HZ_TECAMID 66_en_02
HZ_TECAMID 66_en_02
HZ_TECAMID 66_en_02
Semi-finished engineering plastics, finished parts
The present product is an article in the sense of regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH).
Manufacturer / Supplier:
Ensinger GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 8
71154 Nufringen
Tel. +49 7032 819 0
2. Hazards identification
Classification and labelling:
The product is not classified and doesn`t need any labelling.
Other hazards:
There are no known risks, if the regulation/details for handling are observed.
Information on ingredients:
There are no substances from the candidateliste (SVHC) in the product present above a concentration of 0,1 %
weight by weight (w/w).
The product doesn`t contain any substance, which is supposed to be released under normal or reasonably
foreseeable conditions of use.
4. First aid measures
General advice:
No special measures necessary.
After inhalation:
After accidental inhalation of thermal decompositon products, remove person from the danger zone. Oxygen supply,
apply artificial respiration if necessary. Keep quiet and warm and seek medical help.
5. Firefighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media:
Water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical foam.
Additional advice:
The product ignites in a flame and continues to burn on removal of the source.
In an advanced state of fire, the molten polymer must be cooled with water. Water used to extinguish the fire and
fire remainders must be collected and water disposed of, in accordance with local regulations.
6. Accidental release measures
Personal precautions:
No special measures necessary.
Environmental precautions:
No special measures necessary.
No special measures necessary.
The appropriate company regulations for fire prevention are to be followed.
Respiratory protection:
Wear protective breathing apparatus in case of dust exposure and/or insufficient ventilation (e.g. DIN EN 143 type
Eye protection:
For mechanical operations wear safety glasses with side pieces or fully closed and tight-fitting goggles (DIN EN
9. Physical and chemical properties
Appearance: Odour:
solid (semifinished or finished parts) product-specific
Conditions to avoid:
Do not heat to a temperature above the melting or decomposition temperature.
Substances to avoid:
Strong acids and strong oxidizing agents.
Chronic toxicity:
When used and handled according to specifications, the product does not have any harmful effects.
Other information:
In our experience and according to the literature provided to us the product does not cause any noxious effects
when used and handled according to regulations.
12. Ecological information
No relevant information available.
Due to the consistency of the product a disperse distribution in the environment is not likely. Therefore, according to
the present state of knowledge negative ecological effects are not expected.
Uncontaminated or cleaned packaging can be recycled without verification.
EU regulations:
According to regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP), directives 67/548/EC and 1999/45/EC articles are not subject to
classification and labelling requirements.
No dangerous substance in the sense of EU-directives.
National regulations:
Storage class VCI/TRGS 510 (Germany): 11 (flammable solid materials)
16. Other information
Indication of changes:
Amended scope.
Status as of 04/14.
Our information and statements reflect the current state of our knowledge and shall inform about our products and
their applications. They do not assure or guarantee chemical resistance, quality of products and their
merchantability in a legally binding way. Our products are not defined for use in medical or dental implants. Existing
commercial patents have to be observed. The corresponding values and information are no minimum or maximum
values, but guideline values. They do not represent guaranteed properly values and therefore they must not be
used for specification purposes. The customer is solely responsible for the quality and suitability of products for the
application and has to test usage and processing prior to use. It is the user`s responsibility to ensure that existing
legislation and regulation are followed.