CHEM_XI Practical Jouranal 2021-22new-Converted

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Class – XI Subject: Chemistry (Practical) Term-2 Experiment (2021_22)

Exp. No Aim
1 To Identify the given inorganic salt[Ba(NO 3)2]
2 To Identify the given inorganic salt [ZnCo3]
3 To Identify the given inorganic salt [Pb(NO3)2]
4 To Identify the given inorganic salt PbCl2
5 To Identify the given inorganic salt MgSO4
6 To Identify the given inorganic salt [BaSO4]
7 To Identify the given inorganic salt [Sr(NO 3)2]
Content based Experiment
1 Purification of the impure samples like copper sulphate, by the process of
Aim: To analyze the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

Experiment Observations Inference

1. Physical examination :
(a) Noted the color of the White Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Mn2+,
given salt. Co2+ absent.
(b) Noted the smell of the salt. No specific odour NH4 +, S2– and CH 3COO– may
be absent.
2. Dry heating test
Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the fol-
lowing observations :
(a) Gas evolved A reddish brown gas evolved NO – may be present.
which turned freshly prepared
FeSO4 solution black.
(b) Sublimation No sublimate formed. Ammonium halides, alu-
minium chloride, iodide may
be absent.
(c) Decrepitation No crackling sound observed. Lead nitrate, barium nitrate,
sodium chloride, potassium
chloride and potassium iodide
may be absent.
(d) Fusion Salt does not fuse. White Alkali (sodium, potassium) salts
may be absent.
(e) Colour of the residue Zn2+, Pb2+ may be absent.
Persistent grassy green flame Ba2+ present.
5. Flame test
on prolonged heating.
Prepared a paste of the salt in
conc. HCl and performed flame
— Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+
6. Borax bead test
Did not perform this test since may be absent.
the given salt was white.
7. Dil. sulphuric acid test No gas evolved. CO 2–, S2–, NO –, SO 2– may
3 2 3

Treated a pinch of the salt be absent.

with dil. H2SO4 and warmed.
8. KMnO4 test Pink colour of KMnO4 was not Cl–, Br–, I–, C O 2– , Fe2+ may
2 4
To a pinch of the salt added discharged. be absent.
dil. H2 SO4 warm and then a drop
of KMnO4 solution.
9. Conc. sulphuric acid test A reddish brown gas evolved NO – may be present.
Heated a pinch of the salt with which turned FeSO4 solution
conc. sulphuric acid and added to it black.
a paper pellet.
10. Confirmatory test for
nitrate –
Reddish brown gas evolved. NO confirmed.
(a) Copper chips test. Heated
a pinch of the salt with conc.
sulphuric acid and a few copper
chips. A dark brown ring formed at the –
NO confirmed.
(b) Ring test. To 2–3 ml of the junction of the two liquids.
salt solution, added freshly pre-
pared FeSO 4 solution. Now
added conc. sulphuric acid along
the sides of the test tube. No ammonia gas evolved. NH4 + absent.
11. Heated a pinch of salt
with conc. NaOH solution
12. Preparation of Original
Solution (O.S.) Solution obtained Labelled it as Original Solu tion
Shook a pinch of the salt with (O.S.)
water. No ppt. formed. Group I absent. (Pb 2+ absent)
13. To a part of the O.S. added
1–2 mls of dilute hydrochloric
No ppt. formed. Group II absent
14. Through a part of the (Pb2+, Cu2+, As3+, absent)
above solution, passed H2 S gas.

No ppt. formed. Group III absent.

15. To the remaining solution,
(Fe3+, Al3+ absent)
added a pinch of solid ammonium
chloride. Boiled the solution,
cooled it and added excess of am-
monium hydroxide solution.
Experiment Observations Inference

16. Through a part of this so- No ppt. formed. Group IV absent.

lution, passed H2 S gas. (Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Co2+,
17. To the remaining White ppt. formed. Group V present.
ammonical solution added am- (Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+ may be
monium carbonate solution. present)
18. Confirmatory test for
Filtered the above white ppt. Yellow ppt. Ba2+ confirmed.
Dissolved the ppt. in hot dilute
acetic acid.
(a) Pot. chromate test. To one
part of the above solution, added a Persistent grassy green flame on Ba2+ confirmed.
few drops of pot. chromate prolonged heating.
(b) Flame test. Performed
flame test with the salt.

Result. Acid radical: NO3–

Basic radical: Ba2+.

