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1 author:
Siegfried Gottwald
University of Leipzig
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Quite a long time after its inception in about 1965, the field of fuzzy sets
and fuzzy logic was ranked to be some exotic field of research because of
its seeming tendency away from “hard” mathematical modelling and thus –
as often supposed by mathematically inclined outsiders – completely away
from an acceptable mathematically based theory.
The very recent success with even consumer products involving fuzzy
tools may not only cause the rapidly growing interest of the engineering
community in this field, but may also become responsible for more extended
interest from mathematicians and computer scientists.
The term “fuzzy logic” has undergone an almost continuous change from
merely referring to tools from many-valued logic appearing in considerations
of fuzzy sets and sometimes of a generalized switching theory, through the
field of fuzzy logic control with its limited use of nonstandard reasoning
by interpreting implication-like formulations of the rule oriented if. . . then
- type as fuzzy relations between the values of fuzzy variables, up to the
presently prevailing understanding as a theory of approximate reasoning.
Therefore it may not be without some interest to give here a reconsidera-
tion of a line of research which tends toward a combination of mathematical,
in particular set theoretical and logical tools which are related to problems
of a foundational character with problems which have arisen out of applica-
tional, engineering discussions about modelling strategies in the fuzzy field,
especially in fuzzy (logic) control. The unifying background idea is the use of
notions and methods from many-valued logics in the discussion of problems
which, in the end, are related to fuzzy sets applications.
The author’s lasting interest in this field arose out of his early work on the
set theoretic foundation for fuzzy sets, cf. Gottwald (1971, 1971a, 1974,
1976, 1979, 1980) and the historical reminiscences in Gottwald (1984c),
but was essentially stimulated since the late 1970s by fruitful contacts with
(mainly Polish) control engineering people, among whom Witold Pedrycz
was the most influential.
The present monograph gives a rethought, revised and reorganized, as
well as rewritten and extended collection of the author’s essential results
obtained since that time and within, as well as via, this cooperation – results
which directly and indirectly are related to fuzzy relation equations and fuzzy
Chapter 1 is essentially based on the research reported in Gottwald
(1984), but contains also ideas of Gottwald (1986, 1986a). Chapter 2 is
based on Gottwald (1986a), extends those results partly with results from
Gottwald (1974, 1986) and also includes unpublished material announced
in Gottwald (1991). Chapter 3 is based on Gottwald (1983, 1986, 1992),
as well as on parts of Gottwald/Pedrycz (1986, 1988). Chapter 4 com-
bines results from Gottwald (1984a, 1986b) and Gottwald/Pedrycz
(1986) with newly written (and yet unpublished) parts. The final chapter 5
has Gottwald/Pedrycz (1986, 1986a, 1988) as its most essential sources.
The final writing of this book was initiated and decisively made possible
by a grant from the SEL-Stiftung (Stuttgart) that enabled the author to
stay for the period of writing away from his home university of Leipzig at
the Computer Science Department of the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
within the stimulating atmosphere of the FG Intellektik, whose chairman
Wolfgang Bibel had the final responsibility for the author’s excellent working
To all these institutions and those – named as well as unnamed – people
the author is exceptionally grateful. He also is grateful to his wife and fam-
ily for their stimulating interest, as well as for their success in leaving him
untouched by almost all the small problems of everyday life.
Darmstadt / Leipzig,
Summer 1992.
1 Logical Preliminaries 1
1.1 Basic notions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 t-norms and Φ-operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 t-norm based connectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Bibliography 207
Index 216
Chapter 1
Logical Preliminaries
where obviously the “substitution notation” H(x/a) does mean that the free
If necessary, we will add variables and constants for fuzzy relations too.
Furthermore, we need predicate symbols for some many-valued generaliza-
tions of usual set-theoretic relations. These predicate symbols will have al-
most the same graphical shape for fuzzy sets as have the analogous ones for
crisp sets; by use of ε they will normally be introduced through definitions
in the same style as is usually done in classical set theory.
In a few cases we are interested to have (propositional) constants for the
truth degree 1, i.e. for any logically valid expression, as well as for the truth
degree 0. We use > as a constant for the truth degree 1 and ⊥ as a constant
for the truth degree 0.
Our choice of truth degree 1 as the only designated one has as a conse-
quence that we consider a formula H as (logically) valid, denoted: |= H, iff
H has (for all values of its free variables) truth degree 1:
for first order many-valued logic. The correctness proofs here consist in the
simple remarks that
as well as
hold true for every well-formed formula H with x among its free variables
and any element a of the corresponding universe.
Of course, the rule of generalization also holds true for each possible
restricted universal quantification (1.3) and the rule of particularization for
all those restricted existential quantifications (1.4) of the form “∃C x” with
a ∈ C.
To avoid too many parentheses, the usual kind of ranking of the binding
strength of the logical constants will be used: the (restricted as well as un-
restricted) quantifiers bind stronger than the negations, which bind stronger
than the conjunctions and disjunctions, and those connectives finally bind
stronger than any implication or biimplication connective.
In our classical metalanguage we use ⇒ for (material) implication, ⇔
for biimplication, and sometimes for universal quantification and for
existential quantification.
p, p>0 1 − min{((1 − u)p + (1 − v)p )1/p , 1}
λ, λ>0 1−
1+ (( 1−u
u )
λ + ( 1−v λ 1/λ
v ) )
u + v − 1 + λuv
λ , λ > −1 max{0, }
Generally, the t-norms and the t-conorms can be reduced one to another.
The last four families of t-norms each aim to cover a whole “interval” of possible t-
norms between borderline cases given by the extremal values of the respective parameters.
They have been introduced by Hamacher (1978), Yager (1980), Dombi (1982) and
Weber (1983). The upper index in each case points to the name of the defining author.
Pictorial representations of those t-norms and even more families of t-norms are presented
in Mizumoto (1989).
a t-conorm is defined; and that for any t-conorm s and strict negation func-
tion n by
t st (u, v)
tG max{u, v}
tL min{1, u + v}
tP u+v−u·v
tD max{u, v} for u · v = 0
1 otherwise
u + v − uv − (1 − γ)uv
γ, γ≥0
1 − (1 − γ)uv
p, p>0 min{(up + v p )1/p , 1}
λ, λ>0 u λ v λ −1/λ
1+ (( 1−u ) + ( 1−v ) )
λ , λ > −1 min{u + v + λuv, 1}
In Table 1.2 we have listed for the t-norms of Table 1.1 the t-conorms
related to them via (1.9).
Besides the truth functions for conjunction, disjunction and negation in
many-valued logic we will have to consider truth functions for implications.
That role will be played by the Φ-operators. In section 1.3 we will discuss
logically valid formulas of a language of many-valued logic which has just
these types of truth functions interpreting their propositional connectives.
The results there will indicate that the t-norms are suitable candidates for
generalized, i.e. many-valued conjunction operators and that the Φ-operators
are equally suitable candidates for many-valued implication operators.
Definition 1.3 A binary operation ϕ in the real unit interval [0, 1] is called
Φ-operator (connected with a given t-norm t) iff for all u, v, w ∈ [0, 1] the
following hold true
(Φ1) v ≤ w ⇒ u ϕ v ≤ u ϕ w;
(Φ2) u t (uϕv) ≤ v;
(Φ3) v ≤ u ϕ (u t v).
max{u ϕ v, u ϕ w} ≤ u ϕ max{v, w}
u ϕ v ≤ sup{w | v t w ≤ v}.
w0 ≤ u ϕ (u t w0 ) ≤ u ϕ v < w0 ,
u t sup{w | u t w ≤ v} = u t (u ϕ v) ≤ v.
And the lower semicontinuity of t means that for each u0 , v0 ∈ [0, 1] and each
² > 0 there is a δ > 0 such that u t v0 > u0 t v0 − ² for all u ∈ (u0 − δ, u0 ].
Both these notions coincide for t-norms.
contradicting (Φ2). Hence in that case where LSC(t) fails there does not
exist a Φ-operator connected with t. QED
Proposition 1.5 For every t-norm t with property LSC(t) one has for all
u, v, w:
(i) u ϕt (v ϕt (u t v)) = 1;
(ii) (u t v) ϕt w ≤ u ϕt (v ϕt w);
(iii) u ϕt v ≤ (u t w) ϕt (v t w).
The implication operator of many-valued logic with that truth function was introduced
in Gödel (1932) in connection with his studies on intuitionistic logic. There he also used
a negation which was related to his implication by just the same relation we shall use later
on in definition 1.8 in general to introduce a negation function for each t-norm.
t ϕt (u, v)
1 for u ≤ v
v for u > v
tL min{1, 1 − u + v}
tP min{1, v/u} for u 6= 0
1 for u = 0
v + (γ − 1)(1 − u)v
γ, γ≥0 for u > v 4
u + (γ − 1)(1 − u)v
p, p>0 1 − ((1 − v)p − (1 − u)p )1/p for u > v
λ, λ>0 for u > v
1+ (( 1−v λ − ( 1−u λ 1/λ
v ) u ) )
1 − u + v + λv
λ , λ > −1 for u > v
1 + λu
Proof. (i) is obvious from (Φ2) and proposition 1.4 (ii). To get (ii) we
observe that by (1.22) it is enough to prove
u t ((u t v) ϕt w) ≤ v ϕt w,
and for this again by (1.22) it is enough to prove
v t (u t ((u t v) ϕt w)) ≤ w
which is true because of (Φ2) and the associativity and commutativity of t.
For (iii) it is, again by (1.22), enough to prove
u t s ≤ v ⇒ (u t t) t s ≤ v t t
which is obvious by associativity and monotonicity of t, i.e. by conditions
(T1), (T2). QED
Here and in the following lines in case u ≤ v the result is always 1 as in the first line.
Of course here the drastic product tD has to fail because tD is not lower semicontin-
uous, i.e. not left continuous for each point (1, v0 ) of [0, 1]2 with v0 < 1.
Proposition 1.6 Suppose LSC(t). Then it holds true for all u, v, w ∈ [0, 1]:
(i) u ≤ v ⇔ u ϕt v = 1;
(ii) (u t v) ϕt w = u ϕt (v ϕt w);
(iii) (u ϕt v) t (v ϕt w) ≤ u ϕt w.
Proof. (i) Because of proposition 1.4 (i) only (⇐) has to be proved. Hence
1 = u ϕt v = sup{w | u t w ≤ v}.
w < 1 ⇒ utw ≤ v
and hence
u ϕt (v ϕt w) ≤ (u t v) ϕt w.
u ts ≤ v ϕt w ⇒ (u t v) t s ≤ w
(u t v) t s = (v t u) t s ≤ v t (v ϕt w) ≤ w
(u ϕt v) t (v ϕt w) = sup{s t t | u t s ≤ v and v t t ≤ w}
≤ sup{r | u t r ≤ w} = u ϕt w
u t (s t t) = (u t s) t t ≤ v t t ≤ w
If we even suppose that our t-norms are continuous functions, then the
following two interesting additional results become provable.
Proposition 1.7 For each continuous t-norm t the following hold true
(i) u t (u ϕt v) = u ∧ v,
(ii) v ϕt (u t (u ϕt v)) = v ϕt u.
Corollary 1.8 For each t-norm t with the property LSC(t) the function nt :
[0, 1] → [0, 1] is a negation function.
Proof. Obviously nt (0) = 1 and nt (1) = 0 hold true. And from proposition
1.1 it follows that each such function nt is non-increasing. QED
Proposition 1.10 (i) The only idempotent t-norm is the t-norm t = min.
(ii) The only non-interactive t-norm is the t-norm t = min.
Proof. (i) Assume that this kind of distributivity holds, i.e. that for all
u, v, w ∈ [0, 1]
u t (v st w) = (u t v) st (u t w)
holds true. Taking v = w = 1 gives
u = u st u for all u ∈ [0, 1],
i.e. the idempotency of st . By corollary 1.9 then t is also idempotent and
hence t = min.
(ii) Now the distributivity condition is that for all u, v, w ∈ [0, 1] there
holds true
u st (v t w) = (u st v) t (u st w).
Proposition 1.12 For all u, v, w ∈ [0, 1] and any t-norm t there hold true
the distributive laws
(i) u t (v ∧ w) = (u t v) ∧ (u t w),
(ii) u t (v ∨ w) = (u t v) ∨ (u t w),
(iii) u st (v ∧ w) = (u st v) ∧ (u st w),
(iv) u st (v ∨ w) = (u st v) ∨ (u st w)
as well as the subdistributive laws
(v) u ∧ (v t w) ≥ (u ∧ v) t (u ∧ w),
(vi) u ∨ (v t w) ≥ (u ∨ v) t (u ∨ w),
(vii) u ∧ (v st w) ≤ (u ∧ v) st (u ∧ w),
(viii) u ∨ (v st w) ≤ (u ∨ v) st (u ∨ w).
Proof. Claims (i) – (iv) are direct consequences of the definitions of t-norms
and their t-conorms. The claims (v) – (viii) follow by applying the respective
distributivity result from (i) – (iv) to the right side of that subdistributivity
and then using simple inequalities for t-norms and t-conorms. QED
Proposition 1.13 For each t-norm t which has the property LSC(t) and all
H1 , H2 one has
|= H1 →t H2 iff [[H1 ]] ≤ [[H2 ]], (1.28)
|= H1 ↔t H2 iff [[H1 ]] = [[H2 ]]. (1.29)
Proof. The first claim is a restatement of proposition 1.6 (i) using (1.6), the
second one a consequence of the first using: u t v = 1 ⇔ u = v = 1. QED
Proposition 1.14 For any t-norm t the following expressions are logically
(i) |= H ∧t > ↔ H and |= H ∧t ⊥ ↔ ⊥,
(ii) |= H ∨t > ↔ > and |= H ∨t ⊥ ↔ H,
(iii) |= H1 ∧t H2 ↔ H2 ∧t H1 ,
(iv) |= H1 ∨t H2 ↔ H2 ∨t H1 ,
(v) |= H1 ∧t (H2 ∧t H3 ) ↔ (H1 ∧t H2 ) ∧t H3 ,
(vi) |= H1 ∨t (H2 ∨t H3 ) ↔ (H1 ∨t H2 ) ∨t H3 .
Proposition 1.15 For any t-norm t the following equivalences are logically
Proposition 1.16 For any t-norm t the following implications are logically
Proposition 1.17 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the following ex-
pressions are logically valid:
(i) |= H ∧t (H →t G) → G,
(ii) |= G → (H →t H ∧t G),
(iii) |= H → (G →t H),
(iv) |= (H1 →t H2 ) ∧t G → (H1 →t H2 ∧t G).
Proof. The claims (i) and (ii) follow immediately from the defining proper-
ties (Φ2), (Φ3) of the Φ-operators. (iii) is proposition 1.4 (iv). And to get
(iv) it is enough to have
(u ϕt v) t w ≤ u ϕt (v t w) (1.30)
for any u, v, w ∈ [0, 1]. To see that this last inequality holds true one starts
{w t s | u t s ≤ v} ⊆ {z | u t z ≤ v t w}.
(u ϕt v) t w ≤ sup{z | u t z ≤ v t w} = u ϕt (v t w)
The monotonicities of the t-norms and the Φ-operators which were stated
in (T2), (Φ1) and proposition 1.4 (i) can directly be rewritten as the impli-
cations (which, yet, are classical ones, i.e. formulated in the metalanguage):
(a) if |= H1 → H2 then |= H1 ∧t G → H2 ∧t G,
(b) if |= H1 → H2 then |= (G →t H1 ) → (G →t H2 ),
(c) if |= H1 → H2 then |= (H2 →t G) → (H1 →t G).
H, H →t G
(modus ponens)
is correct, for, having given well formed formulas H and H →t G such
that |= H and |= H →t G, then by proposition 1.17 (i) immediately |= G.
Hence any application of the modus ponens as a rule of inference leads from
logically valid formulas again to a logically valid formula.
As a side remark let us mention that each one of the metatheoretical
implications (a),. . . ,(c) which we have just mentioned also provides the cor-
rectness proof for some rule of inference; e.g. because of (b) the rule of
H1 →t H2
(G →t H1 ) →t (G →t H2 )
is correct. Furthermore, each logically valid many-valued implication of the
|= H1 ∧t . . . ∧t Hn →t H
Proposition 1.18 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the following ex-
pressions are logically valid:
Proof. (i) By the monotonicity condition (T2) one has for each t-norm t
u t z ≤ v ⇒ (u t w) t z = (u t z) t w ≤ v t w
u ϕt v ≤ (u t w) ϕt (v t w).
u ϕt v ≤ (w ϕt u) ϕt (w ϕt v),
u t z ≤ v ⇒ (w ϕt u) t z ≤ w ϕt v
(w ϕt u) t z ≤ w ϕt (u t z) ≤ w ϕt v
u ϕt v ≤ (v ϕt w) ϕt (u ϕt w),
and gets as in part (ii) via the representation lemma as a sufficient condition
for that inequality to hold true to have
u t z ≤ v ⇒ (v ϕt w) t z ≤ u ϕt w
for all u, v, w, z ∈ [0, 1]. Thus assume u t z ≤ v. By LSC(t) and this assump-
tion one has
(v ϕt w) t z = z t sup{x | v t x ≤ w}
= sup{z t x | v t x ≤ w}
≤ sup{z t x | u t z t x ≤ w}
and hence
(v ϕt w) t z ≤ sup{y | u t y ≤ w} = u ϕt w,
i.e. the sufficiency condition. QED
Proposition 1.19 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the following ex-
pressions are logically valid:
(i) |= H1 →t (H2 →t G) ↔ (H1 ∧t H2 →t G),
(ii) |= (H1 →t H2 ) ∧t (H2 →t H3 ) → (H1 →t H3 ),
(iii) |= (H1 →t G1 ) ∧t (H2 →t G2 ) → (H1 ∧t G1 →t H2 ∧t G2 ),
(iv) |= (H1 →t G1 ) ∧ (H2 →t G2 ) → (H1 ∧ G1 →t H2 ∧ G2 ),
(v) |= (H1 →t G1 ) ∧ (H2 →t G2 ) → (H1 ∨ G1 →t H2 ∨ G2 ).
And in the case that the t-norm t subdistributes over its t-conorm in the
sense that
u t (v st w) ≤ (u t v)st (u t w)
holds true for all u, v, w ∈ [0, 1] then one also has
(vi) |= (H1 →t G1 ) ∧t (H2 →t G2 ) → (H1 ∨t G1 →t H2 ∨t G2 ).
u t z ≤ v ϕt w ⇔ v t u t z ≤ w.
v t (u t z) ≤ v t sup{s | v t s ≤ w} = sup{v t s | v t s ≤ w} ≤ w;
u t z ≤ v ϕt (v t (u t z)) ≤ v ϕt w.
(u ϕt v) t (v ϕt w) ≤ (u ϕt w).
(u ϕt v) t (w ϕt z) ≤ u ϕt (v t (w ϕt z))
≤ u ϕt (w t (v ϕt z)) = (u t w) ϕt (v t z)
u2 ϕt v2 ≤ u1 ϕt v2
u1 ϕt v1 = sup{w | u1 t w ≤ v1 }
≤ sup {w | max{u1 t w, u2 t w} ≤ max{v1 , v2 }}
= sup {w | max{u1 , u2 } t w ≤ max{v1 , v2 }}
= (max{u1 , u2 }) ϕt (max{v1 , v2 }),
(u1 ϕt v1 ) t (u2 ϕt v2 )
= sup{w | u1 t w ≤ v1 } t sup{z | u2 t z ≤ v2 }
= sup {w t sup{z | u2 t z ≤ v2 } | u1 t w ≤ v1 }
= sup { sup{w t z | u2 t z ≤ v2 } | u1 t w ≤ v1 }
= sup{w t z | u1 t w ≤ v1 and u2 t z ≤ v2 }
≤ sup{w t z | (u1 t w) st (u2 t z) ≤ v1 st v2 }.
for all w, z ∈ [0, 1], for we may, by symmetry, additionally suppose that
w ≥ z and then have the following sequence of inequalities
Thus we have
Proposition 1.20 For any t-norm t the following expressions are logically
Proof. Obvious.
Definition 1.8 For any t-norm t which has the property LSC(t) let −t be
that (unary) negation connective which has nt as its truth function, that
means always put
Proposition 1.21 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) and all formulas
H it holds true
|= −t H ↔ (H →t ⊥).
Proposition 1.22 For any t-norm t with the property LSC(t) the following
expressions are logically valid:
(i) |= H → −t −t H,
(ii) |= −t H ↔ −t −t −t H.
Proposition 1.23 For any t-norm t with the property LSC(t) the following
expressions are logically valid:
(i) |= −t (H ∧t −t H),
(ii) |= H →t (−t H →t G),
(iii) |= (H →t −t G) ↔ (G →t −t H),
(iv) |= (H →t G) → (−t G →t −t H),
(v) |= (H →t G) ∧t (H →t −t G) → −t (H ∧t H).
|= (H →t −t G) → (G →t −t H),
or equivalently to prove
|= (H →t −t G) →t (G →t −t H), (1.34)
and the second one to prove that the reverse implication from (1.34) is valid
too. Because of the symmetry of both problems it is enough only to prove
(1.34). Using proposition 1.19 (i) the problem (1.34) becomes to prove
|= (H →t −t G) ∧t G →t −t H, (1.35)
Corollary 1.24 For the t-norm t = tL contraposition holds true in the more
traditional form
and also for each t-norm t with the property LSC(t), for which additionally
there holds true |= (−t −t H ↔ H), even
|= (H1 →t H2 ) ↔ (−t H2 →t −t H1 )
holds true.
