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Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu

Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

The Principal's Strategy for Improving the Quality of Education:

A Study at MTs Asy-Asyafiiyah Kendari

Nadia Ayu Pratiwi

Universitas Halu Oleo
email: [email protected]

This article aims to describe: 1) the strategy of the madrasah
head in improving the quality of education in MTs Asy-Syafiiyah
Kendari; 2) supporting and inhibiting factors in improving the quality
of education in MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari; 3) the impact of
implementing the Madrasah Kapala strategy on improving the quality
of education in Ass-Asyafiiyah Kendari MTs. This research is a
qualitative research, in which data is collected through interviews,
observations, and document studies. The collected data is analyzed
through the process of data reduction, data display, and data
verification. The results showed: 1) the principal's strategy in
improving the quality of education is seen in the vision and policies of
quality-oriented schools, exploring student competencies, developing
teacher competencies, and establishing partnerships; 2) a supporting
factor in improving the quality of education is the leadership of the
principal who focuses on the quality and support of the community.
While the inhibiting factors are quality awareness not yet evenly
distributed to all school residents; 3) The principal's strategy has an
impact on the recognition of MTs Asy-Syafiiyah by the community,
increasing graduation rates, increasing work partners, improving the
development of students' talent interests, and increasing teacher

Keywords: Madrasah Head Strategy, Quality of Education

Nadia Ayu Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020
Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

Artikel ini bertujuan menggambarkan tentang: 1) strategi
kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MTs Asy-
Syafiiyah Kendari; 2) faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam
meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari; 3)
dampak penerapan strategi kapala madrasah terhadap peningkatan
mutu pendidikan di MTs Asy-Asyafiiyah Kendari. Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitian kualitatif, yang mana data dikumpulkan melalui
wawancara, pengamatan, dan studi dokumen. Data yang terkumpul
dianalisis melalui proses reduksi data, display data, dan verifikasi
data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : 1) strategi kepala sekolah dalam
meningkatkan mutu pendidikan terlihat pada visi dan kebijakan
sekolah yang berorientasi mutu, menggali kompetensi peserta didik,
pengembangan kompetensi guru, dan menjalin kemitraan; 2) faktor
pendukung dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan adalah kepemimpinan
kepala sekolah yang fokus pada mutu dan dukungan masyarakat.
Sedangkan faktor penghambat adalah kesadaran mutu belum merata
pada semua warga sekolah; 3) Strategi kepala sekolah berdampak
pada semakin dikenalnya MTs Asy-Syafiiyah oleh masyarakat,
peningkatan tingkat kelulusan, peningkatan mitra kerja, perbaikan
pengembangan minat bakat peserta didik, dan peningkatan kompetensi

Kata Kunci: Strategi Kepala Madrasah, Mutu Pendidikan

Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

The principal has a very decisive role in the back and forth of
an educational institution. One measure of the progress of an
educational institution is the quality of the school. So that the principal
has a direct relationship with all activities related to the quality of
education, especially the quality of schools (Fitrah, 2017). Various
activities of school principals in improving the quality of education
include increasing teacher professionalism (Mulyana, 2014),
improving the quality of the learning process (Triyanto & Suryani,
2013), increase work motivation (Setiyati, 2014), build and maintain
school culture (Setiyati, 2014), and improving teacher performance
(Sulistiya, 2013). The complexity of the roles of school principals
shows the extent of matters that must be handled by the principal,
namely those related to education and learning, school management,
administration, supervision, leading, innovation, and encouraging
improvements in the performance of school members (Nurhayati,
The principal is the key that determines the success of the
school in achieving its goals (Ekosiswoyo, 2016). Therefore, the
principal is required to always improve the effectiveness of the
performance of the staff in the school. Seeing the importance and
strategic position of the principal in realizing school goals, the
principal should have the ability to have good relations with all school
residents, so that school and education goals can be achieved
optimally. The principal is a central figure in the school. In a more
strategic context, the principal or madrasah has a direct influence on
teacher performance (Iskandar, 2013), even school accountability
(Bafadal, 2016).
The context of madrasah is not much different from that of
general schooling. The role of the head of madrasah in improving the
quality of madrasah is very much needed, considering that madrasahs
have demands to be able to stand on an equal footing with non-
madrasah schools (Fauzi, 2017). Competition between Islamic
educational institutions is also very tight, with the emergence of
various Islamic educational institutions offering a very varied menu.
The position of the madrasa leader in this case is not only as a formal
leader but also an example of creative, adaptive and innovative
leadership (Syahrul, 2015).