Experiment- 2
To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

Experiment Observations Inference

1. Physical examination
(a) Noted the colour of the White Cu2+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Co2+
given salt. absent.
(b) Noted the smell of the salt. No specific odour NH4 +, S2– and CH 3COO– may
be absent.
2. Dry heating test
Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the
following :
(a) Gas evolved A colourless, odourless gas CO 2– may be present.
evolved which turned lime wa-
ter milky.
(b) Sublimation No sublimate formed. Ammonium halides, iodide
may be absent.
(c) Decrepitation No crackling sound observed. Lead nitrate, barium nitrate,
sodium chloride, potassium
chloride and potassium iodide
may be absent.
(d) Colour of the residue Yellow when hot and white when Zn2+ may be present.

3. Flame test
Green flashes seen with naked
Prepared a paste of the salt in Zn2+ may be present.
conc. HCl and performed flame
4. Borax bead test

Did not perform this test since Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+,
the given salt was white. Co2+ may be absent.
5. Dil. Sulphuric acid test
Treated a pinch of the salt Colourless, odourless gas CO 2– present
with dil. H2SO4 and warmed. evolved with brisk efferves- 3
cence, turned lime water milky.
Shook a pinch of salt with Salt did not dissolve.
Insoluble CO3 2– indicated. Cl–
water taken in test tube.
6. KMnO4 test
To a pinch of the salt added Pink colour of KMnO4 was not , Br–, I–, Fe2+, C O 2– are
dilute H2 SO4 warm and then a discharged. 24
drop of KMnO4 solution. absent.
7. Conc. Sulphuric acid
Did not perform this test — Cl–, Br–, I–, NO –, CH
because the salt reacted with dil. COO–,
3 3
C2O42– are absent.
8. Confirmatory tests
(a) Shook a pinch of the
saltwith water. Salt did not dissolve.
(b) To the salt added dil. HCl.
Insoluble carbonate indi-
Brisk effervescence with evolu- cated.
tion of colourless, odourless gas
Insoluble carbonate con- firmed.
which turned lime water milky.
NH4 + absent.
11. Heated a pinch of No ammonia gas evolved.
saltwith conc. NaOH

Experiment Observations Inference

12. Preparation of Original

solution (O.S.)
(a) Shook a pinch of the salt Insoluble Labelled it as O.S.
with water.
(b) Shook a pinch of the salt in Clear solution obtained.
dil. HCl.
13. As the O.S. is prepared in Group I absent.
dil. HCl. (Pb2+ absent)
14. Through a part of O.S. No ppt. formed. Group II absent
passed H2 S gas. (Pb2+, Hg2+, Cu2+, As3+
15. To the remaining solution, No ppt. formed Group III absent.
added a pinch of solid ammonium (Fe3+, Al3+ absent).
chloride. Boiled the solution,
cooled it and added excess of am-
monium hydroxide solution.
16. Through a part of this Dull white ppt. formed. Group IV present.
solution, passed H2S gas. (Zn2+ present)
17. Confirmatory tests for
Zn2+ ion
Dissolved the above dull white
ppt. in dil HCl. Boiled off H2 S.
Divided the solution into two
(a) To one part added NaOH White ppt. soluble in excess of Zn2+ confirmed.
solution dropwise. NaOH.
(b) To another part, added Bluish white ppt. Zn2+ confirmed.
potassium ferrocyanide solution.

Result. Acid Radical : CO32–

Basic Radical : Zn2+.

Aim:To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

Experiment Observations Inference

1. Physical examination :
(c) Noted the colour of the White Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Mn2+,
given salt. Co2+ absent.
(d) Noted the smell of the salt. No specific odour NH4 +, S2– and CH 3COO– may
be absent.
2. Dry heating test
Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the fol-
lowing observations :
(f) Gas evolved A reddish brown gas evolved NO – may be present.
which turned freshly prepared
FeSO4 solution black.
(g) Sublimation No sublimate formed. Ammonium halides, alu-
minium chloride, iodide may
be absent.
(h) Decrepitation No crackling sound observed. Lead nitrate, barium nitrate,
sodium chloride, potassium
chloride and potassium iodide
may be absent.
(i) Fusion Salt does not fuse. White Alkali (sodium, potassium) salts
may be absent.
(j) Colour of the residue Zn2+, Pb2+ may be absent.
Experiment Observations Inference
11. Flame test
Prepared a paste of the salt in Persistent grassy green flame Ba2+ present.
conc. HCl and performed flame on prolonged heating.
12. Borax bead test
Did not perform this test since — Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+
the given salt was white. may be absent.
13. Dil. sulphuric acid test
Treated a pinch of the salt No gas evolved. CO 2–, S2–, NO –, SO 2– may
3 2 3
with dil. H2SO4 and warmed. be absent.
14. KMnO4 test
To a pinch of the salt added Pink colour of KMnO4 was not Cl–, Br–, I–, C O 2– , Fe2+
dil. H2 SO4 warm and then a drop discharged. may
2 4
of KMnO4 solution. be absent.
15. Conc. sulphuric acid
A reddish brown gas evolved
Heated a pinch of the salt with which turned FeSO4 solution NO – may be present.
conc. sulphuric acid and added to it black.
a paper pellet.
16. Confirmatory test for
Reddish brown gas evolved.
(c) Copper chips test. Heated NO –
a pinch of the salt with conc. 3

