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Total Quality Management (TQM): A Need of Industry for Quality Product

Article in International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry · July 2023

DOI: 10.11648/j.ijpc.20230902.12


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3 authors, including:

Amol Deshmukh
Shri Swami Samarth Institute of Pharmacy Malwadi Bota Sangamner


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International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry
2023; 9(2): 21-27
doi: 10.11648/j.ijpc.20230902.12
ISSN: 2575-5730 (Print); ISSN: 2575-5749 (Online)

Total Quality Management (TQM): A Need of Industry for

Quality Product
Amol Sampat Deshmukh1, *, Pravin Rangnath Dighe2, Suvarna Jagannath Shelke3
Department of Pharmaceutics, IVM’s Indrayani Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, S.M.B.T. College of Pharmacy, Nandi-Hills, Dhamangaon, Nashik, India
Department of Pharmaceutics, S.M.B.T. College of Pharmacy, Nandi-Hills, Dhamangaon, Nashik, India

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Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Amol Sampat Deshmukh, Pravin Rangnath Dighe, Suvarna Jagannath Shelke. Total Quality Management (TQM): A Need of Industry for
Quality Product. International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2023, pp. 21-27. doi: 10.11648/j.ijpc.20230902.12

Received: May 27, 2023; Accepted: June 19, 2023; Published: July 6, 2023

Abstract: We are using various products in our day to day life for different purposes. Most of the products of same category
are manufactured by various industries. Such products are differed from each other by its quality parameters. Among these
products only quality products are reached to top sale because most of the customers focuses on the quality as per their needs.
Total quality management (TQM) makes it easier to keep a product's overall quality at a high level. To integrate the quality
discipline into the organization's culture and activities, it uses strategy, data and effective communications. An organization can
achieve long-term success by having all of its members, from entry-level staff to top executives, focus on improving the
quality and, as a result, producing customer happiness. This is the foundation of the management concept known as Total
Quality Management (TQM). In short, we can say that TQM is a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that form the basis
of a company that strives for continuous improvement. TQM is now familiar worldwide and is being adopted by many
industries to give quality product to customers. The objective of this article is to give a detailed view on the concept of quality,
concept of total quality management and its implementation, TQM tools, quality risk management and historical development
of TQM means total quality management philosophies.
Keywords: Quality, Total Quality Management, TQM, Quality Tools, TQM Philosophies

competitive edge due to the intensifying global economic

1. Introduction rivalry and other external factors. Total Quality Management
Due to the rapid expansion of the global economy, (TQM), which has received considerable attention from both
businesses are under increasing pressure to achieve and business and academia over the last 20 years, stands out as
maintain functional distinctiveness in order to improve their one of the most well-known styles of modern operations
overall performance and competitiveness. Internationally, management practice. [1, 2] TQM plays a crucial role in the
organizations also frequently deal with shifting economic growth and development of societies since it is the
organizational cultures, a competitive market, a bigger focus one who develops, promotes, and disseminates new ideas and
on improvements in quality, consumer loyalty, high-tech knowledge. TQM improves their processes and services
innovation and unpredictability in politics and the economy. through the successful implementation of quality. [3]
Today organizations can never depend on their current Dr. Edwards Deming in 1940 proposed the idea about
business forms in remarkably competitive marketplace. In Total Quality Management (TQM). Total Quality
order to maintain their successful operations over the years, Management allows firms to get, on the one hand, a high
they must accept and implement new operation management extent of differentiation, fulfilling need of customers and
practices. Organizations have been forced to pursue enduring strengthening brand image, and reduces the costs of product
quality and quality management in order to increase their by preventing mistakes and waste of time and also by making
International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry 2023; 9(2): 21-27 22

