Copy of Gap Analysis, (WYTU - EC, EP)

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Name of University: West Yangon Technological University

Identified Gaps and

AUN-QA Criteria & Requirements Rating (Scale 1 to 7) Existing QA Practice Responsible Party Deadline (Date) Status
Improvement to Them
Expected Learning

The learning taxonomy

The programme to show used is incomplete and not
that the expected learning standardized across the
outcomes are appropriately Expected learning programme.
formulated in accordance outcomes (PLOs) are
IQA Unit
with an established formulated. Establish a complete
1.1 3 Electronic Engg. Dept. Feb - March, 2024
learning taxonomy, are University vision and learning taxonmy and
aligned to the vision and mission have already been standardize it across all
mission of the university, mentioned. programmes.
and are known to all Make alignment between
stakeholders. ELOs and University Vision
and Mission

The programme to show

Some PLOs, CLOs are not
that the expected learning
outcomes for all courses
Expected learning
are appropriately Electronic Engg. Dept.,
1.2 3 outcomes (CLOs) are Review and Revise PLOs March - May, 2024
formulated and are aligned Dept. (Compulsory Subjects)
formulated. and CLOs
to the expected learning
Make alignment between
outcomes of the
CLOs and PLOs

The programme to show

that the expected learning
outcomes consist of both
Some CLOs are incomplete
generic outcomes (related
to fullfill the generic skill.
to written and oral
Expected learning
communication, problem- Electronic Engg. Dept.,
1.3 4 outcomes (PLOs, CLOs) Review and Revise CLOs, Dept. (Compulsory Subjects) May-Jun, 2024
solving, information
are formulated. methodologies to be
technology, teambuilding
consistent with these ELOs.
skills, etc) and subject
specific outcomes (related
to knowledge and skills of
the study discipline).

The programme to show

that the requirements of the Less stakeholder
stakeholders, especially the Expected learning involvement
external stakeholders, are outcomes (PLOs, CLOs) Rector,
1.4 2 Jun-Aug, 2024
gathered, and that these are mostly formulated Communicate and Electronic Engg. Dept.,
are reflected in the internally. collaborate esp with
expected learning industry and alumni
Weakness in review and
The programme to show The achievements of ELOs revise
that the expected learning are calculated and Student affair
update and modify the
1.5 outcomes are achieved by 4 analyzed according to ELOs based on the
Electronic Engg. Dept., Aug-Oct, 2024
the students by the time EEAC Guidelines (Nation Dept. (Compulsory Subjects)
they graduate. Building). Need to aligned better to
the Bloom's taxonomy
Programme Structure and

Not all stakeholders are

effectively participated.
The specifications of the
programme and all its program and course Conduct and communicate
courses are shown to be specification are with external
Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.1 comprehensive, up-to- 3 comprehensive stakeholder(industry,
Electronics Engg.Dept
date, and made available currently ,mostly accessible employer,alumini…..) as
and communicated to all by internal stakeholders soon as possible
stakeholders. Improve the involvement of

Weakness in QA practice
The design of the
curriculum is shown to be Curriculum is generally Need to promote QA pratice
Electronic Engg. Dept.,
2.2 constructively aligned with 4 aligned to achieve ELOs. Need to do the CQI
Dept. (Compulsory Subjects)
achieving the expected (Continual Quality
learning outcomes. Improvement) for course
level, program level

The design of the Less involvement of

Curriculum design is
curriculum is shown to external stakeholders
regularly discussed with Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.3 include feedback from 2 Aug-Sep,2024
Board of Study (EC). Communicate and make a
Electronics Engg. Dept.
stakeholders, especially
external stakeholders. practice to participate

The contribution made by

Contribution of courses to
each course in achieving Need to improve for
PLOs is carried out
2.4 the expected learning 3 ensuring the contribution of Electronics Engg. Dept. Aug-Sep,2024
according to EEAC each courses to ELOs
outcomes is shown to be

The curriculum to show that

all its courses are logically
structured, properly
curriculum structure is Develop curriculum
sequenced (progression Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.5 3 already mentioned for structure for transforming November-December,2024
from basic to KG+12 System
Electronics Engg. Dept.
current system
intermediate to
specialised courses), and
are integrated.

The curriculum to have

option(s) for students to It may be considered in Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.6 1 November-December,2024
pursue major and/or minor KG+12 at December 2024. Electronics Engg. Dept.
The programme to show Mostly participate internal
that its curriculum is stakeholders for reviewing
reviewed periodically The curriculum is reviewed
Need to participate external Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.7 following an established 4 and revised periodically by stakeholders Electronics Engg. Dept.
procedure and that it Board of Study (EC). Need to promote
remains up-to-date and involvement of external
relevant to industry. stakeholders

Teaching and Learning


The educational philosophy

is shown to be articulated
and communicated to all
Need to set Educational IQA Unit
3.1 stakeholders. It is also 1 No Educational Philosophy Philosophy All stakeholders
April-May, 2024
shown to be reflected in the
teaching and learning

Weakness in teaching-
learning activities for all
The teaching and learning student participation stated in
Teaching and learning curriculum design IQA Unit
activities are shown to
activities are already Admin and Finance
3.2 allow students to participate 3 Aug-Sep,2024
defined in curriculum Promote and create Electronics Engg. Dept.
responsibly in the learning teaching/learning
process. methodologies (eg. Student
center approach) for every
students participation

The teaching and learning OBE has been Some are still using traditional
IQA Unit
teaching and learning process
activities are shown to implemented for the Admin and Finance
3.3 3 Aug-Sep,2024
involve active learning by approach of active Need to approach students
Electronics Engg. Dept.
the students. teaching/learning. center approach

The teaching and learning weakness in university-

activities are shown to industry collaboration for
Various activities such as
promote learning, learning Industrial visit, Industrial
site visit, project, integrated
how to learn, and instilling Attachment, Internship
design projects (IDP),
in students a commitment
internship, graduation
for life-long learning (e.g., Need to promote university-
3.4 3 thesis, technical talk, etc. Electronics Engg. Dept. Aug-Sep,2024
commitment to critical industry collaboration,
IQA Unit
are implemented to foster Need to carry out
inquiry, information-
student commitment to teaching/learning activities
processing skills, and a
exploring new ideas and integrated with experimental
willingness to experiment
practices. practice
with new ideas and
Weakness in research at
The teaching and learning undergraduate level,
Students are involved in
activities are shown to participating in conference
group project, integrated
inculcate in students, new Electronics Engg. Dept.
3.5 3 design project(IDP) rather Aug-Sep,2024
ideas, creative thought, need to participate in IQA Unit
than engaging in research competition, national
innovation, and an
entrepreneurial mindset. conference (Eg. networking
competition, etc.)

