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Philippine Canadian Inquirer #620
Philippine Canadian Inquirer #620
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Christmas decorations bring cheers, especially to patients and
their families, at the Philippine Heart Center in Quezon City,
this photo taken on Tuesday (Dec. 10, 2024). The hospital's
mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in the
Philippines while advancing education, research and advocacy in
cardiovascular care in the Asia Pacific. (ROBERT OSWALD P. ALFILER/PNA)
9 13 21 29
Psychoanalysis explains why What Syria’s rebel takeover Maria in Vancouver: Surging global tourism
Donald Trump is taunting means for the region’s How To Do Christmas & emissions are driven by
Canada and ‘Governor Justin major players: Turkey, Hanukkah This Year just 20 countries – major
Trudeau’ Iran and Russia new study
Only 11 Premium Strata Units
UNITS 604 363 0328
symphony hill
2 PHILIPPINE NEWS FRIDAY December 13, 2024
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 PHILIPPINE NEWS 3
Marcos: Full force of law to go after illegal POGOs
By Darryl John Esguerra ning following a meeting with including human trafficking,
Philippine News Agency the multi-agency task force prostitution and murder, and or-
that oversees the shutdown of dered a halt to operations imme-
POGOs in the country. diately, with a complete phase-
MANILA – President Ferdi- “Hindi na kailanman papa- out scheduled by Dec. 31.
nand R. Marcos Jr. has warned yagang manalasa ang mga ito. The ban covers all POGOs, le-
those who will go against his Sino mang magtangka na mag- gitimate and otherwise, IGLs, and
total ban on Philippine Offshore sagawa ng ilegal na operasyon other offshore gaming licensees.
Gaming Operators (POGOs) ay haharap sa buong puwersa According to the Philippine
that the full force of the law will ng ating batas (They will never Amusement and Gaming Corp.
hunt and shut them down. be allowed to ravage our country (PAGCOR), only seven licensed
“Kanselado na ang lahat ng again. Anyone who will conduct POGOs remain, down from 60
lisensya ng POGO at IGL [in- illegal operations will face the in mid-2024 when Marcos first
ternet gaming licensees] sa full force of the law),” he added. announced the total ban.
buong bansa! (All the licenses The President, in his third The remaining operations are
of POGO and IGL operators State of the Nation Address in working to meet the deadline.
nationwide have been can- July, responded to mounting All POGO and IGL licenses
celed),” Marcos said in a social calls to ban POGOs, which had will be revoked by Dec. 15, Authorities guard a raided Philippine offshore gaming operators (POGO) hub in
media post Wednesday eve- been linked to serious issues, PAGCOR said. ■ Pasay City on Nov. 6, 2023. (YANCY LIM/PNA)
4 PHILIPPINE NEWS FRIDAY December 13, 2024
industry gets House final nod “We’ve talked about this shop-
ping festival. Again, I think it’s
properly categorized as an easy
Marcos, however, acknowl-
edged that the recommenda-
tion must be carefully studied,
win. So, we’ll do that,” Marcos particularly its security aspects.
By Filane Mikee Cervantes units for five years. pose to remove the require- said during the meeting with
Philippine News Agency The bill specifies that an ment for larger front motorcy- PSAC, as quoted by the PCO. PAGE 12 PBBM OKs shopping
electric vehicle (EV) includes cle plates,” Baronda said.
two-, three-, and four-wheeled The measure also proposes
MANILA – The House of Repre- vehicles, or any other vehicle reduced penalties for certain
sentatives on Tuesday approved equipped with at least one violations.
on the third and final reading a electric drive for propulsion. For instance, the proposal
measure to make electric vehi- Meanwhile, HB 11113, which removes the penalty of im-
cles more affordable and reduce rationalizes safety regulations and prisonment and reduces the
greenhouse gas emissions. penalties under the Motorcycle PHP50,000 to PHP100,000 fine
With 196 affirmative votes, Crime Prevention Act (RA 11235), to not more than PHP5,000 for
3 negative, and one absten- was unanimously approved with driving a motorcycle without
tion, the House passed on 208 affirmative votes. the required number plate.
third reading House Bill (HB) Iloilo City Rep. Julienne Bar- The intentional use of tam-
10960, which seeks to amend onda said the measure aims to pered or fake number plates
Republic Act (RA) 11697, or address the safety issues raised would incur a fine of no more GIFT SUGGESTIONS. Tableware items for sale at the Maginhawa Street Art and
the “Electric Vehicle Industry by motorcycle riders in man- than PHP20,000, replacing the Food Festival in Quezon City on Dec 7, 2024. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.
Development Act,” to provide a dating the installation of bigger current penalties of impris- on Wednesday (Dec. 11) approved the Private Sector Advisory Council’s propos-
zero percent tariff rate for the plates in front of motorcycles. onment or fines ranging from als to launch a shopping festival nationwide and ease the visa and immigration
importation of fully built EV “Under HB 11113, we pro- PHP50,000 to PHP100,000. ■ process to further boost the Philippine tourism. (JOAN BONDOC/PNA)
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 5
Rizal exemplified cultural di- Once the government pur- man Pastor Karl Ullmer, where December 2024. (OFFICE OF SENATOR LEGARDA)
Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at emotional, and social future and devel- Students use umbrellas to shield themselves from drizzle on Scout Ybardolaza Street, Quezon City on
200-13888 Wireless Way,
Richmond, BC
opment of our nation,” he added. Monday morning (Oct. 3, 2022). (ALFRED FRIAS/PNA)
By Ma. Teresa Montemayor ash exposure may lead to skin rashes. water that may have been contaminat-
and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial
Team. Philippine News Agency Meanwhile, ashfall increases the risk of ed by ash."
PCI reserves the right to reject any waterborne diseases. Herbosa also advised those who
advertising which it considers to contain "To those near Kanlaon volcano, and would experience breathing or eye
false or misleading information or
involves unfair or unethical practices. The
MANILA – The Department of Health along the forecast path of winds: listen problems to immediately seek medical
advertiser agrees the publisher shall not (DOH) on Tuesday warned residents to advice from (the weather bureau) attention.
be liable for damages arising out of error
in any advertisment.
living near Mt. Kanlaon in Negros Is- PAGASA and your local governments. Hospitals and health facilities near
land against respiratory illnesses and Our immediate concerns are ashfall Mt. Kanlaon were told to prioritize the
potential health risks that could affect and potential lahar should the pyroclas- admission of pregnant women in their
persons following the ashfall. tic density currents encounter water," third trimester, particularly those at risk
The DOH said volcanic ash could ir- Health Secretary Teodoro Herbosa said. of complications.
ritate the respiratory tract, especially "If in an area affected by ashfall, stay DOH regional offices were reminded
for individuals with pre-existing condi- indoors. Close all doors and windows. to ensure an adequate supply of N95
tions, such as asthma and chronic ob- Use N95 masks if available. Any med- masks, eye protection or goggles, wa-
structive pulmonary disease. ical mask or even folded clothes may ter purification tablets or filters, med-
Ash particles can cause redness, itch- help if N95 masks are not on hand. Use icines, hand sanitizers, and antiseptic
ing, and pain in the eyes and prolonged eye protection like goggles. Do not use wipes. ■
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 9
Psychoanalysis explains why Donald Trump is
taunting Canada and ‘Governor Justin Trudeau’
By Gavin Fridell, Saint psychoanalysis and politics, we Doug Ford suggested Canada tus of the U.S. while experiencing economic
Mary’s University, Ilan argue that too often media and consider a bilateral trade agree- With China on the rise, this gains in recent years, Mexico
Kapoor, York University, policymakers downplay the sig- ment that would squeeze Mexi- status is seen as under threat, has trailed well behind both
Canada nificance of unconscious desire in co out of the United States-Mex- sparking American anxieties. the U.S. and Canada in produc-
The Conversation everyday politics and economics. ico-Canada Agreement. The election outcome suggest- tivity and income growth over
We believe ideology — Deputy Prime Minister ed a nostalgic desire to regain the past 30 years.
