New Constitution
New Constitution
New Constitution
25, 2012 Date of Amendments: ARTICLE I. NAME AND PURPOSE SECTION 1. Name: The name of this organization established by this constitution shall be the American Medical Student Association- Loyola University Chicago, Pre-Medical Chapter, hereafter referred to as AMSA-LUC. SECTION 2. Purpose: The purpose of this organization shall be to: A. Provide an environment that supports the creative ideas of physicians-intraining B. Promote, encourage, and maintain a cohesive relationship with the students and non-student organizations of Loyola University C. Serve as a forum for discussion of health issues and develop a policy agenda for physicians-in-training D. Affect change in the medical education process and to make it more responsive to the needs of student and society E. Maintain its status as an independent organization F. Maintain its primary identity as an organization for physicians-in-training G. Promote and maintain programs which enhance the quality of health care in the community H. Be financially independent and maintain a stable financial base I. Continue to develop health-care leadership J. Seek, develop, and provide membership services to the physicians-in-training community K. Increase knowledge of health information among members and the general public L. Periodically evaluate the above purposes and ensure that they are carried out in a proper fashion SECTION 3. Affiliations: This organization shall be affiliated with the National American Medical Student Association. AMSA-LUC is governed by AMSA laws and its own. Pre-medical AMSA chapters will meet with AMSA once a year at the Annual Convention. The American Medical Student Association is located at the following address:
1902 Association Dive Reston, VA 20191 1-703-620-5873 National dues are optional for local members, although strongly encouraged for acceptance into medical school. If local members decide to become national members of the American Medical Student Association, as well, national dues can be paid, and registration obtained, at with a one-time fee of $75.00, allowing membership of all years as a pre-medical student. ARTICLE II. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT SECTION 1. Non-Discrimination Statement: No student is to be excluded from membership or participation on the basis of his or her race, color, genetic information, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, veterans status, marital status, political affiliation or physical, mental or medical disability unrelated to the purpose of the organization. Discriminatory behavior regarding organizational activities or the actions of members is a violation of University policy and may be addressed by the University as inappropriate. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. Requirements for Membership: Membership in this organization is open to all Loyola University Chicago students. A. Anyone may become a member who: 1. 2. Is a student at Loyola University Chicago Is an interested community member
B. Active members shall consist of all members who have fulfilled the membership requirements: 1. Have paid the required dues of $20.00 per year. These dues are determined by the officers of AMSALUC and are subject to change by the executive board. 2. LUC events. 1. Points are given for: a. Academic Events/ General Meetings b. Committee Meetings c. Community Service Events d. Fellowship Events Have accrued a minimum of twenty (20) points, based on the discretion of the current executive board, from attending various AMSA
2. These points are determined by the officers of AMSALUC and are subject to change by the executive board. C. Non-active members cannot vote on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Election or removal of officers. Election or removal of members. Amendments to the constitution. Financial matters.
D. No academic credit shall be offered for participation and/or membership in this organization. SECTION 2. Removal of Members: A. Grounds for removal of members may include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Violation of University Policy. Violation of the Code of Conduct/ Student Promise. Non-payment of dues, as stated in Article III, Section 1.B.1. Violation of attendance policy, as stated in Article III,
Section 1.B.2. B. A member may be removed by the following process: 1. A petition to remove the member should be submitted to the executive board. Such a petition must contain the signatures of at least 50% of active members. When such a petition is received, the President shall call a meeting of the organization to decide upon removal. 2. 3. 4. The grounds for removal are to be presented by the President The member in question shall be provided an opportunity to Voting is not to occur until after a presentation of the grounds at a regular or special meeting of the organization. present a defense either in person or in writing. and defense have been made. In order for a vote for removal to take place, at least 75% of the active members must attend the meeting and a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at that meeting is required for removal. SECTION 3. Appeal of Removal of Members: A. Members may appeal their removal, but the appeal must be made within 2 weeks of the vote for removal by requesting the President to call a special meeting of the organization. The President shall notify all members of this
meeting, which is to occur at least 2 weeks before and not more than 2 weeks after the appeal request is received by the President. B. The decision to repeal the vote for removal shall require at least 2/3 majority of the active membership to attend the meeting, and a 2/3 majority vote of the active members present at the special meeting. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS SECTION 1. Elected Officers: The officers of the executive board of this organization shall consist of the following: A. President B. Vice President C. Secretary D. Treasurer E. Sergeant at Arms F. Public Relations G. Community Outreach H. Campus Activities Network Representative I. Historian J. Any other positions the chapter wishes to create. This may be done at any time by a majority vote of the current executive board of the organization. SECTION 2. Qualifications for Holding Office: In order to be eligible to hold an office in this organization, the following qualifications must be met: A. The candidate must be an active student member of the organization. B. The candidate must have held membership in the organization for at least one (1) year. Only under special circumstances (class conflict, study abroad) can the (1) year prior rule be waived. Speak with the Sergeant at Arms immediately if this is the case. C. The candidate must meet with the executive board to understand the details of the desired position. SECTION 3. Elections: A. In order to run for an executive board position, a member: 1. 2. a. Must be active, as outlined in Article III, Section 1.B.2 Must be nominated, in one of two (2) ways: Special Executive Board Nomination: The executive board may nominate individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of being an AMSALUC general member. This
