amanded quesitioner

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Dear Respondent’s,

My name is Tefera Kifle postgraduate student in the field of MBA in financial service at AAU.
For this purpose, currently I am conducting a study entitled “Determinants of Customers’
Bank Selection Decision in Addis Ababa City”. The major purpose of this survey is to collect
data regarding to the above title. As this study is intended only for academic purpose, the
information you provide in this questionnaire will be kept confidential and will be utilized only
for the purpose of this study. Since your genuine response is highly valuable for the achievement
of the objectives of this research, I kindly requesting you to fill your response in space provided
freely. Finally, I would like to express my great acknowledgement in advance for your kind
cooperation in providing me prompt responses by filling this questionnaire. For any clarification
or comment please don’t hesitate to contact me through the following address:-

Mobile number: -+251912122648 or [email protected]


 No need to write your name.

 Choose the suitable answer and tick (√) in the box given for each question.

1. Gender
A. Male B. Female
2. Age:
A. 18-25 B. 26-35 C. 36-45 D.46-55 E. 56 and above
3. Educational level

A. Below high school B. High school C. college diploma

D. First degree E. Masters and above

4. Occupation
A. Salaried employee C. student

B. Business owner D. Other

5. Bank Service experience

A. Less than one year B. 1 - 3 years

C. 4-10 years D. above 10 years

6. Are you customer to a bank?

A. Yes B. No

7. If your answer is “yes” for above question no.6 which bank prefers to use --?



Please, indicate your opinion by marking the appropriate box on the five point scale where:

1=strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3=neutral 4=Agree 5=strongly Agree

Bank selection decision related question 1 2 3 4 5
1 I prefer to use this bank, due to Familiarity I have with the
employee of the bank.
2 I decided to use this bank, due to the modern technology adopted
by the bank.
3 I decided to use this bank, due to availability of low charge in the
bank (financial factor).
4 I prefer to use this bank, due to the appropriate promotion and
advertisement i have got from the bank.
5 I prefer to use this bank, due to the convenience of bank’s branch.
6 I decided to use this bank, due to service quality I have got from
the bank.
7 I decided to use this bank, due to the overall good will owned by

Code Social Factors Related Questions 1 2 3 4 5

SR1 Recommendation by family and friends
SR2 Employer's Influence/requirement to be customer of the bank
SR3 Familiar with an employee of the bank
SR4 Familiar with shareholders of the bank
Technological factors related question

TF1 Availability of modern banking software

TF2 Fast Connectivity compared with other
TF3 The Availability of ATM network
TF4 The Availability of mobile banking services
TF5 The Availability of internet banking services
TF6 The Availability of Point of sale terminals (POS)
Financial factors related question 1 2 3 4 5

FF1 Its service charge is low in contrast to others

FF2 It provide High interest rates on saving accounts
FF3 Its interest rate on loans is low in contrast to others
FF4 It is financially reliable
FF5 Availability of loan and advance compared to others
Promotional factors related questions
PF1 The bank is Advertising itself appropriately
PF2 Personal contact from bank marketing staff
PF3 TV/radio presence of the bank is frequent
PF4 Presence in newspaper and print media
PF5 Existence of lottery based promotion than others
Convenience factors related question
CF1 The convenient Location of the bank
CF2 Proximity to my home/work
CF3 Operating hour of bank is to my accessibility
CF4 Availability of parking space
CF5 Existence of more branch all over the country compared to other
Service quality factors
SQBI1 The bank provide Fast and efficient service
SQBI2 Speed of transactions is high
SQBI3 Pleasantness of Bank personnel or officers
SQBI4 Minimum waiting time for receiving service
SQBI5 Providing services in specified time
SQBI6 It is Easier of opening of bank account
SQBI7 Easier to get banking service than other
Reputation factors related questions 1 2 3 4 5

RF1 Overall image of bank

RF2 Goodwill of bank among customers
RF3 Past experience with the bank
RF4 Safety of funds and confidence
RF5 The bank is heading in growth path
If you have additional suggestion or comments please mention it

Balanced diet skin


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