whether it’s “free trade,” “free Chrystia Freeland, while ex- America’s past “greatness” Trump’s emphasis on po-
Canadian policymakers were choice” or “Make America Great pressing tentative support for while eliminating any obsta- tential Chinese investment in
just beginning to recover from Again” — is not comprised of the trilateral trade deal, chas- cles standing in its way. the Mexican auto industry —
the shock of Donald Trump’s tired rallying cries by political tised Mexico for “not acting the But although Trump has there is currently only one Chi-
recent threats to impose 25 per leaders, but something seduc- way that Canada and the U.S. proven adept at exploiting nese-owned auto plant in Mexi-
cent tariffs on Canada and Mex- tive that both politicians and are when it comes to its eco- this desire, the irrationality of co — diverts attention from the
ico when the president-elect voters unconsciously desire, nomic relationship with Chi- his populist politics will like- persistent failure of the U.S.-
detonated another rhetorical regardless of the eventual, and na.” This is despite the fact that ly prove counter-productive. based auto industry to keep up
explosive. In an overnight so- usually negative, repercussions. Canada has been as devoted to Rather than addressing struc- with Chinese technology.
cial media post, Trump referred “Trade” is therefore more trade with China as Mexico is. tural American economic and But Trump’s plans to prey on
to the “great state of Canada” than the sum of economic parts; But when Trump announced at trade problems — for exam- American fears via trade pro-
and “Governor Justin Trudeau.” it is also highly emotional and the end of November that he in- ple, unprecedented income tectionism are likely to backfire.
While Canadian cabinet min- even fetishized, imbued with tended to impose tariffs on both inequality and pervasive pre- They may temporarily buoy na-
isters have largely shrugged off near-magical expectations that Canada and Mexico, and also de- carious employment — the tionalist sentiment and provide
Trump’s unsettling mockery, defy economic common sense manded the end of illegal migra- emphasis is on flexing muscle relief to some U.S. manufacturers,
Canada’s response to the tariff and prudence. tion and drugs across the border, and subordinating others. but soon American consumers
threat has been twofold. Trump’s election campaign Canadian elected officials were This is a classic psychoana- will suffer higher prices while pro-
First, it has sought to demon- successfully drew on this emo- stunned. Ford expressed open lytic maneuver: instead of at- ducers could be hit by more ex-
strate the practical, economic ben- tional allure, tapping into pop- dismay, saying: “To compare us tending to your own failures, pensive oil and gas from Canada.
efits of bilateral trade. Trudeau’s ular economic frustrations over to Mexico is the most insulting you displace them onto a ste- China could also target U.S.
hastily organized visit to Mar-a- the rise of China and the relative thing I have ever heard from our reotypical other — China, mi- agriculture in response to re-
Lago on Nov. 29 was intended to decline of the U.S. He offered friends and closest allies.” grants, Muslims, etc. newed Trump tariffs, negative-
communicate this to Trump and up trade and tariffs as tools to Within days, Canada pledged This is evident in Trump’s at- ly affecting the same rural ar-
his advisers, although it doesn’t “Make America Great Again.” more spending on border se- tempts to frame Mexicans as eas that have provided political
seem to have been successful giv- Canada, meanwhile, has curity in an apparent effort to “bad hombres,” spearheading support for Trump.
en Trump’s snide mention of the been caught in the crosshairs, mollify the U.S. an “Invasion of our Country!” in The irrationality of populist
dinner in the Truth Social post seeking to appease the U.S. Stoking American anxieties the form of drugs and illegal im- desire
trolling Trudeau and Canada. while becoming the target of What’s at stake in Trump’s migrants, all the while allegedly The irrationality of Trump’s
Second, some Canadian poli- Trump’s populism regardless. populist ideology is not just making “a fortune from the US.” populist protectionist policies
ticians have sought to appeal to Canada: Teammate or target? economics, but the global sta- This despite the fact that, is plain for all to see. No won-
the shadier side of Trump’s trade Before the American election, der Chinese officials point out
politics, aligning Canada with the Canada sought to align itself that “no one will win a trade
United States against Mexico by with the U.S. in its trade war [or] tariff war.”
accusing Mexico of being a back with China, announcing tariffs As for Canada, it is unlikely
door for Chinese imports and of 100 per cent on Chinese elec- that appeasing Trump or betray-
posing a national security threat. tric vehicles and 25 per cent on ing Mexico will do much to pla-
What’s at play as a chaotic Chinese steel and aluminum. cate the president-elect. To the
Trump prepares to take office There is an economic logic contrary, these efforts could well
for a second time? to such mercantilist thinking. be taken as evidence that more
We suggest the answer lies Trump’s strategy, after all, is bullying is in order and further
not only in economic explana- to use protective tools to reas- concessions can yet be extracted.
tions but especially in psycho- sert American dominance over Trump’s latest taunts to
analytic ones. Political strategy sectors where it’s fallen be- Trudeau, in fact, prove that es-
is often grounded not in ratio- hind. Canada and Mexico are calated bullying will be a com-
nal economic goals, but in ir- being told to get on board or mon presidential tactic in the
rational desires that sometimes be left out, and Canadian tar- months and years ahead — as
drive politics and politicians to iffs against China may be its if we needed more. ■
destructive ends. attempt to do so.
The psychology behind Canada has also responded by This article is republished
ideology parroting American accusations from The Conversation under a
In our recent book examining against Mexico. Ontario Premier Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and president-elect Donald Trump (@JUSTINTRUDEAU/X)
Creative Commons license.
10 CANADA NEWS FRIDAY December 13, 2024
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 CANADA NEWS 11
PH to soon..
7 in 1964 and a Rizal PH soft power tions, and transforms societies icy that uplifts, unites, and in- ways been there and now we’re
Park, featuring a life- In her address, Legarda em- from within,” she said. spires – a foreign policy that is tapping it to its full extreme.
sized statue of the phasized the power Philippine “When wielded with purpose unmistakably Filipino.” We've come up with activities
national hero, was opened in cultural diplomacy holds and and intention, it allows us to The DFA has been ramping up that promote the Philippines
1978 in the same town. the need to institutionalize it stand proud as Filipinos, lead its activities to further promote to get people interested,” DFA-
Wilhelmsfeld has since cel- as the fourth pillar of the Phil- by example, and offer the world Filipino culture around the world OCD Assistant Secretary Celia
ebrated Rizal’s life and deeds ippines’ foreign policy. a model for resilience, sustain- after the creation of its Office of Anna Feria said.
and is also the proud sister city “Soft power is anything but ability, and harmony. I urge you Cultural Diplomacy (OCD). This week, the DFA is also
of Calamba, Laguna, the na- soft. It is a force that permeates to stand with me in this vision. “We’ve always been promot- set to launch the Philippine
tional hero’s birthplace. and settles, reshapes percep- Let us champion a foreign pol- ing Philippine culture. It’s al- Softpower Roadmap. ■
12 CANADA NEWS FRIDAY December 13, 2024
What Syria’s rebel takeover means for the
region’s major players: Turkey, Iran and Russia
By Natasha Lindstaedt, controlled. In an effort to Syri- The loss is similarly huge for As far as the future for Syria, claimed to remain commit-
University of Essex anise the organisation, HTS has Russia. Moscow shored up As- international efforts to broker ted to providing this support,
The Conversation not called for the founding of a sad by sending thousands of a lasting peace have been very much to the annoyance of Tur-
global caliphate. It has instead Russian troops in 2015 and en- unsuccessful. When Turkey, key which views the SDF as a
focused on toppling Assad and gaging in brutal airstrikes on Iran and Russia tried to engi- terrorist group.