Proof. Because of |= (¬¬H ↔ H) both cases can be proven by the same
argument: simply substitute ¬G resp. −t G for G in proposition 1.23 (iii)
and then delete the double negations. QED
The foregoing discussions of the present section were all concerned with
propositional many-valued logic. That is by far the most important topic
for t-norm based logical operators. One could also try, of course, to extend
these t-norm-based considerations to the realm of quantifiers and to define
new t-norm based universal quantifiers which for interpretations with finite
universes reduce to iterations of a t-norm-based conjunction connective ∧t ,
as well as to extend them to new t-norm-based existential quantifiers, which
under the same restrictions concerning the interpretations reduce to an it-
eration of a t-conorm-based disjunction connective. But at present it seems
that such a generalization strategy would not produce interesting quanti-
fiers. One of the main difficulties, it seems, comes from the fact that all
the t-norms besides t = min are not idempotent and that therefore the
quantifiers based on such non-idempotent t-norms behave quite differently
in different interpretations depending on the cardinalities of the respective
In any case, finite iterations of these t-norm-based connectives, mainly
conjunction connectives ∧t and disjunction connectives ∨t , can be used in
the usual way through inductive generalizations. Only in a few situations
later will on the need arise for infinitary generalizations of such proposi-
tional connectives. In those cases another way round shall be taken instead
of introducing new quantifiers: infinitely long expressions (with a definite
length) will then be used. This method proves to be a suitable substitute to
use instead of giving the above mentioned generalization of the quantifiers.
Thus we restrict the considerations to those cases which combine the
usual quantifiers of many-valued first order logic as defined in (1.1), (1.2),
and in (1.3), (1.4) in their bounded form, with t-norm based propositional
For the LÃ ukasiewicz negation −tL = ¬ one immedately has generaliza-
tions of the well known de Morgan laws connecting those quantifiers in
classical logic.
Proposition 1.26 For any t-norm t the following expressions are logically
(i) |= ∀xH1 (x) ∧t ∀xH2 (x) → ∀x(H1 (x) ∧t H2 (x)),
(ii) |= ∃x(H1 (x) ∧t H2 (x)) → ∃xH1 (x) ∧t ∃xH2 (x),
(iii) |= ∀xH1 (x) ∨t ∀xH2 (x) → ∀x(H1 (x) ∨t H2 (x)),
(iv) |= ∃x(H1 (x) ∨t H2 (x)) → ∃xH1 (x) ∨t ∃xH2 (x).
Proof. (i) For each a ∈ X one has [[∀xHi (x)]] ≤ [[Hi (a)]] for i = 1, 2 and
[[∀xH1 (x) ∧t ∀xH2 (x)]] ≤ [[H1 (a) ∧t H2 (a)]].
Hence for any variable “y” which does not appear (either at all or at least
not free) in “∀xH1 (x) ∧t ∀xH2 (x)” one has
[[∀xH1 (x) ∧t ∀xH2 (x)]] ≤ inf [[H1 (y) ∧t H2 (y)]].
Proposition 1.27 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the following ex-
pressions are logically valid, if additionally G does not contain the variable
x free:
(i) |= ∀x(G →t H(x)) ↔ (G →t ∀xH(x)),
(ii) |= ∀x(H(x) →t G) ↔ (∃xH(x) →t G),
(iii) |= ∃x(G →t H(x)) ↔ (G →t ∃xH(x)),
(iv) |= ∃x(H(x) →t G) ↔ (∀xH(x) →t G).
Proof. We prove only (i) and (ii) because the rest can be proven with
exactly the same methods.
(i) To get the needed equality
[[∀x(G →t H(x))]] = [[G →t ∀xH(x)]]
for the truth degrees we show two corresponding inequalities. By the defi-
nition (1.1) of [[∀ . . .]] as an infimum one has
[[∀x(G →t H(x))]] ≤ [[G →t H(a)]]
for each a ∈ X and thus
|= ∀x(G →t H(x)) →t (G →t H(a)).
Using proposition 1.19 (i) that gives
|= ∀x(G →t H(x)) ∧t G →t H(a)
and hence
[[∀x(G →t H(x)) ∧t G]] ≤ [[H(a)]],
which means for any variable “y” which does not appear in the well-formed
formula “∀x(G →t H(x)) ∧t G”:
[[∀x(G →t H(x)) ∧t G]] ≤ inf [[H(y)]] = [[∀xH(x)]].
|= ∀x(G →t H(x)) ∧t G →t ∀xH(x)
and again by proposition 1.19 (i)
|= ∀x(G →t H(x)) →t (G →t ∀xH(x)).
But that means just
[[∀x(G →t H(x))]] ≤ [[G →t ∀xH(x)]].
To get the reverse inequality one may start from the fact that one has
[[G →t ∀xH(x)]] ≤ [[G →t H(a)]]
for each a ∈ X and thus
[[G →t ∀xH(x)]] ≤ inf [[G →t H(y)]].
The fact that [[∃xH(x)]] ≥ [[H(a)]] for each a ∈ X and that therefore, be-
cause of proposition 1.4 (i), [[∃xH(x) →t G]] ≤ [[H(a) →t G]] holds true
immediately leads to
But this results from the fact that the leftmost term itself is one of the values
over which the supremum has to be taken in the rightmost term, for one has:
Proposition 1.28 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the following ex-
pressions are logically valid, if additionally G does not contain the variable
x free:
Proof. With the notation g = [[G]] and h(x) = [[H(x)]] as in the last proof,
for (i) one has to prove
and this is exactly the condition LSC(t). Thus (i) holds true simply by
assumption. And for (ii) one has
using (i) together with (Φ2), and that is all that has to be shown. QED
The most interesting point with item (i) of the last proposition is, that
the condition LSC(t) means exactly the logical validity of that expression,
i.e. means that as in classical logic an existential quantifier can be “moved
into” a conjunction (now: t-norm based) in case only one of the conjuncts
contains the quantified variable. From the logical perspective it is, besides
the definability of a corresponding implication operator, the need for this
property which makes the assumption LSC(t) often necessary.
What has been lacking until now with regard to such logically valid for-
mulas which give equivalences describing possibilities for the distribution of
quantifiers over suitable conjunctions and implications is the case of univer-
sal quantification of a t-norm based conjunction. Indeed, that needs another
type of assumption.
Proposition 1.29 For any t-norm t with property USC(t) the following ex-
pression is logically valid, if additionally G does not contain the variable x
Therefore the closest analogies with the situation in classical logic are
obtained from the assumption of the continuity of the t-norm t which is
behind the connectives under consideration. But at present it does not seem
to be clear whether this assumption of continuity is too strong, or whether
one should accept it in every case. In other words, it is an open problem
which discontinuous t-norms (if any) may be of special interest in the realm
of fuzzy sets theory. The drastic product tD is the most well known example
of a discontinuous t-norm, but unfortunately (?) it has the property USC(tD )
and lacks having the property LSC(tD ), thus there is no Φ-operator, i.e. no
implication operator intimately connected to tD .
As the last topic essentially involving the quantifiers, let us reconsider
the problem of proposition 1.25 and take a look at the relations between any
of the t-norm based negations −t and the quantifiers.
Proposition 1.30 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the following ex-
pressions are logically valid:
(i) |= ∃x −t H(x) ↔ −t ∀xH(x),
(ii) |= −t ∃xH(x) ↔ ∀x −t H(x).
As a means for the formulation of some later results we also need the
following notions and notations.
We have omitted the explicite reference to the t-norm t with our finite it-
eration of ∧t and with the exponential notation [Θ]n . We assume that this
causes no difficulties as we do not discuss different t-norms simultaneously
(besides t = min, which has its own notation).
What we especially need in chapter 3 is the following result concern-
ing the exchangeability of many-valued existential quantification with the
exponential notation of that last definition.
Proposition 1.31 Suppose that the t-norm t has property LSC(t). For each
integer n ≥ 1 and each well-formed formula H(X) of our many-valued lan-
guage for fuzzy sets theory there holds true
Proof. Obviously one has [[H(X)]] ≤ [[∃XH(X)]] and therefore also the
inequality [[[H(X)]n ]] ≤ [[[∃XH(X)]n ]], such that
we now get
Definition 2.1 For each universe of discourse X and each formula H(x) of
our set theoretic language of many-valued logic we denote by {x ∈ X k H(x)}
or simply by {x k H(x)} that fuzzy set A on X whose membership function
µA is characterized by: µA (a) = [[H(a)]] for each a ∈ X ; i.e. {x ∈ X k H(x)}
has the characteristic property
A ∩t B =def {x k x ε A ∧t x ε B},
A ∪t B =def {x k x ε A ∨t x ε B},
CCn A =def {x k ∼n (x ε A)}.
For the special negation functions nt , t any t-norm with the property LSC(t),
and ntL , a separate, simpler notation shall be used:
A ∩ti B = B ∩ti A,
A ∩ti B 6= A ∩ti (B ∪tj C
Cnk B).
Theorem 2.1 Suppose that H is any Horn formula (with respect to F(X )).
Then the structure F(X ) is a model for H, i.e. H holds true for fuzzy sub-
sets of X , if the Horn formula Ĥ corresponding to H but referring to the
structure Π (i.e. Ĥ is built up from H by changing ∩t to ∧t , ∪t to ∨t ,
CCn to ∼n and by an appropriate change of variables too) holds true in the
structure Π.
which already was defined by Zadeh (1965) and which is a partial ordering
in the class IF (X ) of all fuzzy subsets of X .
It is interesting to note that our theorem can be extended to include these
ordering relations too. For this purpose we have to extend what is meant
Definition 2.3 For any fuzzy sets A, B and any t-norm t with property
LSC(t) let
A⊂=t B =def ∀x(x ε A →t x ε B),
A ≡t B =def A⊂ ⊂
=t B ∧t B =t A.
The truth degree [[A ⊂
=t B]] is a degree of containment of A in B and the
truth degree [[A ≡t B]] is a degree of equality for the fuzzy sets A, B.
To see how these definitions work let us look at the t-norms tG and tL .
For a readable formulation of the following results we use besides the support
supp (A) = {x ∈ X | µA (x) > 0} = {x ∈ X | [[x ε A]] 6= 0}
of A ∈ IF (X ) for any fuzzy sets A, B ∈ IF (X ) also the crisp sets
{A > B} =def {x ∈ X | [[x ε A]] > [[x ε B]]}, (2.5)
{A 6= B} =def {x ∈ X | [[x ε A]] 6= [[x ε B]]}. (2.6)
[[A ⊂
=tG B]] = x∈{A>B}
inf [[x ε B]] (2.7)
[[A ⊂
=tL B]] = 1 − sup ([[x ε A]] − [[x ε B]]) (2.11)
quite directly
This time, contrary to the results (2.8) and (2.10), both of the claims
[[A ⊂
=tL B]] 6= 0 and supp (A) 6⊆ supp (B)
We consider, as usual, the infimum over the empty set as =1 and the supremum over
the empty set as =0.
Proposition 2.2 For every t-norm t with property LSC(t) and all fuzzy sets
A, B, C there hold true
(i) |= A ⊂
=t A,
(ii) |= A ⊂
=t B → A ∩t C ⊂ =t B ∩t C,
(iii) ⊂
|= A = B ∧t B = C →t A ⊂
t t =t C,
(iv) |= A ⊂
=t B → CCt B ⊂=t C
Ct A,
and if additionally st1 is any t-conorm such that t distributes over st1 we
too have
(v) |= A ⊂ ⊂
=t B → A ∪t1 C =t B ∪t1 C.
Proof. (i) is obvious. For (ii) we have to use the corresponding definitions
2.2 and 2.3 and the fact that
[[A ⊂ ⊂
=t B ∧t B =t C]]
= [[∀x(x ε A →t x ε B) ∧t ∀x(x ε B →t x ε C)]]
≤ [[∀x((x ε A →t x ε B) ∧t (x ε B →t x ε C))]]
holds true for all formulas H1 , H2 and all t-norms with the property LSC(t).
We furthermore have
[[A ⊂ ⊂ ⊂
=t B ∧t B =t C]] ≤ [[A =t C]]
which immediately yields our statement.
(iv) becomes, by the same kind of argument as in (ii) and (iii), a straight-
forward consequence of
[[H1 →t H2 ]] ≤ [[−t H2 →t −t H1 ]]
and this is true in the case of LSC(t) because of proposition 1.23 (iv).
To prove (v) we look as in case (ii) for a proof of
[[A ⊂ ⊂
=t B]] ≤ [[A ∪t1 C =t B ∪t1 C]]
which is by definition of ⊂
=t easily established if one is able to show
[[x ε A →t x ε B]] ≤ [[x ε A ∨t1 x ε C →t x ε B ∨t1 x ε C]]
Hence we look for a condition of t, t1 which guarantees for all formulas
H1 , H2 , G that
[[H1 →t H2 ]] ≤ [[H1 ∨t1 G →t H2 ∨t1 G]],
and this means looking for such a condition that yields
sup{s | u t s ≤ v} ≤ sup{t | (u st1 w) t t ≤ v st1 w} (2.15)
Now, if t distributes over st1 , i.e. if always
(u st1 w) t t = (u t t) st1 (w t t),
we get immediately always
u t s ≤ v ⇒ (u st1 w) t s ≤ v st1 w
and hence (2.15). Therefore (v) is established. QED
Remark. The present proof shows for example that the distributivity of t
over st1 is only a sufficient condition for the monotonicity property
|= A ⊂ ⊂
=t B →t A ∪t1 C =t B ∪t1 C,
a subdistributivity condition like
(u st1 w) t v ≤ (u t v) st1 (w t v) (2.16)
or simply the property that
(u st1 w) t v ≤ u st1 (w t v) (2.17)
(for all u, v, w ∈ [0, 1] of course) are sufficient conditions too.
Furthermore, this proof indicates that (iv) can also be generalized. Con-
sidering any negation function n and looking for the truth of
|= A ⊂ ⊂
=t B → CCt B =t CCt A, (2.18)
our line of arguments calls for the contraposition condition
u ϕt v ≤ n(v) ϕt n(u)
to hold true as a sufficient condition for (2.18).
Furthermore, it is possible in a standard way to extend the monotonicity
results to for example
|= A ⊂ ⊂ ⊂
=t B ∧t C =t D → A ∩t C =t B ∩t D
for the case of the intersection ∩t . Besides the monotonicity result of propo-
sition P3.4 (ii) one simply has to use the transitivity result of proposition
P3.4 (iii).
Proposition 2.4 Suppose LSC(t). Then for all fuzzy sets A, B, C there hold
(i) |= A ≡t A,
(ii) |= A ≡t B → B ≡t A,
(iii) |= A ≡t B ∧t B ≡t C →t A ≡t C,
(iv) |= A ≡t B → A ∩t C ≡t B ∩t C,
(v) |= A ≡t B → CCt A ≡t C
Ct B,
and if the t-conorm st1 is such that t distributes over st1 one also has
|= (A ⊂ ⊂
=t B ∧t B =t A) →
→ (A ∩t C ⊂ ⊂
=t B ∩t C ∧t B ∩t C =t A ∩t C)
Definition 2.4 For any t-norm t let be the universal set X with respect to
the universe of discourse X
X =def {x ∈ X k x = x},
and for each truth degree u 6= 0 the u-universal set with respect to X
X [u] =def {x ∈ X k x = x ∧t u}.
∅ =def CCX.
And for each a ∈ X and any truth degree u the (fuzzy) u-singleton of a is
the fuzzy set
hhaiiu =def {x k x = a ∧t u}.
[[b ε X [u] ]] = u,
u, if b = a
[[b ε hhaiiu ]] =
0 otherwise
holds true and additionally
[[b ε ∅]] = 0.
Furthermore, hhaii0 = ∅ is always the case. Obviously too it holds true that
|= ∀x(x ε X),
|= ∀x ∼n (x ε ∅)
Proposition 2.5 For each fuzzy set A and every t-norm t with the property
LSC(t) there hold true
(i) |= A ≡t ∅ ↔ ∀x −t (x ε A),
(ii) |= −t ∃x(x ε A) ↔ A ≡t ∅,
(iii) |= A ≡t X ↔ ∀x(x ε A).
Proof. (i) is obvious from the corresponding definitions and proposition 1.4
(ii). (ii) follows from (i) and the fact that
|= −t ∃xH ↔ ∀x −t H
holds true; cf. proposition 1.30 (ii). Finally, (iii) again is a simple conse-
quence of the corresponding definitions and proposition 1.4 (iii). QED
The definitions of ∅ and X are quite natural ones from the point of view
of set theory. With the same resulting objects we could have chosen a more
∅ ⊂ A and A ⊂ X,
|= ∅ ⊂
=t A and |= A ⊂
=t X
for every t-norm t. From the fact that
p ∧t (−t p) = ⊥
A ∩t CCt A = ∅,
as those formulas are (basic) Horn formulas. Thus we have in our many
valued language
|= A ∩t CCt A ≡t ∅.
But, again, more and stronger results are provable than by this reference
only to our transfer theorem 2.1.
Proposition 2.6 For all t-norms t with property LSC(t), t-conorms st1 and
fuzzy sets A, B there hold true
(i) |= A ∩t B ≡t X → A ≡t X ∧ B ≡t X,
(ii) |= A ≡t X ∧t B ≡t X → A ∩t B ≡t X,
(iii) |= A ∪t1 B ≡t ∅ → A ≡t ∅ ∧ B ≡t ∅,
(iv) |= A ≡t ∅ ∧t B ≡t ∅ → A ∪t1 B ≡t ∅.
Proof. Let us, because of the additional assumption with regard to (iv),
start by proving (iii) and (iv). Then (i) and (ii) can be proven analogously
without this additional assumption. The details for those cases are then
easily supplied and hence omitted.
(iii) We immediately have
[[A ∪t1 B ≡t ∅]] = [[∀x −t (x ε A ∨t1 x ε B)]]
≤ [[∀x −t (x ε A)]] = [[A ≡t ∅]]
from monotonicity properties of ∨t1 and −t . Hence by commutativity of
∪t1 :
[[A ∪t1 B ≡t ∅]] ≤ min{[[A ≡t ∅]], [[B ≡t ∅]]},
and hence the result which was stated.
Point (iv) can be analogously derived using
[[A ≡t ∅ ∧t B ≡t ∅]] = [[∀x −t (x ε A) ∧t ∀x −t (x ε B)]]
≤ [[∀x(−t (x ε A) ∧t −t (x ε B))]],
which holds true according to proposition 1.26 (i), and hence we are able to
continue this estimation with
[[A ≡t ∅ ∧t B ≡t ∅]] ≤ [[∀x −t (x ε A ∨t1 x ε B)]]
because of the assumption on t, t1 stated additionally for (iv); thus
[[A ≡t ∅ ∧t B ≡t ∅]] ≤ [[A ∪t1 B ≡t ∅]]
and hence our statement. QED
In order to now define the “big”, i.e. infinitary unions and intersections of
families of fuzzy sets we will discuss a slight extionsion of our many-valued
language: we have to introduce infinitary conjunctions and disjunctions. The
finite iterations of each one of the conjunction operators ∧t and of each one
of the disjunction operators ∨t are routine and will not be discussed here.
What is much more problematic is the infinitary version in general: but we
avoid almost all difficulties in restricting ourselves to the t-norm min and
the t-conorm max only.
Having given any (crisp) index set I and for each i ∈ I a formula Hi we
introduce as new formulas for infinitary conjunctions and disjunctions
^ _
Hi and Hi .
i∈I i∈I
Those new formulas may be used in building more complex ones as we have
so far done with the more simple ones. The truth values of those formulas
are given as
[[ Hi ]] =def inf [[Hi ]],
i∈I i∈I
[[ Hi ]] =def sup[[Hi ]].
i∈I i∈I
From these definitions it is obvious that i∈I and i∈I will act much like
the quantifiers ∀ and ∃. But we will not prove a detailled list of logically
valid formulas including such infinitary parts – if in the following we have
to use some special results we will prove them when needed.
Definition 2.5 For each familiy (Ai )i∈I of fuzzy sets let
\ ^
Ai =def {x k (x ε Ai )},
[ _
Ai =def {x k (x ε Ai )}.
