Tug of War

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By Ian Davies,

as appeared in Yahoo! Mordheim

Scenario 171 - Tug Of War eGroup.
Transcribed & edited by The
This scenario is designed for those times when one of a warband's warriors has been
captured by rolling 61 on the Serious Injuries Chart. The captured warrior’s warband
has a chance of rescuing their colleague although the captors will increase their ill-
gotten gains if the rescue at-tempt fails.

A warband has managed to capture one of their opponent's warriors. The captive's
colleagues decide to mount a rescue operation. They would also like to retrieve a
chest containing the captive's equipment but must decide how much of their
resources to allocate on this secondary task.

Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain, either a ruined building, tower,
or other similar item. We suggest that the terrain is set up within an area roughly 4’
x 4’. The rescuers may set up anywhere on the board but not within charge range of
the enemy.

Special Rules
The Prisoner: The captive is handcuffed to the captors' leader. At the beginning of
each turn, roll to see who has control of the pair. Each member of the pair must
make a strength test, the captive at +1 and the leader at -1 (to reflect that the
captive has been starved & beaten). If one model makes the test but the other
doesn't, then the player that makes the test moves the pair for that turn. His model
is referred to as the leader. Although this means that a model may move in the other
players turn he can only charge in his own. The other model is placed adjacent to the
successful model but behind the direction of movement (i.e. hanging back). If both
pass or both fail their S tests then the pair remain stationary. The pair cannot climb,
hide or run (but the leader may charge as normal). The leader only has one free
hand while he is using the handcuffs. The captive may not attack until he frees

Attacking the Captive: The captors' band may not attack the captive while he is
handcuffed (they're thinking of his resale value) although if the captive should free
himself he then becomes fair game. The leader may be attacked with missiles while
handcuffed although if the captive should partially obscure him then this counts as
cover (i.e. -1 to hit). In this case, if the attacker rolls a 1 then the captive has been
hit instead.

Treasure Chest: The chest should be treated like the treasure chest in the scenario
"Hidden Treasure"; carrying the treasure chest will slow the warrior carrying it to half
speed. Two or more models may carry the chest without any penalty. You may use
the treasure chest model to represent the chest. If the carrier is put Out Of Action,
place the treasure chest at the spot where he fell. Any man-sized model may pick it
up by moving into base contact with it. Whoever has possession of the chest at the
end of the game keeps it - except in the case of a failed rout test when the non-
routing side will gain it.
Starting the Game
The rescuers go first. As the rescuers have surprised the captors, each captor model
must make an Initiative test or fail to act during their own first turn.

Ending the Game

The captive player must take the opposing leader Out Of Action. As soon as this
happens the captive may free himself. If he can get to the edge of the board alive
that player has won. If the captor manages to get the pair off the board while still
handcuffed then he has won.

+1 Winning Leader: The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
+1 Survives: If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1
+1 Per Enemy Out Of Action: Any Hero or Henchmen earns +1 experience for each
enemy he puts Out Of Action. For Henchman groups take the number of warriors
taken Out Of Action by the members of that particular group and divide them by the
number of members in that group & round to the nearest whole number. Example: a
group of 4 Swordsmen take 3 models Out Of Action, then the group earns 1
Experience point ( 3 divided by 4 equals 0.75, rounded to 1.)

If the captors win they gain D6*5 gc and D6+1 shards of wyrdstone. Also they may
deal with the captive as Strangler (reproduced below). The losers gain D6 shards of

Strangler: Skaven warbands can sell the straggler to agents of Clan Eshin (who will
use the man for food or slavery) and gain 2D6 gc. Possessed warbands can sacrifice
the unfortunate individual for the glory of the Chaos gods. The leader of the warband
will gain +1 Experience. Undead warbands can kill the man and gain a Zombie for no
cost. Any other warband can interrogate the man and gain insight into the city. Next
time you roll on the Exploration chart, roll one dice more than is usually allowed, and
discard any one dice. (For example, if you have three Heroes, roll four dice and pick
any three). Reference - Main Rulebook, page 95.
If the rescuers win they gain D6+1 shards of wyrdstone + they have their warrior
back. The losers gain D6 shards of wyrdstone.

Whoever has possession of the chest at the end of the game keeps it unless the
game ends with a rout test in which case the non-routing side keep it.

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