When I was buying coffee at expelling Iranian militias that it Syrian rebel groups and civilian neer peace talks in Kazakhstan There is also the Turk-
a cafe owned by a Syrian man views as a threat to its own or- infrastructure. But Russia was in 2017, the result was political ish-backed Syrian National
in the UK on Sunday, I asked ganisation which also increase too distracted and burdened by deadlock. The country was di- Army, which brought together
him what he made of the news the risk of Syrians mobilising its war in Ukraine to maintain vided geographically between a number of armed groups in
that longtime dictator Bashar along sectarian lines. the level of support that Assad different factions. 2017 and took control of parts
al-Assad had been ousted from HTS took advantage of a would have needed. As of northwestern Syria.
power. He responded optimis- 2020 ceasefire between Turkey a result, Russia’s proj- The Syrian National
tically that he and the 7 million and Russia to establish its or- ect in the Middle East Army is not cohesive
Syrians that had fled through- ganisational structure and build ended in a spectacular or centralised and its
out the country’s civil war were its governance efforts, with failure. various groups have
eager to return. some support from Turkey in There are now ques- But it is not clear what often clashed with
Assad and his family have re- the form of arms and drones. tions about the future Syria’s new government one another. But it
portedly fled to Russia, leaving Regional implications for Russian military remains a major play-
Syrians free to roam through his Turkey’s support for rebel bases in Syria. Russia will be willing to allow. er in Syria, and will
presidential palace. They top- groups such as HTS was critical was granted a 49-year aim to create a buffer
pled statues of Hafez al-Assad, to the recent offensive. Ankara lease in 2015 on an air zone near the Turk-
Bashar’s father, who also ruled gave the rebel organisations the base and a naval base ish border to prevent
the country with an iron fist. green light to go ahead with in Syria in order to Kurdish militias from
But Syria is now fragmented their offensive after the Assad gain a foothold in the threatening Turkey.
into regions controlled by dis- regime rebuffed its efforts to eastern Mediterranean. These Indeed, HTS is not the only Russia and Iran are no lon-
parate armed factions that have normalise relations with Tur- bases became critical hubs for powerful militia in Syria’s um- ger the major players in Syria.
enjoyed backing of varying de- key. Given the success of the the transfer of military contrac- brella group of rebels. The But if the rebel groups in Syria
grees from Russia, Iran, Turkey, offensive, Turkey will probably tors in and out of Africa where Kurdish-led Syrian Defence cannot build a transitional gov-
the US, the Gulf states and Is- emerge as the most influential Russia has been tapping into Forces (SDF) currently control ernment of unity and stability,
rael. There will be continued foreign actor in the country. anti-western sentiment to boost the northeast. They have also other actors will move in quick-
support for each of these armed Having taken in more Syrian its influence. gained ground, taking advan- ly to fill the void. It will be crit-
factions by these major inter- refugees than any other coun- But it is not clear what Syria’s tage of the collapse of the Syr- ical that Syrians – both those
national powers, which will be try, Turkey will be eager to new government will be will- ian army to capture the main returning and those who never
vying to ensure their regional allow Syrians to return home. ing to allow. Russian diplomats desert city of Deir ez-Zor. left – rebuild their new Syrian
interests are preserved. But its main interest there is have been fleeing Damascus en If they continue to enjoy US state on their own terms. ■
The most powerful rebel to topple the Kurdish forces masse and Russia may not have backing, the SDF will be deter-
group is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the north where the Dem- the capacity at the moment to mined to maintain these terri- This article is republished
(HTS). From its power base in ocratic Union party (PYD), an deal with the fallout. torial advances. The outgoing from The Conversation under a
the north-western province of offshoot of the banned Kurdis- Rebuilding the Syrian state US president, Joe Biden, has Creative Commons license.
Idlib, HTS captured Aleppo in tan Workers’ party (PKK), op-
late November and then Hama, erates. Ankara will also want
Homs and soon after the capi- to ensure that any government
tal Damascus further south. that emerges in Syria is friend-
HTS had originally set up in ly to Turkey and not Iran.
2011 as an affiliate of al-Qaeda, For Iran, the ousting of As-
with Islamic State leader Abu sad is a huge loss. It has now
Bakr al-Baghdadi directly in- lost a land bridge to the east-
volved in its formation. Former- ern Mediterranean, an import-
ly known as Al Nusra, it eventu- ant base for Iranian proxies
ally broke ranks with al-Qaeda such as Hezbollah, and a route
in 2016 and merged with other through which weapons could
militias to set up a new organ- reach Lebanon. The loss of
isation under its current name. Iran’s strategic depth in Syria
The group was purged of its will weaken its ability to sup-
more extremist elements, even port Hezbollah at a time when
arresting al-Qaeda-linked indi- it has been severely weakened
viduals in the territory that it by its conflict with Israel.
14 WORLD NEWS FRIDAY December 13, 2024
base for its Black Sea Fleet and World War III”. In January (such as the second world war).
as a potential lever of influence 2024 Russia foreign minister, Large-scale wars create “radical the Ukrainian population or to ingness to spend more mon-
over Kyiv’s political direction. Sergei Lavrov, described Russia military political change”, with recognise the current realities ey on defence in Europe. The
Even in 2014 – at the annual as the liberator from a revived intensified fighting and spread. and start negotiating.” damage done to European poli-
Valdai security conference – Vlad- second world war axis, and These tend to involve a massive Russia amended its nuclear tics by Russian political interfer-
imir Putin was referencing an es- suggested that it was tackling mobilisation of resources. doctrine in November and then ence and the rise of pockets of
calation towards conflict with the another rise in Nazism. These coalitions are not yet in proceeded to fire a nuclear-ca- far-right populist groups have
west. He later described the west Russia labels different kinds direct conflict with each other, pable hypersonic missile into also made collective European
as having “crossed a line”. of confrontation according to but there has been large-scale Ukraine, bringing it closer to responses hard to muster.
Putin signalled at the time geographical reach and inten- mobilisation of weaponry and direct conflict with Nato coun- What happens next?
that he was prepared to esca- sity. At the lowest end of its forces in Russia and Ukraine. tries. The Russian response to But it’s important to re-
late further and threaten wider scale is “armed conflict”. This North Korea has recently sent these changes is driving the member that the EU is better
military conflict, but mostly the happens within a single terri- 10,000 troops to Russia. escalation. Meanwhile, Rus- resourced than Russia, with a
west ignored those messages. torial area, such as Chechnya. For the west, large-scale war sian-linked sabotage and es- stronger technology and inno-
It’s taken a long time for Nato One notch above is a local would significantly increase the pionage operations continue vation sector. The Ukrainians
and many western nations to war. In 2014 the initial move- risk of nuclear war, cause stock across the globe. have also shown what can be
realise their significance, and to ment of the unbadged “green market volatility, cost signifi- Europe starts to prepare achieved in drone warfare to
understand that they are deal- men” (Russian soldiers) into cantly more money, and sub- Belatedly, the Europe and hold back vastly superior Rus-
ing with a continual escalation. Crimea was to maintain deni- ject European citizens to the the US are starting to under- sian numbers and artillery fire.
Today Putin has five main ability but was clearly an act instability via a large number of stand that Russia already sees Europe needs to manufac-
reasons for being on a war of war. So in many ways at this physical and cyber attacks. itself at war with the west, ture high-end innovations at
footing and seeing Russia as stage, Ukraine was a local war. European policymakers and even if limited currently. scale, something it is capable
in a conflict with the west. A local war has limited mil- citizens need to understand Countries closest to Rus- of doing.
These are: the incremental itary and political goals and more about key Russian aims sia, such as Sweden, Norway, Disrupting Russia’s base of
enlargement of Nato and the usually takes place over a short (such as creating a buffer zone Finland and Lithuania, have support will also be important.
EU towards Russian borders; period such as in the 2008 Rus- with the EU, or securing the understood this most keenly. Taking steps to prevent mili-
western financial and military so-Georgian war, but can also in- lands it sees as Russian). In Politically, they have sought to tary transfers from Iran, North
support for Ukraine to resist volve repercussions for allies of doing so, the public will know align more closely with Nato Korea and China are crucial,
the 2022 full-scale invasion; the states at war. The next two which politicians are – in effect and European military allies, as is disrupting the ability of
anti-Russian rhetoric and inter- levels of Russian war are region- – serving and opposing Putin’s to actively repel Russian inter- the Russian military-industrial
national sanctions on Russian al wars and large-scale wars. strategic agenda. ference. And it’s worth noting complex to function.
