groups. Have students show their books to the and which are make-believe.
members of their groups. Language Links: Have students look at the
scenes in the stories and explain why they are
Activity 6 real or make-believe: The pig in the story can
build a house. Real pigs can’t build houses.
Water Bells
Materials: Different -sized glasses and glass
jars, water, pencils.
Activity 4
Directions: Pour different levels of water into Make-Believe Animal Riddles
glasses and glass jars. Strike each glass and Materials: Blue and white construction paper
have students help you line them up from (2 sheets per student), glue.
lowest sounding to highest sounding. Invite Directions: Distribute materials. Tell students
students to come up and experiment with to fold blue construction paper in half to make
striking the jars to produce a tune. a card. Ask them to cut two slits 2 cm apart
on the fold to make a tab and press the tab
through to the inside. Have students write a
Activity 2
Venn Diagram
Directions: Have students draw a Venn
diagram in their notebooks to compare two
animals they like.
Activity 3
Language Links: Have students take turns
Real or Make-believe? reading their riddles:
Materials: Nonfiction and fairy tale stories A: She can talk. She can sweep the floor. She
about animals. can make orange juice. Who is it?
Directions: Display books and have students B: It’s the (Little Red Hen).
read the titles. Ask them to predict from the
cover whether the book is about real or make- If student B guesses correctly, have student
believe events. Show students pictures from A show the picture inside his or her card and
the stories and discuss which scenes are real student B come up and read his or her riddle.