ANSI B133.1M-1983 Gas Turbine Terminology(OCR)
ANSI B133.1M-1983 Gas Turbine Terminology(OCR)
ANSI B133.1M-1983 Gas Turbine Terminology(OCR)
United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017
:: \
This StandOlrd will be revised when the SocietY approves the issuance of a new edition. No addenda
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COI)yr'9hl © 1984 by
All R.c;nn R .. ",rvt'd
PriM fffi In U S ".\
The purpose of the BI33 Gas Turbine Procurement Standard is to provide guidance and
criteria to facilitate preparation of gas turbine procurement specifications. This Standard
will also facilitate response to such specifications.
This Standard provides essential information for the procurement of gas turbine power
plants. It applies to open cycle, closed cycle, and se:ni-c1osed cycle gas turbines for indus-
trial. marine. and electric power applications. Auxiliaries needed for proper operation are
covered. Not included are gas turbines applied to earth moving machines, agricultural and
industrial-type tractors. automobiles. trucKs, buses, and aeropropulsion units.
For gas turbines using unconventional or special heat sources (such as: chemical
processes, nuclear reactors, furnaces, or supercharged boilers). this Standard may be used
as a basis for procurement, but appropriate modifications may be necessary.
The intent of this Standard is to cover the normal requirements of the majority of
applications. recognizing that economic trade-offs and reliability implications may differ in
some applications. The user may desire to add to, delete from. or modify tbe requirement:;
in this Standard to meet specific needs in the preparation of his own procurement
specification. .
The purpose of this section of the Standard is to provide a comprehensive, alphabetical
list of technical te:-ms pertinent to the B 133 series of gas turbine standards.
Suggestions for improvement of this Standard will be welcome.. They should be sent to
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th
Street, New York. N.Y. 10017.
American National Standard B133.1 was approved by the B133 Standards Committee
and tinal approval by the American National Standards Institute was granted on September
23. 1983.
Procurement Standards for Gas Turbines
(The foilowI09 is the rOSIer of the Commil~ at the time 01 appt'oval of this Standard)
A. A. Hafer. Chairman
W. R. Oaisak. Secretary
J. P. Zanyk. Dow ChemICal Company. freeport. Teus
L T. Brinson. Turbodyne COtP~ St. Cloud. Minnesota
R. A. Harmon. Consu/rant. Latham. New York
ANSI 8133. 1M. 1983
increases the pressure of the working fluid or a driven ignition temperature. r:ue of burning. or other prop-
piece of equipment that increases gas pressure erty. ":'1,' ,
comprl!ssor lurbinl! - refers to the turbine, which flash point ~ the lowest temperature at which a heated
drives the compr-cssor(s) in a muki--shaft sys'-C:m oil will generate enough vapor to ignite momentarily
(i.e., nash) on application of a name under specified
contaminants (in gas turbinl!jul!ls)- those substances
in the fuel which can cause interruption or degrada-
tion of a turbine system's performance or can result joam-
in high maintenance of the system (a) a light frcxhy mass of fine bubbles in or on the
surface of a liquid
control systl!m - this includes starting control s.vs-
tl!ms, governor and fuel control SySll!TTU, alarm and (b)a stabilized froth produced chemically or me-
shutdown systems, speed indicator(s}, gauges, electri- chanically and used especially in fighting oil fires
cal power supply controls and any other controls fo"cl!d outage - a malfunction that prevents the gas
necessary for the onkrly startup. ·stable operation. turbine power plant from carrying out its intended
monitoring of operation, shutdown, warning. orshut- operation between scheduled maintenance
down for abnormal <:onditions or a combination of
the p-re<:eding items jUl!i governor valve - a device operating as a final
device controlling the fuel input to the.gas turbine
crudl!oil-petroleum in a natural state as it issucs from
the ground; not altered. refined, or prepared for use NOTE: Otbcr mcam 0( c:ontroUiD, the rue! now to the turbine a~
·ckad band - the total range through which an input
ju~1 oil- any liquid or liquefiable petroleum product
can be varied with no resulting measurable corrective
action of the fuel flow controller. In the case of speed, burned for the generation of heat in a furnace or
<kad-band is expressed in percent of rated speed. firebox. 0(' for the generation of power in an engine,
exclusive of oils with a flash point below 1000 F (38° C)
decibl!l- a ratio used in sound power measurement and oils burned in cotton or wool wick burners
(see sound Il!vel and sound pressurl! Il!w/)
juel SlOp valve - a device which, when actuated, shuts
<unsity - the mass (weight) of a volume of a sub- off all fuel flow to the combustion system
stance: e.g., kg! m}, Ib! ft l
gas generato,.-an assembly of gas turbine compo-
d~lJusu-a device for J:l:ducing the Yelocity and nents that produces heated, prcssurized gas to a
increasing the static PfeSS\H'C of a fluid passing through pr~s or to a multi-shaft gas tlH"bine. It consists of
a system one 0(' mere rotating tom pressors, thermal device(s)
associated with the working fluid, and one or more
distil/atl! - the prod uct obtained by condensing the: compressor driving turbines, a control system, and
vapors from a still: e.g., kerosene,<i~sel fuel, and No. essential auxiliary equipment (sometimes called a