As usual, the generalized union can also be used in our fuzzy case to
describe every fuzzy set as a union of fuzzy singletons:
A= hhaii[[a ε A]] . (2.20)
Yet this representation is sometimes too complicated because all the fuzzy
singletons hhaii0 are inessential. First, as we mentioned immediately after
definition 2.4, hhaii0 = ∅ always applies and on the other hand the definition
2.5 generally allows one to disregard in a generalized union i∈I Ai all those
Ak with Ak = ∅. Hence instead of (2.20) we simply get
A= hhaii[[a ε A]] , (2.21)
Proposition 2.7 For all fuzzy sets (Ai )i∈I , B and arbitrary t-norms t with
the property LSC(t) and t-conorms st1 there hold true:
(i) |= Ai ⊂
=t Ak ,
(ii) |= Ak ⊂
=t Ai ,
^ \
(iii) |= (B ⊂ ⊂
=t Ai ) ↔ B =t Ai ,
^ [
(iv) |= (Ai ⊂
=t B) ↔ Ai ⊂
=t B,
and without restrictions concerning the involved t-norms there hold true:
\ \
(v) |= Ai ∩t B ⊂
= (Ai ∩t B),
i∈I i∈I
\ \
(vi) |= Ai ∪t1 B ⊂
= (Ai ∪t1 B),
i∈I i∈I
[ [
(vii) |= (Ai ∩t B) ⊂
= Ai ∩t B,
i∈I i∈I
[ [
(viii) |= (Ai ∪t1 B) ⊂
= Ai ∪t1 B.
i∈I i∈I
Proof. (i) and (ii) are obvious. For (iii) we observe that
[[ (B ⊂
=t Ai )]] = inf inf [[x ε B →t x ε Ai ]]
i∈I i∈I x∈X
= inf [[x ε B →t (x ε Ai )]]
x∈X i∈I
according to proposition 1.27 (i). This immediately gives our result. (To
be precise, we have to mention that the formulation of proposition 1.27 (i)
gives the corresponding result for the quantifier ∀; but the proof of that
result works exactly the same way for the present infinitary conjunction
To prove (iv) via an equation of suitable truth degrees we proceed anal-
ogously but with reference to proposition 1.27 (ii).
Furthermore, (v) to (viii) all are simple consequences of the monotonicity
of t-norms and t-conorms. The details can be omitted. QED
Proposition 2.8 For all fuzzy sets (Ai )i∈I , B and arbitrary t-norms t and
t-conorms st1 there hold true:
(i) in the case of USC(t)
\ \
|= Ai ∩t B ≡ (Ai ∩t B),
i∈I i∈I
Principally with the same elementary steps as for proving these distribu-
tivity properties, one is able to prove the general commutativity and asso-
ciativity of those infinitary intersections and unions of fuzzy sets, as well as
their general distributivity with respect to one another. For formulations of
those laws in the crisp case we refer to Klaua (1964) or any other textbook
of set theory which tends toward a more formalized presentation of the topic
in the language of first order logic; in the fuzzy case here the laws have to
be formulated in the same way. We do not give the details which, in some
sense, are routine.
Instead we went to the consideration of cartesian products of fuzzy sets.
The problem here is – as later on with fuzzy (binary) relations again – that
the cartesian product of two fuzzy subsets of X need not be a fuzzy subset
of X : it depends on X and on whether X is closed with respect to (usual)
ordered pairing.
Definition 2.6 For all fuzzy sets A, B and each t-norm t let
A ×t B ⊂
=t1 C ×t D =def
∀x∀y(x ε A ∧t y ε B →t1 x ε C ∧t y ε D), (2.22)
A ×t B ≡t1 C ×t D =def
(A ×t B ⊂ ⊂
=t1 C ×t D) ∧t1 (C ×t D =t1 A ×t B) (2.23)
for all fuzzy sets A, B, C, D and all t-norms t, t1 where, of course, t1 has the
property LSC(t).
Set algebraic equations involving fuzzy cartesian products easily result
from identities for t-norms, t-conorms and negation functions via our transfer
theorem 2.1. To illustrate the method of proof we give some simple examples.
and hence (i). In the same way the proof of (ii) can proceed. QED
We only mention the fact that the fuzzy cartesian product is commuta-
tive and associative – via suitable canonical isomorphisms as in the classical
case. Further equalities for fuzzy cartesian products are easily provable by
the method of the last proof. We will not discuss this topic more extensively.
Instead, we look for proofs of some monotonicity properties and some sub-
stitutivity results for fuzzy identities.
We omit the proof. But all those statements are analogous to earlier
ones relating to for example ∩t instead of ×t . In every case, too, the proofs
needed here are analogous to those earlier proofs which we have presented
in detail or sketched with hints for the essential steps.
The part of set algebra for fuzzy sets that was presented here will be
representative enough to allow the reader to extend it easily by himself in
any of the directions he is interested in.
Therefore, we finish our listing of interesting results of set algebra. Only a
slight modification of the construction yielding the fuzzy cartesian products
will be mentioned. The point is that the ordered pair (x, y) is a very special
object among those which can be built up from x, y. Hence we may assume
to have given some binary – or also n-ary, but we will not consider this
only slightly more general case – function f on the universe of discourse X .
Additionally we assume that each one of the values f (a, b) can be described
by a term of our language. To extend our abstraction terms to the case
of fuzzy sets with objects f (a, b) as “elements” we define for all formulas
H(x, y):
{f (x, y) k H(x, y)} =def {z k ∃x∃y(H(x, y) ∧t z = f (x, y))} (2.24)
A ∗t B =def {a ∗ b k a ε A ∧t b ε B}
Corollary 2.11 Take the operations ∗ and ∗t as in definition 2.7 and con-
sider C = A ∗t B for A, B ∈ IF (X ). It then holds true
Proof. By (2.24) and the definitions of the quantifier ∃ and the class term
notation for fuzzy sets, the extension principle immediately yields
µC (z) = sup [[x ε A ∧t b ε B]] t [[z = x ∗ y]].
µC (z) = sup [[x ε A ∧t b ε B]]
because always [[z = x ∗ y]] ∈ {0, 1} and only those pairs (x, y) need to be
considered here, for which [[z = x ∗ y]] = 1, i.e. for which z = x ∗ y is the
case.5 Now
[[x ε A ∧t b ε B]] = µA (x) t µB (y)
gives the result. QED
Proof. All the results can be proved by routine methods; thus e.g. (v)
essentially follows from the definition of the inverse fuzzy relation R−1 and
the commutativity of ∧t by
(R ◦t S)−1 = {(x, y) k ∃z((y, z) ε R ∧t (z, x) ε S)}
= {(x, y) k ∃z((x, z) ε S −1 ∧t (z, y) ε R−1 )}
= S −1 ◦t R−1 .
And for (ii), for example, we have to show
|= ∀x(x ε dom (R ◦t S) → x ε dom (R))
which goes to show that
|= ∀x(∃y((x, y) ε R ◦t S) → ∃z((x, z) ε R)), (2.25)
but because of
[[(x, y) ε R ◦t S]] = [[∃z((x, z) ε R ∧t (z, y) ε S)]]
we have by monotonicity of the t-norms
|= ∃y((x, y) ε R ◦t S) → ∃y∃z((x, z) ε R)
and hence (2.25) by first dropping the empty quantification ∃y in the succe-
dent and then universally quantifying. QED
Proof. The way of proving this equation is routine. The essential point is
to prove that the formulas
∃u((x, u) ε R ∧t ∃v((u, v) ε S ∧t (v, y) ε T ))
∃v(∃u((x, u) ε R ∧t (u, v) ε S) ∧t (v, y) ε T )
have the same truth degrees. To get that result we have – besides using the
associativity of ∧t – first to “move the quantifier ∃v outside” a conjunction
R ◦D S = ∅, (R ◦D S) ◦D T = ∅.6
As a further remark let us add here that the assumptions on the finiteness
of X or of the set of membership degrees of R, S, T may also in the following
propositions be added instead of LSC(t). However, for simplicity we mention
only the case of LSC(t).
By the way, if we consider additionally the t-conorm ∨ = max, then we have for all
u, v, w ∈ [0, 1]
(u ∨ v) tD w = (u tD w) ∨ (v tD w)
and hence property (1) of Ovchinnikov (1981). Therefore our example too is a coun-
terexample to the unrestricted associativity of the composition of fuzzy relations (as stated
erroneously in Ovchinnikov (1981; p. 172)).
Proposition 2.15 For any t-norm t with property LSC(t) the generalized
monotonicity of the relational product of fuzzy relations holds true in the
(i) |= R ⊂ ⊂
=t S → R ◦t T =t S ◦t T,
(ii) |= S ⊂ ⊂
=t T → R ◦t S =t R ◦t T,
(iii) |= R1 ⊂ ⊂ ⊂
=t R2 ∧t S1 =t S2 →t R1 ◦t S1 =t R2 ◦t S2 .
Proof. We consider only (i), case (ii) is analogous. Suppose LSC(t). Then
we have
|= R ⊂
=t S →
∀x∀y∀z((x, y) ε R ∧t (y, z) ε T →t (x, y) ε S ∧t (y, z) ε T )
furthermore obviously
|= R ⊂
=t S → ∀x∀y∀z((x, y) ε R ∧t (y, z) ε T →t (x, z) ε S ◦t T )
and therefore, using the fact that in the case of LSC(t)
|= R ⊂
=t S → ∀x∀z((x, y) ε R ◦t T →t (x, z) ε S ◦t T )
which had to be proved.
To get (iii) we have to use (i), (ii) together with the transitivity of fuzzy
inclusion for fuzzy relations:
|= R ⊂ ⊂ ⊂
=t S ∧t S =t T →t R =t T
which is nothing else than a special case of the corresponding result for fuzzy
sets in general. QED
The same situation, of course, appears with fuzzy sets of ordered pairs.
So far we have looked at them as fuzzy relations. For the purpose of the
present book this perspective remains the essential one. Nevertheless, there
is one notion from the realm of the mapping-related ones that has to be
considered together with fuzzy relations: the full image of a (fuzzy) set
under a (fuzzy) relation. And the background for this interest is in the later
use of the so-called “compositional rule of inference” in connection with our
discussions of fuzzy controllers.
From a more set theoretical point of view the notions and facts from
the mapping-related world are as essential and interesting as those from
the relation-related world. This also holds true in the field of fuzzy sets.
Moreover, in the mapping-related world of fuzzy sets there arise completely
new problems, e.g. at first giving a satisfactory definition of uniqueness that
is nontrivial in the sense that it refers to an equality predicate that allows
for truth degrees different from the degrees 1 and 0.8
Proposition 2.16 For all fuzzy sets A, B ∈ IF (X ) and each fuzzy relation
R ∈ IF (X × Y) there hold true
Proof. (i) By definition 2.9 and the distributivity of any t-norm t over ∨
according to proposition 1.12 one has
(ii) follows by the same type of calculations but now using proposition
1.26 (ii) for the step from the first to the second line, giving the (nonfuzzy)
inclusion “⊃” instead of equality.
(iii) With reference to proposition 1.26 (iv) the calculations to determine
R00 A ∪t R00 B can start as in case (i) and proceed as in (ii), but now with an
inclusion “⊂” resulting, and have later on to use the distributivity of any
t-conorm over ∧ and that therefore one has
The inspection of the proofs for the claims (i) and (ii) of this propo-
sition indicates a further possibility of generalization: under some suitable
assumptions ∪ and ∩ can be replaced by some ∪t or some ∩t respectively.
We state the result without further proof.
|= R00 (A ∪t B) ⊂ 00 00
= R A ∪t R B.
|= R00 (A ∩t B) ⊂ 00 00
= R A ∩t R B.
Proposition 2.18 Suppose LSC(t). Then it holds true for all fuzzy sets
A, B and all fuzzy relations R, S that
(i) |= A ⊂
=t B → R00 A ⊂ 00
=t R B,
(ii) |= R ⊂
=t S → R00 A ⊂ 00
=t S A,
(iii) |= A ⊂
=t B→R↓A⊂ =t R ↓ B,
(iv) |= R ⊂
=t S→S↓A⊂ =t R ↓ A.
[[A ⊂ 00 ⊂ 00
=t B]] ≤ [[R A =t R B]].
We start from the right hand side of this inequality and have by the corre-
sponding definitions
[[R00 A ⊂ 00
=t R B]]
= [[∀x(x ε R00 A →t x ε R00 B)]]
= [[∀x(∃y(y ε A ∧t (y, x) ε R) →t ∃z(z ε B ∧t (z, x) ε R))]]
[[R00 A ⊂ 00
=t R B]]
= [[∀x∀y((y ε A ∧t (y, x) ε R) →t ∃z(z ε B ∧t (z, x) ε R))]].
Now from (1.2) together with (Φ1) and proposition 1.18 (i) we successively
[[R00 A ⊂ 00
=t R B]]
≥ [[∀x∀y((y ε A ∧t (y, x) ε R) →t (y ε B ∧t (y, x) ε R))]]
≥ [[∀x∀y(y ε A →t y ε B)]]
[[R00 A ⊂ 00 ⊂
=t R B]] ≥ [[A =t B]].
[[A ⊂ ⊂
=t B]] ≤ [[R ↓ A =t R ↓ B]]
holds true. But now the corresponding definitions lead to the following
Remark. By the usual truth condition (1.6) for logical validity and defini-
tion (1.1) of the many-valued universal quantifier obviously the irreflexivity
condition becomes: [[xRx]] = 1 for each x ∈ X . Therefore the definition 2.10
(ii) of irreflexivity and the definition 2.10 (vi) of t-asymmetry are indepen-
dent of the choice of a specific negation function.
As an additional consequence the symmetry condition (iv) becomes that:
[[xRy →t yRx]] = 1 for all x, y ∈ X . As long as one supposes that the t-
norm t which is involved here has the property LSC(t), the condition reads:
[[xRy]] ≤ [[yRx]] = 1 for all x, y ∈ X . Thus the definition 2.10 (iv) is also
independent of the choice of a specific lower semicontinuous t-norm.
As usual these properties may also be characterized using the set theo-
retic operations for fuzzy relations. To do this we need a kind of fuzzified
diagonal. Let the fuzzy diagonal of X be the fuzzy relation
[ .
∆X =def hh(a, a)ii1 = {(x, y) ∈ X × X k x = y}. (2.28)
Proof. Obvious.
hbiR = {x k bRx}
and using the notion of the full image from definition 2.9 we hence have
Proposition 2.20 For each fuzzy equivalence relation R, each t-norm t with
the property LSC(t) and all a, b ∈ X , there hold true:
(i) |= a ε haiR ,
(ii) |= b ε haiR ↔t aRb,
(iii) |= haiR ≡t hbiR ↔t aRb,
(iv) |= ∃x(x ε haiR ∩t hbiR ) ↔t aRb.
Proof. (ii) is simply a restatement of the definition of haiR ; and (i) follows
from this definition by reflexivity of R.
(iii) From definition of ≡t and from (ii) one immediately has
Because of the linear ordering of the set of truth degrees and of proposition
1.4 (ii) and condition (T3) for all formulas H, G one has
(Z2) |= ∃x(x ε A ∩t B) →t A ≡t B.
Z/R = {haiR | a ∈ X }
is a fuzzy partition of X .
(ii) If Z is a fuzzy partition of X , then a fuzzy equivalence relation (in
X ) is defined by
_ _
RZ = {(a, b) k (a ε A ∧t b ε B ∧t A ≡t B)}.
Proof. (i) Because from proposition 2.20 (i) one has [[a ε haiR ]] = 1 for each
a ∈ X , we have that R has property (Z1). Property (Z2) is a straightforward
consequence of proposition 2.20 (iii) and (iv).
(ii) Obviously RZ is symmetric. For the reflexivity of RZ one has to
[[(a, a) ε RZ ]] = [[ (a ε A ∧t a ε B ∧t A ≡t B)]]
= [[ (a ε A ∧t a ε A)]]
[[(a, b) ε RZ ∧t (b, c) ε RZ ]] =
[[ (a ε A ∧t b ε B ∧t A ≡t B ∧t
∧t b ε D ∧t c ε C ∧t D ≡t C)]].
As the next topic, let us discuss the construction of the transitive hull
of a given fuzzy relation. As with fuzzy equivalence relations, the approach
is mainly along the same lines as Zadeh (1971), but as before we get some
more general results.
Definition 2.13 For fuzzy relations R and any given t-norm t we put re-
cursively for all natural numbers n
R1 =def R,
R =def Rn ◦t R,
and take as the t-transitive hull of R the fuzzy relation
Tt (R) =def Rn .
(ii) if |= R ⊂ ⊂
=t S, then |= Tt (R) =t Tt (S).
|= R2 ⊂
= R ◦t S and |= R ◦t S ⊂
by |= R ⊂
= S and the monotonicity of ◦t . Hence together that gives
|= R2 ⊂
= S;
|= Rn ⊂
|= Tt (R) ⊂
This proposition discusses the situation that, either with or without the
t-transitivity of the fuzzy relation S, one has that the graded inclusion
“R ⊂=t S” has truth degree 1. Then the statement is that some other in-
clusions have truth degree 1 too. More general and thus more interesting
would be to have instead for example inequalities between the degrees to
which these fuzzy inclusion relations hold true. Such results will only now
be established for a special case.9
At present it is an open problem whether the results of the next proposition can be
extended to other t-norms besides t = min or not.
Proposition 2.24 For the t-norm t = tG = min one has for all fuzzy
relations R, S in the case that S is tG -transitive:
(i) |= R ⊂ ⊂
=tG S → TtG (R) =tG S,
and without any transitivity restraint for S the generalized monotonicity
(ii) |= R ⊂ ⊂
=tG S → TtG (R) =tG TtG (S).
Proof. (i) Suppose S to be tG -transitive, i.e. to be min-transitive. Then
one has (always deleting the index tG ):
|= R ⊂ 2 ⊂
= S →R = R◦S
|= R ⊂
= S →R◦S = S
⊂ 2
For fuzzy relations and for crisp relations it is enough to discuss the
reflexive case: in a simple way one can change from reflexive fuzzy ordering
relations to corresponding irreflexive ones in essentially the same manner as
in classical set theory.
R+ =def R ∪t ∆X ,
R =def R ∩t C
C∆X .
Corollary 2.25 For each t-norm t and each fuzzy relation R one has
(i) R− is irreflexive,
(ii) R+ is reflexive.
Proof. Obvious.
Proposition 2.26 Let R be any fuzzy relation and t any t-norm with the
property LSC(t). Then one has
For fuzzy ordering relations these results give the above-mentioned simple
connection between the reflexive and the irreflexive case. To state that result
we adopt here the
Proposition 2.27 For each fuzzy relation R and any t-norm t with property
LSC(t) one has:
tL (u, v) = max{0, u + v − 1}
t1 <
= t2 and t2 has zero divisors ⇒ t1 has zero divisors (2.32)
t1 <
= t2 and t1 is without zero divisors
⇒ t2 is without zero divisors (2.33)
function and for each 0 6= u ∈ [0, 1] one has u t u < u. Each Archimedean
t-norm t has a generating function f : [0, 1] → [0, ∞] which is decreasing
and continuous with f (1) = 0 such that always
That means that for each Archimedean t-norm t with generating function f
one has
Proposition 2.29 If the t-norm t has zero divisors and X at least three
elements, then there exists a fuzzy partial ordering R0 such that the usual
crisp relation supp(R0 ) is not transitive.
is a fuzzy partial ordering, but the crisp relation supp (R0 ) = {(a, b), (b, c)}
is not transitive (in the usual sense). QED
Proposition 2.30 Suppose that the t-norm t does not have zero divisors.
Then for each fuzzy partial ordering (preordering) R the support supp(R) is
a crisp partial ordering (preordering) in the usual sense.
if i < j then |= Ri ⊂
=t Rj .
Then the fuzzy relation
R̄ = Ri
and hence the t-transitivity of R̄. Again, if all fuzzy relations Ri are t-
antisymmetric then the t-antisymmetry of R̄ follows by corresponding cal-
culations. QED
Proposition 2.33 Let R be a fuzzy preordering and define the fuzzy equiv-
alence relation Q as in (2.36). Then by
Proof. First we have to show that R̂ is correctly defined, i.e. that this
definition does not really depend on the elements a, b which describe the
fuzzy equivalence classes haiQ , hbiQ .
Hence consider a, a0 such that haiQ = ha0 iQ . Then by [[a ε haiQ ]] = 1 one
has [[a ε ha0 iQ ]] = 1, i.e. [[aQa0 ]] = 1. Hence immediately [[aRa0 ]] = [[a0 Ra]] =
1. Now we get for every x
and obviously
. .
[[a = b]] ≤ [[haiQ = hbiQ ]].
Proposition 2.34 Suppose that the t-norm t does not have zero divisors.
Then for every fuzzy partial ordering R there exists a st1 -linear fuzzy or-
dering SR (st1 any t-conorm) such that |= R ⊂ =t SR . If the fuzzy partial
ordering R has the further property that there exists u ∈ (0, 1] such that for
all a, b ∈ X :
(a, b) ∈ supp(R) ⇒ [[aRb]] ≥ u,
then there exists a weakly linear fuzzy ordering SfR such that |= R ⊂ e
=t SR and
for all a, b ∈ X also
(a, b) ∈ supp(R) ⇒ [[aRb]] = [[aSfR b]].
|= R ⊂
= SR
and put
SfR = SR ∩t Ru
(which gives the same fuzzy relation SfR for each t-norm t by construction
of SR ). Obviously again
|= R ⊂ f
= SR .
and again SfR is a fuzzy partial ordering which now, yet, is weakly linear by
∗ . In order to prove the t-transitivity and t-antisymmetry
the linearity of SR
of SfR we essentially have to use (2.37) and the fact that
Definition 2.18 For each fuzzy relation R and any t-norm t with property
LSC(t) let
Ref l(R) =def ∀x(xRx),
Irref lt (R) =def ∀x −t (xRx),
T ranst (R) =def ∀x∀y∀z(xRy ∧t yRz →t xRz),
Symmt (R) =def ∀x∀y(xRy →t yRx),
Antisymmt (R) =def ∀x∀y(xRy ∧t yRx →t x = y),
Asymmt (R) =def ∀x∀y −t (xRy ∧t yRx).
and the corresponding results for all the other graded properties with respect
to their crisp versions
As in the case of the crisp versions of relation properties, a characteriza-
tion of these graded properties with genuinely set theoretic notions is now
also possible.
