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Is Artificial

Intelligence the
Future of Innovation?

Mohammed Saajith XII-A


S. No. Particulars Page No.

1 Acknowledgement 3

2 Introduction 4

3 Intelligence 5-6

4 Philosophy 7

5 History

6 Applications 9

7 Advantages and
Disadvantages 10-11

8 Current Scenario 12

9 Future Aspects and

Outlook of AI
10 Conclusion 14

11 Bibliography 15


On this great occasion of accomplishment of our project on

‘Is Artificial Intelligence, the Future of Innovation?’, we
would like to sincerely express our gratitude to
Mr. Sharafudeen, Our English Teacher, who has been
supporting us through the completion of this project.

I would also be thankful to our principal Mrs. K.M. Robinson of

New Indian model school, Dubai for providing us the
environment for the completion of this project. We express our
gratitude and thank all the resourceful individuals who lent us
a lot of information to accomplish this task.

Finally, it is teamwork, and each member shall be appreciated

for the support and coordination to complete this project.

The names of those who gave their all by participating in this

project completion are:

1. Introduction

Since the advent of computers, their capabilities have grown

exponentially, advancing in speed, size reduction, and
functionality across various domains. Artificial Intelligence
(AI), a branch of Computer Science, aims to imbue machines
with human-like intelligence. In its 60- year history, AI has
seen remarkable achievements and notable setbacks. While
integral to modern technology and industry, achieving true
human- level intelligence, known as Strong AI, remains
elusive. AI research has successfully developed computers
capable of tasks requiring intelligence such as logic, algebra
problem-solving, path planning, and even chess playing.

1.1. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

According to the father of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy, AI

“The science and engineering of making intelligent
machines, brilliant computer programs”.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human
intelligence processes by machines, especially computer
systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, and
self-correction. Applications of AI include expert systems,
speech recognition, and machine vision. AI is accomplished
by studying how the brain thinks, how humans learn,
decide, and work while trying to solve a problem, and then
using the outcomes of this study as a basis for developing
intelligent software and systems.

2. Intelligence

The ability of a system to calculate, reason, perceive

relationships and analogies, learn from experience,
store and retrieve information from memory, solve
problems, comprehend complex ideas, use natural
language fluently, classify, generalize, and adapt
new situations.

2.1 Types of Intelligence:

2.2 Comparison of Human Brain Vs Computer :

2.3 Intelligent systems:

Three key steps of a knowledge-based agent (Craik, 1943):

1. The stimulus must be translated into an internal

2. The representation is manipulated by cognitive
processes to derive new internal representations.
These in turn are translated into action.

3. Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

3.1 Types of Artificial Intelligence:

Arend Hintze categorizes AI into four types:

Type 1: It includes reactive machines like Deep Blue, which
canpredict moves but lack memory for past experiences.
Type 2: It involves AI systems with limited memory, such
asdecision-making in self-driving cars based on recent
Type 3: It relates to the theory of mind, is a future goal where
AIunderstands others' beliefs and intentions.
Type 4: Involves self-awareness, represents AI with
consciousness, aware of its state and empathetic
understanding, a capability not yet realized.

3.2 Examples of AI technology:

Robotic process automation (RPA) can be programmed to perform

high volume, repeatable tasks that humans normally perform. RPA is
different from IT automation in that it can adapt to changing

The science of getting a computer to act without programming.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that, in very simple
terms, can be thought of as the automation of predictive analytics.
There are three types of machine learning algorithms Supervised
learning, Unsupervised learning and Reinforcement learning.

The field of engineering focused on the design and manufacturing

of robots. Robots are often used to perform tasks that are difficult
for humans to perform or perform consistently. They are used in
assembly lines for car production or by NASA to move large objects
in space. Researchers are also using machine learning to build
robots that can interact in social settings.

4. History of Artificial Intelligence
4.1 AI 2010 to present day:

2010: Image Net launched the Image Net Large Scale Visual
Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), their annual AI object recognition
competition and Microsoft launched Kinect for Xbox 360, the first
gaming device that tracked human body movementusing a 3D camera
and infrared detection.
2011: Watson, a natural language question-answering computer created
by IBM, defeated two former Jeopardy! Champions, Ken Jennings and
Brad Rutter in a televised game and Apple released Siri, a virtual
assistant on Apple iOS operating systems. Siri uses a natural-language
user interface to infer, observe, answer, and recommend things to its
human user.

2012: Jeff Dean and Andrew Ng (Google researchers) trained a large

neural network of 16,000 processors to recognize images of cats by
showing it 10 million unlabeled images from YouTube videos.

2014: Microsoft released Cortana, their version of a virtual assistant

like Siri on iOS and Amazon created Amazon Alexa, a home assistant that
developed into smart speakers that functionas personal assistants.

2015: Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Steve Wozniak among3,000

others signed an open letter banning the development and use of
autonomous weapons.

2015-2017: Google Deep Mind’s AlphaGo, a computer program

that plays the board game Go, defeated various (human)

And much more……….

5. Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has made its way into several areas.

