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Vol. 01 No.

01 (2023)
Available online at https://ejournal.unuja.ac.id/index.php/icesh


Universitas Sayyid Ali RahmatullahTulungagung
Email: [email protected]

In general, the implementation of school-based management is not optimal yet.
The role of the school committee inschool’s developmentin quality and quantity
hasn’t funtioned as expected. The purpose of this research is to know the
strategic role of the school committee to improve the quality of education
because the school committee is one of the pillars of the National Education
System in Indonesia. This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Negeri TegalasriBlitar, The method used in this researchis qualitative approach,
in this research the school committee was also the object and informant of this
research. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation,
interviews, and documentation. The results of the research shows that the role
of school committees in implementation of school-based management has
affectedthe quality of education in school because with their role the school’s
infrastructure will be developed so that the quality of learning will be improved.
This research suggests significant improvements to the structure and
infrastructure of educational institutions to enable school to overcome the
challenges that hinder institutions. Especially the lack of funds, facilities and
infrastructure for school development, as well as limited digital facilities, which
result in the quality of education not optimally achieved. This research
recommends optimizingthe cooperation with the school committees to develop
the infrastructure of educational institutions so that quality education can be
Key words:School Comitee, School-Based Managemnet, Quality Of Education

The school committee is a body that accommodates the participation of the
community in order to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of education
management in academic units. This body is independent and has no hierarchical
relationship with schools or government agencies. The formation of school committees
in education units is an implementation of the decentralization of education, which
implements education not only as the task of the government and schools but also
involves the participation of the community in the school environment and
stakeholders in the business/industrial world.(Mulyasa, 2014)Explains that "SBM
effectiveness means how SBM succeeds in carrying out all the main tasks of the school,
establishing community participation, obtaining and utilizing resources, funding
sources and learning resources to realize school goals."
In School-Based Management, integrating all internal and external sources with
more emphasis on the importance of establishing policies through the expansion of

Proceeding of International Conference on Education, Society and Humanity 401

Vol. 1 No. 1, 2023
school autonomy. The goal is to direct the planning, implementation and evaluation of
policies to achieve school goals. The area of study of SBM is how to provide learning
services that suit the needs of students and meet the criteria according to the
expectations of parents and schools in building competitive advantage by prioritizing
quality education. With their autonomy in implementing School Based Management,
the various supports needed must be adequately prepared. According to Engkoswara
and Komariah, "Implementation of SBM is focused on two work targets, namely on the
management of improving school quality and on increasing the community's
contribution to education." In quality improvement, schools are given autonomy to
improve the quality of teaching and learning processes and institutional management
autonomy. Meanwhile, in increasing the contribution and participation of the school
community, they must create partnerships with various types of society, including the
School Committee(Bustomi et al., 2020).
This study departs from an argument that the increasing role of the school
committee is multi-aspect. This is caused by the pandemic and the condition of
elementary schools, which need adequate facilities and infrastructure for learning.
Currently, the researchers see that the readiness of primary school funding sources is
still insufficient, so cooperation with school partners and community participation is
needed to improve quality, both the quality of learning and the quality of the
development of facilities and infrastructure, which need to be pursued immediately. In
addition, the role of the principal, who is responsive to pandemic conditions, is needed
in order to be able to transform elementary school resources according to the problems
they face. Thus, the decline in the quality of education can be minimized, which is in
line with the demands of developing elementary schools during global education

Research on the role of school committees in implementing school-based
management to improve the quality of education uses a qualitative approach, collecting
data by in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation at the national
standard Islamic elementary school (MSN) in Blitar Regency which includes the role of
the school committee, and the impact of the committee's role schools on the quality of
primary education(Albi, 2018). Apart from being grouped by research focus, it is also
equipped with news from social media related to the issues raised, which can
strengthen the results of the research as a discussion so that they become
comprehensive in the focus of the problem in this study which includes the form, and
the impact of the committee's role in implementing management based school.


