Overtus Datasheet 22942 A

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Product Features
Reliant™ Clear Adaptive Feedback Canceller
• 3rd generation of industry-leading Adaptive Feedback Canceller technology
• Specialized design for open ITC and CIC applications — more added stable gain and faster reaction time for
these applications
• If feedback oscillation does occur, the oscillation amplitude is limited

ACOUS-TAP™ Acoustic Push Button

• Switch changes programs when user pats his ear and not the hearing instrument
• Eliminates the physical push button, saving size and cost
• Patent pending design

Improved Layered Noise Reduction™

• Our Layered Noise Reduction technology continues to be a state-of-the-art solution to
reduction of environmental noise
• Twelve noise reduction bands
• A more aggressive 17 dB attenuation setting available for extreme noise situations
• Extended frequency range of action to 7750 Hz — more useful for open fittings

Eight-channel Wide-Dynamic-Range Compression with Dynamic Contrast Detection™

• Three adaptive time-constant modes to optimize Wide-Dynamic-Range Compression performance in critical
• Compression ratio and threshold adjustable independently in each channel
• MPO output compression limiting is also adjustable independently in each channel



Event Data Logging




• Elapsed-time clock will record the time the amplifier has been operating since it was made
• Events are recorded and ‘time stamped’ RBAT CLK DAT

• User events: power-on events, volume control change, program change, low battery events
• All events will be logged in a buffer available to the fitting system






• Fitting system can present the data to help the dispenser understand usage patterns
Reflowable PCB Package
Digital Random Noise Generator
• Digital generation of random noise gives a clean noise sound for masking use
• Noise is injected at the input, so it can be shaped by the existing EQ gain adjusters
• Can be used in mixed-mode applications: one program for masking, and another program for hearing
instrument use

Improved Audiometric Tone Generator

• For in-situ fitting validation

22942_A IntriCon.com

ACOUS-TAP™ Acoustic Push Button Event Data Logging

The Overtus amplifier has a unique “push button” for memory selection, The data logging feature on Overtus stores information associated with
designed for ITE, ITC and CIC applications. In these applications, the the following 4 events: Startup, Volume Control (VC), Push Button (PB),
hearing instrument wearer pats his or her ear with their hand to Low Battery Warning. This allows monitoring of such things as daily
change programs. The pat generates a pressure wave and a feedback usage, battery life, number of times user adjusts VC, or adjusts the
path change. These changes are detected by the amplifier and used active program. A definition of the Events and their associated status
to change the program memories. The switch functions in the same is as follows:
manner as a physical push button in regard to how it changes programs
and the switch tones that are generated. The acoustic switch works for Startup Event = 1:
microphone inputs only. For telecoil and DAI applications, a mechanical The startup event has two 24 bit status words associated with it and it
switch is required. occurs whenever the device is powered on. The two words are a 24 bit
Event Status and a 24 bit real time clock using this format:
There are four mode settings for the switch:
1. Off — The acoustic switch is disabled. This should be selected if Event status format:
a normal physical push button is used. EEEE EEEP PVVV VV00 0000 0000
2. Single tap — This is the simplest mode, requiring only one hand E = 7 bit event code Startup event code = 1
tap to activate the switch. This mode may, however, have some P = 2 bit Active program setting
unwanted switches from wind, car door slamming or other loud V = 5 bit VC position setting
low frequency inputs
3. Cover and tap — This mode requires the user to cover their Real Time Clock: 24 bit counter where each count is 10 min
ear with their hand briefly and then tap the ear. This mode
monitors for both a significant feedback path change and the VC event = 2,
signature hand tap pressure wave. This mode is more resistant PB event = 3,
to false switches. Low Batt Warning event = 4:
4. Two taps — This mode requires the user to tap their ear twice All these events have one 24 bit status word associated with them
to activate the switch. This mode is more resistant to false
switches than the single pat. Event status format: EEEE EEEP PVVV VVCC CCCC CCCC
E = 7 bit event code
There is also a sensitivity setting for the acoustic switch that compensates P = 2 bit Active program setting
for the low frequency response of the microphone. The normal setting V = 5 bit VC position setting
is for flat response microphones, which is the preferred microphone. C = 10 least significant bits of the real time clock
The other setting is for microphones with low frequency roll-off.
In-situ Tone Generator
Automatic Telecoil and M-T-O Switching The Overtus amplifier comes with a programmable tone generator
A dedicated switching pad is available for applications of automatic that can be used for in-situ validation of the hearing instrument fitting.
telecoil switching or M-T-O switching. This mode is used by attaching The programmable parameters are frequency, level, and duration of
a magnetic switch or mechanical switch from the TSW pad to GND. the generated tone signal. The eight frequency options available are:
By programming, the ‘auto-tcoil’ mode is activated and the auto- 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 1.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz, 6 kHz. The input
tcoil program is designated by setting the parameter coilPGM. In the referred level of the generated tone can be adjusted between 20 dB SPL
designated auto-tcoil program, the parameters are set to activate the and 100 dB SPL, in 5 dB increments. The duration of the tone being
telecoil and adjust other parameters to the desired telecoil performance. generated is set by providing a count which sets the signal duration as
When the TSW pad is pulled to GND, the amplifier switches to the follows: Count = Duration (sec) / .0005 sec. Count is an integer between
program set by coilPGM (typically program 5) and stays there until the 1 and 32767.
TSW pad is open. Then the amplifier reverts to the user memory that
was active just before TSW was grounded. Example: Count needed to get 500ms beep is: .5s/0.0005s = 1000

