Santillán & Freire_Report 2 - Bromatology Lab (1)
Santillán & Freire_Report 2 - Bromatology Lab (1)
Santillán & Freire_Report 2 - Bromatology Lab (1)
Food Preservation
Freezing, however, effectively preserves both the color and freezing techniques caused slight changes in the hue of the
flavor by halting enzymatic and microbial activity. Rapid chili pepper.
freezing stops big ice crystals from developing, which can
harm cell walls and cause color alterations (Rahman & Ruiz, One of the parameters most affected by the conservation
2007); as a result, the bright red shades are more likely to method was flavor. The flavor was kept quite fresh through
stay preserved. After 7 days, the peppers' color values may refrigeration and freezing, although there was some pickling.
decrease slightly, like R:180, G:47, B:38, with only a small The objective of identifying alterations in sensory properties
decrease in brightness after thawing. The original taste was achieved through dehydration, which concentrated the
remains mostly the same, but the texture and how it feels may spicy flavor, and natural preservation (pickling) altered the
change a little because of possible damage to the cells, which taste by adding acidity.
could also cause a small amount of water to be released.
Weight stays the same when frozen, but when thawed, there Due to the removal of water, dehydration resulted in a
may be a slight decrease as damaged cells release water. significant reduction in weight loss, while the other methods
Microbes are stopped but not eliminated, so once defrosted, preserved a larger portion of the initial weight. In none of the
microbial activity can start again (Sutariya & Sunkesula, specimens was mold presence observed, indicating the
2020). Freezing is good for keeping food for a long time, and effectiveness of the methods used to inhibit microbiological
quick-freezing methods are especially helpful for keeping the growth. Thus, the third specific objective was achieved by
quality and color of chili peppers. listing weight loss and ensuring food security.
On another hand, chili peppers go through more noticeable REFERENCES
changes during dehydration. Dehydration leads to visible
changes in color, often becoming darker or turning brown, Popa, E., Mitelut, A. & Popa M. (2019). TRENDS IN
particularly in hot conditions. For instance, initial colors like
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blue:30, indicating a significant difference. Flavor intensifies FOOD PRESERVATION – A REVIEW. Scientific
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enhances strong scents while some subtle tastes are Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, 23. 205-210.
diminished. The amount of weight lost is important because
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And preserving chili peppers with brine, vinegar, and spices
not only keeps them fresh but also changes their taste by
adding new flavors. This technique keeps the color quite he%20ideal%20storage%20temperature%20for%20f
well, although certain dyes may seep into the saltwater,
resulting in a slight loss of vibrancy over time, like an RGB resh%20peppers%20is%2045%CB%9AF%20(7.3%
change from R:196, G:52, B:41 to R:175, G:50, B:39. The CB%9AC)
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preserved varieties have a significant impact on the
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