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Partitions of testis develop from (4) Acini or lobules

(1) tunica albuginea (2) tunica vasculosa
(3) tunica vaginalis (4) rete testis 11. Penile urethra traverses through
(1) Corpora cavernosa
2. Vas deferens arises from (2) Corpus spongiosum
(1) cauda epididymis (2) caput epididymis (3) Corpus callosum
(3) corpus epididymis (4) rete testis (4) Corpus striatum

3. Testosterone is secreted by the 12. Seminiferous tubules are composed of

(1) Leydig's cells (2) Sertoli cells (1) Spermatogonia
(3) Pituitary gland (4) Testis (2) Glandular epithelium
(3) Sensory epithelium
4. In between spermatogonia are found (4) Germinal epithelium
(1) Germinal cells (2) Sertoli cells
(3) Epithelial cells (4) Lymphatic space 13. Bundles of erectile tissues in penis are
(1) Corpus cavernosa
5. The function of seminal fluid is - (2) Corpus spongiosum
(1) sexual attraction (3) Both
(2) to provide stability to egg (4) None
(3) to provide a medium for the movement of sperms
(4) to provide acidic medium 14. Glans penis is covered by
(1) Areolar membrane (2) Prepuce
6. Vasa efferentia connect the (3) Metrium (4) None
(1) testes with epididymis
(2) kidneys with cloaca 15. Scrotal sacs of man is connected with the
(3) yestes with urinogenital duct abdominal cavity by-
(4) None of the above (1) Inguinal canal
(2) Haversian canal
7. In mammals, failure of testes to descend into (3) Vaginacavity
scrotum is known as (4) Spermatic canal
(1) Paedogenesis
(2) Castration 16. In mammals, the testes occur in scrotal sacs,
(3) Cryptorchidism outside the viscera because of the
(4) Impotency (1) presence of urinary bladder
(2) presence of rectum
8. Scrotum communicates with abdominal cavity (3) long vas-deferens
through (4) Requirement of low temperature for
(1) urethra (2) inguinal canal spermatogenesis
(3) vas deferens (4) epididymis
17. Read the following statements: -
9. Tunica albuginea is the covering around (a) It is paired structure
(1) Oviduct (2) Testis (b) It is present on lateral side of male urethra
(3) Kidney (4) Heart (c) It help in lubrication of penis
In above statements "It' refers to :-
10. The functional unit of testis of man is (1) Seminal vesicle (2) Bartholin gland
(1) Uriniferous tubules (3) Bulbourethral gland (4) Prostate
(2) Malpighian tubules
(3) Seminiferous tubules
18. Which accessory genital gland occurs only in male (1) Attracting sperms
mammal? (2) Stimulating sperm activity
(1) Bartholin's gland (2) Perineal gland (3) Attracting egg
(3) Cowper's gland (4) All of thea bove (4) None of the above

19. Seminal vesicle is present between : 27. Seminal vesicles are located in
(1) prostate and urethra (1) Caput epidydimis
(2) prostate and vas-deferens (2) Uterus
(3) prostate and cowper's gland (3) Above Cowper's glands
(4) vas deferns and testis (4) Glans penis.

20. Sugar fructose is present in the secretion of 28. Testes descent into scrotum in mammals for
(1) Seminal vesicle (2) Perineal gland (1) Spermatogenesis
(3) Cowper's gland (4) Bartholin's gland (2) Fertilization
(3) Development of sex organs
21. A female gland corresponding to prostate of males (4) Development of visceral organs.
(1) Bartholin's' gland 29. Spermatozoa are nourished during their
(2) Bulbourethral gland development by
(3) Clitoris (1) Sertoli cells
(4) Paraurethral gland of Skene (2) Interstitial cells
(3) Connective tissue cells
22. Outer coat of seminiferous tubules is composed of (4) None
fibrous connective tissue called
(1) Tunica propria 30. Sperms and ova are
(2) Lamina propria (1) Ectodermal in origin
(3) Plica semilunaris (2) Mesodermal in origin
(4) Tunica albuginea (3) Endodermal in origin
(4) All of the above
23. Which is unpaired gland in male reproductive
system of human ? 31. Sertoli cells are regulated by the pituitary hormone
(1) Bartholin gland (2) Seminal vesicle known as .
(3) Prostate gland (4) Cowper's gland (1) FSH (2) GH (3) Prolactin (4) LH

