Unpacked Grade 6 Science

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Most Essential Learning

Week of the Quarter Competencies Unpacked Learning Competencies

The learners demonstrate understanding of different types of mixtures and their

Content Standard
The learners should be able to prepare beneficial and useful mixtures such as
Performance Standard
drinks, food, and herbal medicines.
Week 1-3 Describe the appearance and
uses of homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixtures Describe the appearance of the combination of solid
Day 1
Describe the appearance of the combination of solid
Day 2
and liquid materials.
Describe the appearance of the combination of liquid
Day 3
Day 4 Describe the appearance of homogeneous mixtures.

Day 5 Describe the appearance of heterogeneous mixtures.

Classify mixtures into homogeneous and
Day 6 heterogeneous

Describe the characteristics of homogenous and

Day 7 heterogenous mixture

Day 8 Identify common examples of solutions found at home

and describe their uses
Define and identify the solute and the solvent in a
Day 9
Infer through simple experiments the conditions (e.g.
size of particles, stirring of mixture, temperature) that
Day 10
affects the formation of a mixture

Describe suspension as a heterogenous mixture

Day 11
Identify common suspensions and their uses
Day 12
Infer that colloid is a heterogenous mixture
Day 13
Identify common household colloids and their uses
Day 14
Prepare beneficial and useful mixtures such as drinks,
Day 15 food, and herbal medicines

The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate

Content Standard
The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local
Performance Standard
Week 4-6 Describe techniques in
separating mixtures such as
decantation, evaporation, Illustrate and describe techniques in separating
Day 1 – Day 2 filtering, sieving and using mixtures (approximate of 10 separation techniques)
Investigate the process of separating mixture through
Day 3 decantation

Investigate the process of separating mixture through

Day 4 evaporation

Day 5 Investigate the process of separating mixture through


Investigate the process of separating mixture through

Day 6
sieving and use of magnet
Investigate the process of separating mixture through
Day 7 picking and scooping

Investigate the process of separating mixture through

Day 8 flotation

Investigate the process of separating mixture through

Day 9 simple distillation

Investigate the process of separating mixture through

Day 10
simple chromatography
Explain the uses and importance of the different
Day 11-Day 12
methods of separating mixtures in our daily lives
Prepare a process flow on how each component of a
mixture will be separated from its mixture (teacher
Day 13 - Day 14
prepared mixture)

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