improvements in the processes of corporation. [4] One of the with products and services of the highest caliber. Basically,
best quality-oriented approaches that most organizations providing exceptional quality increases consumer pleasure
imply is total quality management. TQM has drawn the and raises institution production. One method that
attention of scholars due to its growing popularity and organizations are attempting to provide clients with excellent
acceptance in the business sector. Particularly over the last services is through the deployment of quality improvement
two decades, TQM is one of the most popular and enduring initiatives, such as Total Quality Management. [8]
management principles. “TQM is a comprehensive
management philosophy that strives for continuous 2. Quality
development in all functions of an organization and it can be
achieved”. [5] TQM has gained international prominence Quality has been defined by the quality gurus by different
recently and is being embraced by many companies, ways as conformance to standards or specifications of the
especially in developed economies. TQM system was product; suitability for its use; fulfilling customer’s need or
established primarily as a result of developments in the their expectations; delighting the customer etc. Although
global economy and the market forces that demand quality. quality is a widely used concept, it is not very specific. It is
TQM may be defined as a continuous search for excellence difficult to quantify quality because it is too difficult to
by forming the right skills and attitudes in people to make visualize. It is a question of feeling, and each person will
prevention of possible defects and fully satisfy define it differently depending on their point of view.
customers/users at all times. TQM is an organization-wide The eight dimensions of quality, which are critically
activity or process that has to reach every individual who important elements to organizational success, are as follows.
works in that organization or who relates with this a) Performance: Product’s primary operating
organization through any discipline. Total Quality characteristics.
Management is an approach for the improvement in the b) Features: Supplements to a product’s basic functioning
effectiveness and flexibility of a entire business. TQM is characteristics.
essentially a mode of organizing which participating the c) Reliability: A probability of not malfunctioning during
whole organization; including every department, every a specified period.
activity, and every single person at each level. It is the d) Conformance: The degree to which a product’s design
combination of the socio-technical practice towards doing and operating characteristics meet established standards.
the correct things (externally), everything right (internally) e) Durability: A measure of product life.
first time and also all the time, by considering economic f) Serviceability: The speed and ease of repair.
viability at each stage of each process. It combines socio- g) Aesthetics: How a product looks, feel, tastes and smells.
technical practices that emphasizes doing the right thing h) Perceived quality: As seen by a customer. [9]
(externally), the right thing (internally) and the right thing all
the time while taking into account economic viability at each 3. Total Quality Management
level of each process. [6]
Total Quality Management's evolution can be divided into 3.1. Evolution of TQM
following four stages:
a) Quality inspection As in conventional systems, quality depends only on final
b) Quality control product quality control testing. This resulted in increase in
c) Quality assurance cost of product and also increases time consumption for
d) Total Quality Management detection of the problem if any. In conventional systems the
The TQM method is focused on improving the processes' problem detection was possible only at the end of the
effectiveness and responsiveness in meeting customer needs process. With the evolution and application of TQM, this
as a part of the organization's excellence aim in achieving situation has altered, and now every department is concerned
customer satisfaction. All of the elements or individuals must with product quality management. Today, quality is verified
operate as a team to ensure the efficacy of the concept at every stage of the process, and if a problem arises, it is
implementation in the organization. attempted to be resolved just at that stage. Quality is checked
TQM implementation can be divides into 3 stages: at every stage of the process and is not solely dependent on
a) Preparation stage, quality control testing of the finished product. Therefore, this
b) Planning stage also led to an improvement in product quality and a reduction
c) Execution stage. [7] in time and expense associated with batch failures or other
Implementing quality initiatives, like TQM, is a one-way process-related issues. Pharmaceutical industry is the most
process where businesses aim to offer the consumer high- vital part of the healthcare system and therefore quality of the
quality services. The foundation of TQM is to create an product is must requirement. So, TQM should be applied by
organizational culture and mentality that is committed to pharmaceutical industries as it results in improving the
meeting customer needs by delivering services that satisfy quality of the product and also decreasing the time required
those needs. Today, an organization's survival and worldwide for quality production, which ultimately result in decreasing
competitiveness depend on its capacity to provide clients cost of the product. [10]
23 Amol Sampat Deshmukh et al.: Total Quality Management (TQM): A Need of Industry for Quality Product

