PCSA Lecture No 1-7

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Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Course Title: Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Third Year First Semester
Lecture No-1
A greenhouse is a framed or an inflated structure covered with a transparent
or translucent material in which crops could be grown under the conditions of at
least partially controlled environment and which is large enough to permit persons
to work within it to carry out cultural operations.

Greenhouse Effect

In general, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 0.035%

(345 ppm). But, due to the emission of pollutants and exhaust gases into the
atmosphere, the percentage of carbon dioxide increases which forms a blanket in
the outer atmosphere. This causes the entrapping of the reflected solar radiation
from the earth surface. Due to this, the atmospheric temperature increases, causing
global warming, melting of ice caps and rise in the ocean levels which result in the
submergence of coastal lines. This phenomenon of increase in the ambient
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

temperature, due to the formation of the blanket of carbon dioxide is known as

greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse covering material acts in a similar way, as it is transparent to

shorter wave radiation and opaque to long wave radiation. During the daytime, the
shorter wave radiation enters into the greenhouse and gets reflected from the
ground surface. This reflected radiation becomes long wave radiation and is
entrapped inside the greenhouse by the covering material. This causes the increase
in the greenhouse temperature. It is desirable effect from point of view of crop
growth in the cold regions.

Advantages of Greenhouses

The following are the different advantages of using the green house for
growing crops under controlled environment:

1. Throughout the year four to five crops can be grown in a green house due
to availability of required plant environmental conditions.
2. The productivity of the crop is increased considerably.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

3. Superior quality produce can be obtained as they are grown under suitably
controlled environment.
4. Gadgets for efficient use of various inputs like water, fertilizers, seeds and
plant protection chemicals can be well maintained in a green house.
5. Effective control of pests and diseases is possible as the growing area is
6. Percentage of germination of seeds is high in greenhouses.
7. The acclimatization of plantlets of tissue culture technique can be carried
out in a green house.
8.Agricultural and horticultural crop production schedules can be planned to
take advantage of the market needs.
9. Different types of growing medium like peat mass, vermiculate, rice hulls
and compost that are used in intensive agriculture can be effectively utilized
in the greenhouse.
10. Export quality produce of international standards can be produced in a
green house.
11. When the crops are not grown, drying and related operations of the
harvested produce can be taken up utilizing the entrapped heat.
12. Greenhouses are suitable for automation of irrigation, application of
other inputs and environmental controls by using computers and artificial
intelligence techniques.
13. Self-employment for educated youth
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Lecture No-2

Greenhouse structures of various types are used successfully for crop

production. Although there are advantages in each type for a particular application,
in general there is no single type greenhouse, which can be considered as the best.
Different types of greenhouses are designed to meet the specific needs. The
commonly followed types of greenhouse based on shape are lean-to, even span,
uneven span, ridge and furrow, saw tooth and Quonset.

Lean-to type greenhouse

It is built against a building, using the existing structure for one or more of
its sides. It is usually attached to a house, but may be attached to other buildings.
The roof of the building is extended with appropriate greenhouse covering material
and the area is properly enclosed. It is typically facing south side. The lean-to type
greenhouse is limited to single or double-row plant benches with a total width of 7
to 12 feet. It can be as long as the building it is attached to. It should face the best
direction for adequate sun exposure. The advantage of the lean-to type greenhouse
is that, it usually is close to available electricity, water, and heat. It is a least
expensive structure. This design makes the best use of sunlight and minimizes the
requirement of roof supports. It has the following disadvantages: limited space,
limited light, limited ventilation and temperature control. The height of the
supporting wall limits the potential size of the design. Temperature control is more
difficult because the wall that the greenhouse is built on, may collect the sun's heat
while the translucent cover of the greenhouse may lose heat rapidly. It is a half
greenhouse, split along the peak of the roof.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Even span type greenhouse

The even-span is the standard type and full-size structure, the two roof
slopes are of equal pitch and width. This design is used for the greenhouse of small
size, and it is constructed on level ground. It is attached to a house at one gable
end. It can accommodate 2 or 3 rows of plant benches. The cost of an even-span
greenhouse is more than the cost of a lean-to type, but it has greater flexibility in
design and provides for more plants. Because of its size and greater amount of
exposed glass area, the even-span will cost more to heat. The design has a better
shape than a lean-to type for air circulation to maintain uniform temperatures
during the winter heating season. A separate heating system is necessary unless the
structure is very close to a heated building. It will house 2 side benches, 2 walks,
and a wide center bench. Several single and multiple span types are available for
use in various regions of India. For single span type the span in general, varies
from 5 to 9 m, whereas the length is around 24 m. The height varies from 2.5 to 4.3
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Uneven span type greenhouse

This type of greenhouse is constructed on hilly terrain. The roofs are of

unequal width; make the structure adaptable to the side slopes of hill. This type of
greenhouses is seldom used now-a-days as it is not adaptable for automation.

