SAP_Creating Migration Projects
SAP_Creating Migration Projects
SAP_Creating Migration Projects
You use migration projects to facilitate the transfer of data from a source system to SAP
S/4HANA Cloud. You use a migration project to specify the data that you want to
transfer, and to monitor the status of the migration.
Typically, you first create a project in a test system. The more the data in the test
system resembles the data in the production system, the more precise your test will be.
For each test transfer, you create a new migration project in the test system that
includes any corrections or refinements identified in the previous test. When you are
finally ready to transfer your data to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud production system, you
create a project in the production system.
1. In the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, access the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit
by choosing the Migrate Your Data - Migration Cockpit app in the Fiori
2. The Migration Project screen opens. Choose Create. The system displays
the New Migration Project screen. Creating a project involves two steps. In the
first step you specify general data for the project. In the second step you select
the relevant migration objects.
4. If you are using files to fill the staging tables with data, choose the option Local
SAP S/4HANA Database in the Database Connection field. The system will
generate the staging tables in the internal schema of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud
system. If you want to fill the staging table with data by using your preferred
tools, select the option Remote SAP HANA Database and enter a valid
database connection to the remote SAP HANA schema (SAP HANA Cloud
instance on SAP Business Technology Platform) or choose one from the search
help list. The system will generate the staging tables there. You need to create a
database connection by creating a communication arrangement for
communication scenario SAP_COM_0678 (Migration Cockpit Integration). You
can do this by using the Communication Arrangements Fiori app. Note that
you can also use files to fill the staging tables with data if you choose this option.