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1.) Differntiate with example:

a) Lower pair and higher pair b) Turning and rolling pair
2.) State the reasons for a v-belt drive being preferred over a flat belt drive.
3.) Explain the following:
a) High speed cam b) Stroke of the follower
4.) Explain the following:
a) Spur gear drive b) Rack and pinion
5.) State the uses of turning moment diagrams of reciprocating engines.
6.) How will you proceed to balance several rotating masses in different planes?
7.) What is chain drive? Explain Its classification.
8.) State the importance of balancing in machines.
9.) Is vibration desirable in machines? Is it possible to remove vibrations completely?
10.) Discuss the hunting and stability of Governor.
11.) A particle moving with a uniform velocity has no tangential acceleration. Explain why?
12.) Differentiate btw a simple and compound gear train. Mention the effect of idler gears on
velocity ratio and direction of rotation btw input and output wheels.
13.) Explain the following terms with references of spur gear;
a) Module
b) Addendum
c) Dedendum
d) Pressure angle
e) Interference
14.) State the essential difference btw a knife edge follower and a roller follower of a cam.
Also, Name 3 machines/engines where roller followers are used.
15.) Prove the relationship S = ut + ½ at2 in a body subjected to a uniform acceleration

1.) Explain the diff btw machine and mechanism.
2.) Define inversion and write any four applications of inversion of a slider crank chain.
3.) How do you classify kinematic pairs? Illustrate with examples.
4.) What is a cam and a follower? Define Cam profile, base circle and pitch curve as
applied to cam.
5.) Stat ethe difference:
a) Use of open belt and cross belt
b) Initial tension and effective tension
6.) Give a classification of chain, based on their usage.
7.) What is flywheel? Describe the application of flywheel.
8.) Draw and explain the turning moment diagram of a flywheel of single cylinder
double acting steam engine.
9.) Describe the mass moment of inertia and radius of gyration as applied to flywheel.
10.) Explain the causes of vibrations in machines.
11.) Briefly describe the general types of vibrations.
12.) What do you mean by “Out of balance”? State the importance of balancing in
13.) Define the terms: coefficient of fluctuation of speed and coefficient of fluctuation of
energy of a flywheel.
14.) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of chain drive over belt drive.
15.) Differentiate btw a fast and a loose pulley.

1.) Differentiate btw higher pair and lower pair with example.
2.) State the importance of balancing of machines.
3.) Classify vibrations and explain each type briefly.
4.) What is the difference btw analysis of mechanics and synthesis of mechanics.
5.) Explain the process of kinematic analysis of four bar mechanics.
6.) Why is dynamics force analysis necessary?
7.) Give the analytical method for the velocity and acceleration of a piston.
8.) Explain the dynamic analysis of slider crank mechanics.
9.) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of V-belt over flat belt drive?
10.) Define velocity ratio. Drive an expression for slip btw belt and pulleys.
11.) Give any five terms of gear nomenclature.
12.) Describe flywheels and give its uses.
13.) Define the following cam technology.
Base circle, cam profile, Lift, Angle of ascent, Angle of descent, Dwell
14.) Explain the Displacement diagram of CAM, with uniform acceleration.

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