sulphuric acid and a few copper

A dark brown ring formed at the
(d) Ring test. To 2–3 ml of the junction of the two liquids. –
NO confirmed.
salt solution, added freshly pre- 3
pared FeSO 4 solution. Now
added conc. sulphuric acid along
the sides of the test tube.
No ammonia gas evolved.
16. Heated a pinch of salt
with conc. NaOH solution NH4 + absent.

17. Preparation of Original

Solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Solution obtained
Labelled it as Original Solu
ppt. formed. tion (O.S.)
18. Confirmatory test for Group I absent. (Pb 2+ present)
Add KI in original Solution
Yellow ppt formed
Pb2+ conformed

Result. Acid radical: NO3–

Basic radical: Pb2+.

Experiment- 4
To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

Experiment Observations Inference

3. Physical examination
(a) Noted the colour of the White Cu2+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Co2+
given salt. absent.
(b) Noted the smell of the salt. No specific odour NH4 +, S2– and CH3COO– may
be absent.
4. Dry heating test
Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the
following :
(a) Gas evolved A colourless, odourless gas Cl– may be present.

(b) Sublimation No sublimate formed. Ammonium halides, iodide may

be absent.
(c) Decrepitation No crackling sound observed. Lead nitrate, barium nitrate,
sodium chloride, potassium
chloride and potassium iodide
may be absent.
(d) Colour of the residue Yellow when hot and white Zn2+ may be present.
when cold.

9. Flame test
White Flame observed with
Prepared a paste of the salt in Pb2+ may be present.
conc. HCl and performed flame
10. Borax bead test

Did not perform this test since Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+,
the given salt was white. Co2+ may be absent.
11. Dil. Sulphuric acid test
Treated a pinch of the salt Colourless, odourless gas Cl– present
with dil. H2SO4 and warmed. evolved

12. Conc. Sulphuric acid

Did not perform this test
because the salt reacted with dil.
Cl–, Br–, I–, NO –, CH
H2SO4. COO–,
3 3
13. Confirmatory tests — C2O42– are absent.
1. Silver nitrate test
Acidify a portion of
aqueous solution (or
sodium carbonate A white ppt. is formed which
extract) with dil. HNO 3. is soluble in ammonium Cl– is Conformed
Boil for some time, cool hydroxide.
and add silver nitrate
Cl– is Conformed
2. Manganese dioxide test
Heat a pinch of the salt with Evolution of greenish yellow
a small quantity of gas having a pungent irritating
manganese dioxide and smell. It turns moist starch-
conc. H2 SO4. iodide paper blue.

11. Heated a pinch of

saltwith conc. NaOH
solution No ammonia gas evolved. NH4 + absent

Experiment Observations Inference

12. Preparation of Original

solution (O.S.)
(a) Shook a pinch of the salt Insoluble Labelled it as O.S.
with water.
(b) Shook a pinch of the salt in Clear solution obtained.
dil. HCl.
13. As the O.S. is prepared in ppt. formed. Group I
dil. HCl. present.(Pb2+

17. Confirmatory tests for

Pb2+ ion
Add KI in original Solution Yellow ppt formed Pb2+ conformed

Result. Acid Radical : Cl–

Basic Radical : Pb2+.

Experiment- 5
Aim To analyses the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it.

• Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks,
filter papers, reagents

Material required

Sl. No. Experiment Observation Inference

1. Noted the colour of give White Cu2+, Fe2+, Ni2+,Co2+,

thesalt. n Mn2+ are absent.

2. Noted the smell of the salt. No specific smell. S2–, SO2– CH COO–
3 , 3
may be absent.
3. Heated 0.5 g of the salt in a (i) No gas was evolved. (i) CO 32– may be
dry test tube and noted the present, NO –, NO –,
3 2
colour of the gas evolved and Br – may be
change in the colour of the absent.
residue on heating and (ii) No particular (ii) Zn 2+ may be
cooling. change in colour of absent.
the residue is
observed when
heated and when
4. Prepared a paste of the salt No distinct colour of Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ Cu
with conc. HCl and theflame seen. may be absent.
performedthe flame test.