Let us first consider the usual duality between reflexive and irreflexive
fuzzy ordering relations established by changing from R to R+ = R ∪t ∆X
and from R to R− = R \t ∆X = {(x, y) k (x, y) ε R ∧t −t (x, y) ε ∆X }, i.e.
to R− = R ∩t CC∆X , cf. definition 2.15 and proposition 2.27.
Proof. (i) and (ii) are obvious. For (iii) one has to prove the inequality
[[∀x, y, z(xRy ∧t yRz →t xRz)]] ≤
[[∀x, y, z(xR+ y ∧t yR+ z →t xR+ z)]]
for R+ = R ∪t ∆X . To get this we first show the inequality
[[aRb ∧t bRc →t aRc]] ≤ [[aR+ b ∧t bR+ c →t aR+ c]] (2.38)
for arbitrary a, b, c ∈ X .
In the case that a = b holds true it remains to be shown that
[[aRa ∧t aRc →t aRc]] ≤ [[aR+ a ∧t aR+ c →t aR+ c]].
But this obviously holds true because both these implications have truth
degree 1: in each of them the truth degree of the antecedent is not greater
than the truth degree of the succedent.
In the case that b = c holds true, essentially the same argument gives
Thus the case a 6= b 6= c remains to be considered. Now, however, one
[[aRb]] = [[aR+ b]], [[bRc]] = [[bR+ c]], [[aRc]] ≤ [[aR+ c]]
holds true. Here the left-hand side of the inequality is independent of the
choice of a, b, c. That means that even the infimum (with respect to a, b, c) of
the right-hand side is not smaller than the left-hand side, but this is exactly
(iii) according to definition 2.18.
Finally (iv) follows along the same line of argument as (iii). QED
Proof. As in part (iii) of the last proof it is enough to show that for
R− = R \t ∆X = R ∩t CC∆X and all a, b, c ∈ X
[[T ranst (R) ∧t Antisymmt (R)]] ≤ [[aR− b ∧t bR− c →t aR− c]]. (2.39)
[[T ranst (R) ∧t Antisymmt (R)]] ≤ [[−t (aR− b ∧t bR− a)]]. (2.40)
In the case that a = b one has [[aR− b]] = 0 and thus [[−t (aR− b∧t bR− a)]] = 1,
which immediately gives (2.40). And in the case that a 6= b one has [[a =
b]] = 0 and thus
[[−t (aR− b ∧t bR− a)]] = [[aR− b ∧t bR− a →t a = b]],
[[Antisymmt (R)]] ≤ [[aR− b ∧t bR− a →t a = b]]
and therefore (2.40). Thus (2.39) holds true in any case. QED
Proof. The same type of estimations as in the proofs of the last two propo-
sitions yield the results. QED
By and large, the basic links for a generalization of the usual duality of
reflexive and irreflexive partial orderings seem to be established with those
results. What remains to be given is a definition of graded irreflexive fuzzy
partial orderings. Caused by the process of grading this definition is not as
obvious as in the reflexive case. The background difficulty is the well-known
fact for classical irreflexive partial orderings that they can either be defined
by the requirements of irreflexivity and transitivity or – equivalently – by
those of irreflexivity, transitivity, and asymmetry.
In the present situation therefore we are first interested whether transi-
tivity together with irreflexivity also imply asymmetry in our more general
context. Indeed we have
Using proposition 1.19 (i) twice and also proposition 1.27 (i) one finds that
(2.41) is equivalent to
But now using propositions 1.17 (i) and 1.23 (iv) together with the anti-
monotonicity of the Φ-operators in the first argument one has for the truth
degree of this expression
With this definition all the notions and preliminary results are completed
which we need to state the generalized connection between the reflexive and
irreflexive graded fuzzy partial ordering relations.
The last claim of this proposition could be read as indicating that our
definition 2.20 was the wrong choice. But considering instead of F P Ot∗ the
many-valued predicate
F P Ot∗∗ (R) =def T ranst (R) ∧t Irref lt (R) ∧t Asymmt (R) (2.42)
|= F P Ot∗∗ (R) → F P Ot (R ∪t ∆X ),
would be provable.
All together that means that neither definition 2.20 nor (2.42) gives the
simple results one has for crisp partial orderings. Only a restriction of the
t-norm under consideration allows for a simplification of proposition 2.41
and thus the result immediately follows from proposition 2.41 (ii). QED
or as
|= haiR ∩t hbiR ≡
6 t ∅ ↔ aRb.
Proof. (i) By the corresponding definitions and propositions 1.19 (i) and
1.17 (i), one has the following inequalities for truth degrees:
Corollary 2.44 Under the same conditions as in proposition 2.42 one has
(i) |= Ref l(R) ∧ T ranst (R) → (haiR ⊂
=t hbiR ↔t aRb),
(ii) |= T ranst (R) ∧t Symmt (R) ∧t −t aRb →
haiR ∩t hbiR ≡t ∅,
(iii) |= [T ranst (R)] → (aRb ∧t bRa →t haiR ≡t hbiR ),
(iv) |= T ranst (R) →
(aRb ∧ bRa →t haiR ⊂ ⊂
=t hbiR ∧ hbiR =t haiR ).
Proof. (i) results via proposition 1.19 (iv) from proposition 2.43 (i) and (ii)
using the fact that [[H1 ↔t H2 ]] = [[(H1 →t H2 ) ∧ (H2 →t H1 )]] always holds
(ii) We start from the succedent of the implication in the previous propo-
sition 2.43 (iii) and have by propositions 1.22 (i) and 1.19 (ii)
|= (haiR ∩t hbiR ≡
6 t ∅ →t aRb)
→ (−t (haiR ∩t hbiR ≡t ∅) →t −t −t aRb)
and by proposition 1.23 (iii) also
|= (−t (haiR ∩t hbiR ≡t ∅) →t −t −t aRb)
→ (−t aRb →t −t −t (haiR ∩t hbiR ≡t ∅)).
Therefore from propositions 2.5 (ii) and 2.43 (iii) by an iterated application
of (the consequence rule corresponding to) proposition 1.19 (ii) one finds
Now both formulas H(a, b) and H(b, a) themselves are implications. Thus
again applying proposition 1.19 (iii) to the succedent of (2.43) finally gives
our claim (iii) according to the definition of ≡t .
(iv) follows by the same arguments, but refering to proposition 1.19 (iv)
instead of 1.19 (iii) and thus having
Proof. (i) results immediately from corollary 2.44 (ii) by the idempotency
of the t-norm tG .
(ii) With regard to proposition 2.43 (iii) we have the following sequence
of transformations of the truth degree of the respective succedent:
[[haiR ∩ hbiR ≡
6 tG ∅ →tG aRb]]
= [[∃x(x ε haiR ∩ hbiR ) →tG aRb]]
= [[∀x(x ε haiR ∧ hbiR →tG aRb)]]
= [[∀x(x ε haiR ∧ hbiR →tG aRb ∧ x ε haiR )]]
and changing the bound variable y of the generalized class term {y k aRb}
into x gives
On the other hand starting from proposition 2.43 (i) we have the following
sequence of transformations of the truth degree of the respective succedent:
Combining (2.45) and (2.46) via proposition 1.19 (iv) then gives the result.
and thus
|= [T ranst (R)]2 → R3 ⊂ =t R. (2.48)
Of course, this transition from (2.47) to (2.49) can be iterated using the
fact that (2.48) holds true more generally in the form
To finally find the result for Tt (R) we are looking for, we use the symbolic
expression [T ranst (R)]n with the truth degree
[[ [T ranst (R)]n ]] =def lim [[[T ranst (R)]n ]]
and thus
|= Ref l(R) ∧ [T ranst (R)]n → Tt (R) ≡t R.
Unfortunately, caused by the fact that the expression [T ranst (R)]n
appears as part of the antecedent, this result seems to be quite week. Only
in the special case t = tG does this infinite iteration of the t-conjunction
disappear and give
R ◦t X = S (3.1)
R00 A = B. (3.2)
Again, Sanchez (1978) was the first one who discussed equations of this
type, but in the special form
R00 A = A
which he called “eigen fuzzy sets equations”. The fuzzy relation R was
supposed to be given, and an eigen fuzzy set A as a solution had to be
determined. More precisely, Sanchez (1978) looked for the greatest solution
Ai |=
⇒ Bi , i = 1, . . . , n (3.3)
R00 Ai = Bi , i = 1, . . . , n (3.4)
of fuzzy equations.
Originally, Mamdani used for R the fuzzy union R̂ of the fuzzy carte-
sian products Ai × Bi . But this fuzzy relation R̂ need not be a solution
of system (3.4) of fuzzy equations as was mentioned for example by Czo-
gala/Pedrycz (1981); and conditions which guarantee that this fuzzy rela-
tion R is a solution of (3.4) seem to be quite strong, cf. chapter 4. Therefore,
the preferable way to construct a fuzzy controller R realizing the system of
control rules (3.3) is to choose R as a solution to the system (3.4) of set
equations – or at least as some kind of approximate solution to it.
Besides these applications to fuzzy controllers, fuzzy equations of type
(3.2) have been discussed in connection with for example the identification
of fuzzy systems, prediction in fuzzy systems, and in fuzzy decision-making,
cf. for example Pedrycz (1983, 1983a).
All these applicational ideas caused a growing interest in the solution
of fuzzy equations of type (3.2), in algorithms to construct such solutions,
in structural properties of the set of all solutions, and in the solution of
systems like (3.4); cf. for example Czogala/Drewniak/Pedrycz (1982),
A +t X = B (3.5)
A ∗t X = B
Proposition 3.2 For all fuzzy sets A, B and fuzzy relations R, S, T and
each t-norm t with property LSC(t) there hold true
(i) |= R00 A ⊂ ⊂
=t B →t A =t R ↓ B,
(ii) |= R00 A ⊂ ⊂
=t B →t R =t A ¤t B,
(iii) |= R ◦t S ⊂ ⊂ −1
=t T →t S =t R ¦t T,
(iv) |= R ◦t S ⊂ ⊂ −1 −1
=t T →t R =t (S ¦t T ) .
[[A ⊂
=t R ↓ B]] = [[∀x(x ε A →t x ε R ↓ B)]]
= [[∀x∀y(x ε A →t ((x, y) ε R →t y ε B))]]
≥ [[∀x∀y(x ε A ∧t (x, y) ε R →t y ε B)]]
≥ [[∀y(∃x(x ε A ∧t (x, y) ε R) →t y ε B)]]
= [[∀y(y ε R00 A →t y ε B)]]
= [[R00 A ⊂
=t B]].
Here, besides the corresponding definitions, the propositions 1.27 (i), 1.19
(i), and 1.27 (ii) have been successively used .
Just the same line of argument is also successful for parts (ii) to (iv).
Thus again the details can be omitted. QED
Corollary 3.3 For all fuzzy sets A, B and fuzzy relations R, S, T and each
t-norm t with the property LSC(t) the following facts hold true:
As a side remark we have to note that we have misused the term “fuzzy
subset” here a little, otherwise in this book a fuzzy subset of some (crisp!)
set X will be taken to mean any function from X into [0,1]. But here by a
fuzzy subset A of a fuzzy (!) set B there is meant such a fuzzy set A for
which |= A ⊂=t B holds true. This difference will always become clear from
the context, and we hope not to cause any misunderstanding.
Now we are able to state and prove the main results for (single) fuzzy
relational equations.
Theorem 3.4 Suppose that t is a t-norm with property LSC(t). Then for
all fuzzy sets A, B and fuzzy relations R, S there hold true
(i) |= ∃X(R00 X ≡t B) ↔t R00 (R ↓ B) ≡t B,
(ii) |= ∃X(X 00 A ≡t B) ↔t (A ¤t B)00 A ≡t B,
(iii) |= ∃X(R ◦t X ≡t S) ↔t R ◦t (R−1 ¦t S) ≡t S,
(iv) |= ∃X(X ◦t R ≡t S) ↔t (R ¦t S −1 )−1 ◦t R ≡t S.
and furthermore by the monotonicity of the full image and the transitivity
of the fuzzy inclusion ⊂=t , i.e. by propositions 2.18 (i) and 2.2 (iii) one is
able to continue this estimation as
[[R00 A ≡t B]] ≤ [[R00 A ⊂ 00 ⊂ 00
=t R (R ↓ B) ∧t B =t R A]]
≤ [[B ⊂ 00
=t R (R ↓ B)]].
Thus (i) is proved.
The other results formulated in this theorem can be proved in the same
way. All the facts necessary for carrying out these proofs have been formu-
lated in propositions 2.2, 2.18, 2.15, 3.1, and 3.2. Hence, the rest of this
proof is now again routine. QED
Corollary 3.5 For all fuzzy sets A, B and fuzzy relations R, S, T and each
t-norm t with the property LSC(t) the following facts hold true:
(i) Equation R00 X = B has a solution iff R00 (R ↓ B) = B.
(ii) Equation X 00 A = B has a solution iff (A ¦t B)00 A = B.
(iii) Equation R ◦t X = S has a solution iff R ◦t (R−1 ¦t S) = S.
(iv) Equation X ◦t R = S has a solution iff (R ¦t S −1 )−1 ◦t R = S.
Definition 3.3 For all fuzzy sets A, B and each t-norm t with the property
LSC(t) put
Proposition 3.6 For all fuzzy sets A, B, C and each t-norm t with the prop-
erty LSC(t) there hold true
(i) |= B ⊂ ⊂
=t C →t A ∗t B =t A ∗t C,
(ii) |= A ∗t B ⊂ ⊂
=t C →t B =t C ˜
∗t A,
(iii) ∗t A) ⊂
|= A ∗t (B ˜ =t B.
Proof. (i) To get the result we prove for the corresponding truth degrees
the inequality
[[B ⊂ ⊂
=t C]] ≤ [[A ∗t B =t A ∗t C]].
Immediately from the extension principle together with (2.24) one has
[[A ∗t B ⊂
=t A ∗t C]] = [[∀x(x ε A ∗t B →t x ε A ∗t C)]]
= [[∀x(∃y∃z(y ε A ∧t z ε B ∧t x = y ∗ z) →t x ε A ∗t C)]]
= [[∀x∀y∀z(y ε A ∧t z ε B ∧t x = y ∗ z →t x ε A ∗t C)]].
With the same trick as in the proof of proposition 2.18 (i) for eliminating the
existential quantifier that comes into this formula by substituting x ε A ∗t C
through ∃u∃v(u ε A ∧t v ε C ∧t x = u ∗ v) we get furthermore
[[A ∗t B ⊂ ⊂
=t A ∗t C]] ≥ [[∀z(z ε B →t z ε C]] = [[B =t C]]
and thus to finish the proof of (i).
(ii) The corresponding inequality for truth values will now also be proved.
It is
[[B ⊂
=t C ˜∗t A]] = [[∀x(x ε B →t ∀y(y ε A →t y ∗ x ε C))]]
= [[∀x∀y(x ε B ∧t y ε A →t y ∗ x ε C)]]
Theorem 3.7 For each t-norm t with the property LSC(t) and all fuzzy sets
A, B there holds true
|= ∃X(A ∗t X ≡t B) ↔t A ∗t (B ˜
∗t A) ≡t B.
Proof. Obviously
[[A ∗t (B ˜∗t A) ≡t B]] ≤ [[∃X(A ∗t X ≡t B)]]
and by proposition 3.6 (iii) also
[[A ∗t (B ˜∗t A) ≡t B]] = [[B ⊂
=t A ∗t (B ˜ ∗t A)]].
Therefore, it remains to be proved
[[∃X(A ∗t X ≡t B)]] ≤ [[B ⊂ =t A ∗t (B ˜∗t A)]],
i.e. for every fuzzy set C that
[[A ∗t C ≡t B]] ≤ [[B ⊂=t A ∗t (B ˜∗t A)]].
And indeed
[[A ∗t C ≡t B]] = [[A ∗t C ⊂ ⊂
=t B ∧t B =t A ∗t C]]
≤ [[C ⊂ =t B ˜∗t A ∧t B ⊂ =t A ∗t C]]
≤ [[A ∗t C = A ∗t (B ˜ ∗t A) ∧t B ⊂
t =t A ∗t C]]
≤ [[B ⊂ =t A ∗t (B ˜∗t A)]]
by the previous results. QED
Proposition 3.8 Suppose that the t-norm t has the property LSC(t). Then
equation A ∗t X = B has a solution iff A ∗t (B ˜∗t A) = B; and if equation
A ∗t X = B has a solution, then B ˜
∗t A is the greatest one.
Proof. By the same argument that was used in the proofs of corollaries 3.5
and 3.3. QED
The result of this corollary 3.8 was, for the t-norm t = min, first proved
by Sanchez (1984) and the starting point for the present generalizations.
Theorem 3.9 Suppose that the t-norm t has the property LSC(t). Consider
finite sequences (Ai )1≤i≤n and (Bi )1≤i≤n of fuzzy sets as well as (Ri )1≤i≤n
and (Si )1≤i≤n of fuzzy relations. Then there hold true
(i) in the case of a system of fuzzy equations with given fuzzy relations
and given full images that has to be solved for an argument fuzzy set:
[[(∃X (Ri00 X ≡t Bi ))n ]]
Y n
≤ [[ (Ri00 ( (Rj ↓ Bj )) ≡t Bi )]]
i=1 j=1
≤ [[∃X (Ri00 X ≡t Bi )]]
(ii) in the case of a system of fuzzy equations with given input fuzzy sets
and given full images that has to be solved for a corresponding fuzzy
[[(∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi ))n ]]
Y n
≤ [[ (( (Aj ¤t Bj ))00 Ai ≡t Bi )]]
i=1 j=1
≤ [[∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi )]]
(iii) in the case of a system of fuzzy equations with given relational products
and given first factors that has to be solved for the second factor:
[[(∃X (Ri ◦t X ≡t Si ))n ]]
Y n
≤ [[ (Ri ◦t (Rj −1 ¦t Sj ) ≡t Si )]]
i=1 j=1
≤ [[∃X (Ri ◦t X ≡t Si )]]
(iv) in the case of a system of fuzzy equations with given relational products
and given second factors that has to be solved for the first factor:
[[(∃X (X ◦t Ri ≡t Si ))n ]]
Y n
≤ [[ (( (Rj ¦t Sj −1 )−1 ) ◦t Ri ≡t Si )]]
i=1 j=1
≤ [[∃X (X ◦t Ri ≡t Si )]]
[[(∃X (Ai ∗t X ≡t Bi ))n ]]
Y n
≤ [[ (Ai ∗t ( (Bj ˜
∗t Aj )) ≡t Bi )]]
i=1 j=1
≤ [[∃X (Ai ∗t X ≡t Bi )]]
Proof. As before the proofs run parallel for each one of these cases. We
therefore give only the derivation for case (ii) because of its close connection
with fuzzy controllers.
Because of proposition 1.31 one has
[[(∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi ))n ]]
= sup{ [[( (T 00 Ai ≡t Bi ))n ]] | T ∈ IF (X × X )},
hence for the first inequality stated in (ii) it has only to be proved
Y n
Y n
[[( (T 00 Ai ≡t Bi ))n ]] ≤ [[ (( (Aj ¤t Bj ))00 Ai ≡t Bi )]] (3.6)
i=1 i=1 j=1
Y n
≤ [[ (T ⊂
=t Ai ¤t Bi ) ∧t (Bi ⊂ 00
=t T Ai )]]
i,j=1 i,j=1
Y n ^ n n
≤ [[ ( (T ⊂
=t Ai ¤t Bi )) ∧t (Bi ⊂ 00
=t T Ai )]]
j=1 i=1 i,j=1
because of proposition 3.2 (ii) and the fact that xty ≤ min(x, y) for every
t-norm t and all x, y ∈ [0, 1], which because of proposition 2.7 (iii) gives
Y n
≤ [[ (T ⊂
=t D) ∧t (Bi ⊂ 00
=t T Ai )]]
j=1 i,j=1
≤ [[ (Bi ⊂ 00 ⊂
=t T Ai ∧t T =t tD)]]
≤ [[ (Bi ⊂ 00 00 ⊂ 00
=t T Ai ∧t T Ai =t tD Ai )]]
≤ [[ (Bi ⊂ 00
=t D Ai )]],
where now successively xty ≤ x for each t-norm t and all x, y ∈ [0, 1],
proposition 2.18 (ii), and the generalized transitivity of the fuzzy inclusion
⊂ , i.e. proposition 2.2 (iii) have been used. From proposition 2.7 (i) we
get for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n
|= D ⊂
=t Ai ¤t Bi
and therefore by propositions 2.18 (ii), 3.1 (ii), and again the generalized
transitivity of the fuzzy inclusion ⊂
=t immediately
|= D00 Ai ⊂
=t Bi .
