M04LAP4 Pneumatic Speed Control
M04LAP4 Pneumatic Speed Control
M04LAP4 Pneumatic Speed Control
School Supplied
1 Compressed Air Supply
1 Stop Watch
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will set up a circuit to control the speed of the air
motor. You will substitute a flow control valve for the needle valve. These two
valves are the same except that the flow control valve has a component called
a check valve in it. The check valve will have no effect in this circuit. You will
learn more about flow control valves later.
q 6. Turn the flow control valve’s knob CCW 1 turn and observe the speed of the
Spin the shaft of the motor CCW by hand to see if it will turn on its own.
If it does not, turn the flow control adjustment CCW slightly until the motor is
able to sustain rotation. This should occur between 1 and 1-1/2 turns on most
q 8. Calculate the DP for the 1 turn setting and record it in the chart above.
q 9. Repeat steps 4-6 for each of the other settings in the chart. As you do this,
observe the speed of the motor.
You should observe that as the DP across the needle valve becomes lower, the
motor speed becomes higher. This is because there is more ∆P being applied
to the motor. The ∆P applied to the motor is the same as that shown by Gauge
B because the pressure at the motor exhaust is near zero. Remember that
the total ∆P available is 50 psi / 345 kPa. If more of it is used by frictional
resistance, the motor will turn slower.
q 10. Experiment with your ability to change the motor speed by adjusting the
setting of the needle valve.
q 11. Turn the regulator adjustment CCW fully to reduce the flow rate to zero.
q 12. Close the shutoff valve.
q 13. Remove the hoses and store them.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will use Boyle’s Law to convert volumes at given
pressures to the free air equivalent. In the first step, you will be given an
example, then you will do it yourself. This is a common calculation used to
determine the total air flow in a system when sizing piping, air compressors,
and other components.
VFA × PFA = P1 × V1
U.S. Customary Units:
P1 x V1
14.7 psia
S.I. Units:
P1 x V1
101 psia
P1 = Pressure in tube (psia/kPa absolute)
V1 = Actual flow rate of air in tube at pressure
VFA = Free air flow rate (CFM/CMM)
P1 x V1 P1 x V1
VFA or
14.7 psia 101 psia
In this example, P1 = 80 psig + 14.7 = 94.7 psia and 552 kPa + 101 kPa = 653
kPa. The final calculation is as follows:
English Units: S.I. Units:
P1 x V1 P1 x V1
14.7 psia 101 kPa
94.7 psia x 65 CFM 653 kPa x 1.85 CMM
14.7 psia 101 kPa
418.74 CFM 11.96 CMM
q 2. An air drill has 5 CFM/0.14 CMM at 85 psig/587 kPa. Determine the air flow
rate in units of CFM free air that must be supplied by the air compressor.
VFA =______________________________________________(CFM/CMM)
VFATotal =____________________________________________(CFM/CMM)
The answer is VFA Total = 965.2 CFM/27.4 CMM.
q 4. An air compressor available on a construction job site will supply a total of
150 CFM/4.26 CMM of free air. How many sandblasters can be used if they
each require 10 CFM/0.3 CMM at 90 psig/621 kPa.
Number of sandblasters___________________________________________
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will connect the rotameter flowmeter to an air supply
and measure the flow rate at different supply pressures.
To open the outlet of the rotameter, connect one end of a short hose to this
port. When you perform this procedure, tie or hold down the loose end of this
hose to avoid whipping and possible injury.
Normally, the rotameter does not have a fitting at the outlet and exhausts
directly to atmosphere. However, in a later LAP, you will use the rotameter in
a different application where you will need to connect to this port.
q 2. Perform the following substeps to adjust the needle valve on the rotameter.
A. Close the valve completely by turning the black knob at the bottom of the
flowmeter completely CW.
B. Turn the knob six turns CCW to open the needle valve completely. This
will remove most of the restriction of the needle valve from the circuit.
Do not exceed six needle turns or pressure may cause the needle valve
adjuster to blow out.
q 3. If not already connected, connect the compressed air supply source to the
male quick-connect plug on the instrumentation panel and open the shutoff
q 4. Slowly turn the regulator adjustment CW until the pressure at Gauge A reads
10 psi / 69 kPa.
