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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Exercise - I
MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN 10. Ubisch bodies are associated with the
1. Capsella is angiosperm because it possess :- development of:-
(1) Naked Seed (2) Pollen grain (1) Embryo (2) Pollen grains
(3) Vascular tissue (4)Fruit/Covered seeds (3) Endosperm (4) Embryo sac
2. Which part of the reproductive structure 11. Essential whorls of a flowers are :-
produces both enzyme & hormone? (1) Calyx and Corolla
(1) Archesporium (2) Middle layer (2) Corolla and Gynoecium
(3) Tapetum (4) Endothecium (3) Androecium and Gynoecium
3. Ubisch bodies are produced in:- (4) All of the above
(1) Embryosac (2) Endothecium 12. Sporopollenin is found in :-
(3) Pollen grain (4) Tapetum (1) Exine (2) Intine
4. Tapetum is :- (3) Cytoplasm (4) Nucleus
(1) Parietal in origin and is the inner most 13. Microsporophyll of Angiosperms is known
layer of anther wall as:-
(2) Modified endothecium of anther wall (1) Androecium (2) Anther
(3) Outer most layer of sporogenous tissue (3) Filament (4) Stamen
modification 14. Main function of endothecium (in anther) is :
(4) Parietal in origin and is the inner most (1) Mechanical (2) Nutritive
layer of ovule wall (3) Dehiscence (4) Storage
5. Example of polyploid tissue present in an 15. Endothecium, middle layer and tapetum in
angiosperm plant is:- anther are derived from :-
(1) Perisperm (2) Embryo (1) Primary sporogenous cells
(3) Tapetum (4) Placenta (2) Primary parietal cells
6. Pollen grain represents:- (3) Both
(1) Female gametophyte (4) None of the above
(2) Male gametophyte 16. Which one is female gametophyte?
(1) Embryo (2) Embryosac
(3) Sporophyte
(3) Endosperm (4) Pistil
(4) Anther
17. The functional megaspore in Capsella is
7. Anther is generally composed of:-
(1) One sporangium (2) Two sporangia (1) Micropylar (2) Chalazal
(3) Three sporangia (4) Four sporangia (3) All (4) Any
8. How many cells or nuclei are present in 18. Obturators which help in fertilization are out
mature male gametophyte of Capsella? growth of:-
(1) One (2) Two (1) Pollen tube
(3) Three (4) Many (2) Stigma
9. How many and what type of male gametes are (3) Placenta or funiculus
produced by the male gametophyte of (4) Pollen grains
19. Filiform apparatus are found in:-
(1) Antipodal cell
(1) One, multi cilliated (2) Two, biciliated
(2) Egg cell
(3) Two, multi ciliated (4) Two, non-motile
(3) Secondary nucleus
TG: @Chalnaayaaar (4) Synergids
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NEET : Biology
20. Perisperm is:- 31. Floriculture is related with :-
(1) Persistant nucellus in seed (1) Rearing of Bees (2) Embryo culture
(2) Ovule wall (3) Tissue culture (4) Cultivation of flower
(3) Ovule coat 32. In Angioperms all the four microspores of
(4) Fossil of haustoria tetrad are covered by a layer which is made
21. The plant in which G.B. Amici discovered
up of :-
pollen tube is:-
(1) Pectocellulose (2) Callose
(1) Capsella (2) Parthenium
(3) Portulaca (4) Pisum (3) Cellulose (4) Sporopollenin
22. Megasporophyll is called:- 33. Monothecous anther is found in which
(1) Stamen (2) Carpel family:-
(3) Ovary (4) Stigma (1) Malvaceae (2) Liliaceae
23. How many pollen sacs are present in a mature (3) Brassicaceae (4) Asteraceae
anther ? 34. All the nuclei in polygonum type of embryo
(1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 3 (4) 2 sac are :-
24. Anatropous (Resupinate) type of ovule is :- (1) Haploid
(1) Straight (2) Inverted (2) Diploid
(3) Transverse (4) Coiled
(3) Haploid and diploid
25. The special features of the endothecium of
(4) Haploid and polyploid
anther of Capsella :–
(1) Radially elongated cells 35. In which family pollinia are found ?
(2) Thickening of -cellulose (1) Papilionaceae
(3) Hygroscopic (2) Asteraceae
(4) All of the above (3) Asclepiadaceae
26. Which of the following types of embryosac is (4) Apocyanaceae
mostly found in Angiosperm? 36. Nucellus is :-
(1) Bisporic polygonum type (1) Haploid (2) Polyploid
(2) Tetrasporic type (3) Diploid (4) Triploid
(3) Monosporic - onagrad type 37. The nutritive layer of microsporangia of
(4) Monosporic - polygonum type
Capsella is :-
27. When hilum, chalaza and micropyle lie in one
(1) Endothecium
straight line then ovule is called:-
(2) Exothecium
(1) Amphitropous (2) Orthotropous
(3) Campylotropous (4) Anatropous (3) Sporogenous tissue
28. The vegetative cell gives rise to:- (4) Tapetum
(1) Male gametes (2) Tube nucleus 38. That haploid cell which divides by mitosis to
(3) Pollen tube (4) Exine form embryosac is :-
29. 'Callase' enzyme which dissolve callose of (1) Megaspore mother cell
tetrad of microspores to separate 4 (2) Microspore mother cell
microspores is provided by:- (3) Functional megaspore
(1) Pollen grains (2) Middle layer (4) Non functional megaspore
(3) Tapetum (4) Endothecium
39. Microspore mother cell produce microspores
30. The primary endosperm nucleus in
by :-
Polygonum type of embryosac is :-
(1) Meiosis and Mitosis
(1) Haploid (2) Diploid
(3) Triploid (4) Tetraploid (2) Mitosis
(3) Meiosis
TG: @Chalnaayaaar (4) Mitosis and Amitosis
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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
40. Embryosac is represented by :- 49. Maize is best example of :-
(1) Megagametophyte (1) Anemophily (2) Ornithophily
(2) Megasporophyll (3) Entomophily (4) Hydrophily
(3) Microgametes 50. Which of the following promotes pollen
(4) Megaspore germination and tube growth?
