Unit IV (c)_Nuclear_Power_Plants

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Nuclear Power
• Atoms of an element with different
numbers of neutrons are known as
• Atoms of natural uranium are basically of
two forms, known as Uranium 235 (U235)
and Uranium 238 (U238)
• Chemically identical having the same
number of electrons and protons
• U 238 has three extra neutrons in the
nucleus and so the two forms have
different physical properties
Types of Radioactivity

Nuclear Fission
• splitting of nucleus into several pieces by
collision with a free neutron.
Nuclear Fusion
• One form of nuclear energy conversion is called
• Fusion means joining smaller nuclei to make a
larger nucleus. In the process heat is generated.
• Eg. the sun uses nuclear fusion of hydrogen
atoms (isotopes) into helium atoms.
• Two types of hydrogen atoms, deuterium and
tritium, combine to make a helium atom and a
neutron. 3
Fusion Reaction of Hydrogen

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Nuclear Fission
• Nuclear fusion - uranium
• When struck by neutron, uranium atom split
into two roughly equal fragments releasing
energy and two or three free neutrons
• The energy appears as the high speed of the
particles and as they collide with atoms
• the energy of motion is turned into heat,
which can be extracted

Fission Reaction
• The common element used in fission is
Uranium-235 but could also be
Plutonium-239, Uranium-238, and
• The fissionable atom “captures” the
neutron and splits (decays) into two
smaller atoms
• After splitting, two or three neutrons are
released, the neutrons can go on to split
other fissionable nuclei -resulting in a
chain reaction.
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Nuclear Fission

Creates Energy and Radioactive Waste

Uranium as a Nuclear Fuel
• Atoms of an element with different numbers of
neutrons are known as Isotopes
• Atoms of natural uranium are basically of two
forms, known as Uranium 235 (U235) and
Uranium 238 (U238)
• Chemically identical having the same number
of electrons and protons
• U 238 has three extra neutrons in the nucleus
and so the two forms have different physical
• 1n + 235U → 140Ba + 93Kr + 3 1n + Heat Energy
• Ba Barium Kr Krypton
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Fission Chain Reaction

Group work 5 min
• Which process between fission and fusion
is preferred in nuclear power plants?

• Why?

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Why Fission and not Fusion?
Fission reaction is preferred for nuclear
power generation because:
•Fusion reaction is more difficult to control
than fission.

Advantages over fission:

•Creates less radioactive material than fusion
•Near inexhaustible/ abundance supply of
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Chain Reaction
• The energy from fission
reaction, when let out
slowly, or controlled can
be harnessed to produce
heat and e.g. raise steam
and generate electricity
(Rankine Cycle).
• When it is not controlled
it can make a very fast
chain reaction with very
high heat release rate, or
explosion, (a bomb).

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How Nuclear Reactor Core is Constructed

Electricity Generation in Nuclear Power Plant

Similarities of Fossil and Nuclear Plants

The Situation in Tanzania
• By enacting the Atomic Energy Act 2003, the
Tanzanian Government has attached great
importance to the development of peaceful uses of
nuclear energy.
• The Government firmly supports all kinds of activities
aimed at promoting nuclear technology development
and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
• With the continuing acute shortage of energy
resources, alternative power source including nuclear
power, as the main aspect of peaceful uses, will have
to be considered in the long term energy strategies.
• Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) will
have to play a major and leading role in advising the
Government to have nuclear energy adopted as the
alternative source of energy for the growing electricity
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Problems with Nuclear Energy
Many problems are related to safety aspects in
fission reaction products:
• Fission of uranium 235 can produce over 200
isotopes of 35 different elements. Some of these
products can be dangerous and radioactive
• Some will decay in mere seconds, while other will
last for thousand of years. The products of fission
are usually buried far away from any civilization so
as not to cause any harm. There is no safe,
permanent way to dispose radioactive products.
• Further safety issues arise in the mining, refining
and transportation of the fissionable material such
as uranium.
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Problems with Nuclear Energy / Continued
• Incompetence in
operating reactors can
result in overheating
and melting of reactor -
releasing radioactive
materials, and
sometimes explosion
• Fissionable materials
can be purposely used
to make very powerful
bombs (e.g. at
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• Design a thermal power plants
– Take any off grid village with any number of
households, hospitals, shops etc
– Start with estimation electrical load
– Draw electrical load profile of the selected off
grid village
– Estimate the sizes of all components in the
power plant
– Estimate the installed and generation
capacities of the power plant to cover 100%
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• Decide on which power cycle to be used
• And the reason of selecting it
• Draw all the necessary graphs and
perform all the necessary analysis of your
designed power plant
• Write a report on the designed thermal
power plant

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• Design a small hydro power plant
– Take any off grid village with any number of
households, hospitals, shops etc
– Start with estimation electrical load
– Draw electrical load profile of the selected off
grid village
– Take any small river find its flow and head
– Find river flow data of up to 5 years or more
– You can visit the ministry of water
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– Estimate the sizes of all components in the
power plant
– Estimate the installed and generation
capacities of the power plant to cover 100%
– Write a report on the designed hydropower

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