Band Gain Equalizers Input Modes

Twelve band gain adjusters-equalizers are available to precisely match There are four single input modes: MIC1, MIC2, TC+, and DAI. When one
fitting targets. Band 1 covers the frequency 250 Hz and below. Bands of these modes is activated, the input pad by that name is active, and
2–8 are 500 Hz wide. Bands 9–12 are 1000 Hz wide.Center frequencies all other inputs are turned off. Inputs MIC1, MIC2 and TC+ have internal
of bands are: ~100 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 1500 Hz,2000 Hz, 2500 Hz, AC coupling capacitors. Input DAI is DC coupled and usually requires
3000 Hz, 3500 Hz, 4250 Hz, 5250 Hz, 6250 Hz, 7250 Hz. Each band has an external AC coupling capacitor. One input mode is for the Digital
adjustable gain in 2 dB increments from 0 dB to -40 dB. Noise Generator source. There are three summing modes available:
‘MIC1 + DAI’, ‘MIC1 + TC+’, and ‘MIC1 + Noise Generator’. There are 3
fixed directional pattern modes that use the signals from microphones
connected to inputs MIC1 and MIC2: Fixed Directional - Cardioid, Fixed
Directional - Supercardioid, Fixed Directional - Hypercardioid.


Layered Noise Reduction™ (LNR) Preamplifiers

Our unique version of noise reduction acts to remove noise in between There are two adjustable preamplifiers to handle the four input pads.
speech syllables as well as to lower general background noise from the Preamplifier 0 handles the inputs MIC1, MIC2, DAI and TC+. Preamp 1 is
environment. All layers respond to noise of all intensities so it replaces used when combined input features, such as directional, are selected.
the function of low-level expansion. The LNR function can be set to the Each preamp gain is programmable to the settings 0 dB, 12 dB, 15 dB,
following settings: off, low, medium, high. Additional information on 18 dB, 21 dB, 24 dB, 27 dB, and 30 dB.
this feature can be found in the IntriCon technology white paper titled
“Understanding Layered Noise Reduction” (available on the IntriCon
website or from your IntriCon sales representative). Program Switch Tones
When this feature is enabled by programming, the amplifier will emit
beeps every time the SW pad is connected to ground. The number of
Low Battery Warning beeps duplicates the program number being switched into, i.e. when
When the battery voltage nears the end of life, the amplifier will moving into Program 2, two beeps will be heard. When moving into
detect this condition and provide a low battery warning signal. The first Program 4, four beeps will be heard. The frequency and loudness
warnings begin when the average battery voltage falls below 1.05V. of the beep tones are programmed as set forth in the section ‘Tone
At this time, the amplifier emits three sets of double beeps every 10 Adjustments.’
minutes. When the average battery voltage falls lower than 0.95V, the
amplifier issues six sets of double beeps, and then shuts down the
audio output of the hearing instrument. The frequency and loudness Random Noise Generator
of the beep tones are programmed as set forth in the section ‘Tone The Overtus amplifier has an internal random noise generator that
Adjustments.’ Low battery warning can be disabled via software. creates a flat spectrum psuedo-random digital noise sequence. The
noise signal is injected at the front end of the amplifier before any of
the signal processing. The amplitude of the noise is programmable to
Manufacturer’s Data Area (Scratch-Pad Memory) values of 30 - 65 dB SPL (input referred) in 5 dB increments. Using the
Ten memory locations are provided to store any hearing instrument Input Selector parameter, one can set up the noise generator to operate
and fitting system information that is desired. Each location is 16 bits optionally in any of the user programs. For example, Program 1 could
long. Some commonly stored items are model code, serial number, be set up with MIC1 active as a hearing instrument program. Program
calibration constants and version numbers. 2 could be set to activate the noise generator as a tinnitus masking