2 Fuel Oil from distillation of petroleum gasifw:r).
drifl-Iong term variation in instrumentation Ol"con- gas hydrall!s - white solid compounds formed by the
trol output while input or rekrence signal remains union of water with methane; propane, and other com-
constant ponents of natural gas [these may be formed at tem-
l!Vaporati\'1! cookr - a device for cooling the: wori:ing peratures as high as 60° f' {15.6° C) or more, depend-
ing on gas pressure]
fluid, usually prior to com~ssion. The cooling is
achieved by evaporation of the water whi<:h is adlkd gas turbinl! -a machine that converts thcrmalenergy
to the worlcing fluid in the coo\cr into mechanical work. It consists of one or several
rotating compressors, a thermal device(s) that heats
I!:rhaust hl!a( rl!Cotuy boiler- a heat exchanger in
the working fluid, one Ol" several turbines, a control
....·hich exhaust thermal energy is transferred to the
system. and essential auxiliary equipment. Any heat
working Ouid of another cycle (e.g .. steam cycle)
exchangers (excluding exhaust heat recovery ex-
/1ammahle - used to describe a combustible: material ch?-ngers) in the main working nuid circuit shall be
that ignites very easily. burns imensi\"dy. or has a considered to be part of the gas turbine.
r.lpld rate of l1amespread. Flu m mah/t' is used in a Examples of systems involving gas turbines are
general sense withou! reference to specific limits 01 shown in Fig. I.
gas lurbin~ pow~r planl- a gas turbine and all es- perature of the gas turbine working nuid between
sential equipment necessary for the production of stages of compression
power in a useful form
keros~n~ - a refined petroleum distillate having a
gov~rning system -control elements and devices for nash point not below IOOOF (3ro as determined by
the control of critical parameters such as speed, tem- the Abel tester (see ASTM 01655 and 03699)
perature, pressure, and power output (.J,riT'! )
lamp black - a fine bulley duD-black soot deposited in
guid~ van~s - vanes (fixed or movable) immediately incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials and
preceding a compressor impeller to establish preswirl used chiefly as a pigment
direction and intensity
maintenance - maintenance is a general tenn used
h~at content - see heal value herein to describe a combination of duties performed
to ensure that the gas turbine or gas turbine power
heat of combustion - see heat value
plant will be kept in good operating condition- These
heat rate - the unit heat consumption of the gas tur- duties include work usually performed in the follow-
bine, expressed in BTU per kilowatt-hour or horse- ing sequence:
power-hour (JcJ per kW·tt or hp-ttr) based on the Inspection is the examination performed to deter-
low heat value of the fuel. This may apply also to a test mine the extent of replacement or repair which may be
fuel [su standard operating conditions, (c) and (d»
. . .. _---_..
heat value - total heat liberated by complete combus-
- . necessary.
(iJ) replenishments: Te?1.c::is"'-e::t ref:!! to ~lacir.g
tion of a unit of fuel . consumable items such as fllter elements
(a) The high heat value is the total heal released per (b) minor repair or replacement: minor repair or re-
unit mass of fuel burned, expressed in Btu/Ibm placement is done when such action will return the unit
(kJ/kg). to operable condition
(b) The low heat value is the high heat value less the (c) overhaul: at overhaul all parts that have in-
heat absorbed by the vaporized water formed during adequate remaining life (or the planned service are
combustion, expressed in 8tu/lbm (kJ/kg). replaced, based upon a balance of economics, avaita,;,
bility, and reliability .