41. Pollen grains are able to withstand extremes (1) Starch (2) Boron
of temperature and dessication because their (3) Calcium (4) Potassium
exine is composed of :–
(1) Cutin (2) Suberin 51. Polyembryony was first discovered by:-
(3) Sporopollenin (4) Callose (1) Rosenberg (2) Hofmeister
42. Angiosperms have covered seeds due to (3) Leeuwenhoek (4) Guha
presence of :- 52. Tegmen of the seed develops from:-
(1) Stamen (2) Ovary (1) Perisperm (2) Funiculum
(3) Megasporophyll (4) Pollen sac (3) Inner integument
43. Annuals and Binnials flowers_____in their life (4) Outer integument
time :- 53. Example of Hypohydrophily is :-
(1) Once (2) Twice (1) Vallisneria (2) Zostera
(3) Many (4) Three (3) Nelumbium (4) Hydrilla
POLLINATION, FERTILIZATION, ENDOSPERM, 54. Pollination in Yucca plant takes place by :–
EMBRYO, SEED etc. (1) Honey bee (2) Butter fly
44. Outer seed coat is known as :- (3) Pronuba moth (4) Bird
(1) Aril (2) Testa 55. The main embryo is developed as a result of:-
(3) Operculum (4) Caruncle (1) Pollination (2) Triple fusion
45. Which structure of the ovule is diploid:- (3) Syngamy
(1) Nucellus (2) Integuments (4) Fusion of two polar nuclei of an embryo sac
(3) Sec. nucleus (4) All of the above 56. After fertilization the integument of ovule
46. Which type of growth movement is found in changes into :-
pollen tube? (1) Seed coat (2) Tegmen
(1) Geotropic (2) Chemotropic (3) Fruit (4) Testa
(3) Hydrotropic (4) Chemotactic 57. After fertilization the seed is developed from:-
47. When pollen grains of a flower are (1) Ovule (2) Ovary
transferred to stigma of another flower of a (3) Nucellus (4) Endosperm
different plant, the process is called:- 58. Double fertilization is unique character of :-
(1) Gentium (2) Adiantum
(1) Geitonogamy (2) Xenogamy
(3) Lilium (4) Sphagnum
(3) Autogamy (4) Homogamy
59. After fertilization seed coat is formed by :-
48. Autogamy means:- (1) Chalaza (2) Ovule
(1) Transfer of pollen from anthers to stigma (3) Integument (4) Embryo sac
of the same flowers 60. The fusion product of secondary nucleus and
(2) Transfer of pollen from one flowers to male gamete is:-
another on the different plant (1) Nucellus
(3) Occurrence of male and female sex organ (2) Primary endosperm nucleus
(3) Zygote
in the same flowers
(4) Secondary nucleus
(4) Germination of pollen
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NEET : Biology
61. In pollination "Trap door mechanism" is 72. Endosperm is formed during the double
found in :- fertilization by :-
(1) Salvia (2) Aristolochia (1) Two polar nuclei and one male gamete
(3) Ficus (4) Yucca (2) One polar nuclei and one male gamete
62. Water of coconut is:- (3) Ovum and male gamete
(1) Endosperm (2) Nucellus (4) Two polar nuclei and two male gametes
(3) Endocarp (4) Mesocarp 73. Adventive embryony in mango is due to :-
63. The suspensor in Capsella develops from:- (1) Nucellus (2) Integuments
(1) Apical cell (3) Zygotic embryo (4) Fertilized egg
(2) Basal cell 74. In Angiosperms pollen tube liberate their
(3) Chalazal cell male gametes into the :-
(4) Apical & basal cell both (1) Central cell (2) Antipodal cells
64. Tigellum represents :- (3) Egg cell (4) Synergid
(1) Testa 75. The aleurone layer in maize grain is specially
(2) Tegmen rich in :-
(3) Both of the above (1) Protein (2) Starch
(4) Main axis of the embryo (3) Lipids (4) Auxins
65. The number of nuclei taking part in double 76. Anthesis is a phenomenon which refers to:–
fertilization are:- (1) Formation of pollen
(1) Two (2) Three (2) Development of anther
(3) Four (4) Five (3) Opening of flower bud
66. In albuminous seed, the food is stored in:- (4) Reception of pollen by stigma
(1) Testa (2) Plumule 77. When the pollens of one flower falls on the
(3) Cotyledon (4) Endosperm stigma of another flower of the same plant
67. "Ruminate endosperm" is commonly found in then genetically it is known as :-
seed of:- (1) Cleistogamy (2) Allogamy
(1) Euphorbiaceae (2) Cruciferae (3) Autogamy (4) Dichogamy
(3) Palmae or Arecaceae(4) Compositae 78. What is the white part of green Coconut :-
68. In epigeal germination cotyledons come up (1) Endosperm
above the soil due to growth of :- (2) Female gametophyte
(1) Radicle (2) Plumule (3) Nucellus
(3) Epicotyl (4) Hypocotyl (4) Embryo
69. In which part of embryo maximum growth 79. Entry of pollen tube through micropyle is
takes place in hypogeal germination :- called:-
(1) Plumule (2) Radicle (1) Porogamy (2) Syngamy
(3) Epicotyl (4) Hypocotyl (3) Chalazogamy (4) Mesogamy
70. In seeds, characterised by hypogeal 80. The constant feature of embryosac is :-
germination, cotyledons generally do not (1) Synergids (2) Central cell
becomes green because :- (3) Antipodal cells (4) Egg cell
(1) They lack mitochondria 81. Endosperm of angiosperm is :-
(2) They developed very early (1) 2n (2) 3n (3) n (4) 4n
(3) They contain inhibitor 82. Select the odd statement regarding insect
(4) They remain below the soil pollinated flowers?
71. Embryo of sunflower has :- (1) Flowers are large, colourful, fragrant
(1) Two cotyledons (2) Pollen grains are sticky
(2) One cotyledon (3) Most of entomophilous plants are ornamental
(3) Eight cotyledons (4) Most of insect pollination occurs by moth.
TG: No cotyledon

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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
83. Single shield shaped cotyledon of grass is 88. Endosperm is completely consumed by
known as :- developing embryo before the seed
(1) Tigellum (2) Scutellum maturation or ex non albuminous/non-
(3) Coleoptile (4) Coleorhiza endospermic seeds are found in:-
84. Epicotyl has a shoot apex and few leaf (1) Pea, ground nut, beans
primordia enclosed in a hollow foliar (2) Coconut, castor
structure known as :- (3) Maize, wheat, pea
(1) Coleoptile (2) Coleorhiza (4) Coconut, wheat
(3) Scutellum (4) Tigellum 89. Seed dormancy allows the plants to :-
85. Which of the following is not present in (1) Overcome unfavourable climatic condition
embryo of gram? (2) Develop healthy plants
(1) Radicle (2) Hypocotyl (3) Reduce viability
(3) Epicotyl (4) Coleoptile (4) Prevent deterioration of seeds
86. Free nuclear division in an angiosperm takes 90. Which are the external conditions required
place during :- for seed germination?