Manufacturer’s ID
An 8-bit memory location is reserved to store a code called Manf_ID. Reliant™ CLEAR Adaptive Feedback Canceller (AFC)
This code is assigned by IntriCon to each manufacturer that requests Our third-generation adaptive feedback canceller is optimized for
a unique code. This can be used to identify hearing instruments of a open ITC and CIC applications. These applications have very large but
given manufacturer from others. IntriCon’s engineering software called short feedback paths. This canceller is designed to adapt to the large
“Slider” will not read and program amplifiers with the Manf_ID set to feedback levels and to use the short path characteristics to speed the
values other than zero, unless the code has been unlocked using the adaptation time. This AFC also has an added feature to improve on
proper key provided by IntriCon. This prevents undesired changing of the rare situations where feedback squealing does occur. An example
hearing instrument parameters. is when an object is quickly moved very close to the ear. In these
situations, the feedback oscillations that do occur have a reduced
amplitude and duration. The anti-entrainment performance follows
Output Limiting that of its well performing Overtus predecessor. The AFC is effective for
The maximum power output (MPO) of the amplifier can be limited feedback problems occurring in the frequency range of 750 Hz to “6750
using the compression limiter. This method of output control does not Hz. The AFC can be enabled or disabled separately in each user memory
create harmonic distortion like peak clipping. In each of 8 compression by programming. Additional information on this feature can be found
channels, the MPO can be programmed to settings of Off, 0 dB, -2 dB, in the IntriCon technology paper available on the IntriCon web site, or
-4 dB, -6 dB, - 8 dB, -10 dB, -12 dB, -14 dB, -16 dB, -18 dB, -20 dB, -22 dB, from your IntriCon sales representative.
-24 dB, -26 dB, and -28 dB (relative to no limiting). The output level will
not be affected by the volume control setting, since the limiter is placed
right before the output stage and after the VC block. SDA Programming Port
Communication to and from the amplifier is by means of an SDA
port. This port implements a proprietary bidirectional communication
Overall Gain protocol with data and clock on the same line. Low-level PC-to-amplifier
The parameter for overall gain is adjustable in 1dB steps from 0 to communication is handled by a dynamic-linked library Overtus.dll
-47 dB. Use this parameter to set the overall gain of an application, and provided by IntriCon. This driver supports the Hi-Pro interface unit, as
then use the band gain adjusters to handle frequency shaping. The user well as the eMiniTec and NOAHLink.
VC adjustment will reduce the gain downward starting at the setting of
matrix gain. It important to remember that some values of matrix gain Contact IntriCon for the latest support information, or check our website
will be too high for a particular application, and the fitting system should at www.intricon.com.
insure that these high values are not available at fitting time.


Tone Adjustments
The tones used for program switching and low battery warning are
created in a tone generator. The tones can be injected either at the input
end of the amplifier or at the output end, depending on programming
of the ‘tone_reference’ parameter. The value 0 indicates input-injected
tones, and the value 1 indicates output-injected tones. Available
frequency settings are 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 1500 Hz, and 2000 Hz. Available
loudness settings are 60 dB SPL, 66 dB SPL, 72 dB SPL, and 78 dB SPL
(input referred) when injected at the input, and 85 dB SPL, 90 dB SPL, 95
dB SPL, and 100 dB SPL (output referred) when injected at the output.

User Program Memory

As many as five user memories are available to an application. Up to
four memories are available by selecting the value of the parameter
“number_of_programs” by programming to 1–4. A fifth user memory
can be added by activating the auto-tcoil function, and defining the
auto-tcoil memory to be 5. Each of the user memories is a unique set
of audio parameters. All of these parameters change when the user
changes memory. The program change is accomplished by grounding
the SW pad of the amplifier. There are two modes for this switch
function. The static mode allows changes from Program 1 to Program 2
only. When the SW pad is grounded, the user Program 1 is active. When
the SW pad is open, user Program 2 is active. In the momentary mode,
every time the SW pad is grounded, the user program is incremented,
until the top program is active. The next SW grounding event causes the
user program to return to Program 1. Program switch tones will sound if
this feature is enabled (see section ‘Program Switch Tones’).

Volume Control (VC) Function

A user volume control can be connected to this amplifier, and the
function can be configured to match the application. By programming,
the VC can be set to analog mode or disabled. The range of the VC is
programmable to the settings 50 dB, 40 dB, 30 dB, 20 dB, and 10 dB.
To create a analog volume control, a 100k ohm linear-taper VC (such
as IntriCon models 11, 12, 14, 25, 26, and 35) is wired with the center
terminal to the VC pad, and the ends of the VC are wired to M+ and GND
respectively. The VC mode should be set to analog.

