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Unit 6 Extension Activities

himself / herself. The student who guesses

The Animal Band correctly comes up and reads the next piece of
Activity 1
Activity 4
Story Sentences
Directions: Copy the following text on the Make a Flute
board: Materials: Corrugated cardboard, straws (8 per
student), paint, plasticine.
We have got several pets at home. I have got Preparation: Flutes: For each student: Cut a
a snake. My mum and I have got two rabbits. rectangle from cardboard (20 x 8 cm).
My sister has got a spider. My brother has got Directions: Distribute corrugated cardboard
three dogs. My dad has got a turtle. and straws. Ask students to cut the straws into
different lengths and seal the bottom of each
Have students copy the text into their straw with a piece of plasticine. Then have
them insert the straws into alternate openings

Photocopiable © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2011

notebooks and illustrate it.
in the corrugated cardboard, from longest to
Activity 2 shortest. Encourage students to paint their
flutes with fun designs.
Animal Quiz
Materials: Non fiction and fairy tale stories
about animals.
Directions: Bring to class fairy tale stories in
which the main characters are animals.
Divide the class into two teams. Ask teams
questions about what the animals from the
story can and can’t do in real life: Can a donkey
swim? Yes, it can. Can a donkey fly? No, it
can’t. Award teams one point for every correct
answer. The team with the most points wins the
game. Play the game again, but this time have
Activity 5
students ask the questions.
I Can Booklets
Materials: Paper (4 pieces per student),
Activity 3 construction paper, stapler.
I Can, I Like, I Have Got Directions: Distribute paper. Ask students
Materials: Scraps of paper. to draw four things they can do, each on a
Directions: Distribute scraps of paper. Help different piece of paper. Have them write a
students write sentences about what they sentence describing what they can do at the
can do, what they like and something about bottom of each page: I can read. Provide
their appearance. I can run. I like dogs. I have vocabulary as needed. Then have students
got brown hair. Collect the pieces of paper. make a book cover from construction paper
Choose one at random and read it aloud. Have and staple the pages together. Write the
the class guess who is describing title I can on the cover. Divide the class into

All Around 1 - Animals All Around

Unit 6 Extension Activities

groups. Have students show their books to the and which are make-believe.
members of their groups. Language Links: Have students look at the
scenes in the stories and explain why they are
Activity 6 real or make-believe: The pig in the story can
build a house. Real pigs can’t build houses.
Water Bells
Materials: Different -sized glasses and glass
jars, water, pencils.
Activity 4
Directions: Pour different levels of water into Make-Believe Animal Riddles
glasses and glass jars. Strike each glass and Materials: Blue and white construction paper
have students help you line them up from (2 sheets per student), glue.
lowest sounding to highest sounding. Invite Directions: Distribute materials. Tell students
students to come up and experiment with to fold blue construction paper in half to make
striking the jars to produce a tune. a card. Ask them to cut two slits 2 cm apart
on the fold to make a tab and press the tab
through to the inside. Have students write a

Photocopiable © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2011

Dolphins are Special! riddle to describe a make-believe animal on
the front of their blue construction paper.
Then ask students to draw a make-believe
Activity 1 animal on a piece of white construction paper
Draw and Write and cut it out. Have them glue the left side of
Materials: Animal reference books. their cutout animal to the tab. Tell students to
Directions: Divide the class into pairs and write the name of their animals on the inside of
give each pair an animal reference book. Ask the card.
students to draw a picture of an animal and
write facts about their animal to share with the

Activity 2
Venn Diagram
Directions: Have students draw a Venn
diagram in their notebooks to compare two
animals they like.

Activity 3
Language Links: Have students take turns
Real or Make-believe? reading their riddles:
Materials: Nonfiction and fairy tale stories A: She can talk. She can sweep the floor. She
about animals. can make orange juice. Who is it?
Directions: Display books and have students B: It’s the (Little Red Hen).
read the titles. Ask them to predict from the
cover whether the book is about real or make- If student B guesses correctly, have student
believe events. Show students pictures from A show the picture inside his or her card and
the stories and discuss which scenes are real student B come up and read his or her riddle.

All Around 1 - Animals All Around

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