Ridge and furrow type greenhouse

Designs of this type use two or more A-frame greenhouses connected to one
another along the length of the eave. The eave serves as furrow or gutter to carry
rain and melted snow away. The side wall is eliminated between the greenhouses,
which results in a structure with a single large interior, Consolidation of interior
space reduces labour, lowers the cost of automation, improves personal
management and reduces fuel consumption as there is less exposed wall area
through which heat escapes. The snow loads must be taken into the frame
specifications of these greenhouses since the snow cannot slide off the roofs as in
case of individual free standing greenhouses, but melts away. In spite of snow
loads, ridge and furrow greenhouses are effectively used in northern countries of
Europe and in Canada and are well suited to the Indian conditions.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Saw tooth type green house

These are also similar to ridge and furrow type greenhouses except that,
there is provision for natural ventilation in this type. Specific natural ventilation
flow path develops in a saw- tooth type greenhouse.

Quonset greenhouse

This is a greenhouse, where the pipe arches or trusses are supported by pipe
purling running along the length of the greenhouse. In general, the covering
material used for this type of greenhouses is polyethylene. Such greenhouses are
typically less expensive than the gutter connected greenhouses and are useful when
a small isolated cultural area is required. These houses are connected either in free,
standing style or arranged in an interlocking ridge and furrow. In the interlocking
type, truss members overlap sufficiently to allow a bed of plants to grow between
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

the overlapping portions of adjacent houses. A single large cultural space thus
exists for a set of houses in this type, an arrangement that is better adapted to the
automation and movement of labor.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Lecture No-3

Greenhouse type based on utility

Classification of greenhouses can be made depending on the functions or

utilities. Of the different utilities, artificial cooling and heating of the greenhouse
are more expensive and elaborate. Hence based on the artificial cooling and
heating, greenhouses are classified as green for active heating and active cooling

Greenhouses for active heating

During the night time, air temperature inside greenhouse decreases. To avoid
the cold bite to plants due to freezing, some amount of heat has to be supplied. The
requirements for heating greenhouse depend on the rate at which the heat is lost to
the outside environment. Various methods are adopted to reduce the heat losses,
viz., using double layer polyethylene, thermo pane glasses (Two layers of factory
sealed glass with dead air space) or to use heating systems, such as unit heaters,
central heat, radiant heat and solar heating system.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Greenhouses for active cooling

During summer season, it is desirable to reduce the temperatures of

greenhouse than the ambient temperatures, for effective crop growth. Hence
suitable modifications are made in the green house so that large volumes of cooled
air is drawn into greenhouse, This type of greenhouse either consists of evaporative
cooling pad with fan or fog cooling. This greenhouse is designed in such a way
that it permits a roof opening of 40% and in some cases nearly 100%.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Lecture No-4

Greenhouse type based on construction

The type of construction is predominantly influenced by the structural

material, though the covering material also influences the type. Span of the house
inurn dictates the selection of structural members and their construction. Higher
the span, stronger should be the material and more structural members are used to
make sturdy truss type frames. For smaller spans, simpler designs like hoops can
be followed. Therefore based on construction, greenhouses can be broadly
classified as wooden framed, pipe framed and truss framed structures.

Wooden framed structures

In general, for the greenhouses with span less than 6 m, only wooden framed
structures are used. Side posts and columns are constructed of wood without the
use of a truss. Pine wood is commonly used as it is inexpensive and possesses the
required strength. Timber locally available, with good strength, durability and
machinability also can be used for the construction.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Pipe framed structures

Pipes are used for construction of greenhouses, when the clear span is
around 12m . In general, the side posts, columns, cross ties and purlins are
constructed using pipes. In this type, the trusses are not used.