The teaching and learning weakness in alignment of

processes are shown to be teaching and learning process
continuously improved to have the feedback of and industry with the ELOs
Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
3.6 ensure their relevance to 3 industry needs from Need to review and improve
Electronics Engg. Dept. Aug-Sep,2024
the needs of industry and internship Rector
teaching/learning process for
are aligned to the expected the alignment of the ELOs
learning outcomes. and needs of the industry

4 Student Assessment
A variety of assessment
methods are shown to be Less effective in formative
used and are shown to be assessment.
Different assessment
constructively aligned to Student Affair
4.1 3 delivery mode are applied Need to set the effective Aug-Sep,2024
achieving the expected assessment plan for the
Electronics Engg. Dept.
in different subject.
learning outcomes and the constructively alignment to
teaching and learning ELOs

follow the guidelines of DAST

The assessment and for assessment.
assessment-appeal policies No systematic process. Aug-Sep,2024
assessment policy has not DAST
4.2 are shown to be explicit, 2
clearly mentioned Student Affair *Need to get permission from
communicated to students, Need to set assessment- DAST
and applied consistently. appeal procedure
following to DAST

The assessment standards

and procedures for student no procedure for student
Degree completion of progression
progression and degree
assessment standards and Student Affair
4.3 completion, are shown to 3 April-May, 2024
procedures are clearly Need to define procedure, Senate Members
be explicit, communicated rules and regulations clearly
to students, and applied for the students progression

The assessments methods rubrics are not clearly defined,

are shown to include weakness in formative
rubrics, marking schemes, Marking schemes are used assessment
timelines, and regulations, for student assessment
4.4 4 Electronics Engg. Dept. April-May, 2024
and these are shown to according to timelines and need to define and monitor
ensure validity, reliability, regulations whether or not following the
and fairness in rubrics for every assessment,
The assessment methods
are shown to measure the weakness in measuring the
achievement of the The assessment methods achievement of ELOs
Electronics Engg. Dept.
4.5 expected learning 4 are mentioned to measure Student Affair
outcomes of the the achievement of ELOs. need to make sure the
programme and its achievement of ELOs

Feedback of student weakness in providing

formative feedback
assessment is shown to be Informal feedback to Electronics Engg. Dept.
4.6 2 May-Jun, 2024
provided in a timely student assessment need to provide formative
IQA Unit
manner. feedback timely

The student assessment

and its processes are Weakness in reviewing
shown to be continuously student assessment for
The assessment methods ensuring relevance to industry
reviewed and improved to Electronics Engg. Dept.
4.7 2 are mentioned for the needs Aug-Sep,2024
ensure their relevance to Boards of Study (BoS)/Senate
alignment to ELOs.
the needs of industry and Need to review and improve
alignment to the expected to ensure industry needs
learning outcomes.
5 Academic Staff
The programme to show
that academic staff
planning (including
succession, promotion, re- Weakness in academic staff
centralized system succession plan to fulfill the
deployment, termination,
manages academic staff needs for quality education DAST
5.1 and retirement plans) is 2
planning (transfer, assign, Admin
carried out to ensure that Need to have academic staff
promotion and etc.)
the quality and quantity of succession plan
the academic staff fulfil the
needs for education,
research, and service.

The programme to show Weakness in measuring and

that staff workload is Teaching staff workload monitoring of staff workload
IQA Unit
measured and monitored to (personal loading) is systematically
5.2 3 Admin Oct-Dec, 2024
improve the quality of measure. Electronics Engg. Dept.
education, research, and Need to calculate the FTE
service. systematically

Weakness in evaluation and

communicating academic staff
The programme to show competences
Determine the general
that the competences of the IQA Unit
competances of academic
5.3 academic staff are 2 Need to set criteria for Admin Oct-Dec, 2024
staff (eg. Educational Level, evaluating academic staff Electronics Engg. Dept.
determined, evaluated, and
Position etc.) specific competences,
Need to evaluate periodically
academic staff competences
Weakness in appropriate
The programme to show duty allocation to academic
that the duties allocated to staff, Oct-Dec, 2024
Duties are assigned
the academic staff are Require adequate academic DAST
5.4 3 according to avaliable
appropriate to staff. Admin *Need to get permission from
resources. DAST
qualifications, experience,
and aptitude. Need to support adequate
academic staff

The programme to show Systematic performance

that promotion of the evaluations are not conducted
academic staff is based on Based on criteria set by the
5.5 3 Need to set performance Admin Oct-Dec, 2024
a merit system which Ministry evaluation criteria and Electronics Engg. Dept
accounts for teaching, evaluate systematically and
research, and service. periodically.

The programme to show

that the rights and Weakness in performing in
privileges, benefits, roles accordance with the defined
and relationships, and criteria because of inadequate Oct-Dec, 2024
accountability of the Well defined by DAST the resources DAST
5.6 3
academic staff, taking into roles and responsibilities. Admin *Need to get permission from
account professional ethics DAST
and their academic Need to have adequate
freedom, are well defined academic and support staff
and understood.

The programme to show

that the training and Weakeness in implementing
developmental needs of the required training by external
academic staff are Internal training and expert
Electronics Engg. Dep
5.7 systematically identified, 3 development activities are Need to implement required Finance Oct-Dec, 2024
and that appropriate implemented. training and development
training and development activities by external expert if
activities are implemented needed.
to fulfil the identified needs.

The programme to show no monitoring and evlauation

that performance of performance management
management including reward and recognition is
IQA Unit
5.8 reward and recognition is 2 only based on service Need to set performance
Student Affair
Oct-Dec, 2024
implemented to assess years. management plan for the
academic staff teaching assessment of academic staff
and research quality. quality

6 Student Support Services

The student intake policy,
admission criteria, and only communicate and
admission procedures to published on News Paper Oct-Dec, 2024
the intake policy is defined
6.1 the programme are shown 3
by centralised system need to set up the
Student Affair
*Need to get permission from
to be clearly defined, communication channel (Eg. DAST
communicated, published, Website, Social Media)
and up-to-date.

Both short-term and long- weakness in planning for

term planning of academic academic and non-academic
and non-academic support support services
services are shown to be providing non academic Oct-Dec, 2024
6.2 carried out to ensure 2 support services (eg need to set short-term and Finance
*Need to get permission from
sufficiency and quality of providing hostel,stipend) long term plan for academic Student Affair
support services for and non academic support
teaching, research, and services
community service.