goods; measures to restrict In regional wars several states Russia has strongly signalled that Russian military resources Overall, increased under-
Russian use of the internation- work in coalition to secure stra- that recent changes in US and have been stretched by assist- standing of Russian intentions,
al banking system; and, most tegically important military and British policy, in allowing their ing Syria to tackle ongoing in- motivations and capabilities
recently, Ukraine’s allies al- political goals (such as the Sovi- long range missiles to be fired surgent attacks. is vital in the west. This could
lowing the firing into Russia of et Union’s military engagement into Russia, as escalatory. For But overall Europe has been help avoid further escalation
long-range missiles in Afghanistan 1979-89, and example the secretary of the fundamentally weakened by into a large-scale war, or, at
There have been plenty of in- the 1990-91 Gulf War, which Russian security council, Ser- decades of under-investment in least, improve its ability to ne-
dications of the Kremlin’s mind- did not involve Russia). It is gei Shoigu, has said: “When defence, its inability to coordi- gotiate with Putin. ■
set over the intervening years. likely that Russia has seen the the situation … is not in favour nate defence and security poli-
For instance, in November Ukraine conflict as a regional of the Kyiv regime, the West is cy and its over-reliance on the This article is republished
2022, Putin said: “Our armed war since 2022, with some ele- faced with a choice – to contin- US as its security guarantee. from The Conversation under a
forces … are fighting on the line ments of a large-scale war. ue financing it and destroying There is limited public will- Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 WORLD NEWS 15
16 WORLD NEWS FRIDAY December 13, 2024
Vice Ganda leads One Hundred Years of Solitude:
heartwarming family Netflix adaptation is faithful,
movie "And The ambitious and beautifully realised
Breadwinner Is..." By Liz Harvey-Kattou,
University of Westminster
Rodrigo, who acted as consul-
tants and co-producers on the
The timeframe of the novel is
said to span the 1820s-1920s,
The Conversation series in exchange for the rights but within both novel and series
of the novel that even Garcia time itself is seen to be elastic and
Márquez himself believed could circular. The adaptation glosses
First published in 1967, One not be adapted for the screen. over these issues, leaving us with
Hundred Years of Solitude, Alex García López, who di- a timeless piece which is often
marked out Colombian author rected five of the episodes in impossible to pin down chrono-
Gabriel García Márquez as a the first season, stated that his logically, all the while maintain-
leading figure among the nota- intention too was “to create ing narrative coherence.
ble Latin American writers of his something authentic, with the The Netflix series follows
generation. Now, the long-antic- calibre of an international pro- García Márquez’s story in an
ipated Netflix adaptation of this duction, because the story de- exacting way, including the fa-
epic saga comes to our screens serves it”. It is clear how faith- mous lines which provide the
after first being announced in ful the directors wanted this memorable opening to the story:
Casts of "And The Breadwinner Is..." (ABS-CBN)
2019. It does not disappoint in series to remain to the book. Many years later, as he faced
its scope or ambition. Having sold over 45 million the firing squad, Colonel Aure-
ABS-CBN revolves around a selfless and Reported to be one of Netflix’s copies and been translated into liano Buendía was to remember
confidently beautiful breadwin- biggest-ever productions, the 44 languages, it was One Hun- that distant afternoon when his
ner named Bambi (Vice) who has original novel has been split into dred Years of Solitude that gave father took him to discover ice.
Explores breadwinners’ joys committed her entire life as an two halves, each comprising some Latin American authors From there it covers the nu-
and pains for this year’s 50th OFW in Taiwan in order to pro- eight hour-long episodes. This – later known as the “boom” merous sequences of personal
MMFF vide for her dysfunctional family. splicing of one narrative into two generation– an international and political events which affect
A heartwarming family story When Bambi returns home seasons mimics the platform’s readership. So it is safe to say the Buendía family. Where pos-
unfolds this Christmas season to reunite with her family af- successful formula for hits such that many viewers will come to sible, the series enacts the book
in “And The Breadwinner Is…,” ter many years, she is greeted as Bridgerton season three or the series as fans of the novel. word for word, either through
an official entry in this year’s with an underwhelming wel- Outer Banks season four. While Netflix’s commitment the voiceover which takes on
50th Metro Manila Film Festival come by her loved ones who are The bonus here is that the to period dramas is well-known, the role of omniscient narrator,
(MMFF) starring Vice Ganda. burdened with problems and visuals alone are well worth this series will also attract fans or through the dialogue itself.
Helmed by director Jun Robles in debt. In the hopes of finally the wait. Involving more than of its fantasy, dystopian, and his- The costumes and styling of the
Lana and co-produced by Star turning their dream life into re- 20,000 extras, 15 filming loca- torical productions. Colombian characters and the minutiae of
Cinema and The IdeaFirst Com- ality, Bambi gambles on a prom- tions in Colombia, and more director and screenwriter Laura background detail are taken
pany, the drama-comedy movie ising opportunity for a chance to costume changes than it is pos- Mora, who directs three epi- straight from the pages of García
is a story for and about bread- claim P10 million – but it comes sible to count, the adaptation sodes of season one, notes that, Márquez’s imagination and ren-
winners as it explores their joys, with a life-changing price. lives up to its Netflix predeces- “bringing this work to the screen dered in sumptuous visual glory.
pains, struggles, and realizations. The movie also stars Malou sors’ high standards. … I feel proud to open a win- While the novel is a complex
Viewers will get to see Vice in De Guzman, Joel Torre, Jhong For this reason there was a dow into our country to a global volume, the series adds even
her usual comedic self plus so Hilario, Gladys Reyes, Maris Ra- careful casting process, resulting audience”. Its reflections on the more narrative depth. It draws
much more heartfelt moments cal, Anthony Jennings, Kokoy in an all-Colombian cast, few themes of conscience, fate and out scenes that García Márquez
with her co-stars. One of which De Santos, Lassy Marquez, MC of whom were professional ac- the arbitrary nature of conflict passes over in a page or two;
viewers can look forward to is the Muah, Via Antonio, Kiko Matos, tors before this production. This will strike a universal chord. some characters who only have
tandem of Vice and award-win- Argus Aspiras, Kulot Caponpon, is a first major role for Marco Bringing Macondo to the brief appearances in the book
ning actress and comedian Eu- and Eugene Domingo. González who plays José Arca- screen are given just as much screen
gene Domingo, whose on-screen Get the whole family togeth- dio Buendía in his youth, and his Starting in the unnamed time in certain scenes as the
chemistry touched the hearts of er and catch “And The Bread- wife, Úrsula Iguarán, is played town where José Arcadio Bu- Buendía family protagonists. In
many in their previous work. winner Is…” in the 50th MMFF superbly by the professional endía and Úrsula Iguarán were many ways, this makes watch-
"Ang storya niya masyadong in cinemas nationwide begin- dancer Susana Morales. In later born, the book and series show ing the adaptation a more cohe-
personal. Kaya 'yung iyak, sigaw, ning December 25. life they are played beautifully the couple founding the fic- sive experience than reading the
at hagulgol, hindi ko na inarte. For more details, follow Star by Diego Vásquez and Marleyda tional village of Macondo as book thanks to these clear links
Naisigaw ko para sa breadwin- Cinema on Facebook, X, Insta- Soto, while well-known Colombi- dreamed up by García Márquez. between characters and scenes.
ners, naiiyak ko 'yung matagal gram, YouTube, and TikTok. an actor Claudio Cataño appears It is here that the story of the Are we still talking about
nilang kinimkim," shared Vice For other updates, follow @ as Colonel Aureliano Buendía. Buendía family plays out, and magical realism?
during the movie’s grand kick- abscbnpr on Facebook, X, Insta- This is exactly the kind of the novel’s characters, settings It seems impossible to write
off and poster reveal event. gram, and TikTok, or visit www. authenticity sought by García and many plotlines come to life
“And The Breadwinner Is…” ■ Márquez’s sons, Gonzalo and over the course of a century. PAGE 19 One Hundred Years
18 ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY December 13, 2024
by Mercedes Cabral, bid good- Viewers were left stunned over impersonating Lena’s trending
bye to the Kapamilya action se- the shocking death of Lena, who lines in the series such as “gusto ABS-CBN Entertainment’s You- Quiapo” on TV5 and A2Z. The
ries last Friday (December 6). eventually lost her sanity follow- ko ng liempo” and “Righoouur,” Tube channel and Facebook show is also available to view-
Mercedes extended her ing her separation from Rigor while she was also dubbed as the page. The latest episodes can ers in and out of the Philippines
heartfelt gratitude to Coco (John Estrada) and the loss of “pambansang jumper.” be enjoyed on-demand for up on iWantTFC, while viewers
Martin for entrusting her to their child, after she was shot by Don’t miss the action-packed to 21 days after they are first outside of the Philippines can
play a pivotal role in the series Rigor just before she could stab scenes in “FPJ’s Batang Quiapo,” streamed on Kapamilya Online watch on The Filipino Channel
and she also shared her appre- Marites (Cherry Pie Picache). which is inspired by the original Live on YouTube. Viewers who (TFC) on cable and IPTV.
ciation on how invested the Mercedes also expressed story of Regal Films, on week- use any digital TV box at home For updates, follow @abscb-
viewers are in the story. how much she will miss work- nights at 8 PM on Kapamilya such as the TVplus box only npr on Facebook, X, Instagram,
"I'd like to thank Coco be- ing with her co-stars, most es- Channel, A2Z, TV5, iWantTFC, need to rescan their device to and TikTok, or visit www.abs-
cause if he had not given me pecially Cherry Pie and Direk and Kapamilya Online Live on be able to watch “FPJ’s Batang ■
People who are good at reading have different brains
By Mikael Roll, Lund The other was Heschl’s gyrus, that acts as an insulator for in good readers, it is still thinner sound and motor features are
University a fold on the upper temporal nerve fibres. It increases neural (but much more extended) than integrated into speech sounds.