(1) Pollen formation (1) Oxygen, carbon dioxide and suitable
(2) Endosperm formation temperature
(3) Embryo formation (2) Oxygen, light and suitable temperature,
(4) Flower formation and CO2
87. The function of suspensor is :- (3) Light, moisture and suitable temperature
(1) To provide water (4) Oxygen, moisture and suitable
(2) To provide oxygen temperature
(3) To push the embryo towards endosperm to
provide more food
(4) To suck food

EXERCISE-I (Conceptual Questions) ANSWER KEY

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 4 3 4 1 3 2 4 3 4 2 3 1 4 3 2
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 3
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 4 2 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 4
Question 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 2
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Answer 3 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 1 4 1
Question 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer 3 3 1 1 4 2 4 2 1 4 2 3 1 1 4
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NEET : Biology

Exercise - II (Previous Year Questions) AIPMT/NEET

AIPMT 2006 10. Which one of the following is resistant to

1. What would be the number of chromosomes enzyme action?
in the cells of the aleurone layer in a plant (1) Pollen exine (2) Leaf cuticle
species with 8 chromosomes in its synergids? (3) Cork (4) Wood fibre
(1) 16 (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 8 11. What does the filiform apparatus do at the
2. The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal entrance into ovule?
embryosac in the dicot plants is:- (1) It brings about opening of the pollen tube
(1) 2 + 4 + 2 (2) 3 + 2 + 3 (2) It guides pollen tube from a synergid to egg
(3) 2 + 3 + 3 (4) 3 + 3 + 2 (3) It helps in the entry of pollen tube into a
3. In a Cereal grain the single cotyledon of synergid
embryo is represented by:- (4) It prevents entry of more than one pollen
(1) Coleorrhiza (2) Scutellum tube into the embryo sac
(3) Prophyll (4) Coleoptile 12. Which one of the following pairs of plant
4. Long filamentous threads protruding at the structures has haploid number of
end of a young cob of maize are :- chromosomes?
(1) Hairs (2) Anthers (1) Nucellus and antipodal cells
(3) Styles (4) Ovaries (2) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus
5. In which of the following fruits is the edible (3) Megaspore mother cell and antipodal cells
part the aril ? (4) Egg cell and antipodal cells
(1) Litchi (2) Custard apple
(3) Pomegranate (4) Orange AIPMT 2009
13. An example of a seed with endosperm,
AIPMT 2007 perisperm, and caruncle is :-
6. Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by (1) Castor (2) Cotton
the division of :- (3) Coffee (4) Lily
(1) Microspore mother cell
(2) Microspore AIPMT Pre. 2010
(3) Generative cell 14. The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat or
(4) Vegetative cell maize is comparable to which part of the seed
7. Which one of the following is surrounded by in other monocotyledons ?
a callose wall ? (1) Plumule (2) Cotyledon
(1) Pollen grain (3) Endosperm (4) Aleurone layer
(2) Microspore mother cell 15. Apomictic embryos in citrus arise from :-
(3) Male gamete (1) Diploid egg,
(4) Egg (2) Synergids
(3) Maternal sporophytic tissue in ovule
AIPMT 2008 (4) Antipodal cells
8. Unisexuality of flowers prevents :- 16. Wind pollinated flowers are :-
(1) Geitonogamy, but not xenogamy (1) Small, producing nectar and dry pollen
(2) Autogamy and geitonogamy (2) Small, brightly coloured, producing large
(3) Autogamy, but not geitonogamy number of pollen grains
(4) Both geitonogamy and xenogamy (3) Small, producing large number of dry
9. Endosperm is consumed by developing pollen grains
embryo in the seed of :- (4) Large, producing abundant nectar and
(1) Pea (2) Maize pollen
(3) Coconut
TG: @Chalnaayaaar (4) Castor
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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
17. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to 27. Even in absence of pollinating agents seed-
the stigma of another flower of the same plant setting is assured in :-
is called :- (1) Salvia (2) Fig
(1) Autogamy (2) Xenogamy (3) Commellina (4) Zostera
(3) Geitonogamy (4) Karyogamy
AIPMT Mains 2012
AIPMT Mains 2011 28. Plants with ovaries having only one or a few
18. What is common between vegetative ovules, are generally pollinated by :-
reproduction and Apomixis ? (1) Birds (2) Wind
(1) Both produces progeny identical to the (3) Bees (4) Butterflies
parent. 29. Which one of the following statements is
(2) Both are applicable to only dicot plants. wrong ?
(3) Both bypass the flowering phase. (1) Pollen grains in some plants remain
(4) Both occur round the year. viable for months.
19. In angiosperms, functional megaspore develops (2) Intine is made up of cellulose and pectin.
into :- (3) When pollen is shed at two - celled stage,
(1) Pollen sac (2) Embryo sac double fertilization does not take place.
(3) Ovule (4) Endosperm (4) Vegetative cell is larger than generative
AIPMT Pre. 2011 30. What is the function of germ pore?
20. Filiform apparatus is a characteristic feature of : (1) Initiation of pollen tube
(1) Suspensor (2) Egg (2) Release of male gametes
(3) Synergid (4) Zygote (3) Emergence of radicle
21. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in (4) Absorption of water for seed germination
species of : NEET-UG 2013
(1) Citrus (2) Gossypium 31. Perisperm differs from endosperm in:-
(3) Triticum (4) Brassica (1) Its formation by fusion of secondary
22. In which one of the following pollination is nucleus with several sperms
autogamous ? (2) Being a haploid tissue
(1) Geitonogamy (2) Xenogamy (3) Having no reserve food
(3) Chasmogamy (4) Cleistogamy (4) Being a diploid tissue
23. What would be the number of chromosomes 32. Megasporangium is equivalent to :-
of the aleurone cells of a plant with 42 (1) Ovule (2) Embryo sac
chromosomes in its root tip cells ? (3) Fruit (4) Nucellus
(1) 42 (2) 63 (3) 84 (4) 21 33. Advantage of cleistogamy is :-
AIPMT Pre. 2012 (1) Vivipary
24. The coconut water and the edible part of (2) Higher genetic variability
coconut are equivalent to :- (3) More vigorous offspring
(1) Mesocarp (2) Embryo (4) No dependence on pollinators
(3) Endosperm (4) Endocarp 34. Seed coat is not thin, membranous in :-
25. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in (1) Gram (2) Maize
flowers of :- (3) Coconut (4) Groundnut
(1) Papaver (2) Michelia 35. Which one of the following statements is
(3) Aloe (4) Tomato correct?
26. Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are (1) Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen
prevented in:- (2) Hard outer layer of pollen is called intine
(1) Castor (2) Maize (3) Sporogenous tissue is haploid
(3) Papaya (4) Cucumber (4) Endothecium produces the micorspores
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NEET : Biology
AIPMT 2014 (3) Honey is made by bees by digesting -
36. Geitonogamy involves :- pollen collected from flowers
(1) fertilization of a flower by the pollen from (4) Pollen grains are rich in nutrients, and
another flower of the same plant. they are used in the form of tablets and
(2) fertilization of a flower by the pollen from syrups
the same flower. 44. The hilum is a scar on the :-
(3) fertilization of a flower by the pollen from (1) Fruit, where it was attached to pedicel
a flower of another plant in the same (2) Fruit, where style was present
population. (3) Seed, where micropyle was present
(4) fertilization of a flower by the pollen from (4) Seed, where funicle was attached
a flower of another plant belonging to a 45. Which of the following are the important
distant population. floral rewards to the animal pollinators?
37. Male gametophyte with least number of cell is (1) Nectar and pollen grains
present in :- (2) Floral fragrance and calcium crystals
(1) Pteris (2) Funaria (3) Protein pellicle and stigmatic exudates
(3) Lilium (4) Pinus (4) Colour and large size flower
38. Pollen tablets are available in the market for:- RE-AIPMT 2015
(1) In vitro fertilization
46. Male gametophyte in angiosperms produces:-
(2) Breeding programmes
(1) Three sperms
(3) Supplementing food
(2) Two sperms and a vegetative cell
(4) Ex situ conservation
(3) Single sperm and a vegetative cell
39. Function of filiform apparatus is to :-
(4) Single sperm and two vegetative cells
(1) Recognize the suitable pollen at stigma
47. Coconut water from a tender coconut is :-
(2) Stimulate division of generative cell
(1) Degenerated nucellus
(3) Produce nectar
(2) Immature embryo
(4) Guide the entry of pollen tube
(3) Free nuclear endosperm
40. Non-albuminous seed is produced in :-
(4) Innermost layers of the seed coat
(1) Maize (2) Castor
48. Filiform apparatus is characteristic feature of:
(3) Wheat (4) Pea
(1) Synergids (2) Generative cell
AIPMT 2015 (3) Nucellar embryo (4) Aleurone cell
41. Transmission tissue is characteristic feature 49. The wheat grain has an embryo with one
of :- large, shield-shaped cotyledon known as:-
(1) Solid style (2) Dry stigma (1) Coleoptile (2) Epiblast
(3) Wet stigma (4) Hollow style (3) Coleorrhiza (4) Scutellum
42. Which one of the following may require 50. Which one of the following fruits is
pollinators, but is genetically similar to parthenocarpic?
autogamy? (1) Banana (2) Brinjal
(1) Xenogamy (2) Apogamy (3) Apple (4) Jackfruit
(3) Cleistogamy (4) Geitonogamy 51. In angiosperms, microsporogenesis and
43. Which one of the following statements is not megasporogenesis :-
true? (1) occur in ovule
(1) Pollen grains of some plants cause severe (2) occur in anther
allergies and bronchial afflictions in some (3) form gametes without further divisions
people (4) involve meiosis
(2) The flowers pollinated by flies and bats 52. Flowers are unisexual in :-
secrete foul odour to attract them (1) Onion (2) Pea
TG: @Chalnaayaaar (3) Cucumber (4) China rose
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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
NEET-I 2016 NEET-II 2016
53. The coconut water from tender coconut 59. Which one of the following generates new
represents:- genetic combinations leading to variation ?
(1) Endocarp (1) Sexual reproduction
(2) Fleshy mesocarp (2) Nucellar polyembryony
(3) Free nuclear proembryo (3) Vegetative reproduction
(4) Free nuclear endosperm (4) Parthenogenesis
54. Proximal end of the filament of stamen is 60. In majority of angiosperms: -
attached to the:- (1) Reduction division occurs in the
(1) Anther megaspore mother cells
(2) Connective (2) A small central cell is present in the
(3) Placenta embryo sac
(4) Thalamus or petal (3) Egg has a filiform apparatus
55. Which one of the following statements is not (4) There are numerous antipodal cells
true? 61. Pollination in water hyacinth and water lily is
(1) Tapetum helps in the dehiscence of brought about by the agency of :-
anther (1) Birds (2) Bats
(2) Exine of pollen grains is made up of (3) Water (4) Insects or wind
sporopollenin 62. The ovule of an angiosperm is technically
(3) Pollen grains of many species cause equivalent to :-
severe allergies (1) Megaspore mother cell
(4) Stored pollen in liquid nitrogen can be (2) Megaspore
used in the crop breeding programmes (3) Megasporangium
56. Cotyledon of maize grain is called :- (4) Megasporophyll
(1) plumule (2) coleorhiza 63. Match column-I with column-II and select
(3) coleoptile (4) scutellum the correct option using the codes given
57. Seed formation without fertilization in below :-
flowering plants involves the process of :- Column-I Column-II
(1) Sporulation (a) Pistils fused (i) Gametogenesis
(2) Budding together
(3) Somatic hybridization (b) Formation (ii) Pistillate
(4) Apomixis of gametes
58. Which of the following statements is not (c) Hyphae of higher (iii) Syncarpous
(1) Pollen grains of many species can
(d) Unisexual female (iv) Dikaryotic
germinate on the stigma of a flower, but
only one pollen tube of the same species
a b c d
grows into the style.
(1) i ii iv iii
(2) Insects that consume pollen or nectar
(2) iii i iv ii
without bringing about pollination are
(3) iv iii i ii
called pollen/nectar robbers.
(4) ii i iv iii
(3) Pollen germination and pollen tube
growth are regulated by chemical
NEET(UG) 2017
components of pollen interacting with
64. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm
those of the pistil.
develops into ?
(4) Some reptiles have also been reported as
(1) Endosperm (2) Embryo sac
pollinators in some plant species.
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
(3) Embryo (4) Ovule
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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
NEET : Biology
65. Attractants and rewards are required for :- 75. Which one of the following statements
(1) Entomophily (2) Hydrophily regarding post-fertilization development in
(3) Cleistogamy (4) Anemophily flowering plants is incorrect ?