This gives
[[ ⊂ Bi )]] = 1
(D00 Ai =
and hence
Y n
[[ (Bi ⊂ 00
=t D Ai )]] = [[ (D00 Ai ≡t Bi )]].
i=1 i=1
So, finally, inequality (3.6) is proved. And for the full proof of (ii) only
Y n
[[ (D Ai ≡t Bi )]] ≤ [[∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi )]]
i=1 i=1
remains. But this is obvious. Thus, the proof of (ii) is complete. QED
Because of their relationship with fuzzy controllers and with fuzzy arith-
metic, in the following corollaries we discuss only systems of fuzzy equations
of the type
X 00 Ai ≡t Bi , 1≤i≤n (3.7)
and of the type
Ai ∗ X ≡t Bi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. (3.8)
Corollary 3.10 Consider only the t-norm t = tG = min and omit all in-
dices that refer to this t-norm. Then we have for the systems (3.7), (3.8) of
fuzzy equations the solvability criteria:
(i) in the case of a system of fuzzy equations with given input fuzzy sets
and given full images that has to be solved for a corresponding fuzzy
^ n
^ n
|= ∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi ) ↔ (( (Aj ¤t Bj ))00 Ai ≡t Bi );
i=1 i=1 j=1
Proof. For the t-norm t = min we obviously have [[Θn ]] = [[Θ]] for each
well-formed formula Θ, hence (i) and (ii) are only reformulations of theorem
3.9 (ii) and 3.9 (v) respectively for the present case. QED
Corollary 3.11 Suppose that the t-norm t has property LSC(t). Then there
hold true:
(i) System (3.7) has a solution iff ni=1 (Ai ¤t Bi ) is a solution to this
system; and if (3.7) has a solution then ni=1 (Ai ¤t Bi ) is the greatest
(ii) System (3.8) has a solution iff ni=1 (Bi ˜
∗t Ai ) is a solution to this sys-
tem; and if (3.8) has a solution then ni=1 (Bi ˜ ∗t Ai ) is the greatest
Proof. We prove only (i) because the proof of (ii) is similar. Put D =
i=1 (Ai ¤t Bi ). If D is a solution of (3.7), then (3.7) obviously has a solution.
Hence suppose that (3.7) has a solution, say R. Then for each 1 ≤ i ≤ N
[[R00 Ai ≡t Bi ]] = 1
[[ (R ⊂
=t Ai ¤t Bi )]] = 1
[[ (R00 Ai ≡t Bi )]] = 1
and therefore
Y n
[[(∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi ))n ]] = [[∃X (X 00 Ai ≡t Bi )]] = 1.
i=1 i=1
[[ (D00 Ai ≡t Bi )]] = 1
Θ(R, A) = B (3.9)
Θ(R, Ai ) = Bi , i = 1, . . . , n (3.10)
Θ(X, Ai ) ≡t Bi , i = 1, . . . , n
has a solution.”
Instead of directly discussing the problem of solvability of fuzzy rela-
tion equations (3.9) or of systems (3.10) of such equations we consider the
truth degrees which we just mentioned as solvability degrees indicating the
solvability behaviour of our (systems of) fuzzy equations.
Definition 3.4 For each one of the fuzzy (relation) equations (3.9) and of
the systems (3.10) of such equations, which are supposed to be solved with
respect to the fuzzy relation R, their solvability degree is the truth degree
1 n+1 n
T ui =def u1, T ui =def ( T ui) t un+1. (3.13)
i=1 i=1 i=1
In some sense that variable changes its character in those formulas: in the first one it
is a variable for a fuzzy subset of an universe of discourse X and in the second one for a
fuzzy relation, that means for a fuzzy subset of an universe X × Y. But this distinction is
clear from the context and thus there is no need to express it in the notation too.
Of course, this sentence has to be read as being formulated in the language of many-
valued logic.
What, now, is the relation between the solvability of equations and the
value of the solvability degree? In one direction there is quite a simple
(M1p ) %(A, A) = 0.
Definition 3.5 For each left continuous t-norm t, the binary t-distinguish-
ability function %t is that function on IF (X ) for which it is
for all A, B ∈ IF (X ).
For fuzzy sets A, B ∈ X in the case of the t-norm t = tG = min one gets
by simple calculations the corresponding distinguishability function %G =
= sup ([[x ε C
C(A ∩ B)]])
[[x ε A]]6=[[x ε B]]
and in the case of the t-norm t = tL one gets after some elementary trans-
formations the distinguishability function %L = %tL as
%L (A, B) = min 1, max{0, sup ([[x ε A]] − [[x ε B]])}+
+ max{0, sup ([[x ε B]] − [[x ε A]])} .
which means, using the original crisp implication relation ⊂ for fuzzy sets
as mentioned in (2.4),
A ⊂ B ⇒ %L (A, B) = dC (µA , µB ).
The problem now is to find a necessary and sufficient condition for t to
yield via (3.16) a metric with properties (M1),. . . , (M3) as distinguishability
function %t .
As simple consequences of the definitions 2.4 of fuzzy singletons and 2.3
of fuzzified inclusion ⊂
=t and identity ≡t , first note that for all a ∈ X and
u, v ∈ [0, 1] one has
[[hhaiiu ⊂
=t hhaiiv ]] = u ϕt v = sup{w | u t w ≤ v} (3.17)
and hence especially for u = 1:
[[hhaii1 ⊂
=t hhaiiv ]] = v. (3.18)
Now we can formulate and prove our characterization result.
%t (A, B) = 0 ⇔ [[A ⊂ ⊂
=t B]] = 1 and [[B =t A]] = 1
for all A, B ∈ IF (X ). Additionally one has
[[A ⊂
=t B]] = 1 ⇔ [[x ε A →t x ε B]] = 1 for all x ∈ X
and furthermore for all u, v ∈ [0, 1]:
u ϕt v = 1 ⇔ sup{w | u t w ≤ v} = 1.
[[A ⊂
=t B]] ⇔ [[x ε A]] ≤ [[x ε B]] = 1 for all x ∈ X
and hence also
To also get the triangle inequality (M3) one may start from the sup-t-
transitivity of ≡t , cf. proposition 2.4 (iii), which can be written as
or equivalently as
[[A0 ≡t B0 ]] = [[hhaii1 ⊂
=t hhaiiu0 ]] = u0 ,
[[B0 ≡t C0 ]] = [[hhbii1 ⊂
=t hhbiiv0 ]] = v0 ,
[[A0 ≡t C0 ]] = [[hhaii1 ⊂ ⊂
=t hhaiiu0 ]] t [[hhbii1 =t hhbiiv0 ]] = u0 t v0 .
Hence one has that
[[A0 ≡t B0 ∧t B0 ≡t C0 ]] = [[A0 ≡t C0 ]] = u0 t v0
< u0 tL v0 = [[A0 ≡t B0 & b0 ≡t C0 ]]
and therefore
i.e. the triangle inequality does not hold true in this case.
Thus, if t >
= tL does not hold true for %t , the triangle inequality fails
and hence %t is not a metric. QED
A close look at the way our last theorem 3.16 was stated and proven
shows that it is enough to have a function ϕ introduced by definition (1.19)
for a given t-norm t. That means to some extent we can avoid supposing
that this function ϕ is a Φ-operator.
Formally, as we already mentioned in chapter 1, this definition does not
need the assumption of the left continuity of t. Thus, perhaps for the present
purposes of getting a metric for fuzzy sets, this assumption is not necessary
or can be weakened.
Indeed, our arguments to establish that %t has properties (M2) and (M3)
do not use the left continuity of t. Thus, the crucial point is the proof of
(M1). And for that case the following proposition holds true.
Proposition 3.17 For %t (A, B) =def 1 − [[A ≡t B]] there holds true
[[A ⊂
=t B]] = 1 ⇔ x∈X
inf [[x ε A →t x ε B]] = 1
⇔ [[x ε A →t x ε B]] = 1 for all x ∈ X .
No left continuity of t is used here. Using only (1.19) now one gets
%t (A, B) = 0 ⇔
[[x ε A →t x ε B]] and [[x ε B →t x ε A]] = 1 for all x ∈ X (3.20)
%t (A, B) = 0 ⇔ A = B
A=B ⇔ (3.21)
[[x ε A →t x ε B]] = 1 and [[x ε B →t x ε A]] = 1 for all x ∈ X .
It is obvious that
u ≤ v ⇒ [[u ϕt v]] = 1
holds true also without reference to the left continuity of t. Hence part (⇒)
of (3.21) is obvious too. But what about the reverse implication
[[u ϕt v]] = 1 ⇒ u ≤ v,
v0 ≥ sup{u0 t w | u0 t w ≤ v0 }
= u0 t sup{w | u0 t w ≤ v0 } = u0 t 1 = u0 .
On the other hand, assuming that for each u ∈ [0, 1] the function tu =
λv(u t v) is left continuous at v = 1 gives for all u0 , v0 ∈ [0, 1]:
u0 ϕt v0 = sup{w | u0 t w ≤ v0 } = 1
⇒ u0 = u0 t 1 = u + 0 t sup{w | u0 t w ≤ v0 }
= sup{u0 t w | u0 t w ≤ v0 } ≤ v0 ,
[[u0 ϕt v0 ]] = 1 ⇒ u0 ≤ v0 .
Corollary 3.18 %t is a metric iff t > = tL and each one of the functions
t u = λv(u t v) is left continuous at the point v = 1.
theorem 3.9 only gives inequalities. But if one restricts the considerations
to the t-norm t = tG = min, then one can extend the results of corollary
3.10 to all types of equations in Table 3.1 in an (almost) uniform way and
has the following
n n
\ n
ξ≥ T [[(( (Aj ¤t Bj ))00 Ai ≡t Bi )]] ≥ Tξ
i=1 j=1 i=1
for lower semicontinuous t-norms t. Hence, by definition 3.2 and the mono-
tonicity of ◦t with respect to the inclusion of fuzzy sets we obtain
n ^ _ ^
ξ ≥ T ([[y ε Bi ]] ϕt ([[x ε Ai ]] t ([[x ε Aj ]] ϕt [[y ε Bj ]])))
i = 1 y∈Y x∈X 1≤j≤n
≥ T ξ. (3.24)
To get simpler formulas we now suppose that our t-norms t are contin-
uous. Then using proposition 1.7 we get a much simpler formulation of the
solvability degree (3.11) than earlier in (3.23). Remember for this that it is
hgt (A) = [[x ε A]] = [[∃x(x ε A)]]. (3.25)
Proposition 3.21 For continuous t-norms t one has for the solvability de-
gree ξ0 of fuzzy relation equation (3.2)
ξ0 = hgt (B) ϕt hgt (A).
Corollary 3.22 For each continuous t-norm t for the solvability degree ξ0
of equation (3.2) there hold
(i) hgt (A) ≤ ξ0 ≤ 1,
(ii) hgt (A) = 1 ⇒ ξ0 = 1,
(iii) hgt (B) = 1 ⇒ ξ0 = hgt (A).
Proof. Obvious.
Proof. Straightforward.
One has even better results for the t-norm min. In this special case
obviously T . . . = min . . . and hence (3.24) is an equality, i.e. it gives
a characterization of the solvability degree of system (3.4) in terms of the
input and output fuzzy sets. Nevertheless, even the bounds which result
from propositions 3.23 and 3.24 are interesting in this case.
which proves the lower bound of ξ by proposition 3.21 and definition 2.3.
The upper bound immediately results from proposition 3.23. QED
B = A ◦t R, (3.26)
µB (y) = sup (µA (x) t µR (x, y)), (3.27)
B = A ¦t R, (3.28)
µB (y) = inf (µA (x) st µR (x, y)), (3.29)
B = A ¤t R, (3.30)
µB (y) = inf (µA (x) ϕt µR (x, y)). (3.31)
Besides these types, which might be viewed as beingof a basic nature, one
can consider some types of a more complex form which sometimes are formed
on the basis of the types given above. Of such possibilities we recall two:
B = λ · (A ◦t R1 ) + (1 − λ) · (A ¦s R2 ), (3.32)
µB (y) = λ(y) · (sup (µA (x) st µR1 (x, y))) +
+(1 − λ(y)) · inf (µA (x) st1 µR2 (x, y)) (3.33)
B = A 1t R, (3.34)
µB (y) = sup (µA (x) ϕt µR (x, y) ∧ (µR (x, y) ϕt µA (x))), (3.35)
For all the basic forms of equations (3.28) – (3.31) the family of solu-
tions, if solutions do exist at all, has been characterized and their extremal
(maximal or minimal) elements have been obtained. Moreover, for systems
Bi = Ai ◦t R, i = 1, . . . , n (3.36)
Bi = Ai ¦t R, i = 1, . . . , n (3.37)
Bi = Ai ¤t R, i = 1, . . . , n (3.38)
of such equations the relevant results are also available – mainly under the
condition that they do have an exact solution.
To have an overall picture of the results they are collected in Table 3.2.
Concerning the notation used in this table we have to add two explana-
tions. First, by R0 , R00 , R000 we denote the sets of solutions of the systems
(3.36), (3.37), (3.38) respectively of fuzzy relational equations. Secondly, as
a dual to the Φ-operator (1.19) we use the sometimes so-called β-operator
defined for all u, v ∈ [0, 1] as:
Table 3.2: Basic types of fuzzy relation equations for control applications
At present however, for the general case it seems quite difficult to give
simple and easy-to-check conditions for the solvability of a system of equa-
tions. The discussion in chapter 4 concerning sufficiency conditions for the
non-interactivity of systems of control rules gives an indication of the prob-
lems one is confronted with in looking for simple conditions here. This was
one of the reasons for the discussion of degrees of solvability for example in
Gottwald (1986) and in this chapter. Actually we will present only some
conditions for the solvability of single equations; cf. Table 3.3. The case of
systems of such fuzzy relational equations has not yet been considered in
As it becomes quite clear from later discussions concerning applications
to fuzzy control and fuzzy modelling in general, the results for example of
Table 3.2 have a significant value only in the case that solutions really exist,
i.e. that not only “approximate” solutions (in some suitable sense of that
word) exist. If this true solvability is not the case – and it is this more
uncomfortable situation one usually meets in practice – then because of
the (present) lack of an extended mathematical theory of such (systems of)
equations, the user has to think about other ways of overcoming the problem
of the nonexistence of (true) solutions.
A simple, and perhaps for the practitioner the most obvious, way out is
to use the formulas which describe solutions – in the case of solvability –
even if a solution to the system of fuzzy relation equations to be considered
does not exist – and then to check the quality of the “approximate solution”
derived in this way.
But having taken this point of view one can move one step further: in-
stead of having proven a formula to give a solution in the case of solvability,
one can start from a formula which one guesses to describe a solution –
of course, if there are some acceptable reasons for such a guess. And, in-
deed, for some classes of fuzzy relational equations such acceptable guesses
are available. To present some basic ones let us distinguish for relational
equations Θ(R, A) = B two different types.
where the term Γ is built up using the membership degrees µA (a), µR (a, b)
and combining them for example by a t-norm, a Φ-operator or some suitable
in case of solvability
To show the influence of this distinction on the structure of the set of so-
lutions of these equations we will consider the following facts which should be
taken into account for the discussions of true and of approximate solutions.
Fact 3: Any system of fuzzy relational equations of sup-type has in the case
of solvability as the greatest solution the intersection of all the greatest
solutions of its single equations.
Fact 4: Any system of fuzzy relational equations of inf-type has in the case
of solvability as the smallest solution the union of all the smallest
solutions of its single equations.
Fuzzy controllers
the control rules (and hence the fuzzy controller) shall also become applicable
in situations, i.e. for values of the input variable which are not explicitly used
in the (premises of the) control rules.
A fuzzy controller thus constitutes a connection, a relation between the
values of the input and the output variables. Formally, hence, one intends
to construct a fuzzy controller as a fuzzy relation (in the precise sense of
section 2.2), even to identify it with such a fuzzy relation, and to get this
relation out of the system of control rules.3
There is no uniform way to construct fuzzy controllers. But at present
three strongly connected methods are used in most cases. To discuss them in
more detail the input variable now will be denoted α, the output variable β.
Both are linguistic variables; their universes of discourse (for the “linguistic”
values) shall be X for α and Y for β.
The starting point in each case is a finite list of control rules
Ai |=
⇒ Bi , i = 1, . . . , n (4.2)
First, let us have a closer look at this method of activation degrees. Given
the degree of activation actj (A) of the j-th control rule Aj |= ⇒ Bj with re-
spect to the input value A, the output Bj of that j-th rule is “weighted”, i.e.
suitably modified into a new fuzzy set Bjw depending on the degree actj (A).
At the end all the modified, weighted outputs “together”, i.e. suitably su-
perposed yield the final, total output B for the given input A.
Obviously, there are a lot of decisions to be made about the formal, math-
ematical character of the operations vaguely mentioned in this description
of the approach through degrees of activation. The essential ones concern:
• the definition of the degree actj (A) of activation of the j-th control
rule for the input A;
• the definition of the “weighted” output Bjw of the j-th rule if activated
to degree actj (A);
The degree of activation actj (A) is, from the intuitive understanding of
this process of activation, measuring the coincidence of the actual input A
and the “rule input” Aj . If under the possibilistic reading both fuzzy sets A
and Aj are taken as possibility distributions for the “true” input value it is
intuitively appealing to take
But these “pessimistic” points of view have not till now been used for any
realized fuzzy controllers. (Also, the theoretical consequences of those “pes-
simistic” approaches need further investigations.)
Accepting the possibilistic point of view a point y ∈ Y of the universe of
discourse of the output variable β is the possible “true” output value if it is
the “true” output of the j-th control rule and if that rule is activated. This
idea, written down in our language for fuzzy sets, means for the “weighted”
outputs Bjw :
Of course, other t-norms can do the job as well. Sometimes t = min is taken
instead of (4.8).5
But it seems that for the modification of the output fuzzy sets the choice
(4.8), i.e. t = tP in (4.7), is intuitively often more appealing then the choice
t = min. For choosing t = min causes a modification of Bj that can be
visualized as a “cutting at level actj (A)” in the sense that for all x0 ∈ X with
µBj (x0 ) > actj (A) one obtains through this modification µBjw (x0 ) = actj (A)
and for all other x ∈ X their membership degrees with respect to Bj and Bjw
coincide. With t = tP instead the membership function of Bjw has a kind of
similarity with that of Bj in the sense of some “proportional reduction” of
all membership degrees.
As we mentioned in connection with (4.3) and (4.5), (4.6), for the defini-
tion of the degrees of activation, as well as for the definition of the weighted
In the current literature as e.g. Zimmermann (1985) one then often speaks of the
max-dot resp. max-min inference method; the term “max” in these names refers to the
method of superposition we discuss below – cf. (4.9) and the remarks that follow there.
outputs Bjw , there exist conflicting, dual points of view connected with ei-
ther the “optimistic” or the “pessimistic” perspective. Further variants for
defining the weighted outputs will only be discussed later on, cf. (4.15).
The final point in this method of activation degrees is to make a su-
perposition of the weighted outputs of the single (activated) control rules.6
From the “optimistic” perspective of possibilistic understanding it is natural
to collect, i.e. to sum up all the “local” control information provided by the
outputs of the single control rules according to their degrees of activation,
i.e. to take the final (fuzzy) output B ∈ IF (Y) as
B =def Biw . (4.9)
Together with formulas (4.3) and (4.7) that gives for each y ∈ Y:7
|= y ε B ↔ (y ε Bi ∧t1 ∃x(x ε A ∧t x ε Ai )) (4.10)
what in the case of LSC(t1 ) can be written as
|= y ε B ↔ ∃x ((x ε A ∧t x ε Ai ) ∧t1 y ε Bi ) (4.11)
with as the finite iteration of the max-disjunction.
Assuming furthermore t1 = t together with LSC(t) formula (4.11) can
be transformed into the simpler form
|= y ε B ↔ ∃x (x ε A ∧t x ε Ai ∧t y ε Bi )
↔ ∃x(x ε A ∧t (x ε Ai ∧t y ε Bi ))
↔ ∃x(x ε A ∧t (x, y) ε (Ai ×t Bi )). (4.12)
It is inessential here to restrict the considerations to the activated rules only. If one
takes into account all the rules, i.e. also those rules with degree of activation = 0, then
because of (4.7) those rules contribute the empty fuzzy set ∅ as weighted output to that
superposition (4.9) – and thus in any case do not influence the actual output at all. And
precisely that last point will be of leading importance later on when discussing other
variants of weighted outputs for the “pessimistic” case.
Here as already in section 1.3 we assume that the biimplication ↔ is based on some
lower semicontinuous t-norm t0 : it is not necessary to be more specific because |= H1 ↔ H2
is equivalent to [[H1 ]] = [[H2 ]] independent of the specific choice of t0 .
With the set theoretic notion of the full image R00 A of a fuzzy set A under
a fuzzy relation R, cf. definition 2.9, formula (4.12) means
B=( (Ai ×t Bi ))00 A. (4.13)
On the more pessimistic side one tends to take instead of (4.9) for the su-
perposition of the single weighted outputs Bjw the idea that the final control
output of the set of control rules should be chosen in such a way that it is
proposed by all relevant, i.e. activated rules. This idea, hence, corresponds
to taking the fuzzy output as
B =def Biw . (4.14)
But now, with (4.7) any control rule which is not activated at all, i.e. for
which one has actj (A) = 0 as degree of activation, would contribute Bjw = ∅
to the intersection (4.14) and hence cause the fuzzy output to become B = ∅.