The Conversation lobe which hosts the auditory communication speed and can the corresponding right cortex. It appears to correlate with a
cortex (the cortex is the outer- also insulate columns of brain This hypothesis was corrobo- thicker cortex in an area near
most layer of the brain). Bet- cells from each other. Neural col- rated in the recent research. The the left Heschl’s gyrus. While
The number of people who ter reading ability was linked umns are believed to function as left hemisphere had generally it is unclear to what extent
read for fun appears to be steadi- to a larger anterior part of the small processing units. larger but thinner cortical areas phonology is processed in Hes-
ly dropping. Fifty percent of UK temporal lobe in the left hemi- Their increased isolation and with a higher degree of myelin. chl’s gyrus, the fact that pho-
adults say they don’t read regu- sphere compared to the right. It rapid communication in the left So is thinner better, then? neticians often have multiple
larly (up from 42% in 2015) and makes sense that having a larger hemisphere can be thought to Again, the answer is no, not nec- left Heschl’s gyri suggests it is
almost one in four young people brain area dedicated to meaning enable the fast, categorical pro- essarily. Complex abilities that linked to speech sounds.
aged 16-24 say they’ve never makes it easier to understand cessing necessary for language. require integrating information Clearly, brain structure can
been readers, according to re- words and, therefore, to read. We need to know if a speaker tend to benefit from a thicker tell us a lot about reading skills.
search by The Reading Agency. What might seem less intui- uses the category d or t when cortex. The anterior temporal Importantly, though, the brain
But what are the implica- tive is that the auditory cortex saying dear or tear rather than lobe with its complex way of in- is malleable — it changes when
tions? Will people’s preference would be related to reading. Isn’t detecting the exact point where tegrating information is indeed we learn a new skill or practice
for video over text affect our reading mainly a visual skill? Not the vocal folds start vibrating. the thickest structure of all cor- an already acquired one.
brains or our evolution as a spe- only. To pair letters with speech According to the “balloon tical areas. An underlying mech- For instance, young adults
cies? What kind of brain struc- sounds, we first need to be aware model” of cortical growth, the anism might be the existence of who studied language intensive-
ture do good readers actually of the sounds of the language. larger amount of myelin squeez- more overlapping, interacting ly increased their cortical thick-
have? My new study, published This phonological awareness is es out left-hemispheric cortical neurons which process informa- ness in language areas. Similar-
in Neuroimage, has found out. a well-established precursor to areas, making them flatter but tion more holistically. ly, reading is likely to shape the
I analysed open-source data children’s reading development. more extended. So while the left Phonology is a highly com- structure of the left Heschl’s gy-
from more than 1,000 partici- A thinner left Heschl’s gyrus auditory cortex may be thicker plex skill, where different rus and temporal pole. So, if you
pants to discover that readers has previously been related to want to keep your Heschl’s thick
of varying abilities had distinct dyslexia, which involves severe and thriving, pick up a good
traits in brain anatomy. reading difficulties. My research book and start reading.
The structure of two regions shows that this variation in cor- Finally, it’s worth consider-
in the left hemisphere, which tical thickness does not draw ing what might happen to us
are crucial for language, were a simple dividing line between as a species if skills like reading
different in people who were people with or without dyslex- become less prioritised. Our
good at reading. ia. Instead, it spans the larger capacity to interpret the world
One was the anterior part of population, in which a thicker around us and understand the
the temporal lobe. The left tem- auditory cortex correlates with minds of others would surely
poral pole helps associate and more adept reading. diminish. In other words, that
categorise different types of Why size matters cosy moment with a book in
meaningful information. To as- Is thicker always better? When your armchair isn’t just person-
semble the meaning of a word it comes to cortical structure, no, al – it’s a service to humanity. ■
such as leg, this brain region as- not necessarily. We know the au-
sociates the visual, sensory and ditory cortex has more myelin in This article is republished
motor information conveying the left hemisphere of most peo- from The Conversation under a
how legs look, feel and move. ple. Myelin is a fatty substance Creative Commons license.
What Father David Bauer can tell us
about Canadian hockey today
By Matt Hoven, University of in Toronto and went on to win possession play. son through virtues of hockey — This vision of hockey is one
Alberta a Memorial Cup champion- He learned from both his courage, judgment, prudence, that promotes unity of the body
The Conversation ship as a player and later as a family and the Basilian sport- fortitude, teamwork and fair and spirit, where everyone in
coach. Meanwhile, he became ing tradition that hockey is also play,” he said, they would im- hockey should care about play-
a priest of the Basilian Fathers an educational experience. He prove as a hockey player. ers’ physical development and
More than 50 years ago, the and notably established Cana- argued that sport properly di- This perspective stood in the growth of their personality
late Father David Bauer point- da’s national hockey team. rected could assist young peo- contrast to the priorities of and inner life.
ed out that studies and reports It was the first time Canada ple and strengthen communi- those who only cared about the As stated to a reporter pri-
on problems in Canadian ice was represented internationally ties. To a reporter, he added a final score and the bottom line. or to the 1988 Calgary Winter
hockey have had a “character- with a hockey team composed not-so-subtle challenge to the To “capture the fleeting ideal- Olympics, he believed that “in
istic ineffectiveness.” of players from across the na- status quo in Canadian hockey: ism of our youth,” Bauer asked a small way, hockey can im-
This was because they have tion. The national team played “If we say economics are the hockey coaches to learn from the prove the world.” Bauer’s way
“come from outside the struc- at three Winter Olympics and only thing that counts, which young people playing the game, was to recognize the limita-
ture of organized hockey and several international tourna- the NHL keeps saying, we’re in as if to reawaken the aspirations tions of sport and put it in its
they have been isolated efforts.” ments under Bauer’s leadership. serious trouble.” of their own childhood by sup- proper perspective: to specify
Those inside the game tend to He was also the longest-serv- The national team and Bauer porting the dreams of youth. that hockey is not everything
get “impatient with well-mean- ing original member of the were early advocates for coach- Bauer was not a dreamer, how- and, at the same time, that it
ing outsiders” who often “over- Hockey Canada Corporation ing clinics that could improve ever. For him, economics should could make a real contribution
simplify” the issues at hand. board from 1969 to 1988. He the level of play in Canada. This not be the sole standard by which to the lives of Canadians.
