Current Safety Issues in Traffic Tunnels
Current Safety Issues in Traffic Tunnels
Current Safety Issues in Traffic Tunnels
In addition to the manner in which tunnels are furnished, improved control of the state of vehicles and the composition of their
loads could have better safety standards in traffic tunnels. Joint efforts are imperative to arrive at enhanced and harmonised
standards throughout Europe. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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118 A. Haack / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 117–127
Table 1 Table 3
Passenger transportation figures in Germany (1997y1998) Public road network in Germany (as of 1997, BMVBW) Verkehr,
Type of traffic Billion Pkm
Road class 1000 km No. of tunnels
Car 787
Tram, underground, bus 77 BAB (motorway) 11.3 42
Railway 64 Federal roads 41.4 91
Plane 27 Regional roads 86.8 14
8 955 District roads 91.5 4
Cityylocal roads 395.4 33
8 626.4 184
Underground station in November 1987, which cost 31
people their lives, and the catastrophic outcome of the
Baku Underground fire (Azerbaijan) in October 1995, On 24 March, 1999, a refrigerator lorry carrying 9
resulting in 289 deaths, are mentioned as examples. The tons of margarine and 12 tons of flour caught fire. It
Channel Tunnel fire between the UK and France on 18 was coming from France and stopped at the 6700-m
November, 1996 (Fig. 3), where fortunately all the station. A fully-fledged fire soon developed, which
tunnel users escaped with their lives, as well as the two spread to involve 23 lorries and 10 cars (Fig. 4).
terrible fires in road tunnels on 24 March, 1999 below
Mont Blanc in France (Bericht der technischen Unter-
suchung-skommission uber ¨ den Brand vom 24. Marz, ¨
1999; Gemeinsamer Bericht der franzosischen und ital-
ienischen Verwaltungsausschusse zur technischen Unter-
suchung der Katastrophe vom 24 Marz, ¨ 1999; Domke,
1999) and on 29 May, 1999 beneath the Tauern range
in Austria, resulting in 39 and 12 deaths, respectively,
also had serious consequences.
The 11.6-km long Mont Blanc Tunnel was opened
for traffic in 1965. At the time of the accident, its
ventilation and safety concept thus corresponded to
design standards of 40 years ago. As in the case of all
longer transalpine tunnels, the Mont Blanc tunnel is
operated on a bi-directional basis. Until March 1999,
two national companies ran it: one French, the other
Italian. Table 5 displays the development of traffic for
the Mont Blanc Tunnel since it was opened.
The tunnel was equipped with accident bays set 300
m apart and with 18 safety chambers at 600 m gaps.
These chambers were provided with fresh air and con-
Fig. 1. ICE travelling out of a tunnel.
structed to withstand the effects of a fire for roughly
2 h. Seventeen fires have occurred in the tunnel since
1965, five of which required the fire brigade on the
scene. In four of these cases, a heated-up engine was
determined as the cause of the fire. There was not a
single incidence of the fire spreading to neighbouring
Table 2
Goods transportation figures in Germany (1997y1998)
Table 4
Number of road tunnels built on behalf of the Federal Government
(as of 1998, BMVBW)
Length (m) RV GV
-300 m 33 54
300–500 m 13 11
500–1000 m 17 11
1000–1500 m 6 5
1500–2000 m 1 2
2000–2500 m 0 0
2500–3000 m 1 2
3300 m 1 –
8 72 85
Table 5
Development of traffic in the Mont Blanc Tunnel since it opened in
1965 until 1998 (Domke, 1999)
Table 6 Table 7
Vehicle fires in the Elbe Tunnel, Hamburg (1990–1999) (Statistik- Accident statistics for road tunnels in Germany
Cause of accident BAB tunnels Regional road tunnels
Year Annual traffic Total Carsa Lorriesb Motor (one-way traffic) (two-way traffic)
million vehicles cycles
Driving errors 17% 32%
1990 37.0 13 8 5 – Rear end collisions 69% 34%
1991 37.3 9 5 4 – Misc. 13% 32%
1992 37.6 12 9 3 –
1993 38.0 7 5 2 –
1994 39.1 14 13 1 – to roughly two vehicle fires per 100 million driven
1995 40.5 14 10 4 –
1996 40.6 15 14 1 –
1997 40.5 9 7 2 – What about the situation relating to fires in road
1998 38.5 9 5 2 2 tunnels? Here are some examples:
1999 40.3 7 7 – – In Norway, a total of 41 vehicle fires occurred in
8 389.4 109 83 24 2 tunnels during the period from 1990 to 1996. Twenty
percent of this total was caused by collisions and
Accounting for 85% of total.