special nomination remains totally at the discretion of the current executive board and does not require a seconding. These special nominations are announced at a meeting three (3) weeks prior to elections. If the specially nominated member wants to run for an election/ accept the nomination, he or she must e-mail the Executive Board, at latest, two (2) weeks prior to election with their name and the positions (maximum of two (2)) for which they intend to run. i. nominated in this manner. b. General Nomination: Active members who want to run for an executive board position must e-mail the Executive Board, at latest, two (2) weeks prior to election with their name and the positions (maximum of two (2)) for which they intend to run. At a meeting a week before elections, the executive board will give general nominations (the names of those who submitted their e-mail on time). These nominations must be seconded during this meeting in order for a candidate to run for a position. Either a general or an executive member of AMSALUC may second a nomination vocally. i. A current executive board member wishing to run for a position must utilize this process. B. The candidate shall be nominated as stated above. Once a candidate has completed either of the above processes to gain nomination, they are now eligible to run for an executive board position. C. The officers of the organization shall be elected for a term of one year. D. There will be no restrictions placed on the number of terms of office a member may hold. E. Election meetings are to be held in April, where members will give speeches a maximum of two minutes followed by a number of questions, to be determined by the executive board based on the nature of the position and the time allotted to elections. F. Voting shall be taken by ballots, as decided by this organization. Current executive board members will count the ballots and determine the majority vote. Executive board members cannot vote for themselves, nor can they count ballots for which they are running. A current board member cannot be
G. Election to office will be by simple majority of the voting members present. H. In the event of a tie for a position, there will be a runoff election. 1. A simple majority is required to determine the winner. 2. Only the executive board will vote on the candidates. SECTION 4. Duties of the Officers: All officers must attend all executive board meetings and/or must attend all general meetings, create and lead a committee for the during for their term as an executive board member (except for the President and Vice President), hold the position in the best interest of the organization, and perform the duties listed below in a timely manner. A. The President shall be the principal executive officer and shall have the following duties: 1. 2. 3. committees. 4. To assist the treasurer in the preparation of a budget for his/her term of office by June 1 for the national budget and by the required dates, in accordance with Loyola University, for the local chapters budget. 5. president. 6. To serve as a chapter delegate to the Premedical Caucus at AMSAs National Annual Convention each March (or select a surrogate if unable to attend) 7. 8. 9. campus. 10. Region 2. 11. To oversee all AMSALUC members activity and participation. To work closely with our Premedical Regional Director for To approve of all programming, events, and guests speakers. To work closely with our Kaplan representative. To coordinate any collaboration with other organizations on To carry out assignments and instructions to the office of the To preside at all general, executive, and special meetings of To call special meetings of the organization, when required. To appoint committee chair people, subject to the approval of the organization.
To maintain the AMSALUC locker. To perform re-registration of the organization. To appoint another executive board member to take over any
above listed duties in case of absence. B. The Vice President shall have the following duties: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To be an aide to the President To assume the duties of the President in case of the absence To serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the To oversee the coordination of all projects. To maintain the AMSALUC locker. To make any room reservation as needed. To appoint another executive board member to take over any
above listed duties in case of absence. C. The Secretary shall have the following duties: 1. To keep a record of all general, executive, and special meetings of the organization in order to provide the chapter with a record of issues discussed, problems raised, and of the people who participated in the group discussion for benefit of the chapter and its members. 2. 3. organization. 4. 5. 6. attended. 7. 8. 9. To have a substitute appointed that day by any member of the To maintain e-mail account. To appoint another executive board member to take over any executive board in case of absence. To handle all official correspondence of the organization. To recite or summarize the record of minutes for approval by To keep a current list of all active members, listing all events To keep a record of all activities of the organization. To keep and distribute minutes of each meeting of the
above listed duties in case of absence. D. The Treasurer shall have the following duties: 1. To keep a record of all financial records of the organization.
