【Antai Solar Datasheet】MetaRoof-1.31.23

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MetaRoof - MT - L feet with C Rail

1. Good flexibility. Good flexibility to match various types of metal roofs.
2. Good stability. Good stability when attached directly on roof purlin.

3. Compliant with different standards. Compliant with European, American,
Australian and other international standards.

System Name MetaRoof-MT-L feet with C Rail

Roof Type Metal roof
Tilt Angle 0°- 45°
Wind Load 90m/s
Snow Load 1.6KN/m²
Applicable Solar Module Framed/Frameless
Panel Layout Portrait/Landscape
Design Standard BS EN1991, ASCE7-10, BS 6399, AS-NZS 1170,
GB 50009-2012, MS 1553
Material AL - 6005 - T6 & SUS304&
Color Sliver/Black
Warranty 10-year


Rail 4700mm

Rail 2300mm

H80 H85 H90

Rail Splice

End Clamp

Mid Clamp

H125 H165 Hanger bolt

L Feet Kit/ Hanger Bolt

Grounding Lug Kit

Grounding Clip

Cable Clip

30F, W square, 1801 Huandao East Road,

ANTAI TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD Tel 86-18506951535 Website www.antaisolar.com E-mail [email protected] Add
Siming District, Xiamen, China
MetaRoof- MT-Trapezoid with H Rail ' 部ANTAi

• CERTIFICATE �- CPP ·!· Ill @..)⑨@ •FEATURE

1. Good flexibility. Good flexibility to match va 「ious types of meta I roofs
2. Good stability. Good stability when attached directly on roof purlin
3. Compliant with different standards. Compliant with European.American, Australian
• SPECIFICATION and othe 「 international standards
4. Non-penetrating soil』tion. Non-penetrating 「oof clamp mounting ensure wate 「proof.
System Name MetaRoof-MT - Trapezoid with H Rail
Roof Type Metal 「oof
Tilt Angle 0。 -45。
Wind Load 90m/s
Snow Load l.6KN/『n2
Applicable Solar Module Framed/Frameless
Panel Layout Port「ait/Landscape
Design Standard BS EN1991, ASCE 7-10, BS 6399, AS -NZS 1170,
GB 50009-2012, MS 1553
Material AL -6005-T6 & SUS304
Color Slive「/Black
Warranty 10-year


J) H Rail4700mm

、、 H Rail2300mm

Kliplok 700 clamp


Kliplok 406 clamp


Seamlok clamp
� H Rail splice

ζ唱..,. fi
End Clamp

Mid Clamp

Trapezoidal clamp Trapezoidal clamp Trapezoidal clamp

@ Y骂 Kliplok

5) 响也 Grounding Lug Kit

⑤ Grounding Clip

Trapezoidal clamp Trapezoidal clamp
S) 4'"页 Cable Clip

ANTAi TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1时86-18506951535 Website www.antaisolar.com E-mail [email protected] Add 30F, W square, 1801 Huandao East Road,
Siming District与Xiamen, China
MetaRoof-MK-Kilplok without rail system ' 部ANTAi

• CERTIFICATE �- CPP ·!· Ill @..)⑨@ • FEATURE

1. Save installation time and cost. Fast installation with railless to save cost.
2.Pe 「fectwate 「P 「oofing.Non-penetrating roof clamp mounting ensure
wate 「P 「oofing.
3.Professional packaging solution.P 「ofessional packagi 门 g solution fo 「 easy
System Name MetaRoof-MK-Kilplok without rail system logistics, and cost-e忏ective warehousing.
Roof Type Metal 「oof
Tilt Angle 0-45°
Wind Load 90m/s
Snow Load l.6KN/『n2
Applicable Solar Module Framed/Frameless
Panel Layout Landscape
Design Standard BS EN1991, ASCE7-10, BS 6399, AS-NZS 1170, ,于;
GB 50009 2012, MS 1553 与/
Material AL -6005 -T6 & SUS304
Color Slive「/Black
Warranty 10-yea 「


lJ l.v二 Kliplok

Kliplok mini rail 700 Kliplok mini rail Kliplok mini rail
2 End Clamp

Mid Clamp

Kliplok mini rail 406 Kliplok mini rail Kliplok mini rail
Grounding Lug Kit

Grounding Clip

Kliplok mini rail Kliplok mini rail 700 Trapezoidal mini rail
e 鸣也臼 bleClip

ANTAi TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1时86-18506951535 Website www.antaisolar.com E-mail [email protected] Add 30F, W square, 1801 Huandao East Road,
Siming District与Xiamen, China
MetaRoof-MT-Trapezoid + L feet with C Rail' 部ANTAi