24. In mammals, maturation of sperm take place at a 32. Seminal plasma in humans is rich in :-
temperature (1) Fructose and certain enzymes but poor in calcium
(1) equal to that of body (2) Fructose, calcium and certain enzymes
(2) higher than that of body (3) Fructose and calcium but has no enzymes
(3) lower than that of body (4) Glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium
(4) at any temperature
33. Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of a portion
25. Circumcission is the procedure of of human male reproductive system. Select the
(1) Cutting the glans penis. correct set of the names of the parts labelled A, B, C,
(2) Removal of whole skin of penis. D :-
(3) Removal of movable skin (prepuce) of glans penis.
(4) Reduction of the body part of penis.

26. Prostate gland produces a secretion for

(2) Efferent ductules -- Rete testis -- Vas deferens --
(3) Rete testis -- Efferent ductules – Epididymis -- Vas
(4) Rete testis -- Epididymis -- Efferent ductules -- Vas

38. Capacitation occurs in :

A B C D (1) Epididymis
(1) Ureter Seminal Prostate Bulbourethral (2) Vas deferens
vesicle gland (3) Female reproductive tract
(2) Ureter Prostate Seminal Bulbourethral (4) Rete testis
vesicle gland
(3) Vas seminal Prostate Bulbourethral 39. The head of epididymis is called
Deferens vesicle gland (1) Caput epididymis (2) Cauda epididymis (3)
(4) Vas seminal Bulboure- Prostate Gubernaculum (4) Vas deferens
deferens vesicle thral gland
40. If the vasa deferentia of a man are surgically cut or
34. If for some reason, the vasa efferentia in the blocked
human reproductive system get blocked, the gametes (1) Sperms in the semen become non motile (2)
will not be transported from :- Spermatogenesis will not take place
(1) Testes to epididymis (3) Testosterone will disappear from blood (4) Semen
(2) Epididymis to vas deferens will be without sperms
(3) Ovary to uterus
(4) Vagina to uterus 41. The ducts which carry sperms from testis to caput
epididymis are
35. The testes in humans are situated outside the (1) Vasa efferentia (2) Vasa deferentia (3) Ureters (4)
abdominal cavity inside a pouch called scrotum. The Bidder's canals
purpose served is for :-
(1) Maintaining the scrotal temperature lower than 42. Fructose is present in the secretion of
the internal body temperature (1) Bartholin's gland (2) Cowper's gland (3) Perineal
(2) Escaping any possible compression by the visceral glands (4) Seminal vesicles
(3) Providing more space for the growth of epididymis 43. In human males the acidity in the urethra is
(4) Providing a secondary sexual feature for exhibiting neutralised by the secretions of
the male sex. (1) Cowper's glands (2) Rectal glands (3) Perineal
glands (4) Urinary bladder
36. Capacitation refers to changes in the :-
(1) Ovum before fertilization 44. Which of the following in mammals produce/s
(2) Ovum after fertilization alkaline mucous for lubrication?
(3) Sperm after fertilization (1) Pineal body (2) Prostate gland (3) Cowper's glands
(4) Sperm before fertilization (4) Testis

37. Which of the following depicts the correct pathway 45. Seminal plasma (semen) has sperms and
of transport of sperms ? secretions of
(1) Rete testis -- Vas deferens -- Efferent ductules-- (1) Follicles, Ureters and Prostate gland
Epididymis (2) Prostate, Cowper's and Bartholin's glands
(3) Seminal vesicles, Prostate and Cowper's glands
(4) Seminal vesicles, Ureters and Prostate gland (1) gonadotropin (2) testosterone
(3) relaxin (4) inhibin
46. Testosterone is secreted by
(1) Mast cells (2) Sertoli cells (3) Kupffer cells (4) 54. Choose the correct combination of labelling of
Leydig's cells seminiferous tubule of testis