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Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

The problem to be addressed in this study is how to improve

the quality strategy at MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari. In this case, what
is the actual strategy carried out by the principal as a leader in
improving the quality of Islamic religious education learning so that
Islamic religious education in schools can run well and in accordance
with the objectives to be achieved.
The principal as the education leader is the person most
responsible for the success of education in his school. The principal is
concerned with leadership in carrying out tasks and relationships
between people. Then the conditions that must be met by someone
who is elected or appointed as the principal must have the ability to
carry out duties and the ability to foster good relationships with all
school personnel (Setiyati, 2014). Principal leadership in education
includes the process of moving, influencing, motivating and directing
people in educational organizations / institutions, especially to achieve
the goals that have been formulated. Thus it can be concluded that an
educational leader in this case is the principal is required to have the
ability to guide, mobilize and encourage and direct people in
educational institutions, namely achieving educational goals that have
been previously formulated (Ekosiswoyo, 2016).
Based on the functions and objectives of education in the
National Education System Law, MTs Asy-Syafiiyah formulates a
vision of realizing a cheerful (smart, accomplished, Islamic, shady and
beautiful) madrasa with an environmental perspective. By analyzing
the potential that exists in MTs Asy-Syafi'iyah Kendari, both in terms
of input / new students, competence of teaching staff, education staff,
madrasah environment, community participation, and the outcomes of
MTs graduates. Asy-Syafi'iyah Kendari, the community around the
religious school, and through intensive communication and
coordination between madrasas with madrasah residents and with
stakeholders, a vision of the madrasah was compiled.
Based on preliminary observations made by researchers at
MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari, it is seen that the madrasah has the
potential to become an educational institution that can be recognized
for its credibility and grow into one of the leading schools. This can be
seen from the strategy and school management in improving the
quality of education, as seen from the fact that the researchers found
that MTs Asy-Syafiiyah is one of the environmentally friendly
madrasas, has internal strength such as adequate human resources and
Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

has good abilities, have students or students who have high

enthusiasm so that they can achieve several achievements. Like the
steel champion of poetry, speeches, sports, kasidah, and recitation of
the Qur'an, has sufficient resources and infrastructure to support all
activities that exist in madrassas even though the environment is not
so broad, in the midst of the environment. a market that seems free
and wild, is able to lead students to remain disciplined and not be
influenced by the environment.
Based on the findings of facts in the field, researchers are
interested in deeper research related to these problems by taking the
title Research Principal Strategy in Improving the Quality of
Education in MTs Asy-Asyafiiyah Kendari.

This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study, which
is a type of research that describes the real conditions of the research
title or research object based on original or natural data (Bungin,
2007). This study does not use numbers in its collection. This research
describes the things that happen by using words or sentences. The
approach used in this research is a case study. This approach is an
approach used to interpret conditions or circumstances on the object of
research. This approach aims to interpret and describe the object under
study. This approach is carried out using data collection methods such
as observation, interviews and documentation (Sugiyono, 2010).
Therefore, researchers used this approach to answer questions about
how professionalism of certified teachers is, how the impact of
certified teacher professionalism on student achievement at MTs Asy-
Syafiiyah Kendari.
The types of data in this study consisted of two types, namely
primary data and secondary data. The data sources for each type of
data are as follows:
1. Primary data or main data obtained from the results of field
observations and interviews with research informants such as
certified teachers at MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendariu Regency, and
school principals as cross check materials. The data sources in the
primary data are the principal, 5 certified teachers, and 5 students.
2. Secondary data or supporting data is data obtained from
documentation. The data sources in secondary data are school
documents / archives, teacher teaching journals, teacher absences,
Nadia Ayu Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020
Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