66. Plants which produce characteristic (1) Ovary develops into fruit
pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to: (2) Zygote develops into embryo
(1) Halophytes (2) Psammophytes
(3) Central cell develops into endosperm
(3) Hydrophytes (4) Mesophytes
(4) Ovules develop into embryo sac
67. Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary
76. Persistent nucellus in the seed is known as :-
and are packed into inflorescence are usually
pollinated by:- (1) Chalaza (2) Perisperm
(1) Bee (2) Wind (3) Bat (4) Water (3) Hilum (4) Tegmen
68. A dioecious flowering plant prevents both :- 77. What is the fate of the male gametes
(1) Autogamy and geitonogamy discharged in the synergid?
(2) Geitonogamy and xenogamy (1) One fuses with the egg, other(s)
(3) Cleistogamy and xenogamy degenerate(s) in the synergid.
(4) Autogamy and xenogamy (2) All fuse with the egg.
69. Double fertilization is exhibited by :- (3) One fuses with the egg, other(s) fuse(s)
(1) Algae (2) Fungi with synergid nucleus.
(3) Angiosperms (4) Gymnosperms (4) One fuses with the egg and other fuses
NEET(UG) 2018 with central cell nuclei.
70. Which of the following flowers only once in its NEET(UG) 2019 (Odisha)
life-time ? 78. Which is the most common type of embryo
(1) Bamboo species (2) Jackfruit sac in angiosperms ?
(3) Mango (4) Papaya (1) Tetrasporic with one mitotic stage of
71. Pollen grains can be stored for several years divisions
in liquid nitrogen having a temperature of:- (2) Monosporic with three sequential mitotic
(1) –120°C (2) –80°C divisions
(3) –196°C (4) –160°C (3) Monosporic with two sequential mitotic
72. Double fertilization is :- divisions
(1) Fusion of two male gametes of a pollen (4) Bisporic with two sequential mitotic
tube with two different eggs divisions
(2) Fusion of one male gamete with two polar 79. What type of pollination takes place in
nuclei Vallisneria?
(3) Fusion of two male gametes with one egg
(1) Pollination occurs in submerged
(4) Syngamy and triple fusion
condition by water
73. Which one of the following plants shows a
(2) Flowers emerge above surface of water,
very close relationship with a species of moth,
where none of the two can complete its life and pollination occurs by insects.
cycle without the other? (3) Flowers emerge above water surface, and
(1) Hydrilla (2) Yucca pollen is carried by wind.
(3) Banana (4) Viola (4) Male flowers are carried by water
currents to female flowers at surface of
NEET(UG) 2019
74. Is some plants, the female gamete develops
into embryo without fertilization. This 80. In which one of the following, both autogamy
phenomenon is known as :- and geitonogamy are prevented?
(1) Autogamy (2) Parthenocarpy (1) Wheat (2) Papaya
(3) Syngamy (4) Parthenogenesis (3) Castor (4) Maize
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

[ 66 ]  Digital

TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
NEET(UG) 2020 88. A typical angiosperm embryo sac at maturity
81. In water hyacinth and water lily, pollination is :-
takes place by :- (1) 8-nucleate and 7-celled
(1) insects and water (2) insects or wind (2) 7-nucleate and 8-celled
(3) water currents only (4) wind and water (3) 7-nucleate and 7-celled
82. The body of the ovule is fused within the (4) 8-nucleate and 8-celled
funicle at:- 89. In some members of which of the following
(1) Chalaza (2) Hilum pairs of families, pollen grains retain their
(3) Micropyle (4) Nucellus viability for months after release ?
83. The plant parts which consist of two (1) Poaceae ; Rosaceae
generations one within the other :- (2) Poaceae; Leguminosae
(a) Pollen grains inside the anther (3) Poaceae; Solanaceae
(b) Germinated pollen grain with two male (4) Rosaceae ; Leguminosae
gametes NEET-(UG) 2022
(c) Seed inside the fruit
90. Identify the incorrect statement related to
(d) Embryo sac inside the ovule
(1) (a) and (d) (2) (a) only
(1) Pollination by wind is more common
(3) (a), (b) and (c) (4) (c) and (d)
amongst abiotic pollination
(2) Flowers produce foul odours to attract
NEET(UG) 2020 (COVID-19)
flies and beetles to get pollinated
84. Which of the following is incorrect for wind - (3) Moths and butterflies are the most
pollinated plants ? dominant pollinating agents among
(1) Well exposed stamens and stigma insects
(2) Many ovules in each ovary (4) Pollination by water is quite rare in
(3) Flowers are small and not brightly flowering plants
coloured 91. Given below are two statements:-
(4) Pollen grains are light and non-sticky Statement I :
85. Vegetative propagules in Agave is termed as :- Cleistogamous flowers are invariably
(1) Rhizome (2) Bulbil autogamous
(3) Offset (4) Eye Statement II :
86. Male and female gametophytes do not have Cleistogamy is disadvantageous as there is no
an independent free living existence in :- chance for cross pollination.
(1) Pteridophytes (2) Algae In the light of the above statements, choose
(3) Angiosperms (4) Bryophytes the correct answer from the options given
NEET(UG) 2021 below:
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are
87. The term used for transfer of pollen grains
from anthers of one plant to stigma of a
(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II is
different plant which, during pollination,
brings genetically different types of pollen
(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
grains to stigma, is :-
(1) Xenogamy (2) Geitonogamy
(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are
(3) Chasmogamy (4) Cleistogamy
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
NEET : Biology
Re-NEET-(UG) 2022 94. To ensure that only the desired pollens fall on
92. The residual persistent part which forms the the stigma in artificial hybridization process:-
perisperm in the seeds of beet is :- (a) the female flower buds of plant producing
(1) Calyx (2) Endosperm unisexual flower need not be bagged.