The Role of the School Committee in Implementing MBS
The results of research on the form of the committee's role in implementing
school-based management first are the form of the committee's role in the form of
contributing ideas by assisting schools in preparing the RPS and RAPBS and
participating in determining the priority scale of the RPS in the fourth decade to help
determine alternative funding for the RPS in the RAPBS. The school committee,
together with the head of the madrasa, declared that the school is jointly owned and is
responsible for introducing the school program through meetings with student
guardians, as well as through majlis ta'lim groups so that the program is known more
quickly by the community, especially parents of students. This confirms that the school
committee is dominant in making school planning decisions, especially about the
school budget. In the same way, the school committee must be able to become an
advisory board to offer its expertise in strengthening the decision/policy-making
process in schools(Suhermanto, S., & Anshari, 2018).
The role of the school committee in thinking about the implementation of SBM by
considering the priority scale of implementing the education program, as expressed by
the chairman of the MIN Tegalasri committee as follows:

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First, The Committee's role as a giver of consideration is the School Committee
study the proposal from the school in advance, whether it is suitable and should be a
priority, and whether the community can support it. The considerations we give are still
assessing the condition of the community and the scale of priorities. Thus, we still want
the proposal to be manageable for the community. Because of that, we also propose
that there are stages in the construction of the school, short, medium and long-term.
On the other hand, the School Committee also wants the school to have a manageable
burden while the community is too light(Kulsum, U., Suhermanto, S., & Sugiono,
2021). So we weigh both parties in providing input. It should not happen that schools
are advanced, but people are complaining. Alternatively, school progress is hampered
because society does not care. That is what I call the School Committee, and schools are
like husband and wife and have the same mission. If the school demands that the
School Committee must be able to complete the infrastructure, and vice versa, we, the
School Committee, also demand academic progress.
During a meeting with the School Superintendent and Mapenda Blitar Regency
on 7 August 2022, the Principal explained the current role of the Committee as follows.
The School Committee is invited to participate in planning school programs, thinking
about how the school program will be implemented up to fundraising. The
implementation of school programs is always supervised by the School Committee, up
to overseeing program results. This includes accountability so that the community and
parents believe in this madrasa.
The role of the school committee at MIN Tegalasri can be seen from the
existence of the POMG (Parents/Guardians Association), which is formed in each class
with a program of activities for regular parent meetings and social activities. When
compared to other elementary schools in the Blitar district, there are almost no PMG
activities and no activities. However, at MIN Tegalasri, PMS activities have run actively
and smoothly. The school committee was also present and played a vital role in the
regular meeting of these activities. In this case, explained that school committees
promote school activities, improve academic performance, and liaise for partnerships
between schools, families and communities(Epstein, J. L., Sanders, M. G., Sheldon, S.
B., Simon, B. S., Salinas, K. C., Jansorn, N. R., ... & Williams, 2018). Space for school
committee meetings, in this case, is significant to provide practical considerations, as is
the case with the statement expressed by the School Advisory Councils Policy that
education is the result of joint responsibility between parents and community members
and the government, so that parents Through the school committee, it plays a vital role
in co-making and developing joint policies that cover planning, implementation and
monitoring of school programs.
SecondA form of the Committee's role in the form of financial contributions to
schools because the School Committee is expected to be the driving force for optimal
school development efforts, therefore it is from the Committee that sources of funds are
disbursed to finance the procurement and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure
needed by schools, this is as stated disclosed by the head of the MIN Tegalasri school as
Community contributions (School Committees) are in the form of funds for GTT
salaries which BOS has so far funded. The Committee still felt it was lacking; it was still
a pity because the BOS funds were limited by only counting the number of students, so
the Committee took the initiative to help with payroll for this GTT with additional
funds from the Committee, the amount of Rp. 300,000,. Per month. The school needs
to learn the Committee's money, but it can be accounted for by the school where it
comes from(Bustomi et al., 2020).
The findings above align with the research of Psacharopoulos (1987:9) that
quality education is impossible to achieve without adequate funding because there are
three indicators of quality education: education funding support, elementary school
graduation rate, and the ability to understand the reading. The research findings above
align with the results of Mintarsih's research (2004), namely that teaching and learning
costs at Cirebon City Public Middle Schools are sourced from the School Committee,

