Ch 11 Computer Systems Architecture 1.PDF
Ch 11 Computer Systems Architecture 1.PDF
Ch 11 Computer Systems Architecture 1.PDF
Structured summary
Key findings
The limitations of the text are that it does not provide a comprehensive overview of all
input-output devices and interfaces, and that it does not discuss the limitations of
different modes of transfer.
The programmed I/O method is time-consuming and keeps the processor busy
The future work suggested by the text is to explore new modes of transfer and to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of data transfer between internal storage and
external devices.
There is no mention of future work in the text.
The practical applications of the text are in the design and implementation of computer
systems, particularly in the development of input-output interfaces and peripheral
The use of interrupt facilities can have practical applications in improving data transfer
efficiency in computer systems.
Peripheral Devices
Peripheral devices are electromechanical and electromagnetic devices that are connected to
a computer and are under its direct control.
They are used to enter information into a computer and to transmit results in a meaningful
Examples of peripherals include keyboards, display units, printers, magnetic disks, and
These devices are designed to read information into or out of the memory unit upon
command from the CPU and are considered part of the total computer system.
Video monitors are a type of peripheral that consists of a keyboard as the input device and a
display unit as the output device.
They use a cathode ray tube (CRT) to produce a pattern on the screen, and a cursor that
marks the position on the screen where the next character will be inserted.
There are three basic types of character printers: daisywheel, dot matrix, and laser printers.
Magnetic tapes and disks are used for storing files of data and programs, and are discussed
further in Section 12-1.
Input and output devices that communicate with people and the computer use the standard
binary code for alphanumeric characters, ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
ASCII uses seven bits to code 128 characters, and is used to transfer alphanumeric
information to and from devices and the computer.
The input-output organization of a computer is a function of the size of the computer and
the devices connected to it.
The difference between a small and a large system is mostly dependent on the amount of
hardware the computer has available for communicating with peripheral units and the
number of peripherals connected to the system.
Interface units are special hardware components that supervise and synchronize all input
and output transfers between the CPU and peripherals.
They resolve the differences that exist between the central computer and each peripheral,
such as differences in signal values, data transfer rates, data codes and formats, and
operating modes.
The interface operates in different modes, including status, data output, and data input.
The CPU uses control commands to initiate data transfer, monitor the status of the
peripheral, and detect errors.
There are three ways to communicate with memory and I/O: using separate buses, one
common bus with separate control lines, or one common bus with common control lines.
The isolated I/O method uses separate read and write lines for memory and I/O, while the
memory-mapped I/O method treats interface registers as part of the memory system.
An I/O interface unit consists of data registers, a control register, a status register, bus
buffers, and timing and control circuits.
The interface communicates with the CPU through the data bus, and the chip select and
register select inputs determine the address assigned to the interface.
Asynchronous data transfer occurs between two independent units, such as the CPU and an
I/O interface, which have their own private clocks.
Control signals are transmitted between the units to indicate the time of data transfer.
Two common methods of asynchronous data transfer are the strobe pulse method and the
handshaking method.
The strobe pulse method employs a single control line to time each transfer, while the
handshaking method uses control signals to acknowledge receipt of data.
In strobe transfer, the source unit places data on the bus and activates a strobe pulse to
inform the destination unit.
The destination unit then receives the data and the strobe pulse is disabled.
The source unit removes the data from the bus after a brief period.
This method has a disadvantage in that the source unit has no way of knowing if the
destination unit has received the data.
In handshaking, a second control signal is introduced to provide a reply to the unit that
initiates the transfer.
One control line is used by the source unit to inform the destination unit of valid data, and
the other control line is used by the destination unit to inform the source unit that it can
accept data.
The sequence of control depends on the unit that initiates the transfer.
Handshaking provides a high degree of flexibility and reliability, and errors can be detected
through a timeout mechanism.
In synchronous transmission, the two units share a common clock frequency, while in
asynchronous transmission, binary information is sent only when it is available.
The interface has two registers that are write-only and two that are read-only.
The register selected is determined by the register select (RS) value and the read (RD) and
write (WR) status.
The interface is initialized by the CPU by sending a byte to the control register, which
defines parameters such as baud rate, character bits, parity, and stop bits.