You should observe that the flowmeter ball rises and hear air exhausting from
the flowmeter outlet.
q 5. Read the flowmeter by aligning the center of the ball with the scale and record
the flow rate in the chart. You may observe a slight jiggle of the ball. Take the
average value.
(psig/kPa) (SCFH)
q 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other pressures listed in the chart.
You should observe that an increase in pressure produces an increase in flow
q 7. Turn the pressure regulator adjustment CCW fully to reduce the flow rate to
q 8. Close the shutoff valve.
q 9. Remove the hoses and store them.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will connect a flow control valve in a bi-directional
actuator circuit to control speed in one direction only. You will see how a flow
control valve connected in the circuit determines in which direction speed will
be controlled.
q 11. Now place the flow control valve in the other cylinder line, as shown in figure
In this circuit, the flow control valve will control the retract speed of the
Procedure Overview
In this activity, you will demonstrate that, while the valve is controlling
flow, the flow rate through a flow control valve will change if the load at
the actuator changes. Load changes will be simulated by changing the back
pressure at the cylinder.
Figure 1-1. Schematic of a Cylinder Circuit to Apply Back Pressure During Ex-
q 5. Now put a heavy load at the cylinder by turning the adjustment on flow
control B fully CW and then opening it 1/2 turn.
q 6. Repeat step 4.
You should observe that the cylinder speed has slowed with an increase in
load (Gauge B reading).
q 7. Decrease the load at the cylinder by turning the adjustment on flow control B
another 1/2 turn CCW. This represents a medium load.
q 8. Repeat step 4.
Comparing to the previous load, you should observe that the cylinder speed
increases as the load (Gauge B reading) decreases.
q 9. With the cylinder retracted, turn the regulator adjustment CCW fully to
reduce the pressure to minimum.
q 10. Close the shut-off valve.
q 11. Move the DCV handle back and forth to remove any pressure still in the
q 12. Disconnect and store the hoses.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will connect a flow control valve to meter in the
flow and demonstrate the operation of this type of flow control circuit.
q 1. Connect the meter-in flow control circuit shown in figure 5-1. This circuit
controls flow during extend only.
In this circuit, the flow control valve is positioned in the cylinder line that
is connected to the cap (blind) end of the cylinder with its check valve
blocking flow to the cylinder. Only flow through the adjustable restriction
will determine cylinder speed during extension.
q 3. Turn the regulator adjustment knob CW until the pressure at Gauge A reads
30 psi / 207 kPa.
q 4. Close the flow control valve by turning the adjustment fully CW. Then open
it 1/2 turn.
This setting will slow the speed of extension only.
q 5. Shift the DCV to extend the cylinder.
You should observe a slow extension, because air flow to the cylinder is being
restricted by the variable orifice of the flow control valve.
q 6. Once the cylinder is fully extended, retract the cylinder and observe the speed
of retraction.
You should observe a rapid retraction, because exhaust flow bypasses through
the check valve minimizing the resistance to rod movement.
q 7. Cycle the cylinder several times to become more familiar with a meter-in
flow control circuit.
q 8. Perform the following substeps to see how slowly you can get the cylinder to
extend with meter-in.
A. While cycling the cylinder, close down the flow control valve to obtain the
slowest, smoothest speed.
You may have to extend and retract the cylinder several times to get the
slowest setting.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will connect a flow control valve in a meter-out flow
control circuit and demonstrate the operation of this circuit.
Figure 6-1. Schematic of a Meter-Out Flow Control Circuit that Controls Cylinder Extension Speed
q 2. Perform the following substeps to connect the compressed air supply.
A. If not already connected, connect the compressed air supply source to the
male quick-connect plug on the instrumentation module.
B. Open the shut-off valve.
q 3. Turn the regulator adjustment knob CW until the pressure at Gauge A reads
30 psi / 207 kPa.
q 4. Close the flow control valve by turning the adjustment fully CW. Then open
it 1/2 turn.
This setting will slow the speed of extension only.
You may have to extend and retract the cylinder several times to get the
slowest setting.
B. Record the slowest time obtained without cylinder jerk other than the
initial jump.
Time to extend_______________________________________(Seconds)
q 9. Compare this extend time to that obtained in the previous skill for meter-in.
Which time is longer?