Accounting for 15% of total. occurred as a follow-up incident.
The figures provided by the Gotthard Tunnel in
Switzerland before that fire on 24 October 2001 are of
trucks started burning directly. The fire grew extremely particular interest. In 1998, the traffic volume amounted
fast causing tremendous masses of smoke because of to 6.5 million vehicles, including 1 million lorries
the highly energetic fire loads. One truck was loaded
(s15%). In that year, 55 accidents took place in the
with tyres, the other with plastic material. At the end
tunnel, including four which resulted in fires. Altogether,
11 tunnel users died and 13 trucks, 4 vans as well as 6
42 vehicle fires resulted in the Gotthard Tunnel between
cars burnt down. The false ceiling separating the venti-
1992 and 1998. Cars were involved in 21 cases, buses
lation canals from the traffic space collapsed over a
in seven cases and lorries on 14 occasions. During the
section of 200 to 250 m. For the re-opening of the
same period, 5.7 fires occurred in each case per 100
tunnel 2 months after the fire the ventilation system was
million driven kilometres. Another long-term set of
improved by enlargement of the extraction openings in
statistics relating to the operation of the Gotthard Tunnel
the false ceiling. These openings are equipped with
comes up with the figure of four fires per 100 million
remote controlled louvres. It is one of the tragic aspects
driven kilometres, related to all vehicles or six fires per
linked with this accident that these improvements on
100 million driven kilometres, related only to lorries.
the ventilation system were already started before the
The statistics pertaining to the Elbe Tunnel as part of
fire occurred, but not yet finished at the time of the
the A7 federal motorway in Hamburg (Table 6) are also
most revealing. They indicate that, on average, one fire
incident occurred practically every month within the
3. Accident statistics tunnel from 1990 to 1999. What stands out is the over-
proportional involvement of lorries, amounting to almost
Against the background of these serious fire incidents, 25% in total fire incidents, although they merely account
the issue of vehicle fire frequencies and the attached
risks is inevitably raised. The following data and assess- Table 8
ments provide a relevant overview. First of all, vehicle Accident rates for road tunnels in Germany 1993–1997 (Lemke,
fires in general, and not simply those in tunnels, are 1999) (figures in brackets relate to the open road)
dealt with.
Type of Accidentsy DMy1000
The following two examples from Germany reveal of tunnel 1 million vehicle—km
that a vehicle fire incident is not at all rare. For instance,
over the past 10 years in Dortmund (about half a million Personal Damages Personal injuries
injuries to property and damages
inhabitants), an average of 250 vehicle fires have taken to property
place annually with a fluctuation rate of roughly "20
incidents. In Hamburg (about 1.8 million inhabitants), Motorways with 0.074 0.328 12.78
hard shoulder (0.147) (0.619) (35.00)
the appropriate figures amount to approximately 700
vehicle fires per year with a fluctuation rate of approx- Motorways without 0.130 0.354 21.16
hard shoulders (0.202) (0.923) (45.80)
imately "80 incidents. In Germany each year about
40,000 car an lorry fires are registered by the insurance Regional road 0.141 0.249 19.88
economy (ADAC, 2002). For Central Europe in general, with two-way (0.315) (0.983) (89.40)
the statistics pertaining to the entire road network relate
A. Haack / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 117–127 121
5. Fire protection measures Another during the last years quite often discussed
matter of preventative measures is the installation of
As a result of the recent fire disasters, experts are deluge systems in roads tunnels. That is prescribed in
discussing issues relating to the basic appraisal of Japan as a consequence of the Nihonzaka Tunnel fire
existing safety standards in tunnels. At stake are preven- on 11.7.1979 for all tunnels longer than 10 km or
tative constructional as well as operational protection tunnels with more than 3 km length and high traffic
measures together with those designed to combat fire. density. In Europe and in North America up to now
Preventative constructional measures initially only very few applications can be found. The latest
embrace the choice of suitable materials to be used. In development of high pressure mist systems is very much
this regard, concrete can be classified as a material with promising in this direction. Without any doubt those
a high fire safety factor. It in no way contributes to the installations can significantly contribute to avoid a
fire load. If anything, the problems affecting this mate- spreading of fire to queuing cars behind the place of
rial relate to explosion-like flaking occurring on the original fire. But on the other had the installation of
