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A self group is hear by formed for the youths born/residing in Mayoni ward.The name shall be MAYONI


Mission statement

To use a practical approach to help the youths of Mayoni ward realize their full potential, increase
income and reduce poverty through partnership with individual, self group and other stakeholders who
share our vision.


1.To develop partnership with private and public self groups

2.To act as advocate for community empowerment across the ward and even beyond

3.To help/assist members in times of difficulties such as school fees, marriage celebrations and death of
immediate family member.(self,father, mother & child)

4.To develop programs to improve the Living standards of youths across the ward

5.To educate/Create awareness and train members on technical skills and entrepreneurship so that they
can become productive members of society.

6.To provide furum for sharing meaningful life experiences and best practices

7.To link members to other self groups of similar interests and job market

8.To influence development projects in the ward


Members of the self group shall be open to:

a)Youths born/residing in Mayoni ward and who are below 35years

b)The Mayoni Youths Self empewerement Executive , through the treasurer shall have powers to
establish a membership subscription fee of ksh.200 to each member joining.After payment,the member
shall considered fully registered and part of self group

Every registered member shall pay monthly subscription fee of ksh.50

c)During Annual General Meeting, members shall determine/terminate membership of members who
seems to violet the group rules.

d)Any member desiring to resign from the group shall submit his/her resignation letter to the
secretary,which shall be approved by executive and shall take effect from the date of receipt by the
secretary of such notice.

NOTE:Any person that resigns or removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of his or
her subscription or money contributed by him/her anytime.



a)The policy, activities and management of the group affairs shall be directed by executive which shall
meet not less than four times a year and shall consist of not less than five members and meet two third
gender rule.

b)The executive shall consist of Chairperson,vice chairperson, treasurer, secretary and welfare chair who
shall serve for two years term limit.Four members of executive shall constitute the quorum.Chairperson
and vice chairperson MUST be of opposite gender.

c)At the 2nd Annual General Meeting,the self group shall elect the governing council in (a)
above.Elecrion board shall be selected among the members one week before AGM,and shall constitute
three officials selected by members.Election shall be conducted hrough secret ballot.

d)The Executive may/shall appoint special committee or sub-committee to execute some functions
whenir need arise and that committee shall report back to executive as soon as possible.

e) Minutes shall be taken by secretary and shall contain of all proceedings , resolutions and decisions.

f) Communication of self group shall be made by Secretary but by approval of Chairperson.Name of the
chairperson and secretary shall appear to any notice made by the group.

g)Members can/shall recall or dismiss any of executive member of group upon violation of rules,
misconduct, incompetence and other constitutional grounds.In such a case when complain arise from
one of the member and supported by a third of members,a special committee consisting of four
members of disciplinary committee shall be conveyed to look into the matter and present their report
within one week of presentation.The final decision shall be made by the members who will vote two
days after disciplinary committee presentation.A person shall cease office after a vote by two third of
the members .

h) Disciplinary committee shall consist of Chairperson,Vice chairperson and two selected members
within the self group.

I) Members who have served in previously can still vie for any interested positions and re-elected upon
laps of their term.



1.Shall be the head of the self group

2.Preside over the group meetings

3.Dismiss any member found disobeying the rules after effective procedures has been followed

4.Focusing the group on strategic matters

5.Overseeing the group businesses and setting high standard governance.


1.Shall help the chairman in executing his/her functions

2.Shall be the chief advisor of the chairman


1.Shall write and keep records of the meetings.


1.Shall collect, keep/store group finances and financial records


1.Shall lead, carry out contributions meant to help members in times of difficulties.

a)The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a such a time and such a place the association executive
shall determine.The meeting shall be held in December before 25th .

b)At least 21 clear days notice of the meeting shall be given in writing by the secretary to each
member.At such meeting the business shall include:

1.The consideration of the Annual report by executive; Financial reports

2.Reflections of self group achievements and citing better ways of improvement.


a) Meetings shall be presided over by chairperson or in his/her absence any member of executive shall

b) Chairperson in his/her own wisdom shall limit number of persons permitted to speak in any given
issue under discussion

c) Resolutions shall be decided by simple voting by a show of hands.Incase of equality,the chairperson

shall decide.

d)The quorum of the meeting will be one third of members and if not,the meeting shall not be held.



a)All monies raised on behalf of self group shall be applied to further the objectives of the association.
(chapter 1b)

bThe financial year of shall run from 1rst January to 31rst December.

c)The self group accounts shall be audited by selected member of group and shall submit/publish their
report to members in every financial quarter of the year.The Auditor shall be selected by members.

d)The signatories of the account shall be any three of the following:the chairperson ,treasurer and any
of the office member authorized by members.

a) Membership monthly subscription fee,ksh.50

b) Membership registration free,ksh.100

c) Revenue earned from investments

d)Fund raising activities and donations

e)Any other sources as approved by members



The strength of the self group is measured using the confidence of the rules.

The following rules will and shall apply to every member of the group.Any member who will violet,shall
be subjected to removal/termination/punshment as stated in chapter 2.

a)Persons shall become a member after paying registration fee

b)Any person who is not a member shall not enjoy group support or fully participate in association

c) Members shall respect and give humble time to Association Executive member

d)Any member found trading with group name for his personal gain shall face disciplinary committee
and dismissal/termination proceedings take effect.

e)All members are equal irrespective of clan, position in society or any other qualifications.

f)Any member found talking ill to other member's , sharing unethical information or secret of the group
shall face punshment as stated in chapter 2.

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