Syllabus for TTL 1
Syllabus for TTL 1
Syllabus for TTL 1
At the end of the semester, a pre-service In this required output, the students are expected to organize their reflections
teacher must have: ePortfolio for specific and insights using a Reflection Guide Model (e.g. Gibb’s reflection model.)
1. Explained ICT policies and safety Modules
issues as they impact on the teaching- Blog Entries/posts in the Ideas and opinions on the topic discussed during sessions which may be
learning process. Freedom posted in blogs can also be included in the ePortfolio. A Selection Rubrics by
2. Identified learning theories and Wall/Tweets in the Smaldino. S. et al (2008) can be used as criteria for grading.
principles applied in the design and Classroom-Made
development of lessons through Twitter Wall Different outputs made in the class, filing them all together can be done in a
appropriate media and technologies for A Lesson plan Integrating portfolio or in an electronic portfolio such as folio for me.
teaching and learning Technology
3. Described a flexible learning In this task, students are expected to create a lesson plan showing clearlu the
environment and the different Micro-demonstration of integration of appropriate and innovative technologies in the teaching-
platforms used for flexible learning the use of a non-digital learning activities and assessment tasks using the ASSURE Model. The
4. Integrated media and technology in and a digital tool in Criteria in the rubrics shall focus on the integration of technologies and the
various content areas teaching and learning. ability to demonstrate ethical and legal responsibilities in the use of
5. Formulated teaching-learning Midterm and Final resources.
experiences and assessment tasks examinations
using appropriate and innovative These tasks are given to evaluate the students’ knowledge and understanding
technologies of concepts and principles of technology integration in instruction and
6. Demonstrated social, ethical, and legal appropriate attitudes and values in becoming a teacher. These are given to
responsibility in the use of technology validate the results of their practical activities and to prepare them for the
tools and resources license examination.
Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks
Assessment of
Desired Learning Course Content/ Subject Matter Textbooks/ References Outcome-Based Learning Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Teaching and Outcomes Material Table
Learning (OBTL) (ALO)
At the end of the unit, the Unit 0: Course Overview
students must have: 1. Institutional Vision, Institution’s Bulletin of Lecturrette Essay Institutional
1. Identified, explained, Mission and Goals Information Video ID
and internalized the 2. Teacher Education Teacher led-class Pencil and
vision, mission, core Program Outcomes, discussion Paper test Handouts
values of the Degree Outcomes, CMO 74,75,76,77,78,79,80 Overview of the
institution. Degree Outcomes (i.e. s. 2017 program Reference
2. Discussed the teacher BEED, BSED) and Small group Materials 60
education program Course outcomes (TTL discussions (CMOs)) mins.
outcomes, the degree 1)
outcomes and the
course outcomes
At the end of the unit the UNIT 1- Introduction to Bilbao, et al. (2019).
students must have: Technology for Teaching and Technology for teaching Lecture-Discussion Pen and paper
1. Identified the Learning and learning on ICT competency test LCD
competency 1. ICT Competency 1. Quezon City, PH: standards for pre- Use a rating Projector
standards of ICT for Standards for Lorimar service teachers and scale for the
teaching and learning Philippine Pre-service Publishing, Inc. ISTE standards concept map CMOs for
in pre-service teacher Teacher Education Anderson, J (2010) developed 74,75,76, etc.
