Unclassified 1962
Unclassified 1962
Unclassified 1962
AD 273 842
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213 842
10 MARCH 1962
. - S N IAA
This research is sponsored by the United States Air Force under Project RAND - Con-
tract No. AF 49(6381.700-monitored by the Directorate of Development Planning,
Deputy Chief of Staff, Research and Technology, Hq USAF. Views or conclusions con-
tained in this Memorandum should not be interpreted as representing the official opinion
or policy of the United States Air Force. Permission to quote from or reproduce portions
of this Memorandum must be obtained from The RAND Corporation.
aeiwvle ed.
LIST OF FP 0R ...................................... xi
1. INTODUCTION ......................
REFERENCES ......................... .. 18
tude and phase modulation. ( ) These studies are notable for at least
two reasons which are not connected with the specific application. First,
they underscore the fact that although amplitude and phase modulation are
Other studies dealing with various types of signal and noise vave-
forms (9-12) further attest to the growing utility of the analytic signal
variable whose real and iaginary parts are a Hilbert pair. In practice,
is then simply substituted for the actual signal for the purpose of
functions in the sam fashion as the real signal and which, in addition,
Details of these properties are given in Rsfs. 5, 7-12, 15, and 16.
propagation. The effect on the resulting spectrum is seen from the Fourier
= (2)
therefore, exists only for positive frequencies, then the frequency trans-
the spectral extent of both c(t) and m(t), the test being whether or not
vanishes for w negative.
are unique in their ability to produce Just these effects and are, there-
IS 0w)
a) General (bond limited) analytic carrier
0 WO
wo t
b) Harmonic analytic carrier, ei
the purely real modulating signals, then both the SSB and double sideband
(DSB) forms of modulated signal appear. The SSB form results, of course,
itself analytic and therefore has a spectrum which vanishes for negative
spectrum having only a lower sideband can be generated by using the cm-
signal s(t) results. When analytic, both its real and imaginary parts
are valid representations of the actual modulated signal) and its mag-
nitude gives the envelope. The modulating signal is denoted by f(t) and
its Hilbert transform by f(t).
M(t) - f(t)
m(t) - r(t) + i r(t)
S(t) - [r(t) coo wot - fAt sin wot]
Double Sideband
,n(t) - •eIf(t)
is known that the spectrum falls off rapidly beyond some frequency. Thus,
Clxin m(t).
Sinle Sideband
8(t) - e'f(t)co[wt + f(t)] + i e'f(t)sin[wot + f(t)l (7)
1S(t)1 - e'f(t) 0 %> 0
Py analogy with Eq. (5), the modulated signal given by Eq. (7)
represents a SSB version of phase modulation since it contains no fre-
stantaneous frequency
t =
has the same excursions for both Eqs. (6) and (7), the multiplicative
factor e 4(t) causes the lower sideband to disappear in Eq. (7). To
demonstrate that this is indeed the case and, also, to gain insight an
i(t) = rcos X t
where f is the peak frequency deviation. The phase function and its
Hilbert transform become
e + AAif(t)
ff) 0l] 1 0lk kwt
m(t) e*iWot =
\l1 W*i(wo
(LI)k + kwu)t
= U ( cou(w + k(8
from vhich the one-sided nature of the spectrum is clear. The mean-
square value of the omplitude factor is 10(20) so the ratio of peak-to-
cos[wt + ft(t)] ' 'Jk~g) coa(wv0 + kw)t (9)
coGEw t + f(t)] given 1tr Eq. (9) and then reduce the double summation;
needless to sor, the procedure is quite tedious.
The line spectra of Sqs. (8) and (9) axe plotted in Fig. 2 for
x/2 phase shifter) and amplitude modulating with the exponential; limiting
in the receiver will then restore the lower sldebend and permit the use
is not clear.
Double Sideband
mM (t) g(t) - a log f(t), f(t) > 0
desired modulated effects in Eq. (11). The difference between Eq. (4) and
Eq. (10) is obviously trivial and the latter has been included mainly for
1I U -a1 Wo WO*f
SSB: Pveak 5.1db
%a-A. %o o+ .
a) Modulation index =
Conventional FM ,11ilii ,
b) Modulation index a =3
Conventional FM
ftao- wo Wao+.
SSB: = 8.9 db I
W- A( CWo wen
C) Modulation index 5
Single Sidebwa
MWt *E-t
e g~
9 g(t) -a log r(t), f(t) > 0
0t)] r
The SSB version given byr Eq. (11) is related to Eq. (7), from which
it can be derived byr considering the logarithm of the modulating signal.
lbs reason these two classes of exponential mdulation have been mae
distinct here is that Ieqs. (6) A (7) contain the modulating sigma in
the pAse of the modulated sigma, while Eqs. (10) and (U1) contain the
modulating signal in the envelope; hence, the designations.
The exponent a Is important because of the relationship which the
choice of its value as either 1 or 1/2 bears on the question of compatible
S53 modulation.* Powers (2) considers the case a a 1/2 so that the modula-
ting sigma is contained in the square of the envelope, thus requiring
a squere-law envelope detector for distortionless reproduction. Since
It is this case which produces a modulated signal having the same spectral
width as a conventional SSB sigma, he concludes that true compatibilityr
(i.e.,A a system usable with a linear envelope detector) is impossible.-
IrancV(4)reaches the sae conclusion and, incidentally, labels the
case optimal Amplitude and Phase 141dulation (OAPI4) for Square-Law Detec-
tion. He also considers a = 1 or OMP for Linear Detection and points
out that this modulated signal occupies a bandwidth Just twice the maximum
which has the same spectral width as a conventional DSB system, but
the fact that "a real signal has components whose modulation depth approaches
100 per cent only in the range up to 1500 or 2000 c/o, the modulation depth
Compatible SSB (CSSB) system, but it is outside the scope of this study to
When an analytic signal is chosen for the carrier, its effect spectrally
The useful form of the modulation function are the linear and ex-
these classes, the use of the purely real or analvtic signal forms of the
modulating signal leads naturs.y to the DSB and SSB (i.e., two-sided
average power ratio required of the transmitter, but also because of the
communication systems.
on the other hand, some of the bands assigned to public use are quite
narrow-band SSB FM system of the type described here may prove useful in
music because of the well-known tolerance of the human ear for phase or
7. Gabor, D., "Theory of Communication," Jour. I.E.E., Vol. 93, Part III,
pp. 4.29-4c.7, rov. 1946.
17. Guillemin, E. A., The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis, Ch. VII, Art. 23,
Wiley and Sons, New York, 1949.