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This pattern is my own work. Its total or partial copying, resale, publication on the Internet
and transfer to third parties are prohibited.
With ready-made toys, you can dispose of them however you want.
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long needles
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At the end of each line in (...) the total number of loops or the number of lines is
Wire. I use copper wire in a braid. For safety and insulation, I use duct tape. Alternatively, you can use:
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arms (2 pieces)
Crochet in caramel color (nº 499).
Hook 2 mm.
1st-6 sc in MR 2nd-6 inc (12)
3-5th-12 sc (3 rounds) 6th-5
sc, dc5tog, 6 sc (12) 7th-12 sc
legs (2 pieces)
Start by crocheting the sock, crochet in milk color (nº 01).
Hook 2 mm.
1st-4 ch, start with 2nd stitch from hook, 2 sc, 4 sc in 1st, on the other side sc, 3 sc
in 1st (10)
2º-2 pb, 3 aum, 2 pb, 3 aum (16) 3º-2 pb, (pb,
aum)*3, 2 pb, (pb, aum)*3 (22) 4º-3 pb, (pb,
aum)*3, 5 pb, (pb, aum)*3, 2 pb (28)
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6th-BLO30 pb
7th-8th-30 sc (2 rounds) 9th-6
sc, (sc, dec)*6, 6 sc (24) 10th-6 sc,
(sc, dec)*4, 6 sc (20)
Insert the insole. Cut the yarn 30 cm long, make a loop on one side and insert it into the leg,
as shown in the photo. Start stuffing.
17º-aum, 14 pb 18-20-16
(16) pb
(3 rounds) 21st sc, inc, 14
sc (17)
Changing the color to caramel (ÿ 499).
22nd-BLO17 sc 23-24th-17 sc (2 rounds) 25th-15
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Pay attention, 3 increases in the next row must be centered, it may be necessary to do
For the
second hand:
Changing the color to milk (ÿ 01).
FLO38º-20 pb
We DO NOT cut the wire.
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Connect the legs.
39th-3 ch, we fasten the other leg, we start with the next loop of the place
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61st-7 sc, 4 sc along the arm, 14 sc, 4 sc along the arm, 7 sc(36) For the front loops, we
crochet only in the loops indicated in parentheses.
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Connect all the ends of the wire and secure them with tape.
64th-(5 bp, Dec)*6 65th-(4 (30)
sc, dec)*6 66th-(3 sc, dec)*6
67th-(2 sc, (24)
December)*6 68-73º-18 sc(18)
Fasten and cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing.
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Crochet in caramel color (ÿ499).
1st-6 sc in MR 2nd-6 inc (12) 3rd-(sc,
inc)*6 (18) 4th-(2 sc, inc)*6 5th-
(3 sc, inc)*6 6th-(4 sc, inc)*6 7th-
aum)*6 8º-(6 pb, aum)*6 (5 sc,
aum)*6 10º-(8 pb, aum)*6(30) 11-20-60
sc (10 rounds) (36)
21st-18 sc, (inc, 2 sc)*4, place an additional marker, (2 sc, inc)*4, 18 sc (68)
22-26º-68 sc (5 rounds)
Insert the eyes between 19 and 20 rows, at a distance of 10-11 sts, focus on the
additional marker.
Use a lighter, melt the eye leg and press. Do this
carefully so as not to ruin the crochet detail.
27th-18 sc, (dec, 2 sc)*4, (2 sc, dec)*4, 18 sc (60) 28th-
(8 sc, dec)*6 (54) 29th-(7 sc, dec)*6 (48) Start stuffing.
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Embroider the whites of the eyes with white thread. Embroider eyelashes and eyebrows with thread.
thin black.
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Graphite crochet (nº 28). Hook 2 mm.
Crochetar a base.
14th-BLO 68 sc 15-16th-68 sc (2
rounds) 17th-68 BLO
18-19-68 sc (2 rounds)
Fasten and cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing.
Crochet curls every 2nd row (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th of the
base detail) in the front loops. Please note that we DO NOT
crochet curls in place 7 of the stitch marker.
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Crochet in olive color (nº 193). Hook 2.5 mm.
1st-4 ch, start with 2nd stitch from hook, 2 sc, 4 sc in 1st, on the other side sc, 3 sc
in 1st (10)
2nd-2 sc, 3 inc, 2 sc, 3 inc (16) 3rd-2 sc, (sc, inc)*3, 2 sc,
(sc, inc)*3 (22) 4th-3 sc, (sc, inc)*3, 5 sc, (sc, inc)*3,
2 sc (28) 5th-5 sc, inc,incomplete
4 sc, inc, 13round
sc (26) You need to
finish the round in the center, put a marker, now the
beginning of the round is here. 6th-30 sc
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Crochet in pink color (ÿ518). Hook 2.5 mm. 1 row-35
ch, start with the 2nd stitch from the hook, 2 rows-6
FLOsc, 3 sc in the 1st, 3 sc, 3 sc in the 1st, 12 sc sc,
ch, turn (42)
3 rows-ch, 42 sc, turn
4 rows-ch, 7 sc, 3 sc in 1st, 5 sc, 3 sc in 1st,
14 sc, 3 sc in 1st, 5 sc, 3 sc in 1st, 7 sc, turn (50)
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Attach the thread to the remaining loops of the
1st row.
1 row-ch, 2 sc, (4 sc, inc) 6, 2 sc, ch, turn (40) 2
rows-40 sc, ch, turn 3 rows-(7 sc, inc)*5, ch, turn
(45) 4-8 rows-45 sc, ch, turn (5 rows) 9 row-(8 sc,
inc)*5, ch, turn (50) 10-11 rows-50 sc, ch, turn (2
rows) 12 row-(9 sc, inc)*5, ch, turn (55) 13-14
rows-55 sc, ch, turn (2 rows) 15 row-(10 sc,
inc)*5, ch, turn (60) 16-46 rows-60 sc, ch, turn (31
rows) Fasten off and cut the thread, leaving the end
to sew.
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Ears. (2 pieces) Crochet in pink (nº 518), hook 2,5 mm. 1st-6
sc in MR 2nd-6 inc (12) 3rd-(sc, inc)*6 (18) 4th-(5 sc, inc)*3 (21) 5th-(6
sc, inc)*3 (24) 6th-24 sc
20th-fold in half and crochet on both sides 9 sc. Fasten and cut the thread,
leaving the end for sewing. Mark the 6th stitch from where the crochet ended.
Fold the ear as shown in the photo, sew. Please note that the curvature of the ears is directed in different directions,
so we do not get 2 right ears or 2 left ears. DO NOT cut the thread.
Count 7-8 rounds from the edge of the hood and sew the ears.
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Put a jumpsuit on the doll, mark the places where you want to sew the sewn
transparent buttons. Sew sewn transparent buttons on the inside, sew buttons on
the outside.
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