Truss framed structures

If the greenhouse span is greater than or equal to 15m, truss frames are used.
Flat steel, tubular steel or angular iron is welded together to form a truss
encompassing rafters, chords and struts. Struts are support members under
compression and chords are support members under tension. Angle iron purlins
running throughout the length of greenhouse are bolted to each truss. Columns are
used only in very wide truss frame houses of 21.3 m or more. Most of the glass
houses are of truss frame type, as these frames are best suited for pre-fabrication.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Lecture No-5

Greenhouse type based on covering materials

Covering materials are the major and important component of the

greenhouse structure. Covering materials have direct influence on the greenhouse
effect inside the structure and they alter the air temperature inside the house. The
types of frames and method of fixing also varies with the covering material. Based
on the type of covering materials, the greenhouses are classified as glass, plastic
film and rigid panel greenhouses.

Glass greenhouses

Only glass greenhouses with glass as the covering material existed prior to
1950. Glass as covering material has the advantage of greater interior light
intensity. These greenhouses have higher air infiltration rate which leads to lower
interior humidity and better disease prevention. Lean-to type, even span, ridge and
furrow type of designs are used for construction of glass greenhouse.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Plastic film greenhouses

Flexible plastic films including polyethylene, polyester and polyvinyl

chloride are used as covering material in this type of greenhouses. Plastics as
covering material for greenhouses have become popular, as they are cheap and the
cost of heating is less when compared to glass greenhouses. The main disadvantage
with plastic films is its short life. For example, the best quality ultraviolet (UV)
stabilized film can last for four years only. Quonset design as well as gutter-
connected design is suitable for using this covering material.

Rigid panel greenhouses

Polyvinyl chloride rigid panels, fiber glass-reinforced plastic, acrylic and

polycarbonate rigid panels are employed as the covering material in the Quonset
type frames or ridge and furrow type frame. This material is more resistant to
breakage and the light intensity is uniform throughout the greenhouse when
compared to glass or plastic. High grade panels have long life even up to 20 years.
The main disadvantage is that these panels tend to collect dust as well as to harbor
algae, which results in darkening of the panels and subsequent reduction in the
light transmission. There is significant danger of fire hazard.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Shading nets

There are a great number of types and varieties of plants that grow naturally
in the most diverse climate conditions that have been transferred by modern
agriculture from their natural habitats to controlled crop conditions. Therefore,
conditions similar to the natural ones must be created for each type and variety of
plant. Each type of cultivated plant must be given the specific type of shade
required for the diverse phases of its development. The shading nets fulfill the task
of giving appropriate micro-climate conditions to the plants. Shade nettings are
designed to protect the crops and plants from UV radiation, but they also provide
protection from climate conditions, such as temperature variation, intensive rain
and winds.

Better growth conditions can be achieved for the crop due to the controlled
micro-climate conditions “created” in the covered area, with shade netting, which
results in higher crop yields. All nettings are UV stabilized to fulfill expected
lifetime at the area of exposure. They are characterized of high tear resistance, low
weight for easy and quick installation with a 30-90% shade value range. A wide
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

range of shading nets are available in the market which are defined on the basis of
the percentage of shade they deliver to the plant growing under them.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Lecture No-6

Plant response to greenhouse environments

• Light
• Temperature
• Relative humidity
• Ventilation
• Carbon dioxide
Environmental requirement of agriculture and horticulture crops inside green


The visible light of the solar radiation is a source of energy for plants. Light
energy, carbon dioxide (Co2) and water all enter in to the process of
photosynthesis through which carbohydrates are formed. The production of
carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll, using
light energy is responsible for plant growth and reproduction. The rate of
photosynthesis is governed by available fertilizer elements, water, carbon dioxide,
light and temperature.

The photosynthesis reaction can be represented as follows

Co2 + water+ light energy ---------- carbohydrates + oxygen
Plant nutrients
6CO2 + 6H2O + Light → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Natural light and wavelength

Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

In the optical wavelength, light is essential for plants. The light, which can
come from the sun or from a lamp in the greenhouse, from a physical point of
view follows the electromagnetic undulatory theory or the corpuscular theory (the
electromagnetic radiation as a sequence of packages of energy called photons). In
the first case, the energy level of the light is related to its wavelength: the shorter
the wavelength the higher the energy level. In the below chart you can see the
partition of the light based on different wavelength. Plants use the light with
wavelengths ranging from 400 and 700 nanometers as source of energy for
photosynthesis process. The red light (650-700 nm) and the blue light (460-480
nm) are the most efficient wavelengths for the process.

