, T = 295 K IR reflectivity
ε(0) 5.4 E || c
ε(∞) 6.2 E⊥c
ε(0) 8.6 E⊥c
dielectric function, imaginary part: for spectral dependence, see Fig. 20.5.5 (CD).
Electronic properties
In the TlSe-type structure (space group D4h18) InTe is a semiconductor.
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.160(2) eV T = 300K optical absorption
effective masses
mn 0.09 m0 density of states mass
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.454 Å T = 300 K TlSe-type structure, needle-like
c 7.152 Å crystals
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 1.99⋅10–5 K–1 297 ≤ T ≤ 505 K || a-axic, tetragonal InTe
1.9⋅10–5 K–1 || c-axis
For dependence on temperature for tetragonal InTe, in the range 13...400 K, perpendicular and parallel to the c-
axis, see Fig. 20.6.1 (CD).
heat capacity
Cp 48.22 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K calorimetric measurements
d 6.29 g cm–3 T = 294 K
melting temperature
Tm 965 K
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 60 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 293 K polycrystal
2.5...4 10−2 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 298 K evaporated thin films,
for dependence on temperature,
see Fig. 20.6.2 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.018 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, || c
hole mobility
μp 150 cm2/V s T = 300 K
μH,p|| 50...60 cm2 V–1s–1 T = 300K Bridgman grown crystal,
μH,p⊥ 10...15 cm2 V–1s–1 ( = (2.1...3.1)⋅1018 cm–3)
Optical properties
dielectric constant
ε (∞) 14.0 E⊥c IR reflectivity
14.7 E || c
ε⊥ 11.5 E ⊥ c, Al Schottky barrier at 1 MHz
ε || 12.8 E || c
Electronic properties
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 1.36 eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ c optical absorption
1.37 eV T = 300 K, E || c
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.50 eV E⊥c optical absorption
1.57 eV E || c
effective masses
mn 0.07 m0 density of states mass
mp 0.11 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 7.787 Å T = 295 K TlSe type
c 6.807 Å
d 7.60 g cm–3 T = 300 K picnometric measurement
Debye temperature
ΘD 106 K T=0K
heat capacity
Cp 209.9 J kg–1 K–1 T = 298.15 K
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
For dependence on temperature of the electrical resistivity ρ = 1/σ, see Fig. 20.7.1 (CD).
hole mobility
μp 20 cm2/V s T = 300 K
mobility ratio
b 0.4 T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κ 0.032 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, ⊥ c
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 20.0.10 (p.518).
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind(T3-D1) 0.73 eV T = 300 K E ⊥, || c, optical absorption
direct energy gap
Eg,dir(T3-T4) 1.095 eV T = 300 K E ⊥, || c, optical absorption
direct excitonic gap
Egx,dirr 0.745(10) eV T = 300 K indirect band gap of 0.74...0.77 eV
temperature coefficient of Egx,dir
d gx,dirr/dT
dE – 2.1·10–4 eV K–1 90 K < T < 300 K optical absorption
effective masses
mn 0.27 m0 || c-axis
0.35 m0 ⊥ c-axis
mp 0.32 m0 ⊥ c-axis
4.4 m0 || c-axis
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
c 7.00 Å T = 300 K tetragonal
a 8.02 Å
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α|| 0.96·10–5 K–1 T = 297K, || c,
α⊥ 3.16·10–5 K–1 along the layers
volume thermal expansion coefficient
β 7.28·10–5 K–1 T = 288...388 K
Debye temperature
ΘD-dependence on temperature in the range 60...135 K, see Fig. 20.8.1 (CD).
heat capacity
Cp 50.23 J K–1 mol–1 T = 298 K For dependence on temperature,
see Fig. 20.8.1 (CD)
d 8.15 g cm–3 T = 25oC picnometric
melting temperature
Tm 623 K
phonon dispersion and wavenumbers
For phonon vibration modes at low energy, dispersion curves measured by neutron inelastic scattering, see
Fig. 20.8.2 (CD)
second order elastic moduli
c12 0.3⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 297 K static measurement
c66 1.2⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c13 1.7⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c44 3.2⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c33 4.2⋅1011 dyn cm–2
c11 4.5⋅1011 dyn cm–2
isothermal compressibility
κ 4.5·10–12 cm2 dynn–1 T = 297 K
Young’s moduli
E 1.7⋅102 kbar E⊥c
3.0⋅102 kbar E || c
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
For dependence on temperature of the electrical resistivity, see Fig. 20.8.3 (CD).
σ 2...4·103 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 295 K dark conductivity of p-type evaporated thin
films (Ag, Au ohmic contacts)
thermal conductivity
κ⊥ 0.012 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
κ|| 0.021 W cm–1 K–1 || c
hole mobility
μp 40 cm2/V s T = 295 K I ⊥ c, B ⊥ c
μH 15...150 cm2/V s T = 295 K
Optical properties
dielectric constants, real part
ε (∞) 12 T = 295 K E || c, E ⊥ c
ε (0) 15.03 T = 295 K E ⊥ c, IR reflectivity
ε (0) 20.25 E ⊥ c, submillimeter wave spectroscopy
Electronic properties
effective masses
mn 0.03 m0 density of states mass
mp 0.5 m0 density of states mass
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 12.954 Å T = 300 K Weissenberg diagram
c 6.178 Å
d 8.40 g cm–3 T = 298 K picnometric measurement
heat capacity
Cp 159.8 J kg–1 K–1 T = 298.15 K
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 1...2 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K crystal obtained by normal-freezing
5·103 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 100 K p-type, single crystal, obtained from
1.6·103 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 400 K Te-rich melt.
Temperature dependence: Fig. 20.9.1 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κ|| 0.024 W cm–1 K–1 || c
hole mobility
μp 60 cm2/V s T = 300 K
1120 cm2/V s T = 4.2 K Hall mobility
20.10 In6S7
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.890 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity spectra
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 0.7 eV T = 300 K optical absorption
temperature coefficient of Eg,ind
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 2.8·10–4 eV K–1 optical absorption
lattice parameters
a 9.090 Å T = 300 K space group C22 – P21 (formerly
b 3.887 Å P21/m)
c 17.705 Å
β 108.20o
d 5.08 g cm–3 X-ray, calculated
20.11 In4Se3
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.64 eV E || c, forbidden optical absorption (formerly quoted for In2Se)
0.65 eV E || a, forbidden
lattice parameters
a 15.297(1) Å T = 297 K space group: D2h12 – Pnnm
b 12.308(1) Å
c 4.081(1) Å
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α|| 2.1·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K along the layers (formerly reported for In2Se)
Debye temperature
ΘD 73.7 K RT from the temperature dependence of the thermal
conductivity between 2 and 30 K.
d 6.02 g cm–3 RT X-ray, calculated
electrical conductivity
σ 10–1 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K average conductivity
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.11.1 (CD).
thermal conductivity
for dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.11.2 (CD).
20.12 In6Se7
direct band gap
Eg,dirr 0.64 eV T = 300 K E || b, optical absorption
0.86 eV E || c
indirect band gap
Eg,ind 0.34 eV T = 300 K E || c, optical absorption
temperature coefficient of the absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T 3·10–4 eV K–1 T = 90...300 K E || b, E || c
effective mass
mn 0.45 m0 electrical measurements, || c
mp 0.27 m0
lattice parameters
a 9.430 Å T = 300 K space group C22 – P21
b 4.063 Å
c 18.378 Å
β 109.34o
d 6.10 g cm–3 T = 295 K toluene displacement method
6.21 g cm–3 T = 295 K X-ray, calculated
melting temperature
Tm 933 K
electrical conductivity
For dependence of the resistivity ρ = 1/σ on temperature, see Fig. 20.12.1 (CD)
hole mobility
µH,p 240 cm2V–1s–1 T = 300 K
20.13 In60Se40
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.8 eV T = 300 K amorphous film
electrical conductivity
σ 1 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K n-type
activation energy for the electrical conductivity
EA 0.3 eV T = 300 K
20.14 In50Se50
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.1 eV T = 300 K amorphous thin film
electrical conductivity
σ 3⋅10–3 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K p-type
activation energy for the electrical conductivity
EA 0.5 eV T = 300 K
20.15 In40Se60
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.4 eV T = 300 K amorphous thin film
electrical conductivity
σ 1⋅10–3 Ω–1cm–1 T = 300 K p-type
activation energy for the electrical conductivity
EA 0.6 eV T = 300 K
20.16 In5Se6
monoclinic crystal
energy gap
Eg 0.31 eV
lattice parameters
a 1.765 Å RT monoclinic, P2/m
b 0.409 Å
c 0.945 Å
β 101.0o
dielectric constant, real part
ε (∞) 9.37
ε (0) 18.23
20.17 In4Te3
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 0.48 eV T = 295 K E || [ 0 0 1 ]
temperature coefficients of Eg,dir
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 4.2·10–4 eV K–1 122 K < T < 295 K E || [ 0 0 1 ]
lattice parameters
a 15.630(3) Å T = 300 K space group D2h12 – Pnnm
b 12.756(3) Å
c 4.441(2) Å
The correct formula for In2Te and In9Te7 likely is In4Te3
d 6.32 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray, calculated
20.18 Tl5Te3
lattice parameters
a 8.929 Å T = 300 K Cr5B3-type,
c 12.620 Å space group D4h18 – I4/mcm
electrical conductivity
σ 0.367·104 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 400 K metallic conductivity
1.32·104 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 100 K see also Fig. 20.18.1 (CD)
hole mobility
μp 72 cm2/V s T = 4.2 K polycrystalline sample
2 cm2/V s T = 300 K
20.19 TlGaS2
Crystal structure
Several types of crystal structures have been proposed in the literature. See also section 20.0.
Electronic properties
The electronic band structure of TlGaS2 is not known. Experimentally it is found that TlGaS2 is an indirect
semiconductor. The gap width is 2.46 eV at room temperature. Optical transitions near the band edge are
polarized E ⊥ c.
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 2.46 eV T = 293 K spectral dependence of absorption coefficient
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 3.5·10–4 eV K–1 77 K < T < 300 K optical absorption
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.544 eV T = 293 K optical absorption, analysis of spectral
dependence of absorption coefficient
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 1·10–4 eV K–1 77 K < T < 300 K optical absorption
direct exciton gap
Egx,dirr 2.62 eV T = 110 K optical absorption
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 7.26 Å T = 295 K monoclinic, space group
b 7.26 Å C2h2 – P21/m
c 59.60 Å = 4·14.9 Å
β 91o11'
d 5.56 g cm–3 T = 298 K
4.22 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 905oC congruent melting
Debye temperature: temperature dependence, 5 < T < 50 K, see Fig. 20.19.1 (CD).
heat capacity: temperature dependence, 5 < T < 300 K, see Fig. 20.19.1 (CD).
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 10–11...10–12 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 298 K along the layers?
10–5 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 800 K σ along the layers
thermal conductivity
κ|| 0.039 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, || c
κ⊥ 0.16 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
Optical properties
dielectric constant, real part
ε (0) 26 capacitance measurement
31 thin evaporated film
20.20 TlGaSe2
Crystal structure
See section 20.0.
Electronic properties
TlGaSe2 is an indirect semiconductor with a gap of 2.03 eV at room temperature.
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 2.03 eV T = 300 K optical absorption (E || cleavage plane)
indirect exciton transition energy
Egx,ind 2.054 eV T=6K differential absorption (E || layer plane)
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.23 eV T = 300 K optical absorption, analysis of spectral
dependence of absorption coefficient
direct exciton transition energy
Egx,dir(1S) 2.128 eV T=6K optical absorption, polarization E || σ, E ⊥ c
temperature coefficient of Eg,ind
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 1.8·10–4 eV K–1 77 K < T < 300 K optical absorption
temperature coefficient of Eg,dir
d g,dirr/dT
dE –1.23⋅10–4 eV K–1 T < 100 K
exciton binding energy
Eb 43 meV T=6K optical absorption, n = 1, 2 direct excitons
observed, 1/n2-Rydberg series assumed
effective masses
mn 0.37 m0 density of states mass
mp 0.68 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 10.772 Å T = 300 K monoclinic, space group
b 10.771 Å Cs4 – Cc
c 15.636 Å
β 100.6o
d 6.19 g cm–3 experimental
melting temperature
Tm 780oC
820oC incongruent melting
Debye temperature
ΘD 97 K T < 10 K heat capacity
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 10–6...10–10 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 298 K p-type; for dependence on temperature,
see Fig. 20.20.2 (CD); σ along the layers?
electron mobility
μn 26 cm2/V s T = 300 K
hole mobility
μp 65 cm2/V s T = 300 K For temperature dependence,
see Fig. 20.20.3. (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ⊥ 0.025 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, ⊥ c
κ|| 0.059 W cm–1 K–1 || c
Optical properties
dielectric constants, real part
ε (∞) 13.2 T = 295 K IR reflectivity (E ⊥ c)
ε (0)
For temperature dependence, Fig. 20.20.4 (CD)
20.21 TlGaTe2
Crystal structure
See section 20.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 20.13 (p.520)
energy gap
Eg,th 1.2 eV T=0K conductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 2.10·10–4 eV K–1
effective masses
mn 0.12 m0 density of states mass
mp 0.23 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.429 Å T = 300 K Weissenberg diagram, TlSe-type,
c 6.865 Å tetragonal space group
D4h18 – I4/mcm
d 7.32 g cm–3 T = 298 K picnometric measurement
7.05 g cm–3 T = 298 K picnometric measurement
7.36 g cm–3 calculated
7.164 g cm–3 calculated
melting temperature
Tm 773(5)oC incongruent melting
Debye temperature
ΘD 105 K T<8K see also Fig. 20.21.1 (CD)
210 K T→∞
heat capacity
A –10.4 J mol–1K–1 10 < T < 32 K A, B are parameters of empirical relation
B 1.63 J moll–1K–2 Cv = A + BT,
T see also Fig. 20.51.1 (CD)
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 3.2·10–4 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 325 K
electron mobility
μn 66 cm2/V s T = 300 K
hole mobility
μp 96 cm2/V s T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κ|| 0.069 W cm–1 K–1 || c
κ⊥ 0.44 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (∞) 14.8 E⊥c
13.1 E || c
20.22 TlInS2
Crystal structure
See section 20.0.
Electronic properties
TlInS2 is an indirect semiconductor with a gap width of about 2.2 eV. The electronic band structure of TlInS2 is
not known.
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind 2.2 eV temperature dependence of electrical
conductivity, α-structure; see Fig. 20.22.1 (CD)
for temperature dependence
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 1·10–3 eV K–1 77 K < T < 293 K optical absorption, α-structure (E ⊥ c)
direct exciton gap
Egx,dirr 2.516 eV T = 4.2 K optical absorption, monoclinic structure (E ⊥ c)
2.393 eV T = 293 K electroabsorption (E ⊥ c)
d gx,dirr/dT
dE – 6.5·10–4 eV K–1 77 K < T < 300 K electroabsorption
binding energy of direct exciton
Eb 33 meV absorption spectra
effective masses
mn 0.34 m0 α- and β-type, density of states mass
mp 0.784 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 7.67 Å T = 295 K TlInS2 (α) , hexagonal, space group
c 14.98 Å C6v2 – P6mm or D2h6 – P6/mcc
linear thermal expansion coefficient
For dependence on the temperature (30 < T < 250 K) see Fig. 20.22.2 (CD)
d 4.95 g cm–3 α-TlInS2, picnometric
5.64 g cm–3 β-TlInS2, picnometric
melting temperature
Tm 870 K α-TlInS2
1030 K β-TlInS2
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ 10–12 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 298 K probably β-TlInS2 (transparent material) , along
the layers?