3.2. TQM Tools 3.2.5. Fishbone Diagram (Ishakawa Diagram)

This tool is also called a cause-and effect diagram. It is
There are a wide range of TQM tools. There is no tool that used in a brainstorming sessions to observe factors that may
is best for every application; the knowledgeable practitioner affect a given situation or affect outcome. The causes are
is aware of a rich variety of tools and uses the appropriate often grouped into various categories such as people,
one(s). Following are some of the important TQM tools. material, process or method, and equipment. The resulting
3.2.1. Process Maps diagram takes the fishbone shape, hence the name fishbone
One of the important ways of understanding how to diagram.
improve a process is to map the process. While there are 3.2.6. Loss Functions
several different approaches used to process mapping, the In many manufacturing situations, one creates tolerance
important key is to determine who does what at each step of limits for a product. Products that do not fall within the limits
the process. Often, the simple drawing of a process map is are called defective and those that are within the limits are
sufficient to solve many quality problems because the map considered as good products. Several difficulties arise with
makes it so obvious where defects can be introduced. this approach. First, there is always the enticement to group
3.2.2. “Poke-A-Yoke” and the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) products that are just outside the limits into the adequate
Cycle category, especially if there is a huge push for quantity.
This concept is of the Japanese management philosophy Second, and which is more important, the accumulative
which meaning to make a process foolproof. The idea is to effect of numerous parts which are all on the tremendous
plan the process in such a way that it is self-checking or limits of acceptability, may lead to defective performance.
incorporates process steps that cause immediate detection of The loss function tool is used to know a cost associated with
defect and its possible correction. Simple examples include any deviation from the ideal value.
color-coding and special keying of parts to confirm that they 3.2.7. Brainstorming
are assembled the right way. This process has become a staple of the TQM movement.
PDCA Cycle tool is also known as the Shewhart Cycle. The concept is to invite participants to suggest “solutions”
Deming popularized this cycle in Japan; as a result, the to a problem without any evaluation of the usefulness or
Japanese refer to Shewhart Cycle as the Deming Cycle. The correctness of their ideas. Several approaches are their
tool emphasizes a new plan for change. It carries out tests to including open suggestions, rotating suggestions or blind
make the change on a small scale, observes the effects, and suggestions. There are several computer tools that have
finally, studies the results to determine what has been been developed and made available to assist in this process.
learned. The cycle is repeated as needed. After a fixed period of time or after all suggestions has
3.2.3. Statistical Tools been received, there is discussion of the “value” of the
William Deming was an American engineer, statistician suggestions.
and management consultant. One of Deming’s major 3.2.8. Affinity Diagram and Tree Diagram
contributions to the quality management was the introduction The affinity diagram tool is used to organize large amounts
of statistically grounded approaches to the analysis of of non-quantitative (ideas, opinions, issues, etc.) information
defects. Without the use of such statistical tools, one can into groupings based on natural relationships between the
often make inaccurate decisions regarding the cause of a items. It is a very creative process than a logical process. In a
problem. This can often lead to exactly the reverse effect of very loose sense, the affinity diagram work for ideas what
that being sought. Tools included in this set of tools are statistics does for numbers, viz. extract meaning from raw
statistical process control (SPC) charts, Pareto Charts and data. The affinity diagram process is often used with the
histograms. results of a brainstorming session to organize the resulting
3.2.4. Force Field Analysis and Root Cause Analysis ideas. The full range of paths and actions that must be
This tool asks one to diagram the forces (policies, culture completed to fulfil a major objective and every connected
and so forth) that are resisting a desired change and the sub goal are meticulously mapped out using a tree diagram
forces that support the change. This assists one in clearly tool. It is depicted graphically as a family tree or
determining the degree of difficulty of making change and organizational chart.
exactly where effort will be needed. The supporting forces 3.2.9. Interrelation Digraph
are places where support can be anticipated. This tool takes complex, multi-variable problems, or
Root Cause Analysis tool used by the Japanese people and desired outcomes, and explores and displays all of the
made it popular. In this tool series of questions (whys) are interrelated factors involved. Graphically it shows the logical
asked until one uncovers the basic cause of a defective and often casual relationship between various factors. It is
product. The main objective of this tool is to find out why a often used in conjunction with the results of an affinity
defective product was produced; this is to be contrasted with diagram exercise to seek causes and effects in order to
the typical approach of just setting up the defective product determine why corrective action needs to be applied.
to remove defect or replacing the product.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry 2023; 9(2): 21-27 24