You should have measured a longer time (slower extension) with the meter-
out circuit. This shows that meter-out is a better method for slow speeds.
q 10. Turn the regulator adjustment CCW fully to reduce the pressure to minimum.
q 11. Close the shut-off valve.
q 12. Move the DCV handle back and forth to remove any pressure still in the
circuit as indicated on Gauge B.
q 13. Disconnect and store the hoses.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will connect a flow control valve in the exhaust of a
3/2 DCV to control the retract speed of a single-acting, spring return cylinder.
q 1. Connect the exhaust port speed control circuit shown in figure 7-1.
In this circuit the needle of the flow control valve will control the retract
speed of the single-acting cylinder. If your classroom is equipped with the
96-PNE2, the 3/2 DCV will be attached to the model 85-IP Intermediate
Module. Otherwise, it will be stored separately.
You must connect a piece of hose to the N-port of the flow control valve to
open the quick-connect.
q 2. Connect the compressed air supply to the instrumentation module and open
the shutoff valve.
q 3. Turn the regulator adjustment knob CW until the pressure reads 30 psi/207
q 4. Close the exhaust port flow control valve completely and then open it 1/2
This setting will slow the speed of retraction only.
q 5. Press the button of the DCV to shift the valve.
The cylinder should extend rapidly.
q 6. Now release the DCV button.
The cylinder should retract slowly.
q 7. While cycling the DCV, change the flow control setting and observe how the
exhaust port speed control changes the speed of retract for this cylinder.
The exhaust port speed control can also be used on 5-ported DCVs to
control the speed of an actuator in either direction. With two exhaust port
speed controls, a 5-ported DCV can control the speed of an actuator in both
q 8. Turn the regulator adjustment CCW fully to reduce the pressure to minimum
and close the shutoff valve.
q 9. Disconnect and store the hoses.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will connect a flow control valve before the pressure
port of a 5/3 DCV to control the extend and retract speeds of a double-acting
q 1. Connect the pressure port speed control circuit shown in figure 8-1. In this
circuit, the needle of the flow control valve will control the speed of a double-
acting cylinder in both directions.
Procedure Overview
In this procedure, you will be given different speed control circuits to
design and asked to draw their circuit schematics.
q 2. On a copy of figure 9-1, complete the drawing of a pressure port speed control
circuit. Start with the supply line shown and include a filter and regulator.
q 3. On a copy of figure 9-2, complete the drawing of a speed control circuit that
provides meter-in speed control to a bi-directional motor in one direction
only. A 5/2 lever operated DCV is to be used to change motor direction. Start
with the supply line shown and include a filter and regulator.
Procedure Overview
Independent speed control requires two flow control valves. One valve
controls the speed in each direction. These valves can be connected to provide
either meter-in or meter-out speed control.
In this procedure, you will design and connect circuits that will separately
control the speed of an actuator in each direction.
q 1. Complete the circuit shown in figure 10-1 so that you can control the speed
of the double-acting cylinder in each direction using a separate flow control
valve. Draw the two flow control valves so each valve provides meter-out
flow control.
Label your flow control valves FC1 and FC2. FC1 should control the extend
speed and FC2 should control the retract speed.
q 13. Complete the circuit shown in figure 10-2 so that you can control the speed of
a single-acting cylinder in each direction, using an exhaust port flow control
valve to control retract speed. Use a 3/2 N.C. DCV to cycle the cylinder.
If your classroom is equipped with the 96-PNE2, the 3/2 DCV will be
attached to the model 85-IP Intermediate Pneumatic Module. Otherwise, it
will be stored separately.
Label your flow control valves FC1 and FC2. FC1 should control the extend
speed and FC2 should control the retract speed.
q 19. Adjust FC1 to several different settings to test its effect on the circuit. Extend
and retract the cylinder after each new adjustment and observe the cylinder’s
speed. You should observe that only the extend speed changes.
q 20. Reset FC1 to one turn open.
q 21. Now adjust FC2 to several different settings. Extend and retract the cylinder
after each new adjustment and observe the cylinder’s speed.
You should observe that only the retract speed changes.
q 22. Turn the regulator adjustment CCW fully to reduce pressure to minimum.
q 23. Close the shutoff valve.
q 24. Disconnect and store the hoses.