Copy of Gap Analysis, (WYTU - EC, EP)
Copy of Gap Analysis, (WYTU - EC, EP)
Copy of Gap Analysis, (WYTU - EC, EP)
Weakness in QA practice
The design of the
curriculum is shown to be Curriculum is generally Need to promote QA pratice
Electronic Engg. Dept.,
2.2 constructively aligned with 4 aligned to achieve ELOs. Need to do the CQI
Dept. (Compulsory Subjects)
achieving the expected (Continual Quality
learning outcomes. Improvement) for course
level, program level
Weakness in teaching-
learning activities for all
The teaching and learning student participation stated in
Teaching and learning curriculum design IQA Unit
activities are shown to
activities are already Admin and Finance
3.2 allow students to participate 3 Aug-Sep,2024
defined in curriculum Promote and create Electronics Engg. Dept.
responsibly in the learning teaching/learning
process. methodologies (eg. Student
center approach) for every
students participation
The teaching and learning OBE has been Some are still using traditional
IQA Unit
teaching and learning process
activities are shown to implemented for the Admin and Finance
3.3 3 Aug-Sep,2024
involve active learning by approach of active Need to approach students
Electronics Engg. Dept.
the students. teaching/learning. center approach
4 Student Assessment
A variety of assessment
methods are shown to be Less effective in formative
used and are shown to be assessment.
Different assessment
constructively aligned to Student Affair
4.1 3 delivery mode are applied Need to set the effective Aug-Sep,2024
achieving the expected assessment plan for the
Electronics Engg. Dept.
in different subject.
learning outcomes and the constructively alignment to
teaching and learning ELOs
An adequate system is
weakness in systematic
shown to exist for student corrective actions to student
progress, academic progress
performance, and workload
monitoring. Student need to set the corrective
progress, academic Calculating the SLT credit Electronics Engg. Dept:
action guideline,
Student Affair
6.3 performance, and workload 3 according to the EEAC systematic monitoring and
Admin and Finance
July-August, 2024
are shown to be guidelines(M EngC) record.
systematically recorded (Eg need to develop IT
and monitored. Feedback center- IT support for the
to students and corrective whole university)
actions are made where
No effective evaluation
Student support services process for student support
are shown to be subjected Finance
Take feedback for student Student Affair
6.6 to evaluation, 2 July-August, 2024
support services Need to set effective
IQA Unit
benchmarking, and
enhancement. evaluation process for student
support services
Facilities and
Inadequate physical
The physical resources to resources (facilities and
deliver the curriculum, Physical resources equipment) Oct-Dec, 2024
including equipment, (classroom, laboratories) DAST
7.1 3
material, and information exist but insufficient Need to support required Admin and Finance *Need to get permission from
technology, are shown to comprehensive facilities. physical resources (Eg. DAST
be sufficient. Modern classroom facilities,
laboratory equipments)
No benchmark for
Satisfaction level of the not monitoring for various
The student and staff stakeholders satisfaction
various stakeholders are
satisfactions (internal
shown to be established, IQA Unit
8.5 2 stakeholders)are carried Need to measure stakholders Oct-Dec, 2024
monitored, and satisfaction
Electronics Engg. Dept:
benchmarked for need to monitor various
improvement. stakeholders satisfaction for
improvement (employers,
Name of University: West Yangon Technological University
Gaps to Fulfill Improvement to Close
AUN-QA Criteria & Requirements Rating (Scale 1 to 7) Responsible Party Deadline (Date) Status
Requirement Gaps
Expected Learning Identified Gaps and
1 Existing QA Practice
Outcomes Improvement to Them
4 Student Assessment
A variety of assessment
methods are shown to be
Some courses cann't be
used and are shown to be Need to set the effective
made systematically Head of Student Affair
constructively aligned to assessment plan for the
4.1 3 formative assessment Head of Program, 12/12/2024
achieving the expected constructively alignment to
All teaching staff
because of incomplete ELOs
learning outcomes and the
effective assessment plan
teaching and learning
An adequate system is
shown to exist for student
progress, academic
performance, and workload
monitoring. Student need to set IT center (IT
progress, academic no systematic corrective support for the whole Head of Admin and Finance
university) Head of Student Affair
6.3 performance, and workload 2 actions to student (Eg. Head of Engineer Dept.
are shown to be feedbacks
systematically recorded internship/)
and monitored. Feedback
to students and corrective
actions are made where
Co-curricular activities,
student competition, and
Weakness in support for
other student support Need to arrange student
student counselling and Head of Student Affair, Rector
6.4 services are shown to be 3 counselling services and job 12/12/2024
employability fair
available to improve
learning experience and
Satisfaction level of the take only the student and Need to measure stakholders
various stakeholders are staff satisfaction, satisfaction
Head of IQA
shown to be established, No benchmark for need to monitor various
8.5 2 Head of Programs 28-2-2025
monitored, and improvement, stakeholders satisfaction for
All Teachers
benchmarked for not monitoring for various improvement (employers,
improvement. stakeholders satisfaction alumni)
AUN-QA Self-Assessment and IQA Plan
AUN-QA Criteria & Requirements Rating (Scale 1 to 7)
Expected Learning
The programme to show that
the expected learning
outcomes are appropriately
formulated in accordance with
1.1 an established learning 3
taxonomy, are aligned to the
vision and mission of the
university, and are known to all
Expected Learning
The programme to show that
the expected learning
outcomes are appropriately
formulated in accordance with
1.1 an established learning 3
taxonomy, are aligned to the
vision and mission of the
university, and are known to all