(3) Nucellus (4) Integument (b) there is no need to emasculate unisexual
93. Which of the following can be expected if flowers of selected female parent
scientists succeed in introducing apomictic (c) emasculated flowers are to be bagged
gene into hybrid varieties of crops ? immediately after cross pollination
(1) Polyembryony will be seen and each seed (d) emasculated flowers are to be bagged
will produce many plantlets after removal of anthers
(2) Seeds of hybrid plants will show longer (e) bisexual flowers, showing protogyny are
dormancy never selected for cross
(3) Farmers can keep on using the seeds Choose the correct answer from the options
produced by the hybrids to raise new crop given below :
year after year (1) (a), (b) and (c) only
(4) There will be segregation of the desired (2) (b), (c) and (d) only
characters only in the progeny (3) (b), (c) and (e) only
(4) (a), (d) and (e) only

EXERCISE-II (Previous Year Questions) ANSWER KEY

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 4 1 2 3
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 3 3 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 1
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 4 1 4 3 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 4 3 4 1
Question 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer 2 3 1 4 1 4 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 1
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Answer 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 4 4
Question 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 4 3
Question 91 92 93 94
Answer 4 3 3 2
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Exercise - III Master Your Understanding

EXERCISE-III(A) (NCERT BASED QUESTIONS) 9. A typical angiosperm embryo sac at maturity is:
1. Each cell of sporogenous tissue is potential (1) 7 celled - 8 nucleated
pollen or microspore mother cell; Division (2) 9 celled - 7 nucleated
taking place in sporogenous cell is :- (3) 3 celled - 3 nucleated
(1) Meiosis (2) Mitosis (4) 2 celled - 2 nucleated
(3) Endomitosis (4) Amitosis 10. Arising from placenta is megasporangium
2. In over 60% of angiosperms pollen grains are which is commonly known as :-
shed at :- (1) Ovule (2) Ovary
(1) One celled stage (3) Ovarian cavity (4) Stamen
(2) Three nuclei stage 11. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to
(3) Two celled stage the stigma of another flower of same plant is
(4) Three celled stage called :-
3. Pollen grains of many species cause severe (1) Xenogamy (2) Autogamy
allergies & bronchial afflictions in some (3) Geitonogamy (4) Allogamy
people often leading to chronic respiratory 12. The part of pistil which acts as landing
disorder such as :- platform for pollen grain is :-
(1) Asthma (2) Bronchitis (1) Stigma (2) Style
(3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Emphysema (3) Ovule (4) Ovary
4. In a pollen grain the small cell is spindle 13. In angiosperms functional megaspore is
shaped with dense cytoplasm is :- generally situated at :-
(1) Vegetative cell (2) Generative cell (1) Micropylar end (2) Chalazal end
(3) Tube cell (4) All (3) Both (4) None
5. The innermost wall layer of anther is 14. Micropyle in seed helps in the entry of:-
tapetum; the main function of tapetum is :- (1) Male gamete (2) Pollen tube
(1) Divison (2) Support (3) Water & air (4) All
(3) Nutrition (4) Protection 15. The type of cells under going meiosis in the
6. Two non motile male gametes in angiosperms flowers are:-
are produced by :- (1) Microspore mother cells & megaspore
(1) Generative cell mother cell
(2) Microspore mother cell (2) Epidermal cells
(3) Vegetative cell (3) Tapetal cells
(4) Tube cell (4) Placental cells
7. Which of the following haploid structure is 16. Synergids help in:-
present in male plant of papaya?
(1) Antipodal cell (1) Pollen tube entry into embryo sac
(2) Microspore mother cell (2) Endosperm formation
(3) Generative cell (3) Embryosac nutrition
(4) 1 & 3 both (4) Both 1 & 3
8. Pollen grain represents:- 17. Chasmocleistogamous flowers are present in:-
(1) Female gametophyte (1) Viola (common pansy)
(2) Megasporangium (2) Oxalis
(3) Male gametophyte (3) Commelina
(4) Sporophyte (4) All of the above
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
NEET : Biology
18. Although in most of species fruits are result of 26. Non albuminous seeds are present in :-
fertilisation, there are a few species in which (1) Pisum (Pea)
fruit develops without fertilisation - process (2) Arachis (Ground nut)
is known as:- (3) Both
(1) Parthenocarpy (2) Parthenogenesis (4) Maize
(3) Amphimixis (4) Apomixis 27. The coconut water from tender coconut that
19. One of the male gamete moves towards the you are familiar with is :-
egg cell & fuses with it, the process is known as: (1) Nuclear endosperm
(1) Syngamy (2) Triple fusion (2) Cellular endosperm
(3) Double fertilization (4) Autogamy (3) Helobial endosperm
20. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species (4) All of the above
of:- 28. Endosperm development precedes embryo
(1) Citrus (2) Mango development, the endosperm of angiospermic
(3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Capsella plant is: -
21. When embryo develops from a haploid cell of (1) Triploid (2) Diploid
embryosac, other than egg cell, the process is (3) Haploid (4) Tetraploid
known as:- 29. Which of the following structure is not
(1) Apogamy present in embryo of gram?
(2) Apospory (1) Radicle (2) Hypocotyl
(3) Adventive embryony (3) Epicotyl (4) Coleoptile
(4) Diplospory 30. The portion of embryonal axis below the level
of cotyledon is known as: -
EXERCISE-III (B) (ANALYTICAL QUESTIONS) (1) Coleoptile (2) Hypocotyl
22. Which of the following are crucial for the (3) Epicotyl (4) Coleorrhiza
storage of seeds ? 31. Double fertilization is essential for the
(1) Rehydration (2) Dehydration formation of:-
(3) Seed dormancy (4) Both 2 and 3 (1) Perisperm (2) Seed coat
(3) Endosperm (4) Nucellus
23. The function of suspensor is:- 32. Remnant of nucellus is known as :-
(1) To provide water (1) Scutellum (2) Pericarp
(2) To provide oxygen (3) Tigellum (4) Perisperm
(3) To push the embryo towards endosperm 33. Perisperm is present in :-
to provide more food (1) Beet (2) Black pepper
(4) To store food (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) All angiosperms
24. Single shield shaped cotyledon of grass is 34. Apomixis term was coined by:-
known as:- (1) Leeuwenhoek
(1) Tigellum (2) Scutellum (2) Winkler
(3) Coleoptile (4) Coleorrhiza (3) Juel and Murbeck
25. Epicotyl has a shoot apex and few leaf (4) Nawaschin and Guignard
primordia enclosed in a hollow foliar 35. Seeds are produced without fertilization in
structure known as :- some members of :-
(1) Coleoptile (2) Coleorrhiza (1) Grasses and pulses (2) Asteraceae
(3) Scutellum (4) Tigellum (3) Fabaceae (4) Orchidaceae
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