An adequate system is
weakness in systematic
shown to exist for student corrective actions to student
progress, academic progress
performance, and workload
monitoring. Student need to set the corrective
progress, academic Calculating the SLT credit Electronics Engg. Dept:
action guideline,
Student Affair
6.3 performance, and workload 3 according to the EEAC systematic monitoring and
Admin and Finance
July-August, 2024
are shown to be guidelines(M EngC) record.
systematically recorded (Eg need to develop IT
and monitored. Feedback center- IT support for the
to students and corrective whole university)
actions are made where

Weakness in support for

improving learning experience
Co-curricular activities, such as events, technical
student competition, and Engage in co-curricular talks for specialized area
other student support activities (project show, Electronics Engg. Dept:
(especilly in communication,
Student Affair
6.4 services are shown to be 3 competitions, and sport control, semiconductor), and
Admin and Finance
Oct-Dec, 2024
available to improve activities). job fair
learning experience and
employability. Need to invite technical
experts and arrange events
and job fair
The competences of the
support staff rendering
student services are shown
to be identified for
recruitment and Identify competences of the Weakness in competence of
deployment. These support staff for support staff for the relevance
Oct-Dec, 2024
to stakeholders needs
competences are shown to recruitment, DAST
6.5 2
be evaluated to ensure cann't follow in exactly need to recruite sufficient
Admin *Need to get permission from
their continued relevance to because of limited DAST
support staff in accordance
stakeholders needs. Roles resources with the defined competences
and relationships are
shown to be well- defined
to ensure smooth delivery
of the services.

No effective evaluation
Student support services process for student support
are shown to be subjected Finance
Take feedback for student Student Affair
6.6 to evaluation, 2 July-August, 2024
support services Need to set effective
IQA Unit
benchmarking, and
enhancement. evaluation process for student
support services
Facilities and
Inadequate physical
The physical resources to resources (facilities and
deliver the curriculum, Physical resources equipment) Oct-Dec, 2024
including equipment, (classroom, laboratories) DAST
7.1 3
material, and information exist but insufficient Need to support required Admin and Finance *Need to get permission from
technology, are shown to comprehensive facilities. physical resources (Eg. DAST
be sufficient. Modern classroom facilities,
laboratory equipments)

The laboratories and need to support up-to-date

Some of the laboratories Oct-Dec, 2024
equipment are shown to be laboratories equipments,
equipment are not up-to- DAST
7.2 up-to-date, readily 3 need to recruit lab technician
date and effectively for effective deployment of
Admin and Finance *Need to get permission from
available, and effectively DAST
deployed. equipment.

A digital library is shown to Oct-Dec, 2024

be set-up, in keeping with university has not digital need to set systematic
7.3 2 Admin
progress in information and library digital library Student Affair
*Need to get permission from
communication technology. DAST

need to set IT center (IT

The information technology support for the whole
systems are shown to be no IT System to meet the university)
7.4 2 Finance July-August, 2024
set up to meet the needs of needs of staff and students (Eg. Student Affair
staff and students.
The university is shown to Inadequate accessiblie
provide a highly accessible computer and network
computer and network
provide internet access for infrastructure for teaching and Oct-Dec, 2024
infrastructure that enables research DAST
all staff and students,
7.5 the campus community to 2 Admin
provide computer for need to support highly access Finance
*Need to get permission from
fully exploit information DAST
administration, network structure,
technology for teaching,
research, service, and need to support computer for
administration. specific purposes

weakness in practice for

health and safety,
some building are not
The environmental, health, accessible and usable by
and safety standards and people with disabilities
IQA Unit
access for people with not define health, and
7.6 2 need to arrange awareness Admin Oct-Dec, 2024
special needs are shown to safety standards training for health and safety Finance
be defined and practice, and
implemented. need to arrange the
accessible and usable
environment for people with

incomplete provision for

physical and social
The university is shown to environment, and
provide a physical, social, lack of provision for
provide physical
and psychological psychological environment IQA Unit
environment for
7.7 environment that is 2 Admin Oct-Dec, 2024
teaching/learning, and need to support accessible Student Affair
conducive for education,
research basic needs and convenience physical
research, and personal
well-being. environment,
Need to provide for medical
care, security and safety

The competences of the no evaluation process for

support staff rendering competences of support staff
services related to facilities to fulfill the stakeholder
are shown to be identified needs, IQA Unit
7.8 2 currently, no identification Oct-Dec, 2024
and evaluated to ensure Admin
that their skills remain need to define the evaluation
relevant to stakeholder criteria and arrange the
needs. evaluation process

The quality of the facilities inadequate facilities

(library, laboratory, IT, and (laboratories, IT, Digital Oct-Dec, 2024
basic facilities (library,
student services) are services, etc.) DAST
7.9 3 laboratory, and student
shown to be subjected to Admin *Need to get permission from
services) are provided. need to provide the required DAST
evaluation and
enhancement. facilities

8 Output and Outcomes

The pass rate, dropout rate, no benchmarking for
and average time to improvement
graduate are shown to be calculate pass rate, and IQA Unit
8.1 3 need to have the system for Oct-Nov, 2024
established, monitored, and dropout rate benchmarking for
Student Affair
benchmarked for improvement and in seeking
improvement. best practices

Employability as well as no monitoring and

self-employment, Some graduates are benchmarking for
entrepreneurship, and employed at local and improvement regard to
IQA Unit
advancement to further international companies, graduate employability
8.2 2 Student Affair Oct-Nov, 2024
studies, are shown to be and some are self- Electronics Engg. Dept:
established, monitored, and employment and need to set up data center for
benchmarked for entrepreneurship. employability rate, and
improvement. monitoring system

Research and creative weakness in research culture

work output and activities by academic staff and
carried out by the academic students Oct-Dec, 2024
staff and students, are Some academic staff are
8.3 2 DAST
shown to be established, carried out research need to encourge for
*Need to get permission from
monitored, and developing research culture DAST
benchmarked for need to support required
improvement. research facilities

no calculation for the

achievement of PLOs
According to AUN-QA
Data are provided to show
Calculation of achievement *(some data are complicated
directly the achievement of for calculating)
data has already provided IQA Unit
8.4 the programme outcomes, 3 Oct-Dec, 2024
according to EEAC need to understand clearly
Electronics Engg. Dept:
which are established and
guideline (M-EngC) guidelines of AUN-QA for the
need to establish and
measuring system of
alignment CLOs and PLOs