student report cards, and literature reference materials relevant to

the research title.
In data collection, researchers used the following methods:
1. Observation, namely observing various phenomena that occur in
the field. The phenomenon in question is related to the
professionalism of certified teachers at MTs Asy-Syafiiyah
Kendari. Observation activities were carried out at MTs Asy-
Syafiiyah Kendari, which served as a research site. These
observations are carried out as a reliable source of additional
information and a means of documenting, as for the objects of
observation, namely the school environment, student learning
environment, teacher discipline, teacher activities in learning
activities including teacher activeness in preparing learning
devices, and student conditions during learning activities.
2. Interview, namely conducting direct questions and answers with a
number of informants who are believed to have knowledge of the
problems being researched regarding the professionalism of
certified teachers at MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari. The type of
interview used is in-depth interview, which is an interview
conducted face-to-face between the interviewer and the informant,
with or without using an in-depth interview guide with the aim of
obtaining a large amount of information data. The interview was
conducted at MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari when the teacher was not
teaching and during recess. Interview activities were carried out to
complete the incomplete initial information and to obtain more in-
depth, comprehensive, accurate and honest information. The
informants or data sources from this interview were the principal,
certified teachers and students.
3. Documentation, which is finding the data needed by the researcher
as a complement to the research. This technique is used to find out
the professionalism of certified teachers through archives or data
about their educational background and teaching experience at MTs
Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari. Some of the documents that can be
collected are documents in the form of writing such as school
documents / archives, documents in the form of images that support
research data such as certified teacher activities in teaching, and
electronic documents such as recorded interviews.
After collecting data, the researcher performs processing and
checks the validity of the data. In processing and checking the validity
Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

of the data, researchers used techniques from Milles and Huberman

which consisted of three parts, namely :
1. Data collection, namely the process of obtaining and collecting
information data needed in order to achieve research objectives.
2. Data reduction, namely the research process, focusing on
simplification, abstracting and transforming “rough” data that
emerge from the writer's notes in the field. In addition, reduction is
also intended to sharpen, classify, direct, remove unnecessary and
organize data in such a way that final conclusions can be drawn and
3. Presentation of data, after the researcher performs data reduction,
what is done next is to present the data in the form of a brief
description or the like. By displaying the data, it will be easier to
understand what happened, plan the next work based on what is
4. Withdrawing conclusions, the final step of data analysis and
processing is drawing conclusions, this technique is used to draw
conclusions from the data that has been compiled so that
researchers can produce conclusions as desired. The researcher
uses this conclusion to answer the research problem and draws final
conclusions from the research data (Miles & Huberman, 1984).

Research result
A. Strategy for Improving the Quality of Education at MTs Asy-
Syafiiyah Kendari
Mts Asy-Syafiiyah has a vision "to create a cheerful (smart,
accomplished, Islamic, shady and beautiful) madrasa with an
environmental perspective.
This vision illustrates the hopes of this school in the future
which are of course related to the interests of students, society
and the surrounding environment. This vision is expressed in
school policies which in essence lead to the quality of
education services. School policies concern the development of
teacher competence, introduction of minal and student burns,
and building partnerships with other institutions (IS-Interview,
The formulation of the vision and school policies is carried out
by school leaders together with related elements.

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Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

The vision of the school is a common hope, not only internally

but also with parties outside the school, especially the
community, so that in terms of content it must be able to touch
various interests. The process of producing a vision through a
deliberation process, including policies by school leaders (IS-
Interview, 2018).

B. Supporting Factors for Improving the Quality of Education at

MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari.
The rapid progress made at MTs Asy-Syafiiyah Kendari was
greatly influenced by the leadership of the head of the madrasah.
The principal of madrasah always emphasizes the importance
of service quality in carrying out their duties, for example the
quality of learning by teachers starting from adequate
preparation, implementation, to the evaluation process.
Meanwhile, education personnel are encouraged to provide the
best services such as speed, responsiveness to student needs,
cleanliness, friendly to the community and so on (NF-
Interview, 2018).
Even so, awareness of quality for MTs Asy-Syafiiyah residents
still needs more intense education. Because the unequal awareness and
commitment of school residents to quality will interfere with the
achievement of school goals.