α-TlInS2: for dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.22.3 (CD) (300 K < T < 900 K).
electron mobility
μn 68 cm2/V s T = 300 K α- and β-type
hole mobility
μp 170 cm2/V s T = 300 K α- and β-type
For dependence on temperature in the range 300 K < T < 900 K, see Fig. 20.22.4 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κ⊥ 0.02 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, ⊥ c α-type
κ⊥ 0.044 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c β-type
κ|| 0.069 W cm–1 K–1 || c β-type
Optical properties
refractive index: Fig. 20.22.5 (CD).
20.23 TlInSe2
Crystal structure
See section 20.0.
Electronic properties
TlInSe2 is an indirect semiconductor with a gap width of about 1.2 eV.
band structure, see Fig. 20.0.14 (p.520)
indirect energy gap
Eg,ind (T3-D1) 1.190(2) eV T = 290 K E || c, allowed, optical absorption edge
1.228(2) eV E⊥c
direct energy gap
Eg,dirr (T3-T4) 1.257 eV T = 290 K E || c, forbidden
1.285 eV E⊥c
temperature coefficients of energy gaps
ddEg,ind /dT 0.9⋅10–4 eV K–1 E || c
d g,dirr /dT
dE 1.4⋅10–4 eV K–1 E || c
d g,ind /dT
dE T 1.6⋅10–4 eV K–1 E⊥c
d g,dirr /dT
dE 2.3⋅10–4 eV K–1 E⊥c
effective masses
mn 0.31 m0 density of states mass
mp 0.65 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.075 Å T = 295 K TlSe-type, tetragonal, space group
c 6.847 Å D4h18 – I4/mcm
d 6.90 g cm–1 T = 298 K
melting temperature
Tm 808oC congruent melting
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
for dependence on temperature, see Figs. 20.23.1 (CD), 20.23.2 (CD).
electron mobility
μn 225 cm2/V s T = 300 K
hole mobility
mp 450 cm2/V s T = 300 K for dependence on temperature in the range
300 K < T ≤ 900 K, see Fig. 20.23.3 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ|| 0.031 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K || c
κ⊥ 0.074 W cm–1 K–1 ⊥c
Optical properties
dielectric constant
ε (∞) 10.2 E⊥c oscillator fit to reflectivity
8.0 E || c
20.24 TlInTe2
Crystal structure
See section 20.0.
Electronic properties
band structure similar to TlInSe2.
energy gap
Eg,ind 0.963 eV T = 290 K E ⊥ c, optical absorption
0.976 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T –0.75⋅10–4 eV K–1 30 < T < 300 K optical absorption
effective masses
mn 0.08 m0 density of states mass
mp 0.31 m0
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 8.494 Å T = 295 K TlSe-type, tetragonal,
c 7.181 Å space group, D4h18 – I4/mcm
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 1.1⋅10–5 K–1 T = 300 K polycrystalline sample
d 7.26 g cm–3 calculated (X-ray)
melting temperature
Tm 772(5)oC
Debye temperature
ΘD 134 K T→0K specific heat
heat capacity
for heat capacity vs. temperature, see Fig. 20.24.1 (CD) (5 K < T < 300 K).
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
For dependence on temperature, see Fig. 20.24.2 (CD).
electron mobility
μn 420 cm2/V s T = 300 K
hole mobility
mp 600 cm2/V s T = 300 K for dependence on temperature,
see Fig. 20.24.3 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ⊥ 0.018 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K ⊥c
κ|| 0.024 W cm–1 K–1 || c
Optical properties
dielectric constants
ε (∞) 14.2 E⊥c oscillator fit to reflectivity data
11.6 E || c
21 III-VII compounds
Figs. 21.0.2...4. Brillouin zones for the CsCl lattice (left), the orthorhombic lattice (middle) and the NaCl lattice
Fig. 21.0.5. TlCl(I). Band structure of sc-TlCl. Fig. 21.0.6. TlBr(I). Band structure of sc-TlBr.
Figs. 21.0.7a,b. Band structures of sc-TlI(I) (left) and orthorhombic TlI(II) (right).
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
TlCl (I)
a 3.84145(12) Å T = 293 K electron interference
TlCl (II)
a 4.74(3) Å T = 300 K electron diffraction on thin layers
b 4.27(3) Å (evaporation evaporated onto NaCl, KBr, KI
c 12.4 Å at 200...240 K)
TlCl (III)
a 6.30(2) Å T = 300 K electron diffraction on thin layers evaporated
onto KBr
Debye temperature
ΘD 141.1 K T= 0K calculated from the elastic constants
at 0 K
393.5 K T = 290 K
d 7.01829 g cm–3 T = 300 K from X-ray scattering experiments
melting temperature
Tm 704.0 K normal pressure melting temperature;
phonon dispersion relations for TlCl (I) : Fig. 21.2.2 (CD).
The lattice properties of TlCl (I) are similar to the simple cubic TlBr.
phonon frequencies
ν TO(Γ) 1.89·1012 s–1 T = 300 K infrared absorption and reflection
ν LO(Γ) 5.19·1012 s–1 T = 290 K
ν (M) 0.31·1012 s–1 T = 4.2 K optical absorption at the forbidden indirect
sound velocity
υ LA 2.392⋅⋅105 cm s–1 T = 300 K [ 1 0 0 ] -direction
υ TA 1.057⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 0 0 ] -direction
υ LA 2.252⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] -direction
υ TA,I 1.057⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] -direction, lower branch
υ TA,II 1.328⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] -direction, upper branch
υ LA 2.203⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] -direction
υ TA 1.245⋅⋅105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 1 ] -direction
second order elastic moduli
c11 4.015⋅1011dyn cm–2 T = 300 K ultra sound velocity measurements
4.066⋅1011dyn cm–2
c44 0.7843⋅1011dyn cm–2
0.77⋅1011dyn cm–2
c12 1.537⋅1011dyn cm–2 for temperature dependence,
1.587⋅1011dyn cm–2 see Fig. 21.2.3 (CD)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
TlBr (I)
a 3.98588 Å T = 300 K X-ray scattering
TlBr (II)
a 4.96(3) Å T = 300 K electron diffraction on thin layers evaporated
b 4.39(3) Å (evaporation onto NaCl, KCl, KI
c 12.5 Å at 200...240 K)
TlBr (III)
a 6.58 Å T = 300 K electron diffraction on thin layers evaporated
onto LiF, NaCl, and KBr
volume expansion coefficient, TlBr(I)-phase
β 1.479·10–4 K–1 T = 260 K for temperature dependence of linear expansion
coefficient,see Fig. 21.3.2 (CD)
Debye temperature
ΘD 290(20) K T = 290 K see also Fig. 21.3.3 (CD)
d 7.45292 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray scattering
melting temperature
Tm 733.2 K normal pressure melting temperature,
phonon dispersion relations for TlBr (I): Fig. 21.3.4 (CD)
The lattice properties are similar to the simple cubic TlCl. Due to the high polarizability of the cationic s-shell
the static dielectric constant is unusually large. As a consequence the longitudinal-transverse splitting of the
optical phonon branch is in the range of pure ionic material, although the value of the electronic dielectric
constant is semiconductor-like.
Optical properties
dielectric constants, TlBr(I)-phase
ε (0) 30.6 T = 293 K capacity measurements;
for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 21.19 (CD)
ε (0) shows a Curie-Weiss behavior with Θpe = – 1600 K (Θpe: paraelectric Curie temperature).
ε (∞) 5.64 T=2K from refractive index data
5.34 T = 290 K
TlI (II)
a 4.59 Å T = 290 K electron diffraction on thin evaporated
b 5.25 Å layers
c 12.93 Å temperature dependence, Fig. 21.4.2 (CD)
a 6.96...6.99 Å T = 300 K X-ray diffraction on thin layers evaporated on
heated substrates. a depends on substrate
density (TlI(II))
d 7.088 g cm–3 T = 280 K
melting temperature
Tm 715.2 K normal pressure melting temperature
phonon frequencies (TlI(III))
νTO(Γ) 1.62·1012 s–1 T = 4.2 K infrared absorption and reflection
νLO(Γ) 2.9(5)·1012 s–1 estimated from the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller
Optical properties
dielectric constants
TlI (I)
ε (0) 29.6 T = 300 K extrapolated to room temperature and normal
ε (0) 20.0 T=0K
21.2 T = 300 K For temperature dependence, see
ε (∞) 5.8...6.8 Fig. 21.4.3 (CD)
22 IV-V compounds
22.2 SiAs
Energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.45(3) eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ b transmission measurements
Eg,dirr 1.57(1) eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ b (allowed transition)
1.48(1) eV T = 300 K, E || b (forbidden transition
Eg,th 2.03 eV T = 0 K, I || b temperature dependence of resistivity
Transport parameters
ρ 28 Ω cm cleaved single p-type sample; I || cleavage plane,
RH 480 cm3 C–1 crystal, RT B ⊥ cleavage plane
p 1.3·1016 cm–3
S 820 μV K–1
μH 24 cm2/V s
mp,ds 0.8 m0
Further transport data (Hall coefficient, resistivity: see Figs. 22.2.1 (CD) and 22.2.2 (CD).
Lattice and optical properties
dielectric constant
ε (∞) 9.6(6) illumination at normal incidence to cleavage
melting temperature
Tm 1083 oC
For optical data: see Figs. 22.2.3 (CD)...22.2.5 (CD).
22.3 GeAs
Physical properties
Eg,ind 0.65(1) eV T = 300 K, E || b transmission measurements
(forbidden transition)
Eg,dirr 1.65(2) eV T = 300 K, E || b (forbidden transition)
1.01(1) eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ c (forbidden transition)
Tm 737oC
For temperature dependence of conductivity, see Fig. 22.3.1 (CD).
22.5 GeAs2
Physical properties
energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.06(1) eV T = 300 K, E || c absorption measurements (allowed transition)
Eg,dirr 1.10(1) eV T = 300 K, E || b (forbidden transition)
1.77(3) eV E || c
μp 60 cm2/V s T = 300 K conductivity and Hall effect of a sample with
p = 5·1017 cm–3, I || b, B ⊥ b
(see Fig. 22.5.1 (CD))
melting temperature
Tm 732oC
23 IVx-VIy compounds
Fig. 23.0.1 Pictorial view of the GeS structure. Fig. 23.0.2. Brillouin zone for a simple orthorhombic
Bravais lattice, e.g. GeS.
Fig. 23.0.6. GeTe, SnTe. (a) Elementary cell of the NaCl-like structure. Fig. 23.0.7. GeTe. Brillouin zone of the
fcc (b) The rhombohedral unit cell of the NaCl-type lattice. A distortion lattice of the NaCl structure.
along [ 1 1 1 ] direction combined with a sublattice shift causes the
rhombohedral As-like B13 phase of GeTe and SnTe.
23.0.4 IV-VI2 compounds: GeO2, SnO2, PbO2, GeS2, GeSe2, SnS2, SnSe2
GeO2, SnO2, PbO2: These compounds crystallize in the rutile structure (Fig. 23.0.13). Space group: D4h14 –
P42/nmm. GeO2 exists at room temperature also in the trigonal quartz structure. Space group: D34 – P3121.
Brillouin zone of the rutile structure: Fig. 23.0.14, band structurs of SnO2: Fig. 23.0.15.
GeS2, GeSe2:
(1) monoclinic structure, 16 molecules per unit cell. Space group: C2h5 – P21/c.
(2) orthorhombic structure, 24 molecules per unit cell, Fig. 23.0.16. Space group: D2h13 – Pmmn.
SnS2, SnSe2: SnS2 and SnSe2 crystallize in the CdI2 structure (Fig. 23.0.17). The Sn-atom has six octahedral
neighbors. The normal stacking sequence is X–M–XX–M–X, but other stacking types are known. Space group:
Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.18, band structures of SnS2 and SnSe2: Figs. 23.0.19 and 23.0.20.
Left: Fig. 23.0.13. Rutile structure for the group IV dioxides. Small circles: metal atoms, large circles: oxygen atoms.
Right: Fig. 23.0.14. SnO2. Brillouin zone for the rutile structure.
Fig. 23.0.16. Diagram of the structure of GeS2 and GeSe2.
Right above:
Fig. 23.0.15. Band structure of SnO2.
Right below:
Fig. 23.0.17. Crystal structure of SnS2 and SnSe2,
(a) general form of layer structure, (b) (11 2 0)-section,
(c) octahedral coordination in the layer, (d) packing
of atoms in SnSe2.
Fig. 23.0.19a. Band structure of 2H-SnS2. Fig. 23.0.19b. Band structure for 4H-SnS
Sn2S3, PbSnS3 ,SnGeS3, PbGeS3: The MeIISnIVS3 compounds have an orthorhombic crystal symmetry. The
structure can be characterized by double SnS6-octahedron chains parallel to the crystallographic c-axis, Fig.
23.22. The unit cell contains four molecules. Space group: D2h16 – Pnam.
Left: Fig. 23.0.21. (101) sections and projections along [ 0 0 1 ] of the two models proposed for Si2Te3. a) One quarter
of the Si atoms in octahedral interstices; b) all Si atoms in tetrahedral interstices, small circles: Si-atoms.
Right: Fig. 23.0.22. Structure of Sn2S3. The bold circles represent atoms with z = 3/4 and the light circles atoms with
z = 1/4. Distances in Å.
Electronic properties
band structure, see Fig. 23.0.3 (p.566), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.2 (p.566).
energy gap
– 1c) 1.65eV T = 300 K, E || a absorption
d g/dT
dE T – 8.1·10–4 eV K–1 T = 105...300 K, E || a absorption at different temperatures
– 5.8·10–4 eV K–1 T = 115...300 K, E || b
valence band, effective mass
mp 0.5 m0 T = 295 K I – T characteristic, E = 5.1·107 V/cm
mp||/mp⊥ <15 estimation from photoconductivity
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 10.44 Å
b 3.65 Å
c 4.3 Å
heat capacity
Cp 47.4 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 4.01 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 938 K p = 1 kbar
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 23.1.1 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.2 (p.566)
There are seven infrared active and twelve Raman active phonons. The Raman and infrared modes are split due
to the interlayer interactions.
phonon frequencies
νTO(B1u) 3.52·1012 s–1 E || a, T = 300 K IR-reflectivity
νLO(B1u) 3.70·1012 s–1
νTO(B1u) 7.70·1012 s–1
νLO(B1u) 9.74·1012 s–1
νTO(B2u) 6.02·1012 s–1 E || b, T = 300 K
νLO(B2u) 8.93·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 3.15·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 3.2·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 7.10·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 8.25·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 8.39·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 9.59·1012 s–1
ν1(A1g) 1.43·1012 s–1 T = 300 K Raman shift
ν2(A1g) 3.31·1012 s–1
ν3(A1g) 7.11·1012 s–1
ν4(A1g) 8.04·1012 s–1
ν1(B2g) 2.27·1012 s–1
ν2(B2g) 3.4·1012 s–1
ν3(B2g) 3.94·1012 s–1
ν4(B2g) 7.23·1012 s–1
ν1(B3g) 1.64·1012 s–1
ν2(B3g) 6.33·1012 s–1
ν1(B1g) 2.87·1012 s–1
Transport properties
GeS is a high resistivity material of p-type conduction.