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which contributes significantly to the management of education and learning in
schools. This proves the opinion of The Frontier School Board (2014) that school
committees are one of the essential role holders that support the development of school
governance, so they need to understand the existing rules and their roles so that they
can positively work together to be part of elementary school progress.
Third, The role of the school committee in the form of a contribution of
personnel; for example, when schools build school facilities and infrastructure, the
committee, together with the community, especially parents of students, work together
when constructing high-rise buildings etc., also when commemorating Islamic
holidays, such as Idhul Adha, this is as expressed by the headmaster of the MIN
Tegalasri school as follows:
One thing that cannot be avoided is that schools involve the community, and the
community is involved in schools. Therefore a school is successful if it can involve the
community to provide nutritional support. In addition, the existence of society is a
source of values that provide normative direction to educators. Madrasah ibtidaiyah
Tegalasri, in this study, has an understanding of steps to make schools jointly owned,
transparent management and trying to achieve the highest school achievements by the
mandate in school-based management. Moreover, what makes the community
represented by the school committee aware of participating in the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
is that the school committee feels valued by the school. This elementary school lets the
school committee think about and meet the school's needs. With the attitude of the
principal, who is "nguwongne" (respect for others), the school community's awareness
and cohesiveness are maintained, and relations with subordinates run well. Relations
with the community are conducive and harmonious. The existence of parents who are
members of the School Committee has a role as a partner (partnership) or a
partnership (friendship), involved in determining joint programs (parent involvement
programs), school advisors, inspirational providers for school improvement, problem
analyzers faced together through meetings family-school (parent-teacher conference),
become a socio-economic-political resource linker with the government and the
business world to help schools, and most importantly as a fundraiser (find rising).
Funding support from the School Committee and the community for school
development is critical because, with the availability of funds, some of the school's
needs can be met so that learning runs smoothly and is conducive(Baharun, 2015).

Implications of the Role of School Committees in Implementing SBM in

Improving Education Quality
Quality is an essential topic in discussions about education today. Quality
creates an environment for educators, parents, government officials, community
representatives, and business leaders to work together to provide students with the
resources needed to meet present and future societal, business and academic
challenges. According to Jarome S. Arcaro, Quality is a structured process to improve
output. The quality of education referred to here is the ability of educational
institutions to utilize educational resources to improve learning abilities as optimally as
possible(Wahid, A., Naemuddin, R., Suhermanto, S., & Wafa, 2022). In the Dictionary
of Education, education is: (a) the process by which a person develops the ability of
attitudes and other forms of behaviour in the society in which he lives, (b) the social
process by which people are exposed to being selected and controlled environmental
influences (especially those coming from school) so that they can obtain and experience
the optimum development of social abilities and individual abilities. The implication of
the active role of the school committee at MIN Tegalasri in the implementation of SBM
is that together with improving the quality of education, both academic quality,
extracurricular quality and quality in the development of facilities and infrastructure,
evidence of achieving the quality of this madrasah holds a national standard school
with A accreditation, for triangulation researchers found Mr Mapenda, Blitar Regency,
along with his explanation:
Participation in the Committee at MIN Tegalasri has been outstanding