C. Impact of Strategy Implementation

As a relatively new private religious school in Kendari, MTs
Asy-Syafiiyah continues to show its passion for progress. Gradually
this school can show its existence in society, not only in curricular
activities but also in extra-curricular activities.
The efforts made by the leadership together with the ranks to
build quality schools are starting to show results. Public trust
increases every year of learning, graduates also experience an
increase, and work partners also experience an increase. To
align ourselves with equivalent schools, we have also started to
carry out computer-based national exams (UNBK) (NF-
Interview, 2018).

Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

A. Principal Strategy
Although strategy touches all levels of the organization, the
concept starts with the idea of a leader (Karim, 2010). Strategy is a
process that shows the direction to be directed by the organization as a
driving force and other main factors that will help the organization
manager in determining products, services, and markets for the
organization in the future (Mukminin, 2014). Strategy is the
placement of an organization's mission, placement of organizational
goals by increasing external and internal strength, formulating policies
and certain techniques to achieve goals and ensure their proper
implementation so that the main goals and objectives of the
organization will be achieved (Megawati, 2018). Strategy is related to
working on various priorities in achieving the vision that has been
announced. The formulation of these strategies will be related to the
efforts and policies that need to be taken by madrasas to realize the
various objectives that have been declared (Muhaimin, 2015).
Strategy is a way to achieve long term goals. The definition of
strategy is a unified, broad and integrated plan that links the strategic
advantage of the company with environmental challenges, which is
designed to ensure that the main objectives of the company can be
achieved through proper implementation by the organization (Syahrul,
2017). In general, strategy is the process of determining the top
leaders' plans that focus on the long-term goals of the organization,
along with the formulation of a means or efforts how to achieve these
goals. Meanwhile, in particular, strategy is an action that is
incremental (always increasing) and continuous, and is carried out
based on the point of view of what customers expect in the future.
Thus, strategy almost always starts with what can happen and not
what happens. The occurrence of new market innovation speeds and
changing consumer patterns that require core competencies (Nugroho,
So it can be concluded that strategy is a way to formulate a
vision, mission, and how to achieve goals, both short, medium and
long term goals.
The term head of madrasah consists of two words, namely
head and madrasah. The word head means a leader in an organization,
agency or institution. Meanwhile, madrasah is a madrasa or college
usually based on Islam (Dinda, 2018).
Nadia Ayu Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020
Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

The principal is one of the components of education that has

the most role in improving the quality of education. The principal is
the person in charge of the implementation of education, school
administration, coaching other education personnel, utilizing and
maintaining facilities and infrastructure as well as supervisors at the
school he leads (Mulyasa, 2007). When viewed from the teacher's
requirements to become a school principal, the principal can be said to
be a career ladder from a functional teacher position. If a teacher has
the competence as a school principal and has met certain requirements
or tests, the teacher can get the position of principal (Ekosiswoyo,
In simple terms the principal of a madrasah is someone who is
given the task by his subordinates to lead a madrasah where the
teaching and learning process is held in the madrasah (Wahjosumidjo,
1999). The head of the madrasah is the personal of the madrasah who
is responsible for madrasah activities. Therefore a madrasa principal is
required to have the ability to influence, direct and mobilize any
available resources to achieve organizational goals (Purwanti, 2016).
So it can be said that the principal is a teacher who is given an
additional task or trust to lead a madrasah.
It can be formulated that the strategy of the madrasah head is a
set of methods and certain efforts made by the head of the madrasah in
order to achieve the planned goals. In this case the strategy adopted by
the head of madrasah includes policies of the head of madrasah in
improving the quality of education.
Various studies have been conducted on the principal's strategy
in school development, confirming that strategy is something that is
absolutely owned by a principal. Among the findings are:
1. Desi Tri Rakhmawati conducted research on "Principals' Strategies
in Developing Active Learning Competencies at SDN Gresikan,
Kemiri, Purworejo". In this thesis it can be concluded that the
principal's strategies in developing Active Learning competencies
at SDN Gresikan, Kemiri, Purworejo include: (1) motivating
teachers to always be creative and innovative; (2) assigning teacher
assignments in accordance with their respective fields; (3) sending
teachers to attend training, training, workshops and seminars; (4)
strive for adequate learning media and infrastructure; (5) improve
discipline (Rakhmawati, 2013).

Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

2. Sari Jumiati conducted a study on "Strategies for Madrasah

Principals in Improving Competency in Reading Al-Qur'an for
Teachers in MAN Karanganyar". From the results of these studies
indicate that the competence of reading Al-Qur'an on teachers at
MAN Karanganyar is good enough. There are 80% can read Al-
Qur'an fluently, 10% is good enough and 10% still need guidance.
Given these conditions, the head of the madrasah is responsible for
the condition of the madrasah teacher he leads. The principal of the
madrasa then uses a strategy to improve competence in reading Al-
Qur'an in MAN Karanganyar. First, the principal provides
motivation about the virtue, benefits, and ease of reading the Al-
Qur'an. Second, it requires every teacher to participate in activities
to improve competence in reading the Qur'an every month. Third, it
requires every teacher who teaches the first hour to guide and guide
students in reading the Al-Qur'an. Fourth, holding a selection test
for reading Al-Qur'an for prospective madrasah teachers who want
to work at MAN Karanganyar (Jumiati, 2014).
3. Rudi Setiawan with the study "Strategy of Madrasah Principals in
Improving the Quality of Islamic Education in MTS Negeri
Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta" who found that (1) the role of the
head of madrasah as an educator is to build good relationships and
provide motivation to teachers, staff and students. As an
administrator, namely making planning, organizing and directing.
As a supervisor, he implements various methods and helps
overcome the problems faced by the teacher. As a leader, namely
building the vision, mission and strategy of the institution, having
communication skills and the ability to make decisions; (2)
improving the quality of Islamic education, namely teachers,
teachers who have high education, including 4 teachers who have
graduated from S2; (3) Supporting factors in improving the quality
of education are teachers, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure.
The relevance of the three studies above with the research being
studied is that they both discuss the strategy of the madrasah
principal (Setiawan, 2010).
The findings above are an indicator that the management of
schools or madrasahs is very dependent on the principal, especially in
carrying out strategic functions as the highest leadership. As the
highest leader, the principal or madrasah must be able to play various

Nadia Ayu Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020
Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

roles in order to improve quality. Whether a madrasah is progressing

or not is very dependent on the principal (Hasba, 2020).
The complexity of the role of the principal / madrasah is
summed up in EMASLIM terms (educator, manager, administrator,
supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator).
Figure 1. Various Roles of School / Madrasah Principals



Principal of School
/ Madrasah Supervisor




In general, school / madrasah principals are educators, where

they start their careers as teachers. Therefore, in carrying out his duties
as principal, it remains in an educational frame, not only for students
but also for teachers and school staff. The principal of the madrasah
must be able to show himself as a teacher figure, who deserves to be
emulated (Kurnianingsih, 2018). Thus, the existence of a madrasah
principal can be an energy that encourages the growth of work
motivation so that there is an increase in the performance of teachers
and staff (Septiana, Ngadiman & Ivada, 2013).
Madrasah is an organization consisting of people who work
together to achieve goals. The existence of the principal is to unite
various organizational resources in order to achieve organizational
goals. Therefore, the principal must be able to implement management
functions which include: planning, organizing, mobilizing, and
Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