5. Borax bead test was not — —

performed as the salt was
white in colour.
6. Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 No effervescence and CO2–, SO2–, S2–, NO– ,
3 3 2
mLdil.H2SO4 and warmed. evolution of vapours. CH COO– absent.

7. Heated 0.1 g of salt with 1 No gas evolved. Cl– , Br–, I– , NO – ,C O –

3 2 4
mLconc. H2SO4. are absent.

8. Acidified 1mL of aqueous No yellow precipitate PO3– absent.

salt solution with conc.
HNO3. Warmed the contents
m deludtio
. drops of
9. Acidified water extract of the A white ppt. is SO 2– present.
salt with dil. HCl and then obtainedwhich is
added 2mL of BaCl2 solution. insoluble in conc.
HNO3and conc. HCl.

10. Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 Ammonia gas is not NH + absent.

mLNaOH solution. evolved.

11. Attempted to prepare original Clear solution formed Water soluble salt is
solution of the salt by present.
dissolving 1g of it in 20

12. To a small part of the above No white precipitate Group–I absent.

salt solution added 2 mL of formed.
dil. HCl.

13. Passed H2S gas through No precipitate formed. Group–II absent.

oneportion of thesolution of
step 12.
14. Since salt is white, heating No precipitate formed. Group–III absent.
with conc. HNO 3 is not
required. Added about 0.2 g
of solid ammonium chloride
and then added excess of
ammonium hydroxide to
the solution of step 12.

15. Passed H2S gas through the No precipitate formed. Group–IV absent.
above solution.

16. Added excess of ammonium No precipitate formed. Group–V absent.

hydroxide solution to the
original solution and then
added 0.5 g of ammonium

17. To the original solution of salt White precipitate. Mg2+ confirmed.

added ammonium hydroxide
solution, followed by
disodium hydrogen phosphate
solution. Heated and
scratched the sides of the test


The given salt contains:

Result. Acid Radical : SO42–

Basic Radical : Mg2+.

Experiment- 6
Aim To analyses the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it.

• Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks,
filter papers, reagents

Material required

Sl. No. Experiment Observation Inference

1. Noted the colour of give White Cu2+, Fe2+, Ni2+,Co2+,

thesalt. n Mn2+ are absent.

2. Noted the smell of the salt. No specific smell. S2–, SO2– CH COO–
3 , 3
may be absent.
3. Heated 0.5 g of the salt in a (i) No gas was evolved. (iii) CO 32– may be
dry test tube and noted the present, NO –, NO –,
3 2
colour of the gas evolved and Br – may be
change in the colour of the absent.
residue on heating and (ii) No particular (iv) Zn 2+ may be
cooling. change in colour of absent.
the residue is
observed when
heated and when
4. Prepared a paste of the salt Green colour of the Ba2+may be present.
with conc. HCl and flame seen.
performedthe flame test.

5. Borax bead test was not — —

performed as the salt was
white in colour.
6. Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 No effervescence and CO2–, SO2–, S2–, NO– ,
3 3 2
mLdil.H2SO4 and warmed. evolution of vapours. CH COO– absent.

7. Heated 0.1 g of salt with 1 No gas evolved. Cl– , Br–, I– , NO – ,C O –

3 2 4
mLconc. H2SO4. are absent.

8. Acidified 1mL of aqueous No yellow precipitate PO3– absent.

salt solution with conc.
HNO3. Warmed the contents
m oeludtio
. drops of
9. Acidified water extract of the A white ppt. is obtained SO 2– present.
salt with dil. HCl and then which is
added 2mL of BaCl2 solution. insoluble in conc. HNO 3
and conc. HCl.

10. Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL Ammonia gas is not NH + absent.

NaOH solution. evolved.

11. Attempted to prepare original Clear solution formed Water soluble salt is
solution of the salt by present.
dissolving 1g of it in 20 mL

12. To a small part of the above No white precipitate Group–I absent.

salt solution added 2 mL of dil. formed.

13. Passed H2S gas through one No precipitate formed. Group–II absent.
portion of thesolution of step 12.

14. Since salt is white, heating No precipitate formed. Group–III absent.

with conc. HNO 3 is not
required. Added about 0.2 g of
solid ammonium chloride and
then added excess of
ammonium hydroxide to the
solution of step 12.

15. Passed H2S gas through the No precipitate formed. Group–IV absent.
above solution.

16. Added excess of ammonium No precipitate formed. Group–V present.

hydroxide solution to the
original solution and then
added 0.5 g of ammonium

17. Confirmatory test forBarium

(a) Pot. chromate test. To one part Yellow ppt. Ba2+ conformed
of the above solution, added a few
drops of pot. chromate solution.