No benchmark for
Satisfaction level of the not monitoring for various
The student and staff stakeholders satisfaction
various stakeholders are
satisfactions (internal
shown to be established, IQA Unit
8.5 2 stakeholders)are carried Need to measure stakholders Oct-Dec, 2024
monitored, and satisfaction
Electronics Engg. Dept:
benchmarked for need to monitor various
improvement. stakeholders satisfaction for
improvement (employers,
Name of University: West Yangon Technological University
Gaps to Fulfill Improvement to Close
AUN-QA Criteria & Requirements Rating (Scale 1 to 7) Responsible Party Deadline (Date) Status
Requirement Gaps
Expected Learning Identified Gaps and
1 Existing QA Practice
Outcomes Improvement to Them

The learning taxonomy

The programme to show used is incomplete and not
that the expected learning standardized across the
outcomes are appropriately Expected learning programme.
formulated in accordance outcomes (PLOs) are
Head of IQA
with an established formulated. Establish a complete
1.1 3 Head of Electrical Power Feb - March, 2024
learning taxonomy, are University vision and learning taxonmy and Engg.
aligned to the vision and mission have already been standardize it across all
mission of the university, mentioned. programmes.
and are known to all Make alignment between
stakeholders. ELOs and University Vision
and Mission

The programme to show

Some PLOs, CLOs are not
that the expected learning
outcomes for all courses
Expected learning
are appropriately Head of Electrical Power and
1.2 3 outcomes (CLOs) are Review and Revise PLOs March - May, 2024
formulated and are aligned teaching staff
formulated. and CLOs
to the expected learning
Make alignment between
outcomes of the
CLOs and PLOs

The programme to show

that the expected learning
outcomes consist of both
generic outcomes (related
to written and oral Review and Revise CLOs,
communication, problem- Some CLOs are incomplete methodologies to be Teaching staff of the each
1.3 4 14-6-2024
solving, information to fullfill the generic skill. consistent with these ELOs. course
technology, teambuilding
skills, etc) and subject
specific outcomes (related
to knowledge and skills of
the study discipline).

The programme to show

that the requirements of the
stakeholders, especially the
Communicate and
external stakeholders, are Less stakeholder Rector,
1.4 2 collaborate esp with 28-8-2024
gathered, and that these involvement industry and allumni
Head of program
are reflected in the
expected learning
The programme to show update and modify the
that the expected learning ELOs based on the
Weakness in review and Head of Student affair
1.5 outcomes are achieved by 4 achievement, 17-12-2024
revise Need to aligned better to
Every teaching staff
the students by the time
they graduate. the Bloom's taxonomy

Programme Structure and


The specifications of the Conduct and communicate

programme and all its with external
courses are shown to be stakeholder(industry,
Not all stakeholders are employer,alumini…..) as Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.1 comprehensive, up-to- 3 17/12/2024
effectively participated. soon as possible Head of Program
date, and made available Improve the involvement of
and communicated to all industry

The design of the Need to promote QA pratice

curriculum is shown to be Need to do the CQI
Head of Department and
2.2 constructively aligned with 4 Weakness in QA practice (Continual Quality
every teaching staff
achieving the expected Improvement) for course
learning outcomes. level, program level

The design of the

curriculum is shown to
Less involvement of Communicate and make a Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.3 include feedback from 2 17/12/2024
external stakeholders practice to participate Head of Program
stakeholders, especially
external stakeholders.
The contribution made by
each course in achieving No mapping of Courses to
Need to develop mapping of All teaching staffs of the
2.4 the expected learning 3 PLOs for ensuring the course and PLOs program
outcomes is shown to be effective contribution.

The curriculum to show that

all its courses are logically
structured, properly
No curriculum structure for
sequenced (progression Need to develop curriculum Head of Program,
2.5 3 ensuring that all courses 17/12/2024
from basic to structure All teaching staff
are logically structure.
intermediate to
specialised courses), and
are integrated.

The curriculum to have

option(s) for students to It may be considered in
2.6 1
pursue major and/or minor KG+12 at December 2024.
The programme to show
that its curriculum is Need to participate external
reviewed periodically stakeholders
Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
2.7 following an established 4 internal stakeholders only Need to promote Head of Program
procedure and that it involvement of external
remains up-to-date and stakeholders
relevant to industry.
Teaching and Learning

The educational philosophy

is shown to be articulated
and communicated to all Rector,
Need to set Educational
3.1 stakeholders. It is also 1 No Educational Philosophy Philosophy Head of IQA 6/5/2024
shown to be reflected in the All stakeholders
teaching and learning

The teaching and learning Promote and create

activities are shown to Weakness in teaching- Head of IQA
Every teaching staff,
3.2 allow students to participate 3 learning environment for methodologies (eg. Student
Head of Admin and Finance
responsibly in the learning student participation center approach) for every
process. students participation

The teaching and learning Head of IQA

Some are still using
activities are shown to Need to approach students Every teaching staff,
3.3 3 traditional teaching and 17/12/2024
involve active learning by center approach Head of Admin and Finance
learning process
the students.

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to
promote learning, learning
how to learn, and instilling weak industry-university- Need to promote university-
in students a commitment industry collaboration for industry collaboration,
Need to carry out Rector
for life-long learning (e.g., Industrial visit
3.4 3 teaching/learning activities Head of Program, 12/12/2024
commitment to critical Industrial Attachment integrated with experimental All teaching staff
inquiry, information- Internship practice
processing skills, and a
willingness to experiment
with new ideas and

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to Weak of research at need to participate in
Every Teachers
inculcate in students, new undergraduate level, competition, national
3.5 3 Head of Program 12/12/2024
ideas, creative thought, participating in conference conference (Eg. networking Rector
innovation, and an competition, etc.)
entrepreneurial mindset.

The teaching and learning

processes are shown to be
weakness in alignment of Need to review and improve
continuously improved to Board of Study (BOS)/Senate,
teaching and learning teaching/learning process for
3.6 ensure their relevance to 3 Head of Program 12/12/2024
process and industry with the alignment of the ELOs
the needs of industry and and needs of the industry
the ELOs
are aligned to the expected
learning outcomes.

4 Student Assessment
A variety of assessment
methods are shown to be
Some courses cann't be
used and are shown to be Need to set the effective
made systematically Head of Student Affair
constructively aligned to assessment plan for the
4.1 3 formative assessment Head of Program, 12/12/2024
achieving the expected constructively alignment to
All teaching staff
because of incomplete ELOs
learning outcomes and the
effective assessment plan
teaching and learning

The assessment and

follow the guidelines of 12/12/2024
assessment-appeal policies Need to set summative
DAST for assessment. DAST
4.2 are shown to be explicit, 2 assessment-appeal procedure
no summative assessment- following to DAST Head of Student Affair, *Need to get permission from
communicated to students, DAST
appeal policy
and applied consistently.