For temperature dependence of the conductivity, see Fig. 23.1.2 (CD); for temperature dependence of the
mobility, see Fig. 23.1.3 (CD).
μp 90 cm2/V s T = 300 K photoconductivity measurements on thin GeS
films (p-type)
thermal conductivity: see Fig. 23.1.4 (CD)
Optical properties
optical spectra: refractive index: Fig. 23.1.5 (CD); dielectric constant: Fig. 23.1.6 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 25.1 E || a, T = 300 K from Kramers-Kronig analysis of infrared data
29.5 E || b
30.0 E || c
ε (∞) 14.8 E || a
12.0 E || b
10.0 E || c
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg,ind 1.075 eV T = 300 K, E || a absorption measurement,
1.080 eV T = 300 K, E || b indirect transition
d g,ind/dT
dE – 0.86·10–3 eV K–1 T = 100...300 K, E || a
– 0.5·10–3 eV K–1 T = 100...300 K, E || b
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 10.82 Å RT
b 3.85 Å
c 4.4 Å
heat capacity
Cp 49.9 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 5.52 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 948 K
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 23.2.1 (CD)
phonon frequencies
νTO(B1u) 5.56·1012 s–1 T = 300 K infrared active phonons
νLO(B1u) 6.69·1012 s–1
νTO(B1u) 5.23·1012 s–1
νLO(B1u) 5.32·1012 s–1
νTO(B1u) 2.63·1012 s–1
νLO(B1u) 2.72·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 5.92·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 6.51·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 5.14·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 5.8·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 2.48·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 2.57·1012 s–1
νTO(B2u) 4.48·1012 s–1
νLO(B2u) 6.27·1012 s–1
ν1(A1g) 5.62·1012 s–1 T = 300 K Raman shift
ν2(A1g) 5.2·1012 s–1
ν3(A1g) 2.48·1012 s–1
ν4(A1g) 1.16·1012 s–1
ν1(B1g) 4.9·1012 s–1
ν2(B1g) 2.3·1012 s–1
ν1(B2g) 6.72·1012 s–1
ν2(B2g) 5.32·1012 s–1
ν3(B2g) 3.04·1012 s–1
ν4(B2g) 1.46·1012 s–1
ν1(B3g) 4.51·1012 s–1
ν2(B3g) 1.16·1012 s–1
Transport properties
GeSe shows p-type semiconducting properties. The carrier concentration and the temperature of the mobility
depends on the stoichiometry of the composition of Ge and Se and on the heat treatment of growth of the
For ρ(T), T μH(T)
T RH(T), T , see Fig. 23.2.2 (CD).
Optical properties
optical spectra: reflectivity: Fig. 23.2.3 (CD); dielectric constant: Fig. 23.2.4 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 21.9 E || a, T = 300 K obtained from Kramers-Kronig
30.4 E || b transformation of IR spectra
25.8 E || c
ε (∞) 18.7 E || a
21.9 E || b
14.4 E || c
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 23.0.8 (p.568), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.7 (p.567.).
energy gaps
Eg(L6v––L6c+) 0.1...0.2 eV p = 5.7·1020 cm–3, tunnel diode characteristic
T = 300 K
Eg,opt 0.73...0.95 eV T = 300 K, reflectivity, shifted to higher energies due to
α-phase Burstein shift, both heavy and light holes are
d g,opt/dT
dE – 4.2·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...300 K temperature dependence of reflectivity (optical
effective masses
mp,l 1.15 m0 α-phase electrical transport data
mp,h 5 m0
Lattice properties
As-like α-phase
lattice parameters
The Ge1–xTex lattice parameters are varying with composition x
a 5.984(1) Å Ge0.497Te0.503 (Ge-saturated)
α 88o10' ± 0.1'
a 5.966(1) Å Ge0.488Te0.512 (Te-saturated)
α 88o10' ± 0.5'
NaCl-like β-phase
lattice parameter (at Ttr)
Transport properties
As grown from the melt Ge1–xTex is always found to have high hole conductivity, the carrier density varying
between 3·1020 cm–3 and 13·1020 cm–3 with varying stoichiometry: excess Te increases, excess Ge decreases
the number of holes. The composition at which the defects in the lattice change from being due to excess Ge to
being due to excess Te occurs at x = 0.5037.
ρ ≈ 2·10–4 Ω cm T = 300 K, for temperature dependence of the
α-phase resistivity of α-GeTe, see Fig. 23.3.1 (CD)
μ 15...120 cm2/V s T = 300 K,
Optical properties
optical spectra
real and imaginary part of the dielectric function: Fig.23.3.2 (CD)
refractive index
n 5.5 λ = 1.5 μm GeTe film
absorption index
k 0.5 λ = 1.5 μm, GeTe film
T = 300 K
dielectric constant
ε (∞) 36 T = 295 K, Kramers-Kronig analysis, GeTe film
37.5 T = 295 K, reflectivity of bulk material
Electronic properties
Band structure: Fig. 23.0.4 (p.566), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.2 (p.566).
energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.42 eV T = 300 K, E || a absorption measurement
1.095 eV T = 300 K, E || b
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 4.05·10–4 eV K–1 T = 100...300 K, E || a
– 4.37·10–4 eV K–1 T = 100...300 K, E || b
effective masses
mp(||a) 0.2 m0 T = 300 K determined from free carrier reflectivity
mp(||b) 0.2 m0
mds,p 0.95 m0 T = 300 K from thermoelectric power measurements
mds,n 0.45 m0 calculated from mds,p (knowing the density of
states of electrons and holes)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 11.20 Å RT
b 3.99 Å
c 4.34 Å
Transport properties
Pure SnS crystals show p-type conduction with carrier concentrations of 1...3·1018 cm–3. The conductivity is
caused by an excess of sulfur.
Temperature dependence of mobility: Fig. 23.4.1 (CD); temperature dependence of conductivity: Fig. 23.4.2
μp(⊥c) ≈ 90 cm2/V s T = 300 K, Hall mobility
p ≈ 1018 cm–3
Optical properties
optical spectra
refractive index: Fig. 23.4.3 (CD); dielectric function: Fig. 23.4.4 (CD)
dielectric constants
ε (0) 32(4) E || a, T = 300 K from Kramers-Kronig transformation
48(5) E || b of IR data
32(4) E || c
ε (∞) 14(2) E || a
16(2) E || b
16(2) E || c
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 23.0.5 (p.567); Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.2 (p.566).
energy gap
Eg,ind 0.9 eV T = 300 K from absorption
effective mass
mp(⊥c) 0.15 m0 optical measurement
0.5 m0 from thermoelectric power
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 11.57 Å
b 4.19 Å
c 4.46 Å
Debye temperature
ΘD 210 K T = 80 K
heat capacity
Cp 5.05 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1153 K
phonon frequencies
νTO(B1u) 4.49·1012 s–1 T = 300 K IR reflectivity
νLO(B1u) 5.38·1012 s–1
νTO(B1u) 3.68·1012 s–1
νLO(B1u) 4.46·1012 s–1
νTO(B1u) 2.39·1012 s–1
νLO(B1u) 2.54·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 4.25·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 5.71·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 3.89·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 4.22·1012 s–1
νTO(B3u) 1.67·1012 s–1
νLO(B3u) 1.7·1012 s–1
νTO(B2u) 2.87·1012 s–1
νLO(B2u) 5.14·1012 s–1
ν(Ag) 4.51·1012 s–1 T = 300 K Raman shift
ν(Ag) 3.89·1012 s–1
ν(Ag) 2.12·1012 s–1
ν(Ag) 0.987·1012 s–1
ν(B1g) 3.98·1012 s–1
ν(B1g) 1.7·1012 s–1
ν(B2g) 5.05·1012 s–1 calculated
ν(B2g) 4.1·1012 s–1 Raman shift
ν(B2g) 1.67·1012 s–1
ν(B2g) 1.20·1012 s–1
ν(B3g) 3.23·1012 s–1
ν(B3g) 1.11·1012 s–1
Transport properties
Temperature dependence of Hall coefficient and resistivity of n-type SnSe: Fig. 23.5.1 (CD); temperature
dependence of mobility and carrier concentration: Fig. 23.5.2 (CD).
carrier concentration
p 3·1015...2·1018 cm–3
μp(⊥c) ≤ 7·103 cm2/V s T = 77 K, Hall mobility in pure single crystals
p = 3.3·1016 cm–3
Optical properties
optical spectra: dielectric function: Fig. 23.5.3 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε(0) 45(5) E || a, T = 300 K from Kramers-Kronig analysis of
62(6) E || b infrared reflectivity
42(5) E || c
ε(∞) 13(2) E || a
17(2) E || b
16(2) E || c
Electronic properties
All data for β-phase if not otherwise stated.
band structure: Fig. 23.0.9 (p.568), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.7 (p.567).
Principal structures are equal to those of PbTe. The main conduction and valence band edges occur at or near
the centers of the hexagonal faces (L points of the fcc Brillouin zone, the valence band top with L6–, the
conduction band edge with L6+ symmetry). The constant-energy surfaces near the main valence-band maxima
have a highly prolate <111>-orientated form (de Hans-van Alphen measurements) and have probably a saddle
energy gaps
Eg 0.36 eV T = 12 K, 77 K, optical absorption measurement
p = 3.6·1019 cm–3
Lattice properties
As-like α-phase
The α-phase is only existent if the carrier concentration (due to off-stoichiometry) is less than p = 1.5·1020
lattice parameters
a 6.325 Å T=5K
α 89.895o
NaCl-like β-phase
lattice parameter
a 6.3268 Å T = 300 K
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 21.3·10–6 K–1 p ≈ 1·1020 cm–3, not stated if α- or β-phase
T = 80...300 K
Temperature dependence of the linear thermal expansion coefficient: Fig. 23.6.1 (CD).
Debye temperature: Fig. 23.6.2 (CD).
heat capacity: Fig. 23.6.3 (CD).
d 6.445(10) g cm–3 T = 25oC determined by weighing for 2·1020 cm–3 <
p300K < 18.4·1020 cm–3
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 23.6.4 (CD).
The primitive unit cell of SnTe contains one Sn and one Te atom, so that there are in the NaCl-like phase a
threefold degenerate optical IR-active and an acoustical mode. Below Ttrr in the rhombohedral phase the
inversion symmetry is broken and phonons arise in [ 1 1 1 ] direction as well as twofold degenerate in the ( 1 0 0 )
plane, which are now Raman active.
phonon frequencies
νTO(000) 0.78(5) THz T = 100 K, inelastic neutron scattering
νLO(000) 4.17(8) THz β-phase
sound velocities
υ LA 3.171·105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] direction ultrasonic measurements at 300 K,
true carrier density
υ TA1 1.220·105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] direction p = 4.5·1020 cm–3 (β-phase)
polarized in [ 0 0 1 ]
υ TA2 2.869·105 cm s–1 [ 1 1 0 ] direction
polarized in [1 1 0]
second order elastic moduli
(1/2)(c11–c12) 5.358⋅1011 dyn cm–2 T = 300 K, ultrasonic measurements, (β-phase)
p = 4.5·10 cm–3
Transport properties
Temperature dependence of conductivity for different carrier concentrations: Fig. 23.6.6 (CD).
μp 840 cm2/V s T = 300 K, β-phase from fit of optical absorption data,
2000 cm2/V s T = 77 K, α-phase p = 3.6·1019 cm–3
2800 cm2/V s T = 12 K, α-phase
temperature dependence of Hall mobility for different carrier concentrations: Fig. 23.6.7 (CD).
Optical properties
optical spectra
reflectivity spectrum, Fig. 23.6.8 (CD); dielectric function, Fig. 23.6.9 (CD).
dielectric constant
ε (0) 1200(200) LST-relation applied on TO-frequency
Electronic properties
Both the tetragonal (red) and the orthorhombic (yellow) forms of PbO are wide gap semiconductors. The
energy gaps of both modifications are assumed to be indirect.
indirect energy gaps
tetragonal modification
Eg,ind 2.07 eV T = 290 K reflectivity, polycrystals
d g/dT
dE T 1.0(1)·10–4 eV/ K T = 290...573 K reflectivity, polycrystals
orthorhombic modification
Eg,ind 2.78 eV T = 290 K reflectivity, polycrystals
d g/dT
dE T 1.15(10)·10–3 eV/K T = 290...573 K reflectivity, polycrystals
direct energy gaps
tetragonal modification
Eg,dirr 2.75 eV T = 300 K absorption, single crystals,
unpolarized light along c axis
orthorhombic modification
Eg,dirr 3.36 eV T = 300 K reflectivity, transmission on films
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
tetragonal modification
a 3.97 Å T = 300 K
c 5.02 Å
orthorhombic modification (at 300 K, normal pressure)
a 5.489 Å
b 4.755 Å
c 5.891 Å
d 9.53 g/cm3 T = 300 K tetragonal modification
8.0 g/cm3 T = 300 K, orthorhombic modification
normal pressure
melting temperature
Tm 890oC
phonon frequencies
tetragonal modification
ν1(TO?) 6.0...6.3 THz T = 77 K luminescence
ν2(TO?) 13.8...14.3 THz T = 77 K luminescence
Transport properties
for data of electron Hall mobility vs. temperature, see Fig. 23.7.1 (CD).
