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Journal of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics,

11(2), 63-69 , Summer & Autumn 2021


Compressive Strength and Ductility of Concrete Wrapped by CFRP

Seiyed Ali Haj Seiyed Taghiaa,*, Behzad Saeedi Razavib, Hamid Reza Darvishvanda
Department of Civil Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Construction and Mining Faculty, Standard Research Institute, Karaj, Iran
Received 14 October 2019, Accepted 23 February 2021

Existing reinforced concrete (RC) columns may be structurally deficient due to variety of reasons such as improper transverse
reinforcement, flaws in structural design, insufficient load carrying capacity, etc. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is a new
generation of materials which illustrates in order to enhance concrete compressive strength and ductility. Among the FRP
types, Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is more common. CFRP can be effectively used for strengthening and
confinement the deficient RC columns. This research conducts to evaluate the behavior of this fiber in improvement of
aforementioned quantities. In this investigation, three categories of compressive strength of concrete were selected. The
samples were warped with 0, 1, 3, and 5 layers of CFRP were subjected under stress-strain tests. The results display that
carbon fiber is more effective in enhancing the compressive strength and ductility. Fiber performance is more effective on
low-strength concretes, and its effective role decreases with increasing the number of layers.
Keywords: CFRP; FRP Composite Wrapping; Compressive strength; Ductility


Currently, repairing and retrofitting of defective reported as early as 1978 in Germany. Previous
structures is considered as one of the important research and field applications for FRP rehabilitation
issues of civil engineering all over the world. Fiber and strengthening are described in ACI 440.2R-17
Reinforced Polymer (FRP) systems can be used with (2017). In Europe, the International Federation for
the aim of rebuilding or maintaining strength of a Structural Concrete (FIB. 2001) published a bulletin
worn out structural member, repairing or retrofitting for design guidelines, entitled "externally bonded
of undamaged structural members in order to endure FRP reinforcement for reinforced concrete
the increased load due to changing of the structure structures"[1-17].
operation or compensating for design and
implementation mistakes. 1.2. The Performance of Confinement

1.1.Background Confinement is generally applied to members in

compression, with the aim of enhancing their load
In Europe, FRP systems were developed as carrying capacity or, in cases of seismic upgrading,
alternates to steel plate bonding. Bonding steel plates to increase their ductility. Traditional confinement
to the tension zones of concrete members with techniques rely on either steel hoops or steel jackets
adhesive resins were shown to be viable techniques for upgrading. Indeed, it is well known that
for increasing their flexural strengths. This technique increasing the confinement action enhances the
has been used to strengthen many bridges and high concrete strength and ductility and, in addition,
rise buildings around the world. Because steel plates prevents slippage and buckling of the longitudinal
can corrode, leading to a deterioration of the bond reinforcement. In seismic problems, existing
between the steel and concrete, and because they are upgrading (either strengthening or retrofitting)
difficult to install, requiring the use of heavy techniques are typically based on increasing the
equipment, researchers have looked to FRP materials confinement pressure in either the potential plastic
as an alternative to steel. Experimental work using hinge region or over the entire member. This
FRP materials for retrofitting concrete structures was technique can also be useful in lap-splices zones.

*Corresponding Author: Email Address: [email protected]

S. A. Haj Seiyed Taghia, B. Saeedi Razavia, H. R. Darvishvand

Several experimental studies on concrete confined

with FRP have been carried out which confirm the
viability of this solution. Current analytical and
numerical research aims at defining appropriate Table 1
constitutive laws for FRP-confined models. In the Technical properties of CFRP
field of design of FRP jackets extensive Name YC-N160

experimental work has been conducted by Seible et Fiber type High Strength Carbon Fibers
al (1995), and numerical and analytical work by Fiber tensile strength (Mpa) 4900
Monti et al (2001), with the task of identifying Tensile elasticity modulus (Gpa) 230
suitable design equations that optimize the FRP Areal Weight (g/m2) 160
jacket thickness as a function of the desired Fabric Thickness (mm) 0.09
upgrading level [18-29]. Style Woven UD
Minafò et al. (2019) [30] presented a model to assess
Table 2
the confinement pressure for concrete elements Technical properties of Resin
bonded with CFRP. They confirmed this model by Property Specification
finite-element analyses and experimental procedures. Mixing ratio A: B = 100:34.5 by weight.
In the other research, Haj Seiyed Taghia et al. (2020) Tensile strength Curing 7 days, +23°C: 45 N/mm2
[31] applied a statistical method to investigate Flexural modulus Curing 7 days , +23°C: 3000 N/mm2
economically the influence of CFRP layers and the Tensile modulus Curing 7 days, +23°C: 3500 N/mm2
dosage of cement content on concert performance.
Moreover, Haj Seiyed Taghia et al. (2020) [32] 2.2.Sample Preparation
compared the performance of carbon and glass fibers
on concrete behavior. The results illustrated that the In this research, a number of 12 samples were
influence of both types of fibers is greater on considered for 3 classes of compressive strength of
enhancement of compressive strength and failure concrete (20, 35, and 50 MPa). The concrete was
strain for higher strength concrete. On the contrary, constructed in the beginning and it followed by
fibers were more effect on lower strength concrete inserting it into the pre-prepared molds and then
with reference to energy absorption and ductility. samples were set to harden at constant temperature
In this research, the effect of CFRP on compressive and humidity for 24 hours. Mold shape was used, a
strength and ductility are investigated. cylindrical with dimensions of 15×30 cm. After 24
hours, the specimens are removed from the molds
2.Experimental Program and are placed into a water pond with temperature of
20  2°C for curing. The curing time of the samples
In this section, the material properties, preparation was equal to 28 days in order to perform
and curing are described separately. compressive strength and stress-strain tests. After 28
days, the samples were taken out from the pond and
2.1. Material Properties
placed in the laboratory for drying the surface of the
The ordinary Portland type-II cement is used in the samples. Two days later, the samples were prepared
entire specimens. The specimens were made in four modes with 0 (control sample), 1, 3, and 5
according to ASTM C150 [33] and the gravel and layers of CFRP warps and after 7 days, they were
sand aggregates are of river type in accordance with subjected to stress-strain tests (see Figure 1).
ASTM C33 [34].The sand sizes ranged from 0 to The compression testing machine was used for
4.75 mm with apparent weight in Saturated Surface testing the compressive strength of concrete.
Dry (SSD) state of 2650 kg/m3, and its 24-hour The load shall be applied slowly without shock and
water absorption is 1.5% and also the super increased continuously until the resistance of
plasticizers are of type P10-3R based on ASTM specimen.
C494 [35]. CFRP is of type YC-N160 based on the In this research, Cs and followed by the number
properties presented in Table 1 and the consumed stand for value of classes of compressive strength
resin is of type epoxy DUR 300, in accordance with and Ls followed by the number stand for no. of
Table 2. CFRP layers.