The assessment standards

and procedures for student Degree completion of
progression and degree assessment standards and Need to define procedure,
Head of Student Affair,
4.3 completion, are shown to 3 procedures are clearly rules and regulations clearly
Senate Members
be explicit, communicated defined but no procedure for the students progression
to students, and applied for student progression

The assessments methods

are shown to include need to review, revise and
rubrics, marking schemes, partially applied effective follow the rubric of every
Head of IQA
timelines, and regulations, assessment methods, assessment,
4.4 4 Head of Program, 12/12/2024
and these are shown to weakness in formative need to ensure the effective
All teaching staff
ensure validity, reliability, assessment formative assessment,
and fairness in

The assessment methods

are shown to measure the
achievement of the
weakness in measuring the need to make sure the Head of Program,
4.5 expected learning 4 12/12/2024
achievement of ELOs achievement of ELOs All teaching staff
outcomes of the
programme and its
Feedback of student
assessment is shown to be weakness in providing need to provide formative Head of Program,
4.6 2 12/12/2024
provided in a timely formative feedback feedback timely All teaching staff
The student assessment
and its processes are
shown to be continuously
Need to review with plan and Head of Program,
reviewed and improved to no continuously review
4.7 2 to ensure the needs of All teaching staff, 12/12/2024
ensure their relevance to student assessment industry Recor
the needs of industry and
alignment to the expected
learning outcomes.
5 Academic Staff
The programme to show
that academic staff
planning (including
succession, promotion, re-
Weakness in academic 12/12/2024
deployment, termination, DAST
staff succession plan to Need to have academic staff
5.1 and retirement plans) is 2 Rector
fulfill the needs for quality succession plan
Head of Admin
*Need to get permission from
carried out to ensure that DAST
the quality and quantity of
the academic staff fulfil the
needs for education,
research, and service.

The programme to show

that staff workload is
Weakness in monitoring Need to measure and monitor Head of IQA
measured and monitored to
5.2 3 and measurement of staff staff workload for quality Head of Programs 23-1-2025
improve the quality of education Head of Admin
education, research, and
The programme to show Need to set criteria for Rector,
Weakness in evaluation
that the competences of the evaluating academic staff Head of IQA
and communicating
5.3 academic staff are 2 competences, Head of Admin, 28-2-2025
academic staff Need to evaluate academic
determined, evaluated, and
competences staff competences
The programme to show
Weakness in appropriate
that the duties allocated to 28-2-2025
duty allocation to academic DAST
the academic staff are Need to support qualified
5.4 3 staff, Rector
appropriate to academic staff
Head of Admin
*Need to get permission from
Require qualify academic DAST
qualifications, experience,
and aptitude.
The programme to show
that promotion of the 28-2-2025
only based on service year DAST
academic staff is based on Need to review and revise the
5.5 2 and education level Rector
a merit system which promotion criteria
Head of Admin
*Need to get permission from
(degree holder), yet DAST
accounts for teaching,
research, and service.

The programme to show

that the rights and
privileges, benefits, roles
and relationships, and Only based on National Need to follow effectively 28-2-2025
accountability of the Civil Service Act, Need to have adequate
5.6 3 Rector
academic staff, taking into Weakness in following the academic staff Head of Admin
*Need to get permission from
account professional ethics defined criteria DAST
and their academic
freedom, are well defined
and understood.
The programme to show
that the training and
developmental needs of the
academic staff are Not Systematically Head of Admin
Need to indentify systematic
HoD program
5.7 systematically identified, 2 indentified and no feedback and implement to fulfil the Rector
and that appropriate on previous training identify needs
training and development
activities are implemented
to fulfil the identified needs.

The programme to show

that performance
management including no monitoring and Need to set performance Head of Admin
management plan for the HoD program
5.8 reward and recognition is 2 evlauation of performance assessment of academic staff Rector
implemented to assess management quality
academic staff teaching
and research quality.

6 Student Support Services

The student intake policy,

Weakness in QA practice,
admission criteria, and
centralise system for intake need to follow the QA practice *Need to get permission from
admission procedures to DAST,
policy, need to set up the DAST
6.1 the programme are shown 3
only have the admission communication channel (Eg.
Head of Student Affair
to be clearly defined, Website, Social Media) 21-5-2024
procedure for programme
communicated, published,
and up-to-date.

Both short-term and long-

term planning of academic
and non-academic support need to set short-term and
services are shown to be 12/12/2024
indequate planning for non- long term plan for academic DAST
6.2 carried out to ensure 3 and non academic support Rector
academic support services services Head of Admin
*Need to get permission from
sufficiency and quality of DAST
support services for
teaching, research, and
community service.

An adequate system is
shown to exist for student
progress, academic
performance, and workload
monitoring. Student need to set IT center (IT
progress, academic no systematic corrective support for the whole Head of Admin and Finance
university) Head of Student Affair
6.3 performance, and workload 2 actions to student (Eg. Head of Engineer Dept.
are shown to be feedbacks
systematically recorded internship/)
and monitored. Feedback
to students and corrective
actions are made where
Co-curricular activities,
student competition, and
Weakness in support for
other student support Need to arrange student
student counselling and Head of Student Affair, Rector
6.4 services are shown to be 3 counselling services and job 12/12/2024
employability fair
available to improve
learning experience and

The competences of the

support staff rendering
student services are shown
to be identified for
recruitment and
deployment. These Not well defined the need to evlauate the
competences are shown to competence of support staff competence of support staff Head of Admin,
6.5 2 for student services to ensure Head of Student Affair 12/12/2024
be evaluated to ensure for the relevance to the relevance of stakeholders Head of IQA
their continued relevance to stakeholders needs needs
stakeholders needs. Roles
and relationships are
shown to be well- defined
to ensure smooth delivery
of the services.

Student support services

are shown to be subjected No effective evaluation Head of Admin,
Need to set effective
Head of Student Affair
to evaluation, 2 process for student support evaluation process for student Head of IQA 12/12/2024
benchmarking, and service support services
Facilities and
The physical resources to
deliver the curriculum, 28-2-2025
Inadequate physical
including equipment, Need to support required DAST
7.1 3 resources (facilities and
material, and information physical resources Head of Admin and Finance *Need to get permission from
equipment) DAST
technology, are shown to
be sufficient.
The laboratories and
Some of the laboratories 28-2-2025
equipment are shown to be
equipment are not up-to- need to support up-to-date DAST
7.2 up-to-date, readily 3
date and effectively laboratories equipments Head of Admin and Finance *Need to get permission from
available, and effectively DAST

A digital library is shown to 28-2-2025

be set-up, in keeping with university has not digital need to set systematic
7.3 2 Head of Admin and Finance
progress in information and library digital library Head of Student Affair
*Need to get permission from
communication technology. DAST
need to set IT center (IT
The information technology support for the whole Head of Admin and Finance
no set up IT System to
systems are shown to be university) Head of Student Affair
7.4 2 meet the needs of staff and 21-5-2024
set up to meet the needs of (Eg. Head of IQA
staff and students.