That, obviously, is counterintuitive. The idea, thus, leading to (4.14) has
to be combined with another choice of the weighting process too, i.e. with
another definition of Bjw instead of (4.7). One possibility is to take a new
weighted output Bj? such that
which needs the assumption LSC(t1 ). That approach, together with (4.14)
and now with as the finite iteration of the min-conjunction, gives
|= y ε B ↔ (act?i (A) →t1 y ε Bi ). (4.16)
B := R00 A (4.21)
as the output of the fuzzy controller R for the input A, thus using an earlier
proposal by Zadeh (1973).8
Writing as usual Ri for the code of control rule i, i.e. taking
Ri =def Υ(Ai |=
⇒ Bi ), (4.22)
Mamdani’s way of “collecting” all these coding relations Ri into one fuzzy
relation R was to “sum them up” in the sense of taking their union (cf.
definition 2.5) and thus having
[ n
R= Υ(Ai |=
⇒ Bi ) = Ri (4.23)
i=1 i=1
Zadeh (1973) did not use the name “full image of A under R” for (4.21) but spoke of
the “compositional rule of inference” and wrote A ◦ R for our R00 A.
Bk 6= R00 Ak (4.29)
is the case. But that means that the final fuzzy controller R from (4.23)
sometimes may act in a different way than was intended in the set of control
rules and the coding procedure. As we will say for this situation: the control
rules may interact.
Because of the specific form of these equations they usually are denoted as (fuzzy)
relation(al) equations.
As in this definition we will, in the present section, always use the nota-
tion I = {1, . . . , n} for simplicity of notation.
Because, according to definition 2.3, the condition of equality for fuzzy
sets can be split into two conditions of being subsets of one another, the
problem of non-interactivity of the families of generating rules can be split
and we say that R has the subset property w. r. t. this family iff
hold true.
Proposition 4.1 (i) A sufficient condition that the superset property holds
true for this fuzzy controller R is that for all i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y there exists
some k ∈ I and some x0 ∈ X such that
has to be the case, and correspondingly the subset property means that for
all i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ [[∃x(x ε Ai ∧t ((x, y) ε Υ(Aj |=
⇒ Bj )))]] (4.33)
= sup [[x ε Ai ∧t ((x, y) ε Υ(Aj |=
⇒ Bj ))]]
has to be the case. Now it is obvious that the condition given in (ii) is
necessary and sufficient for the subset property to hold true.
Of course the existence of some x0 ∈ X such that
[[y ε Bi ]] ≤ [[(x0 ε Ai ∧t ((x0 , y) ε Υ(Ak |=
⇒ Bk )))]] (4.34)
is the case is a sufficient condition for (4.32) to hold true. The crucial
point for the difficulties with necessary conditions for (4.32) is that there
the supremum is on the right hand side of the ≤-condition. But for a finite
universe of discourse X the supremum becomes a maximum and the difficulty
disappears. Hence (i) is proved too. QED
(ii) if t = t1 = min:
[[y ε Bi ]]
≤ sup [[(x ε Ai ∧t ((x, y) ε (Ak ×t1 Bk )))]]
≤ sup [[x ε Ai ∧t (x ε Ak ∧t1 y ε Bk )]]. (4.39)
which because of hgt (Ai ) = supx∈X [[x ε Ai ]] and the left continuity of t and
of t1 can be rewritten as
[[y ε Bi ]] ≤ hgt (Ai ) t (hgt (Ai ) t1 [[y ε Bi ]]). (4.41)
Thus it is obvious that condition (i) is a sufficient one for (4.41) to hold true
for all i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y, and hence also for (4.39) to hold true for all i ∈ I
and all y ∈ Y.
Furthermore, if we assume that t = t1 = min is the case, (4.41) can
essentially be simplified and is equivalent to the fact that
[[y ε Bi ]] ≤ min{hgt (Ai ), min{hgt (Ai ), [[y ε Bi ]]}}
≤ min{hgt (Ai ), [[y ε Bi ]]} (4.42)
holds true for all i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y. But this means that (ii) is also a
sufficient condition for R to have the superset property. QED
has to be the case. Using the left continuity of the t-norms involved here
one gets as in the last proof as an equivalent condition to (4.43) that for all
i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ hgt (Ai ) ∧t (hgt (Aj ) ∧t1 [[y ε Bj ]]) (4.44)
has to be the case. In the case that i = j inequality (4.44) obviously always
holds true. But for i 6= j the only reasonable way to get a sufficient condition
for (4.44) and hence for (4.43) is to make sure that the right-hand side of
inequality (4.44) is always zero. Because of
hgt (Ai ) ∧t hgt (Aj ) ≥ hgt (Ai ) ∧t (hgt (Aj ) ∧t1 [[y ε Bj ]])
for all i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y, the sufficiency of condition (i) immediately
The inequalities
(hgt (Ai ) ∧t hgt (Aj )) ∧t1 hgt (Bj )
≥ hgt (Ai ) ∧t (hgt (Aj ) ∧t1 hgt (Bj ))
≥ hgt (Ai ) ∧t (hgt (Aj ) ∧t1 [[y ε Bj ]]),
the first one of them a consequence of the specific assumption of (ii), together
with (4.44) prove that (ii) is also a sufficient condition for the subset property
of R.
Finally, condition (iii) is a sufficient one because of the equivalence:
Ai ∩t Aj = ∅ ⇔ hgt (Ai ∩ Aj ) < 1 for t = tD
for all fuzzy sets Ai , Aj , and of the fact that in the case of Ai ∩t Aj = ∅ one
[[x ε Ai ∧t (x ε Aj ∧t1 y ε Bj )]] = 0
independent of [[y ε Bj ]]. Here the left continuity is not used in the arguments.
Now the i-th control rule is not read as precisely this fuzzy implication but
instead as the fuzzy implication
Ai ≥1 ∩ (X \ supp(Ak )) 6= ∅;
Using [[x ε Ak ]] ≥ 0 together with the monotonicity of ∨t2 and ∧t and with
condition (S3) in the definition 1.1 of t-conorms, we get as a sufficient con-
[[x ε Ai ]] = [[x ε Ak ]] = 1.
(u&v) ] u = u ∨ v
holds true where u = 1 − u is used. Thus, (4.47) becomes the form: for all
i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y there exists some k ∈ I such that
But now it is a routine matter to verify the sufficiency of condition (iii) for
the present case.
Assuming furthermore that t = min, (4.50) becomes the equivalent form:
for all i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y there exists some k ∈ I such that
which easily gives condition (iii) for the present case. Again now assuming
furthermore that also t = min is the case yields from (4.47) the condition:
for all i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y there exists some k ∈ I such that
As in the previous subsection 4.2.2 now the sufficient conditions for the
superset property of R are not hard to meet by a fuzzy controller either,
and in general conditions (i) to (iii) seem to be much more important than
condition (iv) in a normal application. The situation we met in that subsec-
tion 4.2.2, that sufficient conditions for the subset property of R are much
more difficult to find and to have realized, is repeated for the present situa-
tion. Furthermore, we now have to restrict ourselves to some special cases
for the choice of the t-norms t1 , t2 to find results which do not look extremely
unmanageable. But, the following sufficient conditions for the subset prop-
erty are also quite strong: so for example in items (i) as well as (ii) of the
following proposition one has to fulfill two simultaneous demands, the first
of them formulating a kind of “almost pairwise disjointness” of the input
fuzzy sets, and the second one demanding some “considerable overlap” of
the output fuzzy sets. That indicates that the coding procedure we are ac-
tually discussing for the single control rules is not well suited for the subset
property of R.
Proposition 4.8 Sufficient conditions for R to have the subset property are:
together with
Y [hgt(Ai )] ∩t Bj ⊂ Bi for all i, j ∈ I;
(ii) if one assumes t = t1 = t2 = min, then
1 − hgt(Bi ) ≥ hgt(Ai ∩ Aj ) for all i, j ∈ I
together with
Y [hgt(Ai ∩Aj )] ∩ Bj ⊂ Bi for all i, j ∈ I.
Proof. Without any restrictions concerning the t-norms involved one has
by (4.33) as a necessary and sufficient condition for the subset property of
R that for all i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ [[∃x(x ε Ai ∧t ((x, y) ε Υ(Aj |=
⇒ Bj )))]]
= sup [[x ε Ai ∧t ((x, y) ε (Aj ×t1 Bj ) ∪t2 (Aj ×t1 Y )]]
= sup [[x ε Ai ∧t ((x ε Aj ∧t1 y ε Bj ) ∨t2 x ε Aj )]]. (4.52)
As a side remark let us mention that the t-norm t1 does not appear any
more in the final formula (4.54), hence the choice of t1 is inessential for the
present coding procedure of the single control rules.
Using in (4.54) the monotonicity of st2 together with [[x ε Ak ]] ≥ 0 gives
as a sufficient condition that for all i ∈ I one has
[[y ε Bi ]] ≤ sup [[x ε Ai ∧t y ε Bk ]]
= hgt (Ai ) t [[y ε Bk ]]
for all i, k ∈ I.
And in the case that t = t2 = tL , using directly the definitions of tL , stL
given in Tables 1.1 and 1.2 one has from (4.54) the condition that for all
i ∈ I and all y ∈ Y there exists some k ∈ I such that
To have this condition true it is surely sufficient that the final term of (4.55)
is no smaller than hgt (Bi ). And condition (iii) of our proposition yields just
this. QED
together with
Proof. Without any restrictions concerning the t-norms involved one now
has by (4.33) as a necessary and sufficient condition for the subset property
of R that for all i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ sup [[x ε Ai ∧t (x ε Aj ∨t2 y ε Bj )]]. (4.56)
Starting from (4.56) and using t2 = min one gets the condition that for
all i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ sup [[(x ε Ai ∩t Aj ) ∨ (x ε Ai ∧t y ε Bj )]]
= max{hgt (Ai ∩t Aj ), hgt (Ai ) t [[y ε Bj ]]}.
To get a sufficient condition out of these inequalities we again take the worst
case scenario for the left hand side and try to have the last-mentioned right-
hand side ≤ 1 − hgt (Bi ), i.e. to have both terms, the maximum is taken
over there, to be ≤ 1 − hgt (Bi ). This immediately gives both parts of (i).
Finally, in the case that t = t2 = tL the same calculations as in the last
proof give, from (4.56), the necessary and sufficient condition that for all
i, j ∈ I and all y ∈ Y
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ max{0, sup min{[[x ε Ai & x ε Ak ]] + [[y ε Bk ]], [[x ε Ai ]]}}.
This obviously is equivalent to the simpler condition that for all i, j ∈ I and
all y ∈ Y one has
[[y ε Bi ]] ≥ min{[[x ε Ai & x ε Aj ]] + [[y ε Bj ]], [[x ε Ai ]]}.
The same worst case scenario as just before, now applied with respect to the
second term within the min-operator, immediately gives (ii). QED
is that some noise – with small values – makes the smaller membership
degrees (especially) uncertain. A third possibility may be realized in case
one first has a linguistic model of some process and then has to “translate”
the linguistic values into fuzzy sets: in this case one also has some degree of
freedom for the actual choice of these fuzzy inputs and outputs.
One of the types of approaches often considered in the case of such a kind
of uncertainty concerning the fuzzy “data” is to change from usual fuzzy sets
to fuzzy sets of type 2 or perhaps only to interval valued fuzzy sets. We shall
not follow this strategy.
Instead here we assume that some threshold level α is given such that
membership degrees smaller than α are less reliable than those greater than
this threshold α.
To discuss the influence of such a threshold level on the existence of
solutions of fuzzy relation equations and of systems of such equations let us
first introduce some additional notation.
Let α ∈ [0, 1] be a threshold level. For a given fuzzy set A ∈ IF (X ) define
Aα =def A ∪ X [α] , (4.57)
i.e. put for the membership degrees
µA (x) if µA (x) ≥ α
µAα (x) = max{µA (x), α} =
α if µA (x) < α,
and correspondingly define
Aα =def A ∩ hhaii1 , (4.58)
In the same way we change the systems (4.28) of fuzzy relation equations.
To discuss the change in solvability behaviour connected with these changes
of fuzzy relation equations we consider the corresponding solvability degrees.
Before coming back to systems of fuzzy relation equations let us first
consider the case that we will – according to our discussions related to the
threshold level – change the input and output data A, B of fuzzy relation
equations (4.59) to Aα , B α or to Aα , Bα . Let us denote the corresponding
solvability degrees by ξ(α) and by ξ 0 (α), i.e. according to proposition 3.21
we consider
(i) α ≤ ξ(α) ≤ 1,
(ii) ξ0 ≤ ξ(α),
(iii) ξ(0) = ξ0 and ξ(1) = 1,
(iv) α ≤ β ⇒ ξ(α) ≤ ξ(β).
Proof. (i) Obviously ξ(α) ≤ 1. And the worst case, i.e. smallest value of
ξ(α) is given, according to (4.61), in the case that hgt (B α ) = 1 and, because
of hgt (Aα ) ≥ α, that hgt (Aα ) = α. But then ξ(α) = 1 ϕt α = α results.
(ii) Immediately one has hgt (Aα ) = max{hgt (A), α} and analogously
for B α . Hence
A 7→ Aα and B 7→ B α (4.63)
A 7→ Aα and B 7→ Bα (4.64)
However, this is not the case. For example the solvability degree ξ 0 (α) from
(4.62) has not the monotonicity property analogous to proposition 4.11 (iv).
To show this, we consider a concrete example for two different kinds of t-
Let us consider the following two cases and assume that A, B are fuzzy
singletons with
Case 2. Take as t-norm t = tL = & as given in Table 1.1 with the corre-
sponding Φ-operator ϕL satisfying according to Table 1.3
u ϕL v = min{1, 1 − u + v},
The values of ξ 0 (α) for different threshold levels are collected in the fol-
lowing Table 4.1.
Of course, smaller t-norms than t = & will give greater values of ξ 0 (α),
but the qualitative behaviour will be still the same: a much smaller value
of ξ 0 (α) for 0.7 < α ≤ 0.9 as for α ≤ 0.7 and α > 0.9. And it is this effect
that makes (for the author’s feeling) the relative solvability degree ξ 0 (α)
inappropriate for the present purposes.
Therefore, for systems (4.28) of fuzzy relation equations we will discuss
only the data transformations of kind (4.63) and the corresponding changes
ξ 7→ ξ(α) of solvability degrees.
Finally, let us discuss the influence that has a data transformation à la
(4.63) for the solvability degree of system (4.28). We denote by ξ(α) now
the solvability degree of the system
Aαi ◦t R = Biα , i = 1, . . . , n,
Proof. (i) and ξ(α) ≤ 1 in (ii) are obvious. From proposition 3.24 we get
n ^ n
ξ(α) ≥ T (1 ϕt (α t α)) = T (α t α)
i = 1 y∈Y i=1
n ^ n
ξ(α) ≥ T (1 ϕt (1 t α)) = Tα
i = 1 y∈Y i=1
(i) α ≤ ξ(α) ≤ 1,
(ii) ξ ≤ ξ(α),
(iii) α ≤ β ⇒ ξ(α) ≤ ξ(β).
because for µAj (x) ≤ α we have the value 1 on the right hand side, and in
case µAj (x) > α we have (4.66) because of µBj (y) ≤ µBjα (y). Furthermore
because of α ≤ µBjα (y) and (4.65): α ≤ µAαj (x) ϕG µBjα (y). Hence
_ n ^ o
min µAi (x), (µAj (x) ϕG µBj (y))
x∈X 1≤j≤n
_ n ^ o
≤ min µAαi (x), (µAαj (x) ϕG µBjα (y))
x∈X 1≤j≤n
and also
_ n ^ o
α≤ min µAαi (x), (µAαj (x) ϕG µBjα (y)) .
x∈X 1≤j≤n
Thus by the same arguments we used to establish (4.66) now we get for each
index i
_ n ^ o
µBi (y) ϕG min µAi (x), (µAj (x) ϕG µBj (y))
x∈X 1≤j≤n
_ n ^ o
≤ µBi (y) ϕG min µAαi (x), (µAαj (x) ϕG µBjα (y))
x∈X 1≤j≤n
For “small” values of the threshold level α one can assume that the data
transformation (4.63) – as well as the data transformation (4.64) – preserves
the most significant parts of the shapes of the membership functions, because
only membership degrees lower than α are changed. Therefore, in a calcula-
tion of a nonfuzzy value for the control output y0 ∈ Y, for example according
to the method of the centre of gravity as introduced in Mamdani (1976), one
should neglect all the values of the membership functions Biα smaller than
α, i.e. one should take in the case of an output value B := R00 A = A ◦ R
with respect to a concrete input value A:
X . X
y0 = y · µB (y) µB (y) (4.67)
{y∈Y|µB (y)>α} {y∈Y|µB (y)>α}
if input = Ai (= Ei × CEi )
then output = Bi , i = 1, . . . , 15. (4.69)
Here in the i-th rule the input value Ai = Ei × CEi is the fuzzy cartesian
product of the fuzzy description of the error (Ei ) and the change of error
(CEi ) with respect to the intended state of the steam engine, that means
We consider only the t-norm t = min and get with the inference mecha-
nism given by (Ei × CEi ) ◦ R for the system of fuzzy relation equations
corresponding to (4.69) the solvability degree
ξ(α) = ξi (α)
where ξi (α) denotes the solvability degree of the fuzzy relation equation for
the i-th rule. The results are shown in Figure 4.1. Thereby α takes discrete
values varying from 0.0 to 1.0 with a discretization step of 0.1.
1.0 pprp p p p p p p prp p p p p p p p rp p p p p p p p rp p p p p p p p prp p p p p p p p rp p p p p p p p prp p p p p p p r
pp p
pp p
pp p
0.5 pp
pp p
pp prp
ppp pp
ppp p prp p
prp p p - α
0.5 1.0
Note that the value of the threshold level equal to 0.3 still yields the value
1 for the solvability index ξ(0.3). Moving down with threshold α we obtain
lower values of this solvability index for the entire set of control rules. But
the information which the (relative) solvability degree of the whole system
provides is quite global. What is lacking with this degree ξ(α) is information
about the detailed behaviour of the single rules. Thus one also has to look
for the (relative) solvability degrees of the single rules. Below in Table 4.2
we summarize for the Mamdani/Assilian-system the rules which have the
lowest values of the solvability index ξi (α).
Of course, decreasing values of α produce an ever-extending list of control
rules that shows lower values of their degrees of solvability, in the present
example especially the rules no. 6, 12, 15 – numbered according to the details
in Mamdani/Assilian (1975) – are critical with respect to their (relative)
solvability degrees.
Low values of the solvability degrees of some control rules are confirmed
by another construction that evaluates their credibility in sense of a certainty
factor CF , cf. Pedrycz (1985). Then in this example for the 12th control
rule this certainty factor has the value CF12 = 0. The rules with numbers
6, 13, 14, 15 have values of the certainty factor CF which are below 0.5.
Indeed, in the above construction for α = 0.2, one correspondingly has a
subset of three control rules: no. 6, 12, 15, for which the values ξi (0.2) do
not exceed 0.2.
For the threshold value α0 = 0.3 some of the output fuzzy sets Biα , i.e.
of the fuzzy control advices, have been displayed in Figure 4.2.
µ(ui )
1.0 6 bp r
pp B1 , B1α B11 , B11 α ¢
pp ¢
pp ¢
bp ¢r
pp ¤
pp ¤
pp ¤
pp ¤
pp ¤
0.5 pp
p ¤
bp p r¤
pp p p p ¡£
r r r ppp p p rbp p p p p p prbp p p p p p p rpbp p p p p p pbrp p p p p p p brp p p p p p p pbrp p p p p p p rpbp p p p p p prbp p p p p p p rb¡p p p p p£p p pbp p p p p p p bp p p p p p b
pp £
pp £
bp p r£
ppp ¡
r r r r rbp p p p p p p prbp p p p p p p brp p p p p p p pbrp p p p p p p rbp p p p p p p prbp p p p p p p ¡ bp p p p p p p pbp p p p p p p bp p p p p p p pbp p p p p p p b
u1 u3 u5 u7 u9 u11 u13 u15
Figure 4.2: Fuzzy output sets Bi and Biα for i = 1, 11 and α = 0.3
The value α0 = 0.3 is low enough such that the changes Ai 7→ A0.3 i and
Bi 7→ Bi , which according to our method will yield a completely solvable
system of relation equations, i.e. a non-interactive fuzzy controller out of the
Each empty entry means the relative solvability degree =1.
system (4.69) of control rules, will not hide the structure of the relation of
the model. This structure can essentially be seen in the output fuzzy sets
Bi – and Figure 4.2 explains that the modified outputs Bi0.3 also present the
essentials of that structure.
The approach towards the manipulation of fuzzy data that we have con-
sidered in this section enables us to use the formal apparatus from fuzzy
relational equations in an interesting way for the evaluation of fuzzy models.
It is remarkable to underline the fact that two mechanisms, the mechanism
for combining the fuzzy pieces of evidence and that one which plays with
inference with the use of fuzzy information, should be discussed simultane-
ously, and they are significantly associated. The concrete way of combining
fuzzy data leads to a certain way for inferring fuzzy consequents. These
facts result from a direct association of the composition operator ◦t and the
corresponding Φ-operator. The first is used in the implementation of the
inference schema, while the latter is joined with the particularization of a
proper way of combining the fuzzy premises. This way of thinking gives an
alternative in comparison to commonly proposed schemata which come from
the compositional rule of inference as stated by Zadeh.
