Transition Curve

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Highway Engineering, Horizontal Curves 2024 G.

Transition curve
 It is a horizontal curve with a variable radius that gradually changes from a straight road to a circular
curve. It is provided to change horizontal alignment from straight to circular curve gradually.
 The radius of the transition curve starts at infinity at the straight road and gradually changes to
designed radius at circular curve at the other end.
 Transition curves can be appropriate in situations such as: Combinations of high speed and sharp
curvature, Tangents and sharp circular curves, and Circular curves of substantially different radii.

The main purpose of a transition curve

 It is to provide a smooth transition between the straight road and the circular curve.
 The variable radius of the transition curve gradually increases centrifugal force, P (P=0 at straight
and P= )
 It helps to ensure a smooth transition without any sudden jerk.
 It introduces super elevation gradually.
 It introduces extra widening gradually.
Types of Transition Curves
The different types of curve that can be adopted as shape of transition curves are:
(a) Spiral (b) Cubic parabola (c) Clothoid (d) Lemniscate
General shapes of these three curves are shown in figure. All the
3 curves follow almost the same path up to deflection angle of 4°
and practically there is no significance even up to 9°.
 The characteristics of these curve is that their radii decreases
as length increases.
 Rate of change of radius and consequently rate of change of
centrifugal acceleration is not constant in case of
Lemniscate and cubic parabola, especially at higher
Figure: Types of Transition Curves
deflection angles.

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Highway Engineering, Horizontal Curves 2024 G.C
 In spiral curves, radius decreases constantly as length increases. Hence, it is recommended shape
for transition curve by ERA manual 2013. Another reason for spiral shape being adopted as transition
curve is geometric property of spiral which makes calculation and setting of transition curve
very easy.
The ideal shape for spiral transition curve:
1. This shape fulfills the condition of a constant rate of change of centrifugal acceleration.
2. Length of transition curve is inversely proportional to the radius of curves, which constantly decreases
in radius from the straight road to the circular curve.
Equations of Transition Curve
Consider a transition curve introduced between a straight road and circular curve as shown in figure below:

Transition Curve Length Calculation

Length of the transition curve is an important factor as it directly influences the rate of attainment of
centrifugal force. Length of a transition curve is inversely proportional to the radius of the horizontal
curve. The length of the transition curve should be determined as the maximum of the following three
criteria: rate of change of centrifugal acceleration, rate of change of super-elevation, and an empirical
formula given by IRC. There are three ways by which a transition curve's length can be fixed as discussed
1. Rate of Change of Centrifugal Acceleration
This method is based on the allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration.
The centrifugal acceleration is expressed as, .
The rate of change of centrifugal force is given as, c = , where t = (length of transition curves).
R∗t L
Therefore, Length of transition curves (L) = , c is empirically given as c = ,
C∗R (75+V )

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Where, c is in m/s3, c is usually taken between 0.5 to 0.8 m/s3

v is design speed in km/h

2. Rate of Attainment of Super elevation
This method is based on the rate of attainment of super elevation. There are two subdivisions within this
method as mentioned below.
Inner edge rotation
Length of transition curve (L) = N*e*B
Where, N - the rate of change of super elevation (usually 150)
e - Super elevation rate
B - Width of carriage including widening
Centre line rotation
Length of transition curve (L) = (N*e*B)/2
Where, N - the rate of change of super elevation (usually 150)
e - Super elevation rate
B - Width of carriage including widening
3. Empirical Formula
This method is a purely empirical method based on road terrain. Details of the same is shared in the table
Terrain Cross slope Length of transition curve

Plain 0 to 10% 2.7*(V2)/R

Rolling 10 to 25% 2.7*( V2)/R

Mountain 25 to 60% (V2)/R

Steep >60% (V2)/R

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