affected surface in the event of rapidly rising, high those technical systems raise quite a lot of additional
temperatures (Fig. 7). Such flaking endangers tunnel questions. They concern especially the problems with
users attempting to escape, as well as the rescue and immediate destratification of the smoke connected with
extinguishing crews rushing to help. In individual cases, a significant deterioration of escape conditions, the
the flaking reached considerable depths of a number of production of masses of (hot) vapour in addition to the
decimetres, so that the inner reinforcement was exposed smoke, the possible incompatability with special types
and burnt out (see Figs. 2 and 3). When pre-stressed of loading as well as the sufficient function of the whole
concrete structures are involved, this can also lead to system (control, pipes, pumps, nozzles) at any time
the pre-stressing elements becoming completely despite the extremely hard environmental conditions in
detached (Fig. 2), resulting in a total loss of the bearing a tunnel year in, year out.
effect. Recent steps to develop a more fire resistant Other problems are momentainously still linked with
concrete by adding special plastic fibres to significant the control of time and location of activating the system
reducing the flaking effect are therefore most important. and depending on the system with the adequate reser-
In several recent papers it is reported about a successful vation or delivery of extinguishing water. Against this
research in this direction (Dahl and Richter, 2001; background an internationally organised testing is need-
Haack, 2001; Wetzig, 2000). ed. Corresponding discussions and planning on a mul-
The geometrical design of the tunnel cross-section, tinational test site and fire research center in Europe has
the installation of the intermediate ceiling for separating started in 1999 and is still ongoing. Before installing
the air intake and outlet channels above the carriageway those deluge systems in a big style such a comprehensive
zone, and in particular, their side abutment and in many test program should have been conducted not to invest
cases, fire protection linings specially set up in the wall large amounts of public money in a wrong or not
and ceiling zones (Haack, 1994) in the case of road sufficient enough direction. At this point it should also
tunnels, or subterranean stops in the case of Under- be mentioned that other ways for possible improving
ground, rapid transit and urban railways are all numbered the safety in traffic tunnels have to be followed in
among preventative constructional fire protection meas- parallel to the preventative constructional measures just
ures. The newly-developed fire protection system on the mentioned above: installation of deluge or similar auto-
basis of perforated sheets designed to create an insulat- matic extinction systems on the tracks (at least in the
ing layer presented in Fig. 8 provides, among other motor area), on the rolling stock of full railway passen-
things, the advantage that the tunnel lining remains ger cars and mass transit cars, special physical protection
visible for inspection and maintenance purposes com- of the truck tanks etc.
pared with conventional systems comprising plates on a In the case of road tunnels, operational fire protection
mineral basis. The rear ventilation of the fire protection primarily relates to mechanised ventilation, including its
lining resulting from the perforated structure avoids operating concept. In modern tunnels, these are geared
water pressure building up in the event of leaks or the to extreme traffic situations with high traffic densities,
formation of mould fungus. The changeover from suc- and above all, to vehicle fires in the tunnel. Control is
tion and pressure loads when bulky vehicles are passing carried out either manually or automatically, triggered
by at speed is also precluded from the very outset by corresponding fire alarm systems. Both versions have
through the perforated structure (Haack, 1999). their pros and cons. Manual control enables the existing
The setting up of special escape ways, such as, for tunnel control room to act in accordance with the
instance, those in the Gotthard Road Tunnel in Switzer- situation shown by the television cameras. It goes
land, and breakdown bays in the case of long tunnels without saying that, as in the case of all processes
are also numbered among constructional fire protection controlled by man, excessively slow reactions and mis-
measures. interpretations of the development of the fire cannot be
124 A. Haack / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 117–127
Fig. 9. Fire test with a heavy lorry within the scope of a European research project with substantial German participation (Brande in Ver-
Kehrestunneln, 1998).