All receipts and invoices are to be kept in your possession at all times. a. Utilization of OrgSync as a record of invoices is optional. 3. 4. 5. and policies. 6. To present a budget and a tentative schedule of suggested fundraising activities for the finance of the chapter with approval needed by the president and the executive committee to the membership by June 1 for the national office budget and by the dates set by Loyola University for the local chapter budget. 7. chapter. 8. 9. 10. To see to day-to-day expenditures of the chapter. To make sure the chapter does not assess any liabilities. To see to the best of his/her abilities that money used on To oversee the fundraising committee on behalf of the To prepare and submit financial reports to the members. To prepare all budget requests for funds. To become familiar with University accounting procedures
behalf of the chapter is used wisely and in a manner that suits the purposes of the chapter. 11. 12. 13. To attend an SAF budget meeting each semester. To maintain the AMSALUC locker. To work closely with the Student Activities and Greek
Affairs (hereafter referred to as SAGA) and adhere to their policies for funding (these can be found at 14. To appoint another executive board member to take over any above listed duties in case of absence. E. The Sergeant at Arms shall have the following duties: 1. 2. 3. To call all local premedical meetings to order and shall To see to it that all activities taken by the chapter are in To see to it that all members are given a chance to speak and adjourn each said meeting. accordance with the laws of constitution. to be heard at general membership meetings.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
To supervise elections and see that they are carried out as set To issue a warning to any member with a lack of event To oversee the impeachment process. To maintain the AMSALUC locker. To appoint another executive board member to take over any
forth in the constitution in a fair and just manner. participation, including committee events.
above listed duties in case of absence. F. The Public Relations board member shall have the following duties: 1. To advertise all AMSALUC and Kaplan events via flyers, banners, Facebook, OrgSync, Twitter, the school calendar, and AMSALUC's official website ( 2. 3. To update the above with minutes, pictures, events, and To appoint another executive board member to take over any active rosters. above listed duties in case of absence. G. The Community Outreach board member shall have the following duties: 1. 2. members. 3. To appoint another executive board member to take over any above listed duties in case of absence. H. The Campus Activities Network Representative shall have the following duties: 1. campus. 2. monthly. 3. 4. To share concerns and/or needs to CAN board. To inform the executive board of relevant events that are To attend all CAN meetings when announced, usually To work with the Public Relations board member to advertise events and guest speakers to other organizations, groups, and classes on To form relationships with Chicago-land service venues. To provide information for volunteering opportunities to
being sponsored by other organizations so that this chapter can potentially co-sponsor events. 5. To appoint another executive board member to take over any above listed duties in case of absence.
I. The Historian shall have the following duties: 1. take photos. 2. 3. 4. To maintain the AMSALUC Facebook and Twitter accounts To upload photos to Facebook, Twitter, and OrgSync. To appoint another executive board member to take over any with the Public Relations board member. To attend a majority of the events/ guest speakers in order to
above listed duties in case of absence. SECTION 5. Vacancy of an Office: In the event a vacancy should occur in one of the elected offices, provisions must be provided to fill the vacancy. A. In the event of a vacancy in an office, other than the President, before the expiration of a full term, the President shall call a special election within 2 weeks to fill the vacancy. B. Until such a time the vacancy can be filled, another executive board member will be chosen to perform the duties of the vacant position, as well as the duties of their current position. C. The member thus elected by special election shall hold office until the next regular election. D. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President before the expiration of a full term, the Vice President shall ascend to the office of the President for the remainder of the term. E. Special Election of Officers: This can occur during mid-semester or winter break. The executive board will make known to the general membership that there is a vacancy for a given executive board position. Those interested in running for the position must e-mail the executive board to set up an interview. The current members of the executive board will conduct short interviews of all candidates privately. After all the interviews are completed, the executive board will nominate its new member via a simple majority vote. 1. In the event of a tie, give final vote to general membership in the next general meeting that follows. SECTION 6. Changes in Officers: All changes in officers shall be submitted to SAGA via OrgSync within two (2) weeks of such a change. SECTION 7. Removal of Officers: A. Grounds for removal of officers may include: 1. Violation of University Policy
2. 3. 1.