36. Parthenogenesis occurs when :- 44. In angiosperms Haploid, diploid and triploid
(1) Embryo is formed without the fusion of conditions respectively can be traced in :-
egg and sperm (1) Egg, Nucellus, Endosperm
(2) Embryo is formed by the fusion of egg and (2) Antipodal, Egg, Endosperm
sperm (3) Endosperm, Nucellus, Synergids
(3) Embryo is formed from nucellar cell (4) Antipodal, Synergids & Integuments
(4) Sperm produces the embryo directly 45. If the leaf of Capsella has 46 number of
37. In a type of apomixis which is known as chromosomes then how many chromosomes
adventive embryony, embryos develop number will be there in endosperm :-
directly from the :- (1) 46 (2) 23 (3) 69 (4) 138
(1) Nucellus or integuments 46. If the nucellus cell of an Angiosperm contains
(2) Synergids or antipodals of an embryosac 24 chromosomes the number of
(3) Accessory embryosacs in the ovule chromosomes present in pollen grain,
(4) Zygote endosperm & embryo will be:-
38. Development of male gametophyte is :- (1) 24, 36, 24 (2) 12, 36, 24
(1) In-vivo (2) In-situ (3) 12, 24, 36 (4) 24, 12, 12
(3) Both (4) In-vitro 47. In Angiosperm, if haploid number of
39. Proliferation of integumentary cells at the chromosome is 12 then what will be the no. of
micropylar region of the ovule in castor chromosomes in integuments and synergids:-
develops:- (1) 12, 12 (2) 24, 12
(1) Aril (2) Funicle
(3) 24, 24 (4) 12, 24
(3) Caruncle (4) Apophysis
48. In Angiosperm, if number of chromosomes in
40. Just before fertilization the diploid structure
endosperm is 30, what will be the no. of
in the ovule of Capsella is: -
chromosomes in nucellus :-
(1) Pollen tube
(1) 15 (2) 30 (3) 20 (4) 40
(2) Nucellus/ Sec. nucleus
49. How many meiotic divisions are necessary
(3) Synergids (4) Antipodals
for the formation of 100 functional
41. Free nuclear division in an angiosperm takes
place during:-
(1) 25 (2) 50 (3) 100 (4) 200
(1) Pollen formation
50. The seeds of which type of plant have no
(2) Endosperm formation
(3) Embryo formation
(1) Xerophytes
(4) Flower formation
(2) Mesophytes
42. Protandry is the situation when :-
(3) Halophytes and hydrophyte
(1) Anther matures later than the stigma of
(4) Mangroves
51. Ornithophily takes place in :-
(2) Anther matures earlier than the stigma of
(1) Yellow flower having nectaries
(2) Scented flower
(3) Anther and stigma mature at the same time
(3) Flower with charming colour only
(4) All of the above
(4) Modified corolla
43. The anterior end of pollen tube burst by the
52. Anemophily type of pollination is found in :-
process of _____ in embryo sac:-
(1) Salvia (2) Bottle brush
(1) Imbibition (2) Exosmosis
(3) Vallisneria (4) Coconut
(3) Enzymatic action (4) Endosomosis
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
NEET : Biology
53. In grass what happens in microspore mother 61. Ubisch bodies are produced in :-
cell for the formation of mature pollen grain:- (1) Embryosac (2) Endothecium
(1) One meiotic and two mitotic divisions (3) Pollen grain (4) Tapetum
(2) One meiotic and one mitotic division 62. Tapetum is :-
(3) One meiotic division only (1) Parietal in origin and is the inner most
(4) One mitotic division only layer of anther wall.
54. In a Flowering plant, archesporium (2) Modified endothecium of anther wall
(archesporial cell) gives rise to:- (3) Outer most layer of sporogenous tissue
(1) Only the wall of the sporangium modification
(2) Both wall and the sporogenous cell (4) Parietal in origin and is the inner most
(3) Wall and the tapetum layer of ovule wall
(4) Only tapetum and sporogenous cells 63. Ubisch bodies are associated with the
55. When a diploid female plant is crossed with a development of :-
tetraploid male plant, the ploidy of (1) Embryo (2) Pollen grains
endosperm cells in the resulting seed will be:- (3) Endosperm (4) Embryo sac
(1) Pentaploid (2) Diploid 64. Endothecium, middle layer and tapetum in
(3) Triploid (4) Tetraploid anther are derived from :-
56. If diploid female plant is crossed with tetra (1) Primary sporogenous cells
ploid male plant. What would be ploidy level (2) Primary parietal cells
of seed coat: - (3) Both (1) and (2)
(1) 3n (2) n (3) 2n (4) 4n (4) None of the above
57. Perispermic and endospermic seeds are 65. How many cells or nuclei are present in
found in :- mature male gametophyte of Capsella :-
(1) Castor (2) Maize (3) Wheat (4) Rice (1) One (2) Two
58. Double fertilization involves: - (3) Three (4) Many
(1) Fertilization of the egg by two male 66. The plant in which G.B. Amici discovered
gametes pollen tube is :-
(2) Fertilization of two eggs in the same (1) Capsella (2) Parthenium
embryosac by two sperms brought by one (3) Portulaca (4) Pisum
pollen tube 67. Pollen tube develops from :-
(3) Fertilization of the egg and the central cell (1) Generative cell
by two sperms (male gametes) brought (2) Male gametes
by different pollen tubes (3) Vegetative cell
(4) Fertilization of the egg and the central cell (4) Vegetative nucleus
by two sperms (male gametes) brought 68. 'Callase' enzyme which dissolve callose of
by the same pollen tube tetrad of microspores to separate 4
59. How many times flowering takes place in microspores is provided by:-
biennial plants:- (1) Pollen grains (2) Middle layer
(1) One (2) Twice (3) Tapetum (4) Endothecium
(3) Many (4) Three 69. Pollen grains are able to withstand extremes
60. Which part of the reproductive structure of temperature and dessication because their
produces both enzyme & hormone :- exine is composed of :–
(1) Archesporium (2) Middle layer (1) Cutin (2) Suberin
(3) Tapetum (4) Endothecium (3) Sporopollenin (4) Callose
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
70. Go through the following statements:- 77. In which method megaspore mother cell
I. Flowers are small. They are often packed directly gives rise to an embryo sac without
in inflorescence meiosis?
II. Flowers are colourless, nectar less and (1) Diplospory
odourless (2) Adventive embryony
III. Well exposed stamens (3) Apospory
IV. Pollen grains are produced in large (4) Apogamy
numbers which are light and non-sticky 78. Given below are two statements: -
V. Flower often have a single ovule in each Statement-I : When pollen grains are released
from pollen sac and they land on stigma of
VI. Stigma is large and often feathery.
pistil, it is called pollination.
The above contrivances favour
Statement-II : Pollen tube enters into embryo
(1) Cross pollination
sac where two male gametes fuse with female
(2) Anemophily (pollination by wind)
(3) Ornithophily (pollination by birds)
In the light of the above statements, choose
(4) Entomophily (pollination by insects)
71. Which of the following is the tallest flower? the most appropriate answer from the
(1) Vallisneria (2) Rafflesia options given below:
(3) Amorphophallus (4) Zostera (1) Both Statement-I and II are correct.
72. Endosperm is formed during the double (2) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is
fertilization by :- incorrect.