(b) Flame test. Performed flame Ba2+ conformed

test with the salt. Persistent grassy green
flameon prolonged


The given salt contains:

Acid Radical : SO42–

Basic Radical : Ba2+.

Aim:To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

Experiment Observations Inference

1. Physical examination :
(e) Noted the colour of the White Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Mn2+,
given salt. Co2+ absent.
(f) Noted the smell of the salt. No specific odour NH4 +, S2– and CH 3COO– may
be absent.
2. Dry heating test
Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the fol-
lowing observations :
(k) Gas evolved A reddish brown gas evolved NO – may be present.
which turned freshly prepared
FeSO4 solution black.
(l) Sublimation No sublimate formed. Ammonium halides, alu-
minium chloride, iodide may
be absent.
(m) Decrepitation No crackling sound observed. Lead nitrate, barium nitrate,
sodium chloride, potassium
chloride and potassium iodide
may be absent.
(n) Fusion Salt does not fuse. White Alkali (sodium, potassium) salts
may be absent.
(o) Colour of the residue Zn2+, Pb2+ may be absent.
Experiment Observations Inference
17. Flame test
Prepared a paste of the salt in Red flame on prolonged Sr2+ present.
conc. HCl and performed flame heating.
18. Borax bead test
Did not perform this test since — Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+
the given salt was white. may be absent.
19. Dil. sulphuric acid test
Treated a pinch of the salt No gas evolved. CO 2–, S2–, NO –, SO 2– may
3 2 3
with dil. H2SO4 and warmed. be absent.
20. KMnO4 test
To a pinch of the salt added Pink colour of KMnO4 was not Cl–, Br–, I–, C O 2– , Fe2+
dil. H2 SO4 warm and then a drop discharged. may
2 4
of KMnO4 solution. be absent.
21. Conc. sulphuric acid
A reddish brown gas evolved
Heated a pinch of the salt with which turned FeSO4 solution NO – may be present.
conc. sulphuric acid and added to it black.
a paper pellet.
22. Confirmatory test for
Reddish brown gas evolved.
(e) Copper chips test. Heated NO –
a pinch of the salt with conc. 3

sulphuric acid and a few copper

A dark brown ring formed at the
(f) Ring test. To 2–3 ml of the junction of the two liquids. NO –
salt solution, added freshly pre- 3
pared FeSO 4 solution. Now
added conc. sulphuric acid along
the sides of the test tube.
No ammonia gas evolved.
18. Heated a pinch of salt
with conc. NaOH solution NH4 + absent.

19. Preparation of Original

Solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Solution obtained
Labelled it as Original Solu
No ppt. formed. tion (O.S.)
20. To a part of the O.S. added Group I absent. (Pb 2+ absent)
1–2 mls of dilute hydrochloric
21. Through a part of the No ppt. formed.
above solution, passed H2 S gas. Group II absent
(Pb2+, Cu2+, As3+, absent)

22. To the remaining solution, No ppt. formed.

added a pinch of solid ammonium Group III absent.
chloride. Boiled the solution, (Fe3+, Al3+ absent)
cooled it and added excess of am-
monium hydroxide solution.
Experiment Observations Inference

16. Through a part of this so- No ppt. formed. Group IV absent.

lution, passed H2 S gas. (Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Co2+,
17. To the remaining White ppt. formed. Group V present.
ammonical solution added am- (Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+ may be
monium carbonate solution. present)
18. Confirmatory test for

1. Amm. sulphate test Sr2+ confirmed.

To the second part of the solu- White ppt.
tion, add 1 ml of amm. sulphate
solution and warm.

2. Flame test
Perform the flame test with the
original salt. Crimson red flame. Sr2+ confirmed.

Result. Acid radical: NO3–

Basic radical: Sr2+

Content Based Experiment

Aim: Purification of the impure samples like copper sulphate, Alum,

Benzoic Acid and Iron Sulphate by the process of crystallization

Materials Required:
50 mL capacity Beaker, filtration unit, watch glass, kerosene burner and
CuSO4 .5H20

The procedure of crystallization of copper sulphate:

1. Prepare a clear solution of copper sulphate.
2. Dissolve 0.8g of CuSO4.5H20 in about 8 mL of water and add 1-2
drops about 6 mL H2SO4 to it.
3. Heat the solution for a while and filter it using a filtration unit.
4. Transfer the solution from filtration unit to another beaker and allow
it to cool to room temperature.
5. The crystals will appear.
6. Filter, wash these crystals and let it dry
7. Weigh the crystals and report the yield.

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