11.6kw on-Grid Riaz Sb

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Proposal for 11.

6 KW On-Grid PV
Riaz Sb

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Dear Sir,
Thank you for providing Enabling Solar Infrastructure and Backup Operations (Pvt) Ltd
(ENSIBO). We assure you of delivering the best results for your current project as well as any
future assignments because of our competent team and our long-standing affiliation with the
power and specifically solar sector.

ENSIBO has German origins where the company is an established O&M service provider for
Solar and Biogas plants. The EPC parties present in form of repowering of and roof
installations and well as de-commissioning of plants.

Energy supply being the pressing problem in Pakistan for many years has motivated the group
to devote resources and efforts towards this sector maximizing the renewable energy aspect.

ENSIBO is aimed at flourishing the long-term renewable energy utilization in Pakistan. At

ENSIBO, our team of qualified engineers and technicians carry out every project’s design,
installation, testing and commissioning with ample skill and thorough expertise while strictly
following company’s and customer’s safety policies.

Our objective is to design, implement and mostly operate a well-functioning system. We only
believe in good planning, good components adequate for the location and excellent O&M. We
always design and implement for the full lifetime of 25 years for a system. That is the most
economical way, but it is not the cheapest way.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend our service to you. The system has been
designed to cater your requirements. Details of system are given in techno- commercial part
of proposal. We are sure that your management is looking for high quality services that we
have been offering to its valuable clients.

Yours truly,

Ahmed Majid
Enabling Solar Infrastructure and Backup Operations (Pvt) Ltd

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Aim of Proposal Submission
This proposal is submitted for supply and installation of solar system at a private
office/building.Thesystemisintendedtoprovidesolarpowertotheconnectedloadduringsun hours.
The solution has been designed as per given parameters:

Location Punjab, Pakistan

Average Daily sun hours 6 hours

Total System Capacity 11.6 kWp On Grid

An optimal system size, its expected savings and payback calculation will be provided before
the order would be executed. Any subsequent changes in quantities and cost can be adapted
before the order would be executed.

Technical Design
ENSIBO is a complete turnkey solution provider. The proposed solution comprises of the
following main components

Design Criteria of a Solar System

Photovoltaic solar power is arguably the most economical and practical source of renewable
energy for the plains of the Punjab area. Photovoltaic power is a fluctuating renewable energy
source which needs the grid or other sources of generation, in order to deliver a stable output.
Together with the electric grid (even if only partially available) or a battery bank as balancing
power, it is a perfect source to deliver renewable energy at economic rates.

Determining the Optimal Solar System Design

In general, optimal design of a Solar system is depending on the electrical load requirements
and the geographic location. For this project the load requirement is deducted from the
information provided by the client. As the system size can only be altered at low cost if
planned now, a thorough study of load and power supply should be carried out before the
installation. The power supply is dependent on efficiency of components, installation
structure, Irradiation and temperature.

Because irradiation temperature and load vary every hour an hourly analysis of a yearly cycle
is required to determine the suitability of the design of a solar system.

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
System Components

Photovoltaic Modules Photovoltaic technologies differ primarily by the type of the

manufacturing process, which leads to different price ranges, manufacturing cost and
performance for the different technologies.Photovoltaic technology is based on the
photoelectric effect, in which the photons emitted by the sun impact a semiconductor
surface and are absorbed. The semiconductor is typically made of silicon.

These absorbed photons hit the atoms, resulting in release of electrons, which causes a chain
reaction that multiplies the effect of electron release. The electrons move from lower potential
to higher. This increase of potential results in the generation of current through potential
difference (voltage). The reactions and release of electrons is continuous.

The purity level of the conductor material is important and that here are no gaps at the
molecular and atomic level of the semiconductor material. The higher the purity of the used
material, greater is the likelihood that it achieves the maximum potential of a photoelectric
cell.The efficiency of a solar cell (h) is the percentage of power from solar energy, incident
on the panel, converted to electrical energy. This term is calculated using the ratio of the
maximum powerpoint of the cell, Pm, divided by the light power that reaches the cell, the
global irradiance (E, in W / m2) under standard conditions (STC, 1000 W/m², 25° C AM
1.5), and the surface area of the solar cell (Ac inm2).

A solar cell can operate in a wide range of voltages and currents. This can be achieved by
varying the load resistance in the electric circuit on one hand and on the other, by varying the
cell impedance from value zero (short circuit) to very high (open circuit).

