CI Assignment I & II S2Y23_24 (1)

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MCM4114 Construction Innovation

(SEMESTER 2 SESSION 2023/2024)

Assignment 1: Technological Foundations in Advancing the

Malaysian Construction Industry
Course Lecturers: Sr Dr Kan Fock Kui PQS, CCM, MRISM, MRICS

1.0 Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO1: Assess the practicality and efficiency aspects of construction technologies and
innovations in construction projects;
CLO2: Apply the application of innovation technologies at the different stages of
project management; and
CLO3: Formulate technology adoptions strategy for a construction organization.

2.0 Introduction
This assignment aims to examine the technological foundations of construction
innovation, with a specific focus on their applications and implications in the context
of the Malaysian construction industry. You will have to explore Building Information
Modeling (BIM) and Robotics, considering their historical development and their role
in overcoming industry challenges. Additionally, you will look into legal and ethical
issues related to the adoption of these technologies in Malaysia.

3.0 Your Tasks

Specifically, you are required to complete the following tasks:

1. Current Challenges in Malaysia (CLO1): Conduct a thorough assessment of

the present condition of the Malaysian construction sector. The analysis
includes the primary challenges encountered by the industry, setting the context
for subsequent discussions on the industry's advancements and obstacles.

2. BIM Evolution and Local Significance (CLO1 & CLO2): Examine the
historical progression of Building Information Modeling (BIM) on a global scale,
with a specific focus on its adoption trends in Malaysia. The investigation shall
include applications of BIM throughout preconstruction, construction phases,
and close-out phases in Malaysia. Besides, discuss the significance of BIM in
addressing challenges unique to the local construction industry.

3. Tailored Automation and Robotic Integration (CLO1 & CLO3): Investigating

the tailored automation and robotic applications within the Malaysian
construction industry. This includes the evaluation of both off-site and on-site
automated systems designed to align with local requirements. Besides,
investigate into the legal and ethical considerations associated with the
integration of robotics in the construction process.
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4. Legal Framework of Intellectual Property and Ethics (CLO3): Assess the
existing legal frameworks governing the technological usage in the construction
industry. In particular, an investigation into intellectual property issues, and an
assessment of ethical considerations linked to technological innovations and
adoption in the Malaysian construction industry.

5. Integrating Legal, Ethical, and Future Perspectives (CLO1, CLO2 & CLO3):
Conclude the essential outcomes from the analyses undertaken in tasks 1 - 4.
The emphasis is placed on the significance of integrating legal and ethical
considerations in the technology adoption within the Malaysian construction
sector. The conclusion shall provide a synthesis of key insights to understand
the potential future developments in the industry.

4.0 Submission Requirements

1. Compile the above works as an individual assignment.
2. Your assignment submission should be typed, illustrated and presented on A4
portrait orientation using 12 font size (Arial) and 1.5 spacing.
3. The word limit in the passage of text is 2,000. Wordings used in the tables or
figures can be in a smaller font size and they are excluded in word counting.
4. Your assignment should be enclosed with a similarity report generated from
Turnitin plagiarism detection software.
5. Plagiarisms in all forms including photos are forbidden. Students who
submit plagiarized assignment will be given a FAIL grade.
6. The assignment’s deadline is on 4 April 2024 at 6:00pm. Late submission will be
7. Assignment should be in spiral bind with a front cover containing all relevant
information including course & assignment title, semester & session, students’
name & registration number.

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5.0 Assessment Rubrics
No. Tasks & CLOs None Very Poor Poor Average Good Outstanding Weightage Marks
0 1 2 3 4 5 (%)