(c) The two heat values can be obtained for constant
volume or constant pressure, respectively, the differ- manufactured gas - a combustible gaseous mixture
ence being rather small. made from coal. coke, or petroleum products
(d) The high heat value for constant volume is ob-
tained using a bomb calorimeter. The low heat value manufacruur - company producing the gas turbine
for constant pressure is used in the steady flow com- or the gas turbine power plant
bustion process. maximum continuous speed - the upper limit of the
hydrocarbon oils- continuous operating speed of the power turbine
(a) ·oils containing compoundS composed only of minimum fuel limiter - a device by means of which
hydrogen and carbon the speed governing system can be prevented from re-
(b) oils derived from petroleum or coal, or both, ducing the fuel flow below the minimum for which the
that contain predominantly hydrocarbon compounds device is set, as required to prevent unstable com-
but also contain small amounts of chemically com- bustion or blowout of the flame
bined sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, vanadium. or other
multi-shaft gas turbine - a gas turbine in which the
compressor(s) and associated driving turbine(s) are
impe/l~r - the rotating part of a compressor or pump not all mechanically coupled. It also covers cases
having blades, lobes, or the like for increasing total (sometimes known as a two shaft or split shaft tur-
pressure in a fluid medium bine) in which the worki'lg fluid continues through
another turbine having a separate shaft from which
inspection - see maintenanc~
output power is derived, this being usually referred to
intercooled cycle - a gas turbine employing cooling of as the power turbine.
the worlcing fluid between stages of successive com-
pression multi-spool gas turbine - a multi-shaft gas turbine
usually closely coupled. with coaxial shafts. and with-
intercoo{t!f - a heat exchanger that reduces the tem- out intercooling or reheat
naphtha - a series of volatile. colorless liquids ob- rated spud - the speed of the gas turbine output sh3ft
tained from petrokum. used as soh'ems in the manu- at rated power
facture of paint and varnish. as cleaning fluids. as
rated turbine temperature - the manufacturer's stated
components in motor gasoline. and which may be used
turbine temperature. This may refer to the turbine
as a gas turbine fuel
inlet. exhaust, or gas generator exhaust. referenced to
natural gas - gaseous Corm of petroleum consisting of a specific operational mode.
methane with smaller amounts of ethane. propane.
regenuati\'e cycle - a gas turbine employing exhaust
butane. and traces of heavier hydroClrbons plus traces
heat recovery in the thermodynamic cycle consisting of
of gaseous impurities. such as hydrogen sulftde, nitro-
successive compression. regenerative heating. com-
gen. or carbon dioxide
bustion. expansion. and regenerative cooling (he:lt
open cycle - a cycle in which the working fluid ente~ transfer from the exhaust to the compressor discharge
the gas turbine from the atmosphere and discharges fluid) of the working fluid
into the atmosphere
regenerator or recuperator - a heat exchanger that
operational modes-{see ANSI B I3J.6-Gas Turbine transfers heat from the exhaust gas to the working
Ratings and Performance) fluid before it enters the combustion chamber
overhaul- see maintenance reheat cycle - a gas turbine in which additional ther-
mal energy is added to the workiQg fluid bctwe:n
ovuspeed trip - a device that actuates the overspeed
stages of expansioQ
protection system when the turbine teaches the speed
for which the device is set (a safety element) reheater - a device that adds additional thermal en-
ergy to tbe working fluid between turbine stages
overtemperature detector - the primary sensing ele-
ment. wh~h is directly responsive to temperature and reliability - the probability, expressed in percentage,
which actuates, through suitable amplifiers or conver- of successfully completing the -intended operating
ters. the overtemperature protection system when the function
turbine temperature ~aches the value Cor which the
repair, minor - see maintenance
device is set (a safety element)
replenishment - see maintenance
oxidation stability - in petroleum products, this is the
resistance to permanent chan~ in properties caused ~idual components - portions of a petroleum mate-
by exposu~ to oxygen. The rate of oxidation ac- rial (usually fuel oil) with high boiling temperatures
~!erates with increasing temperature and the pt"CSCRCC that remain after distillation
{or not) of catai~ts.
umi-cloud cyck - a cycle utilizing combustion in a
pour point - the lowest temperature at which an oil working fluid that is partiallyrecirc:ulated and partially
wiU pour or flow under specified l.est conditions excitanged with atmospheric air
pruooler - a heat exchanger or evaporative cooler simple cycle - a gas turbine employing a thennody-
that reduces the temperature of the working fluid namic cycle consisting only of successive compres-
before initial compression sion. combustion, and expansion
rdted power. gas generator -the power represented single shalt gas turbine-a gas turbine in which the
by the reversible adiabatic expansion of the gas compressor and turbine rotors are mechanically cou-
generator exhaust flow to atmospheric pressure when pled and the power is taken out either directly or
it is operated at rated turbioc t~mperature. rated con- through gearing
ditions of inlet temperature, inlet pressure. and exhaust
smoke - the gaseous products of burning carbona-
ceous materials made visible by the presence of small
raled power, gas tur~iTU! power plant- the power particles oC unburned or partially burned solids
developed by the gas turbine power plant at the output
soot - the black powder, formed during combustion.
