World in the 20th Century EM.docx
World in the 20th Century EM.docx
World in the 20th Century EM.docx
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What is meant by capitalism?
The economic system in which production and distribution are controlled by the capitalists with
the aim to increase profit is known as Capitalism.
What is meant by colonization?
European countries economically exploited Asian, African and Latin American countries using
political powers and military forces, this process is called Colonization.
What are the factors that forced the capitalist countries to begin production in their colonies in
Asia and Africa?
Cheap labour.
Availability of raw materials.
Low cost as a result of manufacturing and selling goods in colonies.
What is meant by imperialism?
The distinctive phase of flow of finance capital to colonies is known as Imperialism.
Imposing a nation's political, economic and cultural dominance on another nation is a
fundamental feature of imperialism.
How did imperialist forces implement exploitative policies in the colonies?
By using legal system.
Military force.
Administrative measures, etc.
How did imperialism affect the colonies?
Traditional economic system of the colonies was destroyed.
Administrative and judicial systems were replaced.
People in colonies were forced to cultivate cash crops in lieu of traditional food crops.
Poverty and unemployment increased.
Natural resources were widely exploited.
Indigenous arts, literature, language, culture and education systems were destroyed.
Explain the causes of the First World War based on the following indicators.
(A) The System of Secret Alliance.
(B) Aggressive Nationalism.
(C) Imperialist Crisis.
(D) Immediate Cause.
First World War (1914 -1918)
The conflicts among the imperialist powers ultimately led the entire world to a war.
(A) The System of Secret Alliance
The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente were examples of secret military alliances.
Triple Alliance:- (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy)
Triple Entente:- (England, France and Russia)
(B) Aggressive Nationalism
The European nations used aggressive nationalism to attack other countries.
Aggressive nationalists considered their own nations as the supreme and justified whatever be the
actions of their nations.
Movement based on the aggressive nationalism - such as Pan-Slave Movement, Pan-German
Movement, and Revenge Movement.
(C) Imperialist Crisis
(How did the imperialist crises cause the First World War? Explain.)
Moroccan Crisis and Balkan Crisis
Moroccan Crisis
A secret treaty was signed between Britain and France in 1904.
Britain accepted the French supremacy in Morroco (Africa).
Germany did not approve it.
Germany sent battleships to Morroco.
The problem was solved by giving some parts of French Congo to Germany.
Balkan Crisis
Balkan was a part of the Ottoman Empire.
In 1912, Balkan League (Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, and Bulgaria) defeated Turkey.
Difference of opinion among Balkan countries started in sharing the benefits of the war.
(D) Immediate Cause
The Serbian Youth Gravel Prinsep, assassinated Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the thrown on
Austria at the Bosnian capital Sarajevo in 1914.
Impact (results) of the First World War
Over 10 million people lost their lives or were injured in the war.
Agriculture, industry and communication system were destroyed.
Poverty, unemployment and inflation increased.
Economic dominance of Europe diminished.
Liberation movements in Asia and Africa strengthened.
League of Nations was formed.
Treaty of Versailles
Signed with Germany in 1919
Germen Colonies were divided among the victorious powers
Germany pay a huge amount as war indemnity.
The allies occupied the rich mines of Germany.
War guilt was imposed on Germany.
Germany was disarmed.
Impact of economic depression 1929
The economic crisis originated in the USA.
Acute unemployment and poverty.
Inflation became uncontrollable.
Banks collapsed.
People, who become pauper because of the war, Couldn't afford the communities.
Goods were kept unsold in factories.
Fascism and Nazism
Fascism - Italy - Benito Mussolini
Fascism - Germany - Adolf Hitler.
Characteristics (Features) of Fascism and Nazism
Purity of race.
Destruction of political rivals.
Military dictatorship.
Diffusion aggressive nationalism.
Justifying war.
Glorifying the nation.
Opposition to democracy and Socialism.
What are the circumstances (factors) under the Fascist Party (Mussolini) came to power in Italy?
Italy got nothing in the First World War.
Post-war destruction of industries, Unemployment, increase of tax etc. kept people away from
Industrialist in fear of Italy moving to socialism, to support Fascism.
What are the circumstances (factors) that helped Hitler come to power in Germany?
Treaty of Versailles imposed on Germany.
Economic destruction and inflation.
Failure of German government and political uncertainty.
Similarities of ideologies put forth by both Fascism and Nazism