excluded. Automatic systems are devised in advance for on to the next station when the alarm is sounded or
certain scenarios at the planning stage, and in some (better still) into the open as the rescueyescape of
cases, exclude necessary adjustments designed to sup- passengers and combating the blaze can be carried out
port escape and rescue actions. Against this background, much more effectively than in a tunnel section. Special
it appears wise to use systems, which combine both operational guidelines should also be compiled for
types of control. transporting hazardous goods through long road tunnels,
The way in which a vehicle is constructed also plays e.g. travelling through in a convoy with an accompa-
its part in operational fire protection. The use of mate- nying vehicle and at determined distances or closing the
rials, which are not easily combustible especially for the tunnel to hazardous goods transports at particular times
interior, is essential, as well as fire-retarding zones, of day.
overheating displays and the like. The carrying of manual fire extinguishers aboard rail
Then, of course, specially devised alarm plans and cars and railway carriages, as well as in the driver’s cab
instructions informing rail staff what to do in the event of lorries and on buses continues to belong to operational
of fire are of particular importance for operational fire fire protection measures. These are supported by the
protection. Thus, for example, rail vehicles should move setting up of hydrants or stationary water lines with
Fig. 10. Cross-section of the Gotthard Road Tunnel (Switzerland) with parallel ventilation and escape tunnel.
A. Haack / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 117–127 125
hose connections for the speedy provision of extinguish- the footpath and stop in the breakdown bay if
ing water, drainage with the aid of slotted or hollow possible;
gutters (Blennemann, 1998), the establishment of emer- ● secure your vehicle (warning flasher, warning
gency bays with telephone, fire alarm and extinguishers triangle);
in the tunnel. Last, but not least, television monitoring, ● immediately inform the tunnel control room via
loudspeaker units, radio cables and signal light systems emergency call bay (or the emergency centre via
round off modern operational fire protection in tunnels. mobile phone).
Fire combating measures are undertaken by profes- c. In the event of a tailback in the tunnel:
sional and voluntary fire services. It goes without saying ● stop as far to the outside as possible;
that the personnel must be provided with special equip- ● keep your distance to the vehicle in front (do not
ment for use in tunnels. Furthermore, the alarm and edge up bumper-to-bumper);
deployment concepts have, in each case, to be geared ● switch off engine at once;
to the local conditions. Moreover, the fire crews under ● do not get out;
must carry out regular drills as close as possible to real ● switch on radio and listen for loudspeaker
conditions in the tunnel. In this regard, it is essential to messages;
practice collaboration with the tunnel operators, the ● on no account turn;
transport companies, and other rescue and emergency ● do not reverse.
services. Such drills must on no account be carried out d. In the event of a vehicle fire in the tunnel:
in conjunction with deliberately simulated hot fires. This ● stop as far to the outside as possible;
would involve an excessively high risk for those taking ● keep your distance to the vehicle in front (do not
part. Instead they should be undertaken using cold edge up bumper-to-bumper);
smoke generators or dimmed vision on breathing masks. ● switch off engine at once;
All these precautions are taken into consideration and ● switch on warning flasher at end of tailback, get
applied nowadays in the design, construction and oper- out at once, do not lock car door;
ation of modern tunnel facilities. The details are regu- ● escape at once by moving away from the smoke
lated by RABT and the minimum standard needed direction;
described by Deutsche Montan Technologie GmbH ● use specially marked emergency exits. On no
(RABT, 1994; Festlegung von Mindestschutz- account turn;
maßnahmen im Brandfall fur ¨ verschiedene Tunneltypen ● do not reverse.