shaft coupling for mechanical drive. or generator
that adheres to the sides of the chimney or colors the
terminals for electric power generation. when it is
combustion gases to form smoke
operated at rated turbine temperature. rated speed.
and rated conditions of inlet temperature. inlet pres- sound //:'\'/:'/ - expressed in decibels. it is 20 times the
sure, and exhaust pressure logarithm (0 the base 10 of the ratio of a weighted
sound pressure to the reference sound pressure of 20 produced by the speed governing system. :ne the dif-
microp3scals. The weighted sound pressure is that ference between the magnitude of sustained oscilla-
pressure me3sured with a sound level meter using the tions existing with the speed governing system in
C. B. or A weighting network. service and those existing with the speed system and
temperature control system made safely inoperativc~
so lind pressure le"d - expressed in decibels. it is 20
times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the speed limiter - a device that prevents the speed
sound pressure to the reference sound pressure of 20 changer from moving in the direction to increase speed
micropascals. This is not a weighted sound pressure. or power output beyond the position for which the
but it is that pressure measured in a specific fre- device is set
quency range such as an octave band. In this standard
standard atmosphere - a standard atmosphere is rep-
octave bands are designated by their geometric center
resented by air at a . temperature of 5~F (15°C). a
barometric pressure of 14.696- psia (1.01325 bar.
specific gravity- 101.4024 kPa), and a relative humidity of 60%
(a) the ratio of the weights of equal volumes of two
substances. one of which is taken as a standard
I: standard operating conditio~- gas turbine ratings
shall be composed using the following assumptions:
(denominator in ratio). Water is generally the standard
(a) standard atmosphere at com~~_Qr iolet (total
for solids and liquids and air is generally the standard
pressure and temperature) and at the!!!rbine exb~!!!!. .
for gases.
flange (static pressure) ,.
(bj API gra.ity is t~e scale normally used for
(b) cOoling water temperature. if used for cooling
petroleum liquids, based on the formula:
the working fluid. of 5CJO F (ISO C)
(c) standard gas fuel (CH.-Methane) with a H/C
. 141.5
° API G ravtty = -131.5 weight ratio of 0.333. a low heat value of21,520 Btu/lb
Sp. Gr. @ 6O"F(l5.6°C)
(50,056 kl/kg). a' high heat. value of 23.991 Btu/lb
speed changer - a devi~ by means of which the speed (55,804 kJ / kg), and a density at standard atmospberic
governing system is adjusted to change the speed or conditions of 0.04165 Ibj ftl (0.6672 kgl mJ )
power output of the turbine during operation (d) standard oil fuel (CH •. 6IW -distillate) with a H/C
weight ratio of (0.1417), a low heat value of 18,057
speed governing stability - speed governing stability Btuilb (42,000 kJ/kg), a high heat value of 19,183
is the capability of the speed governing system to posi- Btuflb (44,620 kJ/kg), and a density at standard
tion the turbine fuel control valve so that sustained atmospheric conditions of 56.52 1b/fe (906 kg/m l )
oscillations in turbine speed or energy input to the
turbine are not produced by the speed governing sys- starr - a normal sequence of events that brings the gas
tem during operation under sustained load or follow- turbine to a specified operating condition such as:
ing a change to a new sustained load. (a) disengagement of starting equipment
Sustained oscillations of: (b) attainment of a preselected rotational speed
(a) turbine speed. for isolated operation under sus- (cJ increase in turbine gas temperature to a pre-
tained load. or selected value
(b) energy input. for parallel operation- with a (d) closure of generator circuit breaker
power system. or
steady-state incremental speed regulation - the
(e) energy input. for parallel operation- with a
steady-state incremental speed regulation, based on
constanc voltage direct current power system.
zero dead band, at ·a. given steady-state speed and
power output is the rate of change of the steady-state
sp~ed with respect to the power output. It is the slope
°In C;l$C of p:lral1cl opcr.uion wilh an allemaling currenl po_r of the tangent to the steady-state speed versus power
syslem of olher Ihan COIUt3nt Cr.:quency. energy i~vut changes output curve at the point of power output under con-
Ih:ll corn:spond 10 \'analions in Ihe power syslem frequency and
10 Ihe Incr.:mcnt31 speed n:gul:l'tion of Ihe speed go,"erning s~'stem
sideration. It is the difference in steady-state speed, for
covcrcd by Ihis public:lllOn ar.:e."ludcd in dClcrmining Ihe speed any two points on the tangent. divided by the
govcrnlng 'lablliIY. Simi~rl~·. In thc C:lS<: of rarallel opcr.llion corresponding differf'nce in power output. and is
"llh:l dtrcct<urrcnl pu"cr ,,'slcm of olhcr th:ln constanl ,"olt:l!!e.
