Santillán & Freire_Report 2 - Bromatology Lab (1)

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Laboratorio de Bromatología

Food Preservation

Santillán Vinces Pierina1; Tapia Beltrán Danny Sebastián1

Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Yachay, Escuela de Ciencias Agropecuarias
y Agroindustriales, Urcuquí, Ecuador.

Evaluate the impact of different preservation methods

Abstract: Whey derived properties are increasingly becoming cardiovascular health and immunologic system modulation (Saubenova
popular due to their diverse functional properties and potential et al., 2024). These benefits have been supported by several clinical
applications in agro-industrial products. This writing aims to explore research that demonstrates the efficiency of biopeptides in the prevention
the whey protein derived biopeptide obtaining methods, including and treatment of different health conditions (Minj & Anand, 2020).
enzymatic hydrolysis and microbial fermentation, while discussing
In the agroindustry, biopeptides are used in a wide range of applications,
the various biopeptide types and their functional properties like
antihypertensive, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, opioid, mineral-
including fermented lacteous products, functional beverages, nutritional
binding, and antithrombotic activities. The analysis methods for supplements, meat products, baking products, mascot feed and cosmetic
these biopeptides, including HPLC, LC-MS/MS, SDS-PAGE, products (Saubenova et al., 2024). These applications not only help to
ELISA, NMR, FTIR, IEC, and peptidomics and proteomics enhance the quality and functionality of the products, but also offer new
techniques, are also reviewed. Additionally, the search focusses in opportunities to innovate and to develop new products in the food
the different agro-industrial application of biopeptides, including industry.
their use in fermented dairy products, functional beverages, The objective of this writing is to explore in detail the obtention
nutritional supplements, meat products, bakery products, mascot methods, types, functional properties and application of whey derived
feed, and cosmetics. The results show the high potential of
biopeptides in agroindustry. Along this deep investigation of literature
biopeptides to enhance the nutritional and functional quality of
various agro-industrial products, while proposing opportunities for and recent research, the result is intended to be an integral point of view
innovation and development in the field. on how these bioactive compounds can contribute to developing
Keywords: biopeptides, whey, protein, functional, bioactive, healthier and functional products.
extraction methods, health.


To identify the best method of food conservation in order to
In the last years, whey derived biopeptides have been
prolong the shelf life and keep its quality, different
increasing its popularity, due to its functional properties and
conservation methos had to be tested in base of parameters
potential use in the agroindustry and food production. Whey is
of; color, flavor, weight and the presence of microorganisms.
a subproduct of cheese making, it contains valuable proteins
In this laboratory practice of bromatology, these parameters
like α-lactalbumin y β-lactoglobulin, which can be hydrolyzed
have been studied in different conservation methods;
to produce biopeptides with great biologic activity (Saubenova
refrigeration, freezing, dehydration and natural preservation,
et al., 2024).
of chili by following different steps to have a good procedure
Whey derived biopeptides have a great range of bioactive
and get good data, which will be well explained in this
properties, including antioxidants, antimicrobial, anti-
laboratory report:
inflammatory, antihypertension, antithrombotic and opioid
activity (Kilic, 2024). These properties make whey derived
biopeptides excellent for its use in functional foods
 Chili pepper
formulations, nutritional supplements and other food related
 Salt
 Sugar
The biopeptide obtention from whey can be done with various
 Vinegar
methodologies, the most common are enzymatic hydrolysis and
 Spices
microbial fermentation. Enzymatic hydrolysis uses proteolytic
 Freezer bags
enzymes to break down the whey proteins into smaller peptides,
 Dehydration trays
on the other hand, microbial fermentation uses different lactic
 Glass airtight containers
acid bacteria (LAB) to produce biopeptides from whey proteins
 Knives
(Minj & Anand, 2020). Additionally, some new methods are
being studied to have a better biopeptide extraction rate,
methods like ohmic calefaction, ultrasound and microwaves
(Kilic, 2024).
Whey derived biopeptides not only enhance the nutritional and
functional properties of food products, but also offer health
benefits such as reduction of chronic diseases, enhancement of
 Metallic pot with 20 g of salt and 15 g of sugar and shake this jar to mix
 Refrigerator the brine with the chili peppers.
 Freezer Conserve this natural conservation in a dark space and after 7
 Dehydrator days, this sample of natural conserved chili peppers must be
 Cleaningng towels awels and alcohol (70%) spray. evaluated to analyze the conservation which it had. This
evaluation must study the color, flavor, weight and presence
Refrigeration of microorganisms.
As the first step of the refrigeration, vegetables need to be Note: these evaluation of color, flavor, weight and presence
washed with water, then dried and eliminate the damaged of microorganisms also must be taken before each
parts. After that, the chili pepper must be weighed and then conservation treatment after the conditioning of each sample
put in to freezing bags. of chili peppers, to have the results and the changes after 7
The freezing bags with chili peppers inside will be stored in a days of the conservation by using the different techniques.
refrigerator, ensuring that temperature is at 3°C to 4°C (32°F
to 39°F). RESULTS
After 7 days, this sample of freezing chili peppers must be Table 1.
evaluated to analyze the conservation which it had. This Comparative table of food preservation methods based on
evaluation must study the color, flavor, weight and presence food quality parameters.
of microorganisms.