47. Which of the following is correct about

mammalian testes?
(1) Graafian follicles, Sertoli cells, Leydig's cells
(2) Sertoli cells, Seminiferous tubules, Leydig's cells
(3) Graafian follicles, Leydig's cells, Seminiferous
(4) Graafian follicles, Sertoli cells, Seminiferous
(1) A - sertoli cell, B - spermatogonium, C - spermatid,
48. The nutritive cells found in the seminiferous D - intestitial cell, E - spermatozoa
tubules are (2) A - interstitial cell, B - spermatid, C -
(1) Sertoli cells (2) Leydig cells spermatogonium,
(3) Chromaffin cells (4) Spermatogonia D - spermatozoa, E - sertoli cell
(3) A - interstitial cell, B - spermatid, c - spermatozoa,
49. Cauda epididymis leads to the D - spermatogonium, E - sertoli cell
(1) Rete testis (2) Vas deferens (3) Vas efferens (4) (4) A - interstitial cell, B - spermatogonium, C -
Ejaculatory duct
D - spermatozoa, E - sertoli cell
50. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which
55. Which of the following represents a condition
(1) Testis does not descend into the scrotal sacs
where the mobility of the sperms is highly reduced?
(2) Sperms are not found in the semen
(1) Oligospermia (2) athenospermia
(3) Male hormones are not active
(3) Azoospermia (4) polyspermy
(4) Ovaries are absent
56. Which of the following is located at the base of
51. The sertoli cells are found in the testis. These cells
urinary bladder?
are also known as
(1) Prostrate gland (2) Bulbo-urethral gland
(1) Nurse cells (2) Reproductive cells (3) Receptor cells (3) Ovary (4) Seminal vesicle
(4) Germ cells
57. Seminal plasma in humans is rich in:
52. In males, testes are contained in the scrotal sacs (1) fructose and certain enzymes but poor in calcium
because (2) fructose, calcium and certain enzymes
(1) other organs do not make space for the testes in (3) fructose and calcium but has no enzymes
the abdominal cavity (4) glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium
(2) testes in the abdomen will hamper maturation of
sperms 58. Vasa efferentia are the ductules leading from:
(3) it provides temperatrues that is slightly lower than (1) Epididymis to urethra
body temperature required for formation of (2) Testicular lobules to rete testis
functional sperms (3) Rete testis to vas deferens
(4) it facilitates ejaculation (4) Vas deferens to epididymis

53. Sertoli cells are nourishing cells in the testis. They 60. During sexual excitement secretion of which
also secrete a hormone. Identify the same accessory reproductive gland of male comes out first
(1) Cowper gland (2) Seminal vesicle 3) Germ cells 4) Cells of vas deferens
(3) Prostate gland (4) Bartholin gland
70. Number of testicular lobules in each testis :
61. Semen contains all except : 1) 1 - 3 2) 15 - 20
(1) Fructose (2) Fibrinogen 3) 100 - 200 4) More than 200
(3) Prothrombin (4) Citric acid
71. Diagrammatic view of male reproductive system is
62. In vasectomized person given.
(1) Semen is not produced Select the option with correct identification
(2) Semen is without sperms
(3) Vas deferens is removed 1) G - Epididymis, G - Vas deferens, E - Rete
(4) Vas efferens is cut testis, M - Prostate, L - Glans Penis
2) A - Epididymis, J - Vas deferens, D - Rete testis,
63. Which pathway of the male reproductive system is K - Prostate, G - Glans Penis
correct 3) F - Epididymis, D - Vas deferens, B - Rete testis,
for the sperms transportation? I - Prostate, H - Glans Penis
(1) Vas efferentia→Vas deferens→Epididymis 4) C - Epididymis, B - Vas deferens, E - Rete testis,
(2) Vas deferens→Epididymis→Seminal vesicle L - Prostate, G - Glans Penis
(3) Epididymis→Vas deferens→Urethra
(4) Rete testis→Epididymis→Vas efferentia