und Verkehrssituationen, 1999). Nonetheless, absolute
safety in tunnel traffic can never be taken as the basis. This code of behaviour, which could well be lifesav-
ing, should regularly be published by the media (press,
6. How to behave radio, TV), the automobile clubs, the highway patrol
authorities and also even by the government. In this
Should a fire occur in a tunnel, the situation is way, tunnel users can be made aware and trained to face
definitely far worse than out in the open. Escape and all contingencies. Basically, an effort must be made to
rescue possibilities are restricted in terms of the geom- convince the motorist that he only has a few minutes
etry. However, rapidly rising heat radiation, the fast available to extinguish the blaze or make a successful
release of fire gases and a related decrease in visibility, escape should a fire occur in the tunnel. On no account
above all, form potential risks (Fig. 9). The fact that should he feel secure within his vehicle or stay in it
many motorists misinterpreted this situation during the simply to protect his property. The false appraisal of
Mont Blanc Tunnel fire largely contributed to its cata- these two aspects presumably led to 29 tunnel users
strophic outcome. Against this background, it is essential losing their lives in their vehicles during the Mont Blanc
that the following code of behaviour is passed on to Tunnel fire disaster. Permanent training aimed at making
motorists who intend using a road tunnel: motorists aware of how to act is certainly more useful
a. When driving through the tunnel: than the repeated publication of ‘rankings’ on tunnels
● switch on lights and remove sun glasses; and their fire safety standards (ADAC-Motorwelt,
● make sure you observe the speed restriction; 1999a, 2000).
● keep a safe distance to the vehicle in front;
● never overtake in tubes with two-way traffic and 7. Considerations pertaining to the design of future
drive as far to the right as possible; traffic tunnels
● drive with increased attention;
● switch on the radio. The recent fire incidents touched on earlier have
b. Should you have a breakdown: triggered an intensive debate among the general public
● move over as far to the right as possible—ensure (ADAC-Motorwelt, 1999a,b, 2000; Haschek, 1999) and
you use the available hard shoulder, otherwise use expert circles (Day, 1999; Tan, 1997; Brux, 1999)
126 A. Haack / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 117–127
pertaining to just how the potential risk of driving thard accident of October 24, 2001 does not change this
through a tunnel should be generally assessed and which general view because it cannot be judged as a normal
possible improvements exist for safety in tunnels. every day to expect event. The statistics given in chapter
When contemplating the relevant issues, it is imper- 3 clearly underline this basic conception.
ative that one should not simply consider the worst A frequently discussed question relates to the permis-
conceivable situations, for example, a collision between sibility of operating a long tunnel with bi-directional
a bus and a tank truck or even a passenger train and a traffic. There is no doubt that two parallel tunnel tubes
tank truck within a single-tube road or rail tunnel with with one-way traffic constitute a considerably lower
bi-directional traffic in each case. Such incidents, which potential risk on account of their better escape and
are highly improbable, would exclude tunnel traffic rescue possibilities than a single tube with two-way
altogether if they were deemed to be the standard. They traffic. Notwithstanding, the demand for operating tun-
cannot be controlled. The consequence would be that nels exclusively with directional traffic cannot generally
tunnel traffic, in general, would be banned or at least, be put forward without proper scrutiny of each individ-
it would become extremely expensive, thus signifying ual case. It must be considered, for instance, that a 10-
that tunnelling could no longer be financed. Everyday or 15-km long tunnel with a high rock overburden and
alleviations associated with tunnels, e.g. in road traffic a relatively low anticipated traffic volume cannot always
and in turn, in the life of a big city, the foundations of be replaced in economic terms in the form of two
modern mobility over long distances, watercourses and parallel single tubes. In spite of two-way traffic exac-
obstacles posed by mountain ranges, would disappear. erbating the situation, a single-tunnel with an absolute
It is obvious that this cannot be the objective of these ban on overtaking and a speed restriction of 80 kmyh,
deliberations. Tunnels are a rather an important compo- which are standard practice, undoubtedly clearly reduces
nent of and the pre-requisite for a well-functioning, the potential risk compared with the situation before
reliable infrastructure in a modern industrial society. tunnels were built, where cars, and above all, lorries
Seen from this point of view, realistic scenarios are were forced to use the steep pass routes, mostly with
required from considerations aimed at improving safety never-ending narrow bends, in summer and especially