Moreover the introduction of the solvability degree of the system of fuzzy
relational equations makes it possible to express the property of “easiness”
of solving that system. It provides an opportunity to look at appropriate
solutions with regard to the level of threshold. We have discussed a way
of changing the data set that makes it possible to render the set of fuzzy
equations solvable, and moreover to measure the deformation of fuzzy data
used in this process.
One additional remark of a general nature. A global identification pro-
cedure, despite the nature of the factor of uncertainty taken into account,
consists of three steps:
(a) the selection of the structure of the model proposed (i. e. inputs,
outputs, order of the model, etc.);
(b) the estimation of model parameters;
(c) the test of the model with respect to the data set provided (usually it
is the same one as applied in the second step).
For comparison, let us look at the identification task in the presence of ran-
domness. Then the model is constructed with the help of statistical methods.
The first step relies on a choice of a “reasonable” type of function express-
ing a dependence between input and output variables. Further, unknown
parameters of the model (the function) are estimated. Note, moreover, that
at this stage the values of the parameters are computed and a level of their
uncertainty is also expressed via relevant confidence intervals. Hence, even
if in the real world situation the parameters of a model are nonrandom, the
estimation procedure involves that they become viewed as random variables.
Finally, a consistent degree of the model is commonly performed by means of
F-statistics. And if this stage provides a negative result, the entire procedure
is repeated, changing the structure of the model.
The identification procedure which (at least implicitely) is proposed with
the ideas of this section fits this general schema. The structure of a fuzzy
model – of the type of a fuzzy controller – is established selecting the form
of the fuzzy relation equations, viz. the type of the composition operation
together with the t-norm involved in it, i.e. is established with the control
rules and their translations. The parameter estimation for the model then
proceeds through our methods for discussing the solvability of (systems of)
fuzzy relation equations. Here, the solvability degrees serve as indices indi-
cating how credible the structure of the fuzzy relation is which constitutes
the fuzzy controller and hence how good the fuzzy model is. Additionally,
in the methodological perspective this (relative) solvability degree has an
analogous role like a confidence interval: if ξ(α) is lower than a borderline
value ξ ∗ (α) for a certain α – then repeat the identification procedure, i.e.
“adjust” the fuzzy model.
The range of the applicability of this specialized discussion via relative
solvability degrees is closely related to those systems where a tool for ma-
nipulating fuzzy data is needed, e.g. expert systems, robotics, and pattern
Chapter 5
In all these cases extremal solutions of systems are – given the solvability
of the system under consideration – available from corresponding extremal
solutions of the single equations. Additionally, in interesting special cases of
the non-solvability of such systems, these constructions give the best possi-
ble approximate solutions – and in general at least nearly the best possible
ones. Hence, a “brute-force” methodology can be taken into account which
starts by considering such a suitable combination of solutions to the single
equations of the system as an a priori approximate solution of the whole
system. If doing so, it becomes essential to discuss the quality of an ap-
proximate solution. Such a discussion can be provided by using global, but
also by using local solvability (or rather, solution) indices. Such indices can
also be used to define analogues to confidence intervals (with respect to each
point of the corresponding universe of discourse) for the actual approximate
solution. Such an approach provides means for evaluating the quality of the
actual approximate solution at hand, of the fuzzy model, and hence also for
ways to look for improved models.
Therefore we now first reconsider the problem of the comparison of two
fuzzy sets. Let C, D be fuzzy sets defined over the same universe of discourse
X , i.e. C, D : X → [0, 1]. The following question here is the essential one:
to what extent C, D are the same fuzzy set? Or to put it into other words:
how distinct are the fuzzy sets C, D?
At the beginning let us recall some main fashions of comparison that
have previously been discussed.
(A) The most direct approach is to measure some kind of distance of the
membership functions of C and D, i.e. to calculate a distance value d(C, D),
cf. Kaufmann (1975) as well as our distances %t of definition 3.5. In general,
some Minkowski-type distance is quite often employed:
³Z ´1/p
d(C, D) = |µC (x) − µD (x)|p dx , p ≥ 1,
where we assume the existence of all integrals appearing (which may be
guaranteed by restrictions on the types of the membership functions) or
have, for finite universes of discourse X , to read them as sums.
As special cases for p = 1 one has the Hamming distance, and p = 2
yields the usual Euclidean distance.
Other distances which seem to be equally well suited for fuzzy sets are
Čebyšev-type distances of the form
³ ´1/p
d(C, D) = sup |µC (x) − µD (x)|p , p ≥ 1,
with t any t-norm, st the corresponding t-conorm, for supremum, and
for infimum. As a side remark let us mention that in the original formulation
Zadeh specified the t-norm as t = min, and the t-conorm st as maximum.
The possibility of C with respect to D expresses a degree of overlapping
of C and D, whereas Cert(C|D) is connected with measuring a degree of
containment of D in C; but Cert(C|D) is not the inclusion degree [[D ⊂ =t C]]
because in (5.2) instead of the implication p →t q, crucial for defining the
fuzzified inclusion ⊂
=t , a (classically and also for t = & = tL – but not in
general – equivalent) combination ¬p ∨t q is used.
Remembering that t-norms and their t-conorms are conjugated by the
formula (1.9), one obtains
Cert(C|D) = 1 − Poss(C
CC|D) = 1 − hgt (CCC ∩ D).
Now the equality of two fuzzy sets C and D may be evaluated by taking the
minimum of degrees Cert(D|C) and Cert(C|D); this index of comparison
has been discussed in correspondence to some aspects of matching of fuzzy
(C) A third approach for the comparison of fuzzy sets uses our previous
more set theoretically oriented tools, especially the fuzzified identity ≡t
of definition 2.3. Modelling the involved connectives for implication and
conjunction in our fuzzy set theoretic setting via any residuation operator,
i.e. any Φ-operator ϕ for implication and any (left) continuous t-norm t for
conjunction, in addition to our previous equality degree [[C ≡t D]] also some
local degree to which two fuzzy sets C and D are equal each other at a point
a ∈ X is given as a number kC = Dk(a) defined e.g. in analogy with our
definition 2.3 of ≡t , but deleting the universal quantifier ∀ there, i.e. the
inf-operator. That means we take this local degree of equality as the value
kC = Dk(a) =def (µC (a) ϕt µD (a)) t (µD (a) ϕt µC (a)) (5.3)
which is nothing other then the truth degree
kC = Dk(a) = [[a ε C ↔t a ε D]].
The simple fact that always µC (a) ≤ µD (a) or µD (a) ≤ µC (a) is the case, i.e.
that always µC (a) ϕt µD (a) = 1 or µD (a) ϕt µC (a) = 1, allows to simplify
(5.3) to
kC = Dk(a) = (µC (a) ϕt µD (a)) ∧ (µD (a) ϕt µC (a)). (5.4)
Thus one has, together with the Φ-operator ϕt , only to take the min-
operator instead of the t-norm t to finally find kC = Dk(a).
Going one step further, nevertheless one usually also likes to have a
number expressing a (unique) degree to which C and D are equal to each
other in a global sense. For this one has to aggregate the partial evaluations
(5.3) and (5.4) of equality over the whole space X .
There is, however, no unique way to perform these tasks. Perhaps the
most preferred ways in the engineering community are to take either a so-
called optimistic or a pessimistic form of aggregation.
In the optimistic case one prefers to modelize the degree of the statement
“C and D are equal to each other” by the maximal value of kC = Dk(x)
over X , viz.
kC = Dk =def sup kC = Dk(x). (5.5)
kC = Dk = [[∀x(x ε C ↔t x ε D)]].
kC = Dk = [[∀x((x ε C →t x ε D) ∧t (x ε D →t x ε C))]]
≥ [[∀x(x ε C →t x ε D) ∧t ∀x(x ε D →t x ε C))]]
= [[C ⊂ ⊂
=t D ∧t D =t C]] = [[C ≡t D]]
and thus is closely analogous to our previous equality degree.
Generalized quantifiers in the sense of the standard model theory of
mathematical logic like “almost everywhere” instead of these classical “some-
times” or “always” versions, or even fuzzy quantifiers like “most”, “not too
few” applied to the localized equality values of C, D would give global evalu-
ations in between the optimistic and the pessimistic point of view. Another
possibility to get an intermediate value of global equality not as likely to
cause overestimation or understimation as (5.5) or (5.6) is to take for exam-
ple the average value of all the local equality degrees, i.e. to consider
kC = Dk =def kC = Dk(x) / card (X ) (5.7)
kC = Dk(x) ≥ v (5.8)
Solving the first of them we get a subinterval [d1 , µC (a)] while the second
leads us to a subinterval [µC (a), d2 ] where d1 and d2 are determined by
solving (5.10) and (5.11) respectively. Finally, D∗v (a) is nothing other than
the union of both those intervals:
Definition 5.1 The set (5.12) of solutions D∗v (a) will be called equality
interval or confidence interval for the fuzzy set D (at point a) induced by v
for the given fuzzy set C.
A quite simple, and perhaps for the practitioner the most obvious, way
out is to use the formulas which describe solutions – in the case of solvability
– of systems of fuzzy equations like
Θ(R, Ai ) = Bi , i = 1, . . . , n
even if there does not exist a solution to the system of fuzzy relational
equations to be considered – and then to check the quality of the approx-
imate solution obtained in this way. If this quality is not too bad, i.e. if
results/outputs B i given for the corresponding data/inputs Ai by the ap-
proximate solution are not “too far” from the results/outputs Bi one intends
to get from the set of data (Ai , Bi ) that constitutes the intended model and
hence determines the considered system of fuzzy relational equations, in such
a case at least an approximate fuzzy model is realized and can be used within
some quality bounds.
Taking such a path is completely in accordance with fuzzy modelling,
because any fuzzy model aims at a rough, i.e. approximate description of
real processes, situations, and the like.
Recapitulating the central results of chapter 3, which are of course cen-
tral from the present point of view, the point already made in section 3.5 was
that we found best possible approximate solutions for single equations, cf.
theorems 3.4, 3.7, and also found suitable candidates for “nearly best pos-
sible” approximate solutions to systems of fuzzy equations in theorem 3.9.
Section 3.6 added, with the results mentioned there in Facts 1 to Fact 4,
cf. page 132f., some further generalizations for more abstract types of fuzzy
These results are all together now the background for some kinds of
reasonable guesses we have in mind concerning the determination of approx-
imate solutions.
A further variant of such a type of approach may be first to split the data
set into some clusters of control rules which within each cluster are similar
to each other. Then either
a simpler set of control rules can be taken into account with some “cen-
tres” of those clusters – or each cluster can be transformed into one rule,
but with probabilistic sets as input and output values.
Ai 7→ Aαi = Ai ∪ X [α]
3. Yet another approach follows again a different way. Here the fuzzy
sets Ai are replaced by “sharpened” versions; more precisely, instead of the
original (input) data Ai , i = 1, . . . , n, one takes pairwise disjoint families of
fuzzy sets (A0i )1≤i≤n , i.e. such which fulfill the condition
In this case, if for each pair (A01 , Bi ) there exists a solution to the corre-
sponding equation, then one is sure that there exists a solution for the entire
system of equations. The background facts here are the results of section 4.2
which indicate that the pairwise disjointness of the “input” data (A0i )1≤i≤n
is always a sufficient condition for the non-interactivity of that system (seen
as a realization of a system of control rules). And non-interactivity of course
guarantees solvability.
the equations. Instead of using the fuzzy sets Bi , so-called fuzzy sets with
tolerances have been utilized. By a fuzzy set with a tolerance they essentially
mean an interval-valued fuzzy set. At present, the tolerances are attached in
a heuristic fashion to reach a situation where the entire set of equations has
a solution. Nevertheless, the tolerances should be adjusted by a user and
then there is no security that they are not taken too broadly or that their
choice does not guarantee the existence of a solution.
This is a problem with card (X ) · card (Y) variables and thus will rather
quickly present dimensionality problems because in interesting applications
the input and output spaces card (X ), card (Y) will be finite sets which are
not too big but which also are not very small finite sets.
C) A third way that allows one to reach the main goal, i.e. to get a
solvable system of equations, is to add a new fuzzy variable which “separates”
the fuzzy sets A1 , A2 , . . . , An , cf. Pedrycz (1988, 1990). In its spirit this
way is similar to the method of Gottwald/Pedrycz (1986) but now no
Some real world system shall be given that has to be modelled. Further-
more it is assumed that there are some fuzzy pieces of evidence associated
with this system which may be described by a collection of conditional state-
if Ai then Bi , i = 1, . . . , n.
The notion of system is considered here in a broad sense of the word. Thus
a system may be treated as a dynamic system with an unknown structure as
in Dubois/Prade (1980), Pedrycz (1982), Zadeh (1971a) or as a global
knowledge base (explanatory data base) for the manipulation of common-
sense knowledge as in Zadeh (1983, 1984). The given data Ai , Bi are sup-
posed to be linguistic terms, i.e. linguistic values of suitable (input and out-
put) variables, describing ambiguous facts available at hand. These linguistic
terms are expressed as fuzzy subsets Ai : X → [0, 1] and Bi : Y → [0, 1] of
suitable universes of discourse.
In order to process fuzzy data one has to build a model of the system
for which the above-mentioned data are relevant. That means that one has
a “reality layer” and a “modelling layer” which have to correspond to each
other sufficiently well in the relevant aspects of the problem.
In the modelling layer a surface model structure combining the fuzzy data
Ai and Bi in the sense of the fuzzy relational equations (4.28) is assumed.
The fuzzy relation R of the model results from a rule-based description of the
system behaviour from which the fuzzy data Ai , Bi is available. Of course,
not all the data pairs (Ai , Bi ) for i = 1, . . . , n may satisfy the system of
equations which fixes the model as supposed above. This is due to several
• the structure of the model does not perfectly follow the structure of
the system which is indeed fuzzy; for instance, we have no extra infor-
mation on logical connectives – viewed as the concrete t-norm – of the
• the data standing at our disposal are not unbiased – they may perhaps
be corrupted by some noise. (Note that the problem of their true
characterization is not as evident as in signal analysis performed in
for example communication theory for signals with additive Gaussian
The approach we follow here is in modifying the data by imposing some
threshold level. The idea is that lower values of the membership functions
of Ai and Bi are less reliable than the highest ones. Thus, the threshold
level α is used to convert the original data set, i.e. the pairs (Ai , Bi ) for all
i = 1, . . . , n into a modified one (Aαi , Biα ), i = 1, . . . , n according to the data
transformation (4.63).
The fuzzy relation of the model is then calculated according to theorem
3.9 (ii), i.e. as
R= (Aαi ¤t Biα )
while the solvability degree ξ(α) of the system of equations is chosen ac-
cording to (3.12) but derived from the system of fuzzy relation equations
modified according to the manipulation procedure (4.63).
Any discussion of the value α of threshold level should embrace two facts:
(ii) higher values of α and hence more extended modifications of the origi-
nal data set lead to more rough models of the original process and less
transparent model relations.
Fact (i) has been proved in previous sections. Fact (ii) comes from the
property of Φ-operators that the values of the membership function of R,
calculated according to (5.3), are not smaller than α. It implies in turn that
the structure of the relation of the original model becomes partly hidden.
Of course, for α = 1 there is no remaining structure – the membership
function of R becomes simply equal to (X [1] × Y [1] ) and hence corresponds
to the linguistic term “unknown”. If one agrees to accept the lower values
of threshold α, a certain structure of the model appears but its adequacy
(measured via the solvability degree) decreases. All in all, increasing values
of the threshold cause improvements in the internal adequacy of the model
R in the sense of its behaviour in accordance with the constituting rules, but
the ability of recognition of the structure of the fuzzy model falls.
Some illustration of the behaviour of ξ(α) is shown in Figure 5.1.
Case 5.1a illustrates an ideal situation where the entire collection of the
data perfectly fits the equation of the model. A situation lying almost on the
opposite pole is shown in Figure 5.1b. Now a slight change of the threshold
α down the value 1.0 gives the value zero for the solvability degree. Case 5.1c
represents an intermediate situation where the structure of the model may
ξ(α) ξ(α)
16 p
p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p
p-α α
0 1 0 1
Figure 5.1a Figure 5.1b
1 »((pp
! p
´ p
, p
½ p
½ p
´ p
´ p
© p
» © p
ÃÃ » p-α
0 1
Figure 5.1c
where the superscript attached to the solvability degree refers to the model.
Now, for example, one can search for an appropriate t-norm to be used in
the model equations which leads to a high value of ξ(α).
Aαi 0 ◦t R = Biα0 , i = 1, . . . , n
with respect to the fuzzy relation R. This yields the fuzzy relation R∗ given
R∗ = (Aαi 0 ¤t Biα0 ). (5.17)
Now convert all the fuzzy data Bi to Bi∗ according to the following formula:
Bi∗ = Ai ◦t R∗ , i = 1, . . . , n.
This in turn gives a modified set of pairs of fuzzy data (Ai , Bi∗ ), i = 1, . . . , n
whose corresponding system of model equations has value =1 of its solvability
Being equipped with the fuzzy model in the form of a system of fuzzy
relational equations or the fuzzy relation R determined by such a system
and its evaluation by ξ(α), the determination of the fuzzy consequence, i.e.
the fuzzy output B for a given fuzzy input A may then be performed in the
following steps:
– evaluation of the model quality via its expected outputs and the solv-
ability degree ξ,
according to (5.3) and (5.4). That means with γjC,D we “measure” pointwise
the coincidence of the membership degrees of C and D getting for example
γjC,D = 1 in the case that µC (bj ) = µD (bj ).
Suppose additionally that there has been determined some fuzzy relation
R as a – perhaps only approximate – realization of the fuzzy controller
constituted by (4.1). Because R may only approximately realize the control
rules (4.1) let additionally be
B i = R00 Ai = Ai ◦t R
the real output of R for the input Ai . To simplify notation put
and unite all these local comparison indices into the evaluation vector
Γ =def (Γ1 , . . . , Γm ). (5.20)
Instead of looking at Γ as a vector of local comparison indices, one can
also view Γ as the fuzzy subset of Y of all those points where the fuzzy
model fits in well with the fuzzy data set.
The essential idea now is to use this vector or fuzzy set Γ to evaluate the
global property
Fuzzy model R well represents the fuzzy data set over
the whole output space Y.
The reference to formula (5.4) in the definition of the present indices
γij has as an immediate consequence an inequality for the indices Γj : an
inequality which relates to the dependence of those indices on the t-norm
which defines the Φ-operator which is involved in formula (5.18), i.e. in
formula (5.4). Writing for the moment Γj in the case that the definition
(5.19) is (implicitely) referring back to the t-norm t, we immediately have
for any left continuous t-norms t1 , t2 that
(t1 ) (t )
t1 <
= t2 ⇒ Γj ≤ Γj 2
and thus that Γj conveys the most pessimistic, i.e. most restrictive eval-
uation of the (localized) equality of fuzzy sets.
If Γ = 1 is the vector with all its components =1 then one may assume
that the model R of the process under consideration completely fits the data
set (4.1). If Γ 6= 1 a degree of fitness of the model, i.e. of the fuzzy controller
R will now be expressed through a fuzzy integral.
Two different fuzzy models R1 , R2 of the same set of fuzzy data, e.g. the
same system (4.1) of control rules, can be compared with respect to property
(5.21) in an almost obvious way if their respective evaluation vectors Γ 1 , Γ 2
of local equality degrees of realized and expected outputs chosen according
to (5.20) are comparable:
If for two fuzzy models R1 , R2 of the same set of fuzzy data for their
evaluation vectors Γ 1 , Γ 2 one has Γ 1 > 2 1 2
= Γ , i.e. Γj ≥ Γj for all j = 1, . . . , m,
then the fuzzy model R1 is the better one of the two.
Unfortunately, however, this situation of comparable evaluation vectors
Γ 1, Γ 2is an exception. Usually these vectors are incomparable with respect
to their natural componentwise partial ordering. This fact, as well as the
pointwise construction of Γ with respect to the points of the output space Y,
suggests realizing a partial evaluation of the quality of fuzzy models relative
to each point of Y, i.e. considering instead of the global property (5.21) their
local version
In the spirit of the Gestalt principle, cf. for example Corge (1975), it is
obvious that the evaluation of the global property (5.21) cannot be deduced
by simple, perhaps even linear aggregation of the partial evaluations of the
model given using (5.22). This leads to the idea of considering some fuzzy
measure and the fuzzy integral defined by it as plausible tools for formulating
the global evaluation of the fuzzy model out of its local evaluations.
By a fuzzy measure G over the universe of discourse Y, as defined in
Sugeno (1974, 1977), a real valued function G : IP (Y) → [0, 1] over the
power set IP (Y) of Y is meant which has the properties
B1 ⊆ B2 ⇒ G(B1 ) ≤ G(B2 ),
The idea now is that a fuzzy measure G “measures” with its values G(B)
to what extent one can judge the quality of a fuzzy model with respect
to the global property (5.21) out of the local variants (5.22), i.e. from the
knowledge of the localized information Γj of (5.19) for points in B. And the
fuzzy integral provides this global evaluation from the local ones.