The university is shown to

provide a highly accessible
computer and network
Inadequate accessiblie need to support highly access 28-2-2025
infrastructure that enables DAST
computer and network network structure,
7.5 the campus community to 2 Rector
infrastructure for teaching need to support computer for
Head of Admin and Finance
*Need to get permission from
fully exploit information specific purposes DAST
and research
technology for teaching,
research, service, and

The environmental, health, need to arrange awareness

weakness in practice for training for health and safety
and safety standards and
health and safety, practice, and Head of IQA,
access for people with
7.6 2 some building are not need to arrange the Head of Admin and Finance, 28-2-2025
special needs are shown to accessible and usable Head of Engineer Dept.
accessible and usable by
be defined and environment for people with
people with disabilities
implemented. disabilities

The university is shown to

provide a physical, social, incomplete provision for need to support accessible
and psychological physical and social and convenience physical Rector
7.7 environment that is 2 environment. and environment, Head of IQA, 28-2-2025
conducive for education, lack of provision for Need to provide for medical Head of Admin and Finance,
research, and personal psychological environment care, security and safety

The competences of the

support staff rendering
services related to facilities no evaluation process for
need to define the evaluation Head of IQA,
are shown to be identified competences of support
7.8 2 criteria and arrange the Head of Admin and Finance, 12/12/2024
and evaluated to ensure staff to fulfill the evaluation process Head of Engineer Dept.
that their skills remain stakeholder needs,
relevant to stakeholder

The quality of the facilities

(library, laboratory, IT, and 28-2-2025
inadequate facilities
student services) are need to provide the required DAST
7.9 3 (laboratories, IT, Digital
shown to be subjected to facilities Rector *Need to get permission from
services, etc.) DAST
evaluation and
8 Output and Outcomes
The pass rate, dropout rate,
and average time to need to have the system for
graduate are shown to be no benchmarking for benchmarking for Head of IQA
8.1 3 12/12/2024
established, monitored, and improvement improvement and in seeking Student affair Dept:
benchmarked for best practices
Employability as well as
entrepreneurship, and no monitoring and
need to set up data center for Head of IQA
advancement to further benchmarking for
8.2 2 employability rate, and Student affair Dept: 28-2-2025
studies, are shown to be improvement regard to monitoring system Head of Programs
established, monitored, and graduate employability
benchmarked for

Research and creative

work output and activities
carried out by the academic need to encourge for 28-2-2025
weakness in research
staff and students, are developing research culture
8.3 2 culture by academic staff, DAST
shown to be established, need to support required
*Need to get permission from
no student research work, research facilities DAST
monitored, and
benchmarked for

Data are provided to show need to define clear

no calculation for the
directly the achievement of guidelines for the calculation
achievement of PLOs Head of IQA
8.4 the programme outcomes, 2 need to establish and 28-2-2025
*(some data are measuring system of
Head of programs
which are established and
complicated for calculating) alignment CLOs and PLOs

Satisfaction level of the take only the student and Need to measure stakholders
various stakeholders are staff satisfaction, satisfaction
Head of IQA
shown to be established, No benchmark for need to monitor various
8.5 2 Head of Programs 28-2-2025
monitored, and improvement, stakeholders satisfaction for
All Teachers
benchmarked for not monitoring for various improvement (employers,
improvement. stakeholders satisfaction alumni)
AUN-QA Self-Assessment and IQA Plan
AUN-QA Criteria & Requirements Rating (Scale 1 to 7)

Expected Learning
The programme to show that
the expected learning
outcomes are appropriately
formulated in accordance with
1.1 an established learning 3
taxonomy, are aligned to the
vision and mission of the
university, and are known to all

The programme to show that

the expected learning
outcomes for all courses are
1.2 appropriately formulated and 3
are aligned to the expected
learning outcomes of the

The programme to show that

the expected learning
outcomes consist of both
generic outcomes (related to
written and oral
communication, problem-
solving, information
technology, teambuilding
skills, etc) and subject specific
outcomes (related to
knowledge and skills of the
study discipline).

The programme to show that

the requirements of the
stakeholders, especially the
1.4 external stakeholders, are
gathered, and that these are
reflected in the expected
learning outcomes.
The programme to show that
the expected learning
1.5 outcomes are achieved by the
students by the time they
Programme Structure and
The specifications of the
programme and all its courses
are shown to be
2.1 comprehensive, up-to- date,
and made available and
communicated to all

The design of the curriculum is

shown to be constructively
aligned with achieving the
expected learning outcomes.

The design of the curriculum is

shown to include feedback
from stakeholders, especially
external stakeholders.

The contribution made by each

course in achieving the
expected learning outcomes is
shown to be clear.

The curriculum to show that all

its courses are logically
structured, properly
2.5 sequenced (progression from
basic to intermediate to
specialised courses), and
are integrated.
The curriculum to have
option(s) for students to
pursue major and/or minor
The programme to show that
its curriculum is reviewed
periodically following an
established procedure and that
it remains up-to-date and
relevant to industry.
Teaching and Learning
The educational philosophy is
shown to be articulated and
communicated to all
stakeholders. It is also shown
to be reflected in the teaching
and learning activities.

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to allow
3.2 students to participate
responsibly in the learning

The teaching and learning

3.3 activities are shown to involve
active learning by the students.

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to promote
learning, learning how to learn,
and instilling in students a
commitment for life-long
learning (e.g., commitment to
critical inquiry, information-
processing skills, and a
willingness to experiment with
new ideas and practices).

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to
inculcate in students, new
ideas, creative thought,
innovation, and an
entrepreneurial mindset.
The teaching and learning
processes are shown to be
continuously improved to
3.6 ensure their relevance to the
needs of industry and are
aligned to the expected
learning outcomes.
4 Student Assessment
A variety of assessment
methods are shown to be used
and are shown to be
constructively aligned to
achieving the expected
learning outcomes and the
teaching and learning
The assessment and
assessment-appeal policies
4.2 are shown to be explicit,
communicated to students,
and applied consistently.
The assessment standards
and procedures for student
progression and degree
4.3 completion, are shown to be
explicit, communicated to
students, and applied

The assessments methods are

shown to include rubrics,
marking schemes, timelines,
4.4 and regulations, and these
are shown to ensure validity,
reliability, and fairness in
The assessment methods are
shown to measure the
4.5 achievement of the expected
learning outcomes of the
programme and its courses.
Feedback of student
4.6 assessment is shown to be
provided in a timely manner.
The student assessment and
its processes are shown to be
continuously reviewed and
4.7 improved to ensure their
relevance to the needs of
industry and alignment to the
expected learning outcomes.
5 Academic Staff
The programme to show that
academic staff planning
(including succession,
promotion, re- deployment,
termination, and retirement
plans) is carried out to ensure
that the quality and quantity of
the academic staff fulfil the
needs for education, research,
and service.