ener~\" Input ch"n~c, thaI corrc'pond to thc ",lta~c n:gul:lllon or
expressed as a fracti(Jn of the rated power output. For
the f","cr "'tem ~n: e.eluded In detcrmlntng thc 'I"'cd gU\crnlnl!! the basis of comparison. the several points of power
output at which the values of steady-state incremental
speed regulation are derived are based upon rated control system and speed governing system made
speed being obtained at each point of power output. safely inoperati\le.
steady-state spud regulation - the steady-state speed lMrmol ~fficienC,l' - the ntio of the net power out-
regulation is the change in steady-stMe speed. ex- put to the heat consumption based on the low heat
pressed in percent of rated speed, when the power value of the fuel
output of the turbine is gradually reduced from rated
·th~rmal slability - in petroleum products. tbis is the
power output to zero powet' output with identical
resistance to permanent changes in properties caused
settings of all adjustments of the speed governing sys-
solely by heat
tem, and with the turbine operating at .standard
operating conditions lurbin~ - the term. when used alone. refers to one of
the sections only. It is that component of the gas tur-
steam and waur injeclion -steam or water. or both.
bine which produces power from expansion of the
injected into the working fluid to increlse the power
working fluid.
output or to reduce the oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
content in the exhaust. or both . /urbin~ inl~1 lemp~raluu - the flow weighted mean
total temperature of the working fluid relative to a
sup~rYisory equipm~nt-equipment employed to
stationary plane immediately upstream of the first
monitor and control the gas turbine and driven load
stage rotor blades .
from·a remote location by means of a communication
link lurbin~ nozz/~ - an arrangement of stationary blades
for dir~g the now oi gas into a turbine wheel
surfaclancs - compounds. e.g•• soaps. which dissolve
in liquids and lower their surface tension. thus in- turbiM trip sp~ed - the speed at which the indepen-
creasing the tendency of the liquid to form emulsions dent emergency overspeed device operates to shut off
or to wet specific solid surfaces fuel to the gas turbine
lar - a dark brown or black viscous liquid. usually lurbin~ wh~~/- the rotary component of the turbine
odorous. obtained by destructive distillation of wood. stage, which consists of a series of blades or buck~ts
coal. or peat through which the fluid flows. May be of the axial,
radial.., or mixed flow type.
temp~racur~ control siability - temperature control
stability is the capability of the temperature control us~r -~mpany ()(' organization operating the gas tur-
system to position the turbine fuel control valve so that bine power plant
sustained oscillations in turbine energy input to the
unsaluraud hydrocarbons - hydrocarbon compounds
load are not produced by the temperature control
that have the capability of combining chemically with
system during operation nnder constant system
more hydrogen
Sustained oscillations of: variabk gwmetry - the capability of adjusting one or
(a) energy input, for paraUeI operation with a more elements of some gas turbine aerodynamic com-
constant frequency alcerna.ting-current power system. ponent to change the performance characteristics of
or that compon<:nt. such as variable power turbine
{b) energy input, for parallel opera!lon with a
constant-voltage direct-cum:nt power system, viscosity - the rru:asun: of internal friction in a gas or
liquid. i.e., its resistance to flow
produced by the t~mperature control system. are the
differenCe between the magnitude of the SWitained working fluid - gaseous medium that undergoes the
oscillations existing 'vic:t the ~mperature control sys- principal thermodynamic processes during the operat-
t<:m in service and those c:xisting with the temperatur~ ing cycle
Combustion chamber
1 I
L _J
(al Simp" Cycle Single Shaft G. Turbine
Combustion chamber l
I If
I turbine
I Com!)f'essor
(hI Multi-Shaft or Two Shaft G. Turbine With SePl'nrte Po_ Turbine
Icl R~.tjy. Of' Reco.operwti-te eyc" Sin;" SNtt G. Turbine
r - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---,
ComOuscion eh~
I turtliN!
I Intercooler
j LP.
L. P. Compressor
I l
j Comprn.,r
'e' BIMd Gas Turbine
I' I
I Recupera!Of
I sour~ Hea!
L Pre-cooler
,- Turbine
I Combustion chamber
.1 .....-+---. I
L__ _ I
(v) Semi·CICHe<I Cycle Gas Turbine