The interface has two flags in the status register: one indicates whether the transmitter
register is empty, and the other indicates whether the receiver register is full.
The transmitter portion of the interface operates by checking the flag, transferring a
character to the transmitter register, and then transmitting the character one bit at a time at
the specified baud rate.
The receiver portion of the interface operates similarly, receiving a character and
transferring it to the receiver register.
The interface checks for errors during transmission, including parity error, framing error,
and overrun error.
The CPU can read the status register at any time to check for errors.
FIFO Buffer
A FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffer is a memory unit that stores information in the order it is
received and outputs it in the same order.
It has separate input and output terminals and can accept data at one rate and deliver it at
another rate.
The FIFO buffer is useful in asynchronous data transfer applications where data are
transferred at different rates.
A typical 4x4 FIFO buffer consists of four 4-bit registers and a control register with flip-
The control register directs the movement of data through the registers.
Data are inserted into the buffer when the input ready signal is enabled, and they are output
when the output ready control line is enabled.
Modes Of Transfer
Data transfer between the central computer and I/O devices can be handled in three modes:
programmed I/O, interrupt-initiated I/O, and direct memory access (DMA).
Programmed I/O involves the CPU initiating each data transfer and monitoring the
Interrupt-initiated I/O uses an interrupt facility to inform the CPU when the peripheral is
ready for data transfer.
DMA transfers data directly into and out of the memory unit through the memory bus,
without involving the CPU.
The CPU first reads data from the device into its register and then stores it in memory.
This process requires checking if data is available and counting the number of words
The device sends data one byte at a time, using a handshaking procedure to ensure proper
The CPU checks a flag in the status register to know when data is ready, reads the data, and
then clears the flag to allow the next byte transfer.
This programmed I/O method is inefficient because the CPU spends a lot of time checking
the flag instead of performing other tasks.
An alternative is using interrupts, where the device signals the CPU when it is ready to
transfer data.
The CPU temporarily stops its current task to handle the data transfer and then resumes its
previous task.
Interrupts can be vectored or nonvectored, determining how the CPU finds the service
routine to handle the interrupt.
Priority interrupts manage multiple devices requesting service simultaneously by assigning
priority levels.
High-priority devices, like magnetic disks, are serviced before low-priority ones, like
Hardware units, like the daisy-chaining method, quickly determine which device has the
highest priority and needs service, reducing the time spent on polling.
This method connects devices in series, with the highest priority device first, ensuring
efficient interrupt handling.
Interrupt Handling
In a daisy-chaining scheme, devices are connected in a way that the device closest to the
CPU has the highest priority.
Each device has an internal logic that includes an RF flip-flop, which is set when the device
wants to interrupt the CPU.
The output of the RF flip-flop goes through an open-collector inverter, providing the wired
logic for the common interrupt line.
In the parallel priority interrupt method, a register is used to establish priority according to
the position of the bits in the register.
A mask register can be used to control the status of each interrupt request, allowing higher-
priority devices to interrupt the CPU while lower-priority devices are being serviced.
The priority logic for a system of four interrupt sources consists of an interrupt register, a
mask register, and a priority encoder.
The interrupt register is set by external conditions and cleared by program instructions.
The mask register has the same number of bits as the interrupt register and can be
programmed to set or reset any bit.
The priority encoder generates two bits of the vector address, which is transferred to the
The priority encoder circuit implements the priority function, ensuring that if two or more
inputs arrive at the same time, the input with the highest priority takes precedence.
The output of the priority encoder is used to form part of the vector address for each
interrupt source.
The interrupt enable flip-flop IEN can be set or cleared by program instructions, allowing
the programmer to choose whether to use the interrupt facility.
When IEN is cleared, the interrupt request is neglected by the CPU.
The most familiar means of entering information into a computer is through a typewriter-
like keyboard that allows a person to enter forming operations at very high speed. When
input information is transferred to the processor via a slow keyboard, the processor will be
idle most of the time while waiting for the information to arrive. To use a computer
efficiently, a
1. Interface, . 11 .-. 2 I.-O.. (2024). 11-1 Peripheral Devices.