The programme to show that

staff workload is measured
5.2 and monitored to improve the
quality of education, research,
and service.

The programme to show that

the competences of the
academic staff are determined,
evaluated, and communicated.

The programme to show that

the duties allocated to the
5.4 academic staff are appropriate
to qualifications, experience,
and aptitude.
The programme to show that
promotion of the academic
staff is based on a merit
system which accounts for
teaching, research, and

The programme to show that

the rights and privileges,
benefits, roles and
relationships, and
5.6 accountability of the academic
staff, taking into account
professional ethics and their
academic freedom, are well
defined and understood.
The programme to show that
the training and developmental
needs of the academic staff
are systematically identified,
and that appropriate training
and development activities are
implemented to fulfil the
identified needs.

The programme to show that

performance management
including reward and
recognition is implemented to
assess academic staff
teaching and research quality.

6 Student Support Services

The student intake policy,
admission criteria, and
admission procedures to the
6.1 programme are shown to be
clearly defined,
communicated, published, and

Both short-term and long-term

planning of academic and non-
academic support services are
shown to be carried out to
ensure sufficiency and quality
of support services for
teaching, research, and
community service.
An adequate system is shown
to exist for student progress,
academic performance, and
workload monitoring. Student
progress, academic
6.3 performance, and workload
are shown to be systematically
recorded and monitored.
Feedback to students and
corrective actions are made
where necessary.

Co-curricular activities, student

competition, and other student
support services are shown to
be available to improve
learning experience and

The competences of the

support staff rendering student
services are shown to be
identified for recruitment and
deployment. These
competences are shown to be
evaluated to ensure their
continued relevance to
stakeholders needs. Roles and
relationships are shown to be
well- defined to ensure smooth
delivery of the services.

Student support services are

shown to be subjected to
evaluation, benchmarking, and

7 Facilities and Infrastructure

The physical resources to

deliver the curriculum,
7.1 including equipment, material,
and information technology,
are shown to be sufficient.
The laboratories and
equipment are shown to be
up-to-date, readily available,
and effectively deployed.
A digital library is shown to be
set-up, in keeping with
progress in information and
communication technology.
The information technology
systems are shown to be set
up to meet the needs of staff
and students.

The university is shown to

provide a highly accessible
computer and network
infrastructure that enables the
campus community to fully
exploit information technology
for teaching, research, service,
and administration.

The environmental, health,

and safety standards and
7.6 access for people with special
needs are shown to be defined
and implemented.
The university is shown to
provide a physical, social, and
psychological environment that
is conducive for education,
research, and personal well-
The competences of the
support staff rendering
services related to facilities are
7.8 shown to be identified and
evaluated to ensure that their
skills remain relevant to
stakeholder needs.
The quality of the facilities
(library, laboratory, IT, and
7.9 student services) are shown to
be subjected to evaluation and
8 Output and Outcomes
The pass rate, dropout rate,
and average time to graduate
8.1 are shown to be established,
monitored, and benchmarked
for improvement.

Employability as well as self-

entrepreneurship, and
advancement to further
studies, are shown to be
established, monitored, and
benchmarked for

Research and creative work

output and activities carried
out by the academic staff and
8.3 students, are shown to be
established, monitored, and
benchmarked for

Data are provided to show

directly the achievement of the
programme outcomes, which
are established and monitored.

Satisfaction level of the various

stakeholders are shown to be
8.5 established, monitored, and
benchmarked for
Gaps to Fulfill Requirement Improvement to Close Gaps Responsible Party

The learning taxonomy used is

Establish a complete learning
incomplete and not
taxonmy and standardize it
standardized across the
across all programmes

Some PLOs, CLOs and LLOs Review and Revise PLOs,

are not SMART CLOs and LLOs
Deadline (Date) Status
AUN-QA Self-Assessment and IQA Plan
AUN-QA Criteria & Requirements Rating (Scale 1 to 7)

Expected Learning
The programme to show that
the expected learning
outcomes are appropriately
formulated in accordance with
1.1 an established learning 3
taxonomy, are aligned to the
vision and mission of the
university, and are known to all

The programme to show that

the expected learning
outcomes for all courses are
1.2 appropriately formulated and 3
are aligned to the expected
learning outcomes of the

The programme to show that

the expected learning
outcomes consist of both
generic outcomes (related to
written and oral
communication, problem-
1.3 4
solving, information
technology, teambuilding
skills, etc) and subject specific
outcomes (related to
knowledge and skills of the
study discipline).

The programme to show that

the requirements of the
stakeholders, especially the
1.4 external stakeholders, are 2
gathered, and that these are
reflected in the expected
learning outcomes.
The programme to show that
the expected learning
1.5 outcomes are achieved by the 4
students by the time they
Programme Structure and
The specifications of the
programme and all its courses
are shown to be
2.1 comprehensive, up-to- date, 3
and made available and
communicated to all

The design of the curriculum is

shown to be constructively
aligned with achieving the
expected learning outcomes.

The design of the curriculum is

shown to include feedback
from stakeholders, especially
external stakeholders.

The contribution made by each

course in achieving the
expected learning outcomes is
shown to be clear.

The curriculum to show that all

its courses are logically
structured, properly
2.5 sequenced (progression from
basic to intermediate to
specialised courses), and
are integrated.
The curriculum to have
option(s) for students to
pursue major and/or minor
The programme to show that
its curriculum is reviewed
periodically following an
established procedure and that
it remains up-to-date and
relevant to industry.
Teaching and Learning
The educational philosophy is
shown to be articulated and
communicated to all
stakeholders. It is also shown
to be reflected in the teaching
and learning activities.

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to allow
3.2 students to participate
responsibly in the learning

The teaching and learning

3.3 activities are shown to involve
active learning by the students.

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to promote
learning, learning how to learn,
and instilling in students a
commitment for life-long
learning (e.g., commitment to
critical inquiry, information-
processing skills, and a
willingness to experiment with
new ideas and practices).