controlling (Terry & Franklin, 1972). In practice, the principal of

madrasah must be able to make school planning in the form of short-
term planning, mid-term planning, and long-term planning (Davoudi,
2015). The principal of the madrasah must also be able to organize in
the form of: dividing work, determining work implementers, control
limits, coordinating systems, and making organizational charts
(Robbins, 1990). Control activities must also be carried out well,
starting from the concept of control, an effective control system, and
the implementation of controls in accordance with the times and the
applicable regulations (Syahrul, 2018).
Consistency in the application of management functions is
realized if there is regularity. In this context, the principal plays a role
in creating various orders in the organization. Not only in office
affairs, but regarding the regularity of various activities, inside and
outside the organization. Good organizational arrangements will help
in creating good governance (Salam, 2016). Good governance
becomes a school instrument in increasing levels, for example to
become an international standard school (Kusmayadi, Rusdiana &
Badruzaman, 2015).
Activities that have been structured and implemented must
ensure compliance with the plans and standards that have been
previously set. Therefore, the principal must be present in every
school activity in carrying out supervisory tasks. Supervision in
schools / madrasah includes academic and managerial supervision.
Academic supervision is closely related to the development of teacher
professionalism and improving the quality of learning (Suwartini,
2017). Sedangkan supervise manajerial dilakukan untuk mengetahui
penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajerial (Sari, Bafadal & Wiyono, 2018),
dan juga perbaikan kinerja guru (Mudzakir, 2016).
The role of the principal does not always have to be in the
shadow of an organizational structure or binding regulation. More
than that, the principal must think outside the box in the form of
breakthroughs and innovations. This is necessary so that schools will
always appear competitive and different in providing educational
services. As a leader, someone must appear as a differentiator (Bethel,
2012), and make changes (Boaz & Fox, 2014). In uncertain times, a
strategic leader who is able to compete in uncertain situations is
needed (Syahrul, 2015). School leaders of Islamic schools, principals
must be able to show prophetic leadership (Fadhli, 2019), a
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progressive leadership but still based on religious values (Syahrul,

As explained above, leaders must work beyond binding
organizational structures and regulations. He must be able to make
breakthroughs and innovations to bring schools to a higher and
superior level. Studies show that schools that achieve excellence are
due to innovative leadership (Syam, 2012). It is increasingly important
to improve innovation in the 4.0 era (Asbari, Santoso & Purwanto,
2019), where the work of the organization can no longer rely on
manual devices, but rather based on applications and the internet of
things (Wortmann & Fluchter, 2015), (Atzori, Iera & Morabito, 2010).
Principals of schools / madrasahs must be able to analyze
various tasks in order to balance teamwork and individuals. In this
context, the leader must always be a motivator (Andolsen, 2008).
Willingness to work among members is an important psychological
aspect. Therefore, leaders must be good coaches, and more
importantly build their self-esteem (Castelli, 2008). School leaders not
only face adults, but students who still need guidance towards
maturity. So that school leaders seem destined to be motivators
(Maehr, Midgley & Urdan, 1992).

B. Quality of Education
Quality is a dynamic idea, not absolute. Quality is related to
consumers or users of school education services. These consumers are
people who use educational services at schools. If the quality of a
school is good, there will be many people who want to enjoy
educational services at that school. On the other hand, if the quality of
the school is low, only a few people will be interested in the school
(Masrokan, 2014).
Priyatna argues that education is an effort that is carried out
deliberately and systematically to encourage, assist and guide
someone to develop all their potential so that they achieve a better
quality of self (Nurhamzah, Priatna, Hasanah & Muntaha, 2018).
Meanwhile, Marimba argues that education is a conscious guidance or
leadership by educators of the physical and spiritual development of
students towards the formation of the main personality (Marimba,
The correlation of quality with education is in line with the
understanding expressed by Rohiat that the quality of education is an
Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

indicator to see productivity and is closely related to management or

management problems in schools. Understanding the quality of
education according to Permendiknas No. 23 of 2009 article 1
paragraph 1 is the level of intelligence of the nation's life that can be
achieved from the implementation of the National Education System.
This understanding directs that the quality of education in Indonesia
will be achieved if it implements the provisions and scope of the
National Education System in Law no. 20 of 2009 regarding the
National Education Standards. In essence, quality in education
includes input, process and output. Quality education inputs are
quality teachers, quality students, quality curriculum, facilities and
various aspects of providing quality education. Quality education
process is a quality learning process. Quality education output is
graduates who have the required competencies as well as graduates
who are able to continue to a higher education level (Fadhli, 2017).
In the national context, the quality of education includes
various aspects of education management, as covered by the national
education standards. Several aspects related to quality standards in
education management are:
1. Competency standards for graduates
2. Standard content
3. Standard process
4. Educators and education staff standards
5. Standard infrastructure
6. Financing standards
7. Assessment standards
8. School management standards (Umam, 2019)

