Important Questions
Chapter 4
Carbon and its Compounds
5 Marks Questions
(b) What role is played by yeast in the conversion of cane sugar to ethanol?
(c) How may the following be obtained from pure ethanol? Express s
(b) Yeast is the source of enzymes invertase and zymase needed for fermentation.
(c) (i)
(Ethyl ethanoate)
smelling compound B.
Ethanoic acid
(e) is produced with effervescence when compound A reacts with washing soda which
is chemically
Ans. (a) Carbon forms large number of compounds called organic compounds due to the self
linking property called catenation.
(b) Compounds which has only C-C (single bond) present are saturated compounds whose as
those compounds which has C=C (double bond) or C C (triple) bond is present are called
unsaturated compounds.
(ii) Hex-1-yne
(ii) Bromopentane
(iv) Hexanal
(c) Propanone
7. Why does micelle formation take place when soap is added to water? Will a micelle
be formed in other solvents such as ethanol also?
Ans. Soap is sodium or potassium salt of long chain fatty acid. Two ends of soap molecules
have different properties. The ionic end is hydrophilic. It dissolve in water while the
hydrogen chain is hydrophobic, it dissolve in hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbon chains are
oriented towards the oil droplet while the ionic ends are oriented towards water.
(iii) Esters react in the presence of an acid or a base to give back the alcohol and carboxylic
(iv) Saponification