in tunnel traffic. In this regard, everything must be in winter. The money required for a parallel tube can
geared to the fact that an absolute zero risk can never again be used more efficiently to relieve a further pass
be attained in our everyday lives. If anything, we should against the background of the low traffic density sce-
orientate ourselves to coastal protection measures. Here, nario through a single tube with two-way traffic. It is
nobody would ever propose designing dykes for the precisely this concept, which has been generally applied
absolutely highest flood mark ever recorded (e.g. the in the Alpine countries in the last 3–4 decades. In this
‘Große Manndranke’ in 1634 along the north German respect, the building of a second tube was and is planned
coastal area). Such facilities could not be realised— in the long term from the very outset in many cases,
either technically nor financially. When it comes to regardless of the traffic development. Thus, all long
coastal protection measures, a degree of protection, tunnels crossing the Alps have so far only been con-
which will most probably be adequate is determined, structed with a single tube. It goes without saying that
and a defined residual risk accepted. the rescue concept in such tunnels is considerably
This should also be the benchmark when assessing enhanced if at least a parallel ventilation tunnel, which
tunnel traffic. Hundreds of vehicle fires in road tunnels can also be used for escape purposes, is excavated,
all over the world prior to the two conflagrations in the should there not be a parallel tube designed to carry
Mont Blanc Tunnel and the Gotthard Tunnel the Tauern traffic. This situation exists at the Gotthard road tunnel
Tunnel, did not lead to these disastrous incidents. In this in Switzerland (Fig. 10). Germany’s motorway tunnels
regard, it should be remembered that eight people in the generally have two tubes and provide a high safety
Tauern Tunnel lost their lives directly on account of the standard in conjunction with their furnishing, which has
pile-up and not because of the fire incident. In the open, to comply with RABT specifications.
they could not have been rescued either given the same It is also essential that the guidelines relating to
accident situation. Against this background, the Mont preventative constructional, operational fire protection,
Blanc incident, in particular, should never be taken into as well as combating fire, is harmonised to a high degree
consideration as an example for the design and setting in the states of the European Union (Rat der Europaisch-
up of future tunnel structures. This incident was if en Union; Memorandum der franzosischen ¨ Delegation
anything, an out of the ordinary catastrophe with an vom 28.9.1999). Currently, entirely different regulations
unforeseeable development. This is also confirmed by exist in the various countries pertaining to the distance
the various vehicle fires, which have taken place in the between escape exits, the rating of mechanical ventila-
interim since 24 March, 1999 and 29 May, 1999, in tion systems, the installation of lights, the maximum
road tunnels—without lives being lost or a fire flash gradients, etc. International research, as well as the
over from vehicle to vehicle occurring. Even the Got- systematic analysis of previous fire incidents must be
A. Haack / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 117–127 127
used here to arrive at the decisive principles for har- tection measures against fire in various tunnel types and traffic
situations); research report commissioned by the Bundesanstalt fur ¨
monised European legislation. This, of course, means
Straßenwesen, Bergisch Gladbach; 10. 12. 1999.
that the governments have to cough up the required DIN 5510: Vorbeugender Brandschutz in Schienenfahrzeugen (Pre-
funds to a sufficient degree. In addition, there is the ventive fire protection in railway vehicles; part 1 to 7); Teil 1:
need to create infrastructural pre-requisites for rapidly Brandschutzstufen, brandschutztechnische Maßnahmen und
translating into practice the longstanding political objec- Nachweise; Teil 2: Brennverhalten und Brandnebenerscheinungen
tive of increasingly transporting goods traffic by rail. von Werkstoffen und Bauteilen - Klassifizierungen, Anforderungen
und Prufverfahren; Teil 3: Raumabschließende Systeme; in Vorber-
This is a pan-European task, which is both essential and eitung; Teil 4: Konstruktive Gestaltung der Fahrzeuge - Sicherheits-
cost-intensive. Switzerland, with the regulations it has technische Anforderungen; Teil 5: Elektrische Betriebsmittel -
consistently applied at federal level, can serve as an Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen; Teil 6: Begleitende
example here. Maßnahmen - Funktion der Notbremseinrichtung, Informationssys-
In summing up, it should be said that safety technol- ¨
teme, Brandmeldeanlagen, Brandbekampfungseinrichtungen –
Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen; Teil 7: Einrichtungen fur ¨
ogy in traffic tunnels has made considerable progress ¨
brennbare Gase und Flussigkeiten – Sicherheitstechnische
since the Mont Blanc Tunnel was opened in 1965. Anforderungen.