Bauer was born just over 100 was among the first recipients was something that later nation- to measure the sport. He also Hockey needs to state its val-
years ago. Some have called of the Order of Canada and was al team coaches actively promot- was critical of an overly violent ues and organize itself accord-
him the moral conscience of posthumously named to the ed into the 1990s. Bauer’s motto form of the game. He questioned ingly. By having a Bauer-like
hockey; others saw him as Hockey Hall of Fame in 1989. — “use technique, but let the scientific and technological ad- approach to hockey, sporting
the father of Canada’s hock- Although he was a celebrated spirit prevail” — affirmed the vancements that did not consid- bodies, coaches and players
ey team. There are arenas in hockey personality, Bauer had importance of better skills, tac- er human values. “Know how” can reckon with the challenges
Vancouver and Calgary named serious misgivings about the way tics and conditioning along with is meaningless by itself: “It is a facing the game.
after him, while a major street hockey was run and organized. promoting the spirit and person- means without an end,” he said. “Hockey is not the most im-
in downtown Waterloo, Ont., is He argued about the education- ality of the individual player. He demanded that coaches portant thing around…[but] it
dedicated to him. al needs of young men in junior Solutions for Canadian understand the values and spir- might be that it is the most Ca-
Bauer’s 1973 depiction of hockey with Toronto Maple hockey today it they wished to promote in nadian thing,” he said. This state-
Canadian hockey as “complex” Leafs owner Conn Smythe. He Bauer was uneasy about any hockey. His was an athlete-cen- ment reflects Bauer’s attempt to
and constantly in “rapid tran- advised top junior players, like model that focused on skill de- tred approach. He wanted the put hockey into its proper per-
sition” feels remarkably similar Dave Keon and Gerry Cheevers, velopment and neglected the game to “be motivated by a spective: a Canadian sporting
to the state of the game today. in contract negotiations, leading development of the total person. habitual vision of greatness, to activity that in its own way can
As detailed in my recent Maple Leafs general manager His overarching goal for youth help each person we meet have improve people’s lives. ■
book, Hockey Priest: Father Punch Imlach to famously re- playing hockey was to instill a positive self-image, inner dis-
David Bauer and the Spirit of tort: “That man should no more them with what he saw as the cipline, a sense of loyalty, and This article is republished
the Canadian Game, Bauer be a priest than me.” virtues of the game. If a young responsibility to themselves from The Conversation under a
brought change to the sport Bauer set before the Canadi- player could improve “as a per- and society.” Creative Commons license
through his work as a coach, an public a different vision of
manager and philosopher. the game in contrast to overly
Today, Canadian hockey commercialized hockey that
faces a number of challenges, was simply viewed as enter-
from new eligibility rules in ju- tainment. He saw no need for
nior and college hockey to calls fist-fighting in the game, espe-
for greater inclusion across the cially goonism.
sport and alleged cover-ups of He promoted a game of
abuse, to a decline in youth speed and checking without
participation. With questions physical intimidation, and be-
swirling about the state of lieved the game ought to be
hockey in Canada, it is valu- more of an art form than a
able to hear from a central crash-and-bang event on ice.
historical figure whose insights He commented that “too much
can help reshape its future. board-thumping hockey” be-
Bauer and the national team came popular in the post-Sec-
Bauer played junior hockey ond World War period and was
at St. Michael’s College-School pleased to see the rise of puck
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 23
Farmers’ markets are a vital but overlooked
part of fixing Canada’s struggling food system
By Phoebe Stephens, like farmers’ markets. es during the pandemic, they tics Canada’s monthly average have reported record profits,
Dalhousie University, Alyssa Our recent study addressed demonstrated nimbleness and retail prices over a five-year vendors in farmers’ markets
K Gerhardt, Dalhousie this topic by exploring how resilience that needs to be bet- period (2018-23). Our findings operate differently, even at the
University food prices have changed in ter recognized by policymakers. revealed that inflation rates for expense of their margins.
The Conversation farmers’ markets compared Understanding how farmers’ the majority of selected food While the absorption of
to mainstream grocery retail markets fit into the current land- items were higher in main- these costs is unsustainable for
since the pandemic’s onset. scape is important for building stream grocery stores than in many local producers, it speaks
Since the onset of the pandem- Resilient food systems more secure and resilient food farmers’ markets. The selected to the increased accountabili-
ic, food prices have remained Farmers’ markets provide a host systems, especially considering food items included tomatoes, ty vendors feel when they are
stubbornly high, even as grocery of benefits to both consumers and climate change will likely ex- onions, eggs, salad greens, car- selling to the communities they
chains have made record profits. farmers. They offer a localized al- acerbate the vulnerabilities of rots, apples, strawberries, cab- themselves are embedded in.
This has fuelled public frustration ternative to global supply chains, global, uniform food systems. bage, potatoes and broccoli. In this sense, farmers’ markets
with so-called “greedflation"— a which are often susceptible to de- Farmers’ markets shield In interviews, farmers’ market demonstrated greater resilience
term describing large corpora- lays and shortages. consumers vendors cited rising input costs as they adapted to the shock of
tions raising their prices during Resilience — broadly de- Using pilot data and inter- as a driver of price increases. the pandemic but maintained
times of crisis. fined as the capacity of a sys- views with farmers’ market However, unlike large retailers, the core function of the food sys-
In response, Canada’s Competi- tem to withstand, recover and vendors, our study provides they noted that their profit mar- tem — ensuring access to food.
tion Bureau has made the case for adapt from disruptions while much-needed nuance in the on- gins were shrinking as they ab- Calls for policy changes
more grocery retail competition, maintaining essential functions going debate around food pric- sorbed costs instead of passing As a part of our study, we
recommending policies from the — is crucial for ensuring sus- es, competition and food sys- the full burden onto consumers. asked farmers’ market vendors
creation of a grocery innovation tained access to safe and nutri- tem resilience. We interviewed This highlights a significant how they and local food systems
strategy to welcoming more in- tious food for communities. 223 vendors across Canada. contrast between food systems: could be better supported. They
ternational players and enacting However, the highly concen- Our study compared Statis- while major grocery chains frequently emphasized the need
consistent pricing legislation. trated, industrial food system for appropriate regulations. Ven-
Absent from this policy con- has demonstrated a notable dors said requiring local produc-
versation, however, is the role lack of resilience. It has failed ers to meet the same regulations
of local alternative food net- to maintain its core function of as industrial food producers was
works, like farmers’ markets, in ensuring access to food. a burden to many of them.
supporting more resilient food One reason for this lack of resil- Vendors also said that improved
systems. We currently have ience in the mainstream food sys- local food infrastructure would
an incomplete picture of food tem is the extremely high levels of help local producers increase
price dynamics in Canada be- corporate concentration. Diversity their capacities and market reach.
cause of a research gap. — the opposite of uniformity that Suggestions included providing
While the federal government comes from such concentration access to commercial kitchens at
has just launched a grocery af- — is a cornerstone of resilience. low-rent costs, regional food dis-
fordability tool to provide more Local food systems tend to be tribution sites and food hubs.
transparency around pricing, more diverse than mainstream Finally, they said incentive
little is known about food price ones. While they also expe-
dynamics in local food systems rienced significant challeng- PAGE 30 Farmers’ markets
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 BUSINESS 25
positive employment outcomes, AI and other emerging technologi- well-positioned in the country, at a plenary session in Taguig City on Thursday. (JOYCE ANN ROCAMORA/PNA)
What is Salt Typhoon? A security expert explains
the Chinese hackers and their attack on
US telecommunications networks
By Richard Forno, University el of concern is noteworthy. that can help those targets try penetrated its targets was funded to meet their needs and
of Maryland, Baltimore Chinese officials have denied to evade such surveillance. through existing weaknesses ensure that best practices are im-
County the allegations that they’re be- On Dec. 3, the Cybersecuri- with the infrastructure. As I’ve plemented. The Federal Commu-
The Conversation hind this operation, as they ty and Infrastructure Security written previously, failing to nications Commission is already
have in response to allegations Agency, National Security Agen- implement basic cybersecurity threatening companies with fines
about previous cyberattacks. cy and FBI, along with their best practices can lead to de- for failing to bolster their defens-
Cyberattacks linked to the As a cybersecurity researcher, I counterparts in Australia, New bilitating incidents for organi- es against Chinese hacking.