Optical properties
Orthorhombic modification: for dielectric constant, see Fig. 23.7.2 (CD).
refractive index
n 2.74 λ = 600 nm, thin film, tetragonal modification
T = 300 K
2.81 λ = 521 nm,
T = 300 K
Electronic properties
PbS is a narrow gap semiconductor with extrema of conduction and valence bands at the L point of the
Brillouin zone.
band structure: Fig. 23.0.69 (p.505), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.7 (p.567).
energy gap
Eg,dir(L6v+–L6c–) 0.286 eV T = 4.2 K magnetoabsorption,
0.42 eV T = 300 K reflectivity and transmittance, films
d g,dirr/dT
dE + 0.52 meV/ K T = 100...400 K from various experiments
effective masses
The surfaces of constant energy for both electrons and holes are prolate spheroids of revolution. The major axis
of the spheroid is a [ 1 1 1 ] direction and its center is at the L point as shown in Fig. 23.8.1 (CD).
m⊥,n 0.080(10) m0 T=4K Shubnikov-de Haas effect (SdH)
m||,n 0.105(15) m0 T=4K
m⊥,p 0.075(100) m0 T=4K
m||,p 0.105(15) m0 T=4K
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 5.936 Å T = 300 K
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 72·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 23.8.2 (CD)
Debye temperature
ΘD 145(7) K T = 300 K from X-ray Bragg reflection data
229 K T = 300 K from elastic constants
heat capacities
Cp 11.4 cal/mol K T = 200 K for temperature dependence,
Cv 11.2 cal/mol K T = 200 K see Fig. 23.8.3 (CD)
d 7.597 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1110oC
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 23.8.4 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ) 6.14 THz T = 296 K inelastic neutron scattering
νTO(Γ) 1.96 THz
νLO(X) 2.78 THz computed from various experimental data
νTO(X) 2.66 THz
νLA(X) 1.64 THz
νTA(X) 1.2 THz
νLO(L) 7.13 THz
νTO(L) 5.83 THz
νLA(L) 3.05 THz
νTA(L) 1.47 THz
second order elastic moduli
c11 12.4(6)·106 N cm–2 T = 300 K
c12 3.3 (3)·106 N cm–2
c44 2.3(2) ·106 N cm–2
bulk moduli
BS 5.2876·106 N cm–2 T = 295 K atmospheric pressure,
BT 4.9855·106 N cm–2 T = 295 K bulk single crystal
Transport properties
Hall mobility
μn 700 cm2/V s T = 300 K synthetic (single) crystal
13500 cm2/V s T = 77 K n = 2·1018 cm–3, for temperature dependence
of Hall mobility, see Fig. 23.8.5 (CD)
Optical properties
optical spectra: reflectivity: Fig. 23.8.6a (CD); real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant: Fig. 23.8.6b
dielectric constants
ε (0) 169 T = 300 K
ε (∞) 17.2 T = 300 K
Electronic properties
band structure
PbSe is a narrow gap semiconductor with extrema of conduction and valence bands at the L point of the
Brillouin zone.
band structure: Fig. 23.0.11 (p.569), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.7 (p.567).
energy gap
Eg,dir(L6v+–L6c–) 0.145eV T=4K laser emission, single crystal films
0.278 eV T = 300 K
d g,dirr/dT
dE + 0.51 meV/ K T = 100...400 K from various experiments,
see also Fig. 23.9.1 (CD)
effective masses
The surfaces of constant energy for both electrons and holes are prolate spheroids of revolution. The major axis
of the spheroid is a [ 1 1 1 ] direction and its center is at the L point.
m⊥,n 0.040 m0 T=4K
m||,n 0.070 m0 T=4K
m⊥,p 0.034 m0 T=4K
m||,p 0.068 m0 T=4K
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.124 Å T = 299 K NaCl-structure
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 1.940·10–5 K–1 T = 300 K polycrystalline samples;
1.737·10–5 K–1 T = 100 K for temperature dependence,
0.765·10–5 K–1 T = 30 K see Fig. 23.9.3 (CD)
Debye temperature
ΘD 156(2) K T=0K from ultrasonic measurements
144 K T = 25 K from calorimetric measurements
d 8.26 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1082oC
phonon frequencies
νLO(Γ) 3.99 THz T = 4.2 K tunnel spectroscopy
νTO(Γ) 1.32 THz T = 1.4 K transmission
sound velocities
υT 1415 ms–1 T = 300 K along [ 1 0 0 ]
υL 3860 ms–1 T = 300 K along [ 1 0 0 ]
υT 1690 ms–1 T = 300 K along [ 0 1 1 ]
Transport properties
Hall mobilities
The carrier mobility is limited by defect scattering at low temperatures, at elevated temperatures the polar
optical phonon scattering becomes dominating.
μn 1 cm2/V s T = 300 K n = 7·1017 cm–3, epitaxial films
26 cm2/V s T = 77 K n = 6.5·1017 cm–3, bulk single crystals
200 cm2/V s T=4K
μp 27 cm2/V s T = 77 K p = 1018 cm–3, bulk single crystals
230 cm2/V s T=4K
for temperature dependence of Hall mobility, see Fig. 23.9.4 (CD.)
Optical properties
refractive index: for temperature dependence, see Fig. 23.9.5 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 210 T = 300 K calculated using Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation
ε (∞) 22.9 T = 300 K reflectivity, epitaxial films
Electronic properties
PbTe is a narrow gap semiconductor with extrema of conduction and valence bands at the L point of the
Brillouin zone. Various experiments gave evidence of a second valence band extremum presumably located
near the maximum of the Σ-line of the Brillouin zone. At elevated temperatures this extremum becomes the
valence band edge.
band structure: Fig. 23.0.12 (p.569), Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.7 (p.567).
energy gaps
Eg,dir(L6v+–L6c–) 311 meV T = 300 K magnetooptics, single crystal films
Eg,ind(Σ5v–L6c–) 360 meV T > 420 K magnetotransport and warm hole conductivity
T 171.5+((12.8)2+ T = 0...300 K magnetooptics, single crystal films
T 2 1/2
) meV
d g,ind/dT
dE ≈0 T = 0...600 K magnetotransport and warm hole conductivity
effective masses
The surfaces of constant energy for both electrons and holes are prolate spheroids of revolution. The major axis
of the spheroid is a [ 1 1 1 ] direction and its center is at the L point.
m⊥,n 0.024(3) m0 T=4K
m||,n 0.24(5) m0
m⊥,p 0.022(3) m0
m||,p 0.31(5) m0
g-factors of electrons and holes
gc|| 60.0(10) T = 4.2 K magnetoplasma reflection, n = 2·1017 cm–3
gc⊥ 17.5(10)
gv|| 58.3(10) T = 4.2 K FIR spin resonance, p = 4·1016 cm–3
gv⊥ 18.8(15)
Lattice properties
lattice parameter
a 6.462 Å T = 300 K NaCl structure
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 1.97·10–5 K–1 T = 77...300 K for temperature dependence,
see Fig. 23.10.1 (CD)
Debye temperature
ΘD 136 K T = 100 K from heat capacity
heat capacities
Cp 11.9 cal mol–1 K−1 T = 200 K for temperature dependence,
Cv 11.7 cal mol–1 K−1 T = 200 K see Fig. 23.10.2 (CD)
d 8.242 g cm–3 T = 300 K
8.219 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 924oC
Transport properties
intrinsic carrier concentration: for temperature dependence: see Fig. 23.10.4 (CD).
Hall mobilities
The carrier mobility is limited by defect scattering at low temperatures, at elevated temperatures the polar
optical phonon scattering becomes dominating.
For temperature dependence of mobility, see Fig. 23.10.5 (CD).
μH,n 1730 cm2/V s T = 300 K bulk material
800000 cm2/V s T = 4.2 K bulk material
μH,p 780 cm2/V s T = 300 K bulk material
256000 cm2/V s T = 4.2 K bulk material
thermal conductivity
κ 190 cm s g cal–1 n = 3.4·1018 cm–3
T = 300 K
Optical properties
optical spectra: real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant: Fig. 23.10.6 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 414 T = 300 K derived from IR-index matching
ε (∞) 33 T = 300 K (thickness: 6.9 μm), n (77 K) = 8.2·1016 cm–3
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
(All data for tetragonal GeO2 (rutile structure))
Electronic properties
The band structure of GeO2 is similar to that of SnO2 but there exists some disagreement about the symmetry
of fundamental absorption edge.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 5.35 eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ c absorption measurement, Γ5v+–Γ1c+ direct
6 eV T = 300 K, E || c absorption measurement, direct transition
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.395 Å
c 2.859 Å
u 0.307
heat capacity
Cp 52.09 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 6.24 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 1086oC
phonon frequencies
νTO(A2u) 1.56⋅1013 s–1 T = 300 K, E || c IR reflectivity
νLO(A2u) 2.44⋅1013 s–1
νTO(Eu) 1.0⋅1013 s–1 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c
Transport properties
electrical conductivity: for
f temperature dependence , see Fig. 23.11.1 (CD).
Optical properties
refractive index
n 1.99 E || c, λ = 599 nm
2.05 E⊥c
dielectric constants
ε (0) 12.2 E || c, T = 300 K
14.5 E⊥c
ε (∞) 4.1 E || c, T = 300 K
4.6 E⊥c
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
Physical properties
(All data for orthorhombic GeS2)
energy gap
Eg 3.425 eV T = 300 K direct forbidden transition
lattice parameters
a 11.66 Å
b 22.34 Å
c 6.88 Å
heat capacity
Cp 65.6 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1113 K
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
Physical properties
Only very little is known about the electronic properties. The absorption edge for band-to-band transition obeys
Urbach's rule. All following data for orthorhombic GeSe2.
energy gap
Eg 2.485 eV T = 300 K direct transition, unpolarized
lattice parameters
a 12.22 Å
b 23.036 Å
c 6.953 Å
heat capacity
Cp 71.1 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 1013 K
E || b, T = 300 K
νTO 2.45, 2.87, 3.68, 7.8, 8.75, 9.09
νLO 2.48, 2.93, 3.72, 8.61, 8.91, 9.15
E || c, T = 300 K
νTO 9.63, 9.9
νLO 9.69, 10.2
νTO 9.9
for temperature dependence, see Fig. 23.13.1 (CD).
optical spectra
refractive index: Fig. 23.13.2 (CD); dielectric function: Fig. 23.13.3 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 9.5 E || a
11.5 E || b
11.8 E || c
ε (∞) 7 E || a
8 E || b
11 E || c
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 23.0.15 (p.570); Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.14 (p.570).
The lowest conduction band has its minimum at the Γ point in the Brillouin zone and is an 90% tin s-like state.
It is very similar to that for a free electron in spite of the overall ionic character of SnO2. The upper valence
band consists of a set of three bands (2+, 3+ and 5+). The valence band maximum is a Γ3+ state.
energy gap
Egx,dir(Γ3v+–Γ1c+) 3.596 eV T = 4 K, E ⊥ c exciton absorption, forbidden transition
3.99 eV T = 4K, E || c
d gx,dirr/dT
dE 1.2·10–3 eV K–1 T = 300...1300 K,
E ⊥ c, E || c
excitonic binding energy
Eb 0.13eV absorption
conduction band, effective masses
m⊥ 0.299 m0 T = 19...42 K cyclotron resonance measurements
m|| 0.234 m0
mds,n 0.275 m0 calculated from m⊥ and m||
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 4.737 Å
c 3.186 Å
u 0.307 Å
Transport properties
Electrical transport occurs via band conduction. Only n-type material is known. The free carrier concentration
changes with oxygen deficiency.
For temperature dependence of mobility, carrier concentration and conductivity, see Fig. 23.14.2 (CD)
electrical conductivity
σ⊥c/σ||c 1 T = 77 K for σ, see also Fig. 23.14.2 (CD)
1.2 T = 300 K
electron mobility
μn 150 cm2/V s T = 300 K n = 2.2·1018 cm–3
240 cm2/V s T = 300 K n = 8.6·1016 cm–3
260 cm2/V s T = 300 K n = 8.5·1015 cm–3
thermal conductivity
κ||c 0.98 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K static measurement according to Fourier law
κ⊥ c 0.55 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K
Optical properties
dielectric constant
ε (0) 13.5 E ⊥ c, T = 300 K, from IR reflectivity
9.58 E || c
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
All data refer to the 2H polytype if not otherwise stated.
Electronic properties
band structure
Band structures of 2H and 4H-SnS2: Figs. 23.0.19a,b (p.571); Brillouin zone: Fig. 23.0.18 (p.571).
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.648 Å
c 5.899 Å
u ≈ 0.25
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. 23.15.1 (CD).
The basis of CdI2 structure crystals SnS2 and SnSe2 (2H polytype) consists of three atoms which lead to nine
vibrational modes. The irreducible representation at the zone center is Γ = A1g + 2A2u + Eg +2Eu. The acoustic
modes are A2u + Eu, the two Raman active modes A1g + Eg and the two IR-active modes A2u + Eu.
phonon frequencies
ν(A1g) 9.49·1012 s–1 T = 77 K 2H-SnS2,from Raman spectrum
ν(Eg) 6.22·1012 s–1 T = 77 K
ν(A1+E) 9.48·1012 s–1 T = 77 K 4H-SnS2, from Raman spectrum
ν(E) 6.46·1012 s–1 T = 77 K
ν(E) 6.17·1012 s–1 T = 77 K
ν(E) 5.62·1012 s–1 T = 77 K
ν(E) 0.837·1012 s–1 T = 77 K
heat capacity
Cp 70.06 J mol–1 K–1 T = 298 K
17.3 J mol–1 K–1 T = 53 K
d 4.47 g cm–3 T = 300 K pycnometric density
4.5 g cm–3 T = 300 K X-ray-density
melting temperature
Tm 1038 K
Transport properties
SnS2 is an n-type semiconductor with carrier concentrations of about 1017...1018 cm–3. The mobility of carriers
perpendicular to the c-axis shows normal lattice scattering (μn ∝ T –1.9) , while parallel to the c-axis the
mobility is associated with a hopping mechanism which shows exponential temperature dependence and an
activitation energy of EA = 0.18 eV.
ρ 1.11 Ω cm T = 300 K, E ⊥ c n = 2·1017 cm–3, from free carrier reflectivity
μn 51.5 cm2/V s T = 300 K, E ⊥ c Hall mobility, n = 2·1017 cm–3
temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and mobility: Figs. 23.15.2 (CD)...23.15.4 (CD).
Optical properties
optical spectra: dielectric function: Figs. 23.15.5 (CD) and 23.15.6 (CD).
refractive index
no 2.85 T = 300 K,
no – ne 0.69 λ = 0.69 μm birefringence
dielectric constants
ε (0) 17.7 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c from Kramers Kronig analysis of
6.19 T = 300 K, E || c IR-spectra and oscillator fit including
ε (∞) 7.57 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c the free carrier contributions
5.65 T = 300 K, E || c
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
All data for the 2H-polytype if not stated otherwise.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 23.0.20 (p.571), Brillouin zone: Fig. 20.0.18 (p.571).
energy gaps (polarization E ⊥ c)
Eg,ind 0.97 eV T = 300 K (forbidden transition)
Eg,dirr 1.62 eV T = 300 K (forbidden transition)
Eg,th 1 eV temperature dependence of intrinsic
conduction band, effective mass
mds 2.9 m0 T = 290 K n ≈ 1.2·1020 cm–3, calculated from Hall
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 3.811 Å
c 56.137 Å
u ≈ 0.25
d 6.01 g cm–3 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 948 K
phonon dispersion: Fig. 23.16.1 (CD).
phonon frequencies
νTO(A2u) 7.20⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K, E || c from IR-reflectivity, 2H-SnSe2
νLO(A2u) 7.4⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K, E || c
νTO(Eu) 4.30⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c
νLO(Eu) 6.1⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c
ν(A1g) 5.51⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K 2H-SnSe2, from Raman spectrum
ν(Eg) 3.25⋅1012 s–1 T = 300 K
second order elastic moduli
c11 10.32(18)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2 determined from acoustic phonon dispersion
c33 2.76(13)⋅⋅1011 dyn cm–2
Transport properties
SnSe2 is an n-type semiconductor with carrier concentrations typically from 1017...1018 cm–3.