Decisive improvements have also been undertaken in Domke, J. Der Brand im Mont Blanc Tunnel (Fire in the Mont Blanc
vehicle construction with the objective of enhanced fire Tunnel); Brandschutz, Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung 53 (1999) 8;
protection. Nonetheless, there are a number of important pp. 722–731.
French-Italian Commission: Joint Report on the technical investiga-
issues relating to improved safety concepts for traffic tion about the fire catastrophy of 24. March 1999 in the Mont
tunnels, which still have to be properly clarified. Apart Blanc Tunnel; 6.7.99.
from tunnel furnishing, these include better controls for Haack A. Subsequent fire protection measures in tunnels – technical
the state of a vehicle and the composition of what it is and economic aspects; STUVA-Conference ’93; Tunnel 13 (1994)
carrying. It is essential that all these questions are 3; pp. 49–60.
Haack A. Introduction, main objectives and results of EU 499 firetun.
tackled jointly so that improved and harmonised stan-
1. Internationale Conference ‘Protection from Fire in Rail and
dards for tunnel traffic safety are realised all over Road Tunnels’, Rome, July 1996, 20–21.
Europe. Haack, A. Tunnelbau in Deutschland - Analyse und Ausblick (Tun-
nelling in Germany – analysis and perspective); Tunnelling Con-
References ference 1998, organised by the Berufsgenossenschaftliche
Akademie fur ¨ Arbeitssicherheit, HennefySieg; 2.-4. 11. 1998.
Haack, A. Fire protection system made of perforated steel plate lining
ADAC: Die Angst fahrt ¨ mit (Fear is accompanying us); ADAC- coated with insulating material. Tunnel 18 (1999) 7; pp. 31–37.
Motorwelt 7y99, Seiten 32–34.
Haack A. Commentary on the newly developed fire protection for
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with the flood of HGVs); ADAC-Motorwelt 11y99; pp. 38–44. 20 (2001) 6, p. 23–31.
ADAC: Jeder dritte Tunnel ist gefahrlich (Every third tunnel is ¨
Haschek, B. In die Rohre geschaut (Looking into the tube); Auto-
dangerous); ADAC-Motorwelt 5y2000; pp. 42–46. Motor-Sport, 1999. 10, pp. 220–223.
ADAC: Albtraum Feuer Autobrande ¨ (Horror vision care fires); Heffels, P., Marquardt, H.-J., Staub, L. Verbesserung des Brandschutz-
ADAC-Motorwelt 5y2002, pp. 30–35. es in Tunnelanlagen fur¨ Straßen-, Stadt- und U-Bahnen (Improving
Baubehoerde Hamburg, Tiefbauamt: Statistics on the traffic volume of fire safety in mass transit tunnels); final research report com-
in the Elbe Tunnel Hamburg. missioned by the German Ministry of Transport, Bonn; STUVA
Blennemann, F. Dimensionierung von Schlitz-yHohl-bordrinnen in research report 18y84; October 1984.
Straßentunneln (Dimensioning of slotted or hollow gutters in road Lemke, K. Verkehrssicherheit von Straßentunneln (Traffic safety in
tunnels); final report of STUVA to a research project of the German road tunnels); Straßenverkehrstechnik 43 (1999) 10; pp. 512–515.
Ministry of Transport, 10.1998. RABT-Richtlinien fur ¨ die Ausstattung und den Betrieb von
BMVBW – Bundesministerium fur ¨ Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungs- Straßentunneln (guidelines for the equipment and operation of road
wesen: Verkehr in Zahlen 1999 (traffic in figures 1999); Deutscher tunnels) Forschungsgesellschaft fur ¨ Straßen- und Verkehrswesen;
Verkehrs-Verlag. edition 1994.
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