Secrets of the Beujuntae, The [Lustria Setting]
Secrets of the Beujuntae, The [Lustria Setting]
Secrets of the Beujuntae, The [Lustria Setting]
2-4 players
It has been more than a few millennia since the Daemons of Chaos descended upon the jungles
of Lustria seeking to destroy the mew races the old ones had created. The first Slann used High
magic to entomb these Daemons thousands of years ago. Now they lay in slumber, waiting to be
awakened by unfortunate mortals. Some find the sacrilegious tombs that hold these Daemons
while searching the jungles of Lustria for riches.
Within the Jungle lies such a dark forbidden secret. An ancient Daemon of Chaos lie in wait.
Spawned from the Changer of Ways the Slann Mage Priests called it Beujuntae or "Possessor of
souls" in the Slann tongue.
In this scenario, warbands encounter each other while scavenging loot from the tomb they have
It can be played by 2-4 players seeking a new challenge. This scenario is not for the weak at
heart. It is challenging war of wits and might. Only the bravest players should attempt to quell the
spirit of the Beujuntae.
You should have a small tomb and ruins in the middle of the board and encircled by jungle. Each
player takes a turn placing a piece of terrain. They may place a tropical tree, ruins, tomb or similar
items. We suggest that the terrain is set up within an area roughly 4’ x 4’.
Up to 16 carnivorous plants may also be in play. This should of course be discussed with the
players in advance!
All players roll a D6 to see who deploys first. The player rolling highest sets up first, within 8" of
the table edge of his choice. His/her opponent(s) then sets up within 8" of the opposite edge.
Roll a D6. The player rolling highest has the first turn.
Special Rules
Once you have placed the terrain, put some artefact (wyrdstone) counters on the tabletop to
represent where the artifacts are. There will be D3+2 counters total.
Each player takes it in turn to place a counter. Roll a D6 to see which player places first. The
counters must be placed more than 16" from the edge of the table and at least 6" away from each
other. Note that counters are placed before deciding which edge the warbands will play from, so it
is a good idea to put counters towards the middle of the table. Warriors can pick up the counters
simply by moving into contact with them. A warrior can carry any amount of artifacts without any
penalty. Warriors cannot transfer their artefact to another warrior. If the warrior who is carrying a
counter is taken out of action, place the counter on the table where he fell.
In each of these tombs is interned the Beujuntae spirit of a Daemon of Chaos that are release
should the tombs be opened by looters. After all the players have had the first turn each player
rolls a D6 at the end of the first player’s shooting phase. The warband with the lowest score has a
hero possessed by the Beujuntae. Choose from random which hero becomes possessed.
When a hero is possessed he/she gains Fear and a +1 S, +1 W, +1 A and +1 T. The possessed
hero charges the nearest unit whether it may be friend or foe. It attacks first regardless of whether
the opposing unit’s abilities give it the chance to strike first.
At the end of the turn, the Daemon leaves the Hero’s body for another. Repeat the possession
process only on the first player’s shooting phases. The Hero who was possessed has been
immensely drained and is very weak, and therefore has an automatic injury roll against him. Roll
a D6 on the injury chart for the hero who has been possessed.
If a warband has all their heroes out of action, then the warband must take a rout test. The
henchmen are fearful of the Daemon that had possessed their Heroes.
The games end when one warband fails its rout test or 6 turns have elapsed.
+1 Survives. If a Hero or a henchman group survives the battle, they gain +1 experience.
+1 winning Leader & Heroes. The Leader and Heroes of the winning warband gains +1
+1 per Artefact counter. If a Hero or henchman is carrying an artefact counter at the end of the
battle he receives +1 experience.
+1 per enemy out of action. Any Hero earns +1 experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
The player who wins gets to open the tomb of a long-dead Slann Mage Priest (to the victor go the
spoils!). Roll on the Items chart below to see what you find within the tomb:
8+ Ancient Bone Armour confers 4+ save and in all respects acts like light armour