C. The Principal's Strategy in Improving the Quality of Education

The quality of education in schools is largely determined by
the presence of the principal (Fitrah, 2017). Strategies that can be
taken by school principals in improving quality include: empowering
teachers in school management activities, empowering school
committees, increasing teacher professionalism, and supervising
teaching in groups and individually. (Murniati & Harun, 2015). A
strategy that is quite effective in building the image of the school and
becoming an indicator of school quality is to build school excellence
(Hayudiyani, Saputra & Adha, 2020).

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Pratiwi The Principal's Strategy for Improving the……….

The quality of education in SMP / MTs can be improved in the

following ways (Syafaruddin, 2002):
1. The principal must have and understand a clear work vision, be
able and willing to work hard, have a high work drive, provide
optimal service, and have strong work discipline..
2. Explore the competence and abilities of students.
3. Improve the competence and work profession of teachers, in
seminars, workshops, MGMP, training, KKG, etc.
4. There is a fixed, but dynamic curriculum.
5. There is a good network of cooperation in the madrasa
With these strategies, if the principal has the ability to
implement it, the quality of education at a madrasah can improve.
Research traditions can be developed in madrasas to obtain more valid
and reliable information about internal and external conditions.
Scientific method is highly recommended in order to maintain the
quality of madrasas in a sustainable manner. This is an opportunity for
madrasahs because schools rarely develop research traditions for
institutional development.
Building quality in educational institutions is a complex effort,
not only for the role of individual principals, but requires
understanding and involvement of various parties. However, the
position of the principal must be the center of change, starting from
building a common vision and transforming the vision into
organizational work. In this context, the vision of the school must
clearly describe a commitment to quality, which is usually formulated
into major future achievements. More specifically, a quality-oriented
leader is needed (Herawan, 2016), and a quality culture (Said, 2018).
Entering the 4.0 era, a quality improvement strategy requires
mastery of the latest technological devices (Fitriyah & Santosa, 2020),
one of them is by building a web-based school management (Laugi,
2018). The school website is not only an accessory, but completely
functional, it can be developed as a database for decision making and
supervision (Syahrul at al, 2019), making bulletin and online scientific
journals, as well as measuring employee performance (Akib at al,
2020). Thus, the 4.0 era requires adaptive leadership and superior
competence in the latest technology. The organizational vision must
be in line with the spirit of 4.0.

Shautut Tarbiyah, Volume 26 Nomor 2, November 2020 Nadia Ayu
Principal Strategy for Improving The Quality …. Pratiwi

Improving the quality of educational institutions is a
systematic process. To arrive at tangible quality outputs, one must
start with a conceptual idea, which is contained in a large-scale school
planning or strategic plan document. In it will be seen the strategy of
the leadership of educational institutions in achieving quality. The
head of MTs Asy-Syafiyah has shown systematic steps starting from
the formulation of a vision and policy, increasing the competence of
teaching staff, recognizing the competence of students, and building
partnerships. The leadership of the principal is a key factor in efforts
to build a quality culture at MTs Asy-Syafiyah, so that it has an
impact on improving the quality of graduates, increasing popularity in
society, increasing work partners, paying attention to the interests of
students, and improving teacher competence.
This study also recommends the need for further research on
the processes of madrasah strategy formulation, the analytical model
used to find the right strategy, and community involvement in the
strategy formulation process.

This research was carried out because of the support of the school,
especially the openness of the Principal of Asy-Syafiah Madrasah in
providing the required information. Therefore, thanks to the Principal
of Madrasah Asy-Syafiah for being open in sharing information with
researchers. Thank you also to the residents of Madrasah Asy-Syafiah,
in this case the teachers and staff at the madrasa.

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