The teaching and learning

activities are shown to
inculcate in students, new
ideas, creative thought,
innovation, and an
entrepreneurial mindset.
The teaching and learning
processes are shown to be
continuously improved to
3.6 ensure their relevance to the
needs of industry and are
aligned to the expected
learning outcomes.
4 Student Assessment
A variety of assessment
methods are shown to be used
and are shown to be
constructively aligned to
achieving the expected
learning outcomes and the
teaching and learning
The assessment and
assessment-appeal policies
4.2 are shown to be explicit,
communicated to students,
and applied consistently.
The assessment standards
and procedures for student
progression and degree
4.3 completion, are shown to be
explicit, communicated to
students, and applied

The assessments methods are

shown to include rubrics,
marking schemes, timelines,
4.4 and regulations, and these
are shown to ensure validity,
reliability, and fairness in
The assessment methods are
shown to measure the
4.5 achievement of the expected
learning outcomes of the
programme and its courses.
Feedback of student
4.6 assessment is shown to be
provided in a timely manner.
The student assessment and
its processes are shown to be
continuously reviewed and
4.7 improved to ensure their
relevance to the needs of
industry and alignment to the
expected learning outcomes.
5 Academic Staff
The programme to show that
academic staff planning
(including succession,
promotion, re- deployment,
termination, and retirement
plans) is carried out to ensure
that the quality and quantity of
the academic staff fulfil the
needs for education, research,
and service.

The programme to show that

staff workload is measured
5.2 and monitored to improve the
quality of education, research,
and service.

The programme to show that

the competences of the
academic staff are determined,
evaluated, and communicated.

The programme to show that

the duties allocated to the
5.4 academic staff are appropriate
to qualifications, experience,
and aptitude.
The programme to show that
promotion of the academic
staff is based on a merit
system which accounts for
teaching, research, and

The programme to show that

the rights and privileges,
benefits, roles and
relationships, and
5.6 accountability of the academic
staff, taking into account
professional ethics and their
academic freedom, are well
defined and understood.
The programme to show that
the training and developmental
needs of the academic staff
are systematically identified,
and that appropriate training
and development activities are
implemented to fulfil the
identified needs.

The programme to show that

performance management
including reward and
recognition is implemented to
assess academic staff
teaching and research quality.

6 Student Support Services

The student intake policy,
admission criteria, and
admission procedures to the
6.1 programme are shown to be
clearly defined,
communicated, published, and

Both short-term and long-term

planning of academic and non-
academic support services are
shown to be carried out to
ensure sufficiency and quality
of support services for
teaching, research, and
community service.
An adequate system is shown
to exist for student progress,
academic performance, and
workload monitoring. Student
progress, academic
6.3 performance, and workload
are shown to be systematically
recorded and monitored.
Feedback to students and
corrective actions are made
where necessary.

Co-curricular activities, student

competition, and other student
support services are shown to
be available to improve
learning experience and

The competences of the

support staff rendering student
services are shown to be
identified for recruitment and
deployment. These
competences are shown to be
evaluated to ensure their
continued relevance to
stakeholders needs. Roles and
relationships are shown to be
well- defined to ensure smooth
delivery of the services.

Student support services are

shown to be subjected to
evaluation, benchmarking, and

7 Facilities and Infrastructure

The physical resources to

deliver the curriculum,
7.1 including equipment, material,
and information technology,
are shown to be sufficient.
The laboratories and
equipment are shown to be
up-to-date, readily available,
and effectively deployed.
A digital library is shown to be
set-up, in keeping with
progress in information and
communication technology.
The information technology
systems are shown to be set
up to meet the needs of staff
and students.

The university is shown to

provide a highly accessible
computer and network
infrastructure that enables the
campus community to fully
exploit information technology
for teaching, research, service,
and administration.

The environmental, health,

and safety standards and
7.6 access for people with special
needs are shown to be defined
and implemented.
The university is shown to
provide a physical, social, and
psychological environment that
is conducive for education,
research, and personal well-
The competences of the
support staff rendering
services related to facilities are
7.8 shown to be identified and
evaluated to ensure that their
skills remain relevant to
stakeholder needs.
The quality of the facilities
(library, laboratory, IT, and
7.9 student services) are shown to
be subjected to evaluation and
8 Output and Outcomes
The pass rate, dropout rate,
and average time to graduate
8.1 are shown to be established,
monitored, and benchmarked
for improvement.

Employability as well as self-

entrepreneurship, and
advancement to further
studies, are shown to be
established, monitored, and
benchmarked for

Research and creative work

output and activities carried
out by the academic staff and
8.3 students, are shown to be
established, monitored, and
benchmarked for

Data are provided to show

directly the achievement of the
programme outcomes, which
are established and monitored.

Satisfaction level of the various

stakeholders are shown to be
8.5 established, monitored, and
benchmarked for
Gaps to Fulfill Requirement Improvement to Close Gaps Responsible Party

The learning taxonomy used is

Establish a complete learning
incomplete and not
taxonmy and standardize it
standardized across the
across all programmes

Some PLOs, CLOs and LLOs Review and Revise PLOs,

are not SMART CLOs and LLOs

Some CLOs and LLOs are Review and Revise CLOs,

incomplete to fullfill the generic LLOs and methodologies to be
skill. consistent with these ELOs.

Communicate and collaborate

Less stakeholder involvement esp with industry and allumni

update and modify the ELOs

Weakness in review and revise based on the achievement,
Some courses are not
comprehensive and up-to-date
Deadline (Date) Status
Responsible Party Status
No. Date (Date)
Phase 1
Phase 2 :
Curriculum Design and Review
(New Programme)
Head of Program June 2024?
Curriculum Design and Review
(Existing Programme) Head of Program July 2024?
IQA Unit,
3 Learning and Teaching All teachers,
Head of Program Aug-24
Head of Student
4 Student Assessment Affair
Head of Program
All Teachers Sep-24
Student Outreach, Admission Head of Student
5 Affair
and Graduation
Head of Program Oct-24
Head of Student
6 Student Support and Services Affair
IQA Unit
Head of Program Nov-24
IQA Unit
7 Human Resources Management Rector
Ministry Dec-24
Building Facilities and IQA Unit
8.1 Rector
Ministry Nov to Dec 2024
8.2 Dormitory Management Head of Student
Affair Dec-24
8.3 Library Resources and Services Head of Student
Affair Dec-24
Head of Admin
Head of Student
8.4 IT Facilities and Services Affair
Representative of
IT Section Dec-24
Head of Admin
8.5 Safety, health and environment Head of Engineer
Department Dec-24
Head of Program
9 Research
IQA Unit Dec-24
Head of Admin
10 Community Services Rector
IQA Unit
Phase 3
Phase 4

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