Chinese government that com- find this attack is indeed breath- Zealand and Canada, released zations of all sizes. Given how Although any illicit surveil-
promised large portions of the taking in its scope and severity. guidance to the public on how dependent the world is on net- lance is concerning, the average
American telecommunications But it’s not surprising that such to address the Salt Typhoon at- worked information systems, American probably has little to
network have the U.S. govern- an incident took place. Many or- tack. Their Enhanced Visibility it is more important than ever worry about from Salt Typhoon.
ment sounding the alarm. The ganizations of all sizes still fail to and Hardening Guidance for to maintain cybersecurity pro- It’s unlikely that your family
chair of the Senate Intelligence follow good cybersecurity prac- Communications Infrastructure grams that make it difficult for phone calls or text messages
Committee, Sen. Mark War- tices, have limited resources, or guide essentially reiterates best attacks to succeed, especially to friends are of interest to the
ner (D-VA), has called it the operate IT infrastructures that cybersecurity practices for orga- for critical infrastructure like Chinese government. However,
“worst telecom hack in our na- are too complex to effectively nizations that could help miti- the phone network. if you want to increase your se-
tion’s history” and noted that monitor, manage and secure. gate the impact of Salt Typhoon In addition to following the curity and privacy a bit, consid-
it makes prior cyberattacks by How bad is it? or future copycat attacks. best practices guidance issued er using end-to-end encrypted
Russian operatives look like Salt Typhoon exploited tech- It does, however, include rec- by the Cybersecurity and Infra- messaging services like Signal,
“child’s play” by comparison. nical vulnerabilities in some of ommendations to protect specific structure Security Agency earlier FaceTime or Messages.
The complex cyberattack, car- the cybersecurity products like telecommunication equipment this week, organizations should Also make sure you’re not
ried out by a group of Chinese firewalls used to protect large for some of the Cisco products remain vigilant. They should using default or easily guessed
hackers dubbed Salt Typhoon, organizations. Once inside the that were targeted in this attack. monitor not only the news for passwords on your devices,
began as far back as 2022. Its network, the attackers used more As of this writing, U.S. officials information about this attack including your home router.
purpose, according to U.S. offi- conventional tools and knowl- and affected companies have but the various free, proprietary And consider using two-fac-
cials, was to give Chinese opera- edge to expand their reach, gath- not been able to fully ascertain or private threat intelligence tor authentication to further
tives persistent access to telecom- er information, stay hidden and the scope, depth and severity of feeds and informal professional strengthen the security of any
munications networks across the deploy malware for later use. the attack – or remove the at- networks to stay up to date on critical internet accounts.
U.S. by compromising devices According to the FBI, Salt Ty- tackers from compromised sys- attackers’ tactics and techniques Backdoors and bad guys
like routers and switches run by phoon allowed Chinese officials tems – even though this attack – and ways to counter them. Lost in the noise of the story
companies like AT&T, Verizon, to obtain a large amount of re- has been ongoing for months. Companies and governments is that Salt Typhoon has proved
Lumen and others. cords showing where, when and What can be done? should also ensure their IT de- that the decades of warnings by
This attack comes on the heels who specific individuals were U.S. officials have said that partments and cybersecurity pro- the internet security communi-
of reports that the FBI and Cy- communicating with. In some many of the ways Salt Typhoon grams are adequately staffed and ty were correct. No mandated
bersecurity and Infrastructure cases, they noted that Salt Ty- secret or proprietary access to
Security Agency were assisting phoon gave access to the con- technology products is likely to
telephone companies with coun- tents of phone calls and text remain undiscovered or used
tering other China-connected messages as well. only by “the good guys” – and
compromises of their networks. Salt Typhoon also compro- efforts to require them are like-
The earlier hacking was part of mised the private portals, or back- ly to backfire.
an attack targeting people in the doors, that telephone companies So it’s somewhat ironic that
Washington area in government provide to law enforcement to one of the countermeasures rec-
or political roles, including can- request court-ordered monitoring ommended by the government
didates for the 2024 presidential of phone numbers pursuant to in- to guard against Salt Typhoon
election. vestigations. This is also the same spying is to use strongly encrypt-
But Salt Typhoon is not just portal that is used by U.S. intel- ed services for phone calls and
targeting Americans. Research ligence to surveil foreign targets text messages – encryption capa-
from security vendor Trend Mi- inside the United States. bilities that it has spent decades
cro shows that attacks by Salt As a result, Salt Typhoon trying to undermine so that only
Typhoon compromised other attackers may have obtained “the good guys” can use it. ■
critical infrastructure around information about which Chi-
the world in recent years. U.S. nese spies and informants This article is republished
officials have confirmed these counterintelligence agencies from The Conversation under a
findings as well – and their lev- were monitoring – knowledge Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 TECHNOLOGY 27
3 surprising vegan foods that
can make you sick this summer
By Sarah McLean, And plant-based foods will vegetarian sausages and found
Swinburne University of likely be on the menu, such as a high proportion contained
Technology burgers, salads and fruit. Clostridium botulinum spores.
The Conversation There’s often no easy way to This is the organism that caus-
tell if food is safe to eat. It doesn’t es botulism, a rare illness af-
have to look spoiled, with tell- fecting the nervous system that
It’s a common myth that only tale signs it’s gone bad, such as can be fatal if untreated.
food of animal origin, such as unpleasant changes in smell or 2. Salads
meat, seafood, eggs and dairy, texture. So even if a food doesn’t Starchy salads, such as ones
can give you food poisoning. look or smell “off” it can still containing potato, pasta or
But many plant-based foods, make you or your guests sick. rice, are prone to contamina-
such as burgers, salads or des- Depending on the food’s tion by Bacillus cereus, a spe-
serts, can also contain dis- available nutrients, acidity, wa- cies of bacteria widespread in
ease-causing microbes (patho- ter content and how it has been the environment. It produces cus aureus in their nose. These condition that can lead to perma-
gens), yet appear perfectly fine. processed and stored, plant- heat-stable spores that sur- bacteria can end up in food nent kidney damage or death.
As we head into the warmer based food can still provide the vive cooking. The bacteria and produce toxins if the cook 3. Fruit
months, here’s what you need right conditions for pathogens then multiply when the food is doesn’t wash their hands prop- While many people are fa-
to think about to keep you and to grow, yet look perfectly fine. stored in warm temperatures. erly before handling food. miliar with the food safety risks
your party guests safe from So let’s take a look a look at Leafy greens and raw People who handle food are of desserts containing custard
food-borne illness if you’re an Australian barbecue, with a sprouts, such as alfalfa, are also also often linked to foodborne or cream, fewer may be aware
serving plant-based food. spread including plant-based often implicated in outbreaks of outbreaks of norovirus due to of the risks associated with the
With a little preparation, you burgers, salads and fruit. illnesses caused by Escherichia poor hand hygiene. humble fruit platter.
can make your next summer 1. Burgers coli (or E. coli for short) and These pathogens general- Fruit platters can be risky as
barbecue or picnic memorable Vegan barbecue items such Salmonella because these items ly cause gut symptoms such as cutting the fruit can transfer bac-
for all the right reasons. as lentil burgers and processed are usually eaten raw. vomiting and/or diarrhoea that teria naturally present on the peel
It’s a risky time of year plant-based patties contain high Salads and other dishes that will get better in about a few days or rind to the internal surfaces.
Summer means get-togethers levels of protein and moisture. require lots of handling during to a week. However, some people In 2018, 22 cases of listerio-
with families and friends, at the This may promote the growth preparation can also be con- will have severe or life-threaten- sis were linked to eating canta-
beach, in the park and at home of bacteria if they’re are not taminated with pathogens in ing complications. For example, loupes (rockmelons) supplied
– in the heat, sometimes with- properly cooked or stored. the kitchen. shiga toxin produced by E. coli by an Australian grower. Last
out access to refrigeration, or For example, a study in Fin- For example, many people is a frequent cause of haemolyt-
with food left out on the table. land tested vacuum sealed naturally carry Staphylococ- ic uraemic syndrome, a serious PAGE 30 3 surprising vegan
FRIDAY December 13, 2024 29
Surging global tourism emissions are driven by
just 20 countries – major new study
By James Higham, Griffith ison, global economic growth tween 2009 and 2019. By 2019, print in 2019 was 3.4 tonnes 1. Measure tourism carbon
University. Ya-Yen Sun, The in general over that period was these three countries alone (8th globally). This under- emissions to identify hotspots.