Violation of the Code of Conduct/ Student Promise Not fulfilling above outlined duties of board position A petition to remove the officer should be presented at an
B. An officer may be removed by the following process: executive board meeting. Such a petition must contain the signatures of at least 75% of executive board members. 2. organization. 3. The member in question shall be provided an opportunity to present a defense either in person or in writing to the SAGA Judiciary Board who will make the final verdict of removal. The grounds for removal are to be presented by any executive board member at a regular or special meeting of the
SECTION 8. Appeal of Removal of Officers: A. Officers may appeal their removal, but the appeal must be made within 2 weeks of the vote for removal by requesting the executive board to call a special meeting of the organization. The executive board shall notify all members of this meeting, which is to occur at least 2 weeks before and not more than 2 weeks after the appeal request is received by the executive board. B. The decision to repeal the vote for removal shall require at least 40 active members must attend the meeting and a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at that meeting is required for a repeal. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS SECTION 1. Meetings: A. The President shall call general meetings of this organization once a week during the period of September through April. Based on the discretion of the officers, the time and place of these meetings are subject to change. B. Ample notice shall be given to all local members regarding all meetings. SECTION 2. Types of Meetings: A. General Membership Meetings 1. General membership meetings shall be held at the set location(s). B. Executive Board Meetings 1. Executive board meetings shall be held based on the discretion of the elected board members.
The executive board shall be required to meet at least The executive board shall consist of all elected board
members as stated in Article IV, Section 1. The President, upon 1 week notice to the members, may Can also be called by any member of the executive
call special meetings. board or any five (5) general members. The purpose of the special meeting shall be stated in the announcements of the general meetings. D. Annual Election Meetings 1. 2. Arms 3. E. Committee Meetings 1. SECTION 3. Quorum: A. A quorum at a general meeting shall consist of at least 10 people of the voting membership. B. A quorum at an executive board meeting shall consist of a simple majority of the executive board. ARTICLE VI. FINANCES SECTION 1. Finances: Only the Treasurer and President shall control all finances. There must be a budget each year as proposed by the duties laid out for the both the officers of the President and the Treasurer. ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES SECTION 1. Committees: B. Each executive board member, except the President and Vice President, is responsible for forming a committee at the beginning of each Fall semester and leading this committee through the end of the adjacent Spring semester. The executive board members shall act as their respective committees director. Held at least 3 times a semester, based on the discretion of the current executive board. Only active members allowed to vote. Held in April, as stated in Article IV, Section 3.E. Shall be executed by the President and the Sergeant at
1. The Fundraising committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and must look for projects to finance the chapters. 2. The Community Outreach committee shall be chaired by the Community Outreach representative and must seek events to benefit the Loyola and Chicago communities. 3. Other committees shall be run in the best interest of the chapter. 4. New committees may be appointed at any time by the executive board. 5. Committees responsibilities and purposes shall be specific enough not to overlap with one another. C. Each director is responsible for planning two (2) events specific to their committee during each semester, as well as recruiting and electing an assistant director and communicating with their respective committees members. D. Members of AMSALUC are not required to join committees, but it is recommended that they join for the duration of the year. SECTION 2. Committee Obligations: A. Active members must represent the committees they signed up for. B. If the director cannot get any response from the committee member, they will contact the Sergeant at Arms for proper disciplinary actions, as referred to in Article IV, Section 4.E.5. ARTICLE VIII. ADVISOR SECTION 1. Advisor: A. The advisor of this organization shall be an affiliate of AMSALUC and a non-voting member of the executive board. B. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member of Loyola University Chicago. C. The advisor must have a sincere interest and commitment to the welfare of the chapter. D. The advisor shall oversee the executive board and general membership of the organization on matters relevant to the purposes set forth in this constitution. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS SECTION 1. Ratification: A. This constitution may be amended at any general membership meeting of the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present, provided that the amendment proposed had been submitted in writing to the
president and posted in public location for at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. B. All amendments, additions, and/ or deletions to the constitution of this organization shall be adopted only after a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at a regularly scheduled general meeting of the organization. C. Additional articles and amendments may be included only if they are in consonance with Loyola Universitys and AMSALUCs regulations and policies. These must be filed with the Loyola University Office of Student Affairs and AMSA National office within one week of adoption. ARTICLE X. DISSOLUTION SECTION 1. Dissolution: A. In the event of dissolution of the above named organization, all unspent Loyola University funds shall remain the property of AMSALUC and saved for the potential re-opening of the chapter. B. All privately obtained funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization. ARTICLE XI. ANTI-HAZING STATEMENT SECTION 1. Anti-Hazing Statement: AMSALUC considers hazing to be a most destructive and degrading activity, which is inconsistent with the standards of this student organization. Hazing defined as any intentional or reckless action or situation, created to produce emotional or physical discomfort, harassment, humiliation, or ridicule is strictly prohibited. AMSALUC recognizes the dignity of every individual and opposes all forms of hazing.