"Language" "English"
"addon_game_name" "Diretide"
"DOTA_GameMode_15" "Diretide"
"DOTA_GameMode_19" "Diretide"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_Radiant_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Radiant's Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_Dire_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Dire's Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_RadiantTop_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Radiant's Top Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_RadiantMid_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Radiant's Mid Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_RadiantBot_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Radiant's Bottom Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_DireTop_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Dire's Top Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_DireMid_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Dire's Mid Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanAttackedCandyWell_DireBot_Toast" "Roshan is
destroying Dire's Bottom Taffy Well!"
"DOTA_HUD_CandyBucketVulnerableGood_Toast" "The
Radiant's Home Bucket is now vulnerable!"
"DOTA_HUD_CandyWellTier2TopVulnerableGood_Toast" "The Radiant's Top
Taffy Well is now vulnerable!"
"DOTA_HUD_CandyWellTier2BotVulnerableGood_Toast" "The Radiant's
Bottom Taffy Well is now vulnerable!"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_ReturnHome_Name" "Retur
ning Home"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_ReturnHome_Description" "Roshan is
returning to his cave."
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_Sleeping_Name" "Sleep
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_Sleeping_Description" "Rosha
n is sleeping. The Greevils will be out soon."
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_Greevils_Name" "Steal
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_Greevils_Description" "Greev
ils have stolen Roshan's candy. Steal it back by damaging them."
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_RoshanKillGreevils_Name" "Greeviling"
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_RoshanKillGreevils_Description" "Roshan has awoken
and is getting his candy back from the Greevils."
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_Roshan_Name" "Recla
"DOTA_HUD_RoshanTimer_Roshan_Description" "Roshan is
coming for his candy."
"DOTA_Radiant_Candy_Score" "{d:radiant_candy}
"DOTA_Dire_Candy_Score" "{d:dire_candy}"
"DOTA_HUD_VS" "vs"
"DOTA_Round_Number" "Round
"DOTA_HUD_Diretide_TimeLeft1" "1"
"DOTA_HUD_Diretide_TimeLeft2" "2"
"DOTA_HUD_Diretide_TimeLeft3" "3"
"DOTA_HUD_Diretide_TimeLeft10" "10s Remaining"
"DOTA_HUD_Diretide_TimeLeft20" "20s Remaining"
"Defender Aura"
"Provides %bonus_armor% armor, %bonus_magic_resist%% magic resistance, +
%bonus_hp_regen% HP/s health regeneration, and %bonus_status_resist%% status
resistance to nearby allies."
"Providing bonus armor, magic resistance, health regen, and status
resistance to nearby allies."
"Diretide Defender"
"Receiving bonus armor, magic resistance, health regen, and status resistance from
a Diretide building."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bucket_soldier_attack" "Spook
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bucket_soldier_attack_Description" "Slows
attack speed and movement speed."
"Spook 'Em"
"Fires a projectile that fears units in along its path."
"This unit's attack speed and movement speed are slowed."
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bucket_soldier_attack_fear_Description" "Being
scared by something spooky!"
"npc_dota_roshan_diretide" "Roshan"
"Deafening Roar"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_roar_Description" "Movem
ent and attack speed slowed."
"Tome of Knowledge"
"Grants you bonus experience."
"That which raises beast to man and man to god."
"Mana Treat"
"Restores a large amount of mana."
"Health Treat"
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_health_potion_Description" "Resto
res a large amount of health."
"Gold Bag"
"Neutral Item Box"
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_neutral_item_treasure_Description" "Conta
ins a random neutral item."
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_candy" "Greevil
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_candy_Description" "Throw it in the
<b>ENEMY</b> Taffy Wells!"
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_candy_bag" "Greevil
Taffy Bag"
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_candy_bag_Description" "Throw it in the
<b>ENEMY</b> Taffy Wells!"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_hero_candy" "Greevil
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_hero_candy_Description" "Number of taffies
this unit is carrying."
"Taffy Regen"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_candy_eat_regen_Description" "Regen
erating health and mana from delicious taffy."
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_candy_eaten_recently" "Full
of taffy"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_candy_eaten_recently_Description" "Feeling
full and unable to eat taffy for a bit."
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_candy_scoring_blocked" "Recen
tly Hurt"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_candy_scoring_blocked_Description" "Unable to
score Taffy because you've been recently hurt."
