Dll 3rd q week 4 eng
Dll 3rd q week 4 eng
Dll 3rd q week 4 eng
Daily Lesson Log Teacher SAIPHORE RACHMAN H. KUTA Learning Area ENGLISH
Use modals
Using appropriate
D. CONTENT Arabia and Israel Arabia and Israel Arabia and Israel Arabia and Israel
(Subject Matter) Strength in Facing Strength in Facing Strength in Facing Strength in Facing
Challenges of Modernity: Challenges of Challenges of Modernity: Challenges of Modernity:
The Temperaments and Modernity: The The Temperaments and The Temperaments and
Psyche of the people of Temperaments and Psyche of the people of Psyche of the people of
Arabia Psyche of the people Arabia: Unlocking Arabia: Hebrew Literature: A
of Arabia: Turn Taking Unfamiliar Words short Story
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page 121 page 123 page 131 page 135
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Last time we discussed Today, we are going to To understand more Previously you were tasked
Lesson or presenting about the Arabian poetry, learn about rules in a about Arabia and their to read in advance the Bible:
new lesson (ELICIT) what are the conversation. literature, we are going to Story of Ruth. Today, we are
characteristics of the study about Arab words going to analyze the
Arabic poetry? today. elements of the selection.
B. Establishing a purpose Today, we are going to It is important to learn It is important to unlock It is important to examine the
for the lesson learn about reading about these rules for these unfamiliar words to elements of the story to
(ENGAGE) strategies to process the conversation to appreciate their literary better appreciate its
information in a text. flow smoothly. meaning.
works more.
C. Presenting examples/ Presenting examples on Turn-taking strategies Do you know any Arab Describe the living faith that
instances of the new lessons about reading refer to the methods words or phrases? If you works out of love in the lives
lesson. strategies to process and techniques used do what are they? of Ruth and Boaz.
information in a text. by speakers in a
conversation to
manage the flow of
dialogue, ensuring that
both parties have the
opportunity to speak
without interruption,
while also maintaining
a smooth, cooperative
interaction. These
strategies are essential
in both formal and
communication and
can vary depending on
cultural norms, the type
of conversation, and
the social context.
D. Discussing new We have viewed a video Watch the twelve- Frequency (Arab Words) Character Analysis through a
concepts and practicing on the interview of a minute interview of List down at least ten Venn Diagram
new skills. #1 Saudi Princess in a CNN Princess Ameerah on Arab words and give their
Program. What topics did
(EXPLORE) Princess Ameerah talk CNN again. Write meanings. Analyzing the characters of a
about? Was she prepared down the turn –taking story is one way of
for the interview? How is strategies both understanding the reading
her expertise on the topic Ameerah and text better.
shown? Amanpour used.
E. Discussing new Was Ameerah able to Activity: Word Detective - Another way of
concepts and practicing analyze her audience? Unlocking Unfamiliar understanding a story, poem,
new skills #2. What type of audience Words book or journal article is to
(EXPLAIN) analysis did she consider Step 1: Guess the write a critical review.
the most in her interview? Meaning
Step 2: Check Your
Step 3: Applying the New
Step 4: Reflection
1. Harrowing
2. Gregarious
3. Precipitous
4. Melancholy
5. Benevolent
F. Developing Mastery Below are some issues In My Opinion… Activity: Genre Exploration –
(Lead to Formative tackled by Saudi Princess Connecting Elements to
Ameerah when she was Read each news Theme
interviewed at CNN. headline and Step 1: Genre Overview
3)/ELABORATE Match/ connect the
speaker’s/ princess’ corresponding details Step 2: Analyzing Literary
attitudes as represented by very thoroughly. Excerpts
emoticons with the Express wisely your Step 3: Group Discussion
corresponding issues. opinions on the and Presentation
Make sure to write a short news/issue. Step 4: Theme Identification
explanation of your Exercise
answer. Step 5: Reflection and
Women's Rights in Conclusion
Saudi Arabia
Social Reforms in
Saudi Arabia
Human Rights and
Philanthropy and
Social Cause
G. Finding practical “I Think; therefore I Am” Writing A Persuasive How do you handle the How can you relate
application of concepts Essay: From My Head unfamiliar words you’re yourselves to the story of
and skills in daily living Make a list of at least ten to the Pen! encountering on daily ruth?
expressions that signal basis?
opinion and biases such as Write a short
“I think…” “Many believe persuasive essay
that…” “Probably, we about Saudi culture.
could…” Use the opinions you
wrote in the previous
activity as your
arguments. Make sure
to substantiate each
with facts or
H. Making Generalizations What characteristics do Why is it important to Again, what are the What is the morale of the
and Abstraction about most Arab women, as use appropriate strategies in unlocking story?
the Lesson. presented by their documentation when unfamiliar words?
Princess Ameerah, writing informative
possess? essays?
I. Evaluating Learning Exercises: (by group) What happens to a 1. Which of the following 1. Who was Naomi in the
(EVALUATE) A. Read the following conversation when a is an example of using story of Ruth?
news items on the speaker does not context clues to unlock A) Ruth's sister
“front page” of a observe proper turn the meaning of an B) Ruth's mother-in-law
newspaper. Answer taking? unfamiliar word? C) Ruth's cousin
the question that A) Looking up the word in D) Ruth's servant
follow. a dictionary 2. Why did Naomi and her
What is the most important B) Guessing the meaning family move to Moab?
news of the day? of a word based on A) They were fleeing from a
What other news are worth surrounding sentences or famine in Israel
reading about? phrases B) They were seeking a new
C) Breaking the word into life
its prefix, root, and suffix C) They had been invited by
D) Using a thesaurus to friends
find synonyms for the D) They were going on a
word pilgrimage
2. What does the suffix "- 3. What is the relationship
ness" typically indicate in between Ruth and Boaz?
an unfamiliar word? A) Boaz is Ruth's cousin
A) It turns a noun into a B) Boaz is Ruth's brother-in-
verb law
B) It turns an adjective C) Boaz is Ruth's husband
into a noun D) Boaz is Ruth's father
C) It changes the 4. What is Ruth's famous
meaning of the word to declaration to Naomi?
the opposite A) "Where you go, I will go."
D) It adds a sense of B) "I will return to my
urgency to the word people."
3. When encountering the C) "I am not worthy to be
word "biography," which your daughter."
strategy can help you D) "You are my only family."
unlock its meaning? 5. What was Boaz's role in
A) Identifying the prefix the story of Ruth?
"bio" (meaning "life") and A) He was Ruth's brother
the root word "graph" B) He was a wealthy relative
(meaning "writing") who acted as Ruth's
B) Using a thesaurus to kinsman-redeemer
find synonyms C) He was Ruth’s father
C) Guessing based on an D) He was Naomi's husband
image or illustration
D) Asking a classmate for
4. If a sentence reads
"She was an empathetic
listener, always trying to
understand others'
feelings," what strategy
should you use to
understand the meaning
of "empathetic"?
A) Use a dictionary to
define the word
B) Look for a synonym in
the sentence
C) Break down the word
into its prefix, root, and
D) All of the above
5. What is a good first
step when you encounter
a completely unfamiliar
word while reading?
A) Skip the word and
continue reading
B) Look for context clues
in the surrounding
C) Immediately ask
someone else for the
D) Memorize the word
without understanding
J. Additional Activities for Of all the social, economic read in advance the
Application or and political issues Bible: Story of Ruth
Remediation mentioned in the activity,
which do you think is the
most challenging for the
Arab princess to solve?
Why do you say so?
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other