MBC Rubrics

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Rubrics for assessment

Programme Master in Business Administration (2023-25)

MBA Phase of B. Tech(CSE)MBA (2020-25)
Term Term - IV
Course Code 7MP715 Credit Hours 3.0
Course Title Managing Business on Cloud

Instructors’ Names Dr. Somayya Madakam & Dr. Shubham Goswami

E-mail IDs [email protected],

[email protected]

Contact Nos. (079) 71652656, +91-9967887067, +91-9461347456

Office Hours As per the schedule.

Moodle Details Will be shared in the class.

Mapping of course learning outcomes with program outcomes
Program outcomes
Course learning









Analyse the
components of

cloud computing 1
for business
Compare and
contrast the

benefits 2 1
delivered by
various cloud
understanding of
best practices for
2 1 1
managing cloud
1 – Low correlation, 2 – Average correlation, 3- High Correlation

Mapping of CLOs with assessment components

Assessment Course learning outcomes Total Marks
Si No
Components (CLO 1) (CLO 2) (CLO 3)
1. Quizzes 10 10 0 20
2. Class Test 5 10 5 20
3. 20
Group Assignment 0 10 10
4. End Term Exam 10 15 15 40
Total marks 25 45 30 100

Rubrics for the CLOs

CO1: Analyse the components of cloud computing for business agility.
Si Criteria Excellent Good Poor
No Points 8-10 Points 5-7 Points 1-4
1. Awareness of Possesses clear Possesses Possesses little/
various understanding of reasonable no understanding
technologies all/ major understanding of of all/ major
enabling the technologies all/ major technologies
Cloud Computing enabling the technologies enabling the
Cloud Computing enabling the Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
2. Application of Able to effectively Most of the times Some of the times
various cloud link the learning able to effectively able to effectively
technologies about cloud link the learning link the learning
technology to about cloud about cloud
other functional technology to technology to
sectors of other functional other functional
business areas of business areas of business
CO2: Compare and contrast the economic benefits delivered by various cloud
1. Identification of Always able to Student can Student can
state-of-the art identify and identify and identify and
cloud compare all compare some compare no/few
technologyas per advanced cloud advanced cloud advanced cloud
situation technologyused technologyused technologyused
in improving in improving in improving
organizational organizational organizational
productivity productivity productivity
2. Ability to identify Student can Student can Student can
attributes identify all identify some identify no/ few
relevant for cloud attributes attributes attributes
models relevant for cloud relevant for cloud relevant for cloud
models models models
CO3: Develop understanding of best practices for managing cloud based
1. To develop best Student has Student has Student has little/
practices for complete reasonable no understanding
managing cloud understanding of understanding of of best practices
based application. best practices for best practices for for managing
managing cloud managing cloud cloud based
based based applications.
applications. applications.
2. Ability to identify Always able to Most of the times Some of the times
the managerial identify able to identify able to identify
challenges in managerial managerial managerial
cloud challenges in challenges in challenges in
applications. cloud cloud cloud
applications. applications. applications.

Rubrics for the individual Assessment Components

End Term Examination (Weightage: 40%)
Course Outcomes for which the Rubrics is being developed:
CO1: Analyse the components of cloud computing for business agility
CO2: Compare and contrast the economic benefits delivered by various cloud models.
CO3:Develop understanding of best practices for managing cloud based applications.

Sr. Excellent Good Poor

Criteria %
No 8-10 5-7 0-4
1. Content - Content is - Content is - Content is 50%
accurate, accurate, has inadequate and
comprehensive, good coverage lacks depth.
and persuasive. and persuasive.

2. Analysis - Analysis is - Analysis is - Analysis is 40%

appropriate, almost superficial &
astute and appropriate vague with no
praiseworthy. relation to facts
3. Presentation - Relevant terms - Relevant terms - Relevant terms 10%
are used are used are not used
properly and sometimes and
applied very applied mostly. Less clarity in
suitably Moderate expression &
wherever clarity in many
required. expression &
High clarity in grammatical grammatical
expression & v. errors. errors.

Class Test (Weightage: 20%)

Course Outcomes for which the Rubrics is being developed:
CO1: Analyse the components of cloud computing for business agility
CO2: Compare and contrast the economic benefits delivered by various cloud models.
CO3:Develop understanding of best practices for managing cloud based applications.
Sr. Excellent Good Poor
Criteria %
No 8-10 5-7 0-4
1. Content - Content is - Content is - Content is 50%
accurate, accurate, has inadequate and
comprehensive, good coverage lacks depth.
and persuasive. and persuasive.

2. Analysis - Analysis is - Analysis is - Analysis is 40%

appropriate, almost superficial &
astute and appropriate vague with no
praiseworthy. relation to facts
3. Presentation - Relevant terms - Relevant terms - Relevant terms 10%
are used are used are not used
properly and sometimes and
applied very applied mostly. Less clarity in
suitably Moderate expression &
wherever clarity in many
required. expression & grammatical
High clarity in grammatical errors.
expression & v. errors.

Group assignment (20%)

In Group assignment, group has to written analysis of given case to be discussed in
Course Outcomes for which the Rubrics is being developed:
CO2: Compare and contrast the economic benefits delivered by various cloud models.
CO3:Develop understanding of best practices for managing cloud based applications.

Sr. Excellent Good Poor

Criteria %
No 8-10 5-7 0-4
1. Scope Adequate Moderate Inadequate 20%
Coverage coverage of coverage of coverage of
project scope. project scope. project scope.
2. Content Highly effective in Good in terms of Ineffective in 60%
Quality & terms of content content quality, terms of content
Depth quality, relevance relevance and quality, relevance
and depth of depth of and depth of
information. information. information.
Students exhibit Students exhibit Students exhibit
appropriate moderate inappropriate
understanding of understanding of understanding of
subject. subject. subject.
3. Presentat Report/Presentati Report/Presentati Report/Presenta 20%
ion on is properly on is moderately tion is ill-
structured with structured with structured with
appropriate decent language poor language
language and and formatting. and formatting.

Quizzes (5x4=20%)
Course Outcomes for which the Rubrics is being developed:
CO1: Analyse the components of cloud computing for business agility
CO2: Compare and contrast the economic benefits delivered by various cloud models.
Excellent Good Poor
Points 8 – 10 Points 5 - 7 Points 0-4
Quality of - Over 80% of 50-70% responses Less than 40 %
Response responses are are correct. responses are correct.

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