3.2.10. Prioritization Matrices and Activity Network risk indicators.

Prioritization matrices are one of a group of decision 3.4.5. Control
making tools that help to prioritize tasks, issues, or possible It involves strict control over risk mitigation plan to avoid
actions on the basis of agreed upon criteria. While these tools deviation from these plans.
are unable to make decisions directly, they can only help to 3.4.6. Communication
ensure that all factors are evaluated and they also ensure that It involves communication of feedback about quality risk
logical decisions are reached. management plans, their usefulness in mitigation of risks and
Activity network diagram includes a wide range of project about finding the emerging risks. [10]
management tools used to plan the most appropriate schedule
for a complex project. Classic examples of activity network 3.5. TQM Philosophies
diagram are Gantt Charts and PERT charts. These tools work
likely providing completion time and associated effects and TQM philosophies made up of three key elements-
provide a suitable method for judging compliance with a customer focus, people involvement and continuous
plan. Several excellent computer programs exist for improvement.
automating the work associated with this class of tools. [11] a) Customer focus: By considering definition, TQM is a
customer-oriented philosophy. Finding out who are the
3.3. Benefits of Total Quality Management customers? is the first step towards delighting them. It
is necessary to take into account both internal and
Total quality management is characterized as an integrated external customers. Because expectations are dynamic,
organizational effort that aims to raise standards of quality a company must maintain close communication with its
throughout the entire organization. It has also been described clients and put systems in place to ascertain their
as the finding of excellence, suitability for use, value for expectations and gauge their levels of satisfaction.
money, and client happiness, among other things. Financial b) People involvement: TQM stresses the importance of
advantages include the opportunity to charge higher pricing involving everyone in the process of ‘‘customer
as opposed to competing ones, reduced costs, and larger driven’’ continuous improvement, which can only
returns on sales and investments. Hendricks and Singhai happen if all staff is given the space and responsibility
works for ten years and their study showed that there is to innovate and make decisions. This generally implies
strong link between financial performance and TQM. Other a new job design, which encompasses more autonomy
benefits include better access to international markets, and flexibility in performing daily activities.
increased customer retention rates, shorter development c) Continuous improvement: Continuous improvement
times for new inventions, and a reputation as a reliable requires an organizational culture that constantly
company. Because it takes a lot of time, effort, money, and encourages members to innovate, minimizes fear and
patience to establish a good programme, very few businesses provides them with a rich and diverse set of tools.
employ TQM. However, firms with the essential resources Improvement comes from identifying and learning
may gain major competitive advantages in their industries by from mistakes, implementing corrective actions to
the implementation of TQM. [12] overcome mistakes and trying new things based on the
3.4. Quality Risk Management (QRM) lessons learned from the past. Thus, improvement
opportunities must be continuously identified and
Quality risk management is a procedure that allows for feedback collected from external and internal
decisions to be made at any stage of the process and is used customers to continuously measure progress towards
to assess, control, communicate, and review risks to the the goals. [13]
quality of pharmaceutical products.
Quality risk management includes: 3.5.1. Deming’s Approach
Deming had made a highly significant contribution during
3.4.1. Identification of Risks the war in increasing America's industrial efficiency. Ideas of
It involves identification of risks before they become Deming ware well received by engineers and scientists after
serious to be solved. the war was won, yet top management did not respond to his
ideas. At that time industry went back to the old conventional
3.4.2. Analysis of Data ways of trying to meet consumer market. At that time in
It involves analysis of risk data that and classifying the Japan Deming found a much more interested audience to
risks based on their impact and priority. share his ideas. His ideas once implemented led during the
3.4.3. Planning 80s, to American business was being battered by Japan's
Based on analysis of risk data planning for mitigation of superior industrial practices. The rest of the world was then
risks involved and making decisions how to mitigate risks. forced to take his ideas seriously in order to compete and
survive. This was done by adopting "Japanese methods" such
3.4.4. Track as TQM and Lean Manufacturing.
Monitor the plans for risk mitigation and also monitoring Deming proposed 14 points as the principles of TQM,
25 Amol Sampat Deshmukh et al.: Total Quality Management (TQM): A Need of Industry for Quality Product