As the same as the refrigeration, vegetables need to be

washed with water and dried with a paper towel and to
eliminate the damaged parts of the chili pepper. After that,
the chili peppers must be weighed and put them into a glass
airtight container. These chili peppers in the containers must
be stored in a freezer at -18°C (0°F).
After 7 days, this sample of freezing chili peppers must be
evaluated to analyze the conservation which it had. This
evaluation must study the color, flavor, weight and presence
of microorganisms.
The food industries have been looking for different
The chili peppers need to be washed with water and dried conservation food techniques to extend the shelf life of the
with a paper towel and to eliminate the damaged parts of the food products and keep the quality of these products not to
chili pepper. After that, the chili peppers must be sliced very get spoilage so fast, in this way, the conservation techniques
thin to get dehydrated after the treatment, these chili pepper of refrigeration, freezing, dehydration and natural
slices must be weighted and put them into a dehydration tray. conservation have been evaluated in this lab practice though
This dehydration tray with the slices of chili pepper must be some parameters of quality.
put into a dehydrator or an oven with a temperature of 50°C
to 60°C (120°F to 140°F) for 6 to 8 hours and get them out When evaluating how to keep chili peppers fresh,
when the slices are completely dried and crunchy. refrigeration is a good way to maintain their quality without
When the slices have been completely dehydrated, they must much change over time. Refrigeration keeps color fresh by
be put into a bag to conserve them. slowing down pigment breakdown at lower temperatures,
After 7 days, this sample of dehydrated slices of chili peppers which helps maintain the red and green shades, but some
must be evaluated to analyze the conservation which it had. color loss may still occur (Koelet & Gray, 1992). For
This evaluation must study the color, flavor, weight and example, a starting RGB value of R:196, G:52, B:41 might
presence of microorganisms. change slightly after 7 days, showing a small amount of
fading. The taste stays quite fresh, even though the cold
Natural Conservation might lessen the strength a bit because of the loss of some
volatile substances. Weight loss is small but still happening,
The chili peppers need to be washed with water and dried because the cold environment doesn't fully stop the body
with a paper towel and to eliminate the damaged parts of the from losing moisture. Refrigeration slows down, but does not
chili pepper. After that, the chili peppers must be cut into completely stop, the growth of microorganisms, allowing
pieces, neither larger nor shorter. These chili pepper pieces some to survive after a week (Popa, Mitelut & Popa, 2019).
must be weighted and be put into a glass jar, which has So, refrigeration is ideal for keeping food fresh and
already been sterilized. preserving its taste and appearance for a short time, even
In this jar with chili peppers, fill the jar with 1/3 of boiled though it may not ensure that the food will remain bacteria-
water and full fill the jar with vinegar and add the different free for longer periods.
Laboratorio de Bromatología

Freezing, however, effectively preserves both the color and freezing techniques caused slight changes in the hue of the
flavor by halting enzymatic and microbial activity. Rapid chili pepper.
freezing stops big ice crystals from developing, which can
harm cell walls and cause color alterations (Rahman & Ruiz, One of the parameters most affected by the conservation
2007); as a result, the bright red shades are more likely to method was flavor. The flavor was kept quite fresh through
stay preserved. After 7 days, the peppers' color values may refrigeration and freezing, although there was some pickling.
decrease slightly, like R:180, G:47, B:38, with only a small The objective of identifying alterations in sensory properties
decrease in brightness after thawing. The original taste was achieved through dehydration, which concentrated the
remains mostly the same, but the texture and how it feels may spicy flavor, and natural preservation (pickling) altered the
change a little because of possible damage to the cells, which taste by adding acidity.
could also cause a small amount of water to be released.
Weight stays the same when frozen, but when thawed, there Due to the removal of water, dehydration resulted in a
may be a slight decrease as damaged cells release water. significant reduction in weight loss, while the other methods
Microbes are stopped but not eliminated, so once defrosted, preserved a larger portion of the initial weight. In none of the
microbial activity can start again (Sutariya & Sunkesula, specimens was mold presence observed, indicating the
2020). Freezing is good for keeping food for a long time, and effectiveness of the methods used to inhibit microbiological
quick-freezing methods are especially helpful for keeping the growth. Thus, the third specific objective was achieved by
quality and color of chili peppers. listing weight loss and ensuring food security.
On another hand, chili peppers go through more noticeable REFERENCES
changes during dehydration. Dehydration leads to visible
changes in color, often becoming darker or turning brown, Popa, E., Mitelut, A. & Popa M. (2019). TRENDS IN
particularly in hot conditions. For instance, initial colors like
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blue:30, indicating a significant difference. Flavor intensifies FOOD PRESERVATION – A REVIEW. Scientific
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diminished. The amount of weight lost is important because
most of the water is removed, making dried peppers much
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And preserving chili peppers with brine, vinegar, and spices
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adding new flavors. This technique keeps the color quite he%20ideal%20storage%20temperature%20for%20f
well, although certain dyes may seep into the saltwater,
resulting in a slight loss of vibrancy over time, like an RGB resh%20peppers%20is%2045%CB%9AF%20(7.3%
change from R:196, G:52, B:41 to R:175, G:50, B:39. The CB%9AC)
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