1. Current Do not shows any Shows minimal Shows some Shows average Shows satisfactory Shows high 1.0 5
Challenges in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in
Malaysia (CLO1) assessing current assessing current assessing current assessing current assessing current assessing current
challenges in the challenges in the challenges in the challenges in the challenges in the challenges in the
Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian
construction construction construction construction construction construction
sector. sector. sector. sector. sector.. sector.
2. BIM Evolution Do not shows any Shows minimal Shows some Shows average Shows satisfactory Shows high 2.0 10
and Local competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in
Significance exploring BIM exploring BIM exploring BIM exploring BIM exploring BIM exploring BIM
(CLO1 & CLO2) adoption in adoption in adoption in adoption in adoption in adoption in
Malaysia, its Malaysia, its Malaysia, its Malaysia, its Malaysia, its Malaysia, its
applications, and applications, and applications, and applications, and applications, and applications, and
local significance. local significance. local significance. local significance. local significance. local significance.
3. Tailored Do not Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate 2.0 10
Automation and demonstrate any minimal competencies in average sufficient outstanding
Robotic competencies in competencies in investigating competencies in competencies in competencies in
Integration (CLO1 investigating investigating automation and investigating investigating investigating
& CLO3): automation and automation and robotics, automation and automation and automation and
robotics, robotics, considering legal robotics, robotics, robotics,
considering legal considering legal and ethical aspects considering legal considering legal considering legal
and ethical aspects. and ethical aspects and ethical aspects and ethical aspects. and ethical aspects
4. Legal Framework Do not Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate 1.0 5
of Intellectual demonstrate any minimal competencies in average sufficient outstanding
Property and competencies in competencies in evaluating legal competencies in competencies in competencies in
Ethics (CLO3) evaluating legal evaluating legal frameworks for evaluating legal evaluating legal evaluating legal
frameworks for frameworks for intellectual frameworks for frameworks for frameworks for
intellectual intellectual property and ethics intellectual intellectual intellectual
property and ethics property and ethics in construction property and ethics property and ethics property and ethics
in construction in construction technology in construction in construction in construction
technology technology technology technology technology
5. Integrating Legal, Do not Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate 1.0 5
Ethical, and demonstrate any minimal competencies in average sufficient outstanding
Future competencies in competencies in concluding the competencies in competencies in competencies in
Perspectives concluding the concluding the findings, concluding the concluding the concluding the
(CLO1, CLO2 & findings, findings, integrating with findings, findings, findings,
CLO3) integrating with integrating with legal, ethical, and integrating with integrating with integrating with
legal, ethical, and legal, ethical, and future perspectives legal, ethical, and legal, ethical, and legal, ethical, and
future perspectives future perspectives in technology future perspectives future perspectives future perspectives
in technology in technology adoption. in technology in technology in technology
adoption. adoption. adoption. adoption. adoption.

Total 35

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MCM4114 Construction Innovation

(SEMESTER 2 SESSION 2023/2024)

Assignment 2: Digital Transformation in Malaysian Construction

Course Lecturers: Sr Dr Kan Fock Kui PQS, CCM, MRISM, MRICS

1.0 Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO1: Assess the practicality and efficiency aspects of construction technologies and
innovations in construction projects;
CLO2: Apply the application of innovation technologies at the different stages of
project management; and
CLO3: Formulate technology adoptions strategy for a construction organization.

2.0 Introduction
This assignment focuses on exploring the digital transformation landscape in the
Malaysian construction industry, emphasizing immersive technologies (AR, VR,
IoT), digital infrastructure (Cloud, Mobile), and Blockchain. You are required to
examine the applications, integration, and the legal and ethical implications of these
technologies in the Malaysian context.

3.0 Your Tasks

Specifically, you are required to complete the following tasks:

1. Introduction and Industry Overview (CLO1): Introduces briefly the digital

transformation landscape in the Malaysian construction industry, i.e. the distinct
challenges. This introductory section would serve as a foundation for the
subsequent discussions on various aspects of technology adoption and
innovation within the Malaysian construction context.

2. Immersive Technologies and IoT Integration (CLO1 and CLO2): Discuss the
immersive technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality
(VR), specifically customized to meet the requirements of the Malaysian
construction industry. Additionally, explore the integration of AR/VR with the
implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) within the Malaysian context.

3. IoT Applications and Smart Construction (CLO1 and CLO3): Investigate the
application of Internet of Things (IoT) tailored for the Malaysian construction
sector. Besides, discuss various initiatives geared towards the implementation
of smart construction practices in Malaysia.