Wide-Dynamic-Range Compression (WDRC) with Dynamic

Contrast Detection™
The Overtus amplifier uses unique IntriCon technology called Dynamic
Contrast Detection in an 8-channel WDRC configuration. The transient
response of the channel compressors has three modes of operation: A)
BASIC mode (single time constraints), B) BASIC/FAST mode (dual time
constants), and C) BASIC/FAST/REACH (three sets of time constraints).
The technology is described in detail in the technology white paper
titled Two-Channel WDRC with Dynamic Contrast Detection (available
on the IntriCon web site, or from your IntriCon sales representative).
Compression thresholds settings for both channels together are 40,
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 dB SPL input-referred. Compression ratios
settings of each channel are 1:1, 1.05:1, 1.11:1, 1.18:1, 1.25:1, 1.33:1,
1.43:1, 1.54:1, 1.67:1, 1.82:1, 2:1, 2.22:1, 2.5:1, 2.86:1, 3.33:1, 4:1.
Time constants settings are described in the technology white paper
mentioned above. Channel crossover frequencies are at 250 Hz, 750 Hz,
1250 Hz, 1750 Hz, 2750 Hz, 3750 Hz, and 5500 Hz.


Overtus® Standard Amplifier Hybrid

Part Number 93124-0009

0.226'' [5.74mm]






typical pad size:


0.017 x 0.043
[.43 x 1.09mm] 0.134'' [3.40mm]


typical space
between pads:


0.007'' [0.18mm]





Abbreviated Date Code:

nc = no connections Part Number WW = week number
YY = year
XX = work order

Overtus® Mini Amplifier Hybrid

Part Number 92232-0009


0.206'' [5.23mm]

typical pad size: MIC2 SW TSW VC2 VBAT VC
0.021 x 0.028
[0.53 x .71mm]
0.115'' [2.92mm]

typical space
between pads:
0.007'' [0.18mm] 2V SDA GND OA OB Abbreviated Date Code:
Part Number WW = week number
YY = year
XX = work order
Note: Overtus Mini Hybrid is non-reflowable.


Wiring Schematic for simple programmable application

with acoustic switch


omni MIC1



TC+ zero-bias

to programmer




VC wiring
in gray is optional


Programmer Wiring
Pin numbering of the DIN connector
on the front of the HiPro, as seen
facing the HiPro box

6 5 HiPro pin 1
4 3 HiPro pin 4
HiPro pin 2
2 1 To GND


Technical Specifications

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units Condition

Minimum Operating Supply Voltage 1.0 1.25 2.0 V
Supply Current -- 1.0 -- mA AFC enabled at idle
Clock Frequency -- 3.84 -- MHz
Sampling Frequency -- 16 -- kHz
Bandwidth -- 8 -- kHz
Input Noise -- 5.4 7.4 uVrms bandwidth 200-8000 Hz
Dynamic Range 90 -- -- dB max input signal with THD < 2%
Output Impedance, Standard Mode -- 5 -- ohms
Output Impedance, High Power Mode -- 2.5 -- ohms


Customer Max Hybrid Recommended materials

Process Parameters
Attach Process Temp to attach hybrid
Hand Solder Set iron tip temp to 650°–715° F. Max 250° C Use SAC 305 solder wire
Wire dwell time of 2 seconds. Allow 10 seconds
between solder operations.

Flip Clip Reflow in convection oven—see 250° C Print SAC 305 paste onto pads. Flip hybrid onto wet
profile below for recommended reflow paste and reflow. Alternate method is to apply flux to
temperature. the pads then flip hybrid onto fluxed pads and reflow.
Recommended flux is indalloy tac flux 025 (this is a
water soluble flux).

Solder Reflow Temperature Profile

(Lead-free SAC Alloy)


reflow temperature (degrees C)




0 50 100 150 200 250
reflow time (seconds)

For more information on IntriCon products, visit www.intricon.com

or email [email protected]

Contact Information:
1260 Red Fox Road INTRICON GMBH
Saint Paul, MN 55112 Kesselschmiedstrasse 10 This product may be covered by one or
Tel: 651.636.9770 D-85354 Freising, Germany more of the following patents, as well as
Fax: 651.636.9503 Telefon: 049-8161-4804-0 patents pending: 8,355,517; 8,605,927;
Website: www.intricon.com Telefax: 049-8161-4804-18 8,767,987; D671,218; 9,571,939; 9,832,578;
Email: [email protected] 6,678,386; D525,617; D527,377; D567,232;
Email: [email protected] D588,110; 7,519,193; 8,358,797.
©2018 IntriCon Corporation · 22942_A JAN-2018 · Specifications subject to change without notice.

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