ρ 0.28 Ω cm T = 300 K, E || c n = 7.9·1017 cm–3, from free carrier reflectivity
0.27 Ω cm T = 300 K, E ⊥ c n = 7.9·1017 cm–3, dc measurements
For temperature dependence, see Fig. 23.16.2 (CD).
electron mobility
μn 29.3 cm2/V s T = 300 K, E ⊥ c Hall mobility, n = 1.5·1018 cm–3
For temperature, see Fig. 23.16.3 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ⊥/κ|| ≈6 T = 250 K see also Fig. 23.16.4 (CD)
Optical properties
refractive indices
no 3.26 T = 290 K, λ = 1 μm for spectral dependence of refractive index
ne 2.88 T = 290K, λ = 1 μm
dielectric constants
ε (0) 21.47 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c from Kramers-Kronig analysis
9.97 E || c of IR spectra and oscillator
ε (∞) 10.7 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c fit including free carrier contributions
9.42 E || c For spectral dependence of dielectric
function, see Fig. 23.16.5 (CD)
Crystal structure
see section 23.0.
Electronic properties
Most knowledge of the electronic properties of Si2Te3 comes from optical measurement. Due to the rapid
decomposition of the surface of Si2Te3 to SiO2 and Te in the presence of water vapour the results of optical and
electrical measurements depend on preparation and handling of the samples.
energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.82 eV T = 300 K indirect forbidden
1.89 eV T = 300 K indirect allowed
Eg,dirr 2.18 eV T = 300 K direct forbidden, from absorption measurement
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 1.22·10–3 eV K–1 from absorption
effective masses
μ||c 2.7 m0 reduced mass of electrons and holes
from Franz-Keldysh effect
mn,p(||c) 5.4 m0 calculated from the reduced mass of
electrons and holes
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 7.429 Å T = 300 K
c 13.471 Å
heat capacity
Cp 1.25·102 J mol–1 K–1 T = 300 K
d 4.5 g cm–3 T = 300 K pycnometric density
melting temperature
Tm 1165 K
Transport properties
Si2Te3 is a p-type semiconductor with a strong anisotropy of the electrical conductivity due to the hexagonal
layer structure. The analysis of the photocurrent indicates a trap level at 0.45 eV below the conduction band
and a broad distribution of recombination centers at 0.9 eV.
carrier concentration
p 3·106 cm–3 T = 300 K
hole mobility
μp(||c) 2·10–3 cm2/V s T = 283 K
For temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, see Fig. 23.17.1 (CD); Seebeck coefficient and
resistivity as a function of temperature: Fig. 23.17.2 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κ 4...5·10–3 W K–1 cm–1 T = 300 K
Optical properties
Spectral dependence of refractive index and extinction coefficient: Fig. 23.17.3 (CD)
24 IV-VII2 compounds
Electronic properties
If not stated otherwise all data refer to the cubic β-PbF2.
excitonic energy gap (cationic, Pb 6s–6p transition)
Egx 5.68 eV T = 4.2 K reflectance
d gx/dT
dE T – 1.2(2)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 123...273 K transmission
Lattice properties
If not stated otherwise all data refer to the cubic β-PbF2.
lattice parameters
a 7.63574 Å T = 291 K α-PbF2 (orthorhombic V2h16 phase,
b 6.42689 Å 4 molecules per unit cell)
c 3.89098 Å
a 5.92732 Å T = 291 K β-PbF2 (cubic fluorite Oh5 phase)
a 5.940 Å T = 295 K
coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α 0.41·10–8 K–1 T=4K Fig. 24.1.1 (CD)
2.87·10–5 K–1 T = 283 K
Debye temperature
ΘD 230 K T = 10 K thermal expansion
225.3 K T = 295 K calorimetry
heat capacity
Cp 69(7) J K–1 mol–1 T = 400...640 K differential scanning calorimetry
d 8.48 g cm–3 α-PbF2
7.659 g cm–3 β-PbF2
melting temperature
Tm 855oC
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 24.1.2 (CD)
phonon wavenumbers
ν TO 102 cm–1 RT infrared reflectance
ν LO 337 cm–1
Raman wavenumber
νR 253 cm–1 T=4K Raman scattering
second order elastic moduli
c11 9.34⋅1011 dyn cm–2 RT from elastic compliances,
c12 4.40⋅1011 dyn cm–2 see below
c44 2.10⋅1011 dyn cm–2
elastic compliances
s11 1.534(7)⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1 RT oscillator resonance technique
s12 – 0.49(1)⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1
s44 4.756(1)⋅10–12 cm2 dynn–1
κ 1.53·10–3 kbarr–1 T = 16.3 K dielectric measurements
1.65·10–3 kbarr–1 T = 295.0 K
bulk modulus
BS 63 GPa T = 295 K from thermal expansion
Optical properties
If not stated otherwise all data refer to the cubic β-PbF2.
refractive index
n 1.75450(4) T = 291.7 K, prism method
λ = 0.7065 μm
reflectance: Fig. 24.1.3 (CD) (77 K, 4...30 eV) , Fig. 24.1.4 (CD) (295 K, 10...150 μm)
dielectric constants
ε (∞) 3.120 T = 295 K
ε (0) 27.4 T = 295 K infrared reflectance
Spectral dependence of real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constants at 295 K: Fig. 24.1.5 (CD).
Electronic properties
energy gap
Eg 4.863(5) eV calculated from data below
excitonic energy gaps (cationic, Pb 6s – 6p transition)
Egx(A1g–B1u) 4.690(5) eV T = 78 K, E || a reflectance
Egx(A1g–B2u) 4.710(5) eV E || b
Egx(A1g–B3u) 4.650(5) eV E || c
temperature dependence of excitonic energy gap
d gx/dT
dE T – 3.6(4)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 123...273 K transmission
reduced exciton mass
μex 0.33 m0 T=5K transmission
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 9.030 Å T = 291 K orthorhombic V2h16 structure,
b 7.608 Å 4 molecules per unit cell
c 4.525 Å
d 5.85 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 501oC
Optical properties
optical spectra: reflectance: Fig. 24.2.1 (CD).
dielectric constants: real and imaginary parts: Fig. 24.2.2 (CD).
Electronic properties
excitonic energy gaps (cationic Pb 6s – 6p transition)
Egx(A1g–B1u) 3.955(4) eV E || a, T = 77 K reflectance
Egx(A1g–B2u) 3.975(4) eV E || b
Egx(A1g–B3u) 3.935(4) eV E || c
temperature dependence of excitonic energy gap
d gx/dT
dE T – 3.9(3)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 123...273 K transmission
exciton Bohr radius
rex 7.15 Å transmission
reduced exciton mass
μex 0.59 m0 T = 295 K exciton spectra
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 9.466 Å T = 291 K orthorhombic V2h16 structure,
b 8.068 Å 4 molecules per unit cell
c 4.767 Å
d 6.66 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 373oC
Optical properties
optical spectra: reflectance: Fig. 24.3.1 (CD).
dielectric constants: real and imaginary parts: Fig. 24.3.2 (CD).
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 24.0.1 (
energy gaps
Eg,dir(A4v+–A4c–) 2.552(5) eV T = 4. K, E ⊥ c 2H, reflectance and Kramers-Kronig analysis
(or A4g–A4u)
effective masses
mn|| 1.25 m0 T = 300 K, || c drift mobility
mn ⊥ 0.25 m0 ⊥c
mp|| 1.1 m0 T = 300 K, || c drift mobility
mp ⊥ 1.1 m0 ⊥c
Lattice properties
lattice parameters (for the various polytypes)
a (2H) 4.557 Å T = 295 K
c (2H) 6.979 Å
a (4H) 4.557 Å T = 295 K
c (4H) 13.958 Å
c (6H) 20.937 Å
c (6R) 20.937 Å
c (12R) 41.874 Å
thermal expansion
T 4.0(1)·10–5 K–1 T = 250...400 K 2H polytype, see Fig. 24.4.1 (CD)
T 3.6(1)·10–5 K–1
d 6.16 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 402oC
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 24.4.2 (CD).
phonon wavenumbers
ν (Eu,TO) 51.7 cm–1 T = 4.2 K, E ⊥ c ir active modes, 2H modification
ν (Eu,LO) 108 cm–1 T = 4.2 K, E ⊥ c
ν (A2u,TO) 96 cm–1 T = 4.2 K, E || c
ν (A2u,LO) 121 cm–1 T = 4.2 K, E || c
sound velocities
υ T⊥[00l] 1.00(2)⋅105 cm s–1 T = 295 K Brillouin scattering
υ L⊥[001] 1.80(2)⋅105 cm s–1 T = 295 K Brillouin scattering
1.54(8)⋅105 cm s–1 inelastic neutron scattering
υ T[110] 1.10(8)⋅105 cm s–1 polarized out of plane
υ L[110] 1.81(10)⋅105 cm s–1
υ T[100] 1.07(6)⋅105 cm s–1 polarized out of plane
0.94(4)⋅105 cm s–1
υ L[100] 1.86(10)⋅105 cm s–1
second order elastic moduli
c11 27.7(5)⋅1010dyn cm–2 T = 295 K Brillouin scattering
c33 20.2(4)⋅1010dyn cm–2
c44 6.2(2)⋅1010dyn cm–2
c12 9.6(9)⋅1010dyn cm–2
c13 11.3(6)⋅1010dyn cm–2
c14 3.0(2)⋅1010dyn cm–2
Transport properties
carrier mobilities
μn⊥ 1300...4600 cm2/V s T = 3.3 K transverse magnetoconductivity and Hall effect,
Fig. 24.4.3 (CD)
μp⊥ 2600...3000 cm2/V s
Optical properties
optical spectra: reflectance: Fig. 24.4.4 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0)⊥ 26.4 T = 300 K infrared reflectance
ε (0)|| 9.3
ε (∞)⊥ 6.25 T = 300 K infrared reflectance
ε (∞)|| 5.9
For spectral dependence of real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant from reflectance and Kramers-
Kronig analysis, see Fig. 24.4.5 (CD).
25 Vx-VIy compounds
Bi2O3: Bi2O3 exists in several polymorphic forms at RT, the most important being monoclinic α- and
tetragonal β-Bi2O3 (γ-Bi
γ 2O3 only exists in an impurity-stabilized form).
α-Bi2O3: The structure is built up of equidistant layers parallel to the yz-plane. Every second layer consists of
Bi atoms. Monoclinic, space group C2h5 – P21/c, 4 molecules/unit cell.
β-Bi2O3: Tetragonal, space group D2d4 – P(-4)21c, 4 molecules/unit cell. The bismuth atoms are arranged in a
fcc subcell with α ≈ 5.5 Å. The coordination around bismuth is four-fold, and the coordination polyhedron can
be described by a distorted trigonal bipyramid where one of the basal corners is occupied by the inert electron
pair (Fig. 25.0.10).
Molecule crystal, space group C2h5 – P21/n, 4 molecules/unit cell. The As4S4 molecule is described in the
cradle model: four sulfur and four arsenic atoms, covalently bound, form a square and a tetrahedron,
respectively. The sulfur square cuts through the arsenic tetrahedron in the middle, Fig. 25.0.11. Two
modifications α and β are reported and confirmed.
Left: Fig. 25.0.2. The layer-type modification of As2O3. Above: claudetite I; As atoms dotted. Below: claudetite II;
right: projection along [010] perpendicular to the layers, left: one layer projected onto the (a, b)-plane.
Right: Fig. 25.0.3. Two projections of the structure of orpiment As2S3. Arsenic atoms dotted. The structure is
isomorphous to As2Se3.
Left: Fig. 25.0.4. Band structure of As2Se3. Σ- and A-axes || a, Λ-, G- and H-axes || c, Δ- and B-axes || b, the stacking
axis of the layers.
Right: Fig. 25.0.5. Schematic representation of the monoclinic structure of As2Te3. Crystalline As2Te3 is composed
of complex chains parallel to the binary axis of the monoclinic cell. A portion of an individual chain is shown on the
figure. All tellurium atoms are threefold-coordinated, whereas arsenic atoms are either tetrahedrally (T-sites) or
octahedrally (O-sites) coordinated.
Fig. 25.0.6. Sb2S3-type
structure; projection of
one ribbon in the (010)
Fig. 25.0.7. Band struc-
ture of Sb2S3 along the
Δ-axis. The solid lines
correspond to the Δ1
representation and the
dashed lines corres-
pond to Δ2.
Left: Fig. 25.0.10. Picture of a BiO4 polyhedron showing the trigonal bipyramid (e: inert electron pair); angle
O –Bi–O : 115o; angle O –Bi–O : 172o. Bi–O bond lengths: 1.96Å...2.45Å.
1 2 3 4
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Physical properties
Only some optical properties have been investigated.
peak energies of valence states (binding energy)
Ev – E 3.1, 5.3, 7.6, 13.4, 23.0 eV (arsenolite) , from photoemission
refractive index
n 1.755 at λ = 589.3 nm (arsenolite)
lattice parameters
arsenolite: a = 11.0745 Å (at 300 K); u = 0.885, v = 0.235
claudetite I: a = 5.25 Å, b = 12.90 Å, c = 4.53 Å, β = 93.9o
claudeteie II: a = 7.390 Å, b = 4.645 Å, c = 9.115 Å, β = 78.3o
heat capacity
Cp (35.04 + 203.48 T = 273 K...548 K (arsenolite and claudetite)
·10 T –1
T) J mol K –1
d 3.89 g/cm3 T = 300 K (arsenolite)
4.23 g/cm3 T = 300 K (claudetite I)
4.02 g/cm3 T = 300 K (claudetite II)
melting temperature
Tm 551 K under pressure (arsenolite)
585 K under pressure (claudetite)
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
The electronic band structures of the isomorphous compounds As2S3 and As2Se3 are very similar. The energy
band structure of As2S3 can be roughly derived from that of As2Se3 by rigidly separating valence and
conduction band by an additional 0.7 eV. The direct gap occurs at the Γ-point.
energy gaps
Eg,dirr 2.6 eV T = 300 K, E || c; optical gap
E || a
Eg,th 2.78 eV extrapolated thermal gap
to T = 0 K
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 7·10–4 eV K–1 T = 290...77 K from optical absorption
– 1.6·10–3 eV K–1 T = 400...300 K from optical absorption with unpolarized light;
below 200 K no temperature dependence
Lattice properties
lattice parameters:
a 11.475 Å
b 9.577 Å
c 4.256 Å
β 90o41'
heat capacity
Cp (105.72 + 3.65⋅10–2T
T) J K–1 mol–1 T = 298...585 K
melting temperature
Tm 585 K
Transport properties
mobility, resistivity
μdr,n 1 cm2/V s T = 207...465 K electron drift mobility independent
μ || b of temperature, transient photoconductivity
techniques; for hole mobility,
see Fig. 25.2.1 (CD) (CD)
ρ⊥ 3·1015 Ω cm dark resistivity perpendicular to the layers
Optical properties
Reflectivity survey spectrum, Fig. 25.2.2 (CD), refractive index, Fig. 25.2.3 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (∞) 8.8 E || a deduced from reflectivity and
7.0 E || b capacitance measurements of
5.7 E || c different authors
ε (0) 12.1 E || a
10.7 E || b
5.9 E || c
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 25.0.4 (p.615)
The electronic band structures of the isomorphous compounds As2S3 and As2Se3 are very similar. The energy
band structure of As2S3 can be roughly derived from that of As2Se3 by rigidly separating valence and
conduction band by an additional 0.7 eV. The direct gap occurs at the Γ-point.
energy gaps
Eg,dirr 2.15 eV T = 10 K, E || a; E || c (optical) direct gap at Γ; from reflectivity
(further indirect transitions at a threshold of
2.0 eV)
1.85 eV T = 300 K
Eg,th 2.01 eV extrapolated to thermal gap
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 7.9·10–4 eV K–1 T = 80...274 K from optical absorption with unpolarized light
spin-orbit splitting energies
Δc(Γ) 15 meV in conduction band
Δv(Γ) 40 meV in both valence bands
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 12.053 Å
b 9.890 Å
c 4.277 Å
β 90o28'
heat capacity
Cp (95.88 + 8.58·10–2T
T) J K–1 mol–1 T = 298 K...650 K
melting temperature
Tm 650 K
Transport properties
ρ 1012 Ω cm T = 300 K, || b perpendicular to the layers
μdr,n 20...80 cm2/V s T = 300 K, || b time-of-flight technique
temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and mobility: Figs. 25.3.1 (CD) and 25.3.2 (CD).