University of Queensland 1.5% per annum. If this growth were responsible for 39% of to- scores the high emissions being Our research provides evi-
The Conversation rate continues, global tourism tal global tourism emissions. driven by long-haul air travel dence of the tourism sub-sec-
emissions will double over the Three-quarters of total glob- for inbound and outbound in- tors driving high emissions
next two decades. al tourism emissions are pro- ternational trips. growth, including aviation,
Surging global tourism emis- The carbon intensity of ev- duced by just 20 countries, In 2019, New Zealand’s energy supply and vehicle use.
sions are driven almost entirely ery dollar of tourist spending with the remaining 25% shared per-capita tourism carbon foot- These hotspots must move
by 20 countries, and efforts to is 30% higher than the average between 155. Remarkably, print was 3.1 tonnes per resi- onto a 10% annual emissions
rein in the trend aren’t working. for the global economy, and there is now a hundred-fold dent (10th globally). Like Aus- reduction pathway to 2050.
That is the main finding of our four times higher than the ser- difference in per-capta tourism tralia, dependence on long-haul 2. Avoid excessive tourism
new research, published in Na- vice sector. footprints between countries international travel is a prob- development and identify sus-
ture Communications today. It The primary driver of rising which travel most and those lem that cannot be ignored. tainable growth thresholds.
represents the most rigorous and emissions is high growth in tour- which travel least. 4 pathways to decarbonis- National tourism decarbonisa-
comprehensive analysis of tour- ism demand. The rapidly ex- Of the top 20, the US (as a ing tourism tion strategies must now define
ism emissions yet conducted. panding carbon footprint is pre- foreign destination, as well as For the first time ever, this and implement sustainable
The study draws togeth- dominantly from aviation (21%), its citizens travelling) had the year’s UN Climate Change Con- growth goals, most urgently in
er multiple datasets, includ- use of vehicles powered by petrol largest tourism carbon foot- ference of the Parties (COP29) the 20 highest-emitting tour-
ing those published directly and diesel (17%), and utilities print in 2019 – nearly 1 giga- included tourism. UN Tourism ism destinations.
by 175 governments over 11 such as electricity supply (16%). tonne. It was responsible for endorsed our study and acknowl- 3. Shift focus to domestic
years (2009-2020). It uses Slow efficiency gains 19% of the total global tourism edged tourism now contributes and short-range markets, and
the United Nations-endorsed through technology have been carbon footprint, growing at 8.8% of total global emissions. discourage long-haul markets.
“measurement of sustainable overwhelmed by this growth in an annual rate of 3.2%. It reported that COP29 Actively managing growth in
tourism” framework and draws demand. In 2019, the US tourism car- “marks a turning point, when demand for air travel is the
on tourism expenditure and Aviation accounted for half bon footprint was equivalent to ambition meets action, and vi- most obvious first step, which
emissions intensity data from of direct tourism emissions, 3 tonnes per resident, ranking sion transforms into commit- might involve regulating long-
national accounts. making it the Achilles heel of 12th globally among countries ment […] to positive transfor- haul air travel demand.
The findings reveal serious global tourism emissions. De- with the highest per-capita mation for a better future for 4. Address inequality between
challenges ahead, given the spite decades of promises, the tourism emissions. our planet”. countries by factoring in the so-
wider context. The UN Envi- global air transport system has As a destination, the United But our research shows the cial costs of carbon emissions.
ronment Programme reports a proved impossible to decarbo- Kingdom ranked 7th globally, combination of tourism de- Controlling current patterns of
42% reduction in current glob- nise through new technologies. at 128 megatonnes (2.5% of mand growth on one hand, relentless growth in long-haul
al emissions overall is needed 20 countries dominate the total). In 2019, UK resi- and the failure of technology air travel aligns with a more
by 2030 (and 57% by 2035). If emissions dents produced 2.8 tonnes of efficiency gains on the other, socially equitable approach to
not, the Paris Agreement goal Our research revealed alarm- emissions per person, ranked present enormous barriers to tourism, which is needed to ad-
of limiting warming to 1.5 de- ing inequalities in emissions 15th globally. tourism carbon mitigation. dress these inequalities.
grees will be lost. growth between countries. The Australia’s tourism carbon Despite this, we have iden- The fundamental purpose of
But global tourism emis- United States, China and In- footprint ranked 14th globally tified four pathways towards our research is to give policy-
sions have been growing at dia accounted for 60% of the (82 megatonnes). Its resident stabilising and reducing global makers and industry leaders
double the rate of the global growth in tourism emissions be- per-capita tourism carbon foot- tourism emissions: greater clarity about tourism’s
economy. Our study reveals impact on global emissions.
that between 2009 and 2019, The challenge then is to devel-
emissions increased by 40%, op evidence-based policy and
from 3.7 gigatonnes (7.3% of regulation to achieve urgent
global emissions) in 2009 to tourism decarbonisation. ■
5.2 gigatonnes (8.8% of global
emissions) in 2019. The authors acknowledge
While global tourism emis- the contributions of Stefan
sions fell dramatically in 2020- Gössling, Manfred Lenzen and
2021 due to COVID-19, the re- Futu Faturay who were part of
bound to pre-pandemic levels the research team on this proj-
has been rapid. ect, and who coauthored the Na-
Massive growth without a ture Communications paper on
technological fix which this article is based.
Tourism-related emissions in- This article is republished
creased at a yearly rate of 3.5% from The Conversation under a
from 2009 to 2019. By compar- Creative Commons license.
30 TRAVEL FRIDAY December 13, 2024
tle Islands, and Balinsasayao ening the connectivity of highly the Apo Reef Natural Park as DWAYNE MEADOWS, NOAA PHOTO LIBRARY/FLICKR, CC BY 2.0)
Twin Lakes— have been listed significant ecosystems in the re- the 61st ASEAN Heritage Park.
among ASEAN’s five newest gion and in improving protected The Balinsasayao Twin serves as home to some 325 biodiversity conservation and
heritage parks. area management,” she added. Lakes Natural Park, on the fern species, 237 tree species, was declared a Turtle Island
The ASEAN Centre for Bio- The newly named AHPs have other hand, is a known habi- 27 mammalian fauna, and 209 Heritage Protected Area (TIH-
diversity (ACB) formally an- 11.6 million hectares of legally tat of globally important spe- resident and migrant birds. PA) through a Memorandum of
nounced the addition of five gazetted protected areas repre- cies such as the Endangered Meanwhile, the Turtle Is- Agreement between the Philip-
new parks to its network of senting terrestrial, marine, and Negros Shrew (Crocidura ne- lands Wildlife Sanctuary is pines and Malaysia in 1996.
topnotch nature reserves and wetland ecosystems. grina), Visayan Spotted Deer known to be the only major It is also included in the In-
natural parks in the Southeast The Apo Reef Natural Park, lo- (Rusa alfredi), Visayan Leop- nesting habitat of Green Sea dian Ocean and South-East Asia
Asian region late November. cated west of Sablayan town in ard Cat (Prionailurus benga- Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Marine Sea Turtle Site Network.
Joining the three Philip- Occidental Mindoro province, is lensis rabori), the Critically the Philippines—the only one Arida said being part of the
pine parks are the Phou Xieng the largest contiguous coral reef Endangered Philippine Tube- in the ASEAN region. AHP network provides protected
Thong National Protected Area system in the country and the nosed Fruit Bat (Nyctimene This park is part of the Sulu areas with opportunities to share
and Nam Poui National Pro- second largest in the world. rabori) and the Visayan Warty archipelago in the province of good practices, participate in
tected Area in Lao PDR, bring- The park is a known ma- Pig (Sus cebifrons negrinus), Tawi-Tawi and is under the ju- regional capacity development
ing the total to 62. rine biodiversity hotspot that as well as Philippine endemic risdiction of the Ministry of En- and awareness-raising activities,
“For four decades, the ASE- is home to vibrant coral reefs, species like the Endangered vironment, Natural Resources and get assistance in enhancing
AN Heritage Parks (AHP) Pro- pristine lagoons, seagrass beds, Golden-crowned Flying Fox and Energy of the Bangsamoro protected area management op-
gram has remained relevant various mangroves, and lush (Acerodon jubatus). Autonomous Region in Muslim erations, among others.
and continues to grow—as an beach forests. The park is located in Negros Mindanao. From its original 11 parks,
outstanding showcase of ‘ONE It is a sanctuary for over 482 Oriental province and covers The Turtle Islands was iden- the AHP Program has expand-
ASEAN’ regional cooperation fish species, 63 genera of hard an area of 8,016 hectares that tified as Extremely High for ed to 62 sites. ■
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