Journal of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics,10(2),1-8, Summer & Autumn 2020




Stress (MPa)
L0 (Control Sample)
0 L5
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Strain (mm/mm)

Fig. 3. Stress-strain diagrams for C35 classes

Fig. 1. Samples preparation for stress-strain tests 100

3. Results and Discussion

Stress (MPa)
This section deals with the investigation of the 40 L0 (Control Sample)
influence of using CFRP with different layers on the L1
compressive strength and ductility of concrete
samples. 0
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Strain (mm/mm)
3.1. The Stress-strain Tests
Fig. 4. Stress-strain diagrams for C50 classes
The stress-strain tests were performed on the 15 cm
×30 cm cylindrical samples at the age of 28 days and Compressive strength and ductility of concrete
shown in Figures 2 through 4 for three classes of samples have been extracted from Figures 2-4.
concrete (i.e. C20, C35 and C50) and different layers
of CFRP sheets. The tests performed in compliance 3.1.1. Compressive Strength
with ASTM C469 [36].
The maximum values of stress in Figures 2 through
Since the concrete loses its integrity in a strain
4 have been obtained and considered as compressive
greater than 1% and the rebar reaches its ultimate
strength for different classes of concrete. The effect
endurable strain and also the cohesion between the
of CFRP layers on the compressive strength of the
concrete and the rebar decreases intensively, thus,
samples is shown in Figure 5.
the ultimate strain value is limited to 1% in all
As it can be seen in Figure 5, the compressive
diagrams 2 to 4 [34].
strength of the concrete samples increased with the
100 increase of the number of CFRP sheets due to the
effect of bonding and confinement.
The percentage of increase in compressive strength
Stress (MPa)

in the samples wrapped by carbon fiber is shown in
L0 (Control Sample)
Figure 6. The effect of this fiber on increasing in
20 L3
compressive strength decreases with increasing
0 concrete strength from 20 MPa to 50Mpa. Moreover,
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Strain (mm/mm) this diagram indicates that the effect of fibers on the
Fig. 2. Stress-strain diagrams for C20 classes rate of compressive strength growth would be less
with increasing the number of warped fibers. It can
attributed to the significant role of concrete integrity
for more FRP layers.

3.1.2. Ductility

The ductility of the cylindrical 15 cm × 30 cm

samples is defined by dividing the failure strain over
the yielding strain, this is in accordance to ASCE41-

S. A. Haj Seiyed Taghia, B. Saeedi Razavia, H. R. Darvishvand

13 [37].The yield strain was estimated by the Figure 7 indicates that concrete enclosed with carbon
following procedure: Using MATLAB software fiber is almost more ductile for less-strength
(2017b) [38] to make the stress-strain curve of the concrete.
sample an equivalent bilinear then the intersection of The percentage of ductility growth in concrete
the lines is referred as the yield strain. warped with carbon fibers is shown in Figure 8. The
role of fibers decreases in ductility improvement by

increasing the number of CFRP rounds. Again, it can attributed to the significant role of concrete integrity for
more FRP layers.

100 93
Compressive strength (MPa)

80 75
68 67

60 49 52
40 29

C20 C35 C50

Fig. 5. Compressive strength of cylindrical samples

100 92
The Ratio (%)

40 34


C20 C35 C50

Fig. 6. The ratio of the increase in the compressive strength of samples with increasing number of CFRP layers relative to samples
without CFRP

Journal of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics,10(2),1-8, Summer & Autumn 2020

10.6 11.5 10.8
10 9.0
6 5.4

1.7 1.8 1.8

C20 C35 C50

Fig. 7. Ductility of cylindrical samples

600 557
506 505
482 464
400 365

300 263
The Ratio (%)



C20 C35 C50

Fig. 8. The ratio of the Ductility of CFRP strengthened samples regarding to non-strengthened samples (%)

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