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in participating. This can be proven as a result of the Committee's performance with the
development of these madrasas, which were previously not trusted, let alone of interest
to the community, now they include schools that the community is looking for with its
new title, namely the National Standard Madrasah (MSN) in Blitar Regency(Sa’adah,
S., Zainab, I., Wali, M., 2022). The Committee has excellent potential to help these
madrasas become better because funds from the government are limited, therefore if
you want to improve the quality of education, you have to collaborate with the
Committee and the madrasa since implementing SBM to form a class association
(parents' association), especially for help learning tools.
The results of this study follow the Ministry of National Education program,
namely, the quality of education in schools is determined by the input, process and
output of education. Therefore, the quality of education or schools is the ability to
manage inputs and processes and utilize educational resources optimally to improve
graduates' learning abilities and outcomes.
The results of the study showed: (a) since implementing SBM, to facilitate
socialization of the school program to parents of students, an association was formed
for each class, (b) the task of the class association was to become a peep/assist teacher
for the lower classes, (c) to become a learning resource, ( d) provide input on the
procurement of tutoring at schools (e) assist PHBI in madrasas, (f) become a resource
person in the skills subject, while the school committee's duties are to provide input for
the preparation of the RAPBS every year (g) manager of class VI in-depth study, (h)
Committee with schools making RPS and RAPBS, (i) compiling teaching and learning
activities in madrasas and assisting with funds, workforce, materials and thoughts in
these activities, and (j) asking two weeks before UNB their children are quarantined at
school, this is as explained by the Principal of MIN Tegalasri School as follows.
The school committee consciously suggested providing tutoring at school for
grades 1-5. Secondly, because grade 6 willface UNB, they ask for tutoring to be held
every second semester, and they are ready to pay the teacher show provide tutoring.
The program is heldon Saturdays and Sundays, and the parents appoint their teachers
as needed. Representatives of the parents also asked the madrasah to be invited
everyyearwhenthereis a RAPBS preparationto be abletoprovide input and
prioritizewhattheschoolwill do. They also asked for two weeks before UNB for their
children to be quarantined at school; they took the children in the morning, and in the
afternoon, they sent food and mats; then, at sunset, the children were allowed to go
home, at least with the quarantine proposed by The parents of these students can focus
their children on exams, this is because when they are at home, it is difficult for
children to study. Their parents are also unable to accompany them because of their
busy schedules. Moreover, thank God the result sof UAN so far haveal way spassed
100%; thank God our children are consistently above the average passing criteria, and
many of our alums have also been accepted at State MTS and Public Middle
Schools(Terry, 2021).
This study's findings align with Gorton'sopinion (1976) that society influences
schools in formally through groups of parents who make individual contact with
schools. If this relationship is well established, it is hoped that parents will monitor the
progress of academic achievement and student behaviour. Thus parents and schools
can jointly find solutions for the progress of students. Rahman &Akbar (2021) argues
that educational institutions are institution sthat are built on the ideals of society so
that all programs that have been launched must be known by students and the
surrounding community
Several studies on the relationship between student achievement and the
involvement of parents of students have been carried out by several experts, such as
Gibbon (1986), reporting the results of his research conducted in Columbus, Ohio state
schools, that one of the factors that led to an increase in school quality was
participation. Parents and society in school programs. Research using the Effective
School Consortia Network instrument in New York, United States (1987) shows that
parental involvement in school activities influences student academic achievement.

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Murillo (2002) reported the results of Effective School Improvement research in Spain
that the involvement of parents of students is significant in improving school quality.
While the results of Levine and Havigust's research show that the family environment,
the way parents treat their children as a way/form of their participation in education,
can improve children's intellectual development.
As research conducted in elementary schools in Madiun, the role of the school
committee in improving the quality of education services in schools is to collaborate
with the school. The form of cooperation by the school committee includes supporting
schools in preparing programs and simultaneously realizing them. This proves the
opinion of Matete (2016) that school committees should play a role in contributing to
preparing school development plans, both short and long-term. In addition, the school
committee always encourages teachers to improve their performance in academic terms
so that the quality of learning can be realized(Nilamsari, 2018).
The class association at MIN Tegalasri helps the lower classes, namely grades 1,
2 and 3. For the upper classes, namely grades 4, 5 and 6, (2) at the beginning of the
establishment, training was held for the guardians of students of the upper and lower
classes. The training/workshop activities start from the lower class after finishing,
continuing with the upper class. The contents of the training regarding the
participation of student guardians in the world of education today make parents aware
that their role is not only about funding but can be in the form of thoughts, donations in
the form of materials or educational staff. In addition to the training, a comparative
study was held on other schools with a well-functioning class association organization.
Members of the class association are the guardians of the class concerned. The
structure is straightforward: a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Members. Their
mission is to help with classroom learning activities and to think about improving the
quality of the children(Panjaitan, N. Q., Yetti, E., & Nurani, 2020). There is a liaison
book between the school and the student's parents where parents must monitor the
children's activities at home every day; after that, they sign all the activities carried out
by the children at home, and the next day the children will be brought to school, like
that every day. Thus there is continuity between activities at school and activities at
home. The teacher is fully responsible for the child's development at school while they
synergize and communicate actively at the parent's home. If there is a problem, the
teacher and parents solve it together.
At this Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, all forms of activity and support from the Class
Association are carried out voluntarily. After the association was formed, they compiled
picket lists to accompany their children at school; every day, there were 2 to 3 picket
officers for each class. Even if the teacher never forces them to follow their child's
lessons every day, this can be done whenever the student's parents are free. The first-
class association picket must teach the lower-class children about cleanliness, setting
an example of sweeping clean. Second, being a peek teacher (assistant teacher) whose
job is not to teach in front of the class but to help cooperative learning groups of
students; third, to monitor students and teachers; if the teacher does not master the
material in teaching, then it is an evaluation for direct student guardians. 06.30 WIB
has arrived, but the teacher has not arrived; that is also self-control for the teacher. The
fourth activity is to help buy educational facilities and think about how the class can be
good; they can do comparative studies between classes and to motivate the class to be
better, a class competition is held every year.
The Paguyuban Kelas helps with saving money every day sincerely, provides
donations in other forms according to class needs, and there are obligatory donations
which are different for each class; this is based on the needs of each class. The class
association and the class teacher are also considering how to make the classroom
atmosphere look more beautiful and provide additional nutrition for the children. The
Class Association represents the guardians of each class; if the class teacher has
problems with learning facilities or problems with their students, the homeroom
teacher reports directly to the school or school committee rather than to the association
first and then to the school. In these three elementary schools, the class association