education 2. Understanding The ICT Transforming Making of the
2. Unpacked the basic Basic Concepts in ICT Education A Regional glossary of terms Use a rating Computer/ 2.5
concepts of ICT to 3. Roles of ICT in Guide. UNESCO, Creating a wordle scale to rate the Laptop hours
provide common Teaching for Learning Bangkok Asia and the Small group paragraph
understanding for Pacific Regional discussion:
teachers and learners Bureau of Education. Graphic
3. Valued the use of Ballado, R. (2012) organizers
ICT in the teaching Basic concepts for
and learning educational technology
processes 1, Manila, Philippines
Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/References Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter (OBTL) of Learning Material Table
Lucido, P & Corpuz b. (2012) Whole group discussion:
Educational technology 2, Present to the whole class the group’s
Quezon City, Lorimar concept maps
Publishing Paragraph writing on how technology
Egbert, J. (2009). Supporting has influenced
learning with technology One’s life as a learner and how one is
essentials of classroom going to use technology as a teacher
At the end of the unit, Unit 2. ICT Policies Bilbao, et al. (2019). Group research on articles/ Group report LCD
the students must and Safety Issues: Technology for teaching and Cases regarding freedom of expression, on articles projector
have: Implications to learning 1. Quezon city, PH: privacy, data retention and e-pollutants and cases Computer/
Teaching and Learning Lorimar Publishing, Inc. Panel discussion on the topics regarding laptop
1. Discussed 1. Policies and researched and analyzed freedom of Reflection
some ICT Issues on the Anderson, J. (2010). ICT expression, template
policies and Internet and transforming education: a School visit and interview with the ICT privacy data
explained Implications to regional guide. UNESCO, manager, students and teacher on their retention and
their Teaching and Bangkok Asia and the Pacific school e-safety rules e-pollutants 6
implications Learning Regional bureau of Education. hours
to teaching 2. Safety Issues Lucido, P & Corpuz B. (2012). Sharing of interview findings through Reflections
and learning Including Educational Technology 2. power point presentation on the issues
2. Explained Digital Safety Quezon City, PH:Lorimar discussed in
some issues Rules Publishing the panel
that relate to discussion
ICT policies
3. Identified Survey report
safety on e-safety
concerns on rules in
internet schools
including Paper and
digital safety pencil test
Desired Learning Course Content/ subject Textbooks/References Outcome-Based Teaching and of Learning Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Learning (OBTL) Outcomes Material Table
At the end of the unit, Unit 3: Non-digital and Digital Bilbao, et al. (2019). Watching a video clip low-cost Video Video
the students must have: Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology for teaching and and low-tech resources for the produced clip
1. Integrated media Technology-Enhanced learning 1. Quezon City, PH: classroom on the
and technology Lessons Lorimar Publishing, Inc. process of Samples
in various 1. Non-digital or Group discussion on the non- constructin of non-
content areas Conventional Loe-Cost and Low-tech digital materials in the teaching- g a diorama digital
2. Described technology Tools for resources for the classroom learning process instructio
technology tools Teaching and learning in https:// Classroom nal
that are used in Examples: Group research on other non- observation materials
group activities a) Writing board v=XCKQP7zzYjU digital instructional materials report
3. Used technology b) Diorama Video
tools to c) Nature Table Development of an instructional Paper and camera 4.5
collaborate and d) Flip chart material pencil test or any hours
share resources e) Zigzag board Bilbao, et al. (2019). video
among f) Board display/wall Technology for teaching and Video production on the process recording
communities of display learning 1. Quezon City, PH: of constructing a diorama gadget
practice g) Rope and Pole Display Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
4. Reflected on the Board Debate on whether non-digital Compute
use of Guidelines in the Construction instructional materials are still r/laptop
technology on and Development of relevant in 21st century teaching
its relevance and Conventional Instructions
appropriateness Support Materials Class observation identifying the
5. Selected 2. Digital tools or non- non-digital instructional
conventional conventional materials used
materials instructional support
designed to for teaching and Group discussion on the
enhance learning. importance of the non—
teaching- Examples: conventional or digital materials
learning a) Mobile phones and in the teaching-learning process
6. Introduced QR codes
sample b) Infographics Group research on other digital
technology- c) e Portfolio as a tool instructional materials