Optical properties
Optical constants, absorption, dielectric function: Figs. 25.3.3 (CD)...25.3.5 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε(0) 12.4 E || c from oscillator fit to reflectivity
ε(∞) 8.8 E || c
ε(0) 13.9 E || a
ε(∞) 10.5 E || a
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 25.0.7 (p.615).
Sb2S3 is a weakly polar semiconducting ferroelectric which exhibits phase transitions associated with small
structural changes in the coordination sphere of the Sb atoms. Moreover it is a good photoconductor.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.88 eV T = 300 K, E || a from reflectivity (optical gap)
d – 9·10–4 eV/K T < 311 K values depend on stoichiometry of
the samples, see Fig. 25.5.1 (CD)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 11.299 Å
b 11.310 Å
c 3.8389 Å
sound velocity
υ|| 2.71·105(±5%) cm s–1 sound velocity along the c-axis
υ⊥ 1.6·105(±5%) cm s–1 sound velocity perpendicular to the c-axis
Debye temperature
ΘD 310 K T = 80 K
heat capacity
Cp [J K–1 mol–1] 101.91 + 6.06·10–2T T = 298...823 K
d 4.60 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 823 K
Transport properties
dc conductivities
σ||c 3.3·10–8 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K
σ⊥c 2·10–9 Ω–1 cm–1
Optical properties
Reflectivity spectrum: Fig. 25.5.3 (CD)
refractive index
n 2.7...2.75 (ν/c) = (2.5...7.5) cm–1, E ⊥ c
dielectric constants
ε (0)|| 100...260 T = 320 K, E || c at 103 Hz
180 T = 300 K, E || c at 103 Hz
ε (0)⊥ 22 T = 320 K, E ⊥ c from reflectivity data
15 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c at 103 Hz
ε (∞)|| 9.5 T = 320 K, E || c
ε (∞)⊥ 7.2 T = 320 K, E ⊥ c
See also Fig. 25.5.4 (CD).
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
Due to the complicated primitive cell little data on the band structure is available.
energy gaps
Eg,ind 1.11(2) eV T = 293 K; E || a,c transmission measurement; indirect gap
1.11 eV T = 293 K, E || c spectral dependence of photoconductivity
1.13 eV E⊥c
Eg,dirr 1 eV T = 300 K, E ⊥ b transmission and reflectivity measurements
Eg,th 1.08...1.32 eV extrapolated differs from sample to sample due to different
to T = 0 K pinning of the Fermi level in the energy gap
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 5.5·10–4 eV K–1 80 K < T < 293 K; temperature dependence of optical
E || a,c properties
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 11.62 Å
b 11.77 Å
c 3.962 Å
Debye temperature
ΘD 240 K T = 80 K
heat capacity
Cp [J mol–1 K–1] 123.93 + 1.026·10–2T T = 290...888 K
melting temperature
Tm 885 K
Transport properties
electrical conductivity
σ ≈ 10–7 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 285 K hole conductivity; depends strongly
on growth conditions
σ||c 4.6·102 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K highly degenerate p-type sample
σ||/σ⊥ 2.2 T = 300 K electrical conductivity parallel and
perpendicular to cleavage planes
μn 15 cm2/V s T = 300 K mobilities parallel to cleavage planes
μp 42 cm2/V s
Optical properties
FIR-reflectivity spectra, absorption coefficient: Figs. 25.6.1 (CD) and 25.6.2 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (∞)|| 15.1 E || c, T = 90, 300 K
ε (∞)⊥ 14.5 E ⊥ c, T = 90 K
13.7 T = 300 K
ε (0)|| 128 E || c, T = 90 K from FIR reflectivity
133 T = 300 K
See also Fig. 25.6.3 (CD).
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
band structure
Two valence bands are discussed. Lower band: For the surfaces of constant energy two models are discussed:
Either 12 prolate ellipsoids around the extrema, 4 in each binary-trigonal plane or 6 ellipsoids, 2 in each mirror
plane. Upper band: Multi-valley structure indicated by Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations.
energy gap
Eg 0.28 eV T = 299 K, E ⊥ c absorption edge
gap between two valence band edges
ΔE 0.23 eV T = 300 K electrical conductivity and thermoelectrical
power (σ, S || cleavage plane).
effective masses, lower valence band
m1 0.034 m0 T = 1.8 K Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations
m2 0.34 m0 (12 valley model); m1,2,3: masses
m3 0.54 m0 along the principal axes of the ellipsoids
mds 0.97 m0
mωc 0.14 m0 B || trigonal axis
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
ahex 4.25 Å
chex 30.35 Å
arh 10.426 Å
α 23.52o
Transport properties
hole mobility
μp 3020 cm2/V s E ⊥ c, T = 290 K Hall effect, p = 1.1·1019 cm−3;
on thin film sample grown on s.i. GaAs by
metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
μpl/μpu 0.0093 mobility ratio of holes in lower/upper
valence band
μp 270 cm2/V s E ⊥ c, T = 300 K conductivity, Hall effect
carrier concentration
/ u 391 ratio of carrier concentration in lower/upper
valence band
p 15·1019 cm–3 T = 294 K optical and galvanomagnetic measurements
electrical conductivity: Fig. 25.7.2 (CD).
thermal conductivity
κ⊥ c 28...48·10–3 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K depends on carrier concentration
40...73·10–3 W cm–1 K–1 T = 100 K
Optical properties
reflectivity, refractive index: Fig. 25.7.3 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε(0)⊥ 168 T = 80 K IR reflectivity fit
ε(0)|| 36.5 T = 80 K
ε(∞)⊥ 51 T = 300 K
ε(∞)|| 32.5 T = 300 K
See also Fig. 25.7.4 (CD).
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
energy gaps
Eg 2.85 eV T = 300 K orthorhombic phase, optical gap
2.6 eV T = 300 K tetragonal phase, optical gap
Eg,th 1.6 eV T=0K polycrystalline thin films,
independent of structural phase
d g/dT
dE T 9·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...300 K optical gap, tetragonal phases
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
a 5.848 Å α-Bi2O3
b 8.166 Å
c 7.510 Å
β 113.0o
a 7.743 Å β-Bi2O3
c 5.631 Å
heat capacity
Cp [J mol–1 K–1] 103.58 + 33.49·10–3T T = 298 K...800 K
d 8.929 g cm–3 α-Bi2O3
melting temperature
Tm 1090 K
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
25 Vx-VIy compounds 627
Transport properties
Bi2O3 exhibits n- and p-type conductivity depending on heat treatment and oxygen pressure.
Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity: Fig. 25.8.1 (CD).
thermal conductivity: see Fig. 25.8.2 (CD).
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Transport properties
electron concentration
n 3·1018 cm–3 T = 300 K
electron mobility
μn 200 cm2/V s T = 300 K μ in cleavage plane
electrical conductivity
σ 10–6...10–7 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K σ in cleavage plane
10 Ω–1 cm–1 samples with excess bismuth
Optical properties
refractive indices
nα 1.315 λ = 589.3 nm
nβ 1.900
nγ 1.670
dielectric constants
ε (0)|| 120 T = 300 K at 1 kHz
ε (0)⊥ 38 T = 300 K, E ⊥ c from reflectivity
ε (∞)|| 13 T = 300 K, E || c
ε (∞)⊥ 9 T = 300, 90 K, E ⊥ c
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
band structure
No energy band calculations are performed. From Shubnikov-de Haas and Hall effect data a single valley
structure is deduced for the conduction band. A second conduction band with an energy gap of 160 meV is
postulated. The Fermi surface is approximately an ellipsoid around the k-axis with a weak trigonal warping.
Only little is known about the valence band.
energy gaps
Eg,dir 160 (±10%) meV T = 77 K, E ⊥ c deduced from reflectivity measurements; direct
optical gap corrected for Burstein shift
Eg,th 160(10) meV
ddEg,dirr/dT – 2·10–4 eV K–1 T = 77...300 K
effective masses
mωc 0.124 m0 B || c temperature dependence of Shubnikov-de Haas
mp 0.125 m0 ±10% E⊥c amplitudes, independent of carrier concentration
mn⊥ 0.02 m0 band edge effective mass (extrapolated to n =
0), from plasma edge analysis
mωp⊥ 0.186 m0 n = 3·1019 cm–3...n = 8·1017 cm–3
gc 32(3) B || c Shubnikov-de Haas measurements at 1.6...4.2K
23(3) B⊥c
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
ahex 4.138 Å
chex 28.64 Å
arh 9.841 Å
α 24.27o
Debye temperature
ΘD(0) 182(3) K ΘD(T):
T Fig. 25.10.1 (CD)
Transport properties
Electrical resistivity: Figs. 25.10.4 (CD) and 25.10.5 (CD).
electrical conductivity
σ⊥/σ|| 3.05...3.51
mobilities (μ ⊥ c)
μH,n 690 cm2/Vs T = 300 K n = 1.8·1019 cm–3 (300 K)
μH,p 42 cm2/Vs T = 300 K p = 1.5·1019 cm–3
μdrr 175 cm2/Vs T = 300 K for temperature dependence see
Figs. 25.10.6 (CD), 25.10.7 (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ 0.025 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, κ ⊥ c
0.0134 W cm–1 K–1 T = 300 K, κ ⊥ c lattice contribution
Optical properties
Reflectivity, dielectric function: Figs.25.10.8 (CD) and 25.10.9 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0)⊥ 113 deduced from oscillator fit to IR reflectivity
ε (∞)⊥ 29 plasma edge fit with a Drude model
ε (∞)|| 16.5...18.4 plasma edge fit, depending on impurities
Crystal structure
see section 25.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 25.0.9 (p.616), Brillouin zone: Fig. 25.0.8 (p.616).
The band structure calculations predict a six-valley structure for both the highest valence and the lowest
conduction band occurring along the direction M – D.
A quasirelativistic band structure calculation was performed, a six-valley model for both the conduction and
valence band is deduced. According to the calculation, Bi2Te3 has an indirect energy gap with Eg,ind = 0.149
energy gaps
Eg,ind 0.13 eV E ⊥ c, T = 293 K absorption edge (indirect transitions)
0.14 eV absorption edge (Moss' criterion)
Eg,th 0.16 eV temperature dependence of resistivity
0.15 eV
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 1.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 85 K...300 K absorption edge (Moss' criterion)
gap between two valence band edges
ΔE 0.0205 eV B || c Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations
gap between two conduction band edges
ΔE 0.03 eV Hall effect
effective masses
mωp⊥ 0.109 m0 T = 300 K effective plasma frequency
mωp|| 0.279 m0 T = 300 K (p-type Bi2Te3)
mds,p 0.690 m0 total density of states mass at the band edge
from weak field Hall measurements (six-valley
model, acoustic phonon scattering)
Lattice properties
lattice parameters
ahex 4.383 Å
chex 30.487 Å
arh 10.473 Å
α 24.17o
linear thermal expansion coefficients
α⊥ 14.4(4)·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K X-ray measurements, dependence
α|| 21.3(4)·10–6 K–1 T = 300 K on carrier concentration
Debye temperature
ΘD(0) 164.9(2) K ΘD(T):
T Fig. 25.11.1 (CD)
heat capacity
Cp [J mol–1 K–1] (108.06 + 5.53·10–2T)
T T = 293...850 K
d 7.86 g cm–3
melting temperature
Tm 858 K
phonon dispersion curves: Fig. (CD).
second order elastic moduli
c11 6.847⋅1011 dyn cm−2 T = 280 K the moduli are believed accurate to 0.25 %
c66 2.335⋅1011 dyn cm−2 except c13, which was determined to 0.5%
c33 4.768⋅1011 dyn cm−2
c44 2.738⋅1011 dyn cm−2
Transport properties
electrical resistivity
ρ33 3.785·10–5 Ω m T = 293 K
ρ11 1.403·10–5 Ω m T = 293 K
μH 2.7·103 cm2/V s T = 77 K, μ ⊥ c p = 16·1018 cm–3
5.1·103 cm2/V s p = 8.33·1018 cm–3
18·103 cm2/V s n = 1.02·1018 cm–3
7·103 cm2/V s n = 8.33·1018 cm–3
4.7·103 cm2/V s n = 16·1018 cm–3
3.8·103 cm2/V s n = 25·1018 cm–3
2.7·103 cm2/V s n = 33.8·1018 cm–3
Electrical conductivity and Hall mobility vs. T,
T Figs. 25.11.3 (CD) and 25.11.4. (CD)
thermal conductivity
κ11/κ33 1.25...1.5 T = 100...300 K
for temperature dependence see Fig. 25.11.5 (CD)
Optical properties
optical constants: Fig. 25.11.6 (CD)
dielectric constants
ε (0)⊥ 290 T = 15 K deduced from oscillator fit to IR reflectivity
ε (∞)⊥ 85 T = 300 K fit to the plasma edge by a Drude model
85 T = 15 K
ε (0)|| 75 T = 15 K
ε (∞)|| 50 T = 300 K
50 T = 15 K
26 V-VII3 compounds
26.0 Crystal structure and electronic structure
AsI3, SbI3 and BiI3 form layer lattices with octahedral coordination (Fig. 26.0.1a) similar to the CdI2-lattice. In
AsI3 and SbI3 crystals the metal atom is shifted out of the center forming rippled layers (Fig. 26.0.1b) with
molecular character. On the contrary, the Bi atom sits in the center of the octahedron leading to completely
cross-linked layers. The rhombohedral elementary cell consists of two molecules (Fig. 26.0.1c).
space group: AsI3: C3i2− R3m , BiI3: D3d5− R3m , SbI3: P21/c.
band structure of BiI3: Fig. 26.2.
Fig. 26.0.1. a. (left) AsI3, SbI3, Bil3. Metal-iodine octahedron; b. (middle) AsI3, SbI3. Schematic drawing of the
layer lattice with rippled layers of the metal atoms; c. (right) AsI3, SbI3, BiI3. Rhombohedral elementary cell
with two molecules.
Crystal structure
see section 26.0.