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voluntarily helps each class by making class displays. If student guardians are on picket
duty at school, the school constantly motivates them to be diligent and happy to come
to school and not forget to thank them. They for wanting to attend school. The
paguyuban is the motor of the committee, so what drives the emergence of new
programs, even according to the principal, if there is no association, the committee
might work differently. The Paguyuban also helps smooth learning in their respective
classes. In addition to voluntarily providing material or material support, Class
Association members contribute labour as resource persons in learning, for example,
painting and skills. The results of this study are in line with the results of research in
SD Unggulan Aisyiyah Bantul, which shows that school committees and parents have a
place to be able to provide support, consideration, and control over schools through in-
depth class board forums(Mustadi, A., Zubaidah, E., & Sumardi, 2016).
In 1990, research on the involvement of students' parents in school activities
was conducted by Moedjiarto (2013) at a high school in Surabaya. The results of this
study indicate that the school always occupies the top five in acquiring pure ebtanas
scores. Coleman's research (in Keith & Girling, 1991) states that family and community
variables influence children's learning success. Herman and Yeh (1983) showed that
parental participation positively correlates with children's learning achievement and
parents' satisfaction with school. Disclosures that are more based on scientific studies
through the research process on the relationship between schools and the community
have been carried out by Keith and Girling (1991). In his research, it was concluded that
active community involvement positively impacted student achievement, adding
additional and complementary resources for program implementers, efforts to evaluate
staff and organizational renewal and political support.

Since Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Tegalasri implements school-based
management, community participation is accommodated through school committees as
school partners who assist all madrasah programs from program planning and
implementation to evaluation of school programs in school development plans and
RAPBS. The committee is also considering additional funds for schools, usually borne
by the guardians of new grade 1 students, and the budget is mainly for school facilities
and infrastructure development programs. Besides that, to help the performance of the
committee in terms of the quality of student learning, a forum called the class
association was formed; this was to help the learning facilities in the class to be more
adequate so that children receiving learning from the teacher were more comfortable
and of higher quality, even class associations even thought of additional tutoring for
grade 6 students to face final exams and so that later they can be accepted at favourite
secondary schools according to the wishes of the children and parents of students.
Taking the perspective of "increasing the role of school committees in
implementing school-based management" has allowed this study to see the role of
school committees as partners of primary education institutions who are loyal to help
with school infrastructure issues such as buildings, prayer rooms, furniture etc. and on
the other hand the class association always help regarding facilities required learning.
Both are very helpful in improving the quality of primary education. The role of these
committees and associations is similar to that in village administration, the school
committee is the RT, and the class association is the RW, both of which help the
community in the success of existing programs in the village or a family, it is like a
husband and wife who are always together in forming a harmonious family.
This study is limited to mapping the role of the madrasah committee in
implementing school-based management to improve the quality of education, which
includes its role in planning, workforce and financial assistance needed by primary
schools. This is to make madrasah programs successful in achieving academic quality,
extracurriculars and developing school infrastructure. For a deeper understanding, it is
necessary to carry out case studies by taking stratified samples based on categories and
further research on secondary education so that it is more diverse. At the same time,

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this paper also does not conduct interviews with community leaders, which are needed
to evaluate the accuracy of the analysis and draw conclusions. In line with that, further
research is needed that accommodates empirical research based on observation and in-
depth interviews to see the problems faced by school committees. This makes it
possible for a comprehensive understanding and to develop of primary education
policies that adapt to current conditions.


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