which are listed below: 1) Know your internal suppliers and customers
a) "Create a constancy of purpose" 2) Promote team work
1) Define the problems of today and the future j) "Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets
2) Allocate resources for long-term planning 1) They are directed at the wrong group
3) Allocate resources for research and education 2) They generate frustration and resentment
4) Constantly improve design of product and service 3) Use posters that explain what management is doing
b) "Adopt the new philosophy" to improve the work environment
1) Quality costs less not more k) "Eliminate numerical quotas"
2) Superstitious learning 1) They impede quality
3) The call for major change 2) They reduce production
4) Stop looking at your competition and look at your 3) A person's job becomes meeting a quota
customer instead l) "Remove barriers"
c) "Cease dependence on inspection" 1) Performance appraisal systems
1) Quality does not come from inspection 2) Production rates
2) Mass inspection is unreliable, costly, and ineffective 3) Financial management systems
3) Inspectors fail to agree with each other 4) Allow people to take pride in their workmanship
4) Inspection should be used to collect data for process m) "Institute a program of education and self-
control improvement"
d) "Do not award business based on price tag alone" 1) Commitment to lifelong employment
1) Price alone has no meaning 2) Overtime and education
2) Change focus from lowest initial cost to lowest total 3) Work with higher education of needs
cost 4) Develop team building skills in children
3) Work toward a single source and long-term n) "Take action to accomplish the transformation"
relationship Management must:
4) Establish a mutual confidence and aid between 1) Struggle over the fourteen points
purchaser and vendor 2) Take pride in the new philosophy
e) "Improve constantly the system of production and 3) Include the critical mass of people in the change
service" 4) Learn and use the Shewhart cycle [14, 15]
1) Quality starts with the intent of management
2) Teamwork in design is fundamental 3.5.2. Juran’s Approach
3) Forever, continue to reduce waste and continue to Juran believed that main problems in quality are arises due
improve to management rather than workers. The attainment of
4) Putting out fires is not improvement of the process quality requires activities in each and every function of a
f) "Institute training" firm. Firm-wide quality assessment, use of statistical
1) Management must provide the setting where workers methods, supplier quality management, quality information
can be successful system and competitive benchmarking are essential for
2) Management must remove the inhibitors to good quality improvement. Juran's method emphasizes on
work teamwork and project work, which can serve to encourage
3) Management needs an appreciation of variation quality improvement, enhance communication and
g) "Adopt and institute leadership" coordination between management and employees, as well as
1) MBO's improve coordination within the workforce. As per Juran's
2) Work standards opinion, customer needs, are crucial to realize. Identifying
3) Meet specifications customer needs requires more detail analysis to make sure
4) Zero defects that the product not only satisfies consumer needs but also
5) Appraisal of performance that it is appropriate for the use for which it is designed. As a
6) Replace with leadership result, market research is essential for determining client
7) Leaders must: wants. Juran considered quality management as three
i. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship fundamental processes (known as Juran Trilogy) as Quality
ii. Know the work they supervise control, quality improvement and quality planning. Juran
iii. Know the difference between special and defined four wide categories of quality costs, which can be
common cause of variation used to estimate the firm’s costs related to quality. Such
h) "Drive out fear" information is very fruitful for quality improvement.
1) The common denominator of fear The four quality costs are listed as follows:
2) The fear of knowledge a) Internal failure costs (scrap, rework, failure analysis,
3) Performance appraisals etc.), related with issues that were discovered before the
4) Management by fear or numbers product was given to the customer;
i) "Break barriers among staff areas" b) External failure costs (allowances, complaint
International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry 2023; 9(2): 21-27 26

