(3 Hours) : :JO:9p-kett! (''I (Ornrn (Revised Course)

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57Yn, VI/I {~v)



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:9 p-kett! r'b (''I (ornrn WYlA'('?,},t-vv (REVISED COURSE) I

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CD-Q492 [Tctal Marks: 100

( 3 Hours)

N.S. : (1) Question NO.1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions. (3) Any assumptions made should be clearly stated. 1. Answer the following in brief: (a) Describe three types of optical fibers. For each type give typical core and cladding diameters. Sketch their refractive index profile. (b) Describe the importance of OTDR for optical fiber-communications.
(c) Why do manufactures specify optical fiber bandwic. ,h as bandwidth-length



(d) 2. (a)

Explain spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.

Discuss the boundary conditions and the mode cutoff in case of an optical 10 fiber. What is the significance of 'V' number. Get an expression. for it in terms of N.A. (b) A step index fiber in air has a numerical aperture of 0.16, a core refractive 10 index ~f 1.45 and a core diameter of 60 Ilm. Determine the normalized frequency for the fiber when light at a wavelength of 0.82 ~lmis transmitted. Estimate the number of guided modes propagating in the fiber. (a) Explain anyone fiber fabrication process with a neat diagram. (b) Explain with neat sketches fiber splicing techniques. Enlist the desirable requirements of a good fiber connector.
(a) (b) Explain the various factors contributing to the attenuation in optic<.11 fibers., Explain intramodal and intermodal dispersion in optical fibers. How does dispersion affect the transmission bandwidth oJ optical fibers? Explain and compare pin diodes with APD with the help of suitable electric field diagrams. What a~e the common LED structures used for optical fibe~'cornnl'mications. Discuss their merits and drawbacks. Compare surface and edge emitting devices.


10 10
10 10



(a) (b)

10 10


(a) (b)


Explain the various parameters required to find the performance of digital optical

10 10 20

list the important point-to-point link design used in uptical communication. Explain each in brief.


Write short notes on (any three) : (a) Linearly polarized modes (b) Laser'diodes (c) Propagation of optical signal through GIF (d) WDM.

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