Wavelengths of the sunlight

Natural sunlight λ (nm)

Ultraviolet 290 – 380

Violet 380 – 440

Blue 440 – 495

Green 495 – 570

Yellow 570 – 595

Orange 595 – 625

Red 625 – 700

Near infrared (NIR) 700 – 3.000

Distant infrared (FAR) 3.000 – 100.000

Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

The sunlight which reaches the earth represents 1.800-2.000 μmoli/sqm per
second. The Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) or photosynthetically active
light has a value of wavelength equal to 400-700 nm which means about 300-400 μ

Greenhouse crops it is important to have a cautious management of the

system (structure and roofing of the greenhouse) to optimize the use of the
entering light. Only for the roofing and the structure you can suffer from a loss of
transmissivity of about 30-40% of the total light coming from the outside.
Protected agriculture uses greenhouse effect to accelerate the growth process of
plants, thanks to the fact that in greenhouses, compared to the outside, there is
an optimal medium temperature for plants. This is possible by entrapping the
light (as sun energy) to avoid that the heated air mixes with the outside
environment and with the colder layers of the atmosphere. In spring or summer
with sunny days, the temperature in greenhouse can be too high, for this reason it is
necessary to lower them by using the ventilation. Proceed with various air
exchange or reduce the energy of the sun with shadowing.

Besides the fact that you shall pay close attention to how plants are exposed
to sunlight, it is absolutely necessary to choose wisely the covering material to be
applied in greenhouses as well as a good maintenance and cleaning. In case of
new constructions, you shall not omit the choice of light structures which minimize
the formation of shadows.

In modern greenhouses with advanced technology, after supplying plants

with water and nutrients through fertigation, you shall keep an adequate
temperature. In winter you can use the heating by keeping the greenhouse closed
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

to save the heat. This closure brings the environment of the greenhouse to
a decrease of carbon dioxide by reaching a level which blocks the process of the
photosynthesis. If the CO2 becomes a limiting factor for the production, the
fertigation, and the heating result useless. According to this, you shall use
the carbon fertilization with the spread of artificial CO2 in the greenhouse coming
from tanks or from the combustion of the methane used for the heating.

At this point you can control all the production factors: the light becomes
the limiting factor. During the winter season, days are shorter, and the weather is
almost always cloudy. These lower levels of light and sun radiation represent a
strong limitation for plants growth. To supply light to the plants, it is necessary to
use artificial systems through sodium lamps or LED lamps.


Temperature is a measure of level of the heat present. All crops have

temperature range in which they can grow well. Below this range, the plant life
process stop due to ice formation within the tissue and cells are possibly punctured
by ice crystals. At the upper extreme, enzymes become inactive, and again process
essential for life cease. Enzymes are biological reaction catalyst and are heat
sensitive. All biochemical reactions in the plant are controlled by the enzymes. The
rate of reactions controlled by the enzyme often double or triple for each rise of
temperature by 10 degree C, until optimum temperature is reached. Further,
increase in temperature begins to suppress the reaction and finally stop it. As a
general rule, green house crops are grown at a day temperature, which are 3 to 6
degree C higher than the night temperature on cloudy days and 8 degree C higher
on clear days. The night temperature of green house crops is generally in the range
of 7 to 21 degree C.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Relative humidity

As the green house is a closed space, the relative humidity of the green
house air will be more when compared to the ambient air, due to the moisture
added by the evapo-transpiration process. Some of this moisture is taken away by
the air leaving from the green house due to ventilation. Sensible heat inputs also
lower the relative humidity of the air to some extent. In order to maintain the
desirable relative humidity levels in the green houses, processes like
humidification or dehumidification are carried out. For most crops, the acceptable
range of relative humidity is between 50 to 80%. However for plant propagation
work, relative humidity up to 90% may be desirable. In summer, due to sensible
heat addition in the daytime, and in winters for increasing the night time
temperatures of the green house air, more sensible heat is added causing a
reduction in the relative humidity of the air. For this purpose, evaporative cooling
pads and fogging system of humidification are employed. When the relative
humidity is on the higher side, ventilators, chemical dehumidifiers and cooling
coils are used for de- humidification.