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4. Digital Infrastructure and Blockchain Integration (CLO1 and CLO2):
Explores the adoption of cloud-based collaboration tools specifically tailored to
the Malaysian context. Additionally, the examination extends to mobile
technology applications within the local construction industry, addressing their
practical implications. Furthermore, discusses the pertinence of blockchain
technology for ensuring secure transactions in the Malaysian construction

5. Conclusion and Future Prospects (CLO1, CLO2, and CLO3): This section
shall summarize the essential points from tasks 1-4, highlighting the significance
role played by technological foundations in propelling the Malaysian
construction industry forward. Additionally, the section shall offer an outlook on
the future trajectory of technology adoption within the Malaysian construction

4.0 Submission Requirements

1. Compile the above works as an individual assignment.

2. Your assignment submission should be typed, illustrated and presented on A4
portrait orientation using 12 font size (Arial) and 1.5 spacing.
3. The word limit in the passage of text is 2,000. Wordings used in the tables or
figures can be in a smaller font size and they are excluded in word counting.
4. Your assignment should be enclosed with a similarity report generated from
Turnitin plagiarism detection software.
5. Plagiarisms in all forms including photos are forbidden. Students who
submit plagiarized assignment will be given a FAIL grade.
6. The assignment’s deadline is on 23 May 2024 at 6:00pm. Late submission will be
7. Assignment should be in spiral bind with a front cover containing all relevant
information including course & assignment title, semester & session, students’
name & registration number.

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5.0 Assessment Rubrics
No. Tasks & CLOs None Very Poor Poor Average Good Outstanding Weightage Marks
0 1 2 3 4 5 (%)

1. Introduction and Do not shows any Shows minimal Shows some Shows average Shows satisfactory Shows high 1.0 5
Industry competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in
Overview (CLO1) introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing
challenges of digital challenges of digital challenges of digital challenges of digital challenges of digital challenges of digital
transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in
Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian
construction construction construction construction construction construction
industry. industry. industry. industry. industry. industry.
2. Immersive Do not shows any Shows minimal Shows some Shows average Shows satisfactory Shows high 2.0 10
Technologies and competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in competencies in
IoT Integration discussing discussing discussing discussing discussing discussing
(CLO1 and CLO2) customization of customization of customization of customization of customization of customization of
AR/VR tech and AR/VR tech and AR/VR tech and AR/VR tech and AR/VR tech and AR/VR tech and
integration with IoT integration with IoT integration with IoT integration with IoT integration with IoT integration with IoT
in Malaysian in Malaysian in Malaysian in Malaysian in Malaysian in Malaysian
construction construction construction construction construction construction
industry. industry. industry. industry. industry. industry.
3. IoT Applications Do not demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate 2.0 10
and Smart any competencies in minimal competencies in average sufficient outstanding
Construction investigating IoT competencies in investigating IoT competencies in competencies in competencies in
(CLO1 and CLO3) applications and investigating IoT applications and investigating IoT investigating IoT investigating IoT
initiatives for smart applications and initiatives for smart applications and applications and applications and
construction in initiatives for smart construction in initiatives for smart initiatives for smart initiatives for smart
Malaysia. construction in Malaysia. construction in construction in construction in
Malaysia. Malaysia. Malaysia.. Malaysia.
4. Digital Do not demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate 1.0 5
Infrastructure any competencies in minimal competencies in average sufficient outstanding
and Blockchain exploring the digital competencies in exploring the digital competencies in competencies in competencies in
Integration (CLO1 infrastructure and exploring the digital infrastructure and exploring the digital exploring the digital exploring the digital
& CLO2) blockchain infrastructure and blockchain infrastructure and infrastructure and infrastructure and
integration in blockchain integration in blockchain blockchain blockchain
Malaysian integration in Malaysian integration in integration in integration in
construction. Malaysian construction. Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian
construction. construction. construction. construction.
5. Conclusion and Do not demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate 1.0 5
Future Prospects any competencies in minimal competencies in average sufficient outstanding
(CLO1, CLO2, and concluding competencies in concluding competencies in competencies in competencies in
CLO3) technological role concluding technological role concluding concluding concluding
and providing future technological role and providing future technological role technological role technological role
outlook for and providing future outlook for and providing future and providing future and providing future
Malaysia's outlook for Malaysia's outlook for outlook for outlook for
construction sector. Malaysia's construction sector. Malaysia's Malaysia's Malaysia's
construction sector. construction sector. construction sector. construction sector.

Total 35

MCM4443 Safety, Health and Environmental Management

Page │6

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