enhanced d) Others
lessons to Guidelines in the Development Development of the non-
support learning and Use of the Non- conventional digital instructional
conventional/Digital tools for material
Teaching and Learning
Learning Course Content/ subject Textbooks/References Outcome-Based Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes Matter Learning (OBTL) Learning Outcome Material Table
3. Selection and Use ofhttp://educators Dyadic work Outputs on selected Mobile
Tools and Apps in apps such as QR Phone
Teaching and digital skills-every-21st century Think-Pair-Share codes and
Learning html infographics laptop
Creating digital materials
Egbert, J. (2009). Supporting using selected apps for Paper and pencil 7.5
learning with technology teaching and learning such as test hours
essentials of classroom practice. QR codes and infographics
Pearson Discussion on how these tools
can be used in the lesson
4. Creating ePortfolio Bilbao, et al. (2019). Technology Guidelines in the construction
as a technology for teaching and learning 1. of ePortfolio ePortfolio
Tool Quezon City, PH: Lorimar Laptop/
Publishing, Inc. Constructing an ePortfolio survey result Personal
5. Collaborative computer/
Environment in the Viewing a video on 21st visual presentation tablet
Digital World v=c0xa98cy-Rw century learner of data gathered in
the survey Internet
6. Digital Literacy Think-Pair-Share about the connection
Skills in the 21st video paper and pencil
Century test Video clip
Individual research on other
collaborative tools Survey
Survey on how millennials
learn Laptop/
Creating a visual presentation tablet
of the data gathered in the
survey using tagxedo, wordle
or any similar app
Desired Learning Course Content/ Subject Matter Textbooks/ reference Outcome-Based Assessment of Resource Time
Outcome (DLO) Teaching and Learning Material Table
Learning (OBTL) Outcomes
At the end of the unit, Unit 4. Flexible Learning Bilbao, et al. (2019). Technology Forum-Discussion: KWL Chart Teacher
the students must Environment for teaching and learning 1. Conduct a forum What I made
have: 1. Online Distance Education Quezon City, PH: Lorimar on Distance Know Class
1. Described a and Communities of Publishing, Inc. Learning What I Site (e.g.
flexible Learning Want to google
learning a) Different Platforms Discussion on how know site,
environment i. Moodle 0012/001284/128463e.pdf the social What I weebly, 6
and the ii. Google Classroom networking site can learned etc.) hours
different iii. Schoology TED ideas Worth Spreading be used as a tool
platforms iv. MOOCs for instruction checklist Skype
used for b) Types of Online Distance
flexible Education Appraising one’s KWL
learning i. Synchronous views on the Chart
2. Recognized ii. Asynchronous characteristics, template
how 2. Types of Blended Learning behaviors or
innovative 3. Online Communities of practices of a
teachers use Learning/ Social modern teacher
online Networking
resources and Examples of Platforms for Research on sites
educational Social Networking and portals which
sites and a. Facebook can be used for
portals for b. Twitter online distance
online c. LinkIn education
distance d. Google +
learning e. Youtube Demonstration and
3. Reflected on f. Pinterest hands-on
the use of g. Instagram exploration on the
technology on h. Tumblr synchronous and
its relevance i. MySpace asynchronous
and j. Flickr online distance
appropriatene k. Bebo learning using the
ss 4. Benefits and Dangers in Class Site
Using Social Networking
5. Safeguarding oneself in the
use of Social Networking
Outcome-Based Assessment of
Desired Learning Course Content/ Subject Textbooks/ References Teaching and Learning Learning Outcomes Resource Time
Outcome (DLO) Matter (OBTL) (ALO)) Material Table
3. Online Smaldino,S. et al. (2005). Brief Lecture on the Paper and pencil Test Computer/
resources, Instructional technology different technology laptop/
EducationalSites and media for learning, 8 th tools in a collaborative smartphones
and Portals ed. New Jersey: Pearson classroom environment
Examples: Prentice Hall Internet
a. Educational Small Group connection
technology and Funbrain Discussion-Student Led
Mobile Learning
b. GDCF Ninjas 24
Great education
c. Funbrain
d. K to 12
e. National
At the end of the unit, Unit 5. Theories and Bilbao, et al. (2018). Active Learning with Reflection Posted on Online Class
the students must Principles in the Use and Technology for teaching Teacher-Led Discussion the online Blog/ Blog or Site/
have: Design of Technology- and learning 1. Quezon on Dale’s Cone of ‘Classroom-made ‘Classroom-
1. Identified Driven Lessons City, PH: LorimarExperience and how its Twitter Wall made Twitter
learning Publishing, Inc. principles and theories Wall’
principles and A. Learning are utilized in the
theories that Theories and Lucido, P. & Corpuz, b. technology-driven 1.5
are applied in Principles in: (20120. Educational teaching and learning hours
technology technology 1 2nd edition.