A green house is ventilated for either reducing the temperature of the green
house air or for replenishing carbon dioxide supply or for moderating the relative
humidity of the air. Air temperatures above 35 degree C are generally not suited
for the crops in green house. It is quite possible to bring the green house air
temperature below this upper limit during spring and autumn seasons simply by
providing adequate ventilation to the green house. The ventilation in a green house
can either be natural or forced. In case of small green houses (less than 6m wide)
natural ventilation can be quite effective during spring and autumn seasons.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

However, fan ventilation is essential to have precise control over the air
temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon is an essential plant nutrient and is present in the plant in greater

quantity than any other nutrient. About 40% of the dry matter of the plant is
composed of carbon. Under normal conditions, carbon dioxide (CO2) exits as a gas
in the atmosphere slightly above 0.03% or 345ppm. During the day, when
photosynthesis occurs under natural light, the plants in a green house draw down
the level of Co2 to below 200ppm. Under these circumstances, infiltration or
ventilation increases carbon dioxide levels, when the outside air is brought in,
to maintain the ambient levels of CO2. If the level of CO2 is less than ambient
levels, CO2 may retard the plant growth. In cold climates, maintaining ambient
levels of CO2 by providing ventilation may be uneconomical, due to the necessity
of heating the incoming air in order to maintain proper growing temperatures. In
such regions, enrichment of the green house with CO2 is followed. The exact CO2
level needed for a given crop will vary, since it must be correlated with other
variables in greenhouse production such as light, temperature, nutrient levels,
cultivar and degree of maturity. Most crops will respond favorably to Co2 at 1000
to 1200 ppm.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Lecture No-7

Planning and Design of Green House

Green house are maintain a favorable micro climate desired by the crop to be
grown. Structures are designed to withstand loads due to its own weight, wind,
snow, hanging baskets and should allow maximum light transmissibility.

Site Selection

 It should be located where having moderate climate with sufficient sunlight,

low humidity and good natural drainage.
 It is well connected with market ( proper roads, Sale and supply)
 Greenhouse site should have adequate communication means.
 It should not located vicinity of an industry and possible pollution effects.
 It should fairly free from any shade, huge tree and multi stories buildings.
 It should have sufficient wind breaks on all sides to minimize the damage
due to high wind and convection heat loss in winter.
 Site should be well drainage and could locate on hilly terrains.
 Better illumination of sun light and protection from wind.
 Ensure future expansion facility.


In controlled environment plant production systems are used widely

throughout the world to produce plant materials and products at a time or place or
of a quality that cannot be obtained outdoors.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT


The light level in the green house should be adequate and uniform for crop
growth. Wind should not adversely affect either the structure or the operation of
the facility. Orientation should be east-west comparison to north-south orientation,
which reducing cost of heating in the green house.

Availability of electricity

All the electrical appliances such as motor, fans, light and other measuring
instruments need assured electricity for uninterrupted operation.

Source of Water

Crop cultivation under greenhouse is mostly dependent on 100% irrigation.

So availability of water in respect of quality, quantity and round the year supply
has to be necessary.

Climate Factors

A green house is an enclosure where environment is provided for growth

and production of crops, vegetables and flowers plants under adverse conditions.
The site should have sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis, moderate temperatures,
and adequate quantities of CO2, O2, mineral nutrients and air movement.

Desirable Environmental conditions for growth of plants

SN Parameters Optimum Required

1 Light intensity 25000-50000 lumen/m2
2 Night Temperature
 Winter crop 5-15 degree C
20-30 degree C
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

 Summer crop 20-25 degree C

 Soil temperature
3 Relative Humidity 30-70%
4 Air movement 0.1- 0.35 m/s
5 Carbon dioxide 0.03 – 0.04%
6 pH level 6.2 -6.8
7 Irrigation Based on requirement

Wind effect

If the green house is naturally ventilated, the advantage of natural

wind direction has to be taken to the maximum possible. The maximum length of
green house should be perpendicular to wind direction. Fan and pad green house
the natural wind direction should be same as the air blown by the fan.

Size and spacing of Green House

Naturally ventilated- 50 m X 50 m

Evaporative cooled – 60 m X 50 m

Naturally ventilated green house should be 10 to 15 m spacing so that exhaust from

one green house should not enter the adjacent green house.

Height of Green House

Height should be 5m for 50mX50m size. If height is more, wind

load is more for structure and glazing. Side ventilation should be 2 m and Roof
ventilation is 1 m.
Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Component of Typical Green House

Roof: Transparent cover of a green house

Gable: Transparent wall of a green house

Cladding material: Transparent material (Rigid- Glass and Flexible- Plastic film)

Gutter: It collects and drains water and snow

Column: Vertical structure member

Purlin: A member who connects cladding supporting bars to the column.

Dr. Ghanshyam Deshmukh Associate Professor , Agricultural Engineering JNKVV COA, BALAGHAT

Ridge: Highest horizontal section

Foundation pipe: connection between the structure and ground.











Practical No-1

Study of different type of green house based on shape.

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