• CERTIFICAT E �- CPP ·!· Ill @..)⑨@ •F EATURE

1. Non-penetrating solution. Non-penetrating 「oof clamp mounting ensure
2. High suitability. A variety of roof clamps suit for all roofing sheets.
• SPECIFICATION 3. Simple and quick installation. Simple and quick installation by fixing the clamp
System Name to the metal 「oofs.
MetaRoof-MK-Kilplok + L feet with C Rail
R fType 。。 Metal 「oof
4. Expand installation availability . Expand installation availability while there 1s no
suitable fixing pu 「lin unde 「 the roof.
Tilt Angle 0-45°
Wind Load 90m/s
Snow Load l.6KN/『n2
Applicable Solar Module Framed/Frameless •INSTALLATION
Panel Layout Port 「ait/Landscape
Design Standard BS EN1991, ASCE7-10, BS 6399, AS-NZS 1170,
GB 50009 2012, MS 1553
Material AL -6005-T6 & SUS304
Color Slive「/Black
Warranty 10-yea 「


3) 、、 Rail4700mm

� 、� Rail2300mm
哇,, ’毛,,

Kliplok 700 clamp Kliplok406 clamp Seamlok clamp
乓建立 Rail splice

� 飞、
End Clamp
Mid Clamp lock seam clamp lock seam clamp lock seam clamp

@ 14. ..z Kliplok

5) 非
L Feet Kit
’←、, 、y ’肉、,
Trapezoidal clamp Trapezoidal clamp Trapezoidal clamp
@ 联怠 Grounding Lug Kit

� V'� Grounding Clip

司 o d列
’�!, Cable Clip Trapezoidal clamp Trapezoidal clamp

ANTAl TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1时86-18506951535 Website www.antaisolar.com E-mail [email protected] Add 30F, W square, 1801 Huandao East Road,
Siming District与Xiamen, China
MetaRoof-MT-Mini rail '- 部ANTAi

• CERTIFICATE �- CPP ·!· Ill @..)⑨@ • FEATURE

1.Save installation time and cost. Fast installationwith railless to save cost.
2.Pe 「fectwate 「P 「oofing.EPDM gasket unde 「 mini 「ails to p 「otect f 「om
wate 「 leakage
3.Professional packaging solution.P 「ofessional packagi 门 g solution fo 「
System Name Meta Roof-MT-Mini rail easy logistics, and cost-effectivewa 「ehousing.
Roof Type Metal roof 4.Customized design.Length of mini rail can be customized.
Tilt Angle 0- 45。
Wind Load 90m/s

Sn w Load l.6KN/m2 • INSTALLATION
Applicable Solar Module Framed/Frameless
Panel Layout Po 「t 「ait/Landscape
Design Standard BS EN1991, ASCE7-10, BS 6399, AS-NZS 1170,
GB 50009-2012, MS 1553
Material AL-6005 T6 & SUS304&EPDM
Col r。 Slive「/Black
Warranty 10-yea 「


n 斗。、川 a

2: End Clamp H30 H30-wing H45-wing

3 Mid Clamp

Grounding Clip H45 HlOO-wing

>'\l/ Cable Clip

ANTAi TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1时86-18506951535 Website www.antaisolar.com E-mail [email protected] Add 30F, W square, 1801 Huandao East Road,
Siming District与Xiamen, China
Meta Roof-TR- Hook system '- 部ANTAi

• CERTIFICAT E �- CPP ·!· Ill @..)⑨@ •F EATURE

1. High suitability. A variety of roof hooks suit for pantile, plain tile, o 「 slate tiles.
2. Meet varying load requirements. The comp 「ehensive range of aluminum rails fa 「
varying load requiremen臼
• SPECIFICATION 3.Compliantwith diffe 「ent standards. Compliantwith European, American, Australia 门
and othe 「 inte 「national standards
System Name MetaRoof-TR-Hook system
Roof Type T ile roof
Tilt Angle 0。 -45。
Wind Load 90m/s •INSTALLATION

Sn w Load l.6KN/『n 2
Applicable Solar Module Framed/Frameless
Panel Layout Port「ait/Landscape
Design Standard BS EN1991, ASCE7-10, BS 6399, AS-NZS 1170,
GB 50009 2012, MS 1553
Material AL -6005 -T6 & SUS304 I ----气

Color Slive「/Black
Warranty 10-year


:1) 、、 Rail4700mm

重’ 、� Rail2300mm
� 飞号之〉
Rail splice Tile hook portrait Tile hook landscape Tile hook portrait

End Clamp

Mid Clamp

Tile hook landscape Tile hook portrait Tile hook portrait

Tile Hook

5) 飞 Grounding Lug Kit


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< a
Grounding Clip

Cable Clip
Tile hook po同rait Tile
an �r::ts��;: it

ANTAi TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1时86-18506951535 Website www.antaisolar.com E-mail [email protected] Add 30F, W square, 1801 Huandao East Road,
Siming District与Xiamen, China

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