Assuming that one has the relevant information Γj on the local behaviour
of a fuzzy model for all points bj of a subset B of the output space Y and also
the fuzzy measure G available then an evaluation of the fuzzy model, based
on that partial information and using the fuzzy integral, can be provided by
the index
Λ(B, Γ ) =def Γ (x) ◦ G(.) (5.24)
This monotonicity property replaces the stronger additivity property of the usual mea-
sures. By the way, let us note that the continuity property (FM3) is of course inessential
for fuzzy measures over finite sets.
In the case of an infinite universe of discourse Y the matter becomes a little more
difficult. As with traditional measures and integrals, one has to restrict the definition of
the measure to some suitable σ-algebra of subsets of Y and is only able to integrate over
functions H : Y → [0, 1] which are measurable with respect to that σ-algebra.
The monotonicity (FM2) of the fuzzy measure now reflects the fact that
the knowledge of more local information always adds to the global evalua-
tion of the fuzzy model. Additionally, however, the fuzzy measure allows
the “splitting” of the output space Y into regions of points whose local
evaluations of the fuzzy model are relatively more essential for the global
evaluation than points of other regions. That means that one becomes able
to distinguish points of the output space which are of “central importance”
for the global evaluation of the fuzzy model from such ones which are not
so important for the global evaluation. In practical applications the points
of central importance may then be such ones of a region in Y which is cru-
cial for the overall behaviour of the fuzzy model because the model has to
act quite exactly there – and other regions which allow for a rougher model
behaviour can have a lower significance for the global evaluation.
Nevertheless, the information provided by the index Λ(B, Γ ) from (5.24)
is quite incomplete in the case that B 6= Y because one is unable to distin-
guish the lack of information about the local behaviour of the fuzzy model
from the bad quality of this model. Therefore it seems preferable to switch
from this index (5.24) to another index Ξ, which itself is an ordered pair
consisting of the value G(B) of the “weighted” portion of available informa-
tion on the one hand, and of the normed fuzzy integral (5.24) on the other
³ Z
Λ(B, Γ ) ´ ³ 1 ´
Ξ(B, Γ ) =def G(B), = G(B), Γ (x) ◦ G(.) .
G(B) G(B) B
The same does not hold true for the fuzzy set approach. Mainly only
the first of these steps is merely solved; unfortunately we cannot give a
quantitative characterization of the quality (relevance) of a model. A few
approaches try to tackle this problem, but in a qualitative way. The proposal
formulated here represents an attempt to express and measure the relevance
of a model and in its consequences leads to the formation of fuzzy sets of a
complex character, namely interval-valued fuzzy sets or fuzzy sets of type 2,
i.e. fuzzy sets whose membership degrees are intervals or fuzzy subsets of
[0, 1]; cf. Mizumoto/Tanaka (1976), Sambuc (1975).
In order to provide a clear description of the approach, it will be given in
an algorithmic form. This gives a concise presentation and allows potential
users to have this idea ready for use. Additionally we include some comments
to explain the consecutive steps.
Having at hand a data set represented by pairs (Ai , Bi ), i = 1, . . . , n
of fuzzy sets a fuzzy relation is to be constructed to (approximately) solve
the corresponding fuzzy relational equations. To focus attention we restrict
ourselves to one specified form of the equations, e.g. to (3.26), (3.27). Of
course, the procedure described in the following applies to any form of equa-
tions as indicated in sections 3.5 and 3.6. The fuzzy relation R is assumed
to be obtained via any suitable method.
Let us consider the fuzzy sets B i resulting from the fuzzy sets Ai com-
posed by R, i.e.: B i = Ai ◦t R. If the fuzzy model – here the fuzzy relation R
– is perfect, which almost never occurs in practice, then for every i = 1, . . . , n
we have B i = Bi . Since this case is not realistic, we may present a global
evaluation of the model by computing the (global) equality degree B i ≡t Bi
for each pair (B i , Bi ). But here we are more interested to take the local
point of view, i.e. to look “how equal” the fuzzy sets B i and Bi are separate
at each point of the universe of discourse Y. Thus we shall refer to the local
degrees of equality (5.3) and (5.4). Fixing some b ∈ Y we get for i = 1, . . . , n
a sequence of reals indicating how closely the membership degrees µBi (b)
and µB i (b) are equal to each other. Now, instead of looking for a single
number expressing en block a similarity of realized and intended outputs
such as (5.5), (5.6), we build a kind of empirical distribution function of
some equality degree using as a sample the values
Let us denote this function by F (w; b) with w ∈ [0, 1]. By definition this
p = 1 − F (w; b) (5.27)
which will be considered as the probability that our local equality degree at
b ∈ Y attains values greater than w. Rewriting (5.27) as
Since the first factor is a nonincreasing function of w and the second one is
a nondecreasing one, therefore there is at least one point w0 for which (5.29)
achieves a maximum value:
– in the first situation we say that the genuine fuzzy set, which appears
in a system when A is given as input, has at each point b ∈ Y a
membership degree with respect to the output lying between µB− (b)
and µB+ (b);
– for the second construction we have a fuzzy set [B− , B+ ] with highest
specificity, thus the bounds µB− (b) and µB+ (b) determine a region in
[0, 1] in which one is sure to get a value of the membership at a high
value of probability and, simultaneously, this interval is chosen to be
narrow enough for the actual purposes.
some specifity of the problem discussed. For short let us refer to them as
direct and backward use of the intended model. And let us assume that, as
before, the data set of pairs (Ai , Bi ) determines a system of fuzzy relation
equations to be solved to determine the intended model R.
As a schematic illustration of the following ideas, viz. to take two fuzzy
models for direct and backward mode of utilization, cf. Figure 5.2.
In the direct mode of using the model, possessing the fuzzy relation R
to tie A and B, viz. B is tied with A via R, we can find the response of the
model (system) for any given A straightforwardly.
But in the case that the fuzzy relation has not been determined or that
the system of fuzzy relation equations is not solvable and has only approx-
imate solutions the discussion becomes more involved. Thus let us suppose
that we only have some confidence intervals indicating the model quality.
Following the previously discussed schema of computation of the output we
get an interval-valued fuzzy set [B− , B+ ] which expresses bounds in which
the response of the system is contained – e.g. with a prescribed level of prob-
ability. Afterwards, if one is interested in describing successive states of the
system which has a dynamics governed by the constituting fuzzy data, fur-
ther iterations might be performed. Then the first output is the input for the
second step of the iteration. In other words, A in the next step is replaced
by [B− , B+ ]. For B− and B+ , separately, the corresponding interval-valued
set is built by taking the minimum of the two lower bounds of them and the
maximum of their two upper bounds, respectively, as resulting bounds. Ob-
viously, the width of the intervals of this interval-valued fuzzy set is broader
than the two original ones on which it is based.
The resulting effect is in agreement with our intuition: the result can
never be more precise than the arguments taken into account; cf. as a related
paper concerning this topic e.g. Czogala/Gottwald/Pedrycz (1982).
The so-called backward mode of the utilization of the fuzzy model cor-
responds to all the questions related to A if B is known. Of course, the
preferable situation is that R has already been computed. For instance, to
answer the question which input A – if any – leads to the output B, we have
to solve what is called the inverse problem. Originally, cf. Sanchez (1976),
assuming a nonempty set of solutions, one immediately started to consider
a fuzzy set A fulfilling the model equation, cf. Table 3.2.
But bearing in mind that in most cases the solvability of the basic system
of model equations which correspond to the constituting fuzzy data is lacking
and one thus has to look at approximate solutions, and that additionally one
is confronted with the aspect of model precision in general, it may be useful
to reformulate the problem thus:
However, even the solution of this problem might be too tedious a task.
Therefore we can think about a different model just establishing a re-
lation between B and A which is a little different. The model just derived
may answer the question which interval-valued fuzzy set [A− , A+ ] is obtained
for a specified output fuzzy set B. Surely, the “new” fuzzy relation can be
different from the previous one, and the precision of the new fuzzy model
might also be different.
As was mentioned previously, here we do not intend to discuss detailed
What remains to be discussed is how the analysis coming from this for-
ward and backward use of models can be enriched by imposing imprecision
attached to the interval-valued fuzzy sets. It seems that the forward and
backward strategy can transparently be utilized for reasoning schemes in
knowledge-based systems with mechanisms managing uncertainty in-built
in them. In such a case the models correspond to modelling directions of
B = R00 A = A ◦t R. (5.31)
B = R00 X = X ◦t R (5.32)
X = R ↓ B = {x k ∀y((x, y) ε R →t y ε B)}.
Furthermore the discussion in section 3.5 adds the information that the
fuzzy set R ↓ B is even the best possible approximate solution of the fuzzy
equation (5.32) if there does not exist a solution at all.
Thus independent of the solvability of equation (5.32), for any given goal
B the fuzzy set A = R ↓ B can be taken as an optimal input value for
the fuzzy model to reach the goal B at least approximately. Of course, the
model output really reached with the input A = R ↓ B will be the fuzzy set
B = R00 (R ↓ B) = (R ↓ B) ◦t R. (5.33)
Again, therefore, the problem arises of comparing the fuzzy sets B and B.
And again there is the global approach towards that problem which was
discussed in the context of the fuzzified equality relation ≡t in chapter 3,
as well as the localized approach of section 5.4.1 with its idea of a pointwise
comparison of B and B over the output space Y of the fuzzy model R.
In the case of the global approach one looks for the truth degree of the
formula B ≡t B, i.e. for the truth degree
|= B ≡t R00 (R ↓ B) ↔ B ⊂ 00
=t R (R ↓ B) (5.35)
|= B ≡t R00 (R ↓ B) → B ⊂
=t rg(R) (5.36)
|= R00 (R ↓ B) ⊂
=t rg(R).
Thus there is
δB ≤ [[B ⊂
=t rg(R)]] = y∈Y
inf sup (µB (y) ϕt µR (x, y))
which gives quite a simple upper bound of the global degree δB to which the
goal B can be reached by the fuzzy model R.
The localized approach, for simplicity, will again suppose that the output
space Y = {b1 , . . . , bm } is a finite set. Then, like in formula (5.20), the actual
evaluation vector Γ = (Γ , . . . , Γm ) will have the components
As in section 5.4.1 the localized approach now opens the way for another
kind of globalization of the local indices Γj which evaluate the controllability
of R with respect to the goal B: guided by a fuzzy measure G : IP (Y) → [0, 1]
over the output space Y with the fuzzy integral (5.24) one gets another global
controllability index
ΛB =def Γ (x) ◦ G(.) = sup min{α, G(Γ ≥α )} (5.37)
Y α∈[0,1]
The advantage of this second type of global index (5.37) over the first one
(5.34) is again the fact that the fuzzy measure G may distinguish regions
in the output space Y which are more sensitive for the evaluation of the
prediction quality of R with respect to the goal B than other ones.
In both cases, however, the evaluation of the prediction quality happens
only with respect to a fixed goal B. If one has in mind only some (very) few
goals one is interested in reaching by the fuzzy model R this situation may
be acceptable. In general, however, one should take into account a second
globalization procedure here: a globalization of the prediction quality with
respect to “all” the possible goals. In a very abstract sense the class IF (Y)
of all fuzzy subsets of the output space Y is the class of all possible goals.
Again now not all these possible goals in IF (Y) will have equal importance.
Thus here too a (second) fuzzy measure G : IP (IP (Y)) → [0, 1] can be taken
into consideration to evaluate the different possible goals with respect to
their importance for the real control actions one expects. Using this fuzzy
measure G the globalization of the evaluation of the controllability of the
fuzzy model R with respect to all the possible goals can be given in one of
the forms
ΛB ◦ G(.) or δB ◦ G(.),
Z = IP (Y) the class of all possible goals, depending on which global evalu-
ation of the controllability quality of R with respect to a fixed goal B the
approach is based.
Once again, as already done in section 5.4.1, let us however mention that
all those evaluation indices (localized or globalized) for the graded controlla-
bility property of a fuzzy model R have essentially only a relative meaning:
they are helpful for comparing either the relative (global) controllability be-
haviour of different fuzzy models, or the controllability behaviour of one
fuzzy model with respect to different goals either in the global or in the lo-
calized sense. Their absolute meaning does not usually provide a high level
of information.
in the case that Y = 6 X , the successive outputs through time of the fuzzy
model R are determined by the successive inputs the model becomes con-
fronted with – thus all the “prediction” would consist in getting knowledge
of the input sequence, but this obviously in general is independent of the
fuzzy model under consideration. Thus our restrictions are well motivated.
Given one input fuzzy set A ∈ X the sequence of consecutive output fuzzy
sets of the process under consideration is denoted by B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . and the
corresponding sequence of consecutive output fuzzy sets of the fuzzy model
R by B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , . . .. That means for the fuzzy model that we consider the
B 1 = R00 A,
B 2 = R00 B 1 = R00 (R00 A) = (R2 )00 A,
B 3 = R00 B 2 = R00 ((R2 )00 A) = (R3 )00 A,
B n = . . . = (Rn−1 )00 A
with the notation Rn for the iterated relational product as introduced in
definition 2.13. This sequence B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , . . . of successive outputs of the
fuzzy model R generated by the initial input A is the exact prediction for
the models behaviour. The predictability for the model is hence not a serious
Thus here we again look at the mutual relation of the sequences of suc-
cessive outputs of the process on the one hand and of the fuzzy model on
the other hand, both starting from the same initial “input situation”. What
we would like to evaluate now is the property
The fuzzy model R predicts well the systems long range
Suppose that the accuracy of the fuzzy model R is characterized as before
in (5.20) by a vector Γ of indices Γj localizing the model quality according
to the points of the (finite) input and output space X = {b1 , . . . , bm }. This
vector may be given independently of the present considerations.
Using this vector Γ together with the first output B 1 of the fuzzy model R
and remembering the idea of “confidence intervals” mentioned in sections 5.1
and 5.4.2, we are able to define upper and lower bounds (B1 )∗ and (B1 )∗ for
the first process output B1 . Quite a simple idea is to determine these both
bounds pointwise through possible deviations of the membership degrees of
B 1 and B1 .
Having in mind the fact that the localizing indices Γj measure some local
degree of coincidence of membership degrees and that the negation of such a
coincidence degree should be something like a degree for deviation of these
membership degrees it is reasonable to use as membership degrees for the
fuzzy sets (B1 )∗ and (B1 )∗ the values
µ(B1 )∗ (bj ) = min{1, µB 1 (bj ) + (1 − Γj )}, (5.39)
µ(B1 )∗ (bj ) = max{0, µB 1 (bj ) − (1 − Γj )}. (5.40)
In a modified notation more in the traditional style of formal logic, these
formulas can be rewritten using the connectives &, ] of the L Ã ukasiewicz
many-valued logic as
|= bj ε (B1 )∗ ↔ bj ε B 1 ] (¬Γj ) ↔ (Γj →L bj ε B 1 ), (5.41)
|= bj ε (B1 )∗ ↔ Γj & bj ε B 1 . (5.42)
These last mentioned formulations indicate a possible further generalization
which will not be discussed here: instead of the L Ã ukasiewicz conjunction &
and implication →L some left continuous t-norm t and its corresponding
Φ-operator ϕt could be taken. The crucial point with such a generalization,
however, seems to be that one first has to check in which sense other t-norms
than tL adapt the idea of “confidence intervals” which was constitutive for
the approach through (5.39), (5.40).
Unfortunately, however, this rewriting does not yield “nice” formulas.
Therefore we additionally look for a more set theoretical shape for (5.39)
and (5.40). To reach that goal we have to reconsider the evaluation vector
Γ = (Γ1 , . . . , Γm ) of the local comparison indices. The idea leading to the
introduction of such an evaluation vector Γ in (5.20) was to connect with
each point bj ∈ Y its local comparison index Γj ∈ [0, 1], therefore Γ is
nothing other than a fuzzy subset of the input and output space X = Y.
For the membership degrees one obviously has
µΓ (bj ) = Γj .
Rereading (5.41), (5.42) with this interpretation of Γ in mind immediately
gives the simple representations
(B1 )∗ = CCΓ ∪tL B 1 = Γ ¤tL B 1 and (B1 )∗ = Γ ∩tL B 1 . (5.43)
With these fuzzy sets (B1 ) and (B1 )∗ we now have an upper and a lower
bound for the process output B1 to the input A in the sense that we expect
to have
|= (B1 )∗ ⊂ ⊂
=t B1 =t (B1 ) .
Of course, both bounds (B1 )∗ , (B1 )∗ have to be functions simply of the input
A (and the fuzzy model R). This, together with the idea that the construc-
tion of these bounds for B1 will become suitably iterated to also discuss
bounds for the further process outputs B2 , B3 , . . . forces us to introduce an
even more flexible notation. Hence we define for any A ∈ IF (X )
Independent of the idea behind (5.44) one immediately has for each fuzzy
set A ∈ IF (X ):
|= LR (A) ⊂
=t UR (A). (5.47)
These upper and lower bounds (5.45) and (5.46) provide the formal basis
for the problem of the long range prediction of the process behaviour. In
Gottwald/Pedrycz (1986a) a worst case discussion used them in the
sense that the bounds for the next step were taken in such a way that the
new lower bound was the minimum of the lower bounds of the model outputs
for both previous bounds and the new upper bound was the maximum of
the upper bounds of the same model outputs. This strategy, however, was
unnecessarily difficult and can be simplified just by using some monotonicity
properties of the operators UR , LR which generalize property (5.47).
(i) if |= A ⊂
=t B then |= UR (A) ⊂
=t UR (B),
(ii) if |= A ⊂
=t B then ⊂
|= LR (A) = LR (B).
Proof. Straightforward from the corresponding definitions or, even better,
by reference to theorem 2.1. QED
After this theoretical side remark concerning the monotonicity of the op-
erators UR , LR , let us return to the prediction problem. Already the (weaker)
monotonicity results of proposition 5.1 allows one to simplify the previously
mentioned discussion of Gottwald/Pedrycz (1986a) equivalently in con-
sidering as upper bounds for the process outputs B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . the succes-
sive iterations
U1 (A) = U(A),
U2 (A) = U(U(A)),
U3 (A) = U(U2 (A)),
of the upper bound operator (5.45) and as lower bounds of the process
outputs the corresponding iterations of the lower bound operator (5.46):
L1 (A) = L(A),
L2 (A) = L(L(A)),
L3 (A) = L(L2 (A)),
of k-step predictability.
Taken in an absolute sense, for a fixed fuzzy model R this index Ψ(R, k)
simply indicates the decline in prediction quality with a growing length of
the time horizon. That is nothing which is new or of deeper interest and
only a kind of formal confirmation of the well-known fact that the prediction
quality decreases with longer prediction intervals. The real interest in the
index Ψ(R, k) therefore is again in its use to compare different fuzzy models
of the same process with respect to their prediction behaviour.
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A disjunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
abstraction term infinitary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
generalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 t-norm based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 distinguishability function . . . . . . . . . 116
approximate solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 distributive laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
best possible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
quality of an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
approximate solvability . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
approximation quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
empty fuzzy set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
equality interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
B equation
β-operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 of inf-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
brute-force strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 of sup-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
eigen fuzzy set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
C fuzzy arithmetical . . . . . . . . . 99, 103
cartesian product fuzzy relational . . . . . . . . 97, 99, 100
fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 of inf-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
certainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 of sup-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
clan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 equivalence class
code (of a control rule) . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
complement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 equivalence relation
compositional rule of inference 142, 143 fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
conjunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 evaluation vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
infinitary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 existence lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
t-norm based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 extension principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
control rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98, 135, 137
crisp set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
full image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
D fuzzy cartesian product . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
de Morgan law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 31 fuzzy controller . . . . . . . . . . . . 98, 135, 137
degree of activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 fuzzy equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
degree of containment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 fuzzy equivalence relation . . . . . . . . . . . 69
degree of equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 graded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 fuzzy integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
degree of solvability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 fuzzy measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
diagonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 fuzzy partial ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
generating family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
graded properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
β- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Φ- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Horn formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
partial ordering
fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
I graded fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
identity relation irreflexive fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
many-valued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 partition
implication fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
t-norm based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Φ-operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
inclusion relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 possibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
inclusion relation preordering
many-valued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
inference product
compositional rule of . . . . . . . . . . 142 cartesian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
interactive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 relational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
intersection properties
of a family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 graded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
infinitary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 pseudo-metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
t-norm based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
inverse problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
inverse relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Q
involution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 quantifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
left continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
linguistic variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
realization (of a rule)
stronger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
M weaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
membership function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 relation
membership predicate t-antisymmetric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
generalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 t-asymmetric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
many-valued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
View publication stats
inverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 T
irreflexive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 t-clan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
linear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 t-conorm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
reflexive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 t-norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Archimedean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
symmetric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 idempotent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
t-transitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 interactive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
weakly linear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 strict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
relational equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 threshold level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
representation lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 transitive hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
right continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 truth degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2
rule of detachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 designated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 4
rule of generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
rule of inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
compositional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 U
correct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 union
rule of particularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 of a family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
infinitary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
t-norm based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
S universal set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
semicontinuity u- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 universe of discourse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
similarity relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
valid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
fuzzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
logically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
u- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
solvability degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
relative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114, 161 Z
subdistributive laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 zero divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
subset property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
superset property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Szpilrajn’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82