The theoretical maximum power point can be determined this way, i.e. the point in which the product
of voltage V and current I are maximized in time. In other words, the load for which the cell can
deliver the maximum electric power for a given level of radiation.

Another important variable is the Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) of the
module. This is a characteristic cell value defined as the temperature of the cells, which
they reach at an irradiance of 800W/m2, an ambient temperature of 20°C and a wind
speed of 1m/s.

As the power generation capacity of the project system is 11.6kWp, the number of Modules is
large, the area of the field is wide and the installation is large, so the PV modules with large
unit area capacity (high conversion efficiency) should be selected in order to reduce the
footprint and reduce the installation capacity of PV modules. Considering module efficiency,
technical maturity, market share, and optional options for purchase orders, the project
recommends the use of the 580/585 Wp Perc Monocrystalline N type PV module.
In the industry, a BOM will be prepared against a specific production order with complete
specifications. When specifications change, the materials requirements will change, and that
means the BOM will change. A description of BOM can be seen in the following image:

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Therefore, module should be selected very carefully and number of qualities are available in
market. PV module selected should have the following features: -
 PID Free modules
 EVA and Back sheet selected from the top manufacturers in the world.

Item Type Company Name

EVA F406P+F806P Hangzhou First PV

Backsheet BEC‐ 301 Hangzhou First PV

 Modules BOM as per Pakistani climate conditions. BOM has passed TUV Testing.
 Tailor made to withstand harsh climate conditions of Pakistan.

Major Normal Normal


Type Polycrystalline Monocrystalline

Maximum rated 360 Wp with positive tolerance 580/585 Wp with

Power STC positive/negative tolerance

Warranty 10 Years product and 25 12 Years product and 25 years

years performance warranty performance warranty
Certification IEC 61215, IEC 61730-1/2 and IEC 61215, IEC 61730-1/2 and UL 1703
UL 1703

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Extended Lifetime Damp Heat – 1000 Hours Damp Heat – 3000 Hours; Thermal
Test Thermal Cycling - 300 Cycles Cycling - 600 Cycles Humidity Freeze -
Humidity Freeze - 10 Cycles 30 Cycles

Degradation 0.7% of the total power per year 0.7% of the total power per year

Damp heat exposure ensures that there is no, corrosion, delamination of encapsulate, junction
box adhesion, and electrochemical corrosion.
Thermal cycling ensures that there is no broken interconnect, broken cell, solder bound failure
and open circuit leading to arcing.
Humidity Freeze ensure that there is no delamination of encapsulate, junction box adhesion,
and inadequate edge detection.

Structures There are two different basic setups regarding the structure of photovoltaic solar
power plants: fixed systems where the panels are mounted on a fixed structure and tracked
systems where the panels are mounted on a movable structure, which follows the sun during
the day on one or two axes. A fixed structure has the advantage of lower costs and
maintenance, while a tracked system has the advantage of higher yields for a given number
of solar panels. By far most solar plants built in Pakistan so far have been using the fixed

Figure: Fixed System and Pole Tracker

Parameter Fixed-tilted Tracker

Higher costs than fixed-
Lower than for tracker
tilted. High differences
System costs solutions, as no
between the
mechanical parts
manufacturers a type of
Lower than for tracker
solutions, as less complex
system. But the Higher costs than the
Installation Costs
difference regarding the fixed tilted
total installation cost is system.
minimal compared to the
horizontal tracker.

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Depends on the selected
Lower than for tracker
manufacturer (options
Maintenance costs solutions, as no
without mechanical parts
mechanical parts
available), but cost higher
than fixed-tilted
10% Manual
Approx. additional tracked
yield compared to
fixed system
If a building roof is to be
Ground may be uneven
Site requirements used, it needs to be able
with slopes up to 35°.
to bear the load

Installation of rows on top

Several rows can be
of each other is limited,
Space requirement installed on top of each
but space requirement not
other. Space requirement
much higher than fixed-
Space factor About 50 – About 40 – 65
(Wp/m2) 75

For fixed structures, there are two different options regarding their orientation :fixed
structures are usually tilted to face south in the northern hemisphere (north in southern
hemisphere) at a specific angle, or may have south as their main angle and a slight inclination
to the east and west as secondary angle (for example 10°).An east-west inclination of solar
panels offer slower peak capacity and lower total annual yield; however, the space
requirement is lower, and the generation curve is less spiked and allows the energy
generationdistribution to be more equal over the day. For this project, as space is not a
constraint, the south facing option is deemed the best.