driven 1. dale’s Cone of Quezon City. PH: Lorimar Relate Dale’s Cone of
teaching- Experience (with equal Publishing Inc. Experience with
learning attention given to both Bruner’s Three-tiered
models the Conventional Model of Learning
Technology and the watch?v=p-eSxgRetvk
Innovative and
Emerging Technology
for Teaching)
Outcome-Based Teaching and Assessment of
Desired learning Course Content/ Subject Textbooks/ Reference Learning (OBTL) Learning Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Outcomes Material Table
2. Used the B. TPACK and TPACK in Two Minutes Image Analysis: Students analyze Illustration of Video Clip
learning other and explain the image/diagram. The one’s TPACK
principles Frameworks for watch?v=FagVSQIZELY teacher synthesizes. state Multimedia
and theories Technology- Introduction to the Projector
as basis in Driven teaching TPACK Model Video A brief lecture on TPACK
the and learning from Illustrating one’s TPACK state Essay Computer
development 1. TPACK Group sharing of one’s TPACK
of the (Technology, watch?v=glkn9Veggxo state TPACK
teaching Pedagogy and Shulman, L. (1986). Paper and framework 4.5
plans and Content Those who understand: Analysis of a research article pencil test hours
selection of Knowledge) knowledge growth in Designing a task that can have a
instructional 2. SAMR teaching. Retrieved from positive effect on learning Pedagogy
materials (Substation, outcomes wheel
Augmentation, stable/1175860
Modification, how to apply the SAMR Analyzing the relation of SAMR
Redefinition) model with Ruben with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
3. Bloom’s Digital Puentedura. Retrieved
Taxonomy from Discussion and selection of technology that can be integrated in
watch?v=ZQTx2UQQv- a lesson
4. ASSURE Smaldino,S. et al. (2005) (Active Learning in a Brief Lecture Checklist on Meta cards
Model (Analyze, instructional technology given by the teacher) the Elements
Learners, State and media for learning, 8th The Fish Bowl Activity: Learners included in a
Objectives, ed. New Jersey: Pearson are given meta cards and asked to lesson using Fish Bowl
Select Methods, Prentice Hall write a question of clarification the ASSURE Container
Media, & about the topic (i.e. questions Model and the
Materials, concerning the application of the rating scale Video
Require Learner topic to practical concepts). recording 3 hours
Participation, Teacher draws these questions from Lesson gadgets
Evaluate and the bowl and answers the questions integrating the
Revise) or asks the class to answer them. ASSURE
(this could be done during or after model
the input.)
Rubrics in
making a
digital story
Outcome-Based Teaching and Assessment of
Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ References Learning (OBTL) Learning Outcomes Resource Time
Outcome (DLO) Subject Matter (ALO)) Material Table
Think-Pair and Share: in Pairs, Digital story posted Pedagogy
students will discuss about the in the ePortfolio wheel
ASSURE Model and create their
own ASSURE lesson Production Reflection paper
of a two-minute digital story on
one’s understanding of ASSURE
Demonstration on how to use non-digital or digital tools for teaching and learning
ePortfolio for specific Module or for the whole Course that will keep all learning evidences
A complete posted reflection notes in the Class Blog or Wikispace / ‘Teacher-made Classroom TwitterWall’
Grading Suggested:
System Midterm
30% - class active participation (group work, mini-outputs in tasks, among others)