Electronic properties
AsI3 is a direct gap material.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.47eV T = 90 K transmission vapor grown crystals, sublimed
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 8.2·10–4 eV K–1 T = 90...420 K
Lattice properties
thermal expansion
αav 9·10–5 K–1 T = 0...78 K αav: average expansion coefficient
17·10–5 K–1 T = 78...194 K
d 4.688 g cm–3 T = 25oC
melting temperature
Tm 141oC vapor grown crystals
lattice dynamics
The lattice modes Ag and Eg are Raman active, Au and Eu IR active.
Optical properties
As AsI3 crystals are not very stable in air only very little is known about the optical properties of the
fundamental electronic absorption edge.
optical spectra: Figs. 26.1.1 (CD) and 26.1.2 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 7.9(8) E ⊥ c, T = 300 K microwave method
4.7(3) E || c, T = 300 K
ε (∞) 4.8 E ⊥ c, T = 300 K reflectivity
3.9 E || c, T = 300 K
Crystal structure
see section 26.0.
Electronic properties
SbI3 is a direct gap material.
energy gap
Eg,dirr 2.41 eV T = 90 K transmission, vapor grown crystals and
sublimed layers
d gx,dirr/dT
dE – 9·10–4 eV K–1 T = 90...420 K
+ 7.3(32)·10–4 eV K–1 T = 90...270 K evaporated layers on quartz substrates, exciton
reduced effective masses
μ 0.0024 m0 c⊥H magnetoabsorption
0.0056 m0 c || H
Lattice properties
d 4.848 g cm–3 T = 24oC
melting temperature
Tm 170oC vapor grown crystals
Transport properties
dependence on temperature: Fig. 26.2.1 (CD)
ρ⊥ 4.25·109 Ω cm T = 300 K single crystals, very pure Sb and I
activation energy of intrinsic resistivity
EA 0.96...1.16(5) eV solid phase part A – C, Fig. 26.2.1 (CD)
0.20(5) eV liquid phase
Optical properties
optical spectra: Figs. 26.2.2 (CD) and 26.2.3 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 16.0(23) E ⊥ c, T = 300 K microwave method
8.9(11) E || c, T = 300 K
ε (∞) 5.3 E ⊥ c, T = 300 K reflectivity
4.4 E || c, T = 300 K
Crystal structure
see section 26.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 26.0.2 (p.634).
BiI3 is a direct gap material. In BiI3 the fundamental gap appears at point A. A lot of excitonic states can be
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.78 eV T = 300 K transmission, solution grown layer
2.011 eV T=2K photocalorimetric, single crystal
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 3.5·10–4 eV K–1 T = 90...420 K crystals and sublimed layers
reduced effective masses
μ 0.0014 m0 c⊥H indirect transition,
0.0024 m0 c || H magnetoabsorption
Lattice properties
d 5.64 g cm–3 single crystals
melting temperature
Tm 400oC
406oC probes made by synthesis from the elements
boiling point
Tb 542oC extrapolated
elastic constants
measured by Brillouin scattering at 83 K (in 106 N/cm2)
c11 = 2.9 c12 = 0.50 c13 = 0.90 |c14| = 0.20
|c25| = 0 c33 = 2.6 c44 = 0.70
Transport properties
ρ⊥ 8·107 Ω cm T = 293 K
2·109 Ω cm T = 300 K photoconductivity (dark current)
dependence on temperature: Fig. 26.3.1 (CD).
activation energy of intrinsic resistivity
EA 2.52(10) eV solid phase part B–C in Fig. 26.3.1 (CD)
Optical properties
optical spectra: Figs. 26.3.2 (CD) ... 26.3.3 (CD).
dielectric constants
ε (0) 54(25) E ⊥ c, T = 300 K microwave method
8.6(10) E || c, T = 300 K
ε (∞) 7.1 E ⊥ c, T = 300 K reflectivity
6.4 E || c, T = 300 K
third order susceptibility
χ(3) 10–2 e.s.u.
27 Ix-IVy-VIz compounds
27.3 Ag8SiSe6
crystal structure: see section 27.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.97 eV T = 295 K absorption edg
phonon energies
hνi 70 meV T = 330 K infrared absorption bands
80 meV
104 meV
melting temperature
Tm 930oC
dcalc 7.06 g cm–3
dexp 6.95 g cm–3 T = 298 K
27.4 Ag8GeSe6
crystal structure: see section 27.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.84...0.88 eV T = 300 K conductivity, photoconductivity,
d g/dT
dE T – 5·10–4 eV K–1 temperature shift of absorption edge
phonon energies
hνi 55 meV T = 330 K infrared absorption bands
62 meV
71 meV
electrical conductivity: Fig. 27.4.1 (CD).
melting temperature
Tm 902oC
dcalc 7.13 g cm–3
dexp 7.07 g cm–3 T = 298 K
27.5 Ag8SnSe6
crystal structure: see section 27.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.83 eV T = 295 K absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T – 5·10–4 eV K–1 γγ-phase temperature shift of absorption edge
photon energies
hνi 53 meV T = 330 K infrared absorption band
57 meV
63 meV
electrical conductivity
σ 2·10–2...70 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 280 K data on several samples
temperature dependence of conductivity,
Fig. 27.5.1 (CD)
Seebeck coefficient
S – 160...−730 μV K–1
thermal conductivity
κ (3.1...3.5)·10–3 W cm–1 K–1
peritectic temperature
Tperitt 735oC temperature of peritectic decomposition
dcalc 7.12 g cm–3
dexp 7.01 g cm–3 T = 298 K
27.6 Ag8GeTe6
crystal structure: see section 27.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.47 eV T = 295 K absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T < 1·10–4 eV K–1 temperature shift of absorption edge
dcalc 7.31(7) g cm–3
dexp 7.22 g cm–3 T = 298 K
27.7 Cu8GeS6
crystal structure: see section 27.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.10 eV β'-phase
0.04 eV γ
electrical resistivity: Fig. 27.7.1 (CD).
melting temperature
Tm 980(3)oC
dcalc 5.28 g cm–3
dexp 5.97 g cm–3 T = 298 K
27.8 Cu8GeSe6
dcalc 6.27 g cm–3
dexp 5.97 g cm–3
electrical and thermal conductivity: Fig. 27.8.1 (CD).
27.10 Cu4SnS4
Cu4SnS4 has an orthorhombic lattice with a = 13.70(1) Å, b = 7.750(5) Å, c = 6.454(5) Å at room temperature.
At T = – 41oC a phase transition occurs without a change of the lattice parameters.
energy gap
Eg 0.03 eV high-temperature phase
0.11 eV low-temperature phase
electrical conductivity: Fig. 27.10.1.
hole mobility
μp 3 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
Semiconductors: Data Handbook
28 Ix-Vy-VIz compounds 645
28 Ix-Vy-VIz compounds
28.0.1 I− −VI2 compounds (I = Ag, V = Sb, Bi, VI = S, Se, Te)
All AgSbX2 and AgBiX2 compounds with X = S, Se, Te crystallize (at least in their high-temperature
modification) in the face centered cubic NaCl structure with I- and V-atoms distributed statistically between the
close-packed layers of VI-atoms.
lattice parameters
AgSbS2 a = 5.6514(5) Å T > 403oC
AgSbSe2 5.786(3) Å T = 25oC
AgSbTe2 6.078(3) Å 25oC
AgBiS2 5.648(3) Å 25oC The 25oC-values for AgBiS2(Se2,Te2) are
5.682(3) Å 200oC data for the high-temperature phases; for
5.693(3) Å 243oC the respective data of the room-temperature
AgBiSe2 5.832(3) Å 25oC phases see below
5.887(3) Å 300oC
AgBiTe2 6.155(3) Å 25oC
Below 380oC AgSbS2 crystallizes in a monoclinic α-phase (space group: C2h3-A2/m or Aa) with a =
13.2269(13) Å, b = 4.4112(5) Å, c = 12.8798(11) Å, β = 98.48(1)o.
lattice parameters (room-temperature phase)
AgBiS2 a =4.07(2) Å c = 19.06(5) Å dx = 6.94 g cm–3
AgBiSe2 4.18(2) Å 19.67(5) Å 7.94 g cm–3
AgBiTe2 4.37(2) Å 20.76(5) Å 8.30 g cm–3
For the crystal structure of further I-V-VI2 compounds see the following sections.
Figs. 28.0.1...2. Band structure (left) and Brillouin zone (right) of Ag3AsS3.
28.1 AgAsS2
AgAsS2 (the mineral smithite) has a monoclinic lattice (C2h6) (lattice parameters at RT: a = 14.02 Å, c = 9.15
Å) [75G].
energy gap
Eg,ind 2.084 eV T = 295 K indirect absorption edge
polarization ⊥ crystal axis
2.108 eV polarization || crystal axis
Eg,dirr 2.14 eV T = 293 K maximum in the spectral distribution of
electrical resistivity
ρ 9·109 Ω cm T = 293 K
melting temperature
Tm 419oC
28.2 AgAsSe2
energy gap
Eg 0.8...1.0 eV
melting temperature
Tm 390oC
28.3 AgAsTe2
energy gap
Eg 0.8...1.0 eV
melting temperature
Tm 325oC
28.4 AgSbS2
28.5 AgSbSe2
thermal conductivity
κ 1.1·10–3 cal/K cm s practically independent of temperature
Debye temperature
ΘD 175 K
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 23·10–6 K–1 T = 295...675 K
melting temperature
Tm 636oC
dcalc 6.60 g cm–3
28.6 AgSbTe2
28.7 AgBiS2
electrical conductivity
σ 4·103 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 293 K
melting temperature
Tm 810oC
dcalc 7.02 g cm–3 T = 300 K
6.90 g cm–3 T = 473 K
6.86 g cm–3 T = 516 K
28.8 AgBiSe2
28.9 AgBiTe2
melting temperature
Tm 520oC NaCl (high-temperature) phase
dcalc 8.14 g cm–3
28.10 CuSbSe2
CuSbSe2 crystallizes in the orthorhombic lattice (D2h16-Pnma) (lattice parameters at RT: a = 6.40 Å,
b = 3.95 Å, c = 15.33 Å).
energy gap
Eg,th 0.83 eV
electrical conductivity
σ 4 Ω–1 cm–1
hole mobility
μp 5 cm2/Vs
melting temperature
Tm 480oC
28.11 CuSbTe2
CuSbTe2 possesses a Bi2Te3-like hexagonal structure with a = 4.22 Å, c = 29.9 Å (at RT).
electrical conductivity
σ 3000 Ω–1 cm–1
thermal conductivity
κ 3.2·10–3 cal/K cm s
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 20.5·10–6 K–1 T = 20...300oC
Debye temperature
ΘD 175K
melting temperature
Tm 530oC
28.12 CuBiSe2
28.13 CuBiTe2
CuBiTe2 possesses a Bi2Te3-like hexagonal structure with a = 4.35 Å, c = 30.1 Å (at RT).
electrical conductivity
σ 2000 Ω–1 cm–1
linear thermal expansion coefficient
α 23·10–6 K–1 T = 20...400oC
melting temperature
Tm 520oC
28.14 Ag3AsS3
electrical conductivity
σel 0.53·10–5 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K, || c axis electronic conductivity, measured with ac
(10 kHz)
1.22·10–5 Ω–1 cm–1 ⊥ c axis temperature dependence ofelectronic
dielectric constants
ε (0) 21.4 T = 295 K, E || c very high apparent dielectric constants are
44.5 E⊥c observed at low frequencies (≈ 1000 Hz) due
ε (∞) 6.3 E || c to space charge effects involving ionic
7.45 E⊥c conduction and electrode processes
melting temperature
Tm 480oC
28.15 Ag3SbS3
crystal structure: see section 28.0. See the remark in section 28.14.
energy gaps
Eg,th 1.77 eV conductivity
Eg 1.93 eV T = 300 K absorption edge
electrical conductivity
σ 0.3·10–4 Ω–1 cm–1 T = 300 K, || c axis measured with ac (10 KHz);
0.6·10–4 Ω–1 cm–1 ⊥ c axis temperature dependence of conductivity and
carrier activation energies,
see Fig. 27.15.1 (CD)
dielectric constants
ε (0) 27 T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 473(3)oC
29 IIx-IIIy-VIz compounds
29.1 CdInS2
crystal structure: see section 29.0.
energy gap
Eg,th 1.70...1.74 eV temperature dependence of conductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 1.43·10–4 eV K–1 and Hall coefficient
effective masses
mn 0.172 m0 analysis of transport measurements
mp 0.44 m0
dcalc 4.421 g cm–3
dexp 4.420 g cm–3
For electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and Hall mobilities above room temperature, see Fig. 29.1.1 (CD).
29.2 CdInSe2
29.3 CdInTe2
crystal structure: see section 29.0.
energy gap
Eg,th 1.10...1.12 eV temperature dependence of conductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 2.54·10–4 eV K–1 and Hall coefficient,
Fig. 29.3.1 (CD)
effective masses
mn 0.08 m0
mp 0.18 m0
dcalc 5.41 g cm–3
dexp 5.550 g cm–3
29.4 CdTlS2
crystal structure: see section 29.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.46 eV T=0K temperature dependence
of conductivity ((Fig. 29.4.1(CD))
1.52 eV of Hall coefficient ((Fig. 29.4.1 (CD))
1.56 eV T = 300 K spectral dependence of photoconductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 1.3·10–4 eV K–1
effective masses
mp 0.6 m0 analysis of transport measurements
mn 0.19 m0
hole mobility
μp 4200 cm2/Vs T = 300 K Hall mobility of a polycrystalline sample
For temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and Hall mobility see Fig. 29.4.2 (CD).
melting temperature
Tm 600oC
intrinsic concentration
ni 1.08·1019 cm–3 T = 730 K
dcalc 5.06 g cm–3
dexp 5.05 g cm–3
29.5 CdTlSe2
dcalc 5.91 g cm–3
dexp 5.89 g cm–3
Measurement of transport coefficients and of the Hall mobility, see Fig. 29.5.1 (CD).
29.6 CdTlTe2
29.7 HgTlS2
crystal structure: see section 29.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.28 eV conductivity ((Fig. 29.7.1 (CD))
1.25 eV T = 300 K maximum in the spectral distribution
of photoconductivity
d g/dT
dE T – 2.46·10–4 eV K–1 shift of absorption edge
dcalc 6.34 g cm–3
30 IIIx-Vy-VIz compounds
30.1 TlAsS2
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.3 eV T = 300 K
melting temperature
Tm 260oC
d 5.53 g cm–3
30.2 TlSbS2
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
energy gap
Eg,th 1.42 eV temperature dependence of conductivity
Eg,ind 1.556 eV T = 300 K reflectivity (allowed indirect transition)
Eg,dirr 1.69 eV T = 300 K reflectivity (allowed direct transition)
phonon energies
hνLA 33.2 meV T = 300 K analysis of reflectivity spectra
hνTA 9.3 meV
hνLO 35.6 meV
hνTO 38.8 meV
dielectric constants
ε(∞) 10.732 T = 300 K from dispersion of n∞ = ε(∞)1/2
ε(0) 11.891 T = 300 K
electrical resisitivity
ρ 109 Ω cm T = 293 K
melting temperature
Tm 484(2)oC
dcalc 6.40...6.18 g cm–3
30.3 TlBiS2
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.40 eV
melting temperature
Tm 740oC
30.4 TlBiSe2
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.28 eV
melting temperature
Tm 720oC
30.5 TlBiTe2
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
Highly degenerate semiconductor with Hall mobilities of electrons of 64 cm2/Vs at 300 K and 128 cm2/Vs at
4.2K, n = 5·1019 cm–3, Tm = 535oC, dexp = 8.06 g cm–3.