(1) Two polar nuclei and one male gamete (3) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement-II
(2) One polar nuclei and one male gamete is correct.
(3) Ovum and male gamete (4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
(4) Two polar nuclei and two male gametes incorrect.
73. In Angiosperms pollen tube liberate their 79. Given below are two statements: -
male gametes into the :- Statement-I : A typical anther is
(1) Central cell (2) Antipodal cells tetrasporangiate.
(3) Egg cell (4) Synergid Statement-II : A typical anther is dithecous.
74. In which part of embryo maximum growth In the light of the above statements, choose
takes place in hypogeal germination: - the most appropriate answer from the
(1) Plumule (2) Radicle options given below:
(3) Epicotyl (4) Hypocotyl (1) Both Statement-I and II are correct.
75. In seeds, characterised by hypogeal (2) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is
germination, cotyledons generally do not incorrect.
becomes green because :- (3) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement-II
(1) They lack mitochondria is correct.
(2) They developed very early (4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
(3) They contain inhibitor incorrect.
(4) They remain below the soil 80. Given below are two statements:-
76. Which of the following will lose its economic Statement-I : Exine of pollen grain is made up
value if fruits are produced through of sporopollenin.
parthenocarpy? Statement-II : Intine helps in germination of
(1) Citrus (2) Banana pollen grain.
(3) Grapes
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
(4) Pomegranate
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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
NEET : Biology
In the light of the above statements, choose 83. Given below are two statements; one is
the most appropriate answer from the labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is
options given below: labelled as Reason(R) :-
(1) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are Assertion (A) : Geitonogamy is genetically
correct. same as autogamy.
(2) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is Reason (R) : In Geitonogamy transfer of
incorrect. pollen grains occur from one plant to another
(3) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement-II plant.
is correct. In the light of the above statements, choose
the most appropriate answer from the
(4) Both Statement-I and II are incorrect.
options given below :
81. Given below are two statements:-
(1) If (A) & (R) both are correct but (R) is not
Statement-I : To some extent viability of
the correct explanation of (A).
pollen grains depends upon prevailing
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
temperature and humidity.
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
Statement-II : Viability is lost in few minutes
(4) If (A) & (R) both are correct and (R) is the
only of the pollen grains of Solanaceae family. correct explanation of (A).
In the light of the above statements, choose 84. Given below are two statements; one is
the most appropriate answer from the labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is
options given below: labelled as Reason(R) :-
(1) Both Statement-I and II are correct. Assertion (A) : Homogamy in receptivity by
(2) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is stigma and pollen release is essential for
incorrect. autogamy.
(3) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement-II Reason (R) : Heterogamy increases the
is correct. opportunities for successful allogamy.
(4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are In the light of the above statements, choose
incorrect. the most appropriate answer from the
82. Given below are two statements (for options given below :
angiosperm plants) :- (1) If (A) & (R) both are correct but (R) is not
Statement-I : A mature male gametophyte the correct explanation of (A).
possess two male gametes. (2) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
Statement-II : A mature female gametophyte (3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
is 7-celled and 8 nucleated in typical (4) If (A) & (R) both are correct and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A).
85. Given below are two statements; one is
In the light of the above statements, choose
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is
the most appropriate answer from the
labelled as Reason(R) .
options given below:
Assertion (A) : Loss of pollen grain occur
(1) Both Statement-I and II are correct.
maximum in anemophily.
(2) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is
Reason (R) : In this type of pollination, pollen
incorrect. grains move completely in non-directional
(3) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement-II form.
is correct. In the light of the above statements, choose
(4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are the most appropriate answer from the
incorrect. options given below :
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
(1) If (A) & (R) both are correct but (R) is not (d) Endosperm formation in angiosperm is
the correct explanation of (A). not a pre-fertilization event.
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect. Choose the correct answer from the given
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct. options below :
(4) If (A) & (R) both are correct and (R) is the (1) only b, c & d are correct
correct explanation of (A). (2) b and c are correct
86. Given below are two statements; one is (3) a, b, c and d all are correct
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is (4) only a and c are correct
labelled as Reason(R) :- 89. Identify the correct set of statements with
Assertion (A) : In angiosperm plants, nuclear
respect to angiosperms:-
endosperm is most common.
(a) A microsporophyll contains stigma, style
Reason (R) : When formation of endosperm
and ovary
occur due to free nuclear division, is called
(b) All megaspores produced from
cellular endosperm.
megaspore mother cell take part in
In the light of the above statements, choose
embryo sac formation.
the most appropriate answer from the
(c) Hilum is the place where ovule joins with
options given below :
(1) If (A) & (R) both are correct but (R) is not
(d) Basal part of an ovule is represented as
the correct explanation of (A).
micropylar end
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
(e) Perisperm is present in black pepper.
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
Choose the correct answer from the options
(4) If (A) & (R) both are correct and (R) is the
given below
correct explanation of (A).
(1) only c and e are correct
87. Identify the correct set of statements :-
(2) a, b, c and e are correct
(a) Wolfia is a microscopic plant belongs to
(3) c, d and e are correct
(4) only c is correct
(b) Double fertilization is an unique event
90. Identify the correct set of statements for
seen in gymnosperms.
(c) Male sex organs in angiosperm are called
(a) Development of angiosperm seed occur
stamens, present in flowers.
inside the ovary / fruit
(d) Total three male gametes participate in
(b) Typical embryo sac in angiosperms is
double fertilization.
seven celled and eight nucleated
Choose the correct answer from the given
(c) Free nuclear divisions occur during
option below.
embryogenesis in angiosperms
(1) all a, b, c, d are correct
(d) Filliform apparatus present in ovule
(2) b, c and d are correct
secrets chemicals, which attract pollen
(3) a, c and d are correct
tube toward synergids
(4) only a and c are correct
(e) Development of female gametophyte in
88. Identify the correct set of statements :–
typical angiosperms is monosporic.
(a) In gymnosperms seeds are not enclosed
Choose the correct answer from the given
by fruits.
options below.
(b) Angiosperm plant’s possess diplontic life
(1) a, d and e (2) b, d and e
(3) a, b, d and e (4) b, c, d and e
(c) Flower is the structure in which sexual
reproductive organs of angiosperm are
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar
NEET : Biology

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 1
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 4 4 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 1 1 4 2
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 4 1 3
Question 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer 2 2 3 3 4 1 4 2 2 4 3 1 4 1 3
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Answer 4 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 4 3 4
Question 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 4 3 1 3

TG: @Chalnaayaaar

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