64. Testes do not produce

(1) Estradiol (2) Testesterone
(3) Fructose (4) Inhibin

65. The functional maturation of sperms in males,

occurs in
(1) Rete testis (2) Epididymis
(3) Lobules of testis (4) Fallopian tube

66. Opening of urethra at the surface of glans penis is

termed as
1) Os uterus 2) Os cervix 72. Out of the following, how many cells are involved
3) Meatus 4) Prepuce in lining of seminiferous tubules?
A. Spermatogonia B. Sertoli cells
67. For normal fertility, at least _____% of sperms C. Leydig cells D. Trophoblast cells
should show vigorous motility. 1) 1 2) 2
1) 1 2) 10 3) 3 4) 4
3) 40 4) 60
73. On which surface of testis, epididymis is located?
68. Continuity of epididymis in human male is- 1) Anterior 2) Posterior
1) Seminiferous tubule 3) Superior 4) Inferior
2) Vasa efferentia
3) Vas deferens 74. Diagrammatic sectional view of a seminiferous
4) Ejaculatory duct. tubules is given.

69. Source of androgens in male -

1) Leydig cells 2) Sertoli cells
82.Which of the following is not found in seminiferous
1) Spermatogonia 2) Sertoli cells
3) Interstitial cells 4) None of above.

83. Source of androgens in males is located in which

part of primary sex organ?
1) Lining of seminiferous tubules
2) Lumen of seminiferous tubules
Identify the Sertoli cells. 3) Interstitial spaces
1) B 2) D 4) Rete testis.
3) A 4) C
84. Select the incorrect statement about male
75. Seminal secretion or plasma is rich in - reproductive system :
1) Fructose but no calcium 1) Epididymis is located on the posterior surface of
2) Fructose and calcium but no enzymes testis
3) Calcium and enzymes but not in fructose 2) 1-3 seminiferons tubules are found in each testis
4) Fructose, calcium and certain enzymes 3) foreskin covers the gland penis
4) Urethral meatus is located in the glans penis.
76. Male gonads are located in a skin pouch known as
: 86. Number of testicular lobules per testis in human :
1) Testis 2) Epididymis 1) 150 2) 250
3) Scrotum 4) Rete testis. 3) 500 4) 1000

77. Number of seminiferous tubules in each lobule : 87. Seminal plasma is having contribution from :
1) 1 - 3 ` 2) 4 - 6 1) Prostate gland + seminal vesicles
3) 7 - 10 4) 11 - 15 2) Seminal vesicles only
3) Seminal vesicles + prostate glands + bulbourethral
78. Skin covering the glans penis is : glands
1) Scrotum 2) Foreskin 4) Seminal vesicles + prostate glands + bulbourethral
3) Epididymis 4) Testicular lobule glands + testis.

79. Number of sperms per ejaculation during coitus- 88. External genitalia of male is :
1) 1 - 2 lakh 2) 1 - 2 million 1) Penis
3) 10 - 30 million 4) 200 - 300 million 2) Penis + Testis
3) Penis + Testis + Urethral meatus
80. Semen is - 4) Penis + Urethral meatus.
1) Seminal plasma
2) Secretion of seminal vesicles + sperms 89. Main function of secretions of bulbourethral
3) Seminal plasma + sperms glands is :
4) Secretion of prostate glands + sperms. 1) Source of fructose
2) Source of calcium
81. If human testis fails to descend, than in 3) Provide nourishment to developing sperms
comparison to normal testis it will be exposed to 4) Lubrication of penis.
1) 1 - 1.5°C lower temperature
2) 1 - 1.5°C higher temperature 90. Which of the following male reproductive
3) 2 - 2.5°C lower temperature structure is not related / matched with the
4) 2 - 2.5°C higher temperature given feature/function?
Male reproductive Feature / Function
1) Testis Possess 250 lobules
2) Penis Erectile tissues
3) Prostate gland Contributes in seminal
4) Epididymis Location of spermatogenesis

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