For electrical conductivity and Hall coefficient, see Fig. 30.5.1 (CD).
30.6 Ga6Sb5Te
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.65 eV T = 300 K
0.80 eV T=0K conductivity, see Fig. 30.6.1 (CD)
electrical resisitivity
ρ 3.8 Ω cm p = 2·1017 cm–3
hole mobility
μp 9.5 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κL 7.0·10–2 W/ cm K
30.7 In6Sb5Te
crystal structure: see section 30.0.
electrical resistivity
ρ 0.7·10–3 Ω cm n = 8·1018 cm–3
electron mobility
μn 1200 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κL 3.1·10–2 W/ cm K
30.8 In7SbTe6
electrical resistivity
ρ 2.5·10–3 Ω cm p = 5·1018 cm–3
hole mobility
μp 440 cm2/Vs T = 300 K
thermal conductivity
κL 3.6·10–2 W/ cm K
31 IVx-Vy-VIz compounds
31.1 Bi12SiO20
crystal structure: see section 31.0. The material is an optically active, electro-optic photoconductor. Bi12SiO20
shows photoelastic behavior, too.
energy gap
Eg 3.25 eV T = 300 K from measurements of photocurrent excitation
effective mass
mn 14 m0 photocarrier kinetic response
electron mobility
μdr,n 0.029(3) cm2/Vs T = 80 K drift mobility from transit time measurements,
for temperature dependence, see Fig. 31.1 (CD)
electrical resistivity
ρ 5·1013 Ω cm p-type
> 104 Ω cm
dielectric constant
ε(0) 56
phonon modes
data from reflectivity (in cm–1)
TO-modes: 89, 99, 107, 115, 136, 175, 195, 208, 237, 288, 314, 353, 462, 531, 579, 609
LO-modes: 91, 101, 112, 118, 168, 185, 196, 212, 257,289, 351, 374, 506, 557, 591, 615
31.2 Bi12GeO20
dielectric constant
ε(0) 40
dcalc 9.222(2) g cm–3
phonon modes
data from reflectivity (in cm–1)
TO-modes: 97, 105, 123, 130, 177, 190, 205, 232, 271, 303, 356,459, 526, 571, 600, 682
LO-modes: 100, 114, 129, 154, 179, 193, 209, 254, 281, 355, 372, 497, 555, 578, 612, 894
data from Raman spectra (in cm–1)
TO-modes: 207.0
LO-modes: 48.1, 54.6, 111.2, 153.0, 178.5, 194.4, 208.5, 691.8
LO+TO-modes: 44.6, 52.4, 57.5, 99.0, 105.8, 124.0, 131.2, 305.0, 338.0, 357.5,488.3, 678.6
GeSb2Te4 crystallizes in the hexagonal D3d5-R 3 m lattice with a = 4.21 Å and c = 40.6 Å. The samples studied
were strongly degenerate n-type with σ⊥ = 4.3·103 Ω–1 cm–1 at RT. The electron Hall mobility at 300 K was 30
cm2/Vs (for the temperature dependence, see Fig. 31.3.1 (CD)). From reflectivity measurements near the
plasma edge a dielectric constant of 39 and a conductivity effective mass of 0.55 m0 were calculated.
GeBi2Te4 has the same structure as GeSb2Te4 with a = 4.28 Å, c = 39.2 Å. The optical energy gap is reported
to be Eg = 0.23 eV at RT. Experimental data on transport parameters can be explained with a two-conduction-
band model with mn1 = 0.24 m0, mn2 = 0.88 m0 and Ec2–E
– c1 = 0.13(6) eV.
SnBi2Te4 has the same structure as GeSb2Te4.
GeSb4Te7: The samples studied were strongly degenerate p-type with σ⊥ = 3.42·103 Ω–1 cm–1 and σ|| =
1.032·103 Ω–1 cm–1 at room temperature. The transport measurements could be described using a six-valley
model for the valence band. Analysis of transport and optical measurements yielded a Hall mobility at RT of 39
cm2/Vs, a dielectric constant of ε(0) = 39 and a conductivity effective mass of 0.46 m0.
GeBi4Te7: The samples studied were strongly degenerate n-type with σ⊥ = 1.907·103 Ω–1 cm–1 and σ|| =
1.017·103 Ω–1 cm–1 at room temperature. The transport measurements could be described using a simple three-
valley model for the conduction band. Analysis of reflectivity measurements yielded a dielectric constant ε(0) =
35 and a conductivity effective mass of 0.27 m0.
PbBi4Te7: The samples studied were strongly degenerate n-type with σ⊥ ≈ 103 Ω–1 cm–1. The Hall mobility μ⊥
was of the order of 15 cm2/Vs at room temperature (Fig. 31.4.1 (CD)). From the reflectivity near the plasma
edge dielectric constant of ε(0) = 44 and an effective carrier mass of 0.29 m0 were calculated.
32 V-VI-VII compounds
(a) Most V-VI-VII semiconductors crystallize in a structure of space group symmetry D2h16-Pnam. The unit
cell contains four formula units. The atoms are arranged in chains along the c axis (Fig. 32.0.1).
lattice parameters and densities
Substance a [Å] b [Å] c [Å] dx [ g cm–3]
SbSI 8.52 10.13 4.10 5.33
SbSBr 8.20 9.70 3.95 4.94
SbSeI 8.65 10.38 4.12 5.88
SbSeBr 8.30 10.20 3.95 5.57
SbTeI 9.18 10.8 4.23 5.96
BiSCl 7.70 9.87 4.02 6.04
BiSBr 8.02 9.70 4.01 6.83
BiSI 8.46 10.15 4.14 6.87
BiSeCl 12.37 18.10 4.08 7.05
BiSeBr 8.18 10.47 4.11 6.94
BiSeI 8.71 10.54 4.19 7.16
(b) The BiO-halogen compounds crystallize in a structure of space group symmetry D4h7-P4/nmm. Sheets of
oxygen alternate with sheets of bismuth. Double layers of halogen atoms lie between the metal and oxygen
sheets. Two formula units are contained in the unit cell of this laminar tetragonal structure.
BiOCl a = 3.883 Å c = 7.347 Å lattice stable below 575oC
BiOBr 3.915 Å 8.076 Å 560oC
BiOI 3.984 Å 9.128 Å 300oC
(c) BiTeBr and BiTeI crystallize in a hexagonal layered structure of space group symmetry D3d3-P 3 m1.
Electronic structure
Figs. 32.0.2 and 32.03 show the band structures of (paraelectric and ferroelectric) SbSI and its Brillouin zone.
Fig. 32.0.3. Band structure of the paraelectric phase (left) and the ferroelectric phase (right) of SbSI.
32.1 AsSBr
energy gap
Eg 2.5 eV temperature dependence of conductivity,
Fig. 32.1.1 (CD)
electrical resistivity
ρ > 1012 Ω cm
electron mobility
μH,n < 10–1 cm2/Vs
32.2 SbSI
SbSI is by far the most interesting and most investigated V-VI-VII compound being a photoconductor and
having a paraelectric – ferroelectric phase transition near room temperature.
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
Electronic properties
band structure: Fig. 32.0.3 (paraelectric and ferroelectric phases) (p.666), Brillouin zone: Fig. 32.0.2 (p.666).
The calculated band structures show an indirect gap in both phases: Z1c–U5,6v in the paraelectric phase, Z1c–
R3,4v in the ferroelectric phase. The lowest direct transition occurs at U: U7,8c–U5,6v for E || c, U7,8c–U1,2v for E
⊥ c (paraelectric phase), U3,4c–U3,4v for E || c, U3,4c–U1,.2v for E ⊥ c (ferroelectric phase).
energy gap
Eg,dirr 1.88 eV E || c, T = 25oC absorption edge
1.95 eV E⊥c
temperature dependence of energy gap
d g/dT
dE T – 2.2(2)·10–3 eV/K T < ΘC absorption
Lattice properties
phonon dispersion relations: Fig. 32.2.1 (CD), Brillouin zone: Fig. 32.0.2 (p.666)
phonon wavenumbers
The vibrational spectrum of SbSI is very complicated. The unit cell of the lattice contains 4 formula units. Thus
there are 3 acoustic and 33 optical branches. The optical activity of the optical modes in this description is
paraelectric phase: infrared active: 2 Au-modes(E || c), 4 Bu-modes (E ⊥ c)
Raman active: 6 Ag-modes, 3 Bg-modes
Transport properties
Electrical conduction in SbSI is dominated by contact phenomena due to the presence of strong field regions
near the contacts and space charge limited currents.
electrical resistivity
ρ 108...109 Ω cm along c axis
electron mobility
μH,n 50...100 cm2/Vs mobility of photoexcited carriers measured with
the photo Hall effect in a Li doped sample
Optical properties
refractive index (at λ = 633 nm)
na 2.87 paraelectric phase, T = 22oC
nb 3.63
nc 4.55
na 2.87 ferroelectric phase, T ≈ 12oC
nb 3.57
nc 4.44
dielectric constant
ε||c 6.2·104 at ΘC, f = 1 kHz
32.3 SbSBr
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 2.26 eV E ⊥ c, RT
2.20 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 8·10–4 eV/K T = 20oC
electrical resistivity
ρ 106 Ω cm along c axis
refractive index
na 2.64 λ = 570 nm refractive index along crystal
nb 3.13
32.4 SbSeBr
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.92 eV E⊥c
1.88 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 7.2·10–4 eV/K
32.5 SbSeI
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.68 eV E⊥c
1.66 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 8· 10–4 eV/K
electrical resistivity
ρ||c 107 Ω cm
32.6 SbTeI
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.28 eV E⊥c
1.25 eV E || c
electrical resistivity
ρ||c 104 Ω cm
32.7 BiOCl
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg,ind 3.455 eV RT optical absorption
Eg,dir 3.50 eV RT optical absorption
d g/dT
dE T – 6.3·10–4 eV/K T = 90...600K
phonon energy
hνTO(Γ) 35.3 meV infrared bands
65.4 meV
(16.6 meV)
32.8 BiOBr
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg,ind 2.924 eV T = 293 K absorption
Eg,dirr 3.00 eV absorption
d g/dT
dE T – 7.4·10–4 eV/K T = 90...600 K
phonon energy
hνTO(Γ) 32.8 meV infrared bands
64.4 meV
(14.6 meV)
32.9 BiOI
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg,ind 1.890 eV RT absorption edge
Eg,dirr 1.94 eV RT absorption edge
d g/dT
dE T – 8.1·10–4 eV/K T = 90...600 K
– 5.6·10–4 eV/K T < 300 K phase transition at 300 K?
– 8.2·10–4 eV/K T > 300 K
phonon energies
hνTO(Γ) 60.4 meV infrared bands
30.8 meV
12.8 meV
70.6 meV
32.10 BiSCl
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.93 eV E⊥c
1.89 eV E || c
electrical resistivity
ρ 103...104 Ω cm
32.11 BiSBr
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.97 eV E⊥c
1.95 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 7.6·10–4 eV/K
electrical resistivity
ρ 103...104 Ω cm along c axis,
n-type sample
32.12 BiSI
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.58 eV E⊥c
1.56 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 7·10–4 eV/K
electrical resistivity
ρ 107 Ω cm
32.13 BiSeBr
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.54 eV E⊥c
1.50 eV E || c
32.14 BiSeI
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 1.32 eV E⊥c
1.3 eV E || c
d g/dT
dE T – 6.5·10–4 eV/K
electrical resistivity
ρ 102...103 Ω cm along c axis
32.15 BiTeBr
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.55 eV E || c
Eg,ind 0.472 eV T = 295 K absorption edge
Eg,dirr 0.501 eV T = 295 K absorption edge
d g,ind/dT
dE T – 1.85·10–4 eV/K T > 100 K
d g,dirr/dT
dE – 2.93·10–4 eV/K T > 100 K
phonon energies
hν 14 meV phonons participating in indirect
29 meV transitions
44 meV
32.16 BiTeI
crystal structure: see section 32.0.
energy gap
Eg 0.39 eV T = 295 K absorption, reflection
Eg,ind 0.448 eV T = 295 K position of the indirect absorption edge (gap
0.479 eV T=5K including energy of the participating phonon)
Hall mobility
μH⊥ 280...445 cm2/Vs degenerate conductivity, Hall effect,
sample, RT see also Figs. 32.16.1 (CD) and
d 32.16.2 (CD)
effective mass
mn 0.20...0.25 m0 n = 3.5...
7.6·1019 cm–3
dielectric constants
ε(0) 14.5(15) absorption of free carriers
ε(∞) 19(2) E⊥c
dexp 6.91 g cm–3
33.1 Cu3In5Se9
energy gap
Eg 1.10 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity maximum
1.18 eV T = 77 K
0.96 eV T=0K extrapolated from conductivity,
Fig. 33.1.1 (CD)
hole mobility: Fig. 33.1.2 (CD)
lattice parameters
a 8.47 Å
c 17.41 Å
melting temperature
Tm 1025oC
d 5.568 g cm–3
33.2 Cu3Ga5Se9
energy gap
Eg 1.74 eV T = 300 K reflectivity
lattice parameters
a 8.01 Å
c 16.46 Å
melting temperature
Tm 1100oC
d 5.330 g cm–3
33.3 Ag3In5Se9
energy gap
Eg 1.22 eV T = 300 K photoconductivity
melting temperature
Tm 825oC
d 5.668 g cm–3
33.4 Ag3Ga5Se9
energy gap
Eg 1.92 eV T = 300 K reflectivity
melting temperature
Tm 884oC
d 6.720 g cm–3
33.5 Cu2Ga4Te7
energy gap
Eg,th 1.08 eV conductivity, Fig. 33.5.1 (CD)
Eg 1.04 eV T = 300 K absorption
hole mobility
μH,p 120 cm2/Vs T = 300 K, see Fig. 33.5.2 (CD)
p = 1018 cm–3
lattice parameter
a 5.93 Å
melting temperature
Tm 874oC
d 5.93 g cm–3 X-ray
5.84 g cm–3 experimental
33.6 Cu2In4Te7
33.7 CuIn3Te5
33.8 AgIn3Te5
33.9 AgIn5S8
33.10 AgIn9Te14
AgIn9Te14 is cited as semiconductor with Eg,th ≈ 1.50 eV, μH,n = 40 cm2/Vs at 600 K, see Figs. 33.10.1 (CD),
33.10.2 (CD).
33.11 Cd2SnO4
This compound has been prepared as crystalline powder or (amorphous) thin film only. An optical gap of Eg =
2.06 eV and a carrier mobility of μH = 35 cm2/Vs have been reported. Space group: D2h9-Pbam, a = 5.5674(5)
Å, b = 9.8871(9) Å, c = 3.1923(4) Å.
33.12 CdSnO3
33.13 Li3CuO3
33.15 Cd4(P,As)2(Cl,Br,I)3
G Index of Substances