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_hero_candy_bucket" "Taffy
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_hero_candy_bucket_Description" "<h1>Use:
Throw</h1>Target enemy buildings to transfer taffy to them, baiting Roshan to
destroy them.<br><br>Range: %abilitycastrange%"
"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_hero_candy_bucket_Lore" "Keeps
delicious taffy! Do not put apples in here!"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_building_candy_bucket" "Taffy
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_building_candy_bucket_Description" "Greevil
Taffy has been stuffed into this building! Roshan will be coming coming to get it
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_passive" "Stole
n Taffy"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_passive_Description" "Damage will
cause Greevil Taffy to drop."
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_filling" "Greev
il Filling"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_filling_Description" "Will drop a
Trick or Treat when killed based on the color of the Greevil."
"Ability Can't Target Friendly Buildings."
"dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_buildings_without_candy_bucket" "Build
ing Cannot Hold Taffy."
"You cannot score in this building yet."
"Can Only Throw Taffy At Buildings"
"Roshan is attacking this building."
"dota_hud_error_candy_already_in_flight" "Taffy
already in-flight!"
"dota_hud_error_candy_scoring_blocked" "Can't
score Taffy when you've been recently hurt!"
"dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_buildings_no_ability" "Can't find
taffy bucket ability on building"
"You don't have any taffy!"
"Under Attack"
"Roshan is attacking this building"
"Curse of Roshan"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_diretide_roshan_curse_debuff_Description" "Recei
ving damage over time due to a teamwide failure to feed Roshan."
"Respawn Time Penalty"
"Adding a +%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% seconds to your respawn timer from
previous deaths this round."
"Regeneration Aura"
scription" "Taffy Guardians within range heal %regen_pct_per_second%%
of Max Health per second when out of combat. If a Guardiant takes damage, the regen
is disabled for %peace_time% seconds."
re" ""
"Hallowed Regeneration"
"Regenerates a percentage of Max Health per
second when out of combat. Disabled for a short duration if the Taffy Guardian
takes damage."
"Summon Mount"
"Summon a friendly mount to ride around on. Activate again to dismount. Cannot be
used for 3 seconds after taking damage from an enemy Hero."
"Choose Your Mount"
"Choose a companion to ride around on."
"{s:player_name} chose {s:locstring_value}"
"DOTA_HUD_mount_penguin_Description" "<b>+
Super fast and agile</b><br>- Damage knocks you off"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_penguin" "Pengu
in Mount"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_penguin_Description" "<b>+ Super
fast and agile</b><br>- Damage knocks you off."
"Ogre Seal"
"DOTA_HUD_mount_ogreseal_Description" "<b>+
Launches forward down cliffs and through trees</b><br>- Can't turn"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_ogreseal" "Ogre
Seal Mount"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_ogreseal_Description" "<b>+
Launches forward down cliffs and through trees</b><br>- Can't turn"
"DOTA_HUD_mount_snowball_Description" "<b>+
Stuns on impact and summon</b><br>- Slow to turn and accelerate"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_snowball" "Snowb
all Mount"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_snowball_Description" "<b>+ Stuns
on impact and summon</b><br>- Slow to turn and accelerate"
"Frosted Toad"
"DOTA_HUD_mount_frosttoad_Description" "<b>+
Hops over cliffs and trees</b><br>- Can't turn and hop at the same time"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_frosttoad" "Frost
ed Toad Mount"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mount_frosttoad_Description" "<b>+ Hops
over cliffs and trees</b><br>- Can't turn and hop at the same time"
"DOTA_HUD_candy_list_Title" "Naughty"
"DOTA_HUD_candy_list_greevils" "Greevils"
"DOTA_HUD_phase_GameStateSleep_Name" "Rosha
n Sleeps"
"DOTA_HUD_phase_GameStateSleep_Description" "Gather
taffy and score it in your enemy's taffy wells.<br><br>Roshan will destroy the well
with the most taffy when he awakens."
"DOTA_HUD_phase_GameStateKillGreevils_Name" "Roshan
"DOTA_HUD_phase_GameStateKillGreevils_Description" "Roshan is
feasting on the Greevils outside his pit.<br>Once he's full he will smash the well
with the most taffy."
"DOTA_HUD_phase_GameStateScore_Name" "Rosha
n Smashes"
"DOTA_HUD_phase_GameStateScore_Description" "Roshan is
coming to destroy the well with the most taffy."