The optimum south bound inclination angle for Pakistanis25°.However, an angle of 15°offers
higher outputs during summer time when power needs are the highest, with an annual output
which is only marginally lower angle of 15°is therefore to be considered for the Project if a
fixed system is chosen.

In this case, a fixed installation is clearly the best option.

Solar Irradiation and Temperature Assessment For the

evaluation of solar resource assessment, there are many professional tools available that allow
obtaining of meteorological data from satellite imaging, like Metronome. For the purpose of
this project, the database of PVGIS http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvg_tools/en/tools.html#HR
issued. The significant parameters for assessment included irradiation data, daily and monthly
maximum, minimum and average temperatures and sunshine hours. The irradiation
parameters do not vary a lot in Pakistan, especially Punjab.

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Figure: Screenshot PVGIS Database

Simulation: Central Punjab For an average location in Central Punjab, the annual total
of global horizontal irradiation (GHI) wasfoundtobesome1,720kWh/m2 and irradiation of
diffuse radiation horizontalwas930kW h/m2.The average monthly air temperature is 23.4
°C. This data shows that there is sufficient reliable solar energy resource available for
harnessing by a PV system. Precipitation is usually high in the summer months, while it is
fairly low for the rest of the year except March. Sunshine hours vary from 7 to 13 hours
for the whole year.

Figure: Monthly radiation data for Central Punjab, source


Figure: Monthly temperature data for central Punjab from Metronome

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar
Block NGT Lahore -
Figure: Precipitation data for central Punjab Metronome

Figure: Sunshine hours for Central Punjab from Metronome

Solar Yield Assessment The solar energy yield assessment for each site will be performed using
a standard tool, PVGIS http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvg_tools/en/tools.html#HR

The deviation of single years from the long-term average can amount up to 15% and can
show the same trend over several years. To minimize deviations for yield calculations it
is necessary to take into account a longer –term average of irradiation. In this case the
years2012–2016will be used to reduce the uncertainty.

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
11.6 kWp On Grid Solar System
No Component Characteristic Details Quantit Cost
Manufacturer Name JinkoN/Canadian/Longi
1 /Equivalent
PV Module 20
Series Type Monocrystalline
Pmax (Wp) 575/580/585 Watt
Brand Name Solis
2 Inverter 1
Size (kW) 15 kW

3 Solar Panel Special Elevated 1

Array Structure with channel Fixed Rooftop
Structure and girders

4 Civil Work PCC Blocks - Per Site

Brand Name of AC ECO/Green//Equivalent
Size (mm) 6 MM Per Site
AC cable Voltage
Rating 750
5 Volt
Electrical (V) 1,245,370/-
Cables Brand Name of DC ECO/Green//Equivalent
Cable Per Site
Size (mm) 6 MM SINGLE CORE
DC cable Voltage 1000VDC
(Circuit TOMZAN/
6 -
Per Site
Switch and
Breaker Box)

7 Ducting Flexible - Per Site

8 Transportatio - - Per Site
9 Installation - - Per Site
10 Installation 1 - Per Site
Total PV System Cost in PKR 1,245,370/-

Net Metering 180,000/-

Total Project Cost in PKR 1,425,370/-
*Pursuance of net metering application for necessary DISCO/WAPDA approval will be on the client's end.

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -

Solar PV Modules by the manufacturer

 12 years product warranty
 25 years linear performance guarantee
 First 10 years: Minimum 90%output
 Next15years:Minimum80%output
 5-year product warranty by
the manufacturer

Payment Method

The amount of fees will be paid in instalments as specified below:

Payments to the Contractor shall be “on account” and shall be adjusted against the final bill.
The various stages of payment shall be as follows:

No. Item Description Percentage of

Total Contract
1 Preliminary Activities: 50%
Contract Sign, Approval of Design, Work Schedule,
Execution Drawings, pre-construction meeting or any
other document required prior to starting the activity
submitted by the Contractor
2 Upon Delivery and Verification of Material 20%
3 System Installation 20%
4 Project Commissioning: 10%
Upon Project Commissioning and subsequent
certification and approval

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -
Terms & Condition
 Ware-housing during construction and for spares will be provided by the client.
 In case of any alteration without prior information by unauthorized persons,
all warranty and guarantee will be waived off.
 Technical assistance will be provided by the company till one year after the system
has been handed over to the client.

Enabling Solar Infrastructure & Backup Operations | 54 Abubakar

Block NGT Lahore -

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