adjustment, returned material, warranty charges, etc.), l) Recognition: To appreciate those who participate.
associated with defects found after product is shipped to m) Quality councils: To bring together the professional
the customer; quality people for planned communication on a regular
c) Appraisal costs (incoming, in-process and final basis.
inspection and testing, maintaining accuracy of testing n) Do it over again: To emphasize that the quality
equipment, product quality audits, etc.), incurred in improvement program never ends. [15]
determining the degree of conformance to quality
requirements; 3.5.4. Ishikawa’s Approach
d) Prevention costs (quality planning, training, new Ishikawa (1985) argued that quality management extends
product review, supplier quality evaluation, quality ahead of the product and encompasses after-sales service, the
audits, etc.), incurred in keeping failure and appraisal quality of individuals, the quality of management and the
costs to a minimum. [15] quality of firm itself. He claimed that the success of a firm is
well dependent on treating quality improvement as a never-
3.5.3. Crosby’s Approach ending search or discovery. A commitment to continuous
Crosby (1979) in his study acknowledged a number of key improvement can assure that people will not at all stop
principles and practices for a successful quality improvement learning. He advocated employee participation as the key to
program, which include some examples like management the successful implementation of total quality management.
responsibility for quality, management participation, He believed that Quality circles are an important vehicle to
employee recognition, employee education, reduction of the achieve TQM. Additionally, he emphasized the role that
cost of quality (this includes- prevention costs, failure costs education plays in quality, saying that it is the beginning and
and appraisal costs), emphasis on prevention rather than later the end of quality. Ishikawa is linked to the creation and
inspection, doing things right the first time with zero defects. promotion of universal education in the following seven
Crosby offered a 14-step program that can direct the firms quality assurance measures.
in pursuing quality improvement. These steps are as given These tools are listed below:
below: 1) Pareto chart
a) Management commitment: To make it clear where 2) Cause and effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram)
management stands on quality. 3) Stratification chart
b) Quality improvement team: To run the quality 4) Scatter diagram
improvement program. 5) Check sheet
c) Quality measurement: To provide a display of current 6) Histogram
and potential nonconformance problems in a manner 7) Control chart
that permits objective evaluation and corrective action. Ishikawa’s concept of TQM contains the following six
d) Cost of quality: To define the ingredients of the cost of fundamental principles:
quality, and explain its use as a management tool. 1) Quality first-not short-term profits first
e) Quality awareness: To provide a method of raising the 2) Customer orientation-not producer orientation
personal concern felt by all personnel in the company 3) Customer-breaking down the barrier of sectionalism
toward the conformance of the product or service and 4) Using facts and data to make presentations-utilization of
the quality reputation of the company. statistical methods
f) Corrective action: To provide a systematic method of 5) Respect for humanity as a management philosophy- full
resolving forever the problems that are identical participatory management
through previous action steps. 6) Cross-functional management. [14]
g) Zero defects planning: To investigate the various
activities that must be conducted in preparation for 3.5.5. Kaizen Philosophy
formally launching the Zero Defects program. Kaizen is an improvement strategy that involves everyone
h) Supervisor training: To define the type of training that in the organization, from top management to managers to
supervisors need in order to actively carry out their part supervisors to employees, in a continuous improvement
of the quality improvement program. process. Both managers and employees in Japan have the
i) Zero defects day: To create an event that will make all idea of Kaizen so deeply ingrained in their minds that they
employees realize, through a personal experience, that frequently aren't even aware that they are thinking of it as a
there has been a change. customer-driven strategy for improvement. The fundamental
j) Goal setting: To turn pledges and commitment into tenet of Kaizen is that those who perform a work are the
actions by encouraging individuals to establish most informed about that task; as a result, by incorporating
improvement goals for themselves and their groups. them and having faith in their talents, improvements can be
k) Error causal removal: To give the individual employee a made. In addition to this, the team effort encourages
method of communicating to management the situation innovation, change and by involving all levels of employees,
that makes it difficult for the employee to meet the the imaginary organizational barriers get disappear to make
pledge to improve. room for productive improvements. From such a point of
view, Kaizen is not only an approach to competitiveness in
27 Amol Sampat Deshmukh et al.: Total Quality Management (TQM): A Need of Industry for Quality Product

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