01 (2023)
Available online at https://ejournal.unuja.ac.id/index.php/icesh
In general, the implementation of school-based management is not optimal yet.
The role of the school committee inschool’s developmentin quality and quantity
hasn’t funtioned as expected. The purpose of this research is to know the
strategic role of the school committee to improve the quality of education
because the school committee is one of the pillars of the National Education
System in Indonesia. This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Negeri TegalasriBlitar, The method used in this researchis qualitative approach,
in this research the school committee was also the object and informant of this
research. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation,
interviews, and documentation. The results of the research shows that the role
of school committees in implementation of school-based management has
affectedthe quality of education in school because with their role the school’s
infrastructure will be developed so that the quality of learning will be improved.
This research suggests significant improvements to the structure and
infrastructure of educational institutions to enable school to overcome the
challenges that hinder institutions. Especially the lack of funds, facilities and
infrastructure for school development, as well as limited digital facilities, which
result in the quality of education not optimally achieved. This research
recommends optimizingthe cooperation with the school committees to develop
the infrastructure of educational institutions so that quality education can be
Key words:School Comitee, School-Based Managemnet, Quality Of Education
The school committee is a body that accommodates the participation of the
community in order to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of education
management in academic units. This body is independent and has no hierarchical
relationship with schools or government agencies. The formation of school committees
in education units is an implementation of the decentralization of education, which
implements education not only as the task of the government and schools but also
involves the participation of the community in the school environment and
stakeholders in the business/industrial world.(Mulyasa, 2014)Explains that "SBM
effectiveness means how SBM succeeds in carrying out all the main tasks of the school,
establishing community participation, obtaining and utilizing resources, funding
sources and learning resources to realize school goals."
In School-Based Management, integrating all internal and external sources with
more emphasis on the importance of establishing policies through the expansion of
Research on the role of school committees in implementing school-based
management to improve the quality of education uses a qualitative approach, collecting
data by in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation at the national
standard Islamic elementary school (MSN) in Blitar Regency which includes the role of
the school committee, and the impact of the committee's role schools on the quality of
primary education(Albi, 2018). Apart from being grouped by research focus, it is also
equipped with news from social media related to the issues raised, which can
strengthen the results of the research as a discussion so that they become
comprehensive in the focus of the problem in this study which includes the form, and
the impact of the committee's role in implementing management based school.
Since Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Tegalasri implements school-based
management, community participation is accommodated through school committees as
school partners who assist all madrasah programs from program planning and
implementation to evaluation of school programs in school development plans and
RAPBS. The committee is also considering additional funds for schools, usually borne
by the guardians of new grade 1 students, and the budget is mainly for school facilities
and infrastructure development programs. Besides that, to help the performance of the
committee in terms of the quality of student learning, a forum called the class
association was formed; this was to help the learning facilities in the class to be more
adequate so that children receiving learning from the teacher were more comfortable
and of higher quality, even class associations even thought of additional tutoring for
grade 6 students to face final exams and so that later they can be accepted at favourite
secondary schools according to the wishes of the children and parents of students.
Taking the perspective of "increasing the role of school committees in
implementing school-based management" has allowed this study to see the role of
school committees as partners of primary education institutions who are loyal to help
with school infrastructure issues such as buildings, prayer rooms, furniture etc. and on
the other hand the class association always help regarding facilities required learning.
Both are very helpful in improving the quality of primary education. The role of these
committees and associations is similar to that in village administration, the school
committee is the RT, and the class association is the RW, both of which help the
community in the success of existing programs in the village or a family, it is like a
husband and wife who are always together in forming a harmonious family.
This study is limited to mapping the role of the madrasah committee in
implementing school-based management to improve the quality of education, which
includes its role in planning, workforce and financial assistance needed by primary
schools. This is to make madrasah programs successful in achieving academic quality,
extracurriculars and developing school infrastructure. For a deeper understanding, it is
necessary to carry out case studies by taking stratified samples based on categories and
further research on secondary education so that it is more diverse. At the same time,