AI in healthcare: Companies are leveraging machine learning

to enhance diagnoses beyond human capability. IBM Watson
stands out as a leading technology capable of understanding
natural language and mining patient data to formulate
hypotheses with confidence scores. Additional AI
applications include online chatbots for answering questions,
scheduling appointments, aiding with billing, and virtual
health assistants providing basic medical advice.

AI in finance: AI in personal finance applications, such as

Mint or Turbo Tax, is disrupting financial institutions.
Applications such as these collect personal data and provide
financial advice. Other programs, such as IBM Watson, have
been applied to the process of buying a home. Today, the
software performs much of the trading on Wall Street.

AI in law: The discovery process, sifting through of

documents, in law is often overwhelming for humans.
Automating this process is a more efficient use of time. Start-
ups are also building question-and-answer computer
assistants that can sift programmed-to-answer questions by
examining the taxonomy and ontology associated with a

AI in manufacturing: This is an area that has been at the

forefront of incorporating robots into the workflow. Industrial
robots used to perform single tasks and were separated from
human workers, but as technology advanced that changed.

6. Pros and Cons of AI
6.1 Pros of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence helps us reduce errors and the

chance of reaching accuracy with a greater degree of precision.
Artificial intelligence and the science of robotics can be used
in mining and other fuel exploration processes. Not only that,
but these complex machines can also be used for exploring the
ocean floor and hence overcome human limitations.
Daily Application: Computed methods for automated
reasoning, learning, and perception have become a common
phenomenon in our everyday lives.
Digital Assistants: Highly advanced organizations use ‘avatars’
which are replicas or digital assistants who can interact with the
users, thus saving the need for human resources.
Repetitive Jobs: Repetitive jobs that are monotonous can be
carried out with the help of machine intelligence.
Medical Applications: In the medical field also, we will find the
wide application of AI. Doctors assess the patients and their
health risks with the help of artificial machine intelligence. It
educates them about the side effects of various medicines.

6.2 Cons of Artificial Intelligence:

The creation of artificial intelligence requires huge costs as they

are very complex machines.
Their repair and maintenance require huge costs. p
Unlike humans, artificial intelligence cannot be improved with
experience. With time, it can lead to wear and tears.
These are not the forte of artificial intelligence. They are no
match to the power of thinking that the human brain has or even
the originality of a creative mind.

Unemployment: The replacement of humans with machines
canlead to large-scale unemployment. Unemployment is a
socially undesirable phenomenon. People with nothing to do
can lead to the destructive use of their creative minds. Humans
can unnecessarily be highly dependent on machines if the use
of artificial intelligence becomes rampant.

7. Current Scenario of Technology in AI

AI encompasses advanced technologies like deep

learning, reinforcement learning, and facial recognition
among others, driving innovation across various
industries from healthcare to space exploration. While
it presents both opportunities and challenges, such as
the humanoid robot Sophia gaining citizenship in Saudi
Arabia, AI's capabilities in tasks like face and object
recognition are impressive and cost-effective.
However, its limitations are evident in narrow domains
where it excels, such as playing Go, yet struggles with
broader tasks like physical interaction or teaching.
Autonomous vehicles represent another significant AI
advancement. Hence, in recent years, it isn't that AI has
reached greater and greater heights it's that the threshold
of what is hyperbolically referred to AI has been set lower
and lower. Eventually, a programmable microwave oven will
qualify as "Artificial Intelligence." Companies like Google,
Microsoft, Baidu and many more have started creating
products that are based on Artificial Intelligence. That time
is not far when we all will experience the influence of
artificial intelligence in our daily lives.
Exponentially artificial intelligence was started with the
movie "HER". It has a deep impact on the viewers.
Following are top AI technologies that are currently ruling
the industry like Natural Language Processing (NLP),
Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Neural Networks,
Biometrics, Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things

8. Future Aspects & Outlook of AI

Artificial Intelligence technology seems optimistic, and it is

expected to create some dramatic changes in the future. AI is
transforming almost every industry.

According to 2016, Gartner Research shows that by 2020, at

least 30% of the companies globally will use AI in at least one
fragment of their sales process. All technologies above are not
even close to being obsolete and each of them is pioneering AI's
progress. Artificial Intelligence isn't new, but its advances are
moving exponentially and unprecedentedly. Bigger breakthroughs
are just around the corner.

Back in 1951, the First AI-based program was written and 65

years later, in 2016, the Tech industry achieved a landmark
event with Alpha Go's victory in defeating world champion Lee
Sedol by deep reinforcement learning in the complex Chinese
board game of Go. We've come a long way, but something tells
us that we still have a longway to go.

Thus, the impact of AI is going to be profound in the coming years.

9. Conclusion

Artificial intelligence advancements are occurring at an

unprecedented rate. We can expect that the trends from the
past decade will continue swinging upward in the coming year.
A few things to keep our eyes on in 2019 include. The ability of
computers (AI) is growing at a faster pace as compared to the
past decade. All things also in mind; these are no second
thoughts about the rise & evolvement it has provided towards
technological advancement.

Hence Artificial intelligence is essential to survive in the current

scenario of the cutthroat competition and future aspects.

10. Bibliography



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